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S03.E02: Week 2, Night 1

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5 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

I never watched Andi's season and I didn't watch the entirety of Katelyn's season but I did hear many regard Nick as the villain but it's hard to see him as anything but the protagonist here. 

Andi was embarrassed because Nick called her out on leading him on and letting him believe she was choosing him.  When he got a chance to, he asked a simple question - which was why, knowing how he felt about her, did she have sex with him, leading him to believe she loved him.  He was, at that point, trying to make sense of it, did she love him, then change her mind?  Or was she manipulating him into falling in love, so she got two proposals?  

And then, suddenly Nick was the bad guy for "slut-shaming", and Andi and Josh decided that he was not really asking the question, just trying to humiliate her and ruin her relationship with Josh.  The thing is, she DID sleep with Nick , and I think she wanted that kept from Josh. And Nick wanted to know how she really felt about him.  It's not like he had any chance to ask her BEFORE the AFTR show, that was the only time he got to see her.

4 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Public service announcement for those who avoid the spoilers: OMG, read the spoilers! This show has a completely new dimension of Wrong Reasons awesomeness if you know who ends up with whom as compared to how they're currently interacting with each other!




I KNOW!!!!!  Holy crap!  I suggest read the spoilers, and drink while watching the episode.  Enjoy the humor in their interactions, you won't be able to stop laughing. 


Edited by backformore
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 It's not like he had any chance to ask her BEFORE the AFTR show, that was the only time he got to see her.

And she was so full of shit because right after the ATFR when a lot of people were siding with Nick, she claimed he never tried to get in contact with her and just played that up for sympathy. Yet in her book, she says she believed he said what he did to humiliate and punish her because she refused to talk to him after filming ended. 

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Amanda's all over social media doing damage control, saying how there were conversations between her and Nick that we didn't get to see.  We saw you and Josh making out in front Nick and that's enough. Still can't get over how gross it was.

Sometimes I wonder if Andi had chosen Nick if they would have been married with a kid by now. Josh Murray is a washed-up, insecure loser. Oh no, maybe he's gonna come to my house and try to make out with my husband now.

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1 hour ago, backformore said:

Andi was embarrassed because Nick called her out on leading him on and letting him believe she was choosing him.  When he got a chance to, he asked a simple question - which was why, knowing how he felt about her, did she have sex with him, leading him to believe she loved him.  He was, at that point, trying to make sense of it, did she love him, then change her mind?  Or was she manipulating him into falling in love, so she got two proposals?  

And then, suddenly Nick was the bad guy for "slut-shaming", and Andi and Josh decided that he was not really asking the question, just trying to humiliate her and ruin her relationship with Josh.  The thing is, she DID sleep with Nick , and I think she wanted that kept from Josh. And Nick wanted to know how she really felt about him.  It's not like he had any chance to ask her BEFORE the AFTR show, that was the only time he got to see her.

I KNOW!!!!!  Holy crap!  I suggest read the spoilers, and drink while watching the episode.  Enjoy the humor in their interactions, you won't be able to stop laughing. 

Hmm...it would seem like a fair enough question to be asked given the intimacy shared with a man right before you tell him that you're going to choose someone else. It seems even a bit hypocritical that Andi of all people would be unwilling to clarify the situation but rather, she jumped to an accusation of humiliation when it wasn't that long before that she had similarly put Juan Pablo in the hot seat. Funny how his questions would be interpreted as him trying to ruin their relationship when there would be no controversy had she not lied about them having sex to begin with. 

I sense that Nick does seem genuine in his want of finding a life long partner and it seems he keeps getting dogged on these shows. Not sure what he saw in Amanda though. She seems sweet but where's the substance? In fact, it's hard to believe any of these relationships are so real when we don't really see these people interact on a level that isn't superficial and/or intimate. Do none of them care about honest and real discussions about life, politics, values, etc. or is it just too boring to make it to TV? 

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I could tell they told Chad to talk about never being the bachelor and question what he going to do now. Or he was playing the character. The reason I think that is because in ATFR, he brought up wanting to be the bachelor even though BIP was already done taping. And it seemed fake with the typical Chad eating meat and drinking in the car. Please.

The twins deep throating the banana was also contrived IMO. I think editing made it seem like the guys were watching them when they were probably just looking around. And Jared was probably talking about some song being stuck in his head or something. Sometimes they make it so obvious that they splice shit together.

I loved how Nick said, "Nailed it" when Leah stumbled on their date. I like his sense of humor. She's too dumb for him. And boring. And a little desperate.

No, Annoying Twins. Baby Dragon is not five million times prettier than Leah. And aside from all the "likes" and up speak, her vocal fry is the worst I've heard in five million years.

Carly is a straight up bitch. Her first kiss with Evan couldn't have been that bad. It lasted a second and it was mostly a peck. It couldn't have been bad enough to justify the insults and especially saying she has no idea how he could've had kids. The habanero kiss was messy because they just ate a pepper. Your nose runs, your eyes water, your mouth waters. I wouldn't want to kiss my own boyfriend after that. So Carly can get off her high horse. She's such a mean ass uppity bitch.

Lace and Grant still obsessing about Chad while they were kissing was weird. Let it go already. And I can't believe she fucked him for a rose. I can't see how somebody can be so desperate.

Nice of Vinny to douche it up by kissing Sarah and then Izzy five seconds later after he'd been up her ass this whole time. What was the point?

The producers know Jared gives zero shits so they told him to give a rose to the bookend bitches. Otherwise, why?? He never even talks to them or shows any interest.

Josh did pick Amanda because he wanted to get on Nick's nerves but I really don't think Nick cared that much. I think he was just annoyed by it because he knew that's what Josh was doing. It's not like Nick was in love with Amanda. They had ONE date. He liked her but I don't think he was ready to propose. He said he didn't care and I believe it. I can see how Josh is highly annoying and obviously feels intimidated by Nick so he has to one up him and try to make him look bad. And I now remember that I didn't like Josh on Andi's season because of how he kisses. He acts so horny and like he's going to devour her. And the moaning! Omg! He did the same thing with Andi. I think he thinks it's sexy but it's just uncomfortable. 

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I can't help it - I like Sarah. And I root for her.  I loved that new guy came in and beelined straight to her.  I also loved when the same happened to Claire a time or two.  These guys are usually blinded by the troweled on makeup, endless hair extensions, and three pairs of false eyelashes.  It's nice to see them appreciate a more natural girl. 

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I feel like Bethenny Frankel when Kelly had the meltdown on Scary Island. "The crazy came out to play!"

I'm no fan of Andi, but I believe every word she wrote about Josh. That dude is smarm personified. And I've been ducking grapefruits for years as a Nick apologist, but I think the true state of things came out in this ep. Nick might not be perfect, but he was never the slimy villain - that is Josh.

Josh is all veins and teeth. He needs to put a few pounds back on because the crazy is showing through like never before. He's barely covering his uber-jerk tendencies. The fake nice-guy act is too much to bear. 

However, Nick deserves way better than Amanda. She sounds like the 16-year-old gymnasts I'm watching in Rio. Do all men really go for long blonde hair and personality as bland as yogurt? I cannot figure out why they love her. But I also can't understand what anyone sees in Josh Murray. I'd go for Nick any day of the week over him. 

Jared must be a stunner in person, because he comes across as low-energy and boring on screen. And he seems to go for equally hum-drum women. Even Ashley I. had too much personality for him. I can't root for any guy who'd turn down Jubilee for a twin who doesn't even have enough self-respect to demand she get her own damn name on a TV show. How blinding can the makeup be?

Leah is really pretty and the twins are mean girls. I hope she finds Chad and they share a meat plate.

Carly needs to say this stuff to Evan's face. She's coming off as shady and I don't think that's who she is.

Sarah has gorgeous eyes. I hope she gets the attention she deserves. She's much more of a natural beauty than the painted, extension-laden Bratz women we get treated to on this show. She's also a lovely example of a woman with a "baby voice" who knows when to modulate and she can stand up for herself without being preachy as hell (I'm looking at you, Andi Dorfman).

Daniel is gold for this franchise. His analogies are SAT-worthy. If Chris Harrison ever gets tired and needs a Brian Dunkelman to help with hosting duties, I vote for Daniel.

Edited by thesupremediva1
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7 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I'm no fan of Andi, but I believe every word she wrote about Josh. That dude is smarm personified. And I've been ducking grapefruits for years as a Nick apologist, but I think the true state of things came out in this ep. Nick might not be perfect, but he was never the slimy villain - that is Josh.

Agreed. Nick's take on Andi is that she's honest in the things she says but omits a lot. I don't believe for a second that a former district attorney would put that many lies about Josh in print. It's pretty obvious he really said and did those things.

I never got the Nick hate either. He's one of the few guys in the franchise who actually seems ready for a commitment, once a spunky brunette picks him over the resident jock.

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22 hours ago, JenE4 said:



  Reveal hidden contents

Public service announcement for those who avoid the spoilers: OMG, read the spoilers! This show has a completely new dimension of Wrong Reasons awesomeness if you know who ends up with whom as compared to how they're currently interacting with each other!

Oops! Sorry, OnceSane! I didn't think it was against the rules to acknowledge that spoilers exist. I didn't think I gave away any information at all. I'm a consummate rule-follower, so just concerned that my Previously.TV permanent record is besmirched. [hangs head in shame]

Edited by JenE4
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I don't understand what is that beautiful about Amanda. She looks like a poor man's Kristin Chenoweth, and her voice is right up there too. Maybe she's more pretty in person or her vagina is emitting ridiculously strong pheromones.

I want to shave all the hair off of Lace's head. That hair looks like a dead tangled up animal. 

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@MattDuffysCat There's nothing that beautiful about Amanda. This franchise tells men and women how to think. Amanda made it to the final 3 on Ben's season so she must be the shit. If Ben thought she was gorgeous then she must be gorgeous. When they apply to the bachelor or bachelorette they don't know who the lead will be. But when they show up and find out its JoJo, for example, suddenly she's the most beautiful person in the world. They would have said the same things about Lace is she was chosen as the lead. Then she would have been the one the guys freak the fuck out about.

I agree Amanda is not special. She can't even carry a semi-intelligent conversation. I'm not asking for rocket science but a smidgen of depth would be nice. Then again, never mind. Sit there and look like poor man's Chenowith because your vocal fry is at a like ten on a like scale of like one to like nine like. And stop saying like.

And sorry but Sarah is whiny and annoying. I'm not rooting for her just because she only has one arm.

For once I'd like to see an intelligent female on this show. 

Edited by Nowhere

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