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Season 7: Speculation and Spoilers Discussion

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3 minutes ago, GrailKing said:

LF voice over is he talking to Jon or Sansa?

I think it's Jon, because this little speech makes more sense for Jon than to Sansa. He is the KITN, he is the one who is going to battles. Also, having Sansa on screen with a LF's voiceover is a classic trick, IMO. I also think that again they are trying to sell to the audience that Jon may not survive juxtaposing the whole 'lone wolf/the pack survives' with the shots of Jon in battle and Sansa crying. 


55 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

I know this whole business with Beric battling wights with his flaming sword is completely off-book, and you know what? I don't care, it looks amazing. 

So much word! It's fucking awesome.

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46 minutes ago, ElizaD said:

That Jaime shot feels the first time ever that he's gotten to look like a badass on the show; the season 1 fight with Ned was nothing compared to later stuff, the season 3 fight made Brienne look good, and his handless fights have consisted of training with Bronn and the Dorne debacle. Of course, if Drogon is down for the moment and he's only charging a helpless Dany, that would make the charge less brave in context.

Aww, another creepy Littlefinger shot. Sansa's getting the "lone wolf" speech, I'd guess that's from 7x07 when she finally chooses the Starks over LF.

Could the closeup of Drogon be from the execution of the Tarlys?

If you look closely at the shot of Dany mounted on Drogon, there's some sort of structure in the background. If it's Dragonstone, this could be the scene where Jon pets Drogon (and Drogon snarling is a fakeout). Otherwise, yes, it's likely from the Tarlys' execution.

Edited by Eyes High
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54 minutes ago, GrailKing said:

Sansa looks worried as hell!

And she is quoting Ned about the pack.

I'm hoping the line is being used (either in the trailer or the show) before LF dies a much deserved death.

Also, who the hell is standing with Bran? It looks like Bloodraven but I don't know. Howland Reed? Which is wishful thinking. 

The trailer looks good and they used the let's blow up the Sept of Baelor soundtrack which is cool.

Edited by YaddaYadda
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Just now, YaddaYadda said:

I'm hoping the line is being used (either in the trailer or the show) before LF dies a much deserved death.

Also, who the hell is standing with Bran? It looks like Bloodraven to me. 

The trailer looks good and they used the let's blow up the Sept of Baelor soundtrack which is cool.

Looks like the old Bolton maester, some say Davos, but doesn't quite look like Liam to me.

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19 minutes ago, GrailKing said:

Looks like the old Bolton maester, some say Davos, but doesn't quite look like Liam to me.

I think you are right and that's the Bolton maester, because that is not Liam at all.

Edited: yup, that is Richard Rycroft, who plays Maester Wolkan. IMDB has him listed for 7.01, so it is fair to say it is him with Bran a couple of episodes later.

Edited by Raachel2008
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Glad to see Bran got a wheelchair, although it's not the first we've seen in the show (that would be Doran's).

I believe that @GrailKing is correct and that the guy with Bran is Maester Wolkan, since we know he's back and he's wearing what look like maester's robes.

ETA: Character posters are out at WOTW. Interesting mix this year: not just Dany, the Starks and Lannisters, but also Theon, Brienne, Tormund, and Petyr. I don't think Theon has ever rated his own poster, so yay! I think it's also a first for Brienne, Tormund, and Petyr.

Edited by Eyes High
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New trailer is crazy good. I'm pretty sure I've never seen a trailer as hype as this for anything.

So many characters looking like total badasses, most notably Jon Snow and Berric Dondarrion(!). So much dragon action. So much good stuff.

I haven't been reading much in terms of spoilers but I had to express my excitement somewhere. GoT doesn't usually spoil their very best stuff in trailers so I fully expect this upcoming season to be completely mind-blowing.

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I cannot wait. Great trailer! This season is going to be great. It cannot come soon enough. I have to sign up for my HBO subscription.

I cannot believe that Jon and Daenerys are finally going to meet. Jon is looking sexy and handsome as ever. Daenerys always the beauty. They are going to make breathtakingly beautiful couple and that they are actually good people makes them even better.

There are so many battles going on so no doubt Daenerys will win some and lose some before she crushes the Lannisters. If Jamie is really riding towards Daenerys after Drogon burns the Lannister troops alive and is downed, I don't get how he survives. There is her other dragon, her vast military before her, and she can use her power to target the fire on the field to burn him to a crisp.

Beric's flaming sword is fucking awesome!

I need a breakdown scene by scene. I can't tell if it is Jon fighting the White Walker and killing him. It must be though.

Edited by SimoneS
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The new trailer is awesome! Ser Beric with the flaming sword is badass. Looks like EVERYONE will be badass this year, except for Littlefinger who as usual will just be creepy.


On 6/17/2017 at 8:38 PM, SimoneS said:

Jaehaerys isn't bad. If nothing else, it dissipates the anger over Jon's real name being Aegon.

I don't think I'd be angry over Jon being named Aegon. It'd just be stupid because it would be Rhaegar's second son named Aegon. Like, get a little creative, Rhaegar.

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The ending to that trailer was amazing but Sophie Turner's reading of dramatic lines continues to be terrible.

No sign of Ghost anywhere. I am guessing he is going to sit out the entire season.

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18 minutes ago, anamika said:

The ending to that trailer was amazing but Sophie Turner's reading of dramatic lines continues to be terrible.

No sign of Ghost anywhere. I am guessing he is going to sit out the entire season.

My thinking, not dramatic, but emotional her voice crackled at the end, her father's words; a warning maybe a foreshadowing of death, hers maybe or someone close to her.

I want no more Stark deaths, especially Sansa's.

All we know of Ghost, is he's in WF to protect Sansa.

Edited by GrailKing
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1 hour ago, anamika said:

The ending to that trailer was amazing but Sophie Turner's reading of dramatic lines continues to be terrible.

No sign of Ghost anywhere. I am guessing he is going to sit out the entire season.

Jon leaves him at Winterfell. I guess Nymeria used up their direwolf budget.

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I think that first shot of Sansa is from the last episode when Bran unloads on her about everything and she finally realizes that LF is a scumbag. Hence why she looks shaken and sad.

And I am guessing and hoping that those last lines from Sansa are to LF before she sentences him to death because LF has been trying to play the sisters against each other. I hope it's about Sansa realizing the importance of sticking with her family, rather than her lecturing Arya.

3 hours ago, GrailKing said:

My thinking, not dramatic, but emotional her voice crackled at the end, her father's words; a warning maybe a foreshadowing of death, hers maybe or someone close to her.


She sounds bored. Just my opinion of course.

11 hours ago, Raachel2008 said:

I think it's Jon, because this little speech makes more sense for Jon than to Sansa. He is the KITN, he is the one who is going to battles. Also, having Sansa on screen with a LF's voiceover is a classic trick, IMO.

I think he is saying that to Sansa. That's the tone he uses with Sansa. I am guessing he is giving her some hints on how to rule which leads to her clashing with Jon's priorities of fighting the WW.

Also this show continues to be so beautiful. That shot of Theon kneeling on the beach...Wow!

No lines from Tyrion and not much Tyrion in either trailer. Hmm.

Edited by anamika
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13 hours ago, GrailKing said:

My thinking, not dramatic, but emotional her voice crackled at the end, her father's words; a warning maybe a foreshadowing of death, hers maybe or someone close to her.

I don't know, it sounded like Sophie Turner's usual monotone.

9 hours ago, anamika said:

No lines from Tyrion and not much Tyrion in either trailer. Hmm.

We know from leaks that Tyrion doesn't have much to do in Season 7 other than wring his hands and give Dany advice which she ignores, so that's not surprising.



Also this show continues to be so beautiful. That shot of Theon kneeling on the beach...Wow!

I loved that shot, too. Beautiful. Everything looks gorgeous, especially the Spain exteriors. Euron's raid on Theon and Yara's ships is the prettiest filmed maritime assault I've seen in quite some time. It's kind of crazy that the production values are so high now that even the earlier seasons of GOT look like hot garbage in comparison.

Edited by Eyes High
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9 minutes ago, doram said:

On second thoughts, I'd prefer him to be named Aemon because he pretended to be Aemon Dragonknight as a child. Also, I don't think there ever was a King Aemon was there? Aegon and Dearon and Aerys but never an Aemon?

No, there has never been a King Aemon, which I believe Jon makes note of in the books: "Aemon Targaryen, Jon thought, a king's son [Aemon, secondborn son of Jaehaerys I] and a king's brother [Aemon Dragonknight, kingsguard and brother to Aegon IV] and a king might have been [Maester Aemon, ceded the throne to his younger brother Aegon V]."

Edited by Eyes High
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36 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

We know from leaks that Tyrion doesn't have much to do in Season 7 other than wring his hands and give Dany advice which she ignores, so that's not surprising.

It does look like Tyrion has been absorbed into Dany's story in a role similar to Davos but from spoilers he should be having some good scenes with Jon, Jaime, Cersei etc. I thought they would have put in atleast one witty line from him in the trailer.

I guess the show is restricted in what it can put in the trailer considering all the reunions. Sansa is basically in those same three shots - in the hall, the walkway and near the weirwoods - anything else would spoil her reunion with Arya and Bran. Similarly Jon's scenes are restricted to the North. Tyrion's interesting interactions would all be spoilers I guess. Apart from a sighting of Jorah's arm, he remains missing as well, as does Gendry. No Sam in this one. Nothing from Varys either. A lot of focus on the battles seems to be the best way to increase the hype without spoiling much.

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11 minutes ago, doram said:

Wow, put that way it practically reads like foreshadowing. 

It does, doesn't it? It's one of the reasons why "Aemon" is a popular fan choice for Jon's real name. Jon also thinks of himself in AGOT "Nor was he Aemon Targaryen." Or is he????


9 minutes ago, anamika said:

It does look like Tyrion has been absorbed into Dany's story in a role similar to Davos but from spoilers he should be having some good scenes with Jon, Jaime, Cersei etc.

I agree, I think the only good Tyrion stuff in Season 7--Jon/Tyrion, Tyrion/Jaime, Tyrion/Cersei--is spoilery. Otherwise, though, Tyrion's been pretty much folded into Dany's story as you said and doesn't have much of an arc of his own that we know of. 



No Sam in this one.

Sam's been showing up in stills and the BTS featurettes, but I'm not surprised he's been left out of the trailers.

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1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

We know from leaks that Tyrion doesn't have much to do in Season 7 other than wring his hands and give Dany advice which she ignores, so that's not surprising.

And provide witty quips!  Don't forget that!

Seriously, though, didn't Peter Dinklage comment in some interview recently that he worked more actual hours this season than he has in any of the others?  That gives me hope that he will actually have more to do.  There is so much unresolved Lannister business that I really hope his story isn't tossed aside completely for Dany's.

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43 minutes ago, domina89 said:

Seriously, though, didn't Peter Dinklage comment in some interview recently that he worked more actual hours this season than he has in any of the others?  That gives me hope that he will actually have more to do.  There is so much unresolved Lannister business that I really hope his story isn't tossed aside completely for Dany's.

I think with many of the secondary characters killed off in Season 6 and with plotlines merging (Arya/Bran/Sansa, Jon/Dany/Tyrion/Theon, Jaime/Cersei, etc.), the remaining characters will have more screentime.

I expect Tyrion will have a lot of dialogue but not much plot of his own. Tyrion has a bit of a rough season from the sounds of it:

1. Plots an attack on Casterly Rock which results in a pyrrhic victory (Casterly Rock is easily taken but the Unsullied wind up being cut off and eventually are forced to abandon it).

2. Runs interference between Jon and a skeptical Dany.

3. Watches helplessly at the ambush as Jaime rides to what Tyrion assumes will be his death.

4. Is horrified when Dany executes Randyll and Dickon Tarly against his advice.

5. Frets with Varys about Dany's stability.

6. Unsuccessfully tries to get Jaime to agree to convince Cersei to surrender.

7. Urges Dany against a reckless rescue attempt, is ignored.

8. Has another meeting with Cersei in the dragonpit, who needles him about Dany if the script pages are to be believed.

The closest thing Tyrion will have to his own plot is sneaking into KL with Davos to meet with Jaime in 7x05, as far as I can tell.

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15 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

The closest thing Tyrion will have to his own plot is sneaking into KL with Davos to meet with Jaime in 7x05, as far as I can tell.

I'm definitely curious as to how the meeting and subsequent conversations between Davos and Tyrion will go since Tyrion was indirectly responsible for the death of Davos' son and almost killed Davos as well during the Battle of the Blackwater.  That's got to be an awkward moment, but it probably won't be addressed.

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2 hours ago, domina89 said:

I'm definitely curious as to how the meeting and subsequent conversations between Davos and Tyrion will go since Tyrion was indirectly responsible for the death of Davos' son and almost killed Davos as well during the Battle of the Blackwater.  That's got to be an awkward moment, but it probably won't be addressed.


It was war. Davos was attacking KL with a larger force. It's not like Tyrion and his family wouldn't have been killed had Stannis' side won. What's to be said? You can say wildfire was a dirty trick. But Davos continued to fight for Stannis after he killed Renly with dark magic. I don't think Davos would have much of a problem with Tyrion, given the fact that he was able to co-exist with Melisandre, who he had a much larger issue with. 

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2 hours ago, domina89 said:

I'm definitely curious as to how the meeting and subsequent conversations between Davos and Tyrion will go since Tyrion was indirectly responsible for the death of Davos' son and almost killed Davos as well during the Battle of the Blackwater.  That's got to be an awkward moment, but it probably won't be addressed.

It may be addressed. In Season 6, Varys mentioned Tyrion besting Stannis at Blackwater.

I do agree with @ImpinAintEasy that Davos won't have much of a leg to stand on if he gets angry at Tyrion for the death of his son. It was war, and Tyrion and his family would have died if Stannis had won. It's not as if Mathos was an innocent bystander, either; he was part of the invading force.

We can talk about Tyrion's hypocrisy at being horrified by Dany executing the Tarlys by dragonfire when he personally ensured hundreds of Baratheon soldiers would be burned to death at Blackwater, of course, but that's another argument altogether.

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23 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

I do agree with @ImpinAintEasy that Davos won't have much of a leg to stand on if he gets angry at Tyrion for the death of his son. It was war, and Tyrion and his family would have died if Stannis had won. It's not as if Mathos was an innocent bystander, either; he was part of the invading force.

Oh I didn't mean to imply that I thought Davos would be angry.  I know Davos understands what it means to live with the consequences of your choices, and his son made a choice to fight for Stannis... but Matthos was his son.  It would still be a difficult thing to reconcile.  I'm just curious to see if it is addressed.  The thing that interests me (and the hardest task for Jon) this season is bringing characters together that either have an unpleasant history or just general prejudice against one another for the greater good.  It is going to make for many uncomfortable (or awesome, depending on your inclination) moments.

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4 hours ago, domina89 said:

And provide witty quips!  Don't forget that!

Seriously, though, didn't Peter Dinklage comment in some interview recently that he worked more actual hours this season than he has in any of the others?  That gives me hope that he will actually have more to do.  There is so much unresolved Lannister business that I really hope his story isn't tossed aside completely for Dany's.

It's possible to have a lot of screentime without having much in the way of interesting material, of course (see, among other things, Tyrion's plot last season).  At a minimum, this season will undoubtedly have a more interesting range of character interactions for him, for all the people who miss seeing him interact with various Westerosi characters.

Looking over the reactions to the new trailer from those who haven't seen the leaks, it seems like the most common reunions people are expecting to see that (at least per the leaks) won't happen this year are Jon/Arya, Tyrion/Sansa, and the two Stark girls and the Hound.

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Tyrion will attack and take Casterly Rock with Dany's forces, according to the leaks, which in itself would be a momentous moment in his personal arc (in the books this would be a big deal, if it ever comes to that) even if it turns out to be somewhat of a Pyrrhic victory.

Very impressive trailer, quite possibly the best trailer GoT has ever produced (and they had some excellent ones, in the middle seasons especially).

I agree that the opening shot of Sansa is likely her immediate reaction to learning the truth about LF - a plot point that I think will happen in the books, too, though not necessarily in Winterfell.

The words of Ned at the end - were those spoken by Ned to Arya, in the show (as they were in the books)? If so, it could be something Sansa was shown by Bran as part of the visions to bring her fully up-to-date. Her repeating it to Arya could be a very emotional moment (as Arya would hear Ned's words again, at a time when the Starks need it most to unite), and there was an emotional scene between the sister rumoured.

Looking forward to the season, which promises to be tremendous TV on a level normally only seen in movies.

Still wonder if there will be zero movement on Tyrion and dragons, as the leaks seem to indicate.

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I agree that taking Casterly Rock will be a very important character moment for Tyrion. What was always the most interesting aspect of his character was his relationship with his family and I see some drama happening there underneath Dany vs Ceresi's plot. That will continue in S8, because I think Sansa and Tyrion will be dealing with Cersei and Euron in the south. 

1 hour ago, SeanC said:

It's possible to have a lot of screentime without having much in the way of interesting material, of course (see, among other things, Tyrion's plot last season).

But Tyrion didn't have a lot od screentime last year. In fact, it was a low-key season for him. He even skipped 2 episodes in a row, something that never happened before. 

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6 minutes ago, nikma said:

I agree that taking Casterly Rock will be a very important character moment for Tyrion. What was always the most interesting aspect of his character was his relationship with his family and I see some drama happening there underneath Dany vs Ceresi's plot. That will continue in S8, because I think Sansa and Tyrion will be dealing with Cersei and Euron in the south.

Quite possibly, Sansa and Tyrion seem tied to Cersei (and Jaime) in the narrative. Neither is likely to be very active in the fight against the Others.

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Since Tyrion still likes Jaime in the show, there was a potential there to make drama and internal conflict when he is forced to choose between loyalty to Dany and his brother's life. But I'm not sure that they will use that potential. 

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15 minutes ago, Wouter said:

Tyrion will attack and take Casterly Rock with Dany's forces, according to the leaks, which in itself would be a momentous moment in his personal arc (in the books this would be a big deal, if it ever comes to that) even if it turns out to be somewhat of a Pyrrhic victory.

Tyrion plans the attack, but I don't think he has any part in carrying it out; that's Grey Worm's doing. Tyrion stays behind with Dany and tags along for the ambush in 7x04.



The words of Ned at the end - were those spoken by Ned to Arya, in the show (as they were in the books)?

Very good question. I checked, and those words did not make it into the show, even though the same scene from the books (Ned talking to Arya about Sansa) did.



Still wonder if there will be zero movement on Tyrion and dragons, as the leaks seem to indicate.

Viserion dying seems to be the nail in the Tyrion=Targ=dragonrider coffin.


9 minutes ago, nikma said:

That will continue in S8, because I think Sansa and Tyrion will be dealing with Cersei and Euron in the south. 

Well, someone's going to have to do it, but Lads2 said that Euron is fetching 20,000 soldiers from the Golden Company, and I'm guessing it's going to take more than Sansa and Tyrion to handle that.

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5 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

Well, someone's going to have to do it, but Lads2 said that Euron is fetching 20,000 soldiers from the Golden Company, and I'm guessing it's going to take more than Sansa and Tyrion to handle that.

They will lead the army against Cersei and Euron. I could see Theon and Sandor with them. And some minor characters like lord Royce.

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7 minutes ago, nikma said:

They will lead the army against Cersei and Euron. I could see Theon and Sandor with them. And some minor characters like lord Royce.

Sansa's going to lead an army? 

I doubt Sansa will go anywhere near Cersei. She's already worried about the threat Cersei poses in Season 7 even though she's safely at Winterfell.

Edited by Eyes High
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14 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

Tyrion plans the attack, but I don't think he has any part in carrying it out; that's Grey Worm's doing. Tyrion stays behind with Dany and tags along for the ambush in 7x04.


Very good question. I checked, and those words did not make it into the show, even though the same scene from the books (Ned talking to Arya about Sansa) did.


Viserion dying seems to be the nail in the Tyrion=Targ=dragonrider coffin.


Well, someone's going to have to do it, but Lads2 said that Euron is fetching 20,000 soldiers from the Golden Company, and I'm guessing it's going to take more than Sansa and Tyrion to handle that.

Tyrion will come up with the plan, using his knowledge of the place. This has been hinted at in the books.

A pity those words did not make it into the show. But they could still retroactively have them said by Ned to Arya, in a Bran vision. Except there is no sign they got Bean for a cameo (or even just a voice-over). Maybe part of the original scene was edited out... or Sansa will say it in a different context.

About Viserion: see my reply about this on ASOIAF.

And Iike Nikma, I think Tyrion and Sansa will both be able to call on armies. See S6: Sansa did not lead the army of the Vale, but she sure was involved in bringing it.

Edited by Wouter
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Just now, Eyes High said:

Sansa's going to lead an army? 

Oh my god you can understand what I'm saying. She will be one of the main characters in political alliance against Cersei and Euron. 

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6 minutes ago, Wouter said:

Tyrion will come up with the plan, using his knowledge of the place. This has been hinted at in the books.

A pity those words did not make it into the show. But they could still retroactively have them said by Ned to Arya, in a Bran vision. Except there is no sign they got Bean for a cameo (or even just a voice-over). Maybe part of the original scene was edited out... or Sansa will say it in a different context.

I don't dispute that Tyrion will plan the attack, merely that he won't be there to see it carried out, and that like Dany he'll receive the news from afar that the Unsullied are now cut off.

Sansa's lines could be a trailer-only thing, too. It is a possibility.


5 minutes ago, nikma said:

Oh my god you can understand what I'm saying. She will be one of the main characters in political alliance against Cersei and Euron. 

Sansa by her own admission knows nothing about battles. Nor would she do anything that would require her to leave Winterfell, as campaigning against Cersei and Euron would entail, not only because of her responsibilities as Lady of Winterfell but also because she's rightly terrified of Cersei. 

Edited by Eyes High
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10 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

Sansa by her own admission knows nothing about battles. Nor would she do anything that would require her to leave Winterfell, as campaigning against Cersei and Euron would entail, not only because of her responsibilities as Lady of Winterfell but also because she's rightly terrified of Cersei. 

Knowing nothing about battles didn't stop her from war against Ramsay. We will see. But in S7 leaks there is a very clear set-up for her conflict with Cersei in S8. She is telling Jon that ignoring Cersei is a huge mistake. And she has no role to play in the war against the WW. And I don't think that she is terrified of Cersei any more. 

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Sansa may be ordered out of Winterfell by Jon and/or Danny, as part of a mass evacuation of non-combattants to escape the Others.

I'm still not convinced she will go north in the books, not until after Jon has become involved in the south.

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I have been waiting years for the reunion of the Lannister siblings. I knew that the show wouldn't pass up the opportunity. I cannot wait. It will be all delicious snark and evilness. I know Tyrion will try to save Cersei and Jamie from themselves, but no doubt he will fail. 

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16 minutes ago, nikma said:

But in S7 leaks there is a very clear set-up for her conflict with Cersei in S8. She is telling Jon that ignoring Cersei is a huge mistake. And she has no role to play in the war against the WW. And I don't think that she is terrified of Cersei any more. 

She wouldn't be as agitated about Cersei if she weren't terrified of her, and rightly so: we were reminded twice in Season 6 that Cersei wants Sansa dead, which seems ominously significant. It could be setup for conflict, or it could be a setup for something else.


15 minutes ago, Wouter said:

Sansa may be ordered out of Winterfell by Jon and/or Danny, as part of a mass evacuation of non-combattants to escape the Others.

I'm still not convinced she will go north in the books, not until after Jon has become involved in the south.

GRRM supposedly said in reaction to Sansa's altered TV storyline that he has no idea where D&D are going with it. He was allegedly very displeased that they eliminated Jeyne Poole. I agree that it's possible that she never goes north in the books and remains in the Vale, although by that logic she would have to go back to the Vale at some point in the show to get back "on track" with her book arc and set up her book endgame (whatever it is).


9 minutes ago, SimoneS said:

I have been waiting years for the reunion of the Lannister siblings. I knew that the show wouldn't pass up the opportunity. I cannot wait. It will be all delicious snark and evilness. I know Tyrion will try to save Cersei and Jamie from themselves, but no doubt he will fail. 

It seems that in Season 7 Tyrion is torn between his desire to help Dany and his desire to keep Jaime alive.

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1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

GRRM supposedly said in reaction to Sansa's altered TV storyline that he has no idea where D&D are going with it.

Where and when? 

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On 5/30/2017 at 11:43 AM, anamika said:

Arya had to sit through children being tortured and murdered in front of her and kept silent.  She has endured beatings that left her bleeding, she has starved, worked till her hands were raw and would have been killed at the smallest misstep on her part.

What Arya goes through in the books is rather harrowing. That's why I feel it's insulting to the character for her to say to Sansa that she would not be able to survive what Sansa went through or that she would never be as good as Sansa.  Besides as mentioned above, there was not much Joffrey could have done to Arya seeing how she would have been a valuable political hostage. Both Tyrion and Tywin would have made sure that Arya was not damaged too much.

But you know who did impulsively try to attack Joffrey in both the show and the books?

Thank God for the Hound preventing Sansa from doing stupid things.

Arya probably would have befriended the people not at court - like Mycah, the butcher's boy or the maids who helped her dress, the servants etc. They would have been more trustworthy and more useful in plotting an escape. Sansa's problem was that she did not deign to speak to these people and hence had to settle for the folks in court who continued to use her as a pawn.

Have you forgotten that Sansa trusted her servant Shae and befriended her? I think Sansa was naive not stupid. She was raised in a loving home and ended up surrounded by people who wanted to use and abuse her. Living in a dangerous and unpredictable environment and had to learn how to cope with her imprisonment, but she managed to survive. 

I guess I don't see the point in comparing which Stark girl was the better survivor. Both are survivors and they had to learn some of the same, and some different, survival skills to cope. 

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That scene toward (or at) the end, where it looks like a twin to the Jon Takes a Stand in Front of the Charging Cavalry--I'm wondering if that could be Benjen standing with his back to us (which may be why he is standing with his back to us).  The spoilers indicated that Benjen comes to Jon's rescue when the other surviving members of the group are rescued by Dany but Jon is left behind (or stays because they can't all leave? Or...?) and he's also wounded, I think.  Benjen presumably saves Jon and sends him off on Benjen's while he stays behind to delay the wights.

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11 hours ago, Eyes High said:

3. Watches helplessly at the ambush as Jaime rides to what Tyrion assumes will be his death.

I didn't know Tyrion was going to be at the ambush. Kinda silly for him to be there since Dany leaves Dragonstone in a rush and I assume he won't be doing any actual fighting. But I'll overlook it if it means we get to watch Tyrion's horrified/panicked reaction to his beloved brother's suicidal gallop. 

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8 hours ago, bunnyblue said:

I didn't know Tyrion was going to be at the ambush. Kinda silly for him to be there since Dany leaves Dragonstone in a rush and I assume he won't be doing any actual fighting. But I'll overlook it if it means we get to watch Tyrion's horrified/panicked reaction to his beloved brother's suicidal gallop. 

We do, according to 4chan leaker. I'm not sure if Jaime realizes that it's suicidal in the moment, or whether it's only Bronn and Tyrion who notice that Drogon is getting ready to roast him. Should be a suitably dramatic moment either way...We also get to watch Tyrion's horror at Dany executing the Tarlys, so there's that.

User /Geheimpje over at /Freefolk has a colleague who works on promotional material for GOT in another country who has been predicting the release timeline for Season 7 promos successfully. This colleague says that we can expect another promo the first week of July with some more new footage, so yay! It will be hard to top Trailer 2, though.

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16 hours ago, nikma said:

Oh my god you can understand what I'm saying. She will be one of the main characters in political alliance against Cersei and Euron. 

I don't think so, especially after hearing LF words in yesterday's promo, she would do something from a distance, like send an assassin ( not saying Arya ) or higher a local cats-paw. 

Anybody seen this ? :  tumblr_orzwudHtFi1wo2urfo1_1280.jpg

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15 minutes ago, GrailKing said:

I don't think so, especially after hearing LF words in yesterday's promo, she would do something from a distance, like send an assassin ( not saying Arya ) or higher a local cats-paw. 

Anybody seen this ? :  tumblr_orzwudHtFi1wo2urfo1_1280.jpg

Yes, it popped up on /Freefolk, taken from Tumblr, supposedly a thumbnail for Trailer 2. Of course, Trailer 2 has no such footage, so it might be a non-US alternate trailer.

Hee, Kit looks so short here.

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