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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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As far as Hayden goes, I don't see her as some people have said, as if she is "failing." I'd have to say "prove it". Simply put, I think a lot of Liz and Sam FF don't like her because she's been up against them the most. But overall, I don't see a lot of complaining about her unless she's up against one of them. And yeah Sam and Liz are probably the two female characters with the largest fanbases, so to them the character of Hayden needs to go. But as far as her "failing".....I don't think so. And I've said it before and I'll say it again: I can remember very clearly how badly Sam was hated in the beginning by the majority of the audience, and she got whitewash after whitewash.

So I can't be bothered to care that Hayden may be getting that, but thus far though, I don't see any whitewashing. So, she has a sob story. So too, does almost every character.

The thing with Liz-Liz ain't being thrown under any bus. Liz came on the show as a backstabbing, lying schemer. Yeah, she was just a teenager, but still, her basic personality had already been set. She was so awful, the writers had her raped as a reason to try and "redeem" her. And no, I don't really think her basic personality suddenly changed, or that she really grew that much as a character. I think the meanness in Liz that made her do the things she's done over the years has always been there. The sad part about Liz, is not that she's being thrown under any bus. She ISN'T. The sad part is, she was shown such mercy and grace after messing up so badly, and it was just a few months ago. And yet-she cannot see fit to extend to someone else, the very mercy she herself received.

THAT is why I can't stand that character right now. She can rush to judgement of someone else, but God forbid she also turn herself and Nikolas and Laura in for attempted murder/accessories to attempted murder after the fact. It's the worst kind of hypocrisy.

Liz is being thrown under the bus for JaSam and this stupid Hayden storyline as Tracy was thrown under the bus for TG's Luke's pet storyline.Becky had to go on full crazy eyes in the scene where she Nik told her about Jakeson, which indicates that what Liz was doing extreme for her.   It might be in character for both of them to get all stupid for a guy's love, but not being horrified that your friend shot someone in the head to hold onto a company he stole (from your dead best friend's family no less) and giving his victim attitude, that strains credibility with Liz, as did Liz covering up Danny being alive after her son had been "killed" in an accident. Liz can be a bitch to women (and usually the women start it one way or another), but Liz has been presented as someone with a conscious, even if her desire for romantic love, stability and possible residual trauma after being raped as a teenager overrides it too often. I don't think pre FV/RC Liz wouldn't have gone along with all this shit, especially as long as she has been or at least more vocal confliction.


If Tony Geary had to admit that Jane Elliot had to tap into Tracy's need for love for her sell Tracy completely betraying not only her family, but everything she has been striving for since she was a teenager, then it wasn't especially character driven.


........Liz, on the other hand, was lying about someone's else's identity, keeping half the town from knowing that their son/uncle/husband/father/friend was alive. It hurt Jason himself, since he wanted (albeit in a fairly lackluster fashion) to know who he was, and it would have tricked him into becoming a bigamist. It allowed Nik to continue his illegal takeover of ELQ. It made her own zombie son's already fragile mental state even worse. Hayden is no angel, but there's no comparison between the lie she's telling and the lie Liz told. Liz's absolute glee at finding out Hayden's secret and being able to berate her for being a liar is ridiculous.


Even so, I prefer bad Liz because at least she's interesting. And it's good for Becky Herbst because she gets a lot of screen time. If she were good Liz, we'd see her about as much as we see Lucas, probably.

Because a gay doctor with a deep history with the show , connected to most of the other people on the canvas, now engaged to an amoral lab tech and played by a fan favorite actor is fucking boring./sarcasm.


If Becky Herbst was so jazzed about receiving the huge amounts screentime (none of which got her the Emmy nom because none of the material was very good, even if she played it very well and committed to it) while playing out storylines that makes her character look like a solipsistic, pathetic, hypocritical, selfish sociopath without any of the snarky, sardonic wit that her character was first introduced with, then she wouldn't be in negotiations with the show, to the point her character had to be written out.


Fact of the matter is, FV and whatever head writers he is working with are not creative and are boring. The head writers are more interested in their pets and political causes and FV can't see the forest from the trees, meaning for example he was more interested in getting Maurice Bernard and Sean Kanean in line, than caring if the show lived to see another year. Don't get me started on what he did to FH's Anna Devane. They have muddled the morality of GH so much, and have thrown so many veteran characters and actors under the bus for new characters that don't have strong characterization or interesting storylines to flesh them out, that it has taken on a dingy haze.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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Bryan Craig

Need a place to stay in Indio/Palm Springs tonight. ;)


Hosair Nasir

‏You and Kelly are welcome at our place


Who said anything about Kelly, lady


alright, I'll stop stalking Bryan . . . this weekend.

Now I'm starting to connect all the gossip about the Kardashians and Lindsay Lohan to Bryan Craig/Kelly Tebow.

Alright weekend's over.

No one's going to care to photograph Bryan when REAL celebrities like Tara Reid or Paris Hilton are there! :P 


This blasphemy right here.


but actually, Bryan wasn't at Coachella this past weekend. According to Kelly's twitter it's this weekend.


Bryan Craig ‏@bryan_craig  Apr 16
Follow me on snapchat! Username bryan_craig     . I will be filming and highlighting the  whole Emmy experience


I think this is a bad choice. Periscope is better. Darn it Bryan.


Bryan Craig ‏@bryan_craig  12h12 hours ago
@msdebbieallen congrats to you. We work on the same lot. friends with your son :)


"Congratulations! now here are two facts about me!"


Did anyone watch the Genie interview?


ETA: I saw someone comment that she didn't say anything we hadn't heard before.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1

I watched it; there wasn't anything new, I don't think. She talked about her substance abuse, that GH told her Tony was the show, that she didn't want to play a wounded bird anymore, etc. She and her husband are winding down work and want to travel now that they're almost empty-nesters.


The GH stuff wasn't new, but the life stuff may have been. We saw the house in Maine, which is gorgeous. So lovely and peaceful on the water.

  • Love 5
I don't know if it's just because I've heard the rumors but KS really comes off to me like she can barely contain her dislike of RP at this point. It's kind of hilarious.



I've gone back and forth and I think the rumors are false. Maybe he's got a bit of hot guy vanity but he seems to show up and do his job and not make antics. If anything maybe Kirsten is a little frustrated to be paired with the person who can't act for crap but I don't think it's anything more than that. I think Maxie's disgusted face today was just her general ambivalence for marriage.

  • Love 5

When did the Media thread become a stalking/bashing thread?


Since the show doesn't really have all that much going for it. I actually find Bryan and Kelly much more entertaining than the show. Like someone said, he needs his own reality show. I think he's obnoxious but not the devil incarnate at all. As for stalking him, I'm not looking at anything he hasn't put online, but I'll cool it.


ETA: And of course, blocking my posts are an option, if you haven't already, heh. I don't mean that in a sarcastic/mean way at all.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 11

Since the show doesn't really have all that much going for it. I actually find Bryan and Kelly much more entertaining than the show. Like someone said, he needs his own reality show. I think he's obnoxious but not the devil incarnate at all. As for stalking him, I'm not looking at anything he hasn't put online, but I'll cool it.


ETA: And of course, blocking my posts are an option, if you haven't already, heh. I don't mean that in a sarcastic/mean way at all.


Please don't take away what little entertainment we are deriving from this show!!


I won't get concerned until someone here actually buys a ticket to Coachella with the actual intent to, you know, stalk the man. In my book, it's one thing to, say, take a candid picture of someone not at a GH-event and put that online vs. someone bringing something over here that a celebrity him or herself puts online for public consumption.


I think it works for cross-purposes. We still put all the interviews and stuff here, but we also put the stars' Twitter and Instagram posts too if it's something funny or cute or whatever.

Precisely.  I wouldn't know exactly where the line between one (talking about interviews, which get into non-GH-related topics, and show-related tweets) vs. the other would end, and I don't think anyone should have to police that line.

  • Love 9

It doesn't feel like they're writing her that way anymore though. But it would jibe with her face and it's a much better story then what we're getting.

I don't see anything wrong with her having change of heart about marriage given she genuinely loves him but this Right here is nothing but a plot point so the Claudette thing can blow up in there face.Nothing more or less.

As far as the look on her face I think it was a mixture of confusion & pissed because she knows he still not be honest about that Claudette mess.

From the Plec interview (bolding mine):


Specifically, General Hospital and soap operas in general had a way of taking a despicable, horrific, nasty, nasty character and making you, over the course of time with some really clever choices, fall in love with them.


That cleverness is definitely lacking these days. As well as taking the time to change how viewers were watching the character. Now it's all "It was a tumor; my bad! Let's work together as if nothing happened."

Edited by dubbel zout
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Ha! She loved Scotty. Dominique's death hit her the hardest. No Sonny mention. A life untouched by him.

Interestingly enough this isnt the first time she talked about Scotty and dominquie she was doing a pod cast for michael fairman I thin maybe back in december and they was talking about villians or bad guys and mentioned scotty and lucy who used to be so nasty and mentioned the whole dominquie and scotty story lol.

  • Love 2

When Bryan Craig threatened to break our fucking fingers.

I'd actually take is a step back further.


It was when Ron Carlivati called a twitter follower's high school principal. He set the standard, baby.


Speaking of which, I think I found the line.  Anything short of tracking down, and complaining to, one's high school principal.

  • Love 10

He actually called someone's principal? I thought that was a myth. Like I seriously thought soaptwitter joked about that and everyone ran with it. It happened like the finger breaking threats? Damn, Ron. That shit is dumb af.

Nope, not a myth. I saw it all on twitter. It went down like:


High school junior or senior tweeted Ron a picture of James Franco by side with Roger Howarth and some snarky caption.  


Ron responded, and they engaged in a twitter fight.


The fight got really nasty, and the kid made some incendiary, even over-the-line, comments.


Rather than reporting him to twitter or just blocking him (because that's just for dissenters who hit a little too close to home), Ron figured out from the kid's timeline what town he lived in, and ergo what high school he must have gone to, and called his principal.


Ron tried to defend himself by saying he was justified. And I have a recollection of Ron then trying to say, once twitter went all twitter on him,* that he was trying to 'help' the kid. '


*If you don't know what I mean by that, think of the flack NLG got for her emmy night tweet.

Edited by Francie
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