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S12.E04: Week 3, Part 2

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Chad ripped Evan's shirt - no big deal; Chad threatening the guys - he's not serious; Chad threatens Jordan - he has got to go now.  Interesting!

Yeah, JoJo's attitude toward the tattling took a major turn the minute Jordan's name was mentioned. She appeared to be humoring Evan and though she kept him around, she didn't send Chad home as he demanded, but one word against Jordan and Chad was out. Good choice on Alex's part to be specific. 


I just figured this out last night. If you find yourself thinking, "Wow, Chase's hair is coiffed without a hair out of place. Hmmm, did he just trim this perfectly symmetrically groomed beard?" Then THAT's Robby. They look EXACTLY the same, but Robby looks like he just had a full hair and makeup team prepping him for his GQ photo shoot at ALL times. 

I don't see the resemblance between Jordan/Chase and Robby at all, though I do agree that Jordan and Chase could easily pass for brothers. Jordan's hair is worse, that's how I tell those two apart. 

I wasn't that sold on Chase when he had the one-on-one with JoJo, but his little "Chase...that's me" finger point at himself while reading the date card was adorable. 


On a different note - I didn't get why Grant was flipping out about how Chad wouldn't answer questions the guys ask him. First, since when is someone obligated to answer every dumb question lodged his way in a social setting. Second, wtf are these pressing questions the guys keep asking? "Why do you lift weights instead of sitting around with us while we bitch about you?" "Why did you just eat that piece of roast beef?" "Why do you chew your sweet potato that way?" "Can you explain every single thing you just did in the last 15 minutes?" "Why won't you be our friend after we spent a solid week openly expressing how much we hate you?" "Can I get more than $20 for my flimsy t-shirt that I would have had a nose bleed all over anyway?" Ugh. I grow weary of these clowns. 

Lol, admittedly that sweet potato question does bear asking because who does that??? But the rest of the questions, yeah, very silly. 

It seems understandable why they have a general problem with Chad, he does come across like he think he's too good for them and segregates himself, but ignoring him is the way to deal with that. 


I wanted to make out with Luke after that monologue as well. Don't think I've ever been so interested in what a contestant was saying. He is super hot, and I loved the wooden hot tub date, but I don't think Jojo is deep enough for him. I also think that the Bachelor gig may not interest him, but I'd love to see it anyway because those girls would be losing it.

I'm trying to keep liking Luke, who was my favorite after week 1, but he comes off so boring when the spotlight is on him. JoJo looked like she was trying really hard to keep interested, but it was such a slow and monotone soliloquy. 

He reminds me of a guy I dated in college, who I tried so hard to like because he was super hot but he bored me so much I couldn't keep it up. At the end of the day, if you don't enjoy spending one-on-one time with someone, no amount of physical attraction can save it. 


Ha, that end tag. "That'd be weird." Please stick around, Daniel.

Daniel's entertaining, I hope he stays awhile longer. The main pack of bros who sit around judging the outcasts are not as much fun to watch. The fact that he was fucking with creepy Evan made it even better. 



I loathe Evan.  Sneaky little snake.   Sorry Mr.  I help men get hard ons as a job, you look like someone took Steve Buscemi, David Spade, and a guy about 30% less ugly and then smooshed them all together.  In other words, you oogly, you're hair sucks, and you help men get hard ons as your job.  That is just flat ass loserville if you ask me.   Little smarmy fucker. 

Something about Evan is extremely off-putting to me. Not just his looks (which are well described above), but something in his manner gives me the creeps in a big way. I have to agree with Chad that there's no way JoJo is actually into this guy, she's keeping him around so as not to seem shallow, but she'll quietly cut him loose sooner than later. 

I actually think this is a pretty good looking group of guys, if a little same-y and generic, so every time they pan past them all and Evan's goofy ass is among them, he stands out like a sore thumb. 


Love your whole post Jade.Black.  I think of Wells as this season's Tanner, smart, funny and good looking.  Maybe he'll go to BIP and find true love if he doesn't get your number first.

Wells is my dark horse favorite. I think if he were a bigger guy, he'd be a serious contender, but he's on the tiny side so he'll be a Jared/Tanner type of friend and good interview until he gets booted. 


I agree with everyone that Alex has seemed too obsessed with Chad since the very beginning, but 1) that's the producers asking all of them to comment on Chad and then keeping 90% of Alex to create a narrative 2) I thought what Alex said to Chad after they were done talking with Jojo, when they were alone on that blanket waiting to see who would get the boot, was interesting: that when he found out Chad was a marine like him, he thought they'd be best friends, and then he was really disappointed when he saw how Chad behaved. I don't know much about marines and their "values" or whatever, but I'm guessing it hits much closer to home with Alex that someone who's supposed to be a stand-up guy - and also someone he has something huge in common with - is such a "piece of shit", to quote him. Alex is probably offended Chad makes all marines, including himself, look bad...

See, that conversation made me think Alex just got offended that Chad didn't want to be best friends with him. Alex seems like the kind of guy who wants to be in the center of the group, he's always got the big group around him so Chad's distant behavior might have just hurt his feelings and then it snowballed into this big rivalry.

That said, I find it hard to believe Chad was a Marine. I can't picture Chad in boot camp, taking orders from someone else. I'd be curious to know what his service record is, perhaps a disorderly conduct discharge? The show didn't seem to make much mention of his military background the way they did with Alex and Luke.

As for the 2-1 date, agreed with all of those who were wondering why this particular pair, amid all of the alleged security concerns, were given a date involving a MACHETE and an AXE. Like, if they really needed a security guard to watch Chad while he sleeps, giving him a machete to wield in a dark Pennsylvania forest with the guy he despises the most is incredibly ill-advised. And yet, doesn't seem accidental either. 

The evil part of me giggled when I saw that big Chad had the huge machete while little Alex got the miniature axe. 

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2 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

That said, I find it hard to believe Chad was a Marine. I can't picture Chad in boot camp, taking orders from someone else. I'd be curious to know what his service record is, perhaps a disorderly conduct discharge? The show didn't seem to make much mention of his military background the way they did with Alex and Luke.

Reality Steve about Chad's Match.com profile:


Why do I have a feeling there’s more to Chad’s discharge from the Marines than he’s letting on? I had no clue about what this guy did in the Marines, how long he was in it, etc. No idea. But now reading that he immediately puts it out there on his dating profile he was honorably discharged, it certainly makes you wonder what his deal was. Anyone want to do some digging on why he was honorably discharged, be my guest.

And Chad himself about his past as a marine.

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1 minute ago, leighdear said:

Alex admitted himself that he dropped out of college and went into the Marines because he had nothing better to do and his brother enlisted.  And according to this, he's "completed his service".  So what's his job now?  Shilling herbal supplements and teas on social media?  Sounds about right for him & the other fireball alums.  Not exactly a guy brimming with plans for the future. 


Chad's current job is upscale real estate agent, so why would he want the producers to lump him into the prior-military group with Alex & Luke?  Obviously Chad is living in the now, not his past.   

Edited by leighdear
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Okay, I think Alex is hot as hell. I don't care about his shortness. I can't help it. I know he has been a bit annoying with all the Chad business, but I feel like there is a sweet guy beyond all of that. 

Edited by lightbeam
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3 hours ago, GinnyMars said:

I'm not sure why Reality Steve thinks being honorably discharged is a bad thing - when you complete your service, an honorable discharge is the best thing you can get.  It just means that you completed your tour of duty with good to exemplary service. Chad might be many things, but being a bad serviceman doesn't appear to be one of them. 

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Reality Steve admitted he knew little about the military, but he has since been thoroughly schooled by his readers on what an honorable discharge actually means.   As a long-time reader of his site, I'm pretty sure that going forward, he won't be asking any more questions about it.  

I'm betting Chad did just fine in the Marines.  Gunners are very physically active and handle a lot of heavy tank equipment.  All just good workouts for him and plenty of other testosterone junkies to trash-talk with!

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10 hours ago, leighdear said:

Reality Steve admitted he knew little about the military, but he has since been thoroughly schooled by his readers on what an honorable discharge actually means.

Not all of them thought the same though:


On honorable discharge, it can be for a reason that basically means he didn’t do anything ‘wrong’ per se but they thought it best he not be in the military. So, it could be his aggressive attitude and they wanted him out before anything happened. Ions ago, both my brothers went in the army. The younger of my brothers had a really hard time of it with the getting up early and massive exercise and being told what to do (he has authority figure issues). He lost so much weight (and was small to begin with) that they felt it best if he got out and he was honorably discharged. Yes, while end of term is also honorable discharge, people only tend to use the term when they were discharged before their term is up. So it will be interesting to see if someone comes up with the why he was discharged. It basically means they don’t have any real grounds to make it dishonorable (which you could fight) so they make it honorable so you go away, or there’s a compelling reason it’s just not the right place for you – or your term ended but as I said, that is generally just called “I served in the military’.

It's just kind of odd that he phrased it that way on his profile... like he was afraid people would question it? Odd.

Edited by GinnyMars
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Chad is a very sick man.

What a strange show we are watching.


Right? I've watched an embarrassing amount of reality TV over the years and have seen my fair share of toxic masculinity on display, but this guy is up there with the sickest/scariest. The fact that he appears to have an actual fan base is even more disturbing. I don't know why I subject myself to this but I cannot look away!

Edited by violetr
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20 hours ago, lightbeam said:
Okay, I think Alex is hot as hell. I don't care about his shortness. I can't help it. I know he has been a bit annoying with all the Chad business, but I feel like there is a sweet guy beyond all of that. 

I agree, lightbeam, I think Alex has a beautiful face and I don't care about his height. If he didn't have such a hard-on for Chad and hadn't acted so poorly, he might have won me over. 

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So... I finally got to actually watch this, because the network I get it on just aired part 2 last night, and... yikes. The other guys definitely needle Chad more than is strictly reasonable. And they spent rather too much time obsessing over him.

However. Threatening to go find someone after this is over and telling him that he should be scared of that is over the line. I don't know how guys in general feel when presented with a threat like that, but I have no problem admitting that it would scare the crap out of me. Even if he's all bluster, the fact that he moves so quickly to threats of violence, and doesn't see why that's a problem is just not cool. When he was trying to justify himself to JoJo, and was all "Yeah, I threatened him, because when someone doesn't listen to me, what else am I supposed to do other than punch him?", all I could think is that, in her position, I would have several questions: What about me? If we stay together long-term, there will certainly be occasions when we will not agree, and occasions when you will not like some way that I'm behaving. Are you going to threaten me? Are you going to declare that punching me is the only way to get me listen? Or maybe you're such a stand-up guy that no, of course you'd never hit or threaten a woman. Fine. What if we have a son? There will even more definitely be times when the kid doesn't want to listen to you. And this is so far from being an acceptable way of handling that.

Long story short, if I were looking for a husband and father for my children, there is no way in hell I would pick this guy. No matter how hot I thought he was or how insane the chemistry was. Until this guy comes to grips and deals with his anger issues, there is no way he's life partner or father material. Nor do I have any problem whatsoever with the cold and abrupt way she dismissed him. None of these guys are entitled to a mushy, kissy farewell, and he gave her plenty of reason to want nothing to do with him. The very idea that politeness somehow demands that she reward his behaviour in any way is slightly horrifying to me.

Don't know what kind of ridiculousness is in store for next week, but frankly, even if the rest of the season is as dull as dishwater without him, I will not be sorry to see him gone.

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19 hours ago, kingshearte said:

The very idea that politeness somehow demands that she reward his behaviour in any way is slightly horrifying to me.

So agree with this statement -- As women (especially Southern women IMO) we are taught to be accommodating and doG forbid we should hurt feelings.  I loved that Jojo was all "Yep, we're done here" and walked away.  I also like Alex and I felt like it was nice retribution for him and the insanity they've all had to put up with from The CHAD. I'm a 100% wrong reasons viewer, can't lie about that -- I enjoy the drama and the fashion more than anything else -- Chad did make me laugh on occasion but not enough to make up for his anger issues.  Not sorry to see him go.

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I'll admit to looking at Chad's Instagram page and I can't help but feel that he was a very good actor during his Bachelorette stint. Either that or he's calmed down immensely since filming wrapped up (therapy? quitting the steroids? self reflection?). He has an Instagram video of himself genuinely laughing at himself on the show, with the caption "I finally watched the show at my sisters... Holy tits now I understand why some people hate me! haha. But some parts were hilarious too."

Basically what I'm getting at is, I think it's unfair and unwise to label the man akin to being an abuser, psychopath, serial-killer, etc. based on what we see on television. All humor aside, those are very serious labels (especially the abuser/wife-beater one) to apply to someone we do not know. Was he angry on the show? Yes. Did he have reason to be? Maybe. Does that mean he's going to end up beating his wife in the long run or murdering a stranger? Lord no. It's easy to make assumptions from our couches (and I'll admit that I'm guilty of doing this as well) but let's just take the show for what it is -- a reality TV show with master manipulation, clever editing, and entertaining pawns. 

Edited to add: He also posted a video showing where the producers got his creepy wood whistle from. Apparently it's from a Skrillex song. Some more smart editing on our dear producers' parts, it appears.

Edited by Koala
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2 hours ago, portergirl99 said:

 I loved that Jojo was all "Yep, we're done here" and walked away.  

I'm actually liking JoJo this season. I like her sass and how she seems to be having fun. I would have preferred Caila, but so far she's been ok. I enjoy her interactions with most of the guys, except with Jordan but mostly because of the stories behind Jordan and how it seems she's pursuing him and not the other way around. 

TPTB could have done her a favor though and gotten her much better looking guys. I watch B'ette for the guys while I watch The Bachelor for the cray-cray. So far, I don't see any studs in this group. I mean, Kaitlyn at least got poor man's Ryan Gosling and poor man's Peter Brady. JoJo's got nothing. 

I still can't get over though how she looks like a Kardashian. Heh.

Edited by slowpoked
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49 minutes ago, Koala said:

I'll admit to looking at Chad's Instagram page and I can't help but feel that he was a very good actor during his Bachelorette stint. Either that or he's calmed down immensely since filming wrapped up (therapy? quitting the steroids? self reflection?). He has an Instagram video of himself genuinely laughing at himself on the show, with the caption "I finally watched the show at my sisters... Holy tits now I understand why some people hate me! haha. But some parts were hilarious too."

Yeah his Snapchat is almost exclusively him making fun of himself. Lots of shirtless selfies woven in of course, but basically just lowkey laughing at himself and his eating habits.

49 minutes ago, Koala said:

Basically what I'm getting at is, I think it's unfair and unwise to label the man akin to being an abuser, psychopath, serial-killer, etc. based on what we see on television. All humor aside, those are very serious labels (especially the abuser/wife-beater one) to apply to someone we do not know. Was he angry on the show? Yes. Did he have reason to be? Maybe. Does that mean he's going to end up beating his wife in the long run or murdering a stranger? Lord no. It's easy to make assumptions from our couches (and I'll admit that I'm guilty of doing this as well) but let's just take the show for what it is -- a reality TV show with master manipulation, clever editing, and entertaining pawns. 

Amen to all this! 

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Luckily all the armchair psychologists that have diagnosed Chad's dangerous psychosis this season can join all the medical professionals that diagnosed Olivia's mental illnesses last season and Ashley Salter's in Chris Soules season.  


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16 minutes ago, violet and green said:

I think you have misunderstood my reference. i did not call or label the Chad any of those things - merely mentioned that there are some women who will find excuses even for murderers, and write them love letters in jail.

First I'd like to mention that my initial comment was not directed at you or anyone specifically for that matter. :) I've seen comments on this board and on the Bachelorette Facebook page actually calling Chad these things, and my comment was more a general thought I had rather than a response to anything in particular.

24 minutes ago, violet and green said:

We've had a fair amount of evidence regarding Chad,

This relates to one of my initial points and my personal opinion is that reality TV counts as fairly shoddy evidence (for anything).

We also have 'evidence' of Chad begging the other men to leave him alone -- and not in an aggressive way. We have full scenes of him politely (almost in exasperation) saying "I'll do my thing, and you do your thing -- deal?" (Evan ignored this deal, by the way.) We have scenes of him sitting alone, drinking a beverage, and then being surrounded by a group of men who start accusing him of any and everything they can think of. We have scenes of Alex calling him over to a group of guys, just to rapid fire him with questions about what he was doing outside -- and then harassing him when his answers weren't long enough. Later, Grant mocks Chad for not answering in enough detail again. We have tons of scenes of the other men starting sh*t -- whether it be mocking his eating habits, calling him stupid, making fun of his [supposed] steroid use in a public setting, calling him a "big stinking pile of sh*t sitting over here" (Alex's exact words), laughing at his workouts through the window, following him around, dogging him, talking behind his back and going silent the minute he enters a room, etc. We have scenes of him getting up and walking away, instead of escalating a situation initially started by other men (once during a cocktail when he was surrounded randomly, and once on a couch with Evan and a group of guys who were asking "why are you even here?"). We have scenes of him asking other people not to talk about him in a negative way, and then frames of them doing exactly that. For Pete's sake, we saw Evan point-blank try to manipulate JoJo into choosing him [Evan] over Chad. Does that necessarily mean all of those other men in the house are terrible, aggressive bullies and emotional manipulators in real life? No. Because it's a TV show.

I haven't seen anyone on here blatantly making excuses for his violent behavior. Just about everyone agrees that he acted out of line more than once. But you can't only focus on his angry outbursts without also looking at all of the [manipulated] situations and drama that surrounded them. 

But I digress. Anyway, we can agree to disagree! Cheers.

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Saying that the Bachelor/ette shows us "evidence" of anything about a person is like citing Wikipedia as a reference.  There is no evidence that Chad is anything, good or bad.  We are all speculating about what we think Chad, and the others on the show, are like.  I think that's an important point to remember.  It's fun to speculate about people on the show, but saying that people (women?) on here are like women who lust after murderers is a bit much and is actually pretty offensive.

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We have heard words out of Chad's mouth and seen responses from Chad. (Not one or two, when he was drunk. Not queer, unrelated Frankenbite style edits, but repeated violent speech, and multiple reactions to such from many diverse men in the house - which might just suggest a pattern.)

I find the far-reaching excuses for his verbal violence, threats, and intimidation pretty offensive - particularly when they are coupled with aggressive and contemptuous comments for the less built men, like Evan, calling him 'a whiny little bitch,' etc. But I guess my brand of feminism is a bit old-fashioned. 

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11 hours ago, Koala said:

First I'd like to mention that my initial comment was not directed at you or anyone specifically for that matter. :) I've seen comments on this board and on the Bachelorette Facebook page actually calling Chad these things, and my comment was more a general thought I had rather than a response to anything in particular.


I haven't seen anyone on here blatantly making excuses for his violent behavior. Just about everyone agrees that he acted out of line more than once. But you can't only focus on his angry outbursts without also looking at all of the [manipulated] situations and drama that surrounded them. 

But I digress. Anyway, we can agree to disagree! Cheers.

Thank you for explaining that. I just assumed that given the mention of the term 'serial killer' in my comment you'd read something I said and misunderstood my meaning. But that comment, my reply to you explaining that comment, and so forth have all been 'disappeared'. Can't get the quote thingy to work properly. But I could direct you to a goodly number of fanciful excuses! Thank you for your kind response.

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Luckily all the armchair psychologists that have diagnosed Chad's dangerous psychosis this season can join all the medical professionals that diagnosed Olivia's mental illnesses last season and Ashley Salter's in Chris Soules season.  

I never "armchair diagnosed" either Olivia or Ashley, but even so, I don't think you can compare them to Chad. You can be naive and make poor decisions on these shows, and then be edited poorly (or in Ashley's case, weirdly). But excusing Chad's behavior makes me think of all those politicians who say terrible things and then later insist that their comments were taken out of context. Dude, you still said horrible [racist/sexist/homophobic, etc.] things! Unless the editors deliberately switched around the structure of your sentences (possible I suppose), you said those things. 

Now granted, perhaps Chad is punking all of us and this is completely an act. In that case: go Chad! Good on you! But otherwise, IMO repeatedly resorting to threats and intimidation is a pretty good indicator that you're a messed up person. YMMV, as always. 


I find the far-reaching excuses for his verbal violence, threats, and intimidation pretty offensive - particularly when they are coupled with aggressive and contemptuous comments for the less built men, like Evan, calling him 'a whiny little bitch,' etc. But I guess my brand of feminism is a bit old-fashioned. 

I think you are firmly third wave! :)

Edited by violetr
forgot to respond to a quote
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51 minutes ago, ljenkins782 said:

wings707, that link opens directly onto a page with Final 2 spoilers. :( Wish I hadn't clicked. 

I am so sorry. I thought I was in the spoiler thread.  I deleted my post. 

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20 minutes ago, wings707 said:

I am so sorry. I thought I was in the spoiler thread.  I deleted my post. 

No worries. My fault for clicking, but I thought it was old spoilers from weeks already passed. Thanks for deleting. :) 

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I’m sure no one will ever read this but, I think Evan needs to self administer testosterone to himself. He is too much of a girly girl and what credentials does he even have to run an ED clinic? I can’t believe he “of the bloody noses” is still around at this point of the show. 
I blame COVID for my sudden interest in Bachelor Nation. 

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