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I dunno, it sounded like most of her anger was reserved for Lucy, who had hurt both her dads.  But I'm sure she was also pissed at Scotty for hurting Kevin.


But why have Serena on canvas when we can have Rosalie! #eyeroll.

I would love for Serena not to be mad at any of them, instead for her to be super mature and be like "yeah my parents have issues" It would be fun to have a SOAP kid who was self aware of the looney tunes around her. She and Dante then could become friends (Friends not lovers) and kind of roll their eyes at every one and wink and nod to the audience at the stupidity around them

Edited by Fylaki
Serena has history and is a legacy character - and we have seen how Cartini treat the longtime vets. So let Serena stay wherever she is for all eternity.




I couldn't agree more.


Letting Ron get his hands on another vet would prove disastrous, imo. He wouldn't bother to write her in character when he hasn't done that with either Lucy or Scott for the most part. She'll come on unrecognizable, especially if he recasts the role just so he can have the excuse of writing for a "new" Serena actress and the same old bs he likes to pull out of his backside.


Until Ron wants to fix all the crap he's done to the vets currently on the show, Tracy, Monica, Mac, Felicia, Scott, Heather, Anna, and Robin just to name a few then he can stay the hell away from any others.




I'm not sure if it was this thread, but someone asked how do we know that Rosalie isn't Serena.....welll


for one both of her parents were white, neither of them were hispanic.




This may be the best way for me to say just how I feel about Ron and his skills as a writer but-frankly I wouldn't put it past him to try such a stunt.

Edited by CPP83
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Don't even put that out there. I can see Ron calling us all mean for daring to ask why a blue eyed blonde white girl is being played by a Latina.

Just like not casting a black girl to play Aaliyah.


While I don't think he was on OLTL at that point, he already has a built-in defense: While I never, ever watched OLTL, even I know from SOD and the like that Blair went from an Amerasian woman to a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Southern Belle. So...yeah.


That said, Rosalie had better NOT be Serena.

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Let’s talk GH a bit!  That last scene where Robin claims she is in Paris (but she is being forced against her will to stay away from her family by Helena Cassadine), she is skyping with Patrick (Jason Thompson) and Anna (Finola Hughes) to tell them she is not returning home.  What did you think of that … and how the show wrote her off the canvas this time?  Viewers were probably ready to toss something at the TV after this one! (Laughs)


KIMBERLY:  I think given the situation there is not much more you can do, except having Robin being manipulated into leaving her family.  I mean, really you could just kill her, I suppose.  But, you can’t just kill her again, or you could recast me.  I really don’t want either one of those things to happen.  For me personally, the scenes were hard.  I was looking at a blank screen and someone was reading the lines to me off of the side.  I just wish I was dressed in something other than scrubs. (Laughs)  What I did like with that scenario is that they set it up so I can come back!



Or . . . you can send Patrick off with Robin and Emma. Come on Kim, just because you don't say the obvious scenario doesn't mean it won't occur to us.


I wonder if Lexi Ainsowrth's boobs to me in that picture would be as obvious if I didn't know what she looked like before.

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Well, I don't imagine she would advocate for a scenario where Jason Thompson would be out of a job just because she left lol.


I get that, and I have seen this more than once. And I'm not even disagreeing! But...it's why it's called show business. Other soap actors have lost jobs once half of a pairing has left. Is it fair? No. But acting is not a 25-years and a gold watch kind of career.

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although really, why can't Robin just move away and have shared custody? It's not any stupider than Laura not being around.


I really don't know why they didn't do this.  They could have had Robin and Patrick sadly realize they couldn't make it work, Robin could have been offered some great job in Paris, and that would leave the door open for periodic visits to town to see Emma, her mom, Maxie, etc.


The show wants to have its cake and eat it too, keep the Robin/Scrubs fans on the hook while also asking viewers to invest in Patrick's sexy new romance.  It's bizarre.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Advocating for her coworker to lose his job, while expressing her desire to leave the door open for her return would be in poor taste. I am glad she didn't go there.


ABC Eyewitness news at 4 just did a segment on GH. It was about how passionate the local GH fans are. They interviewed Finola Hughes, Lynn Herring and Jason Thompson about how they react to them. 


I get that, and I have seen this more than once. And I'm not even disagreeing! But...it's why it's called show business. Other soap actors have lost jobs once half of a pairing has left. Is it fair? No. But acting is not a 25-years and a gold watch kind of career.


Oh that is true. But such speculation would be rich coming from Kim IMO.

The show wants to have its cake and eat it too, keep the Robin/Scrubs fans on the hook while also asking viewers to invest in Patrick's sexy new romance. It's bizarre.

What's really bizarre is the show won't just fucking let go of Scrubs. Because that's the only thing behind these decisions and the "only 2 options." It's all to keep Scrubs intact later on. WHICH MAKES NO SENSE. Is this Ron's decision? Frank? KMc? Jason? Like, why do they care!!?? Just divorce the characters normally and then Robin can come back whenever. Because obviously KMc wants to be there, she just can't full-time.

  • Love 1

To Ron, the triangle and the longing, the perpetually delayed payoff is always the important thing.


I can understand it to a point with Robin and Scrubs - she and the couple are immensely popular. You don't put that out to pasture unless you absolutely have to. But I also think there were better ways to keep her offscreen for now without once again having to quasi-smear Robin in the process (and despite what Ron says about the circumstances of Robin's heroic suffering, all of which is accurate, he also knows that that negative element exists and is trading on it for triangle purposes - he wants it both ways, for Robin to be innocent of blame but not quite).


Of course, if it's up to me you get her to sign for at least another four to six months and start playing her with Billy Miller. That is a real quadrangle.

Edited by jsbt

What's really bizarre is the show won't just fucking let go of Scrubs. Because that's the only thing behind these decisions and the "only 2 options." It's all to keep Scrubs intact later on. WHICH MAKES NO SENSE. Is this Ron's decision? Frank? KMc? Jason? Like, why do they care!!?? Just divorce the characters normally and then Robin can come back whenever. Because obviously KMc wants to be there, she just can't full-time.

Ron has always written like this. He wants to have his cake and eat it too. He, just like the audience, knows the long-term HEA couples. But he wants to write what he wants to write in the meantime. So he keeps the fans of the more popular couple on the hook while having his kicks with whatever else he wants to write. He really believes that slapping the "supercouple" (for lack of a better word) together at the end will satisfy their fans. The problem is, fans of the original couple get disillusioned and check out. That's what Ron doesn't seem to understand.

Oh, I agree with a bunch of your points, jsbt. And I've always thought that the story was Robin/Patty/Sam/Jason. But this is a very special case. They want to bring KMc back for short stints, cool. But if you need to keep Scrubs alive in the meantime, you're also continuing to put Patrick in limbo for like, ever. Because they refuse to give him a real story that's not about sexing women up. It's just so odd. A choice needs to be made. Either end for good or keep them together. Anything in-between is just a bad story, IMO.

The problem is, fans of the original couple get disillusioned and check out. That's what Ron doesn't seem to understand.

Yep, exactly. He ruins the couple he actually wants to end up together. It's quite funny. Edited by HeatLifer

Oh, Ron does do that, all the time. He always justifies it to himself as being about the big payoff, so he doesn't always bother writing a lot of shit that is interesting or makes sense during the journey. They'll all thank him at November sweeps! He's gotten worse at that over the years.


I am not as angry at Patrick as some people; they pulled back on him and Sam a bit and are slow-burning it again, which I think is important for them as I like them together. I do think his immediate jump to moving on, while somewhat understandable as rash and heartbroken behavior, was not always accurately portrayed as such onscreen.

  • Love 2
To Ron, the triangle and the longing, the perpetually delayed payoff is always the important thing.


He doesn't seem to understand that Robin being held captive badly undercuts the triangle. The divorce is the least objectionable part of this. Just because Robin and Patrick aren't married doesn't mean they can't still have feelings for each other. Everything else can still work. 

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Interesting interview. I follow KMc on twitter & instagram, so I as aware of Hey Day. I don't know her whole vision for the story though. I don't know if it will work but I like large scope she's in visioning. I wanted to see/hear the reading, now I really wish they had taped it. I would love to see JE being able to sink her teeth into a new character with some meaty material.

I didn't know TC owned a theatre.

Why do the do always keep Robin's returns secret? IMO, Robin's return would bring more eyes than Luke/Fluke hamming it up.

They've already ruined Scrubs with the way they've written this story. They don't have to keep ruining the individual characters by keeping Robin a perpetual victim in a disturbing and beyond stupid scenario and making Patrick seem like a clueless asshat.

I don't necessarily blame KMc for being blind to that fact. I'm willing to bet the actors have fun with each other, do their best but try not to take it too seriously, and don't watch the end product usually. And they get paid. I just get aggravated by the senseless stupidity.

  • Love 2

That was a good interview.  Hey Day sounds like a lot of fun, and it's interesting that her ultimate goal is to be showrunner for the project.  I wonder what she could do running GH?  She has the unique perspective of having grown up as an actor on the show, plus being a writer and director.  I bet she could do great things. 


The old photos were great.  Jackie Zeman used to be so pretty before all the plastic surgery.  

We seem to have drifted from the original purpose of this topic;

Here is where to discuss the politics, writers and staff that create our show. Here we can get into deeper discussions of present and past  show runners, the TIIC, and who the hell thought was a good idea to bring back Franco as a permanent character.

Let's go ahead and get back to this subject; before you post, think about what you want to post, and then take it to the correct topic (if this isn't the right one), whether it's GH History Lessons, Episode Discussion, Wishlist: Hoping For A Cure, or other.


Future off topic posts from here on will be disappeared.

My shut up is for Jamey in this interview



DC: Sonny Corinthos is one of my all-time favorite soap characters. But if I log on to my site’s message board, or any other soap site, the words “misogynist”, “woman-hater” and the like are being bandied about ad nauseum about the character. You took things a step further by having him pull a gun on a woman who had just given birth to either his child or grandchild! When you thought this up, was there a moment of hesitation, or did you just go balls to the walls?



That's because he IS a woman hater! shut up, Jamey!

  • Love 5

I know there was apparently some recent podcast where Our Man Giddens went off about the unfairness of people trashing Sonny and Carly for what they did to baby Michael over "drunk old A.J." or something. I couldn't stomach listening to it. I gave up on those long ago. I do remember that Jamey has been a ride or die GH mob fan for years and years and has always turned his nose up at Robin, A.J., etc. As long as Jason had his gun and Sonny and Carly were making it hot he was happy. His tastes are extremely broad, but he worshipped what were IMO some of the worst of the Guza years in addition to his obsession with '80s primetime camp.


“Okay, we’ve got this crazy woman and a character that came on as crazy, that we tried to have walk the straight and narrow, with arguable success.” Then it became, “Let’s let Roger do what Roger does best.” While I have faith in him that he can make us care about Franco, which I think that he’s done, I was like, “Okay, what if he goes back to playing the Franco that first came on the screen — the evil Franco, the crazy Franco? What if we took those gloves off?” And so we did.


This is as close to an admission of failure as I can remember Ron ever coming to. He has had this issue since his first year HWing at OLTL. Arguable Success!


He also says they perhaps "took the teeth" out of Franco at first. Yeah, that's the problem, Ron - he's not bad enough! I also think he kind of fluffs off his attempt at a compliment for the "black and white" heroes like Dante, Nathan, etc.

Edited by jsbt
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Isn’t it fun to just have a looney toon running around town who can wreak havoc on the rest of the characters?

When you're writing the characters? No.

I definitely want to find moments where you root for Ava, where you’re rooting for Obrecht and Nina and Franco, where you’re rooting for these people who do horrible things. I’m always fascinated by that moment of humanity in a person who seems to be a “bad” person.

Really, Ron!? Really!? Seems to be "bad?" In quotes!?

Edited by HeatLifer

Seriously? That's frightening.


I am not joking. I think they interviewed him several times both in print and on podcasts about OLTL, and every time the rapemance story came up, for example, he'd say people just didn't get it. He also fought with people about Ford the rapist til the last week of the show, on Twitter.


As usual I think Ron makes some good points, including invoking Sheila, Annie Dutton, etc. Yes, those characters are important sometimes. But those actresses (and the writers who worked with them) did amazing things with those characters. Nina is just a cartoon who we are already expected to begin to root for. He can claim we're not really expected to root for Nina, Franco, Obrecht, etc. just yet but I just do not think that's the show they're putting out. I think Ron sometimes has a very slippery relationship with his own true feelings in these interviews.

Edited by jsbt
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I know there was apparently some recent podcast where Our Man Giddens went off about the unfairness of people trashing Sonny and Carly for what they did to baby Michael over "drunk old A.J." or something. I couldn't stomach listening to it. I gave up on those long ago. I do remember that Jamey has been a ride or die GH mob fan for years and years and has always turned his nose up at Robin, A.J., etc. As long as Jason had his gun and Sonny and Carly were making it hot he was happy. His tastes are extremely broad, but he worshipped what were IMO some of the worst of the Guza years in addition to his obsession with '80s primetime camp.



This is as close to an admission of failure as I can remember Ron ever coming to. He has had this issue since his first year HWing at OLTL. Arguable Success!


He also says they perhaps "took the teeth" out of Franco at first. Yeah, that's the problem, Ron - he's not bad enough! I also think he kind of fluffs off his attempt at a compliment for the "black and white" heroes like Dante, Nathan, etc.


I did think it was weird he mentioned Maxie as a heroine but not Lulu, Kiki*, Sam Olivia, or Anna. Like, Maxie, out of all the characters you could have picked?


*And thank the lord he did not.

Isn’t it fun to just have a looney toon running around town who can wreak havoc on the rest of the characters?


When you're writing the characters? No.



What gets me about that one is that it seems like he only thinks there's one of those characters instead of 12.


Really, Ron!? Really!? Seems to be "bad?" In quotes!?



I'll give Ron a pass on this. It was probably Jamey who was responsible for the quotes.


re: Ryan Paevey, I'm surprised he didn't say, "we have Nathan, who is a textbook good chest". 

Edited by ulkis
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I skimped through it and...wow, they both need to shut up.  Here's one thing that caught my eye:


I was thinking, “Could Nina possibly be that, but just stay around, rather than having to bring in a Heather or a Faison?” Why can’t she be like…what was her name? Sheila?


Now, I'm no Y&R fan so correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I've heard...Sheila is a Heather or a Faison, right?  She shows up, causes mayhem, and then is either arrested or is "killed".  She doesn't, like, wander town getting coffee, right?

I am not joking. I think they interviewed him several times both in print and on podcasts about OLTL, and every time the rapemance story came up, for example, he'd say people just didn't get it. He also fought with people about Ford the rapist til the last week of the show, on Twitter.


Or how about when Daytime Confidential said that Gigi and Rex went from best couple to worst couple in 2009 and Ron was just shocked, SHOCKED that he would dare say that about his beloveds.  Guh-ross.

Sheila was an interesting case. Because while she was batshit crazy, she also had the ability to fool people into thinking she was normal. And she was also on 2 shows (Y&R, B&B), so it was easier for the storylines to continue. And she was only really one character's arch-nem...Lauren.

Edited by HeatLifer

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