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S28: Ponderosa

EC Amber

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Jefra does seem sweet, but her Ponderosa video was pretty boring. It did give some interesting insight into her relationship with LJ, though. Her saying that he was like a big brother was more information about their relationship than we got on the actual show or even in his exit interviews. He got asked a few questions about Jefra, but never really said anything. They seemed to spend a lot of time together at Ponderosa. Must have been nice for him to have someone to talk to other than Morgan and Sarah (Jeremiah was probably still recovering at this point). 

Jefra's Ponderosa video can be found here

Wow... why didn't we get to see any of this Jefra on the show? I guess because it wasn't dynamic or game related, but my opinion of her really changed. And the rest of the jury - blah! Poor Jefra "They greeted me with open arms" cut to all of them sitting on their ass with only Sarah making a weak, half-assed attempt to get up out of her chair to say hi. Bitter cakes on the jury makes for some sucky Ponderosa, but it may make the FTC interesting. 

Another thing about Jefra that impressed me was her thoughtfulness and ability to take ownership of what she says and does. The moment Jeremiah confronted her about the word "backstabbing" she immediately conceded it was the wrong word. Most people would try to defend themselves... she very mature for her age and I wish we got to see more of her during the show... 

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I know a lot of people find her boring, but Jefra is the sort of player I wish they'd invite back instead of the Hantzes, Phillips, Coaches, etc. She seems like somebody that might actually learn from her mistakes and play a better game the second time out.

Hope she doesn't succumb to the Ponderosa atmosphere and start drinking the bitter brew.

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I know a lot of people find her boring, but Jefra is the sort of player I wish they'd invite back instead of the Hantzes, Phillips, Coaches, etc. She seems like somebody that might actually learn from her mistakes and play a better game the second time out.



When I watched the Ponderosa video, I kept thinking that she reminded me of Andrea.- and they invited her back, so there's hope!  I'd love to see Jefra back.

I have a question about the "Day After" videos. In the case of Jefra, specifically, it says "Jefra reflects on her time in the game the day after she exits".

Does that mean after Final Tribal? I watched Jefra's and the collar bones she specifically pointed out are already rounded back under skin and her cheeks look fuller, plus she seems like she's had more than one day to reflect (referring to "the night when I got voted out" versus "last night when I got voted out").


Just a wonderment.


Also, did I miss the show trying to push the Cervical Cancer Survivor element during Island Time? Because Jefra mentioned it so offhand in Ponderosa video that I thought I must have missed first mention.

Jefra's day after video can be found here.


Oddly rambling, like LJ's - which makes me wonder if it's just 6+ minutes where they say whatever they want. The editing is nonexistent so it makes me think so... 

BUT, her vid clip was pretty cute. She's got a good head on her shoulders and some really healthy esteem. I feel like she came into this far more mature and with far less credit than she got. It makes her game play seem more understandable. She came into this very sweet, honest and open and she came out the same way. 

I enjoyed hearing about her connection with Trisha and how that influenced her reluctance to flip. It was something I don't think we saw and it made her decision more coherent. I hope she gets invited back just so we can see more of how she evolves. 


Tasha's arrival to Ponderosa can be found here

Opinion confirmed. Tasha is a bright and warm person. 

And this is just my roaring schadenfreude, but I'm more unhappy that she is changing what seemed to be a ugly atmosphere into a more sunny place. Mostly because I really want that Kass bitterness to fester. Still, my most enjoyable moments watching the Ponderosa videos comes from people having fun and enjoying the experience. In that regard it was good to watch. 

Is Kat out there?? Because I swear I heard this exchange:
(off camera voice who must be Kat) "How long since you last ate?"
"Two days ago" 
(Kat) "Are you hungry?"

The Survivor Diet does suit her. She looks incredible. 

And finally!! They do something other than eat and look miserable! Ponder-olympics looked like they were all enjoying themselves and her closing remarks were excellent. I hope she comes back in a future season. 

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I just watched Trish's Ponderosa. She clearly identified that none of the Jury was happy to see her there and that there was some anger at being voted out. This should make the final interesting. And then she pissed everyone off by talking about happy she was to be out of the game. LJ and Jeremiah were really upset and openly discussing how much they wanted to be in the game and how annoying it was to hear Trish talk about being happy being out of the game.


I get the feeling that people were fine with Trish's social game but were not happy with her willingness to forgive Tony, hence her reception when she game in. But I think we got real insight into how she played. She was fine being there but fine to not be there. She is a go with the flow kind of gal and was fine with Tony's whackiness and with her ouster.


Interesting person who I think might drive me crazy if I knew her.


Trish's talk about being happy just seems like typical rationalization after a disappointment to me and the boys' bitterness gets them no closer to the million than Trish's approach so more power to her.

It appears there is more anti-Tony sentiment than I thought on the jury, though it remains to be seen if they'll vote against him because they don't like him and he flipped on several of them or for him because he outplayed them.

This jury seems quite bitter. If Tony & Kass are the final 2, this is gonna be one nasty FTC.

Trish would definitely drive me nuts and she's definitely proof of how big a difference 10 pounds makes if you're already thin. The fact that she kept trusting Tony, even after he flipped on his alliance twice is the thing that most negatively impacted my perception of her gameplay. She's like those people who hook up with someone while they're married to somebody else and then are shocked when they find out they also cheated on them.

Edited by Joystickenvy
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I was kind of surprised by the cool reception to Trish as well.  At tribal, it seemed like the jury was on her side in the whole Trish/ Kass fight, so I was expecting them to be a little more supportive when she showed up.  


I can understand why the other contestants were annoyed by Trish saying she was glad to be out, but I can also understand where Trish is coming from.  She was starving, and exhausted, and had had a pretty stressful couple of days.  And was also probably trying to soothe some of her pain at being voted out.  I bet that after a few meals and a good night's sleep, she feels a little differently.  Too bad she had to irritate everyone right away, though. 

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Other than when it was just Sarah & Morgan, Tasha is the only person who got any kind of warm welcome and even then the guys pretty much ignored her.

I think they're just all partaking of the bitter brew. I'm not sure what they expected Trish to do at that point. The window for her to make a move had passed and her decision to ride or die with Tony just came home to roost.

Other than when it was just Sarah & Morgan, Tasha is the only person who got any kind of warm welcome and even then the guys pretty much ignored her.

Seriously. I don't think that bar area was used as much last year. But the old saying is true: it really is the first person at Ponderosa that sets the tone and unfortunately Sarah was a bitter Betty so....


They didn't go on a field trip yet, right?

The thing to me is, Trish is obviously just trying to look on the bright side.  And they're acting like she quit.  Go talk to Alina, Marty, and Brenda before you start saying woe is me, LJ.  And he's such a dick about it--in however many years of Ponderosa, I have seen just about everyone apologize for smelling bad, and every single person they've said it to has said "oh no, no problem".  Every single person except LJ, who's playing some middle-school shit to make Trish feel bad.  What the fuck, LJ.

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The thing to me is, Trish is obviously just trying to look on the bright side.  And they're acting like she quit.  Go talk to Alina, Marty, and Brenda before you start saying woe is me, LJ.  And he's such a dick about it--in however many years of Ponderosa, I have seen just about everyone apologize for smelling bad, and every single person they've said it to has said "oh no, no problem".  Every single person except LJ, who's playing some middle-school shit to make Trish feel bad.  What the fuck, LJ.

Yep. Between the hair and the stank attitude, the bloom is definitely off the rose with LJ.

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Watched the video and good God, Trish's laugh is creepy.


Ha. I was watching and wondering why she bugged me so much on the island since at Ponderosa she's so pleasant and pretty and then she laughed and all the hair on the back of my neck stood up. Though I did love, "Underwear! Underwear!"


Good lord, that's a sour bunch at Ponderosa. Even Tasha, who's normally so bubbly, had a shitty look on her face when they were sitting at the bar, agitating against Tony. Although Tony did vote for Trish, it bothers me that the jury is telling her they know he did it because of the way he was looking down and not looking at Jeff. They know no such thing. They can make a good guess that he voted for her based on the fact that only one vote for Kass was read and if there had been two votes, Jeff probably (but not necessarily) would have read them both. But they don't know anything based on their interpretations of Tony's behavior. If they could figure Tony at all, at least half of them wouldn't be on the jury.


LJ making Trish feel bad about how she smelled was assy, but it makes it ten times worse to me that he did it at the table. People always sit down to eat at Ponderosa before showering because they need food more than anything else. It infuriates me that Trish was so happy to get a decent meal and LJ was trying to make her feel ashamed because he didn't have the good sense or good manners to just sit further away. Creep.

Edited by fishcakes
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I noticed that Trish had her shoes on when she was weighed, so she actually probably lost more than 10 pounds.


Her armpit hair shot made me nauseus.  But the monkey impression was funny.


I was just meh about LJ until this video.  Now I think he's a jerk.  Trish didn't vote you out, and actually helped save you earlier when Cliff ws voted out, LJ, so you have no reason to be so nasty to her.

Edited by KnitWit

I've never watched the ponderosa videos before. Is it typical for them to be so rude and nasty at Ponderosa?  I can't see what the point is but they all seemed really incredibly petty.  I mean, if they don't want to talk to the player who is arriving, why not just go to their rooms?  Why make a huge point of sitting in the area the hungry player will come to first just so you can ignore and make bitter faces and comments?

There are some bitter horrible Ponderosas (Gabon) and there are some fun lighthearted Ponderosas (Tocantins) and it can be hard to predict which will happen.  The best one of all, by a huge margin, is Heroes VS Villains, thanks almost entirely (in my opinion) to Courtney Yates being awesome.  They say the first boots set the tone; Coach could have gone either way, but Courtney just does not give one single shit about winning Survivor and was quite happy to enjoy herself and get everyone else to enjoy themselves too.  (Only Rupert is able to resist thanks to his massive self-importance.)  I think the HvV Ponderosa is seriously one of the best things ever to come out of Survivor--better than many (most?) seasons of the actual show.  It's also the first Ponderosa I watched, so my life has been one disappointment after another, ever since.

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I can barely stand this season's Ponderosa videos, which sucks, because that's generally one of my favorite things about each season.  Sarah isn't the sharpest tool, Morgan is superficial, but not entertainingly so.  LJ is so, so dull.  Jeremiah makes me want to stab my eardrums with an icepick when he speaks. I couldn't even get through Jefra's video when she started OMGing when seeing herself in the mirror.  Plus, I need a 2nd icepick when she speaks.  And then Trish arrives with her braying laugh.  On top of the annoyances, these people are so inhospitable to new arrivals.  At first I was disappointed there was only one video per castoff, but now I'm grateful.  Ugh.


Thank goodness for Tasha, at least.  Love her!

Edited by Boo
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Speaking of LJ being boring, in preparation for the season coming to an end, I went back to watch all the Survivor Live interviews I hadn't. I had never been interested in LJ's because well I thought he was boring on the show as well. I have to say, watching his video, aside from falling asleep for a minute or two because he was boring there too, I actually think LJ is delusional about his abilities in playing Survivor. There were so many things he said that seemed to contradict him or didn't make much sense and he wasn't very articulate I thought in explaining himself. Honestly, Jefra made more sense in her her post-elimination interview. 


The one thing that really made me go "huh" was when he was asked about voting off Morgan and did he think that was a good idea. He says that no, because at that point Morgan was no threat. But then he says his plan was that they should have gotten Kass out because she could have easily flipped on them too, gone back to her old alliance mates and then they get picked off. Except Kass flipping back would have made the numbers tied 5-5 so no guarantee they would be picked off. On top of that, Kass' old alliance mates were furious at her, she had no reason to flip on Tony and company and she wasn't a threat physically. So wouldn't it have been better to push for a Tasha, Jeremiah vote and at that point they're even further in the numbers and if Kass flips later, it really doesn't matter at that point. Like I just didn't understand his argument there at all. 


He also seemed really arrogant and delusional in his arrogance with how he kept saying no one was playing but Tony and he was not worried about anyone but Tony because he was the only one playing. Yet he never laid out a plan for when or how he would have gotten rid of Tony unless he planned to go to the end with him which would make no sense if he was the only playing because he would be a threat to beat him. So all that long spiel, after watching that interview, I'm not surprised by his attitude with Trish at Ponderosa.

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Speaking of LJ being boring, in preparation for the season coming to an end, I went back to watch all the Survivor Live interviews I hadn't. I had never been interested in LJ's because well I thought he was boring on the show as well. I have to say, watching his video, aside from falling asleep for a minute or two because he was boring there too, I actually think LJ is delusional about his abilities in playing Survivor. There were so many things he said that seemed to contradict him or didn't make much sense and he wasn't very articulate I thought in explaining himself. Honestly, Jefra made more sense in her her post-elimination interview. 


The one thing that really made me go "huh" was when he was asked about voting off Morgan and did he think that was a good idea. He says that no, because at that point Morgan was no threat. But then he says his plan was that they should have gotten Kass out because she could have easily flipped on them too, gone back to her old alliance mates and then they get picked off. Except Kass flipping back would have made the numbers tied 5-5 so no guarantee they would be picked off. On top of that, Kass' old alliance mates were furious at her, she had no reason to flip on Tony and company and she wasn't a threat physically. So wouldn't it have been better to push for a Tasha, Jeremiah vote and at that point they're even further in the numbers and if Kass flips later, it really doesn't matter at that point. Like I just didn't understand his argument there at all. 


He also seemed really arrogant and delusional in his arrogance with how he kept saying no one was playing but Tony and he was not worried about anyone but Tony because he was the only one playing. Yet he never laid out a plan for when or how he would have gotten rid of Tony unless he planned to go to the end with him which would make no sense if he was the only playing because he would be a threat to beat him. So all that long spiel, after watching that interview, I'm not surprised by his attitude with Trish at Ponderosa.

I had the same impression of his Survivor Live interviews and I was someone who really liked him while he was on the show. I thought he was super inarticulate. There must have been some serious editing of his confessionals from the show, because although he mixed up metaphors and stuff like that, he usually seemed somewhat articulate. Or if he didn't I just attributed it to lack of food/water/sleep, etc. He also seemed a bit weird, which at times was endearing and other times was just...weird.


He definitely seemed arrogant there. He was like "I'm so good at reading people". He did acknowledge that people would probably think he wasn't, since he got voted off, but he still insisted he was. He posted some tweets the night he got voted off saying that he "was too good" at the game. He kept saying that Tony was the only one playing and the only one who could have beaten him. Maybe that was true, but I thought he would have given more credit to Trish. He seemed especially bitter with her, which I thought was ridiculous. Part of me still thinks that he's just a nice guy and some of this bravado was him trying to show more personality and convince people that he's not boring. He seemed very upset that so many people thought he was. 


Also, Parvati has gotten a bit better at interviewing people this year. I watched a few interviews during Caramoan and she was intolerable. 

Finally they showed a little bit of interaction with the Ponderosa gang. Yea! I've missed that. Tasha is such a pretty girl. She was on the show too, but cleaned up she is just lovely. 

I wish they would air another half hour every week on the goings on at Ponderosa.  Jeff mentioned that the castaways talk about the people left on the island and all the secret talks that went on.  It would be so interesting to watch people become aware of things they did not know about before.  It would make the final vote more interesting because we would have a better grasp as to why everyone voted the way that they did.

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Watching Spenser and Kass's Ponderosa. Spenser was received with open arms. Kass was totally ignored. Trish actually said that Kass refered to herself as Chaos Kass during the game. And then Kass goes off on stereotypes and blames being an older woman for people disliking her not her awful treatment of people or behavior. And then she says she doesn't know another way to play. I so hope they don't invite her back.

Kass's interview with Parvatti shows an interesting level of introspection. She pretty much says that she is an introvert and that she would struggle playing a more social game. So good on her for knowing herself. She seems to miss how her interactions with others was not seen as stiring up chaos but being an instegator that continued to poke, prod and piss people off. She is just missing that connection and I have no idea why.


I think I am happy that the Ponderosa crew decided to go for say nothing over tearing her apart. I know that the silence hurt her but I think the vitrial would have been much worse. And I do think that she sees herself as a victim. She does not grasp how her behavior caused the attitude from the others.


It is kind of fascinating. Clued into her lack of social skills but not understanding that her social skills were the problem.


I understand that Kass was extremely disliked by the jury, but I really don't like the ostracizing that goes on at Ponderosa. Not saying any of them have to spend all their free time with her, but just say hello and be civil.


I understand Morgan, Sarah, Jeremiah, etc being bitter toward Kass, but why Jefra and LJ? She flipped to their alliance and without that they would have been out sooner. Their behaviour in this video makes them look really petty. Especially if it's because, as Sarah said, one person decided to ignore her and then the rest followed. 

Edited by wudpixie
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I don't know. I just think giving someone the silent treatment is so petty and immature. You have a problem with someone talk it out like a damn adult. Now, granted, I'm not sure Kass would have listened, and she may have done nothing but stir the pot some more, but at least try to be civil and grown up to begin with. 


My LJ crush has shriveled and died, much like his hair follicles* and positive attitude. What a sourpuss. His view of Trish changed because she was happy to be well fed and warm? Well, let me tell ya, buddy, my view of you changed when you showed what a sad sack of bitterness you turned out to be. 


I wish someone else had been the first at Ponderosa. I think Sarah and Morgan set a negative tone, and LJ didn't help matters at all. Much as I love Tasha and wish she would have lasted even longer, I think Ponderosa would have been much more enjoyable if she had been the first one there.


Much as I dislike the seasons with returnees, generally speaking, I am really hoping that Tasha and Spencer get another chance to play. I'm still sad that Spencer didn't get to the end of this one. 


*I normally find bald men to be very attractive. Just goes to show what a crappy attitude will do to your looks. LJ. 

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I really think it must be the location that soured this Ponderosa.  Though disappointingly fifth grade, ignoring Kass was the predictable result when Spencer and Tasha are the only people who were greeted by people standing up instead of scowling over their beers like a bunch of grumpy old men staring down slumming gentrifiers visiting a neighborhood dive.  When people like Jeremiah and Jefra who never really did anything to anybody get the "oh it's you" treatment, Kass is lucky she didn't get beat up like she predicted. 


It is pretty amazing that she apparently called herself ChaosKass in camp and not just to the cameras.  And that Spencer can't stop checking himself out half-naked.


I think I am happy that the Ponderosa crew decided to go for say nothing over tearing her apart. I know that the silence hurt her but I think the vitrial would have been much worse. And I do think that she sees herself as a victim. She does not grasp how her behavior caused the attitude from the others.


Good points. I was surprised and moved to see how shaken Tony was after realizing how destructive his path was to winning the million dollars. He seemed genuinely humbled, and told Parvati it was hard to celebrate knowing how much he hurt people. It really impressed me, and I started to like him again. 


If Kaos had *any* humility, her actions might be forgivable. Imagine if she could stand at the Ponderosa bar while being ignored and say, "I know this may not change anything, but I was hard on people, and I hope I get another chance outside the game." Something like that. Anything like that. Even if she didn't straight up apologize, she could at least acknowledge her style of play, instead of playing the victim and blaming others for her social standing. In other words, she needs to own it. I doubt it happens because if she was capable of it, we probably wouldn't dislike her as strongly as we do now.

Kass continues to be deluded.  She still doesn't get that chaos for chaos's sake is not going to win this game.  It's insulting.

She seems to miss how her interactions with others was not seen as stiring up chaos but being an instegator that continued to poke, prod and piss people off.

She actually reminds me a bit of Russell, who was also all for this stirring up chaos as a strategy to keep people off kilter and focused on other things rather than the game.  He pissed people off too.

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