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Tori & Company In The Media

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I don't think either of these idiots can think past having the next kid. This isn't really a crisis, I don't think, just them lurching from bad choice to bad choice.  They have no long term plans or visions. I think they think the days of reality shows will return. It won't.

In this post Lemonade world, when I hear the name of the alleged affair partner my mind corrects it to "Emily with the Good Hand."

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Candy is paying for school and food (and possibly something towards shelter), so the children have the essentials. That's all she should do. Money won't buy Mommy's sanity or Daddy's loyalty, so why throw good money after bad. 

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Maybe Tori has been trying to get pregnant, but now in her early 40s, it isn’t happening. Perhaps Beau turning one was a trigger - she had hoped she’d be pregnant again by now, and she’s realizing Beau may be her last one.

Also, I’ve long suspected she has a pill problem (migraines, accidents, even pregnancy recovery = new prescriptions). Perhaps her supply has dried out?

Last thought - whatever happened to her friend Mehran? I’m guessing the crazy got too much and he bailed. He seemed like a good, level-headed influence in her life. And what about the “guncles” (lame title) - are they gone too?

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50 minutes ago, Emme said:

Maybe Tori has been trying to get pregnant, but now in her early 40s, it isn’t happening. Perhaps Beau turning one was a trigger - she had hoped she’d be pregnant again by now, and she’s realizing Beau may be her last one.

Also, I’ve long suspected she has a pill problem (migraines, accidents, even pregnancy recovery = new prescriptions). Perhaps her supply has dried out?

Last thought - whatever happened to her friend Mehran? I’m guessing the crazy got too much and he bailed. He seemed like a good, level-headed influence in her life. And what about the “guncles” (lame title) - are they gone too?

I would assume that all of that is contributing to Tori's mental decline (whether the "nervous breakdown" 911 call was staged or not). She has very much prioritized being young, thin, attractive, and fertile, which are all things that deteriorate over time and take a sharp downturn in one's 40's. Women (and men) with very healthy senses of themselves and great lives/careers/relationships often struggle with transitioning into middle age in whatever way(s). Tori, obviously, never had a healthy sense of self and she's struggling in every aspect of her life.

I have also long suspected that she has an issue with prescription drugs (in addition to all of her other obvious/publicly admitted pathologies). She clearly has eating/body image disorders, anxiety and depression, a shopping/spending addiction, and whatever else. The pressures of parenting grow as one has more kids (obviously) and the kids get older. Her professional prospects are clearly much worse now than they were 10, 15, or 20 (or more) years ago, yet she's more desperate for money than she's ever been. Though I love to snark on her, I really do feel bad for her.

I wonder where Mehran is/whether he's still involved with her. The guncles adopted a kid, so I could see their lives taking a turn to where they don't have so much bandwith for Tori's drama and they don't necessarily want to expose their kid(s) to her insanity too much.

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I have seen more than one holiday on her Instagram with the  guncles but not with Mehran. Apparently she also posted on her social media about Beau’s bday the day after the news reports. But I agree she has never been right in the head and I am sure it will all come out again soon. 

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5 hours ago, alexa said:

I have seen more than one holiday on her Instagram with the  guncles but not with Mehran. 

I went down the rabbit hole on IG and found Liam and Stella's accounts. Both the guncles and Randy Spelling comment cute things on the kids' pictures. Randy especially on Stella's cooking posts. 

Mehran commented on Stella's post about a cake she made. 

Liam also follows Mehran, and is relatively new on Instagram, so that means Mehran must be in their lives at least a little.

Edited by B3cky50
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I think Mehran is still at least tangentially involved in their lives, but he's busy being an adult with a J-O-B.  He was certainly born into privilege, but seems to still work and grew out of being on Tori's reality shows (especially once they veered into True Tori embarrassment territory).  Mehran has a MBA and works in PR/"brand" management/curation consulting and I'm pretty sure he saw Tori's brand going downhill fast and GTFO of being in her reality shows/public life in any big way (although I think he is still friends/friendly with Tori and family).  He's also got grown-up people things to do (like work) and can't/won't just spend his life sitting in bed with Tori while she cries on his shoulder. 

The Guncles also have real jobs.  They work in PR/marketing - they own Marque Communications.  Scout worked in casting & Bill worked in marketing and PR for years prior to the founding of their company in 2010. (Thanks, Linked In!)

My guess is that Mehran & The Guncles love Tori & family, but they have enough PR experience (and sense) to stay away from a dumpster fire (at least publicly) for the sake of their businesses and also because they're busy with their own careers/jobs/kids (at least for the Guncles) at this point.  I'd bet Mehran & The Guncles are judging the hell out of Tori (and have been for some time) but they also love her and are probably trying their best to guide/nudge her and her kids as they can.  At the very least, they haven't sold any stories to the tabloids about her, which is a good sign that they do value her as a friend/person and that they have their own lives going on/own money, so they don't have the time/financial incentive to sell her out (or feel the need to appear on her shows once they became exploitative embarrassments - aka True Tori).  

On 3/5/2018 at 10:27 AM, B3cky50 said:

I went down the rabbit hole on IG and found Liam and Stella's accounts. Both the guncles and Randy Spelling comment cute things on the kids' pictures. Randy especially on Stella's cooking posts. 

Mehran commented on Stella's post about a cake she made. 

Liam also follows Mehran, and is relatively new on Instagram, so that means Mehran must be in their lives at least a little.


I am really glad the kids seem to have a relationship with Randy and that he takes an interest in them as far as commenting on their social media posts, etc.  That's nice.  Good job, Randy. I hope he keeps up the relationships with his nephews/nieces and they can be someone they look to as a functioning, "normal" adult. 

Randy also grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth and was on (at least one of) Aaron's shows.  He also "only" got $800k in his dad's will, yet he seems to be living a stable, normal life with his wife and family away from LA.  It's good the kids have him as an example for when they hear Tori's sob stories. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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....also, honestly, the mess that is Tori's life since meeting Dean (& them bringing 5 innocent lives into their mess) makes me sad for Candy.  And it takes a lot for me to ever feel sorry for someone that rich (yeah, I said it).  Ugh.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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On ‎3‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 9:01 PM, TheRealT said:

Yeah, you would think they would have at least hired some starving Canadian actress to play the part of Dean's mistress (or hire one of his actual side chicks). But I can totally see Tori being too insecure to go with either of those options. What if the real (or fake) Emily Goodhand was skinnier than her? Or younger? Or prettier? Or less crazy?!?!?

So she came up with the idea of "Emily Goodhand" (thinking the name was clever), a faceless, voiceless slut who could never "pull a Mary Jo" by making media appearances in which she was more attractive, relatable, and sympathetic than Tori. No one would be taking "Emily Goodhand's" side over Tori's! No way!

do you feel like the circumstances of True Tori were real?  It's fishy as hell but I never thought the breakdowns were fake;  homegirl has never been *that* good of an actress, and the last few things she did (Smallville, Mystery Girls) her acting was wooden AF

(I am not an actress nor am I qualified to judge as anything other than a reality-TV watcher.)

Edited by teapot
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I'm 50/50 between real and fake.

I believe Dean has cheated and probably does still cheat, but I don't know if there was an Emily Goodhand.  

I think we did see a lot of reality even if the show's premise wasn't exactly true: The Deaner is an addict and cheater.  He also seems to be an involved parent (more so than Tori) who does enjoy his kids and does basic stuff around the house like cooking dinner/playing with the kids. Tori is super-needy, neurotic, a hoarder, acts like a child/wants Dean to be her parent rather than partner, and has a host of "medical issues" (I'm also a believer that she has some sort of eating disorder and likes the pain meds a lot, as well as the "babying" she gets from Dean when she's "sick.")  

I agree about Tori not being that great of a dramatic actress (although I think she missed her calling as she had potential to be a great comedienne) , but maybe she had been working on it for some time. Who knows.

I almost wish it was staged, since I'd be mortified if my parents aired their dirty laundry like that BUT then again I don't know if making it up to get some cash and letting people think it was real is almost as bad.  Maybe just as bad.

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2 hours ago, teapot said:

do you feel like the circumstances of True Tori were real?  It's fishy as hell but I never thought the breakdowns were fake;  homegirl has never been *that* good of an actress, and the last few things she did (Smallville, Mystery Girls) her acting was wooden AF

(I am not an actress nor am I qualified to judge as anything other than a reality-TV watcher.)

I agree with @MyPeopleAreNordic that Tori's emotional response to Dean's (real) cheating was authentic, but I don't buy the "Emily Goodhand" story. I don't believe that Dean only cheated once with some random, faceless woman in another country who subsequently disappeared from the face of the earth, leaving not so much as an Internet trail. I can totally understand a woman wanting to do that after doing the nasty with Dean, but I think it would be difficult/impossible to actually achieve.

The story that Tori and, by extension, Dean, are selling is that Dean is this amazing husband and father who's only been unfaithful twice in his life-- once with Tori (who is his soulmate, so that qualifies for a pass, right?) and once with Emily Goodhand, some woman he felt nothing for, barely knew (though he did have sex with Tori on the day they met...), and never spoke to or thought of again afterwards, while remaining madly in love with Tori (his soulmate!) the whole time. Sure, Jan.

That's pretty much the ideal story that any wife would want to believe about the circumstances of her husband's infidelity, right? It had nothing to do with any question of his not being madly in love with her or any real problem in their relationship; he had no real connection with the girlfriend; and the girlfriend is gone forever, as if she never existed at all. Perfect! All that was left was Tori's 100% valid, understandable, super sympathetic devastation that Dean RUINED THE FAIRY TALE!!! OMG!!! Anyone would watch a reality series about that, right?!?!?

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7 hours ago, B3cky50 said:

I went down the rabbit hole on IG and found Liam and Stella's accounts. Both the guncles and Randy Spelling comment cute things on the kids' pictures. Randy especially on Stella's cooking posts. 

Mehran commented on Stella's post about a cake she made. 

Liam also follows Mehran, and is relatively new on Instagram, so that means Mehran must be in their lives at least a little.

Good detective work!

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I seem to remember reading something in one of Tori’s early books, but now think I imagined it... maybe someone here can help me out.

I thought I read that Tori’s parents were not happy about her marriage to Charlie Shanahan (sp?). Am I remembering that correctly? If so, I’ll bet Candy is really regretting not supporting that relationship more. Dean’s appearance in Tori’s life is a train wreck, with serious damages to all of Dean’s kids (and Lola too).

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Charlie said that Candy was rude to him.  He didn’t mention Aaron.  I think I read that they were both upset about the affair and divorce.  I hope Charlie is happily remarried.

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5 hours ago, teapot said:

do you feel like the circumstances of True Tori were real?  It's fishy as hell but I never thought the breakdowns were fake;  homegirl has never been *that* good of an actress, and the last few things she did (Smallville, Mystery Girls) her acting was wooden AF

(I am not an actress nor am I qualified to judge as anything other than a reality-TV watcher.)

I'm with everyone who believes the Emily stuff was fake but the cheating and such were real. In many ways, Dean met his match when he met and married Tori. They both have addictive personalities, flighty behaviors and seem to believe that if they get their whimsy way everything will be okay or get better. Examples are Tori obsessing over living in Malibu then after moving found out it didn't match her dreams. Dean believing he'd be a better husband and actor if Mary Jo moved to California so he could live his dream. That everything will magically be perfect if we do this or get this mentality. 

Tori's hoarding and jumping from one thing to the next. Dean taking up various hobbies as serious as a career. The motorcycle then cooking. Two train wrecks together only Tori is worse than he is. 

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The impression I got with the Spellings' reaction to her engagement/marriage to Charlie was that Candy kind of came across rude or dismissive of him, but didn't actively dislike him.  I think Candy was probably worried that anyone her kids brought home might just be trying to marry their way into the family fortune, so she was a little stand-offish and kind of rude.  Rich people never really know if their (not as rich/non-rich) friends/lovers really like them or their money.   I also suspect that Candy was probably kind of thinking "You seem like a nice, stable guy.  Tori's a mess. You either know it and don't care (and want our money) or you don't know it yet and I can't just come out and tell you that she's a nutcase & you'll regret it." 

According to Tori, Candy went all control freak over their wedding ("made" Tori have it at her mansion since she was paying for it; confined Charlie's groomsmen to a room in the mansion before the wedding so strangers wouldn't be exploring her house, etc; refused to pay for the wedding unless Tori & Charlie got a prenup, etc...so some of that was smart IMO).  But I never got the sense that Candi and Aaron didn't like Charlie.  They never really had a chance to get to know him over several years, etc, and were probably suspicious of his intentions in marrying their mess of a daughter. 

I assume that Dean makes Candi wish Tori had stayed with Charlie, since he has kept working/built up his career/didn't seem interested in reality shows/lived within his means.  Plus, she spent soooo much money on that wedding for Tori that ended so soon. I'm sure that was embarrassing for her as well.  

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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35 minutes ago, GaT said:

Tori Spelling's Husband Calls Cops for Welfare Check After She Leaves Home

The title is straight from TMZ, which gives you a pretty good idea of Dean's importance, they don't even use his name, he's just "Tori Spelling's Husband" If he's calling the cops when she leaves the house, this marriage is over. The question is, how do they divide all that debt? 

Would Candygram rush to Tori's rescue if she got rid of him?

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3 hours ago, teapot said:

Would Candygram rush to Tori's rescue if she got rid of him?

I think by this point she's sick of Tori's antics. I don't think she'd rescue her or even take her in. She'd write a check though. Even without Dean, Tori is still Tori and nothing is going to make her antics go away unless she's prepared to do serious work on herself. 

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I admit that I have this Tori forum on my PTV alert above whenever there is a new post. 

That said, I actually feel anxiety when there is new post alert here, as in, "....oh no, now what nutz-i-ness as Tori done to mess up her life that has also gone public."

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15 minutes ago, Bossa Nova said:

I admit that I have this Tori forum on my PTV alert above whenever there is a new post. 

That said, I actually feel anxiety when there is new post alert here, as in, "....oh no, now what nutz-i-ness as Tori done to mess up her life that has also gone public."

Me too! And the answer is always more self induced nutz-i-ness! 

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21 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

I cannot figure these two out.  As in, what game are they trying to play?


I just saw this on TMZ. Any future reality show they have is going to be based on "family" & Tori & Dean being "soul mates". They have to keep pushing their whole "together & in love" thing as much as they can, because they pretty much don't have any other way to make money.

2 minutes ago, tabloidlover said:

If People knows it's a lawyer's office, then they should know the lawyer's name & what kind of law they practice. Just the fact that they're skirting around it says it's not a divorce lawyer to me, they're just trying to create drama. Tori & Dean have enough legal problems lately that needing to talk to their lawyer isn't anything unusual, & neither is Tori taking the kids to see their grandmother.

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10 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

My first thouht was she brought kids to mom's so her and Dean can take a vacation just the two of them.....prob renew their vows.  And film it of course.  I cannot stand Deano, but I hate to say that I am starting to feel a bit sorry for him.  What a shitshow they are!

eta...wasnt there some article this week that they were having bday party yesterday for one of the kids?  What happened to that?  Or was that what the dinner outing was for?

Edited by Cupcake04
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I think Dean keeps calling for Tori’s welfare checks to establish her mental instability. Separation/divorce to follow. Dean gains custody and Tori pays support, based on documented instances of Tori’s mental issues, and possibly substance abuse.

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7 hours ago, Cupcake04 said:

My first thouht was she brought kids to mom's so her and Dean can take a vacation just the two of them.....prob renew their vows.  And film it of course.  I cannot stand Deano, but I hate to say that I am starting to feel a bit sorry for him.  What a shitshow they are!

eta...wasnt there some article this week that they were having bday party yesterday for one of the kids?  What happened to that?  Or was that what the dinner outing was for?

He definitely bit off much more than he could chew. He was high on the escape from his old life when they first got married then little by little the crazy kept seeping out of the situation. 

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This is one re boot I can't seeing going anywhere. Didn't Garth and Tori do this already? Why won't Dean get a regular job if things are so dire. I don't get this sack of nuts. Please don't touch her Dino. No more kids ! 

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Good point @Cosmic Muffin ! I tend to forget what a flea bag he is as Dugger INTL is blowing up. She really knows how to pick em. I do hope Candy throws in a sitter for those kids full-time. Her own daughter needs a sitter just to make sure shit gets done. 

Edited by FairyDusted
missing word
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On 3/7/2018 at 8:55 AM, henrysmom said:

Here are a couple of old stories from Charlie's point of view.  The end quote in the People article is sad, but sweet.  I hope he found his amazing woman with a carry-on.

He did. I looked him up on social media and he's married (to a normal looking woman who doesn't alternate between dressing like a drag queen and a hobo) and they have a child together. And his wife seems like the complete opposite of Tori. She runs a non-profit organization that helps victims of human trafficking get job training and counseling. Talk about a night-and-day difference. Tori seems like the most self-involved person on Earth. I still remember the scene from True Tori where she came back from visiting Charlie and she was crying and Dean said, "Are you crying because you're feeling Charlie's pain?" and Tori said (without even a hint of shame), "No, my pain."  Charlie's current wife seems like a person who actually cares about other people's feelings. On her birthday, Charlie put up a post that said that on her birthday, all his wife wanted to do was help others so instead of presents she wanted people to donate money to help others. 

I'm so happy for him that he found someone wonderful and seems to have a great life!

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Am I miscounting? TMZ says they have 7 kids. I guess if you include Jack, & the child that Dean was in the process of adopting with Mary Jo, when he cheated on her & left her for Tori. How'd that work for you, DeanO??

TMZ Quote: The smooch seems to be a good sign all's well in the McDermott/Spelling household. He did just call cops twice this month to check on Tori ... once for what he called a mental breakdown and another after Tori apparently took off with one of their 7 kids.

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17 hours ago, Cupcake04 said:

I agree with Candy. Dean's a sleazeabag.

However, he's still the more stable, rational one in that marriage. Tori is a dysfunctional mess, so it wouldn't really matter if she married a nice, stable guy (see: her first marriage) she would leave him or screw it up somehow. There were so many times when I was watching True Tori when I kept thinking Deans's a total sleazebag and yet I still don't know how/why he puts up with her. 

I'm not sure what kind of wonderful, stable man Candy expects Tori to end up with considering she's endlessly self-involved, delusional, a hoarder, incredibly clingy, totally unwilling to fix any of her problems or to ever acknowledge that she's wrong, a hypochondriac, a famewhore, and (per her own words) wants to be nurtured like a baby. It might be time for Candy to come to terms with the fact that Tori is too screwed up to get/keep a stable, nice man and that Dean is the best she's going to get. 

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I also believe that when the nannies are off, Dean does at least 90% of the parenting.  He also basically has to parent (or "baby") Tori.  Dean's gross but Tori has to be so exhausting to be around.  I might be hitting the bottle and chasing randoms on the racetrack in his shoes, too. 

The best case scenario for the McDermott kids may be that Candy foots the bill for them to go to amazing boarding schools, where they'll at least be around some stable adult role models who teach/work there.  They see Tori and Dean only on school breaks and with really great psychologists masquerading as nannies around. 

Something tells me that while Candy can't stand Dean, at this point she probably also can't stand Tori, but doesn't say that aloud, since Tori is her daughter, after all (and of course she loves her).  

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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3 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

I also believe that when the nannies are off, Dean does at least 90% of the parenting.  He also basically has to parent (or "baby") Tori.  Dean's gross but Tori has to be so exhausting to be around.  I might be hitting the bottle and chasing randoms on the racetrack in his shoes, too. 

The best case scenario for the McDermott kids may be that Candy foots the bill for them to go to amazing boarding schools, where they'll at least be around some stable adult role models who teach/work there.  They see Tori and Dean only on school breaks and with really great psychologists masquerading as nannies around. 

Something tells me that while Candy can't stand Dean, at this point she probably also can't stand Tori, but doesn't say that aloud, since Tori is her daughter, after all (and of course she loves her).  

That was a surprise that I took from True Tori, how hands on Dean is with the kids. He was always cooking, doing things with them. While Tori seemed overwhelmed doing simple tasks like the school run. 

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On 3/15/2018 at 1:58 PM, LemonSoda said:

That was a surprise that I took from True Tori, how hands on Dean is with the kids. He was always cooking, doing things with them. While Tori seemed overwhelmed doing simple tasks like the school run. 

But she was always up to take them to Party City or to get mani/pedis. You know, the important stuff. We keep seeing articles that say how hard it is for her to be a mommy of 5, but I haven't seen a single thing that says that Dean finds it hard to be a daddy of 5.

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4 hours ago, GaT said:

But she was always up to take them to Party City or to get mani/pedis. You know, the important stuff. We keep seeing articles that say how hard it is for her to be a mommy of 5, but I haven't seen a single thing that says that Dean finds it hard to be a daddy of 5.

Yes, one of the hardships of living in Malibu was the lack of "cheap Chinese nail salons". Seriously, she put that in her book. The nail salon in Malibu wanted $300 for her mother daughter minx nails excursion. 

Edited by LemonSoda
iPad typo
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On 3/17/2018 at 3:32 PM, LemonSoda said:

Yes, one of the hardships of living in Malibu was the lack of "cheap Chinese nail salons". Seriously, she put that in her book. The nail salon in Malibu wanted $300 for her mother daughter minx nails excursion. 

mother daughter & son minx nails excursion, her boys would get pretty polish too.

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31 minutes ago, GaT said:

I'm not sure. Maybe Liam wasn't going then? I remember seeing him get his nails done on True Tori. In the part where she complains about Malibu's lack of places that the Valley has, she only mentions Stella for mother-daughter minx nail excursions. 


She wrote: "Where were Malibu's family friendly chain restaurants the Buca di Beppo, the Chili's? Where were the cheap Chinese nail salons? Stella and I liked to get Minx Nails, which are like fun stickers that decorate fingernails. At CVS the Sally Hansen knockoff ones are maybe ten dollars for a set. But at the one and only nail salon that finally opened in Malibu, some Zen decor and foot bowls later the cute, silly mother-daughter Minx Nails excursion cost a total of three hundred dollars." 

She then complains about the malibu country mart and lumber yard having some of her favorite stores but she couldn't afford to shop at those places plus the paparazzi is always there and how they soon found themselves driving to the valley to hang out at the mall there. 

Also adding, she made it sound like nail places don't exist in Malibu except for one. She probably went to the first place she saw. There are plenty of nail salons in Malibu. I'm sure their prices aren't what shes used to in the valley but there are plenty.

Edited by LemonSoda
Adding info
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On 3/15/2018 at 7:54 AM, ARW said:

I agree with Candy. Dean's a sleazeabag.

However, he's still the more stable, rational one in that marriage. Tori is a dysfunctional mess, so it wouldn't really matter if she married a nice, stable guy (see: her first marriage) she would leave him or screw it up somehow. There were so many times when I was watching True Tori when I kept thinking Deans's a total sleazebag and yet I still don't know how/why he puts up with her. 

I'm not sure what kind of wonderful, stable man Candy expects Tori to end up with considering she's endlessly self-involved, delusional, a hoarder, incredibly clingy, totally unwilling to fix any of her problems or to ever acknowledge that she's wrong, a hypochondriac, a famewhore, and (per her own words) wants to be nurtured like a baby. It might be time for Candy to come to terms with the fact that Tori is too screwed up to get/keep a stable, nice man and that Dean is the best she's going to get. 

I think Candy can see through/dislike Dean without really thinking that Tori could do better. Especially now that he's fathered 5 kids with her, I doubt that Candy is pushing for Tori to dump Dean to find Mr. Wonderful. I believe that Candy cares about her grandkids, but I don't think she wants to raise them, so Dean is her best bet to give them the best possible upbringing (assuming that a nice foster family is off the table). If Dean weren't such a scumbag, they could be (codependent) partners in figuring out how to make the family work around Tori's insanity, but... Dean is a scumbag. It's not like she could entrust him with a large sum of money to support the family (rather than doling it out to Tori bill by bill), much less anything bigger than that. I assume that Candy has staff designated to deal with Tori and her endless demands for money, but I would imagine that it's still difficult and that Tori still freaks out on Candy begging for money, even if Candy has held firm on telling her that she has to go through Employee X if she needs money.

I can totally see Dean being like, "Gosh, I'm really sorry, Candy. It must have been awful having Tori cuss you out demanding money yesterday. I tried to tell her that she was out of line, but, the thing is, we really have to pay this bill or [some terrible thing] will happen. I feel terrible for asking you again, but I just don't know what the kids will do if [some terrible thing] happens..." He's more grounded, but just as much of an addict/manipulator as Tori.

On 3/15/2018 at 4:58 PM, LemonSoda said:

That was a surprise that I took from True Tori, how hands on Dean is with the kids. He was always cooking, doing things with them. While Tori seemed overwhelmed doing simple tasks like the school run. 

Dean is basically a "normal" person, who has lived most of his life doing basic household chores and dealing with life in ways that are foreign and harrowing to Tori. I think he's developed a taste for the good life and become very spoiled (compared to average people), but his general expectations are more or less in line with regular people. He expects to have to change diapers, wipe noses, cook meals, and deal with other basic challenges of life/parenting and he doesn't trip over doing those things. Tori is traumatized by having to do anything with her kids besides basking in their adoration.

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