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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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James knows he's going up, and they all know Victor won. There's a huge group in the Nairobi room (along with Paul, of all people) talking about the backdoor plan. I'm surprised Paul has been keeping his mouth shut about this to Victor. I guess that bromance isn't as strong as they thought last week?

James is rightfully weighing his options as the first vet going up on the block. I think he's aware if he stays on the block and he isn't taken off, he could be leaving. Frank is, of course, throwing out Tiffany's name. 

If they're that insistent on taking out Victor, James is the only one that has to throw POV. Everyone else needs to play hard and whoever wins needs to take down Bronte, and then put up Victor. There. 

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Frank said he's gonna try to get Victor to put up Tiffany. 

Y'all I know it's early but if Frank wins this season I might have to take a year off BB like I did after Andy won. 

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LOL, Paul is bullshitting Corey, saying that he never participated in the 'mean talk' that Jozea and Victor did, and that he was just 'grouped in'. Bro, I don't know how you're convincing people of this, but apparently you're good at being nice to people's faces and then shit talking them and being just as much of an asshole as your group. 

James is throwing out the idea of another person going up instead of James to Tiffany, Natalie, and Bronte. I think this is mostly to warn Tiffany, so she can be prepared for her to be put up. It's a smart idea, to let her sit with the idea. Hopefully she doesn't blow up at Victor...and Frank, because James told her about Frank. 

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Okay, I'm really confused. Does the entire house, except Victor, know that the plan is to backdoor Victor? Because no one from the other side of the house seems surprised to hear people like James and Tiffany say, "If I'm on the block, I'll just throw the PoV."

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Okay, I'm really confused. Does the entire house, except Victor, know that the plan is to backdoor Victor? Because no one from the other side of the house seems surprised to hear people like James and Tiffany say, "If I'm on the block, I'll just throw the PoV."

Yes everyone knows. 

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Okay, I'm really confused. Does the entire house, except Victor, know that the plan is to backdoor Victor? Because no one from the other side of the house seems surprised to hear people like James and Tiffany say, "If I'm on the block, I'll just throw the PoV."

Yes, it was discussed overnight and Bronte and Paul were told before they were nominated. (They also had to explain to Paul what backdooring means.)

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Why does this feel like the Final 12 or Final 11 alliance last season that got Audrey out? The one that Basic Becky was so happy to be a part of. Only I don't know if Victor will ever be able to figure it out on his own.

When your best bet to save yourself is to nominate yourself to guarantee a chance to play in Veto, that's pretty sad. If you can nominate yourself.

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Okay, I'm really confused. Does the entire house, except Victor, know that the plan is to backdoor Victor? Because no one from the other side of the house seems surprised to hear people like James and Tiffany say, "If I'm on the block, I'll just throw the PoV."

It sounds like it's almost scripted, doesn't it?  :)

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Update on Paul: He's still playing the victim and whining about being stuck with Jozea and Victor. He literally started up as soon as Paulie left the room and James is there. James, in the meantime, seems absolutely disinterested. He's repeating the same things over and over, and there's no way James is buying this. 

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Day & Frank are really pissing me off with this whole Tiffany thing. Day especially, she is so obsessed with the fact that Tiffany is Vanessa's sister that she has been doubting her since the beginning and always saying crap. And so paranoid at her being the one to spill the alliance (my bet is that Day is the first one to throw the alliance UTB) Yeah she's a bit emotional, but so are some of the other girls. If Tiffany ends up being on the block towards eviction time and gets a sniff of herself being evicted I hope she BLOWS them all up. 

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I think Day thinks if she evicts Tiffany it'll be the same as besting Vanessa and getting revenge for BB17. The thing is, Tiffany ain't no Vanessa. I like her, but she's nowhere near on Vanessa's level. Also, I don't totally understand Day's animosity over Vanessa anyway. Shelli and Audrey were behind her eviction, not Vanessa. James should be the one who harbors bad feelings toward Vanessa and he's the vet who cares the least about throwing Tiffany UTB. 

Once Tiffany is evicted, Day will be the next target and Day is too dumb to realize it. They should all want to use Tiffany as a meat shield. 

Edited by Ceeg
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This is such a shit show, but at least it's interesting I guess!

I assume every week the RK comp is gonna take at least 4 hours. They're always going to be done individually so they're gonna take forever.

I hate that Frank has his brolliance all set up already. It disgusts me. Fucking Frank!

Apparently the comp was math based. LMFAO at Victor winning it. I can't!

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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I assume every week the RK comp is gonna take at least 4 hours. They're always going to be done individually so they're gonna take forever.

On the upside, I don't think RK is going to last more than five weeks. Coincidentally the same amount of weeks for the Battle Back. 


Apparently the comp was math based. LMFAO at Victor winning it. I can't!

That kills me. And they probably asked Bronte what 9x9 was.

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I wouldn't! He's dumb as fuck. Obviously your major makes no difference since Bronte doesn't even know what 9x9 is!

Natalie is talking to Tiffany now about wanting an all-girls alliance. Bronte is there, too. Tiffany isn't really saying anything.

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23 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

Day & Frank are really pissing me off with this whole Tiffany thing. Day especially, she is so obsessed with the fact that Tiffany is Vanessa's sister that she has been doubting her since the beginning and always saying crap. And so paranoid at her being the one to spill the alliance (my bet is that Day is the first one to throw the alliance UTB) Yeah she's a bit emotional, but so are some of the other girls. If Tiffany ends up being on the block towards eviction time and gets a sniff of herself being evicted I hope she BLOWS them all up. 

If Tiffany goes on the block, there is a good chance she would go. ALL of her 8 and 5 are doubting her every minute.

Being on the block with Bronte and Paul won't matter. She could go.

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7 minutes ago, wings707 said:

 Victor is a finance major, I would expect him to do well. 

Not me. I honestly think that my cat is smarter at times. And he's not too bright.

ETA: I also love how I spent the afternoon mocking Victor and how dumb he is. And then he wins a math based timed comp. LOL

Edited by Callaphera
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6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:


I wouldn't! He's dumb as fuck. Obviously your major makes no difference since Bronte doesn't even know what 9x9 is!


 A college degree is not an indicator of intelligence. Victor clearly is good at math, doesn't mean he is smart. 

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16 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I hate that Frank has his brolliance all set up already. It disgusts me. Fucking Frank!

Is this not the point? 

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10 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Nicole's whining again. She is insufferable.

ETA: "It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAAAAAAAAARRRRRDDDDDD for me to be HOH! I just don't wanna be put up wahhhhhhhhhhh!" I can't.

How are they cuddling whiny Nicole and going ape shit when Tiffany sniffs too loudly? I so dislike all the vets.

If the Spy girls last enough enough, I can see Tiffany getting closer to them. Her own alliance is giving her no choice 

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Just now, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

How are they cuddling whiny Nicole and going ape shit when Tiffany sniffs too loudly?


Victor/Corey were talking about not liking Tiffany and how if she got put up she would probably get evicted. James/Nicole were questioning how Tiffany lost a math comp and saying that she should be put up.

I wonder if Tiffany has any idea she might go up. Hopefully she has a Vanessa style meltdown for my entertainment!

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So last week, when four members of Fatal Five were complaining that you can't tell Tiffany anything, like she might be a target, because she'll take it too seriously and freak out, they really should have replaced Nicole with Tiffany there. Only Nicole whines more.

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2 minutes ago, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

If the Spy girls last enough enough, I can see Tiffany getting closer to them. Her own alliance is giving her no choice 

Tiffany is too oblivious to realize she needs to jump alliances before they turn on her. Tiff thinks they're all 100% with her.

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2 minutes ago, wings707 said:

If you win the veto you don't have to use it and no one is thinking about that option. 

They have to use it if they want Victor up as the back door target, but it has to be used on either Bronte or Paul. And it sounds like the house is pretty set on that. Except for Victor because he's clueless.

Edited by Callaphera
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2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I wonder if Tiffany has any idea she might go up. Hopefully she has a Vanessa style meltdown for my entertainment!

Paulie told her.

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18 minutes ago, wings707 said:

 A college degree is not an indicator of intelligence. Victor clearly is good at math, doesn't mean he is smart. 

Speaking as someone who tutors physics and calculus, this is true.  Many people don't realize it, but learning math is like learning a new language.  People with mathematical talent and intelligence will pick it up quicker, but even average and below average people can become proficient in most undergraduate math if they invest enough time.  

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
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Tiffany is a non entity.  She is like Eeyore, always down,  She can stay or go as far as I am concerned.  I have no idea why Day is hell bent on getting her out.  

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Just now, Ceeg said:

I think I like Paul, misogynistic loud gross Paul, more than Frank at this point. Ugh Big Brother.

Oh I know I do. Frank is THE WORST. And if I hear him call a woman 'sweetheart' again I'm gonna lose my mind.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

Oh I know I do. Frank is THE WORST. And if I hear him call a woman 'sweetheart' again I'm gonna lose my mind.

I must have had some sort of blindness about his first season because at first, I didn't think he was that bad. All I remembered was the carrot costume and that's probably because he was wearing it for Dan's Funeral. Now it's all coming back to me. 

All the math talk is interesting to me. Of course, I have to use a calculator to add up my Yahtzee score at the end of a game so numbers are mystifying to me. At least this season, I have a built in disclaimer any time I try to do math: just call it Bronte math on the chance that I'm wrong.

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

All the math talk is interesting to me. Of course, I have to use a calculator to add up my Yahtzee score at the end of a game so numbers are mystifying to me. At least this season, I have a built in disclaimer any time I try to do math: just call it Bronte math on the chance that I'm wrong.

I travel with a calculator, I don;t like the one on my phone.  I use it for everything.  Now I have a name for it, thank you.  Bronte math. 

Bronte is talking to Nic about an all girl alliance, I assume Tiff is in on this.  Good luck girls, too little, too late. 

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I didn't have the feeds during Frank's season and from what I can remember I liked him and I obviously wasn't the only one since he won America's Favorite. When I finally started getting the feeds and read how much the feed watchers disliked him and how they think his season was rigged in his favor I was surprised.

Now I get it.

I find myself unable to watch him on the feeds he just grates my nerves so much. God help me I have to agree with Tiffany that he does come off like a male chauvinist. I also find his sense of humor annoying. The fact that he supports Trump just sealed it for me. Oh and then there's this:

Joker's   8:00 PM: Frank claimed earlier "I haven't showered in 3 days."

I'd like him gone soon but it's obvious he is going to make it far this season and might even win. Ugh.

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It looks like Victor is going to nominate Tiffany, and I think he has unwittingly selected his best choice.  Unlike James and possibly Nicole, Tiffany won't throw the veto and would take herself off, and even if Paul or Bronte comes down and Victor goes up there are people that would seriously consider flipping the vote and getting Tiffany out instead.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
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Now I need Victor to get pulled for Veto and for him to Rambo that shit and win. That with Tiffany up on the block could make for a fun week. I don't have a favourite yet so I'm just rooting for maximum drama.

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Victor is my eye-candy this season so I need him to stay as long as possible. I wanted to like Tiffany, but she is no Vanessa. If I have to sacrifice Tiffany to keep Vic, then so be it. I'd much rather Frank leave, though. (Too bad he's safe this week.) His disingenuity is so obvious to me and I don't see how these people can't pick up on it. That and he is so hairy, gross, and unattractive. I can smell his stench through my TV.

Sucks that Bridgette is safe too. She's such a non-entity. I don't like Bronte, but at least she has entertaining trainwreck potential. She needs to stay. Bridgette has nothing to offer but shock face.

Edited by delicatecutter
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17 minutes ago, delicatecutter said:

Sucks that Bridgette is safe too. She's such a non-entity. I don't like Bronte, but at least she has entertaining trainwreck potential. She needs to stay. Bridgette has nothing to offer but shock face.

...and COOKIES!!!  Don't forget the f**king cookies!

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On June 29, 2016 at 9:38 AM, Deputy Deputy CoS said:


here goes tiff going full on van and tears and stuttering after finding out she's going up for nom.   what the fuck is up with this rousso gene that makes them so emotional?

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