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Season 34 Spoilers & Rumors


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That spoiler list isn't too far off from what has been circulating for a few months now, but it's still depressing to see. I wouldn't rate either of Sandra's wins as the series' most impressive-- I won't be happy until we see the likes of Kim, Earl, Brian, and Denise again-- but I do love her on the show, and I was hoping for Varner to finally make a jury...

The various spoilers seem to have resolved into a solid consensus regarding Ciera as the first boot-- which I can live with, since I liked her gameplay in BvsW but found her one-note on Second Chances, and there are others here I would prefer to make a deep run-- so the veracity of that list will depend on who goes second, since there are also some rumblings that Hali doesn't make it past tonight's episode.

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7 minutes ago, thehepburn said:


Yeah, like how Probst flat out said that One World was not a good season and yet they brought back 3 of them "immediately".

Ugh, still bitter about Colton being brought back for "redemption" and then Jeff ended up basically admitting he was a waste of space and time. Could have gotten way better players and their loved ones. But hey, Colton did bring along Caleb (RIP) with him, so there's that. Kat also brought along Hayden who played well. Monica did end up playing well, but I'm sure it was her better half that Probst was salivating the chance to get close to.

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16 minutes ago, omophagia said:

That spoiler list isn't too far off from what has been circulating for a few months now, but it's still depressing to see. I wouldn't rate either of Sandra's wins as the series' most impressive-- I won't be happy until we see the likes of Kim, Earl, Brian, and Denise again-- but I do love her on the show, and I was hoping for Varner to finally make a jury...

The various spoilers seem to have resolved into a solid consensus regarding Ciera as the first boot-- which I can live with, since I liked her gameplay in BvsW but found her one-note on Second Chances, and there are others here I would prefer to make a deep run-- so the veracity of that list will depend on who goes second, since there are also some rumblings that Hali doesn't make it past tonight's episode.

I'd still love to be surprised tonight.  If somehow CBS tricked the spoiler community and Ciera is not the first boot, that'll be pretty damn impressive (still, I don't think they will go to all that work with future footage).  Second boot may be the make or break for the bootlist, depending if Tony or another PM boot goes.  

In terms of season hype, I don't really buy into what Probst or even the Survivors themselves have to say.  Probst has to hype it, he just doesn't have to do a good job of it.  He's made it clear he doesn't like KR, and I'm sure if he has it his way, Jason, Scot, and Michele will never play again (or maybe he'll bring Michele back in hopes that she crashes and burns so he can play up the bitter jury argument even more).  CBS seems to be all about bringing back recent season players, so that could be why we have 4 from KR.



Here is Varner sharing his favorite moments from the series.  Posting it here because he said one of his favorite moments hasn't aired yet, and mentions things being difficult this season.  I did hear him give an interview where he commented that this group was kind of mean.  This is Varner whose known for trolling, so we'll see, but I don't know why he'd say the season was difficult as a way of trolling.

I've seen a rumor elsewhere (and as of now I'm putting zero stock in it) that Zeke got outed as being trans this season and it affected his game, and how some people treated him.  So not sure if his attitude at the end refers to that at all.

Edited by LadyChatts

I'm not getting any sound but thanks for posting anyway!  It does seem like a bit of an older group and sometimes if they aren't just crazy or something, the younger crowd seems nicer to each other.  I can see these guys being a little more like - its a game I'm not here to make friends I don't give a crap about you really we can be friends after maybe


The updated boot list is as follows:

20. Ciera  19. Tony  18. Caleb  17. Malcolm  16. JT  15. Sandra  14. Varner

He promises to reveal more tonight after the episode including the F3.  I am not sure I am buying all this yet though the fact that Hali is not one of the names is making me happy.

Edited by LanceM
5 minutes ago, LanceM said:

The updated boot list is as follows:

20. Ciera  19. Tony  18. Caleb  17. Malcolm  16. JT  15. Sandra  14. Varner

If true, then awesome for me, as I cannot stand Tony. I know he played well, but I just can't stand him, yapping and yapping. So if he's gone second, then more enjoyment for me for this season.

And if that bootlist is correct, then surely this group is thinking the other way in terms of who to go to the end with. The popular thinking is that you use past winners as shield to go to FTC, especially Sandra, as it's so easy to say, "Why vote her again? She's already won twice..." But the groupthink seems to be "well you've already won before, so let others win this time..."

Strong, physical players also being taken out early. This is going to be savage.

Edited by slowpoked
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59 minutes ago, enlightenedbum said:

Just noticed: if that list is accurate, this is Palau 2: the Ulong Boogaloo.  Six of the first seven from Mana.

I hadn't paid attention to teams before watching.  I'm brushing the cat listening to Jeff call out the tribes while they were on the boat and I'm - ohhh the Mana tribe is going to be chaos


So Survivor's United confirmed the final 3 of Sarah/Troyzan/Brad, and confirmed basically the rest of the bootlist (just not the exact merge order).  Caleb, JT, Malcolm, Sandra, and Varner are next to go.  Sounds like Sandra gets screwed by a swap.

Now I can see why they are doing all newbie seasons for S35 and S36.  They probably don't want a repeat of this season anytime soon.  Jeff probably loved the fact that Brad/Troyzan made the final 3, but to be a fly on the wall when the rest of them fell by the wayside (especially the pre-mergers).

It'll be interesting, assuming Sierra does finish in 4th, if she'll need to use her legacy advantage at all.  The girls go into the merge with numbers, but I'm guessing a girl's alliance ain't happening if Brad/Troy make it to the end.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Well, if this F3 really is legit, then the first two episodes really made Sarah look good.  She essentially had a Million Dollar Quote in the first episode in talking about how she's changed up her social game using her cop profession, and she said a variation of it in the second episode after Cirie came to her for the prospect of an alliance.

Troyzan's had a couple of decent confessionals so far, but it's early still to see if he can overtake Sarah or really become as goatlike as he's said to be.

Brad only featured in the first hour, but had no confessionals in the second hour, so I've already counted him out.

Either way, I'm excited that it looks like the post-merge/jury game really will be dominated by women!  Yay!  Nice antidote and palate cleanser for the women's slaughter that happened last season!:)

Edited by Vyk
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It's hard to get excited about the season with the tribe with the most personality looks like they're going to get utterly curb-stomped. Malcolm, Hali, and Sandra gone early? *sighs* The premiere didn't assuage my concerns. 

Brad seems to have taken down a couple hundred notches which is appreciated. Sarah's gotten the most blazing neon "WINNER'S EDIT," I can remember in a few seasons. 

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If the bootlist is correct, Hali I believe is late game (unless something changes-which I hope not).  Other than that, the only consolation I can take in that final 3 is Sarah hopefully winning.  After all Brads talk about having to do as well as Monica, and Probst saying it'll be raining idols this season, I can see where that's going to help and hurt some players.  I don't know how they didn't see the pre merge happening.


In an interview before this began Sandra said she was going to align with alpha men, no women.  Her ego got the best of her with Tony and I think she missed a chance to go much further.   Would, coulda, shouldas are stupid.  I apologize.

Anyway.  In order to enjoy this season, even a little, I am going to have to get behind one of F3.  I don't believe Sarah is a shoo in due to her edit, at all.  Way too soon for that.  Or I will just come here and whine.  

Thank the universe the next 2 seasons are new players.  I hope they, and every reality show, keeps that going.  Top Chef was terrible this year with 1/2 returnees.  Stop it, all of you.  

Edited by wings707

Sorry, I couldn't follow the discussion, but was the list of boots posted here? Is it in Sucks?


Thank the universe the next 2 seasons are new players.  I hope they, and every reality show, keeps that going.  Top Chef was terrible this year with 1/2 returnees.  Stop it, all of you.  

I don't think it would have been bad if these people are not 3x or 4x returnees, or people whose seasons just aired not even a year ago. Survivor's been on for 34 seasons - that's a lot of players! Meaning there's a lot of players to go look back on and let them play again. I mean, look at some of the players that the fans voted on for SC - Varner, Peih-Gee, Kimmy, Terry Dietz, Fishbach - players who probably wouldn't be chosen if it's just TPTB making the decisions. TPTB thinks that their fans have a short-term memory and so they just go ahead and cast the more popular players and the players who have played in recent seasons. But there's a lot of good players to bring back. IT just needs some creativity and imagination.

Edited by slowpoked

Here is the updated boot info:

Rest of the pre-merge (in order): Caleb, Malcolm, JT, Sandra, Varner

Merge (this order is more iffy, but this was the order on the boot list that's proved accuate so far): Ozzy (everyone seems to think he is the first merge boot), Zeke, Tai, Michaela, Debbie, Aubry, Andrea, Hali, Cirie, Sierra

Final 3: Sarah, Troyzan, Brad

From Survivor's United, it sounds like Sandra gets screwed on what is probably the second swap.  Considering the remaining men (except for 2) are kicked off first at the merge, assuming this is true, I wonder what happens that gets Troyzan and Brad to the end.  Did the girls have an alliance and people flipped, idols fall from the sky at TC to spare the 2 Probst crushes, or did they just get the numbers they needed.  It's too early for me to say any of the final 3 have a winner's edit.  We briefly saw Sarah last night, and I wasn't impressed.  There's been rumors it's an idol heavy season, and Survivors not on this season are hyping it.  Brad also said in an interview that this season had a lot of crazy moments post merge (or something to that effect, there was the video that was posted where he talked about making it to day 20-I believe it's since been taken down).  Varner mentioned this season was a mean group.  It seems weird if he was going to troll he'd make a statement like that.  We'll see.

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

Here is the updated boot info:

Rest of the pre-merge (in order): Caleb, Malcolm, JT, Sandra, Varner

Merge (this order is more iffy, but this was the order on the boot list that's proved accuate so far): Ozzy (everyone seems to think he is the first merge boot), Zeke, Tai, Michaela, Debbie, Aubry, Andrea, Hali, Cirie, Sierra

Final 3: Sarah, Troyzan, Brad

Thanks LadyChatts! Jesus, 8 ladies and they still couldn't prevent Brad and Troyzan from getting to the final 3?!

It would have been funny if there was a strong women's alliance and Troyzan was voted off again because of it. Shades of OW. 

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The other implication by SU relates to editing. Specifically, that Aubry was much more involved in Tony going than shown. We know she knew the score, since she voted for Tony. Sandra was obviously involved in getting the numbers, but this may have been an Aubry suggestion, if that's true. Since the winners are gone by the merge, they're being highlighted now. Aubry's game isn't being highlighted, since she is not getting near the end this time. 

I'm happy to hear that Hali might make it fairly long-term. I need some more of that weird, lispy southern charm she has. 

Hard to imagine that Caleb, Malcolm, and JT would go this quickly without a tribe swap. Wondering if a girl alliance takes over Mana and they just say screw it, and start tossing guys overboard. Once again, kinda hilarious that Troyzan and Brad could be the last two guys standing. 

The producers really never to start figuring out the original tribe alignments better. This is the second returning player season where one tribe has just absolutely dominated the proceedings 

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The tribe swap was likely already planned, but I wonder if they anticipated Tony and especially Ciera out as the first two.  Mana came close in that first challenge, and if Varner had just been able to get that lock open first it might have made all the difference.  The whole theme has become quite a mockery, and I'll be curious how much Jeff hypes this season.  So far his hype has been pretty standard.  Not that he's the best indicator, since he hard core hyped WA, but it can tell what production thought.  I have to think they weren't too happy for the pre merge to happen how it did, unless it makes one hell of a story.  

Edited by LadyChatts

It seems weird that JT was originally the third boot (now is the 4th, if the new spoilers are to be believed), and his new tribe has been the only focus of the promos so far.  Obviously could be very misleading, since he appears to be the only Nuku member after the switch, and therefore is going to be extremely desperate, so it might make for the more exciting TV (Sandra, Varner, Aubry, and Malcolm join him-someone on another site said Michaela was the 5th).

Do we know the other tribe divisions yet?

Edited by LadyChatts
3 minutes ago, Vyk said:

He's the fifth boot.  Malcolm is the fourth.

Thanks, I had that order flip flopped.  Assuming that is all true, I wonder if Malcolm ends up getting Idoled out by JT then?  I can't believe they would have had another tribe swap that quick for Malcolm to wind up somewhere else.

Edited by LadyChatts
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7 hours ago, loki567 said:

So basically predictable boot, JT idols Malcolm, predictable boot, predictable boot.  This season seems like it's going to be a grind. 


4 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

Wow this swap really screws some people.  Now I see why Caleb took his ball and went home early.


3 hours ago, Sugar said:

I'm praying to any deity who will listen that this boot order is wrong.

Meh.  I'm fine with it.  I hate Caleb, and I hate J.T., so I can enjoy them being gone early.  Pre-merge, even.  Indeed, the new tribe divisions seem to put them in bad spots, and they do explain their early exits, but guess what?  Welcome to Survivor, people!  That's the game!

Sucks that Malcolm and Sandra indeed seem to be out early, but at least Sandra will again be the last previous winner standing, so in that respect, she'll still be "the Queen."

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Vyk said:



Meh.  I'm fine with it.  I hate Caleb, and I hate J.T., so I can enjoy them being gone early.  Pre-merge, even.  Indeed, the new tribe divisions seem to put them in bad spots, and they do explain their early exits, but guess what?  Welcome to Survivor, people!  That's the game!

Sucks that Malcolm and Sandra indeed seem to be out early, but at least Sandra will again be the last previous winner standing, so in that respect, she'll still be "the Queen."

I'm actually surprised Sandra makes it as far as she does.  While I would have loved to have seen her at least make the jury, I'm not surprised she's out pre-merge.  I've never been a huge JT fan, so him going out early doesn't bother me, either.  I do like Malcolm, though, and I would have liked to have seen Ciera and Tony last longer.  Beyond that, I'm fine with the pre-merge order.  I can't stand Caleb, so seeing him go out in that fashion will be satisfying.  He won't be the first, or the last, to be screwed by a tribe swap, and there are some from the past that I felt more sorry for.  I would love for the final 4 to be incorrect, but I've conceded it's likely not going to be.  Brad seemed overly excited for this season to not do well, and with Sierra having an alliance with Troyzan and Brad, I can see those 3 sticking together.  I've seen rumors that this is will be an idol heavy season post merge, so we'll see.  I just can't see myself getting excited over a Sarah win, and I really hope she does something more than just take two goats to the end.  Equally, I'm curious if Sierra actually does something or gets dragged along like she did in WA.  I'm crushed Hali and Cirie make it so close.  That said, I won't be surprised for some of the merge order to possibly be off.

Ep 4 is titled "The Tables Have Turned" so I do wonder if JT slides by because of an idol, or maybe Malcolm tries to stir the pot and ends up getting himself voted out by strategizing too openly and early.  

Sandra will no doubt always be the queen, because I'd find it extremely unlikely another winner would win for the second time (unless it's in an all winners season, obviously).

Edited by LadyChatts
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