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S28: Ponderosa

EC Amber

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Now that the Ponderosa videos are posting I wanted a thread to discuss what the jury has to say once they are out of the game. Also?The Ponderosa is so amazing this year compared to years past. Just a beautiful setting to hang out while playing as jury. 

Just watching the first one with Sarah and my first question is: did Sarah ever lie in the game? I can't recall, but is she being a hypocrite here or was she really playing an honest game? She seems really shocked that someone lied to her (Kass) and is coming down like a ton of bricks with the "Kass, you have no integrity."  Has she never watched this show? I love her thoughts about her mother and grandmother. I thought it was really sweet how much they mean to her

Her breakfast was gross. 


Sarah is hardly the only person to come on the show thinking they will play "with integrity" and to try to be honest.  In fact I think it's more common to hear this than Tony's "I will lie cheat and steal to win" attitude.  I think this is surely why Kass so hamfistedly told J'Tia she was voting for her, for example.  My presumption is, CBS selects these people because the contradiction between trying to win Survivor and trying to be honest will create interesting ethical/logical dilemmas (and the teary "I have to betray my friends" confessionals that come with them) and therefore is theoretically more interesting than if everyone is playing like poker players.  And I don't totally disagree, though I'm sure plenty of Survivor fans would.

As far as it goes, I think Sarah was pretty honest.  She swore to be loyal to Tony, but she was upfront (to her detriment) when she was wavering on that, and refused to do it again when he pressured her to and she was unsure which way to go.  Her comments on Kass being a bad example for her children were not really justified, but on the other hand I don't blame her for being mad, and the emotions were pretty raw right then, just moments after leaving the game.

I think the next person out is really going to determine the mood of Ponderosa.  For example, apparently Sarah and Morgan are strange-bedfellow besties, so they might have a good time while also amping each other's disgust with Kass, who they both hate, if the preview is any indication.  If it's Woo, I would think they'd just be chill and have fun.  If it's Spencer, I expect Ponderosa to become a Fortress of Bitterness.  If it's Kass...all bets are off.

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Kass' move wasn't exactly brilliant, but it seemed like pretty standard issue Survivor blindside and no real call for excessive butthurt on Sarah's part. Essentially calling someone a bad mother because they lied on Survivor is pretty silly. Lying is part of Survivor, if you want to win anyway. Part of the game, like bluffing in poker.

What's most shocking to me was as immature and pissy as Kass was acting about not getting her way on voting Jefra instead of a Tony, it seems her alliance was actually surprised she flipped.

I'm on the fence too as to whether or not Sarah lied.  And I agree that her refusal to lie to Tony about her vote got her booted.

But being a "good" contestant in the social game encompasses much more than just not lying.  Sarah was arrogant -- or at least, that's the way she was presented in the last episode.  Being a brat isn't the same thing as being a liar, but it's not all that much more admirable.

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Sarah's problem with Tony wasn't really lying so much as it was waffling.  When she saw that she was in a swing position the thing she should have done is to come down hard on one side or the other.   For Tony, Sarah's refusal to commit was worse than just saying 'no' - it meant she was trying to play him, and that put a target on her back even before Trish talked to Kass, whose alianation was a different issue.   

Of course, this doesn't directly have anything to do with Ponderosa.  What's in the videos? 

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I don't find it interesting to see people like Sarah condemn other contestants for being deceitful and conniving in the game. I couldn't even watch more than maybe five minutes of her Ponderosa episode. This show has been on for how many years now? It's a game of betrayal. Everyone should know this by now. It's like watching footage of a person hopping around on hot coals and then complaining that they got burnt. It's just dumb.

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Some general thoughts about Morgan's video. Mostly I just enjoy those two together. Aside of the mutual Kass hate, there didn't seem to be a lot of bitterness. And I think it says a lot about their ease with one another. Definitely sisterly and I enjoyed that. For some reason I was especially charmed with the make up scene... reminded me of me and my sister when we were much younger. 

Interestingly I feel like I got to know Morgan better and came to like her more. Everything except the mirror face thing... that was kind of odd. I didn't even notice it and she seemed to enjoy that feigned embarrassment while pointing it out to Sarah. So yeah, she's pretty conceited about her looks... but I don't think she's a terrible or awful person. Frankly at her age, apparent level of maturity and attractiveness (superficially) I'm pretty sure I'd be quite a bit like her too. 

I thought it was rather interesting that during their sunbathing Sarah relaxed and Morgan read. 

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Morgan:  "I am very different from what people originally think of me.  And I think that people look at me and get a first impression so like, hmm, she's just a stuck up brat.  But that's not who I am."

Sorry, Morgan.  Your stint on reality tv showed that's exactly who you are.  

So funny that she was flipping through the book Wicked while her voiceover spoke of what a nice person she really is.

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Hopefully, Morgan will get Sarah to dress a little more sexy at Tribal Council next week. Shorts & a tank top a juror not make. This is a time to let the dirty castaways know how good you look when cleaned up. LOL!! I think Morgan might set a new standard. Remember last season when the guys commented how good Katie looked when she walked in? Hopefully, Morgan (and, Sarah) won't disappoint.

Edited by ByaNose

Sarah was in a different alliance, I doubt she was upset that Tony voted for her. I think she expected Tony, as a Cop, to be good to his word.

Some folks handle losing better then others. I doubt Morgan has lost at much, she is used to being on a pedestal so her cold response isn't a surprise. In fairness, LJ did seperate her from the tribe and put her at the bottom of the tribe when he said she was the weakest. Thatis a hard place to be in.

I do prefer Pondeosa at the camp site type places, they are more self contained and lead to more interaction.

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Morgan is hilariously high school, but I have to say LJ came off as a regular Coach in this Ponderosa episode.  NEVER GIVE UP!  I'M GOING TO BE ONE OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL MEN IN BOSTON!

I miss the days when there were several videos and more interaction between people, but it doesn't seem like LJ and the girls have anything to say to each other.  Still, show me more Sarah/Morgan slumber party action, please, Ponderosa peeps.

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WHY didn't we see Sarah telling LJ that Tony is a cop, NOT a construction worker?  At tribal, when Tony said that, the camera panned immediately to Sarah and her "OMG, did he just say that?" face.

I would think that's the first thing she'd tell new arrivals, that Tony is a big, fat liar. 

That is a nice looking resort they're at.  I agree with ProfCrash that the little fabricated camps they've had previously have always seemed more interesting that where they are now.

I had to laugh when Morgan arrived at the medical tent for her weigh in.  She said "I haven't been under 130 pounds since...."  Of course I yelled at the screen "Since you got those 40 pound implants, you skank!".....*ROFL*


Sounds and looks stoned. Did he say anything interesting? I couldn't make myself watch the whole thing. Hope he's not always so boring and rambly lol.

I remember after the cast bios for this season came out and even after the first few episodes, a lot of people were saying how smart/perceptive LJ was. I realize now he's practically incoherent most of the time! He mixes up metaphors and has nonsensical analogies. The last few episodes I thought it was exhaustion, but since he's been like that in exit interviews over the last few days, I guess he's just not as articulate as it had seemed.

He also claims that being boring was his strategy on the island. Okay...then why is he the same way in these videos too? The game was over for him at that point. I say this as someone who likes LJ and thinks of him as low-key, rather than boring, but some of his claims just don't add up.


Morgan is hilariously high school, but I have to say LJ came off as a regular Coach in this Ponderosa episode.  NEVER GIVE UP!  I'M GOING TO BE ONE OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL MEN IN BOSTON!

Hahahaha this was so weird and out of place! I guess maybe this is the side of him he's saying that he hid while on the show? Which if he did, good call there. 

Edited by wudpixie

Not much affect or modulation of tone - boring is what he came off as. About half way through I found myself wondering if the person filming asked him a question like "what will you take from this experience?" LJ then rambled on as we saw and instead of cutting that into a clip or editing it and adding answers from other questions it got posted in its entirety, as is, perhaps as an accident (foresight is a better excuse than intent). I'm cutting folks some slack here. Speaking of..  


But I'm willing to give everyone a pass given the circumstances they are in and we are watching them in. Even bitchy little Morgan. Mostly because they are in fairly extraordinary circumstances in and of themselves - add in that they just went through actual (modified) starvation, coupled with poor living conditions with people who are essentially strangers with odd physical demands - all on camera... I just don't believe that who we see on screen is anything more than an altered fraction of who those people really are. It's kinda like Morgan and her mirror face... I think she's doing it all the time because the cameras are running and that's what make her feel comfortable and in control. 


I saw LJ's interview with Parvati and he sounds so weird. I'm not sure why but he didn't really talk all that much on the show and now at Ponderosa he's talking a lot more and he does sound boring. I don't think it was his plan. I think he's just has a monotone voice and is kind of boring. Good looking but boring.

He was so weird during his interview with Parvati. He seems really hurt by the perception that he's a boring person, so maybe he was trying to change that? The weirdest part was when he and Parvati were talking about cuddling. He was saying he doesn't like cuddling, but that there's a time and a place for it, like for 30 seconds after "love making situations". Too much information LJ, too much information. Though it was kind of funny.

Morgan and Jeremiah were on the outs after he voted for Brice. LJ and Jeremiah split into different alliances at the tribe swap. Sarah really doesn't know Jeremiah that well. She was probably the vote out if their tribe had gone to tribal before the merge and then was gone in the first vote with the merge.

I have not seen the Ponderosa video yet but none of these folks were working together in the game and were working against one another. I still think that the Ponderosa set up the last two seasons does not encourage the players to hang out and chill.

Why are these people all so awkward when new people come to Ponderosa? Jeremiah comes in and not one--not ONE--person gets off their butt to greet him. Awful.

I thought it was OK. Not sure how appropriate hugs, etc. would have been. I liked that LJ came to check on him the next morning. Poor Jeremiah, needing an IV for all the vomiting and diarrhea.

Edited by riley702
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I still think it's weird that no one came up to greet him when he got voted out, especially since he generally seems to be well-liked, but I guess the precedent has been set for this Ponderosa. It was nice of LJ to check on him, though. I guess LJ had come from another one of his great, "inspirational" beach workouts, because he was super sweaty. Also, his hair looked totally normal here. Just wear it like that to tribal!

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