Trini May 26, 2016 Share May 26, 2016 What do you want to see (or NOT see) in Season 3? Speculation goes elsewhere. * * * * * * * Supergirl Crossover Barry needs to be over here on Earth-1 full time. 3 Link to comment
ruby24 May 26, 2016 Share May 26, 2016 Barry and Iris a couple as soon as he fixes the timeline. No more stalling. Get to it. 3 Link to comment
quarks May 26, 2016 Share May 26, 2016 Iris and Caitlin getting to do stuff that is not a) pining after a guy, b) focused on a guy, c) an inspirational speech to a guy. 11 Link to comment
benteen May 26, 2016 Share May 26, 2016 9 hours ago, Trini said: What do you want to see (or NOT see) in Season 3? Speculation goes elsewhere. * * * * * * * Supergirl Crossover Barry needs to be over here on Earth-1 full time. THIS. Also, this version of Barry stops causing all the problems he faces during the Season and shows some actually regard for human life by not playing Russian Roulette with the Earth or the multiverse. 5 Link to comment
ruby24 May 26, 2016 Share May 26, 2016 A way to get SG-crossover Barry here is for him to experience the alt universe he creates as being SO horrible that when he fixes it and comes back to the present he's now thrilled to be there and appreciates everything he has, kind of like George Bailey at the end of It's a Wonderful Life. A perfect way to get his happy attitude back for good. And hopefully make the show light and fuzzy again, because that's also what I want. 1 Link to comment
dusang May 26, 2016 Share May 26, 2016 (edited) I actually only started watching The Flash when I saw the YouTube clips of the SG crossover -- Barry and Kara were SO cute and charming together and then watching the YouTube clips of The Flash where they focus on the humour (and/or various ships with almost no reference to the actual VotW) I kind of fell in love with happy Barry. Watching the actual episodes is SUCH a downer. Especially when he returned from SG -- he exited SG happy, smiling, racing Kara and arrived back in Flash anxious and doesn't mention the extra three days he lived in an alternate universe to anyone?!?* Either way, I agree with everyone - my S3 wishlist is for happy-go-lucky, adorkable Barry to return permanently. *I get cross-network issues but c'mon people, a "I've got a story to tell..." exit line wouldn't kill ya! Edited May 26, 2016 by dusang 4 Link to comment
legaleagle53 May 26, 2016 Share May 26, 2016 1 hour ago, dusang said: I actually only started watching The Flash when I saw the YouTube clips of the SG crossover -- Barry and Kara were SO cute and charming together and then watching the YouTube clips of The Flash where they focus on the humour (and/or various ships with almost no reference to the actual VotW) I kind of fell in love with happy Barry. Watching the actual episodes is SUCH a downer. Especially when he returned from SG -- he exited SG happy, smiling, racing Kara and arrived back in Flash anxious and doesn't mention the extra three days he lived in an alternate universe to anyone?!?* Either way, I agree with everyone - my S3 wishlist is for happy-go-lucky, adorkable Barry to return permanently. *I get cross-network issues but c'mon people, a "I've got a story to tell..." exit line wouldn't kill ya! I agree. Barry needs to hang out with Kara more often because her usually sunny disposition is something he could desperately use in his life. It might even help him resist the temptation to futz with the timeline every time something happens that he doesn't like. Link to comment
Lady Calypso May 26, 2016 Share May 26, 2016 I also miss happy, cheery Barry. I also miss smart, leader Barry more than anything. He's shown to be an intelligent man in some cases; where is that guy? Hopefully they get this whole Flashpoint thing done well, out of their system and we might be able to see a changed Barry. I assume the Barry that first went back in time to save his mom saw season 3 Barry post-Flashpoint, and that he learns his lesson after this. I don't MIND if they let the Flashpoint thing go on for a couple of episodes, but I can't imagine this changed timeline will stick around for even half a season. More female characters being written properly. Come on show, you've had Arrow write fairly well done characters. You've had Legends now with kickass Sara Lance. Where's more of that here with Iris and Caitlin? 5 Link to comment
Latverian Diplomat May 26, 2016 Share May 26, 2016 I hope they take as little inspiration from Flashpoint as possible, as it was mostly an illogical, mean spirited exercise in "grim/dark". And actually that's a pretty safe bet, as the worst elements involved other characters that aren't in the DC TV universe (e.g., Wonder Woman). I suspect they'll do something with the "Citizen Cold" idea, where Cold is Central City's hero instead of Flash? That's one reason they might have freed him up from legends. It would be funny if Barry was the big bad for Legends next season, for messing up the timeline (they won't do this). 1 Link to comment
ruby24 May 26, 2016 Share May 26, 2016 (edited) I was trying to remember if they addressed any of the wishlist stuff for Season 2 last year. I think they actually did address some of the stuff regarding Iris specifically- I remember people didn't want to see her grieving Eddie too long (aka Laurel Season 2) and that certainly didn't happen. They also seemed to purposely not make her jealous (or have any reaction at all) to Patty, which I think backfired a bit, because it appeared for most of the first half of the season like the Barry/Iris thing had never happened, which was confusing. I do remember I had wanted to see Barry do his CSI job more and be smarter, since he's supposed to be a scientist. That was mostly ignored, although there were some moments where they had him do his job this year (very few). I still want them to show CCPD more and Star Labs less. I'm really sick of looking at that set and I don't really understand why they're still in there post-Wells, or who's paying the salaries of Caitlin and Cisco. I know they see/hear criticism though, so this time I know they won't do yet another mentor/double identity villain. But most of all, I'm really hoping for a response to the change in tone, for it to go back to the bright, optimistic, fun, funny show it was in the first season. I think the critique of that this year has been pretty loud, and regarding Barry's miserable attitude as well (god, he was SUCH a different guy in the first season! Go back and watch any episode, it's remarkable how much better he is at playing sweet, cute and happy than this down in the dumps stuff). So I'm hoping that it really got pummeled into their heads- people liked the sunniness for a reason, because it stood out from the other shows. I think you can get dark near the end of a season, as the finale stuff ramps up, but for the most part keep it fun and light, people. And keep Barry that way too (his tears are more effective because he's generally cheery most of the time, that's why it hits harder when he does cry- this season he was just all depressed and tears aren't as powerful if you do it ALL the time). All the praise for the Supergirl episode should stick with them too, for that reason. Why did people like Barry there, guys? Because he was HAPPY. Take the hint. They can make him that way again if he comes out of the alternate universe SO happy to be back, because it was so awful. That means a dark premiere I guess, since we've got to see what he's done that made things so horrible, but it would give him a good reason to be joyful about getting his old life back and then they can recalibrate the tone going forward. I'm telling you, make it a George Bailey-type of experience, complete with a blissful return to the present day. Edited May 26, 2016 by ruby24 3 Link to comment
Trini May 26, 2016 Author Share May 26, 2016 I want Capt. Singh to find out Barry is the Flash, and yell at him for stealing his Big Belly burger. ;-) I'd like to see them go back to the Metahuman Task Force idea and develop it more. (It can be something that they mention occasionally) Have the Flash and STAR Labs officially working WITH the police -- instead of hiding corpses in their own morgue. Barry needs to not be so reliant on the Flash Mob. Related to that maybe have Caitlin rebuild Mercury Labs with Tina McGee -- she needs a storyline outside the lab. And as always, do more with Iris. Use her skills as a reporter, investigator; she's well-connected to the police, STAR Labs, and the Flash -- that can be used. (And NOT just for damselling!) 2 Link to comment
Trini May 27, 2016 Author Share May 27, 2016 I know they just introduced a cliffhanger that sets up Season 3 to center around a screwed up timeline -- but, no more screwing with the timeline. 4 Link to comment
zannej May 28, 2016 Share May 28, 2016 (edited) I want to see them get Danielle Panabaker to stop doing the crazy facial expressions and do more nuanced performances instead of what she's been doing. I've heard she's good in other stuff and she seems nice and all, but I hate the way she plays Caitlin and it pulls me out of the show. If they can't change the way she acts, then I would be fine if she left. Maybe she could be someone who visits from time to time, but if I can't watch a believable performance, I don't want to see her on a regular basis. My apologies to people who like her-- I like her as a person but I do not enjoy her acting. I would like to see them give Iris/Candice more to do. I want to see her do things without it having to be about Barry or her father. I would like to see Barry and Iris hook up-- because the ship-stalling is just dumb, IMO. I'd like to see Jesse Quick with powers on the show. I would also like to have at least one episode where we get to see flashbacks or *something* of the Eobard as portrayed by Tom Cavanagh. I'd like to original Earth 1 Harrison Wells and Tess Morgan still together when Barry returns to 2016. I think Singh at least suspects that Barry is the Flash and it would be nice to see some hints dropped about that. I'd like to see Laurel's father drop by for a visit at some point. He could be friends with Joe. I want to see them find a way to have all of the cast members who can sing end up singing. We did get Barry and Joe singing in different episodes briefly, although I would like to have Barry get to sing when there isn't someone else singing very badly along with him. Like, maybe Barry gets put in time out with the speedforce and they make themselves look like Barry and do a song and dance number just to mess with him. Or even represent the other characters and sing. I want to see a happier Barry who has accepted that this is his life but that he understands he can still lose things so he needs to proceed with caution. I want to see any version of Harrison Wells interacting with Tina McGee. Hell, I would LOVE to see Jay Garrick meeting Tina McGee at some point. I'd also like to see Earth 4 have their Harrison Wells being named John Chambers and he's Johnny Quick. I'd like to see a version of Cisco that wears glasses, buttoned shirts, and is very shy. I want to see more of Jesse Quick and I would like to know what happened to her mother on Earth2. I also wouldn't mind it if some of Barry's descendants from the future dropped in. Oh, and I absolutely do NOT want any crossovers with Supergirl-- unless the only person to appear is Kat Grant. Oh yeah, I'd love for the chick who played Molly on Ed to drop in for an episode. I really like her. Maybe she can replace Iris' mopey editor that was supposed to be a love interest briefly. Either that or they could get the female chief from Law & Order. I really liked her and it would be nice to see her working with JLM again. I forgot to mention that I'd love to see Linda return-- and not just because she's Wally's wife in the comics. I really liked her. I'd love to see her and Linda talking about work stuff and not having things be about the men in their lives. I'd also like to see Iris taking on a big-sister role with Jesse Quick. Edited May 28, 2016 by zannej 2 Link to comment
Grace19 May 28, 2016 Share May 28, 2016 16 hours ago, zannej said: I'd also like to see Iris taking on a big-sister role with Jesse Quick. This, and also be a big sister to wally, now that Joe have a son, I dont want them pushing Iris out and make all the relationship Barry/Joe/Wally. I heard Iris was closer to Wally in the comics, I hope they do that. Please, let Barry grow-up and make his own decisions, let the team be backup, I don't want them telling him, run Barry, run ever again. Less pep-talks and crying, we all know Grant looks pretty when he cries but you are over dong it show, it makes him look like an over grown baby. Bring back crime scene Barry and happy Barry, no more sad Barry. Lets have more reporter and badass Iris. I love the, "You get behind me" Iris. show her on the streets investigating and at her place of work, she can hang at star labs , but only when necessary. Lets have more of Iris' point of view. Westallan have great chemistry, don't waste it, less destiny talks and more organic buildup. And please whenever you get them together, no makeup and breakups its tiring, this couple can work without drama. Give Caitlin more to do, make her and Iris friends. Give Cisco a girlfriend. Cisco/Iris friendship would be great too. Lets see Joe in a relationship. Bring back Tom, as Wells, revers flash or anybody, I just want him on my screen. And bring back Jessie too, Jessie/Wally will be great. Please do Flash point well. 3 Link to comment
ruby24 May 28, 2016 Share May 28, 2016 4 minutes ago, Grace19 said: Bring back crime scene Barry and happy Barry, no more sad Barry. YES! Please do this, show! 5 Link to comment
ruby24 May 29, 2016 Share May 29, 2016 I'd like to see Star Labs get destroyed, forcing them to move everything into Barry's crime lab at CCPD, which would then force everyone to be under cover and actually remind the audience that Barry has a secret identity from someone in Central City. Unfortunately, if they ever did this it'd probably just be temporary, but I really do wish the show was set at CCPD and Barry's real job more. It was in the first season. I think we should see how he works with the police and Singh more, given that promotion he's supposedly going to get someday. 2 Link to comment
catrice2 May 29, 2016 Share May 29, 2016 Star Labs go away. It is a joke. Every bad person knows where it is and where to find the team to kidnap or threaten someone. I guess metahumans don't have to eat or use the bathroom. I would rather see more of the police station where TWO members of the team work, (and makes sense for a reporter to hang out looking for stories) than the same two or three rooms at STAR labs Barry show some skill at his job or as a scientist. It seems as if Season one had more of him at the crime scenes deducing things, etc., or maybe I just don't remember. Do not bring back bland Eddie! Give Wally something to do besides being annoying Stop with Harris Wells, Eboard Thawne, etc.I get they like Tom Cavenaugh, but he needs to go Have the team act a little more mature...hey, I'm not saying take all the fun and lightheartedness, but Cisco is too much and Caitlyn is worthless as a "professional" in her field Give Joe a personal life, at least a mention of one. What happened to the ADA or whatever she was they had in couple of episodes? Give Iris a job....she is not a reporter and if they want to go that route it has to be more than a few voiceovers and a romance at work...with an other bland love interest Give Amanda Pays something to do or just show her at all Stop with Barry messing with the is repetitive and if so, show all of the ramifications Have Barry act more like a man than a little boy Stop with weak bad guys and go back to a different metahuman a week,or bad person that is not a more speedsters obsessed with is boring Decent love interests for Barry and Iris...if they are not going to put them together give us someone better than the boss, Eddie or Patty. Linda was great and they messed that up. If they are going to put them together, don't let it linger all season and finally have the two show a passionate kiss, one that Iris will remember and won't be erased. Create a blog so that I can find all of Candice Patton's clothes used on the show Redecorate the West looks depressing on the inside Give Barry a really nice apartment Link to comment
Actionmage May 29, 2016 Share May 29, 2016 Quote I'd like to see Star Labs get destroyed, forcing them to move everything into Barry's crime lab at CCPD,... That would be cool. IIRC, in the pilot it was said/ implied that the reason Barry was in that big room was because the other CSIs thought he was a weirdo ( his obsession with strange cases and probably his nascent murder board.) The show has been writing our group in a bubble, oblivious to the world. ( I know, they can't pay for lots of extras. It hurts the feel of the world they are trying to build.) Wishes for S3: Closer-to-comics Amanda Waller coming to STAR Labs in order to take over anyone still left in the Pipeline. General Eiling and Gorilla Grodd again ( We still have Eiling, right? ) Plastique shows up and explains that she is immune to her own power. Dr. Light and Linda show up and are awesome; Linda comes up with the way to capture Dr. Light. The Legion of Super-Heroes comes to smack Barry on the head and tell him to stop screwing around with the timestream. Fastback, the Terrapin Torpedo from Earth-C, has his own getting-used-to-his-powers thing and Barry and the Flash Mob help him return to his earth. Iris getting used as the intrepid reporter we saw her being as well as the caring big sister, just not a damsel. ( To be fair, though, everyone has been kidnapped at some point.) No more whining or inappropriate selfishness from Barry and more of the group calling him out on those behaviors. (The tranqing moment was surprising because no one thought it would happen, not because it was "a shocking betrayal," PTB.) Caitlin's mom and/or brother drama now that the show has that possibility hanging out there. Tina McGee being more active with the flash mob. Meeting Ted Kord; his poor labs are as targeted by bad guys as Mercury and STAR Labs. Oh, and please have Mercury Labs owned by someone named Max. Link to comment
legaleagle53 May 29, 2016 Share May 29, 2016 (edited) On 5/26/2016 at 2:18 PM, ruby24 said: All the praise for the Supergirl episode should stick with them too, for that reason. Why did people like Barry there, guys? Because he was HAPPY. Take the hint. No kidding. Seeing that Barry and his enthusiastic puppy-dog reaction to discovering Supergirl's world and her as someone who could literally keep up with him (not to mention that his enthusiasm was so contagious there) was what persuaded me to check out his own show. I still like him, but yes, I want to see more of what made me fall in love with him there -- the goofy adorkableness that makes me want to forgive him even when he does screw something up instead of yelling, "What in the hell were you thinking?" at him. Besides, it was funny as hell to see Cat Grant figure him out in about two seconds, considering that she generally plays dumb about Supergirl's own identity. When the next Supergirl crossover happens, I want to see the figures in Barry's world figure her out in about two seconds and see how she deals with it. Edited May 29, 2016 by legaleagle53 3 Link to comment
Trini May 30, 2016 Author Share May 30, 2016 I definitely think Team Flash needed more 'wins' this past season. Villains-of-the-week obviously get dealt with in each episode; but in nearly every encounter with Zoom, they lost (until the finale, of course). Even in Season 1 they managed to capture Reverse Flash. So if they are going to do another season-long big bad, Barry & co. need to make progress in defeating the Villain. 2 Link to comment
bettername2come May 30, 2016 Share May 30, 2016 I want one of the results of Barry screwing with time to be that we get to see that Barry behind bars with Henry visiting scene play out from last year's finale. 1 Link to comment
zannej May 31, 2016 Share May 31, 2016 Speaking of General Eiling, what if Earth 2 Harry came back and Eiling thought he was Reverse Flash? I wonder what would have happened if someone had kidnapped the Eobard version of Wells. That could have been pretty funny. It could have been sort of like the moment where the would-be-robber held Barry up and Barry was so amused by it. I could see Eobard laughing it off and then killing the person and making it back to STAR Labs before anyone knew what had happened. I'd also like to see a situation where Eobard (maybe even the one by Matt Letscher) and Barry have to work together for something. Link to comment
Trini June 1, 2016 Author Share June 1, 2016 Scenes that need to happen: ::Martin Stein comes back from his time traveling adventures:: ::looks around:: "Barry! WHAT DID YOU DO?!!" ---- Cisco: "Whoa, you're Supergirl!" Kara: "But how did you know?" Iris: "Girl, those glasses aren't fooling anyone." Kara: "They're a very convincing disguise on my Earth!" On 5/29/2016 at 6:40 PM, legaleagle53 said: ...Besides, it was funny as hell to see Cat Grant figure him out in about two seconds, considering that she generally plays dumb about Supergirl's own identity. When the next Supergirl crossover happens, I want to see the figures in Barry's world figure her out in about two seconds and see how she deals with it. 3 Link to comment
CletusMusashi June 3, 2016 Share June 3, 2016 (edited) I just want the writers to speak to each other. Like, try to find out whether or not Zoom can open portals. If he can't, and you want to change that, maybe that change needs to be a plot point? And if he's Zolomon, then HE IS NOT NAMED JAY! And if the one that Caitlin was flirting with was a time remnant who is now dead, then don't bother me with some "Aw, maybe he does lurve her after all!" schtick. Honestly, I still can't understand why Cisco was obviously clairvoyant for remembering an erased timeline when they can all remember Season 1. So I guess, ultimately, my Season Three wish is a new head writer, who at least gives enough of a fuck about continuity to pay attention to the big story arcs. I don't mind the show being silly. Or dark. Or sad. Or scientifically flawed. But I do mind it being gibberish. If you haven't got the attention span to write big boy stories, that's fine. Write another King Shark, and I'll be fine. And please stop trying to make me get excited about him going back to that same exact night fifty times over. Eventually, there are going to be so many Flashes and Zooms crammed into that room that they won't even have room to move. And then Stewie Griffin will appear and kill them all with a death ray. Edited June 3, 2016 by CletusMusashi 6 Link to comment
Trini June 3, 2016 Author Share June 3, 2016 9 hours ago, CletusMusashi said: I just want the writers to speak to each other. ... Yes. You reminded of something I noted earlier in the season; in one episode there was a scene and dialogue that was obviously set up for Patty to figure out that Barry was the Flash, but then it's never mentioned in the next episode when she does find out. Not to mention how all the progress in "The Runaway Dinosaur" got undone by the finale just two episodes later. I guess having a large writers room helps with getting scripts/etc. out on time, but it hasn't helped with consistency. So yeah, the show needs someone with a strong clear vision to oversee the story arcs next season. 1 Link to comment
Jediknight June 7, 2016 Share June 7, 2016 On 5/26/2016 at 6:53 PM, Trini said: I want Capt. Singh to find out Barry is the Flash, and yell at him for stealing his Big Belly burger. ;-) I want him to make it known to Barry, that he does know Barry is Flash. I've thought since early in season 1 that he knows Barry is The Flash, but is just doing what Gordon does with Batman, and Perry White does with Superman (Perry knows), it's just plausible deniability. - I want Team Flash to meet Team Supergirl. - I want Team Flash to meet Superman. - An appearance from Hal Jordan, they've dropped enough references. - I want to see the wheels being put in motion for Barry to form the Justice League. 2 Link to comment
Last Time Lord June 18, 2016 Share June 18, 2016 After finding out what Barry did to the timeline, I want Rip Hunter's very first encounter with Barry to essentially be this: 6 Link to comment
bettername2come July 6, 2016 Share July 6, 2016 When the mega crossover happens - Cisco tries to flirt with Supergirl with "my ex-girlfriend could fly." 2 Link to comment
zannej July 6, 2016 Share July 6, 2016 I want to see: 1. Less mopey depressed Barry and more happy-go-lucky Barry like in the first season 2. Consistency with Cisco's powers as they develop 3. Tina McGee hanging around more often 4. No stalling of the West-Allen ship 5. Iris gets to use her position as a reporter to get info for Barry that helps with his superhero gig AND bonus if her dad goes to her to get some info that she can get bc she's a reporter but he can't bc it would violate some rules as a cop. 6. Jesse and Wally get their powers 7. Harrison Wells or whatever character Tom Cavanagh is playing gets powers too (I know that is a lot of speedsters, but in the comic books there was a whole team). 8. More background info on Eobard Thawne. 9. Wally meeting Linda Park. 10. A musical episode where everyone that can sing gets to sing. 11. Eddie alive and dating whoever it was that spawned the Thawne bloodline leading to Eobard. 12. Consistent writing / continuity. 13. Harrison Wells and one other person eating snacks and rating them. 14. Guest appearance by the guy who played Julio on the original Flash series. 15. Tess Morgan-- I want to see what she and Harrison would have been like had they not been killed by Eobard. Even if it is only for one episode. I can think of more but my brain is freezing. 2 Link to comment
zannej July 10, 2016 Share July 10, 2016 I forgot to comment that I think Rip Hunter is one of the last people to be judging Barry for timeline fuckery. LOL. Now, another time master, I could see, but not Rip. Link to comment
bettername2come July 10, 2016 Share July 10, 2016 46 minutes ago, zannej said: I forgot to comment that I think Rip Hunter is one of the last people to be judging Barry for timeline fuckery. LOL. Now, another time master, I could see, but not Rip. So, let me add to my wishlist that Rip lectures him on the timeline, it turns into an argument, Rip gets shut down by back-to-life Leonard Snart of all people. 2 Link to comment
Trini July 10, 2016 Author Share July 10, 2016 It just sucks that Legends revealed that the Time Masters are evil, so who's going to smack Barry for his time violations now?? 1 Link to comment
Trini July 12, 2016 Author Share July 12, 2016 After seeing Wally's suit, now I want a costume upgrade for Barry. Link to comment
Trini August 9, 2016 Author Share August 9, 2016 Dare I hope that Iris' mother is NOT an addict in Flashpoint? 2 Link to comment
phoenics September 21, 2016 Share September 21, 2016 On 6/1/2016 at 0:00 PM, Trini said: Scenes that need to happen: ::Martin Stein comes back from his time traveling adventures:: ::looks around:: "Barry! WHAT DID YOU DO?!!" ---- Cisco: "Whoa, you're Supergirl!" Kara: "But how did you know?" Iris: "Girl, those glasses aren't fooling anyone." Kara: "They're a very convincing disguise on my Earth!" I would love to see both of these scenes. Link to comment
phoenics September 21, 2016 Share September 21, 2016 On 7/6/2016 at 4:27 AM, zannej said: 5. Iris gets to use her position as a reporter to get info for Barry that helps with his superhero gig AND bonus if her dad goes to her to get some info that she can get bc she's a reporter but he can't bc it would violate some rules as a cop. This would literally make me so happy and it's not like it doesn't make perfect sense. Even better would be Iris investigating something that seems random and not connected but it eventually leads to a thread concerning the big bad of the season - a series of seemingly unconnected events that eventually connects into a bigger picture for the big bad of S3. I wouldn't mind Iris also using her blog more too - as a way to search out some leads that are more obscure than her usual channels. But at the very least, I'd like to see her more actively investigating rather than they way they just have her pop up with "answers" or showing her jumping out of buildings but we don't see her actually investigate. Like in S1, when she figured out that all metahumans started with the particle accelerator explosion - why couldn't they have shown us this? There were several episodes where she was simply underused so we could get other useless filler - but THAT would have been a great thread to show - especially during the hot mess of Crazy For You and a few other eps. And whoever said they wanted to see Barry get back to CSI'ing is right. In the first part of S1 when he was at crime scenes analyzing, they had these neat overlays of graphics to show Barry's mental math and how truly brilliant he is. And you could see the wheels turning. Now, it's like he doesn't really have a job much. Or we don't really see him showing his brains much. E2 Barry and Barry on E3 were shown as much smarter than Barry is shown on E1! That's criminal. I agree with blowing up Star Labs and forcing the team out of the bubble so Barry can grow up. And happy Barry please. Supergirl started off super shaky but what kept me interested (I finally watched the season!) was the cheeriness of the show. It's so bright and happy. 2 Link to comment
Trini September 21, 2016 Author Share September 21, 2016 Let Cisco/Carlos grow some facial hair. 1 Link to comment
TobinAlbers October 4, 2016 Share October 4, 2016 On May 28, 2016 at 0:46 AM, zannej said: I'd like to original Earth 1 Harrison Wells and Tess Morgan still together when Barry returns to 2016. Yes, please. Given that we had one cross network crossover and that Barry can universe hop and time travel it would geek out loads of people - or just me- if they somehow managed to have Barry briefly skip into the Gotham-verse To meet Baby Bruce or Gordon. Maybe just a peek of them as Barry's doing his universe running if FOX gives them the rights. Harrison Wells of Earth-1 having his name cleared and Eobard Thawne known as the douche who caused the accelerator explosion. An episode where all the men disappear/are kidnapped and rescue efforts are led by Caitlin, Iris, Tina McGee and introducing E2 Jesse Quick! 2 Link to comment
Trini October 5, 2016 Author Share October 5, 2016 So, yeah -- I'm going to need an alt-universe episode with Iris and Wally as a 'brother and sister crimefighting unit'. 2 Link to comment
SnoGirl October 27, 2016 Share October 27, 2016 (edited) Quote Given that we had one cross network crossover and that Barry can universe hop and time travel it would geek out loads of people - or just me- if they somehow managed to have Barry briefly skip into the Gotham-verse To meet Baby Bruce or Gordon. Maybe just a peek of them as Barry's doing his universe running if FOX gives them the rights. I want this just to see Harvey be flabbergasted at Barry's speed, I imagine he'd be a lot like Diggle. And Gordon saying "Well that's new." I couldn't ever see Barry being on Fox, but it would be cool to see some Gotham players on The Flash! If we ever get Snart back, I'd like him to be in awe of Caitlyn's "cold" powers....with him being at loss for words and the smart-ass comment from Heatwave. Come on crossover, don't let me down. Edited October 27, 2016 by SnoGirl 1 Link to comment
bettername2come November 1, 2016 Share November 1, 2016 I can't wait for the crossover. I desperately need to see Caitlin and Kara freezing stuff together and Iris and Kara being reporters together. And I still maintain that Iris would want Kara's boots. And of course, Winn and Cisco have to meet. 2 Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule December 16, 2016 Share December 16, 2016 What happened to this Barry? So ADORKABLE. Geeky, not to mention ADORABLE!!!!! I miss this Barry. I want this Barry to come back! 3 Link to comment
ruby24 December 16, 2016 Share December 16, 2016 I know, right? That was a completely different guy. I think he's more just Grant Gustin now. Link to comment
Karlophe December 16, 2016 Share December 16, 2016 Our Barry has experienced a lot of life since then...would that anyone could stay so innocent and pure forever. I can't believe it's been three years since then! Even on rewatches, that first burst of sweetness and charm always feels like the first time. He really is adorable. Thanks for posting, @GHScorpiosRule. 1 Link to comment
ruby24 December 16, 2016 Share December 16, 2016 They could at least have him maintain his nerdiness and science smarts. They haven't done that. 5 Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule December 16, 2016 Share December 16, 2016 1 hour ago, Karlophe said: Our Barry has experienced a lot of life since then...would that anyone could stay so innocent and pure forever. I can't believe it's been three years since then! Even on rewatches, that first burst of sweetness and charm always feels like the first time. He really is adorable. Thanks for posting, @GHScorpiosRule. Yep! I also wanted to post the scene where Barry tells Felicity that the "Vigilante" has to have partners, but I couldn't find it. The hero worship and giddiness, it's so palpable!??? 2 Link to comment
Karlophe December 16, 2016 Share December 16, 2016 (edited) 2 hours ago, ruby24 said: They could at least have him maintain his nerdiness and science smarts. They haven't done that. Now that I wish for every day. It's not just crankiness at the show conveniently forgetting that Barry is so intellligent - maybe even brilliant - but that this slide away from his natural gifts also deprives us of the pure joy he derived from the love of it. Barry Allen should have been over the moon from day one with his powers - testing and calculating and creating and building. Cisco and Caitlin need not have been rendered irrelevant for this to happen - all three of them specialize in different scientific branches, all could and would have contributed in their own unique ways - but whether it's because they don't want to utilize his full potential too soon or just prefer Barry caught up in a cycle of despair, it just isn't happening. I blame the writing. You'd think coming up with new and creative ways to play with Barry's incredible powers every season would be a welcome challenge, but I guess it just depends on the balance they're willing to strike. Personally, I don't need it all to be happy. Just a few moments of Barry using his brain here, building and learning off of experiences there, and being delighted at what he can do when he utilizes his skills and doesn't forget them would be enough for me. You've given us a clear look into the Barry Allen who founds the Justice League this past crossover, writers - now start writing for the Barry who builds Gideon and is such a force in that villains millennia into the future and self-proclaimed Gods are running back in time to take him down while he's young and less formidable. Barry's longevity to me has always been threefold - his speed, his intelligence, and his ability to connect with other people. It's the second that needs attention to build him into the hero he's destined to become. It will make him happy, and consequently, it will make us happy. I hope the writers remember it. Edited December 16, 2016 by Karlophe 4 Link to comment
Trini December 21, 2016 Author Share December 21, 2016 I wish they'd do more recurring villains; bring back some of the metahumans that were a challenge to The Flash. I think a lot more could have been done with Mirror Master and Shade -- villains where speed wouldn't necessarily help in defeating them. Also, more villain team-ups. With Team Flash now consisting of two speedsters* AND Vibe AND Killer Frost, it seems the logical direction to go. *(or three, if Jesse is visiting) Link to comment
ruby24 December 24, 2016 Share December 24, 2016 (edited) One thing I've been disappointed by so far- the Helbings actually said a few times that this season was going to more of a return to Season 1, tonally. I don't know what they're talking about, because I haven't seen that at all. Maybe one episode, the fourth one with Mirror Master, felt like a Season 1 episode, but there's still been way too much angst and Barry "weight of the world" stuff. And I think I know what the issue is there. The first season felt more happy-go-lucky for a lot of it because the characters on the show were not aware of their "big bad" (Harrison Wells, aka Reverse Flash) until way later on, so they could do fun, adventures of the week type stuff. There was still the mystery of the man in yellow suit, but naming and having the main villain show up immediately and having the characters know about him puts a looming cloud over the season from the start. Also, having Cisco be so depressed hasn't been good for the show either. There just isn't enough of the characters having fun outside the superhero stuff and threats like there was in Season 1. I wish they could figure out how to get that back, I really do. And I really think it would help to not have the characters be aware of a looming villain from the beginning of the season. Maybe the audience can be aware of it (we knew Wells was a villain way before the characters did), but it would help to have the cast just having more fun for longer. Edited December 24, 2016 by ruby24 5 Link to comment
Trini January 22, 2017 Author Share January 22, 2017 Annual reminder that I'd love to see Linda Park return -- Iris needs a friend. And scenes with other women in general. 3 Link to comment
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