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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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Was Maxie even really interested in kids then? She was a character I could see being perfectly happy without kids as long as she was working in fashion somehow. She could have been "the cool aunt" type to Emma rather than a mom.


Yeah, I could easily buy Maxie leaving her kid with a loving dad and step-mom. She hasn't abandoned Georgie.

  • Love 3

Yeah, I could easily buy Maxie leaving her kid with a loving dad and step-mom. She hasn't abandoned Georgie.

No, but she lives almost across the country from a little girl that Maxie claims to love more than anything. Another thing, I fucking hate Spinelli, so I hate that immoral little ass, not only gets a cute, smart little girlfriend to sponge off, he also has a beautiful daughter almost all to himself.


Was Maxie even really interested in kids then? She was a character I could see being perfectly happy without kids as long as she was working in fashion somehow. She could have been "the cool aunt" type to Emma rather than a mom.

And that is how they should have kept it. They should have let her carry the baby to term and when Kristen found out she was pregnant, write in her leaving as a way to deal with everything that had happened, not the convoluted with her carrying Spinelli's baby and lying to her friends for months. What could have been a good emotional growth story for Maxie and a surrogacy story where the biological mother didn't die, turned into a storyline that brought the worst in both Lulu and Maxie. The worst part is they basically hand waved everything after Kristen Storms returned.

  • Love 6

That was utterly fascinating. Can anyone flesh out the backstory on the cliques and the reasons for the coldness on set at that time? My GH history is fuzzy in those years. Isn't that when Finola and Tristan jumped ship the first time, and there was some Anna replacement for a few days?

Edited by EarlGreyTea

It was shortly before my time with GH so I shouldn't speak on it much. I've seen a handful of episodes. By all accounts Riche was struggling to whip a mess of a show into shape - she was saddled with Bill Eckert, a handful of reasonably popular couples, Emma Samms who didn't have much good to do, and then the new teens (Jagger/Karen, Brenda, Jason/A.J.). There were a bunch of revolving writers and stories. It was late summer '93 when Claire Labine arrived (as did Sonny, just before her, as a short-term villain). I'm sure more longtime people have more detailed commentary. My ex got into the show in this period because he was fascinated by the Ryan Chamberlain story with Felicia, who had come back solo sans Frisco, with amnesia. They banked on that for awhile, then I think after Ryan was finally packed away it was Labine who brought in Kevin in late '93.


There are a couple eps with Randy Mantooth (who I loved on Loving/The City) on YT. He was some nefarious dude in the very pointless-seeming Bill/Holly caper or something. Or was it a Lucy story? Or both?

Edited by jsbt
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For the record, Randy Mantooth's character on the show was Richard Halifax. I believe the HW he's talking about might be Marilyn Thoma, who was right before Bill Levinson, the last HW before Labine (Levinson was the one who created Sonny, for the record).


To be honest, the idea of GH being a cliquish environment doesn't shock me at all. I've always gotten the impression that many of the actors brought on by JFP and Guza were close knit enough to the point that it was easy to see certain actors struggle to fit in, especially once those two were gone and Frank took over, with his actors being liked less. That's just my impression, though. 

It was shortly before my time with GH so I shouldn't speak on it much. I've seen a handful of episodes. By all accounts Riche was struggling to whip a mess of a show into shape - she was saddled with Bill Eckert, a handful of reasonably popular couples, Emma Samms who didn't have much good to do, and then the new teens (Jagger/Karen, Brenda, Jason/A.J.). There were a bunch of revolving writers and stories. It was late summer '93 when Claire Labine arrived (as did Sonny, just before her, as a short-term villain). I'm sure more longtime people have more detailed commentary. My ex got into the show in this period because he was fascinated by the Ryan Chamberlain story with Felicia, who had come back solo sans Frisco, with amnesia. They banked on that for awhile, then I think after Ryan was finally packed away it was Labine who brought in Kevin in late '93.


There are a couple eps with Randy Mantooth (who I loved on Loving/The City) on YT. He was some nefarious dude in the very pointless-seeming Bill/Holly caper or something. Or was it a Lucy story? Or both?


I think the very last thing Monty did before she was finally fired was bring back Emma Samms. I have no idea if she was looking to reunite Robert & Holly, but she was gone shortty after Emma returned, as was Tristan, which sort of left Holly stranded. 

Edited by UYI

For the record, Randy Mantooth's character on the show was Richard Halifax. I believe the HW he's talking about might be Marilyn Thoma, who was right before Bill Levinson, the last HW before Labine (Levinson was the one who created Sonny, for the record).


In the interview Mantooth said the writer pitched him the story in the bathroom and indicated that the writer was male.  Some I'm guessing Levinson.

Edited by yowsah1

All I can add is that John Reilly and Sharon Wyatt were pushed out during WR's run.  They lasted until the end of 1993 or the very beginning of 1994 -- not long after "Luke and Laura" returned.


The beginning of 1995, actually. The 1993-1995 playlist following their baby/murder mystery with Jessica Holmes story on their biggest fan's YT channel is even titled, "Are We Still On The Show?"


Their final scenes in 1995 were great, though. 

The beginning of 1995, actually. The 1993-1995 playlist following their baby/murder mystery with Jessica Holmes story on their biggest fan's YT channel is even titled, "Are We Still On The Show?"


Their final scenes in 1995 were great, though. 

At least they got a happy ending, same as Scotty (he got to run off with his baby). Under RC or even Guza, it was pretty much a river of blood or jail.

  • Love 5

The beginning of 1995, actually. The 1993-1995 playlist following their baby/murder mystery with Jessica Holmes story on their biggest fan's YT channel is even titled, "Are We Still On The Show?"


Their final scenes in 1995 were great, though. 

My bad. I remembered Sean being the police commissioner when Luke came to town.  And then Sean had to be neutered so that Luke, and his new best pal Sonny, could engage in their low-level mob antics and Luke could save the day.  I didn't realize that went on for a year. I could have sworn that lasted only a couple months, but I stand corrected.


No, but she lives almost across the country from a little girl that Maxie claims to love more than anything.

As do a lot of folks. Sometimes life takes you away from those who love most in the world. Maxie for all her faults seems to be one of the better parents on the show. Caring for Georgie while leaving her in a stable environment (hatred of Spin aside). Mac seems to have been the right influence on Maxie, you do what is right for your kids even if it is not right for you

  • Love 4

If the show was in that much turmoil, I can't blame Mantooth for finding it toxic. I'm sure every actor looked at a new hire as a threat to his/her job. When you aren't TG/MB or the flavor of the month, it's got to be tough.


The arrogance toward recurring characters seems to have followed to this day, though. "We don't want to give you a contract, but we need you to be around for the two days a month you'll be filming," and then to be shocked—shocked!—the actor says no thanks.

  • Love 4

If the show was in that much turmoil, I can't blame Mantooth for finding it toxic. I'm sure every actor looked at a new hire as a threat to his/her job. When you aren't TG/MB or the flavor of the month, it's got to be tough.


The arrogance toward recurring characters seems to have followed to this day, though. "We don't want to give you a contract, but we need you to be around for the two days a month you'll be filming," and then to be shocked—shocked!—the actor says no thanks.


What's interesting is that he left the show when Tony was still playing Bill, and shortly before Mo started.

I love how refers to Ron as "the other writer".

In all fairness, I thought Ron wrote Laura fairly well during both her 2013 and 2015 stints. One major problem however was that Laura was never allowed to properly react to Ethan's existence and that Lewq cheated on her randomly when the Triple L's were on the run from Frank Smith in the late 80's.

I thought Laura's 2013 stint was a debacle, with the Scott engagement, etc. It was a transparent setup to reunite L&L with some lame triangle, and it never paid off.


In the grand tradition of Ron Carlivati, it was one giant plot point after another. Nothing about it was specific to Laura. It was a criminal waste of GF and everyone she worked with.

  • Love 5

I don't see them going there I think luy is pretty much gone.Bobbie is hardly ever on and the once or twice an month scotty is on its usually in scenes with Ava.

That is the one thing I've noticed about this new writing regime. Quite quickly, they have pared down the cast largely to the contract actors.

I think we've only seen Rosalie once in the last month or two, yes? Anna's no longer dating a recurring player. When the 70s and 80s vets show up now, it's usually in a supporting role for a family event, and not for bed hopping antics at the Metro Court. Milo and Max are no longer threats for getting F list storylines. And, of course, the kiddie quad has been dismantled. I think all the contract actors' characters are paired up with another contract player, with the exception of TJ and Molly.

Unfortunately, there are approximately seven women over the age of 45ish on the show now, and only four men on contract of that age. And two of them are Franco and Julian. Ugh.

And recurring players Lucas and Brad have been left out in the cold.

Edited to add;

I forgot to count Olivia to make it eight women well into her 40s and beyond on the show. But of course whoever remembers Olivia?

Edited by Francie
  • Love 1

That is the one thing I've noticed about this new writing regime. Quite quickly, they have pared down the cast largely to the contract actors.


I mean, honestly, I think this is a good thing. And I have no love for Lucy, so this is easy for me to say. But we already have Laura, Anna, Tracy in her age group. I think they should let her come round for recurring, but imo it's not a bad thing that they're not forcing F storylines, as you say, once a month. And again, I have no great love for Mac and Felicia but I think they should be seen once in a while. Surely they can give Maxie more scenes with Mac and Felicia here and there. Poor Mac. The cops may be keystones but at least they're seen.

  • Love 4

I think we've only seen Rosalie once in the last month or two, yes?


Not even.  I think the last time we saw her was the "big reveal" about her secret with Brad and that was August.  We know that the show hasn't dropped the story entirely (i.e. Brad trying to talk to Alexis about it like a month ago), but I wouldn't be shocked if they wrapped it up without us actually seeing her again.


But in her place, we have Darby.  Yay?


I do miss the community feel Ron would sometimes get right (more on OLTL than here).  And I wish they had taken one day to fix Kevin and Lucy while they had Jon Lindstrom.  But overall, it probably was the right move to streamline, especially during the transition.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2

I can understand streamlining, but there's a million people we can see less of (especially contract players) vs. an active Lucy who I think can handle or anchor a number of stories. It also doesn't hurt to have Mac and Felicia in the regular recurring corps. These characters are an essential part of the firmament IMO. If it were up to me we'd see Mac and Felicia with Anna, Maxie, Patrick, Robin, etc. early and often, as well as Lucy with - well, Lucy can do anything.

Edited by jsbt
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