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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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9 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

That kid was a total waste. She was part of one of the most popular triangles in daytime and she has a secret kid with some dead rando? WTF was the point of that shit?

Well they can now pair the kid with either Joss or Emma, you know, if Joss and Emma don't date each other.

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I mean, as dumb stories go I've seen far dumber in the last 5 years. Should they have given her a secret kid, maybe not, but they did and the events apparently shaped a major part of Brenda's life. And frankly I like that she had a child that's completely disconnected from the all-consuming Sonny/Jax triangle vortex. (Though I'd still probably open up the question of it being Jax's.)

These are soaps, we live with the history so yeah, I'd bring Brenda's kid around. There are far worse and far more annoying kids out there to ship off to boarding school.

Edited by jsbt
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What I remember reading (probably back on TWoP) was that the whole point of the secret kid was for him to be Brenda and Dante's, causing angst for them, Sonny, and Lulu. Then Dom and Vanessa both spoke out very strongly against it, so they changed it to actually be the Balkan's son's kid. Though I also remember people saying that there was a window for him to Jax's, which would have made more sense and not been as gross as having him be Dante's. 

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1 hour ago, Jenniferbug said:

What I remember reading (probably back on TWoP) was that the whole point of the secret kid was for him to be Brenda and Dante's, causing angst for them, Sonny, and Lulu. Then Dom and Vanessa both spoke out very strongly against it, so they changed it to actually be the Balkan's son's kid. Though I also remember people saying that there was a window for him to Jax's, which would have made more sense and not been as gross as having him be Dante's. 

Small corection, just VM protested, but otherwise yeah that was the story.

Edited by ulkis
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I'm glad VM protested—and got her way. There was no reason for Dante and Brenda to have a past relationship, let alone a kid. I hated that he even knew her before coming to Port Charles. It was completely unnecessary, IMO.

Edited by dubbel zout
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2 hours ago, jsbt said:

Lord. I had no idea Howarth was doing the mags to promote Franco and Liz.


Has it finally gotten to this? Did Frank threaten to hold him hostage if he kept ignoring the press? I know it's not 1995 or 1998 anymore, so he can't ask not to be paired with his rape victim or opt out of love scenes like he used to (a check is a check at this point), but this is just sad. 

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He's talking these storylines up at length and it's painful. I figure to him at this point, as he's mellowed in recent years it's just a job and I get that, and I appreciate his open-ness on one level, but at the same time, ugh, it's Franco.

Edited by jsbt
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8 hours ago, jsbt said:

Lord. I had no idea Howarth was doing the mags to promote Franco and Liz.

Is anyone asking him why he thinks it's acceptable for his character to be paired with Liez, or anyone else for that matter? I'm not expecting him to quit or threaten to quit because of this pairing but going out of his way to promote it seems a bit much. 

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Lol he must have gotten a pay raise or vacation days for this shit.  Or he really did want to get away from MSt that badly.  Damn.  If that's true, this makes how many costars rumored to not like her?  This must have been what they were arguing over during the rumored contract negotiations.  

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That is the problem with this show.  Every writer wants A & D, but won't write B&C to explain why we should care about why these characters are doing x&y and who they are.  Hell, the writers don't know who they are.


And that's the problem.   If the writers don't care or know,  then why should viewers care?   Because it's been on for over 50 years?  Because interns planted a bunch of lame hashtags and stupid smush names?   Because we liked certain actors on other (better written) shows in other (better written) roles?  Because bribed soap media tells us that a story is totes awesome and/or certain actors are good?  Because sometimes certain actors pander to fans via social media?   Well fuck that.  I'm not watching Actor X's role on Y show.  I can you tube that, Frank.   Also, I don't get star struck over your GH soap actors.  They're D list at best.  And you can hashtag anything to make it sound interesting.   So, stop wasting time, quit with the smoke and mirrors and fucking make a real soap.   It's not GoT.  God.  But really, you could borrow something from them, like trimming the damn cast.  

@Chairperson Meow And there it is. The bloated cast, the newbie actors that FV insists ellipse more established characters. I like Ryan Paevy, and in theory I can appreciate a character like Nathan, but he isn't the strongest actor and I feel lacks much of the charisma of even Antonio Sabato Jr. (or maybe ASJ just got better writing), but he is the lead in another storyline while Maxie plays support and they shuffle off the more established Lucas Jones played by the better actor...again. They just want A&D, forgetting B&C is what gives the meat.

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39 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I wonder if they put doing some PR in his new contract. I don't know why else he'd decide now is the time to start talking to the press.

I think that's a definite FU from Frank to Roger.   He wanted to get away from MSt, breaking up the (eyeroll) popular coupling of Franco/Nina and probably negotiated something else for himself that pissed Frank off.  The Frank giveth and the Frank taketh away.  

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6 minutes ago, Ambrosefolly said:

@Chairperson Meow And there it is. The bloated cast, the newbie actors that FV insists ellipse more established characters. I like Ryan Paevy, and in theory I can appreciate a character like Nathan, but he isn't the strongest actor and I feel lacks much of the charisma of even Antonio Sabato Jr. (or maybe ASJ just got better writing), but he is the lead in another storyline while Maxie plays support and they shuffle off the more established Lucas Jones played by the better actor...again. They just want A&D, forgetting B&C is what gives the meat.

I rewatched a lot of 90s GH on you tube lately.  Antonio Sabato Jr had more charisma, better writing, and wasn't as isolated from the cast.  Jagger dated Karen, whom he stole from Jason,  fought with AJ/Jason, flirted with Brenda, fought with Sonny, was Stone's brother....etc.   You get the point.   Everyone now is so freaking isolated that when they do interact, it feels forced.  I'm watching scenes with Valerie with her family and I'm like "Why is she here?"  Lucas's heart stops, and Sam can't be bothered to see him for the one day he's in the hospital.   Yet, Sonny can barge into the PCPD and insert himself into investigations.  He's a convict.  Also, he has no credentials.   It's like the writers are just "Okay, well um put Actor A, B, & C in this scene.  Oh and Sonny."

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It was more than that - there was a barely veiled BI about them not getting along. And frankly, when Stafford comes out and says that shit it's her signaling that she's not happy. She's either in love with her co-workers as gods among men/women or she ignores them. This goes back to Y&R.

Edited by jsbt
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Wasn't there something like she flat out didn't want to work with Peter Bergman and insisted on her character being paired with Joshua Morrow, but he wanted his character with Sharon Case's character?  And the infamous Victoria Rowell war.  But who wouldn't want to be paid to kiss Peter Bergman?  

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I now feel less guilty putting up Bryan's public conversations up when he does the same thing to people having private conversations. Me and Bryan have much in common. Or Bryan and I?                                                                                                                      Bryan Craig‏ @bryan_craig

Couple next to me: Girl- "how much would I have to piss you off to punch me the face?" ......... That's a weird question

21hBryan Craig‏ @bryan_craig

One of the strangest dates I've ever heard going on next to me

21hBryan Craig‏ @bryan_craig

Good dating rule: Don't ask really weird dumb questions.

21hBryan Craig‏ @bryan_craig

They said in grade school "There's no such thing as a dumb question.".......... They lied

21hBryan Craig‏ @bryan_craig

Dumb questions are real

21hBryan Craig‏ @bryan_craig

Haha I'm cracking myself up

:neutral face:                                                               

Edited by ulkis
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4 hours ago, Ambrosefolly said:

@Chairperson Meow And there it is. The bloated cast, the newbie actors that FV insists ellipse more established characters. I like Ryan Paevy, and in theory I can appreciate a character like Nathan, but he isn't the strongest actor and I feel lacks much of the charisma of even Antonio Sabato Jr. (or maybe ASJ just got better writing), but he is the lead in another storyline while Maxie plays support and they shuffle off the more established Lucas Jones played by the better actor...again. They just want A&D, forgetting B&C is what gives the meat.

I think the biggest problem is that when it comes too Maxie & Lucas is that there isn't a writer who actually gives a damn about them as individual character & there rich history. Guza never gave a shit about Maxie as an individual character he then more than proved that with Spixie. He made a comment about how basically Maxie was inhumane until she got paired with his Pet who was akin too him in his youth Spinelli. I remember it clearly because it was on Soapzone message board & the posters over there went the fuck off about it. Not only was it insulting, it wasn't true.

Then you got Ron who blew the biggest story & opportunity for Maxie as a character when Frisco came back for the 50th anniversary. My 2 dad's the one who married her mom & stuck around & raised her when he had no obligation too vs her biological father who abandoned her & her sister. Frisco having too earn Maxie love & respect back. Maxie being torn between her too father's & giving Frisco the same hell she gave Felicia. He had a goldmine in Frisco/Maxie/Mac/Felicia & he completely dropped it. Cause you know the completely damaging story of Maxie lying about her baby too Lante & shoving her back with Spinelli ass even he though knew BA was leaving was just a helluva lot more important.

Then there's Jelly who I really don't think they care about Maxie as an individual either or there more indifferent too her as individual . Like there has been some good stuff the Crimson resurrection but that's mostly about Nina. Her realistic reaction too Nathan Lie for 2 Yrs & her self awareness about what she has done in her past too. But then there's Georgie who they seem not too want too deal with or fix Ronald mess when it comes too her despite it making Maxie look bad(which I don't fault Maxie for mainly because I know the reason behind Georgie creation & Ron mother fucking ass not knowing basic biology). It irks me too know end especially cause they're woman writers & should do better when it comes too stuff like this. It's like if you tuned in for the 1st time you wouldn't know Maxie has a child & that's fuckin unacceptable. It's equivalent too you tuned into Days & saw Shawn Douglas Brady & you wouldn't know according too a poster on my time line that he was the 1st born Legendary Child of Bo & Hope. That's how bad the isolation is over there.


As far as Nathan/RP goes I'm a fan & I agree. I'm a Naxie fan, I'm Maxie FF & Maxie shouldn't be the one supporting him & this Claudette shit. But I don't mind him getting a backstory what I don't like is his ex coming on the show but I'm of the thinking that this was never about Nathan but more about FV wanting one of his pets from oltl on the show. Bree basically confirmed it for me when she said the role was specifically created for her. Nathan & him not a backstory was just the vehicle too do it.

Anyways The only writers I felt gave 2 shits about Maxie is the scabs back in Jan/Feb 08. They did a wonderful job & I felt like they really got her. Motivations, her pain & she was allowed too track down the effer that took Georgie & Cooper away from her.

As far as Lucas goes they only care about him as the token gay character & being Julian son. Fuck that his real family is the Jones & Spencers. I think personally they should've kept him straight & paired him with Brooklyn.

Maxie, Lucas & Georgie have never been given the depth & attention like Robin in the 90s, Emily, JJ Lucky, Elizabeth 90s/00s pre 06 & Lulu under JMB when she was aged have gotten.

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1 hour ago, jsbt said:

It was more than that - there was a barely veiled BI about them not getting along. And frankly, when Stafford comes out and says that shit it's her signaling that she's not happy. She's either in love with her co-workers as gods among men/women or she ignores them. This goes back to Y&R.

I know about the BI but most of the people on Twitter I saw took it from her from her own mouth & the BI just fueled the speculation. The interview she did was before the BI.

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27 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Me and Bryan have much in common. Or Bryan and I?                                              


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5 minutes ago, jsbt said:

Why aren't Maxie and Lucas friends? Why don't we see that relationship? They go way back.

Because Maxie only exists to give Plywood an excuse to be shirtless

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5 minutes ago, jsbt said:

Why aren't Maxie and Lucas friends? Why don't we see that relationship? They go way back.

Yeah with Georgie they were best friends. If you also ignore the fact that who ever in the hell was writing back in 03 was trying too do a triangle with them even though they grew up as cousins. I think it take one hand & less than 3 fingers too tell you how many bonding scenes they have had since he came back.

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29 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Or Bryan and I?

This one.

9 minutes ago, jsbt said:

Why aren't Maxie and Lucas friends? Why don't we see that relationship? They go way back.

Because it's easier to ignore history.

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3 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

Because Maxie only exists to give Plywood an excuse to be shirtless

Nah Maxie has more of a purpose then that. That wouldn't explain Lucas end why he doesn't seek Maxie out. Lucas only purpose is too be the token gay character & Julians son. They've completely cut off his other family.

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On 6/18/2016 at 2:10 PM, Jenniferbug said:

What I remember reading (probably back on TWoP) was that the whole point of the secret kid was for him to be Brenda and Dante's, causing angst for them, Sonny, and Lulu. Then Dom and Vanessa both spoke out very strongly against it, so they changed it to actually be the Balkan's son's kid. Though I also remember people saying that there was a window for him to Jax's, which would have made more sense and not been as gross as having him be Dante's. 

I believe there was much speculation at one point that the youngster was A.J.'s, although I don't know what, if any, basis there was for this.

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11 hours ago, Chairperson Meow said:

This thread is legit killing me from laughter.  I'm so happy the leash seems to be coming off of Bryan.  I'm waiting for the day Mrs Brydawg begins selling Avon and he starts pimping that via twitter.  

They already sold their souls to sell toxic face cream.

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10 hours ago, yowsah1 said:

I believe there was much speculation at one point that the youngster was A.J.'s, although I don't know what, if any, basis there was for this.

The sheer will of Sonny's head exploding and the power of positivity. 

1 hour ago, UYI said:

They already sold their souls to sell toxic face cream.

Well, that explains the hair loss. 

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So I guess Nathan Varni is whining on Facebook or something that all the recent cast additions are "guest stars" and people should shut up claiming the cast is bloated?  My response is two-fold:

1) So they're guest stars.  Why is time being given over to them instead of contract actors who are barely on - Laura, Olivia, Tracy - and the recurring slate you already have got and don't use - Lucas/Brad, Molly/TJ, Kristina, etc.

2) Two words - Rebecca.  Budig.

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This I must see.

Speaking of Budig and the n00bs, I almost can't believe Frank is still tone-deaf and bullheaded enough to try another Pairing of the Soap Superstars with ME and RB, which will doom them both, especially Finn who has been a shockingly solid and unique character until now. They're on today with her going on about his dead wife and troubled past and trying to probe his stormy moods and it's literally verbatim every lame ME storyline in the last 16 years. The character names and a few nouns are interchangeable but the story is the same. Mindboggling.

Edited by jsbt
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I wonder if there's some rewriting going on because it certainly seemed like the show was determined to make Nikolas and Rebecca Budig happen, but then there was a abrupt shift away from that.  And it certainly seemed like Dr. Michael Easton was being chem tested with Carly.  But now it's full steam ahead on Rebecca Budig and Dr. Michael Easton?  Why?

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For all we know they're keeping all of the above in play. I think Nik and Hayden remain a going concern, but I personally don't think Finn and Carly are meant to be anything real.

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39 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I wonder if there's some rewriting going on because it certainly seemed like the show was determined to make Nikolas and Rebecca Budig happen, but then there was a abrupt shift away from that.  And it certainly seemed like Dr. Michael Easton was being chem tested with Carly.  But now it's full steam ahead on Rebecca Budig and Dr. Michael Easton?  Why?


29 minutes ago, jsbt said:

For all we know they're keeping all of the above in play. I think Nik and Hayden remain a going concern, but I personally don't think Finn and Carly are meant to be anything real.

Maybe a new found of focus group testing? Maybe Julexis, Frina, and Nikolas/Attempted Murder Victim all bombed and they are moving in different directions with all of them.

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Oh, Franco and Nina are done, despite events this week that would suggest the contrary. Howarth is Becky's "gift" and a way to try and put Franco over for the umpteenth iteration.

I have my doubts they've given up on Nik and Hayden - I think Frank would love to play a quad with them, ME and someone else, though. And I do think Julian is still dogmeat, sooner or later. I don't think he will come back from this.

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If Sonny can come back from murdering AJ in cold blood, Julian can come back from this. The writers just have to have him do something like save Carly from a raging inferno. Not that I'm advocating for that scenario, but if it happens, Sonny will forgive him, which means so will everyone else.

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32 minutes ago, jsbt said:

Oh, Franco and Nina are done, despite events this week that would suggest the contrary. Howarth is Becky's "gift" and a way to try and put Franco over for the umpteenth iteration.

I have my doubts they've given up on Nik and Hayden - I think Frank would love to play a quad with them, ME and someone else, though. And I do think Julian is still dogmeat, sooner or later. I don't think he will come back from this.

But wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen it's taking so looooooooooooooooooooooooong

Edited by ulkis
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33 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

If Sonny can come back from murdering AJ in cold blood, Julian can come back from this.

Julian ain't Sonny.

And that's not a personal value judgment of the characters, I despise Sonny at present and for the better part of 16 years. But that's just a fact of how the show prioritizes the characters and performers. One is the central star of GH for decades, the other is a creepy guy with a woodland animal stapled to his skull.

Edited by jsbt
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5 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

So I guess Nathan Varni is whining on Facebook or something that all the recent cast additions are "guest stars" and people should shut up claiming the cast is bloated?  My response is two-fold:

1) So they're guest stars.  Why is time being given over to them instead of contract actors who are barely on - Laura, Olivia, Tracy - and the recurring slate you already have got and don't use - Lucas/Brad, Molly/TJ, Kristina, etc.

2) Two words - Rebecca.  Budig.

I really want that roiding freak Chad from "The Bachelorette" to beat the shit out of Varni.

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