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S06.E13: Bloodsuckers

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So, there's a card in Cards Against Humanity that says "dick fingers" that's all I could think about when looking at the big red dude's terrible foam fingers. I don't understand why he didn't just put fang type things on the model's real fingers. They have those fake nails everywhere.

As for the giant floppy tongue? It was awful. I liked the paint on that vampire but the floppy tongue was too much.

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OMG, Niko gets another chance!!  He should have been gone weeks ago.  I finally thought that he was going to be off my screen tonight..... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!  I really hope one of the other 3 guys doesn't get sent home instead next week, because they are all way more talented and deserving than Niko!

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That tongue on Niko's vamp! Oh dear me, that was awful. It looked like the character was shot in the face with a sawed off shotgun and that was what remained. The least he could do was put a wire in it or something to make it look a little bit life like. I wanted to like Tyler's creature, I really did. If he had one more day, the wings he had planned would have been amazing to see.

George did alright as well. I understand his logic on keeping the sausage fingers, though he could have slapped some sharp fingernails on the model's real nails and gotten much more positive reception from the judges. Rashaad's vamp blew me away. I liked the different color pallate he used. My prediction is that Rashaad will win the whole thing.

I'm excited to see what part two will bring! Preferably Niko finally getting tossed.

Edited by lachesis
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Rashaad's was the only vamp I liked. After this season is over, I really hope the word "extreme" is permanently banned from being spoken on Face Off.

Niko's was by far the worst. Even the sketch was bad. I'm not sure how exactly he could have incorporated the giant tongue and not had it look ridiculous, but I don't think it could have been much worse than what he did. If Niko doesn't get eliminated I shall be very put out.

Kudos to the editing crew for working Face Off into the teaser. I see what you did there.

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Niko is very original, I'll give him that. Between this vampire and the mutant he did awhile back, he certainly corners the "disturbing" market, which isn't necessarily bad, but he is just simply not up to the calibre of the other contestants.

The range of motion on George and Rashaad's characters' faces was simply amazing. Good stuff.

Poor Tyler, but I guess it was like that one episode where Anthony got placed on the bottom so it wouldn't like he was the clear winner of the season.

I love how bromantic the final four are. Very cute.

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Those were some hilariously bad fingers. They weren't even the right color!

I was impressed that Rashaad was apparently so good on time that he was able to run off another face after the first one ripped. The producers seem like they're starting to cut the deadlines awfully close, which I wish they wouldn't do. It's like on Project Runway; I get that it generates last-minute drama, but I'd rather see the best work these people can do.

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Was Tyler's model a little person? That was just bizarre. Wasn't it suppose to have a 20-foot wingspan? I thought his concept looked good in the drawing, but the execution was just strange.

Edited by 90PercentGravity
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I thought his concept looked good in the drawing, but the execution was just strange.

I really wish Tyler could've gotten those wings in order. The way those little hands were placed did not look right at all; I could only focus that the model's arms were in those folded up wings (which didn't even look folded or large at all).

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Rashaad should have gotten a clean shot straight through to the finals. Then again, his Vampire was by far the best of the bunch; he can basically do a body paint for the next challenge (Werewolf probably given all the Underworld references and the neoclassic pairings) and he should be through. He's currently the front runner to win the whole thing.

Nico's Vamp on the other hand was horrible. Unless it's a zombie, inside body parts hanging out is NOT a look you should go for. That was a huge mess.

The other two were solid middle of the pack and that's about all that could be said about them. I think the judges were too overwhelmed by the dildo fingers to care much about the red body paint job.

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Kudos to the editing crew for working Face Off into the teaser. I see what you did there.

I may have actually laughed out loud at that. The sound was so weird and choppy last night (for me at least) that I thought it was just a weird edit. But it was too perfect so it must have been intentional. Clever show.

The talking heads sounded all stilted and edited--mostly when they weren't showing the heads and were just having the artists talk over what was being done. It sounded off to me.


I love how bromantic the final four are. Very cute.

It's so nice to see how much they actually like each other.

After seeing an episode of Grimm with an Aswang, Nico's was sadly so far below that. Granted, it didn't have that horrifying clicking that was reminiscent of terrifying Star Trek TNG episode where clicking creatures were experimenting on the crew. The Grimm Aswang also had a long tongue, but it was needle like and stored in the mouth until used to suck up amniotic fluid. Nico's looked like a torture victim rather than something that would suck your blood.

And I don't understand how they can put George in the top with those fingers. He shouldn't be allowed to remove them in order to make it. Plus, they were integral to how his vampire functioned. And I like George and want him to get to the finale. Tyler was hindered by the wings, and he knew it, and was trying his best to mitigate it. Rashaad was lucky that his vampire was the most human of them and he could do a simply face and a great paint job. I wish he'd step away from the bright green, though.

Edited by frenchtoast
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I'm kind of wondering why Nicco needed to make the tongue all the way down to the waist.  He couldn't have made one that reached the collarbone and not look like it was pulling the whole face down?  How do you even swallow with a tongue that huge?  Has he never heard of Venom?  He's got a crazy tongue too but it looks like he can actually use it rather than have it hang there.

I wasn't fond of any of the makeups this time.  Even the winning one felt off to me.  It was the best of the bunch, yes, but the green didn't look planty, it was way too neon.  The point of it was that he was partially a plant. 

Meh to all of it.

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Was Tyler's model a little person? That was just bizarre. Wasn't it suppose to have a 20-foot wingspan? I thought his concept looked good in the drawing, but the execution was just strange.

There are a couple of small women among the models this season. The blonde seems to be very popular among the contestants because she really sells her characters, but this was the brunette. I agree that Tyler's execution was lacking this week, and I actually thought that his choice of model was part of the problem. Had he gone with someone taller, with a longer torso and longer arms, he would have been able to do more with the wings. As it was, the character looked stumpy because the features were all shoved together. We don't know that he would have made better wings with a taller model, but I suspect it would have been easier.

Niko has got to go. Rashaad seems to have hit his stride at just the right time. I agree that he should have been put into the finale based on his win, but he also seemed to want to impress the guest judge, which he did, and so maybe this will turn into a job for him.

Edited by Bella
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Nico's looked like a Licker from the Resident Evil series, only without all of the other badass detailing that goes into a Licker. A tongue that long certainly is creepy, but without movement, it was, as noted, quite flaccid. He seems like a sweetie-pie, but I just don't understand why he's still there. I thought it was both funny and kind of telling how Rashaad took one look at the tongue and said simply, "Make it more pointy" and then continued on about his business. He comes across as a mentor more than a co-contestant. Rashaad's, by the way, was excellent, and I liked the color palate. It felt different without being some off the wall choice made just for the sake of making something different. It was guided, of course, by the description, but still. Kudos to him for not trying to actually cover the guy in moss. George's wasn't all that bad without the fingers, though I can't understand why he ever thought those were a good idea. Sausage fingers are never a good look, and once he realized he'd screwed up even that, I think panic simply overrode good sense. Otherwise, yeah, glue on some nails and risk a ding on a half-hearted incorporation of an element instead of sending that out. As for Tyler, wow. That was horrendous. The original idea looked pretty good, but absolutely nothing in execution turned out even okay, really.

At the moment, I'm picking Rashaad for the win. Tyler can do some good work, but I also think he can whiff big-time by latching on to the wrong element of a design and spending all of his time on that to the detriment of the whole. George seems like a nice guy who'll make a good workhorse somewhere, but he doesn't have the creative chops.

I'm not looking forward to werewolves, if only because they're usually a massive failure on this show. There simply isn't enough time to do quality work and the absence of animatronics is a major downfall, resulting in Halloween masks at best. I'm predicting a lot of sad talking heads about ideas that don't pan out, biting off more than they can chew, and 'this might be the thing that sends me home'.

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After seeing an episode of Grimm with an Aswang, Nico's was sadly so far below that. Granted, it didn't have that horrifying clicking that was reminiscent of terrifying Star Trek TNG episode where clicking creatures were experimenting on the crew. The Grimm Aswang also had a long tongue, but it was needle like and stored in the mouth until used to suck up amniotic fluid. Nico's looked like a torture victim rather than something that would suck your blood.


This, so much this!! I think a long forked pointy tongue would have worked so much better. I also thought his colours were too bright, maybe a darker, murkier feel would have been good.

Edited by SherriAnt
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I am really impressed by Rashaad...his vampire was creepy and yet rather beautiful.  Tyler seems to have peaked too early; he really missed some opportunities.  I don't know why he got so obsessed with the wings...surely he has done harder things this year.  I don't know what choice of models he has but the one he picked was overwhelmed by the clutter of his design.  This is the second time Tyler seems to have designed for a taller model than the one he actually has.  I hope George learned something about stepping back from a design.  I remember reading in a magazine once that a well known fashionista of the time said to take at least one adornment off before you leave the house.  In other words, George, keep it simple.  As for Nicco...well, he's sweet but he's just not in the same league as the rest.  I think he should apprentice to someone more experienced for a couple of years before competing in a show like this.  Still I love the cooperative and friendly atmosphere of this group.  I can imagine that they could easily move onto a project together and turn out something spectacular.

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Tyler, Tyler, Tyler. I'm rooting for you, Buddy, but what were you thinking? Even though I still want Tyler to take the whole thing home, I was really angry on Rashaad's behalf, because the "big twist" really undercut his much-deserved win. I still shudder when I think about his vamp. Creepy as hell.

Nico is cute as a bug, but he is just not very smart, is he?  I just had to laugh when Mr. Westmore asked about his vampire's special skill and Nico gave a cute little shrug and said, "I don't know, maybe he can breathe underwater???"  ::shakes head:: Oh, Nico.

I've never been able to pin down why I dislike George so much. I'm starting to think it's just his face. Does that make me a bad person? I was really annoyed that the judges had so much positive to say about his design despite the epic failure of the Phallus Fingers. I was personally offended that Tyler's design got more criticism than George's.

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Even without the phallus fingers, I didn't like George's design much. The head was just kind of boring and the paint was far too one note red.

Lack of focus on good paint jobs had been the most disappointing aspect of this season for me. A good paint job can do a lot to rescue a minimal or flawed design, but a poor paint job kills even the best work. If Tyler had given his creation a killer paint job instead of obsessing over the wings and t-Rex arms, he'd have been much better off.

I kind of wish they'd give them an extra day next season. Some of them would still blow the time fabricating and such, but at least we'd have a better shot at not having to see so many ugly applied in last looks paint jobs.

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Rashaad's was easily the best, even though I thought that the White Hair did a lot of the work for him in terms of culturally situating his energy vampire.   Agree about the parsley hands, but I really liked the venus flytrap chest.

I did not think Nico's tongue was that bad, even though I also saw the Grimm Aswang a couple of weeks ago.  Perhaps it did look more like a victim (the ripping around the mouth for example) but I didn't find it comic.  It was suggested on TWOP that perhaps the flaccid tongue was actually flapping around during the runway in a way we didn't see.  I actually thought Tyler's was worse, but I couldn't see them getting rid of Tyler based on one flub, as opposed to Nico who's kind of hanging on by his fingernails.  Still not sure why they didn't just send Nico home.

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I've never been able to pin down why I dislike George so much. I'm starting to think it's just his face. Does that make me a bad person? I was really annoyed that the judges had so much positive to say about his design despite the epic failure of the Phallus Fingers. I was personally offended that Tyler's design got more criticism than George's.

If it makes you a bad person, I'm right there with you. He's just bothered me for some reason since day 1 and maybe it is just his face. Or his existence. Or something. Either way, I just can't bring myself to like anything he does.

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