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So sad to hear this.  I hope people are supporting Tori in expressing her feelings. Too often pregnant women get told to not let themselves be upset, to "think of the baby."  Like bottling up pain or anger inside is somehow healthier. 

I doubt Zach would be that way, but other members of the family I'm not so sure about.

  • Love 8

As someone who lost her own fur baby of 14 years to cancer, seeing Tori's post hit me right in the feels this morning. No snark for her on this (not that Zac and Tori are even snarkable on a regular basis). I feel bad for her going through this now, not because she's pregnant and shouldn't be "mourning because it could hurt the baby" (ugh people ?I know what you mean @Celia Rubenstein ) but because she's pregnant and it's supposed to be the happiest time of her life and she has to go through this. 

I was really close to my dog, and even then it probably didn't reach Tori levels of closeness, plus my dog was up there in years, but to this day I cannot pass places that remind me of him without breaking down in tears. And it has been over a year for me! I am sad for her because from her posts on SM, Sully was going to play a big brother role and have a huge part in her child's life and now that dream has been yanked from her. I also really hope she gets privacy and this isn't exploited by TLC as a "very special episode."

  • Love 6
On 3/18/2017 at 7:14 AM, ginger90 said:

I don't know how she could go to a gay movie like that. Just shocking. Say it ain't so, Amy!

I hope she covered her eyes for the three or four seconds it took for that scene to pass by. Any decent person would.

  • Love 7
52 minutes ago, Mike p. said:

I don't know how she could go to a gay movie like that. Just shocking. Say it ain't so, Amy!

I hope she covered her eyes for the three or four seconds it took for that scene to pass by. Any decent person would.

Yeah but even if she did close her eyes, she still put money in their pockets by buying a ticket.  Disgusting! 

Maybe she got a free ticket to the premiere somehow.   Because that would be okay and make her not a complete fucking hypocrite.  She's be only like 99.9% a fucking hypocrite.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 4

So Caryn is the "longtime farm manager."   Mmmmmm-hhmmmm.

It's probably unfair of me and I acknowledge it's unjustified in many situations, but when a person gets divorced and then hooks up with someone who has been around for a long time, it makes me wonder how long they've been eying each other.  Or more. 

I'm just sayin' ... 

  • Love 15

Its not unfair at all. Amy was alluding to Matt already having someone. And Caryn, unlike Amy, per court documents, has the key to Matt's sacred office. I just hope we have Jer and Auj discussing on camera how irked they are about Matt getting sexual touches and you know how worried they are about exposing the baby to the reality that Matt is fornicating with someone other than Amy. Because it sure bothered them when *Amy* was straying. Gosh and golly I wonder if jer will even address how inappropriate fucking the staff is.

  • Love 3

I wasn't surprised by Matt's news of dating his assistant at all.  Both he and Amy have repeatedly insisted that they have been living apart for a long time.  Even before they officially announced their on-air separation, they did not live as married.  So, to me, it makes perfect sense.  I will withhold judgment.  No doubt Amy was in the know on it all.  She's not stupid.  Plus, Matt is the one who installed cameras all around the farm.  He apparently didn't have anything to hide. lol  Amy was the one who complained about it.  

I'm happy for Matt and Amy as she has apparently found the love of her life.  They are now expecting two grand babies!  Life is good at the Roloff farm!

11 hours ago, ZoloftBlob said:

Its not unfair at all. Amy was alluding to Matt already having someone. And Caryn, unlike Amy, per court documents, has the key to Matt's sacred office. I just hope we have Jer and Auj discussing on camera how irked they are about Matt getting sexual touches and you know how worried they are about exposing the baby to the reality that Matt is fornicating with someone other than Amy. Because it sure bothered them when *Amy* was straying. Gosh and golly I wonder if jer will even address how inappropriate fucking the staff is.

I usually don't quote entire posts to just say "Amen" but .... AMEN! 

If I don't see Jeremy ON CAMERA expressing the same revulsion he showed about Amy having a boyfriend, I may actually start a social media account of some kind just to get in his face about it! 

The little shit.  You know he won't say a damn word.  Not to Matt, who he needs to suck up to.  And not about a man because the rules are different for men.  


10 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I wasn't surprised by Matt's news of dating his assistant at all.  Both he and Amy have repeatedly insisted that they have been living apart for a long time.  Even before they officially announced their on-air separation, they did not live as married.  So, to me, it makes perfect sense.  I will withhold judgment.  No doubt Amy was in the know on it all.  She's not stupid.  Plus, Matt is the one who installed cameras all around the farm.  He apparently didn't have anything to hide. lol  Amy was the one who complained about it.  

I'm happy for Matt and Amy as she has apparently found the love of her life.  They are now expecting two grand babies!  Life is good at the Roloff farm!

Well *I* am surprised to learn about Matt dating his assistant.  And I find it entirely fucked up.  

To start with, Matt is putting Amy in the position of having to be around and deal with HIS GIRLFRIEND all the damn time when she is merely on her own home turf.  Who wants to have to be around their ex's lover all the time?  I think that is inconsiderate as hell.  Plus Amy is entitled to have a professional farm manager she can deal with on a professional basis ... not one who is emotionally involved with Matt.   I realize Matt runs the farm and really looks at it as his private property, but the truth is half that farm belongs to Amy and she has a say in how it is operated.  Matt is already hard enough to deal with and I can't imagine having to contend with him and his girlfriend when there is a difference of opinion.  And suppose one day Amy one day finds Caryn's job performance unacceptable ... gee, I wonder whose side Matt will be on.

I also think it is skeevy when a boss dates an underling who is by definition a subordinate and at a power disadvantage in the relationship. The potential for abuse is obvious.  Which leads me to my next point ... Matt is just dumb to date an employee because what happens if the relationship doesn't work out?  Does he really want to have to deal with an ex-girlfriend every day at the farm?  Will he ever be able to get rid of her if he should have a good reason, or will he forever be in fear of being accused of retribution by her and at risk of being sued or something?  

I suppose it's possible that everyone is happy as a clam and totally okay with the set-up .... at least for now.  But how often do first relationships after a divorce turn out to be permanent?  The chances that Matt and Caryn are going to last for the long haul are slim.  The odds are that they will break up and it will be a miracle if someone doesn't end up seriously regretting their decision.  

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
Because "content' and " contend" are not the same thing
  • Love 7

Plus, Matt is the one who installed cameras all around the farm.  He apparently didn't have anything to hide. lol  Amy was the one who complained about it.  

Considering Amy's comments on camera in various staged interviews (thinking specifically of the episode where they were being interviewed after the separation but before the divorce at the end of a season) that she knew Matt was already seeing someone, it actually seems like Matt is the one hiding something. And I still don't blame Amy for being upset that her ex husband is monitoring her living space with video cameras and since Matt *has nothing to hide* he should be smiling and happy to have his living areas be monitored by Amy's own video cameras.


To start with, Matt is putting Amy in the position of having to be around and deal with HIS GIRLFRIEND all the damn time when she is merely on her own home turf.

This is actually pretty typical, passive aggressive Matt. Mind you, the problem is in part because they are living on the same property within arm's length so Amy isn't innocent in that she's agreeing to this arrangement but really, parading around with the girlfriend who worked on the farm BEFORE the separation and divorce  really just leads to the obvious question - was Matt cheating?


Matt is just dumb to date an employee because what happens if the relationship doesn't work out?  Does he really want to have to deal with an ex-girlfriend every day at the farm?  Will he ever be able to get rid of her if he should have a good reason, or will he forever be in fear of being accused of retribution by her and at risk of being sued or something?  

Oh Matt is that dumb. He probably assumes that he can manipulate Caryn effectively.

I just hope Matt realizes he's lost the moral high ground - he's fucking the staff. He's a boss who dates his underlings. He's the kind of man who dates the woman he pays for work.

I really wonder how *Jeremy and Audrey* feel about Matt fucking the farm manager of 6 years -  because seriously, it's really hard to not question how Daddy Matt began to increasingly spend his time with his "manager" - to where in 2012, she's driving him around and has the key to his office that his wife doesn't have - and why does a man need to lock his office when he lives on a farm with nothing but family and you know, his "manager".

Has Jer asked his daddy if he's "courtin'". More importantly, will Jeremy be a man and ask the hard question because he loves his folks so much - when exactly did Daddy Matt start this relationship? Why was Daddy Matt so anxious to get the divorce done quickly?

I genuinely do wonder. And I really hope Amy no longer feels any guilt about not tending Matt - he's found himself someone new to take care of him.

  • Love 4

"As long as the farm is making money and providing Amy with all the things she wants, I don't think she'll have an issue with who is responsible for it. " While I do hope that is the case, I can see Amy and frankly any reasonable person, having concerns about one's property and livelihood being controlled by the person who is now banging her husband. I wouldn't find it unreasaonable of Amy to ask that Caryn find new work since its seriously unprofessional for Matt to date the staff

  • Love 3

She knows Caryn as a long time employee and is probably still  friendly towards her, even thankful for taking Matt off her hands.

Amy just need to protect her interests in the family business with a watch dog lawyer and  diligent CPA.

Would the marriage have lasted without other people getting involved... probably not...

Is it unprofessional... yes, but the good ship Integrity sailed far away long ago for Matt.

  • Love 2

Heh, I don't know. Caryn has worked there since3 2012? No, 2010 or 2011... And she's had access to the areas of the farm, areas that Matt has expressly not given Amy access to(its in the 2012 case docs that Molly and Caryn were the only ones with keys to his office) Per those court docs, Amy was seeing a counselor about her marriage in 2010. Amy never wanted the separation or divorce, Matt is the one who insisted on walking out. And apparently he walked into the arms of Caryn, who at best was watching and waiting to snatch up Matt. That's at best. At worst, I see where people had ample opportunity for fooling around. Matt's now openly dating the woman he hired and kept around in front of Amy for years. I really can't see Amy being thankful for the obvious suggestion Matt's choice in new loves brings - namely that he was fucking a piece on the side under Amy's nose while they were married. Even if its not true - and I will be fair and say maybe this all started after the separation, people are certainly going to think it.

  • Love 5

Exactly... new loves always think that they are different and will be treated differently but you can't teach an old hound dog new tricks.

Matt will still throws tantrums like a petulant child when he doesn't get his way.

 Caryn is either the most conniving woman or the most gullible woman.

She loses if Matt is the prize.

She knows most of his wealth is in the farm.

Jer and Auj must be beside themselves as their parents are turning Roloff Farms into Sodom and Gomorrah.

  • Love 3

I have thought that Matt was a catch for a long time.  If he endured living with Amy's abuse, he can take anything.  Still, I don't think he harbors resentment.  Amy shouldn't either.  I used to think that Matt finding happiness with another women would drive her crazy, but, since she's now found the love of her life, I hope she's past her old pettiness.  For awhile there it appeared that Amy was ticked off because she wasn't able to rail on Matt anymore. 

Apparently, Zach and Tori are okay with it, as Matt and Caryn gave them a baby shower!


  • Love 3

Whether Amy "has found the love of her life" remains to be seen, although I am hopeful for her. That said, I think she is still unlikely to welcome Matt's sidepiece as a friend and confidant because Amy had been alluding to Matt seeing "someone" very early in the separation and I don't know many women who would be "Oh? You worked for my husband for years under my nose, and as soon as he leaves me and his children, now you're his snugglebunny? Lets have *you* for tea! Ypu're so precious!"... I mean really. For that matter, its really *quite* noticeable that Matt has not met Amy's new fella and there's no public expectation that he's perfectly fine with Amy shacking up in the big house. Has he even met Amy's guy? Amy sure as hell has met Caryn as Caryn works for Matt and has for years, right under Amy's nose.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I have thought that Matt was a catch for a long time.  If he endured living with Amy's abuse, he can take anything.  Still, I don't think he harbors resentment.  Amy shouldn't either.  I used to think that Matt finding happiness with another women would drive her crazy, but, since she's now found the love of her life, I hope she's past her old pettiness.  For awhile there it appeared that Amy was ticked off because she wasn't able to rail on Matt anymore. 

Apparently, Zach and Tori are okay with it, as Matt and Caryn gave them a baby shower!


Sorry, Matt's no catch. Remember back to when the show started. Amy worked three part time jobs to make sure her kids were fed because Matt wasn't providing? Remember him going behind her back and totally disregarding her concerns because his little project was more important than anything the family needed? Remember Matt walking out on vacations with his kids because he was bored? Remember him telling Amy he was going to Hawaii and to call him when the grandkids came even though all the kids were still home at the time? Matt is a nasty narcissist who doesn't give a hoot about anybody but himself.

  • Love 12
On March 27, 2017 at 1:14 PM, Celia Rubenstein said:

So Caryn is the "longtime farm manager."   Mmmmmm-hhmmmm.

It's probably unfair of me and I acknowledge it's unjustified in many situations, but when a person gets divorced and then hooks up with someone who has been around for a long time, it makes me wonder how long they've been eying each other.  Or more. 

I'm just sayin' ... 

I actually suspected something like this when Matt first moved out-- that he probably had someone else in the wings, someone with whom he worked or knew for a while-- if not an actual affair, then an emotional one. I figured I was being too suspicious- minded.

  • Love 3

So I will be fair on the topic of Matt parading his bitch around Amy.

If it bothers Amy, to a certain extent, tough shit. They're *both* choosing to live on the same property within shouting distance of each other. Amy is hardly living a chaste life. She's dating, she's having parties, she's asking Matt for the motorcycle helmet so she can go on a date with a different man. She doesn't get to complain that Matt has girlfriends over and she can see them cavorting when Matt clearly has a bird's eye view of HER cavorting. Even with the qualifier that it's Caryn (and I'll get into that) it doesn't change the fact that Amy  has made the choice to stay in the home that is fifty feet or so away from her ex-husband's. Likewise Matt doesn't get to complain about Amy dating or flaunting her man in front of him. They don't have to live so close, they choose to.

The Caryn exception is that even if I generously allow that Caryn and Matt never ever ever even locked eyes before the divorce, Caryn is still an employee of the farm with managerial duties. It is inappropriate in the extreme for Caryn to have an intimate relationship with her boss and continue to manage employees because now the employees have to consider "Caryn is my boss's lover, so can I complain about her to Matt and not get fired if she does something wrong?" It's also inappropriate because like it or not, imcompetant or not, Amy owns half the farm which means her farm manager who should be impartial between her and Matt is now clearly on Matt's side. Frankly the bigger issue is the employee issue because that's a lawsuit waiting to happen.

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