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Season 18 Live Feed Discussion: Their Lives are Almost as Boring as Ours!

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I'd be OK if Michelle went (though of course I'd rather Paulie/Corey go). She wanted to play BB, she did, and helped flip the house a second time.  But agree, Nat will likely go but I'm still hoping she has the RT....PLEASE.

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1 minute ago, J.D. said:

UGGGHH.... Not Bridgette.  She does not have the RT.  UGGGGHHH.

My thoughts as well.  :(

How do you know this?

1 minute ago, Stinger97 said:

This is not an episode discussion, y'all. Hold your thoughts for the episode thread. Thanks. 

But we have to talk about live feed spoilers though.  We cannot do that there. 

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2 minutes ago, Stinger97 said:

This is not an episode discussion, y'all. Hold your thoughts for the episode thread. Thanks. 

Please let us post here.  We will give away spoilers inadvertently it we talk there.  When does that open?  10 EST?

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1 minute ago, wings707 said:

But we have to talk about live feed spoilers though.  We cannot do that there. 

Then hold your thoughts until after this episode airs. You're discussing things that are happening on a live episode, during the episode, which has nothing to do with the live feeds. Once the episode airs and the live feed returns, if you feel like you need to mention something that occurred during the episode inside this thread, so be it. 

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I think Paul and Victor can't win HOH this time, because they won't put up Nicole/Corey/Paulie. They'd put up Natalie and Michelle/James (I'm gonna guess Michelle has the safety care package over Nicole) and hope one of them wins veto so they can backdoor Paulie. That's way too risky and I can't have that. 

So it needs to be Natalie or Michelle, absolutely. 

Although now I'm thinking Nicole absolutely has safety, which could ruin things. 

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Sorry for typos storming here. Electric went out during veto comp. On my cell phone in  the  dark. FML. I think I w b o l eft is nat safe

ETA:  LOL ^^^^^above.  I don't even know what I was trying to say there.  Stupid storm.  Stupid electric.  I missed the whole DE.

Edited by J.D.
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Feeds are back (on and off Jeffish). I'm currently watching Nicole/Natalie/Michelle in the kitchen, talking. Nicole knows she's backed against a corner with no female allies. Michelle's playing it cool, but she has the upper hand here. 

I don't know what's going on in the Nairobi room, and I don't think I want to. All I know is Corey/Paulie are in there and I have no interest in hearing Paulie blaming the women and Corey backing him up. 

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Paulie says that his brother and his boys will tear Bridgette apart socially.  HAHAHA!  Dream on, dickhead.  You're making such an ass out of yourself that your dad switched his twitter feed to private and Cody has been awfully quiet recently.  

Even if Paulie manages to win this game, it isn't going to change the fact that he's a piece of crap.  It's also not going to change the fact that he's the least liked player this season BY FAR.  Even HGs who were eliminated weeks ago outrank him.

I'm utterly disappointed that idiot Corey fell ass-backwards into an HoH win tonight of all nights.  However, at least we only had to sit through 1 hour of another Paulie-puppet HoH.  As long as someone other than Paulie or Nicole wins the next HoH, there's hope for the season.  If one of those two wins, I can't watch this coming week.

Oh, and how did you all like the guys huddling in one room to strategize after Corey won... you think knucklehead Nicole might've gotten a clue about where she stands in this alliance?  James just openly defied Paulie with his vote cancellation, yet he was invited into the strategy session with open arms.  No matter how loyal she is, Paulie will still value an openly disloyal male over her.  

Edited by me5671
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I'm looking on the bright side. I want a guy to leave this week, hopefully Paulie is the target anyway, give Nicole her week and stick her in a unitard, and save next week for someone I care about. Which is......Natalie, so yeah, I'm screwed. 

Nicole and Michelle are sucking up to each other right now. It's pretty dumb, but better than whatever Paulie is doing right now. 

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Nicole/Michelle moved to the HNR. Michelle is defending Natalie and I love it. Again, I could really love Nicole if she dropped Paulie (and Corey) and made an alliance with the remaining girls. They need it at this point. Michelle/Nicole are hashing things out, but Michelle is not going to trust Nicole with vital information. At least, I hope she doesn't. 

Apparently, Corey said the girls in the wrong, not Paulie. Ok, bud. You keep saying things like that. You're an idiot.

Paulie wants James out, I guess? Paul/Victor are pretending to be on Paulie/Corey's side. But if Paulie/Corey/Nicole get into power again, Paul/Victor will turn on the other side in a heartbeat. 

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Since I think I have to give up officially on anyone I like actually winning, I guess I'm just rooting against Paulie, Nicole and Corey. Paul or Vic still have a decent shot at taking Paulie out. I think. I really don't see Paulie winning even if he makes F2, so yay, I guess.

ETA: Right? RIGHT?? argh.

Edited by CrazyDog
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Paulie says his target is now James.  Not sure who Nicole would target, probably whoever Paulie/Corey want out, so James, Nat, or Michelle.

Nat would target Paulie.

I very much doubt James would have the courage to target Paulie/Corey/Nicole, I suspect he'd target Michelle to try and get back in Paulie and Corey's good graces, but even if he does that I'm pretty sure he'd still be a Paulie target.

I think Michelle has burned too many bridges, she'd have to target Paulie/Nicole/Corey.

The wild cards are Paul and Victor.  Paul has flat out told Paulie he wants Nicole out, so I think he'd at least nominate her and Corey and maybe backdoor Paulie if the opportunity presents itself.  Not sure what Victor would do.  But let's be honest, Paul and Victor are probably throwing.

The problem is Paulie stands a good chance of coming right back into the house if he's evicted since he'll either have the RT or get to play in a comp buyback, so I think I'm hoping for a Nicole eviction and a Bridgette return.

Of course, targets can change quickly and the safety will probably affect this, so who knows.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
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Is anyone else wondering if Corey has been playing possum? He seems to know his stuff for the quizzes and he mentioned at one point that he was all-state in college track and played college baseball. He's clearly athletic and his height gives him a great advantage in some of these -- like tonight's comp and if they have the comp where they go back and forth on a slippery surface. I was thinking that he purposely threw the sprinting comp when he jumped before he should have. I was thinking that someone who ran track was less likely to make that mistake.  And voting-wise,  I think between him and Paulie, people would vote out Paulie. Between him and Nicole, people would vote out Nicole. I guess I won't be surprised if Corey pulls off the win.

And as someone referred to above, Paulie saying that his sister and female cousins/friends would beat up Natalie and his brother and his friends would ruin her socially was pitiful.

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Well thankfully I'm headed on vacation tomorrow for 9 days so I don't have to watch this shit show unfold anymore. Who knows if I'll come back. If not, it's been fun and I'll see you guys for Big Brother: All Access (I'm just calling it that because it's apparently not #BB19. Haha) 

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Really looking forward to Meech getting the care package and watching Nicole melt the fuck down when she realizes America likes the girl who just called her a snake on live television. 

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2 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Really looking forward to Meech getting the care package and watching Nicole melt the fuck down when she realizes America likes the girl who just called her a snake on live television. 

But if Meech gets the care package for safety, it means either Nicole, Paulie, Paul, Victor, Corey will get Co-HOH.

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Lol, this is great. Paulie's pissed at Zakiyah now, someone that's not in the house anymore. 

I'd be ok with Nicole getting safety. It Natalie wins, she puts up Corey/Paulie. If one of them win or Nicole, one comes down and Victor can go up, and they can send Corey/Paulie home. Done.

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Meech should get the care package..I think. It's a good for one week deal but after that it will get harder. The Co-HOH might really screw everything up and Paulie might.go.all.the.way. Ugh!

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When I was catching up on all the stuff that I missed last night, I saw a conversation btwn Corey and James where Corey almost slipped up about his true feelings about Nicole. The context was Corey saying that the relationships in the house have to be viewed in perspective and people are trying to make a bigger deal about them than they should . He said something like "I really like spending time with Nicole and she's really cool, but I would never..." that's when he hesitates a beat and I would swear he was going to say "date her on the outside" but then finished the sentence like "talk trash about her with the guys" or something along those lines, which didn't really fit in the conversation. I think he knows he can't say out loud to anyone that he's not that into her romantically. He said something along those lines early on but I think he knows better now. Poor little Nicole is in for a heartbreak I think


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10 minutes ago, Cutty said:

Really looking forward to Meech getting the care package and watching Nicole melt the fuck down when she realizes America likes the girl who just called her a snake on live television. 

A million times ❤

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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Lol, this is great. Paulie's pissed at Zakiyah now, someone that's not in the house anymore. 

I'd be ok with Nicole getting safety. It Natalie wins, she puts up Corey/Paulie. If one of them win or Nicole, one comes down and Victor can go up, and they can send Corey/Paulie home. Done.

But you know that if Meech has the care package for safety and Natalie doesn't win HOH or VETO, she's a goner. 

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6 minutes ago, escape said:

But if Meech gets the care package for safety, it means either Nicole, Paulie, Paul, Victor, Corey will get Co-HOH.

I wonder what happens if this week's HoH is selected for next weeks Co-HoH package.  Will he or she be allowed to be HoH back to back?

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1 minute ago, escape said:

But you know that if Meech has the care package for safety and Natalie doesn't win HOH or VETO, she's a goner. 

That's worst case scenario, which is absolutely on the back of my mind. Nat's screwed either way. But if Nicole happens to get safety, which is possible because she is still popular, there are ways that it could be good. Plus, Michelle would get co-HOH next week, which would be good.

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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

That's worst case scenario, which is absolutely on the back of my mind. Nat's screwed either way. But if Nicole happens to get safety, which is possible because she is still popular, there are ways that it could be good. Plus, Michelle would get co-HOH next week, which would be good.

But if Nicole gets safety, they will likely evict Michelle - to prevent her from getting a care package.

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12 minutes ago, Umbelina said:

Paul, Vic, Nat, and James still want Paulie/Corey gone.


YES!  Miche will too, but she isn't in the room.


That's good, but do Paul/Vic want it badly enough to not be throwing HoH? If not, their odds still aren't good.


But if Nicole gets safety, either Michelle or Natalie will be gone next week.

Or James will be gone, that was Paulie's stated target last I saw.  

Or if the no name alliance manages to win HoH, then one of Nicole/Corey/Paulie should be gone.  But, again, if it's Paulie/Corey they'll likely come right back in.

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