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S02.E12: Blood Washed Away

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I've seen the final two, including this one obviously, at the Paley screening a few weeks ago.. and I can tell anyone who is wondering whether to watch this episode live or not, that you NEED to watch it live because you are going to get spoiled into oblivion tomorrow by anyone who saw it.  I know it's been said before, but this really is the big one (along with the finale next week, obviously!)  But half the big stuff happens in this one, and the final part of this episode in particular is some of the most emotionally challenging TV you are likely to see.  It's all been done really well (in my opinion!)

So yes, unmissable, and watch live if you can.. and if you can't, stay away from those who have watched it until you do! This is one of those episodes that is soooo much better to watch unspoiled.

So happy it's been renewed!! :D

  • Love 7

So....,everybody dies and Cassie and Cole have sex.

The end.


Ok ok other stuff of note.  Both missions fail miserably but it was fun to watch them fail.  Watching Cassie school the Fictir after she wakes up after the coma was fun.  I also like the symmetry of Cole unknowingly by the red forest house and Cassie sort of figuring it out but the sexing Cole up anyway.

i really do think now more then ever either Cole or Cassie  is the Witness.


"So much for backgammon in Palm Springs." 

Oh, Jennifer. Don't ever change.

If that really is the end of Ramse, I'll be sad. Ditto on Whitley. There's a character I wish they'd done more with.

So, Cole and Cassie finally get together. I can dig it, but knowing this show, it's hardly going to be plain sailing.

If that's the penultimate episode, what have they got saved for the finale? Damn.

Edited by Gillian Rosh
  • Love 5

This can be fixed, right? RIGHT?!

Wow. I'm going to be stupidly sad if Cole ends up being the Witness.

I know a bunch of people were excited about the Cole/Cassie sex, but I was like, "Who cares about the sex?! They are killing Ramse and Deacon and Whitley and Hannah!" I mean, I thought the juxtoposition was really nicely done, but I've lost the excitement about Cole and Cassie, honestly. There was nothing in this episode that made me like Cassie again. 

Deacon is the best. I loved his reaction to Jennifer babbling about the hen and the egg - this little nod, like, "She's right" even though it made no sense. And his comments to Ramse about going toward the weird music were perfect.

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but I was like, "Who cares about the sex?! They are killing Ramse and Deacon and Whitley and Hannah!" 

Yeah, it was...jarring. I'm sure I'll be able to enjoy the Cole/Cassie coupling when I re-watch, but watching it live was like "whoa!"


Deacon is the best. I loved his reaction to Jennifer babbling about the hen and the egg - this little nod, like, "She's right" even though it made no sense.

I loved that. Those little moments are some of the things I love best about this show.

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Oh my god, watching everyone fall one by one was just so powerful.   Well done show.   Is this the end?   Do they really just get knifed and it's over?   But Cassie and Cole are having sex at the same time (?) surely that has to mean something.   

Wibbley Wobbley Timey-Wimey.   I may have used that phrase to an actual honest to goodness physicist last week.  

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There was an episode where Jennifer or one of the other Primaries had a throwaway line to the effect that Cole and Cassie getting together would be "the end of the world," right?  Anyone remember something like that?

Now I'm thinking Jones has to be coming back, because I just can't believe them killing off SO many of their main cast.  There HAS to be something they can do to fix this, and if they're gonna bring back the others, they might as well bring back Jones, too, right?  Am I in denial?  I hope not.  I feel Cole/Cassie staying at the house put all this in motion, so there has to be a way, either in the finale or VERY early next season, where they realize they can't hide away and they break the cycle somehow.

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Jones is the one who got me hooked on this show.  But, this season has been so fantastic that I really didn't miss her in this episode.  I'm not sure I could handle it if she is definitely not coming back, though.  Since we just saw everyone we care about minus Cassie, Jennifer and Cole die, I'm pretty sure there has to be some kind of reset.  I think I was shaking a little bit in the last ten minutes or so.  Long week ahead.

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I know alot of people don;t like Cassie but she is my favorite character.  I like her more then Cole and Jones sometimes.  I find her entire storyline fascinating.  She had a normal life before Cole kidnapped her and suddenly she is thrown into this grand adventure but was it almost meant to be that way?   This show is so damn twisty and yet it makes perfect sense in a time travel sort of way.  

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Now that I've gotten my initial stunned cluelessness out of the way, question: what was that thing Ramse and Hannah were killed with? It looked like some sort of throwing star attached to a chain. Why were they killed (if they actually were killed) with that while Deacon got his throat slit (if I'm remembering correctly). Gonna rewatch at 12/1, whenever it shows again.

I really liked the actor who played the primary in 57.

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Going to need some time to process this episode as a whole.

The first 32-34 minutes of the episode was really good, but then the last 7 or 8 minutes happened, and I was just sitting here in shock.  We finally get the Cole/Cassie 'boom boom chick-a-bow-wow' sex scene and at the same time, we see a slaughter of 4 major-to-heavily-recurring characters at the same time.  Still can't really process the insanity of it all.  And this wasn't even the *actual* season finale!!!  O_O

Something that is really sticking out to me, even in my shocked haze..... did they have Cassie realizing - or coming to a mental theory resolution - that Cole was The Witness when she was piecing it all together as she looked around the 'living room' of the house & was remembering her dreams' details?  I thought it very suspicious how she was talking through her thought process, and at the end she gets all hesitant, "... and, you(??) -- were there...".  I think she was like "uhhhm, what the hell!?" in that moment about Cole/The Witness, but maybe just me. 

I will say I do not want Cole (or Cassie) to be The Witness - and never have - but it'll take a superior twist and turn of storytelling to make it end up not being him after tonight's reveals.  You can't have him had bought the house - along with the info from earlier about 'having lived there between '57 & '59 written on the walls in the dreams - then with the whole blood washed away bits, and not have him be The Witness.  Logically, it just isn't possible to be someone other than Cole.  Can't wait to see how they do it, either way, making us believe that Cole is (or is not) The Witness.  And interested to see what happens along the way for him to be OK with killing Ramse.


Man oh man... I can't wait for next week, because being the actual season finale, it must (hopefully!!!!!!) be one hell of an experience to be undertaken!

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Well, there's sure blood to be washed away here... waw...

.... Damn, only Jennifer is alive in the 2044 timeline at Titan... something tells me that one (timeline) aint gonna survive long... I mean, the show's just reduced to Cole - Cassie - Jennifer - the Witness for the finale ! (sure, there will be other returning more minor character and surprises but still)... cant see season 3 without Katarina, Ramse, Deacon and co...

Gaaaaah, cant wait for next week ! Come on, bring on the time-travel machine ! 

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Another question that just popped into my shocked haze......

So, we had (the 'original') The Witness standing there, but then the other people in cloaks & masks showed up.  Were those the 2044 version of the Army of the 12 Monkeys - or Messengers - OR, were those all the same Witness, but from different times/time streams??

  • Love 3

Well, heck. Where are they going with this? There has to be a way to undo this because everybody but Cole and Cassie and Jennifer can't stay dead.

I really really don't want Cole to be the Witness, but I'd be surprised if it was someone else at this point.

I do rememberJennifer once saying Cole and Cassie getting together would mean the end of the world. Hmm. Crazy talk or if Cole (or Cassie) is The Witness, do the events in that house trigger something

Poor Jennifer, trying to lead  by fortune cookie.

  • Love 6

Oh, show!  That was so cruel!  Cole and Cassie finally hook-up, but any happiness over that is more or less hampered, since you keep cutting away to Ramse, Deacon, Whitley, and Hannah getting FREAKING MURDERED!

I have no idea what to think, right now.  I have to think there will be some form of reset, because while I do think the show is willing to off some regulars, I just can't see everyone but Cole, Cassie, and Jennifer being gone.  Because with Jones meeting her end last episode, that's all who is left, pretty much.  So, I have to think some of them will come back.  At the very least, Ramse.  If he is destined to die, I have to think Cole would at least be in the same scene with him, to really make it impactful.  I'm sure we'll find out next week.  Until then, that was a pretty brutal and sudden scene. They didn't even get to see who The Witness was.  So cruel!

They sure are making it look like Cole will end up being The Witness, due to the whole buying the house thing and whatnot.  It might be too obvious though, so maybe there will be another twist.  At this point, I'm willing to accept anyone.  Hell, for all I know, it will somehow be Deacon.  Crazier things have happened; especially on this show.

I liked how Cassie became a nurse post-coma, and used her doctor skills and her knowledge of future diseases, to become even a better doctor then the actual doctors from 59.

Poor Jennifer.  Should have known it would be a struggle for her to be "The Mother", without all the experience and knowledge that Older Jennifer had.  I'm really curious to see where this is all heading.

Despite everything, they continue to find some good humorous moments as always.  My favorite was the part when Jennifer is trying some kind of "hen and egg" metaphor at one point, and while most are just staring at her like a crazy person, Deacon's nodding his head and all "Makes sense.... kind of, I think?"  Another reason I hope they find a way to reverse his death: I have a feeling Jennifer/Deacon would be hilarious television!

Can't it be next Monday, already?  Someone needs to build a time machine and get on that, please!

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I haven't been discussing this show here but had to come around to try to get the hive-mind to help me make sense of this episode. Although it seems hard for anyone but Cole to be the Witness, I can't get my head around him doing it with full knowledge of all the damage he causes. He doesn't seem the type to be so overwhelmed by grief at losing Cassie that he tries to destroy all time. An outside theory I had was that this is the love-making that produces a child for Cole and Cassie and he or she becomes the Witness. The only problem with that is when the mask comes off, we wouldn't recognize who it was. I suppose the son could look like Cole and then there'd be the twist that it was his offspring instead.

As for keeping all the other characters from staying dead, I think Ramse has to still be alive and he will kill The Witness, restoring time but not solving all the problems.

Edited by Cardie
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I like the theories of Ramse still being alive/living- due to the splinter-surival injections - because as the screen went black (i.e, the ep ending), he was still breathing.


I'm also not yet ready to abandon my shaky theory that he, Cole, and a select few others from 2043/44 are offspring of Dr Kirschner's genetically-engineered 'super humans'.

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21 minutes ago, Cardie said:

Although it seems hard for anyone but Cole to be the Messenger, I can't get my head around him doing it with full knowledge of all the damage he causes.

Yes, exactly. After all his efforts to save the world, what in the world could make him become the Witness and want to destroy it? There must be something huge to shift him, if it is actually him. (If it's only about losing Cassie, I'll be very disappointed. That's no better than "my son!" It has to be something monumental. If it's him.)

Interesting -- the description on my DVR for this episode says: "Cole and Railly stop the final paradox." Imagine my surprise when they didn't.

In the paradox scene, the husband/Messenger/Charlie kept saying that he couldn't hurt his wife, that he wasn't like the other messengers. But she only had to mention the red forest, and he caved pretty easily. I guess he was a true believer after all. One thing stood out. He said Cole of all people ought to understand why he was doing it. Why would Cole "of all people" understand triggering the paradox? Another Witness clue? I still can't absorb it being Cole or Cassie.

Charlie also said that "not everything the Witness said was true"... The Witness obviously doesn't know everything because there have been things the Army didn't expect -- including some things Cole accomplished... which, if Cole is the Witness, he would certainly know the things he did. Unless Charlie meant that the Witness deliberately lied about some things. That would open up a whole other can of worms with who knows what agenda. Ouch. My head.

I liked how Titan didn't exist until after the paradox occurred. So much yet to discover in this story.

Well, show -- after waiting so long for "the moment" between Cole and Cassie, you really kind of spoiled the mood with all the murder intercut with it. --Yeah, I can't imagine there not being a reset.

  • Love 2

So... remember that theory we had last year? About Cole and Cassie having a "special" child eventually? I wouldn't be exactly shocked if this child is the Witness, and this is how he/she was conceived. 

I did like the episode, it had that eerie and melancholic quality that was missing from season 2. I don't buy the deaths in the future, but then I knew the future would be reset anyway after they killed off Jones whose story didn't really feel over yet (imo).

I hope Cassie wasn't brainwashed into jumping Cole by Olivia's hypnotism, because it sorta felt that way. Just a tiny bit.

The "sex and violence" intercut felt really weird. I don't even know what to say about that.

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4 hours ago, justmehere said:

In the paradox scene, the husband/Messenger/Charlie kept saying that he couldn't hurt his wife, that he wasn't like the other messengers. But she only had to mention the red forest, and he caved pretty easily. I guess he was a true believer after all. One thing stood out. He said Cole of all people ought to understand why he was doing it. Why would Cole "of all people" understand triggering the paradox? Another Witness clue? I still can't absorb it being Cole or Cassie.

The way I understand it, he wasn't going to kill her like a sacrificial lamb and wouldn't have used the knife if she hadn't begged him to.  Specifically, she talked about the red forest in terms of that whole "being together forever without time" idea, so I suppose he thought of it as the two of them going there together, especially since she was already dying of cancer.  That's what I thought he meant about Cole understanding, given their conversation about love and how, in the end, all you want is more time (or in this case, freedom from time.)  The only part that still confuses me about it is, sure, the wife would KNOW about the Witness's red forest/timelessness theory, but why does she believe in it?  None of the other Primaries we've seen have believed that the Witness is right, have they?  IIRC, Tommy is the only other one that went willingly to be paradoxed, and that was because of fate/destiny/it has to happen this way because this is what I saw, not because he actually wanted to die and allegedly go to the red forest.

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Cole is looking for a time where Cassie can be safe and happy.   That's why he left her post coma.   If there is no time because time is destroyed, then EVERY time is safe because all time is every where.   He doesn't want there to be time so there is no plague, no death, no Cassie getting caught up in this mess, just her safe and happy life.   He had to have Ramses et all killed so he could save them -- if he is the Witness.


But messing with spacetime-casualty never works the way you want.

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1 hour ago, FurryFury said:

So... remember that theory we had last year? About Cole and Cassie having a "special" child eventually? I wouldn't be exactly shocked if this child is the Witness, and this is how he/she was conceived. 

I did like the episode, it had that eerie and melancholic quality that was missing from season 2. I don't buy the deaths in the future, but then I knew the future would be reset anyway after they killed off Jones whose story didn't really feel over yet (imo).

I hope Cassie wasn't brainwashed into jumping Cole by Olivia's hypnotism, because it sorta felt that way. Just a tiny bit.

The "sex and violence" intercut felt really weird. I don't even know what to say about that.

To me, this is the logical answer.... Cole + Cassie = The Witness.   Would also explain why old yellow teeth guy gave them the info about 1957, because he knew they were destined to go back there and conceive the child.  Their offspring would also have the altered time travel enabling DNA of BOTH parents.  To me, this is why they kept flipping back and forth in the scenes at the end, and why Titan wasn't even THERE until the two of them started to get it on.  What this means for the future of the show and what the intentions of the Witness actually are though, I have no idea.  

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Yeah the child idea just fits 100% to me, makes a lot of sense and explains why the Witness/12 Monkeys were always so interested in Cassie and were adamant about avoiding killing her (not sure about Cole, I don't quite remember). And yes, it also explains The Pallid Man easily giving up 1957 which really annoyed me. It would also give the antagonist a personal connection to the cast without it feeling a bit too contrived and annoying. 

That said, I still can't help but dislike the very idea of suddenly aged-up and antagonistic offspring of main characters. And I didn't even hate Connor that much.

Edited by FurryFury
  • Love 5

I missed the Mothers. I didn't realize how much I loved wise, quirky Jennifer and badass Jones until they were gone. Then Show took almost everyone else too. Damn, Show. You're killing me.

I liked younger Jennifer trying to lead her crew and she was awesome in calling them on their crap. I hope she turns up to kick some more butt next week. I seriously need a timeline where everyone lives because I have too much invested in all of these characters. Ramse drives me batshit yet I was still saddened by his death.

I've shipped Cole and Cassie for a long time, mainly because if Cole's happiness requires Cassie then he gets Cassie. Whatever it takes to give the man a moment. 

Something about the lead Witness read female to me but Cassie definitely seemed to suspect Cole, and so did I for a while. That would be a kick in the teeth. 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, FurryFury said:

That said, I still can't help but dislike the very idea of suddenly aged-up and antagonistic offspring of main characters. And I didn't even hate Connor that much.

This. I have zero interest in a baby storyline of any sort. Especially now that we had to go through the whole Sam mess. It does seem to be going that way though. And it confirms my hunch from ep 7 that the boy Cassie was with in the red forest is the Witness.

Fingers crossed that there are all sorts of twists in the finale. Cole or his offspring NOT the Witness, Cole and Cassie NOT having a baby (at least not now, sorry you two), the future storyline NOT a pile of corpses.

I'm holding out hope that Jennifer will somewhat save the day next week. I felt so badly for her covered in blood and constantly botching her role this week; then giggled when I was telling my boyfriend she had "fortune cookie wisdom" and it turned out to be exactly that. Seems that Jennifer's scenes always do that to me: I get to enjoy the dark humor while my heart is breaking for her.

14 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

Under normal circumstances I would say Cole wouldn't be capable of being The Witness but he has been so beaten down by failure and loss that the possibility of a safe place where Cassie could live in peace might sound nice.  We saw with Ramse and even Jones how good people will do awful even evil things for love.

Given enough time, I can see Cole getting to a very low place emotionally. But logically I don't see him ever considering the red forest as an option, because he seems to have a very clear idea of just how bad that would be for everyone. Unless the time travel really starts to scramble his mind, I don't think Cole would ever see the red forest as better than whatever happens to him/Cassie/their hypothetical spawn.

I think I'm just going to enjoy seven days of denial, pretending that everyone in 2044 is revived and no one in 1959 is knocked up with an evil snowflake baby, and accept that my denial will be dashed within the first 10 minutes of the finale. Bright side: Madeleine Stowe! Finally!

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I want to think that Cole is The Witness, but it just seems too obvious and this show loves its twists. All clues right now point to Cole being the Witness especially when Cassie had that tea dream and the writing on the wall said 'This was home 1957 - 1959'. I really don't see how that could be anyone but him. I  have no idea at this point. 

I wondered throughout the episode why Cole and Cassie didn't try to send a message to themselves in the future in the paper like they did a few episodes back. They could have provided themselves with a little more information about who the final primary was, but I don't know if that would work like it did last time.

I don't know how Ramse, Deacon, Whitley, and Hannah are going to get out of this. There has to be some sort of reset that happens. They can't be dead.

13 hours ago, justmehere said:

I liked how Titan didn't exist until after the paradox occurred

And yet the (briefly) surviving cannibal said his group had encountered something scary there in the past and now stayed far east of it. So, just as the house is always toggling between decrepit and fixed up in Cassie's vision, I suspect that various changes in the 20th century have brought it into and whooshed it out of existence a number of times. We may see some of those next season.

I am not a particularly brave or selfless person, and if I had given it my all to save the world and failed, I'd have no qualms about living happily with my honey for the 50 plus years I knew remained before the apocalypse.

Does anyone remember what the earliest year is that Olivia and the Tall Man start talking about the Witness?

  • Love 4

OK hold on.

So if you go with the idea that Cole is The Witness, we have to accept that it has always been Cole who has dictated the events that unfolded.
This includes giving comands to the 12 monkeys, etc.

For this to be possible, the current Cole would need to develop a motive between now and then...

Does he perhaps hear of the death's in 2044, and decide the only way to save them is to help Time reach that point, using the knowledge of what he's witnessed?
Afterall that's exactly what the witness has done, until we reach the point where he kills them all.

Que the time line altering change of fate where he saves them instead...

  • Love 1

I've been seeing a lot of variations of the same theory - Cole/Cassie have a kid and it turns out to be The Witness. 

I'm not trying to 'crap on it', if that is true and how it plays out - and it is a solid, mostly believable guess - but then the "called this home between 1957-1959" would not really fit, since the kid wouldn't even be conceived until mid-'59 (at the earliest).  And also, what would happen that would cause The Witness to try so hard to fight against his parents in trying to destroy time/paradoxes/Red Forest/etc?


No matter what, I can't wait for the season finale next week and S3 next year.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36

I dunno - I don't think this lived up to all the hype (at least not for me). Show made me cranky and it has never done that before. Part was how much handwaving was required to buy Cole and Cassie's staying in the same hotel room for 11 months in 1957 as a not-married couple, not to mention Cassie suddenly becoming a nurse with all the necessary paperwork and a 50s Doctor willing to listen to her.

Putting that aside it seems they wasted 11 months with bickering which I found extremely frustrating. I was not  expecting romance but maybe you'd be more efficient preventing the apocalypse when you're at least try to get along? Maybe then you wouldn't miss the guy right in front of you telling you "This whole world could eat shit and die. It wouldn't matter if you were together" - lines directly from the 12 Monkeys playbook.

Cassie and Cole in the cedar and pine house made no sense. As soon as Cassie had figured out that it was the house from her visions (it took her ages) she should have freaked out, and then be way more specific in telling Cole where they were. And then burn the damn place down and run instead of jumping his bones. Seriously that sex-scene did not feel like the culmination of long suppressed feelings (love, frustration, despair) but more like a plot contrivance to keep Cassie from spelling out what was on her mind. I wasn't even that shocked at everybody (except Jennifer) getting killed at Titan because I kept eye-rolling at the sex-scene.

And on a side-note: Cassie you're 35, it's 1958 - it's pretty optimistic to assume you're still holding a job at the CDC with 95.

But I give them that: I still have no idea who the Witness is and where his/her henchmen were coming from.

  • Love 1
27 minutes ago, MissLucas said:

And on a side-note: Cassie you're 35, it's 1958 - it's pretty optimistic to assume you're still holding a job at the CDC with 95.

With all the time-traveling, there are several versions of Cassie out there. The one in 1957 is older than the Cassie who died at the CDC in the unaltered timeline, having skipped over that death through an alternative universe and big jump to 2044. She is assuming that their failure means the original timeline is restored and original Cassie still dies at the CDC. Granted, it seems unlikely that the original timeline is ever coming back, but she certainly wasn't imagining that she was going to stay put temporally and send that message at age 95. Of course, given that the injections slow down aging, perhaps she was.

  • Love 1
48 minutes ago, MissLucas said:

...was how much handwaving was required to buy Cole and Cassie's staying in the same hotel room for 11 months in 1957 as a not-married couple, not to mention Cassie suddenly becoming a nurse with all the necessary paperwork and a 50s Doctor willing to listen to her....

I must've swallowed a handwavium pill right before that bit, because I figured that off screen Cassie convinced the doctor that she was a time traveler--although without winking out in front of him, it would be a hard sell--still, she had a lot of time to demonstrate some modern life saving techniques (Heimlich maneuver, etc.).

1 hour ago, MissLucas said:

Part was how much handwaving was required to buy Cole and Cassie's staying in the same hotel room for 11 months in 1957 as a not-married couple, not to mention Cassie suddenly becoming a nurse with all the necessary paperwork and a 50s Doctor willing to listen to her.

Didn't Cole and Cassie say they were brother and sister when they were staying there in the '40s? I pretty much assumed they told the same lie. 

  • Love 2

Charlie was a little too obvious, yah? Not only the comments about time, but how he took their odd situation in stride. It's not clear what Cassie & Cole told people, presumably they were living together "in sin" or as alleged siblings. Seemed like Charlie knew they lived together and assumed either they were dating but she stepped out on him (a lot!) or they were in love but not not actually in a relationship (weird if they lived together). He could have been a not-nosy type, live and let live. But it struck me as rather incurious, to the point it seemed likely he knew who they actually were.

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, snarktini said:

Charlie was a little too obvious, yah? Not only the comments about time, but how he took their odd situation in stride. It's not clear what Cassie & Cole told people, presumably they were living together "in sin" or as alleged siblings. Seemed like Charlie knew they lived together and assumed either they were dating but she stepped out on him (a lot!) or they were in love but not not actually in a relationship (weird if they lived together). He could have been a not-nosy type, live and let live. But it struck me as rather incurious, to the point it seemed likely he knew who they actually were.

I managed to miss this, I guess because we had never seen him before this episode. If the writers had planned it to go this way from the beginning, I would have expected to see him at least a couple of times each season.

5 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I managed to miss this, I guess because we had never seen him before this episode. If the writers had planned it to go this way from the beginning, I would have expected to see him at least a couple of times each season.

For me, that we had never seen him is what put the blinking light over his head. Of the 200 employees they've been chasing down one by one for 11 months, we only see a handful of them and Charlie's the only one with significant dialogue. And he wasn't under suspicion. He was the only red shirt in the room!

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