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Get To Know The Castaways On Survivor: Millennials Vs. Gen X

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Probst needs to learn when to dial back the hype.  I understand if he's excited, I get that he can't outright say whether it's a horrible season or not.  But he's going into overkill territory this time.  Especially with the 'we wanted younger people in the cast!  So that's why we have a tribe of millennials!  Because casual viewers will be too stupid to realize that we have 10 youngin's, one of whom is only 2 years younger than a GenXer, if we didn't have a designated tribe of them!'  One of the reasons I grew tired of Dancing with the Stars was their endless appeal for the younger audience, and constantly tinkering with the show to get the group they couldn't have.  That's what this theme reeks of-desperation.  Probst isn't doing it any favors with knocking the GenX tribe as being old and out of touch, while acting like the creeper that desperately wants to fit in with the cool kids as he describes the millennials as some kind of Greek God tribe.

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I'm more curious why he compares Zeke to Hatch, since this is a pre-show assessment.  I'd love to see him be totally wrong on that one.

He seemed to be loving the millennials more in that vid, but no shocker that his favorites are mostly male.

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Well to be fair he does seem to love Mari and Hannah a lot too. I think my favorite part of that video is Paul trying several times unsuccessfully to do a high five with Jessica who looks lost in her own little world.

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I already didn't like Zeke, but since Probst likes him so much, now I really don't like him.

So...gameplay evolved, which basically equals more blindsided and clever idol plays?  Will someone actually redeem Fishbachs stupidity and blindside during SC?

Jeff's hype has me scared.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Another day, another article where Jeff says some really really dumb things about this season's theme:


"How do we get truly younger millennial types on the show?’ Because it’s hard to get young people who can play this adult game."

Really Jeff? It's hard to get millennials to get on the show?  Let's see. Last season you manged to cast 11 of them. In season 30 in what you described as like the greatest cast that has even been cast in reality tv history you manged to cast 11 millennials as well.  How about the season before that San Juan Del Sur?  Yep. There were 10 millennials there as well.  Shockingly in two of those seasons the millennial went on to win this game.  Oh and for shits and giggles I looked up to see if they had this problem back in season 1.  Turns out there was no millennials cast I guess them being about 10 years old time is probably the reason but somehow they still managed to still cast 10 people 30 years old or younger on that season. Amazing.


But as dumb as that quote is it is nothing compared to this whopper:

"So you have a massive collision of Gen Xers who say, ‘The world is perfect. Stop messing it up with your technology.’ And you have the Millennials saying, ‘No, you don’t get it. The technology is the future. You just need to get a computer and stop writing in longhand!’”

Seriously Jeff?  WTF are you talking about? Generation X is afraid of technology?  Words really can't describe the absolute stupidity of this statement so I won't even try.  What I am going to do is go get the yellow pages and find out the address for CBS and write them a very terse letter with my #2 pencil and let them know that Jeff is a complete moron. 

Shakes head.

Edited by LanceM
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Are you going to send that letter by carrier pigeon or pony express LanceM?

Jeff is scaring me with the hype.  Is he being for real?  Is this season going to tank that badly so he's making a bunch of jokes about how awesome it'll be because he knows it's going to tank?  Or...does he really believe this season is the be all that ends all?  And what if the viewers strongly disagree?  Let me rephrase that, what if millennial viewers disagree?  Will GenX viewers be wrong if they don't like it, so Jeff can further say what's wrong with them?  He's so embarrassing with the hype and his adoration at that group.  Truthfully I'm finding both tribes filled with unlikable, boring, or obnoxious people, but I think the millennial a are the worst.  Or is that they feed his ego instead of telling him what they really think?  They're all laughing at you Probst, not with you.

Whatever happened to his vow to never hype again after WA crashed and burned?  What's worse is some of these commentators and bloggers are so far up his and the shows ass that they don't dare call him on anything.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Right. Gen Xers find technology scary. Maybe they only put that memo out on Instagram? (Admittedly, I don't use Instagram. Not because I find it scary or don't know how to, but several other forms of electronic communication to check per day are enough. I find the crap people post to Twitter and FB hits my "I Don't Give a Fig" limit as is.)

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Pony Express. I need to get them that letter as soon as possible. As far as Probst is concerned I have to believe that he just trying to hype this season up as some big generational battle and that he truly doesn't believe have the crap he is saying.  Because really the stuff he is saying, especially about generation x is just making himself look like a fool.

On a lighter note here is the season 33 cast doing their Probst impersonations.


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Jeff just doesn't like Gen X because he's a boomer and you never like the generation immediately younger than you.

But seriously, longhand?  I'm an older Gen Xer and I haven't used longhand to write a letter or almost anything in years.  The only time I do is when I'm forced to (like filling out forms for my kids school they bring home).  Ok, maybe a card to my  mom because she doesn't have email and I have no choice (she's whatever generation came right before boomer, born in 36).

In fact, Gen X is the first generation to really use electronic communication, with email.  We started with aol, moved on to hotmail, and then got gmail.  I was using a computer to write all my reports in college and insisted on my own computer at my work. 

Edited by Hanahope
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I'm (depending on your definition) either a GenX or Baby Boomer (I was born in 1965 - I've seen "Gen X" defined as starting anywhere from 1961 to 1966.  I don't feel a connection to either Baby Boomers or Gen X, probably because of that).  I avoid writing in longhand as much as possible.  My handwriting is an incomprehensible scrawl, I can't imagine what others think of it.  The idea that "Gen X" writes things in longhand is ridiculous.

By some definitions, btw, Probst is a member of Gen X.  So STFU, Probst.

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I have spent so much time using a keyboard that writing is extremely difficult for me now. My formerly precise, perfect handwriting no longer exists and hasn't in about 20 years--way back when I was about 25. Hell, my parents (aged 74 and 70) do not write in longhand. The stupidity of the marketing. I just can't with Probst's nonsense. 

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Also no shock that 5 are on his beloved millennials tribe.  This could end up being the best season ever (though I hope it isn't, mainly for Probst to eat crow).  But this is definitely the worst and most annoying theme ever.  

These interviews are laughable at this point.  Also this in regards to the merge:


"It's definitely a culture clash," Probst previews. "When you get to the point in the show where the tribes are mixed, it's really interesting, because you need each other to survive -- literally survive, by making fire or catching fish, but you also need each other in terms of votes. You don't have the luxury, as a Millennial, to come in and say, 'I don't work with old people,' in the same way that a Gen Xer doesn't have the luxury of saying, 'Kids annoy me. Get outta my way.' You're gonna have to work together. And that's when it gets really interesting."

How the hell is this any different from any other season?  He also says this is his favorite cast in a long time (like, since S30, which he considered the greatest cast ever?)  And not only did he compare Zeke to Hatch, now he's comparing him to Coach, Phillip, and Cochran?  Yikes.  Zeke annoys me, but I'm really hoping he's playing a character, to mock all of those that come out here and play a character for the sake of airtime and getting invited back. 

Edited by LadyChatts
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On 8/20/2016 at 1:22 AM, Nashville said:

My main take-away:  Peachy pleading, "Please GOD think we're relevant!"

Ok, I posted this a month ago.

Nothing in the ensuing month has suggested any chance my initial assessment was anything less than on-point.

I may actually take a break this season, because i can't think of anything LESS entertaining than watching Probst kissing collegiate ass all summer long, trying to get the newest Pepsi Generation to like him. 

Just send him a DVD of "To Sir, With Love", let Jeffty watch it a few dozen times, and leave us the hell out of it.

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I'm a Boomer, barely.  My handwriting is lovely.

I watched the "Meet the Players" clip and I think the marketing for this is ALL wrong.  They'd be wiser hinting at:

Tune in to see if the bored barista, the sanctimonious missionary, the cocky teenager, the bartender who ignores everyone but hot blondes, ETC. don't all get their asses soundly kicked . . . on the next . . . Survivor!


I may be way off base, or giving too much credit, but no matter what propaganda Probst is spewing, I have to think the Junior League was cast with an eye to some built-in hate factor. 

Survivor looooves its villains.  Why not recruit a whole batch into one team?  If some of them turn out to be nice, no worries, they'll still get painted with the community stink brush.  Viewers would develop strong opinions and talk--which is all anybody wants.


P.S.  What about you, Jeff, Mr. Double-Nickel?  Are YOU looking at the season as a way to bond with your grandchildren?  Didn't think so.  Me neither, Asshole.

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5 hours ago, candall said:

I'm a Boomer, barely.  My handwriting is lovely.

My friend mentioned buying a workbook for her niece (2nd grade, I think), that reinforces all sorts of skills like reading comprehension, spelling, etc... including cursive writing. She told me that and I said, "Cursive? What are you thinking? She'll be able to read our secret communiques!"

It takes so little to amuse me. Probably why I watch Survivor...

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People act like longhand is a big chore but it's much faster and smoother than printing -- you don't have to lift the pencil except between words.

Anyway, I got a chuckle from the 23 year-old Michelle who thinks she has a huge advantage over old people because  she  knows how to use Google and YouTube. 

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13 hours ago, candall said:

I'm a Boomer, barely.  My handwriting is lovely.

So's mine, if you have a thing for handwriting that looks like it belongs on a prescription pad.


2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Anyway, I got a chuckle from the 23 year-old Michelle who thinks she has a huge advantage over old people because  she  knows how to use Google and YouTube. 

Who does the dumbbunny think created Google and YouTube...?  :D

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5 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Anyway, I got a chuckle from the 23 year-old Michelle who thinks she has a huge advantage over old people because  she  knows how to use Google and YouTube. 

So does my septuagenarian mom. She's a YouTube freak. My dad's more into eBay.

Don't tell Michelle. She'll be crushed.

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I've already heard Paul, Cece, Lucy and David rag on participation awards for millennials, though I'm sure it was prompted.  So over it.  If that becomes a running example in the theme this season, I'm going to hate that.  

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As a committed technophobe member of Generation Catalano, who doesn't have a Facebook but loves Tumblr (where I'm constantly discovering that the people I follow are literally 14 years old), none of this bothers me, tbh.  Just the usual fishing around for something to talk about before the game starts.  The gimmick is never actually what is cool about a season but there's not much else Probst can say in interviews without spoiling.  I've never read his pre-game interviews for Micronesia, for example.  But I do know he didn't say "This season is the best ever!  These women pull off blindside after blindside!  Cirie is a magical mind-control genius!  Parvati is the best winner we've ever had!  This dude gives up his immunity for no reason!  It's insane and amazing!" because he couldn't.  He talked about blah blah the super-fans really know the game inside and out, we've never had fans playing against the very people they love to watch on TV, will they be starstruck will they be intimidated will they see them as a mountain to climb dragon to slay blah blah blah.  None of this had anything to do with anything in the actual fact of the game.  But there's nothing else to talk about.  Yet they are forced to talk about it.  Ignore all pre-game hype, says me.

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45 minutes ago, Winston9-DT3 said:

I've already heard Paul, Cece, Lucy and David rag on participation awards for millennials, though I'm sure it was prompted.  So over it.  If that becomes a running example in the theme this season, I'm going to hate that.  

I so hear you, Winston9.

But as shorthand for a distinct and recognizable shift in the socio-mindset, it serves.

It's the next generation's version of:  "I rode my bike 'til the streetlights came on."  LOL

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Or "I walked to school in the snow, uphill, both directions!"  

The participation award thing is just a bad example, though.  The 40-somethings complaining that the 20-somethings grew up in inclusive, non-competitive, supportive environments makes no sense because we the Gen X parents of the millenials PUT THEM in those environments and coached those AYSO teams and so on.   We chose it so they didn't have the awful PE/sports experience we did as kids, where only the top 10% played and got any recognition for all the practices, etc.  

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@KimberStormer has it exactly right. I've ignored all the interviews. I've avoided all the yakking (outside of this thread). I'm going in there tonight (yay!) with an open mind (which I can't do in my Gabon watch, but oh well). 

I'm not going to be pessimistic or bored, like some on this board, before the season even starts!

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On 9/21/2016 at 1:16 PM, KimberStormer said:

The gimmick is never actually what is cool about a season but there's not much else Probst can say in interviews without spoiling.  

Exactly.   Once everyone digs in and starts trying to actually win the money the gimmick goes out the window.

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