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Except, Emma knows that Robin is alive, unlike with Patrina.

Oh, I know. I'm more talking in general. X becomes "mother figure" to Emma. Patrick looks half-asleep.

Because my main point is, why is this show trying to make Patrick's gf's a type of mother to Emma? Emma has a mother. Sam or Sabrina or whoever can act as a friend and a confidante or whatever, but I'm personally just over this show throwing the word "mother" around when it comes to Emma.

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Oh, I know. I'm more talking in general. X becomes "mother figure" to Emma. Patrick looks half-asleep.

Because my main point is, why is this show trying to make Patrick's gf's a type of mother to Emma? Emma has a mother. Sam or Sabrina or whoever can act as a friend and a confidante or whatever, but I'm personally just over this show throwing the word "mother" around when it comes to Emma.

Plus Sam is being written as saintly and perfect as Sabrina was.  

Their target demo is a lot of frickin people like me -- mid 30s, got into the show in the 80s or 90s and remember the AIDS storyline and young Robin. We are the target demo because we buy shit now, and advertisers like us.

So, no, continuing to hand wave the awful things done to this character (which were completely avoidable) will not help your ratings ...

And I honestly have no issue with Sam in general or Sam as a stepmom to Emma even. But the whole replacing Robin while Robin languishes for years in captivity thing is what drives me bonkers. Because it's cruel. Robin could be divorced and free and co-parenting but never seen ...

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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And I honestly have no issue with Sam in general or Sam as a stepmom to Emma even. But the whole replacing Robin while Robin languishes for years in captivity thing is what drives me bonkers. Because it's cruel. Robin could be divorced and free and co-parenting but never seen ...

Yes! I'm exactly where you're at. It's not about Sam. It's about this show trying to pretend that Robin isn't a prisoner. Meanwhile, her family doesn't give a shit and Emma's all good 'cause she has a mother figure!

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no no, jumping off porches is a good thing! It mean he's fearless like Jason!

HA! But, seriously, she's never in scenes with her son, who is always at Monica's or Mac's or at a sleepover or in a basement. But Varni wants her to develop a relationship with Emma? Who should actually be in scenes with PATRICK and showcasing THAT relationship?

And speaking of Jason, I'd love to know why this show is not talking about focusing on Jason and Sam. The character has come back from the dead and they don't think it's important to develop a relationship with his wife? They want to focus on Samtrick. I CANNOT.

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I am annoyed that Jason was alive for his son's birthday and it was just kind of ignored. I'm assuming that day was devoted to the Franks and Neens comedy hour but I don't want to hear about how Danny is fearless like his father (an actual character trait in his mother's case, result of brain damage in his dad's ) if they don't act like it matters that he's missing out on every day of his son's life

I am annoyed that Jason was alive for his son's birthday and it was just kind of ignored. I'm assuming that day was devoted to the Franks and Neens comedy hour but I don't want to hear about how Danny is fearless like his father (an actual character trait in his mother's case, result of brain damage in his dad's ) if they don't act like it matters that he's missing out on every day of his son's life

The lack of importance placed in Jason's relationships with Sam and Danny is pure insanity when placed side-by-side with Varni's comments. Like, I would maybe understand it if was just right now, but they'd focus on it closer to the reveal in coming months. But now after he said the focus will be more Samtrick and Sam becoming a mother figure to Emma? I'd be PIIIIISED if I was a JaSam fan, who have already been shortchanged because of the Liason focus since last year. Edited by HeatLifer
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From my unerstanding NV is FV boss.He was the one who told fans who was complainng about lukes exit there was plenty of montages of him on YT ect.

Vicki Dummer is FV's boss. That's why we know her title.  All we know about Varni is that he's on the "team."  His title may be VP or Executive, but I have no doubt that he has no power whatsoever. 


I think he did the podcast in direct response to whoever (was it Jamey?) complained about the show not having a dedicated publicist.  I think Varni's trying to fill that spot now.


Let me say now. I'm glad Ron's gone. There's plenty of shit he did that justified the termination. But, dammit, there are a ton of things wrong with this show that had little to nothing to do with Ron.  Including this tone deaf focus on these shitty, shitty characters.  At least Gloria Monty knew to pull the plug on the Eckerts as a time-sucking family unit, and she did so within 6 months.  She got rid of failure Dominique No. 1 in about 6 months as well. WHY are we on year 2.5 of Franco and in the second year of Nina?  WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY? And doubling down on Kiki and Sabrina? Oh, show, why do you want me to hate you so much?

Edited by Francie
  • Love 5
And doubling down on Kiki and Sabrina?


Tone-deaf, indeed. Sabrina became tolerable—even likable—when they made her more of a supporting character. Don't push her to the front again. There's no point developing Sabrina if TeCa is going to be gone for three months on mat leave. Wait until they know she'll return.


And as for Lauren, ugh. I don't care who's playing her, the character is terrible.

Edited by dubbel zout
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And as for Lauren, ugh. I don't care who's playing her, the character is terrible.


Yeah, there seems to be this weird "Oh, you don't like Kiki now because Kristen Alderson's not playing her" reaction from TPTB about Kiki.  And it's like, no, Kristen Alderson didn't help matters any, but Kiki is a non-character.  There's no there...there.

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Just to show I'm mean to everyooooooooone, is it just me or does Billy Miller vaguely resemble Dylan Cash here?:




He really, really does.  That's kind of disturbing. 


no no, jumping off porches is a good thing! It mean he's fearless like Jason!


Well, his "fearless" antics will provide nice cover for little Jake when he pushes his half brother off a balcony or something, enabling Jake to get to offing at least one more kiddie before anyone suspects anything's up. (I vote Spencer.  Choose Spencer, Jake!) 

  • Love 2

I'm also seeing comments about Michael questioning who he is and where his loyalties lie in September, which makes me think they're straight-up folding him back into the Corinthos clan.  I'm not surprised (I'm pretty sure TPTB are the ones behind the sudden return of Avery to Sonny), but still unhappy if this is true.

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Honestly, after the summer of Nina and Gentle Crucified Ex-Farmer Franco, Carly and Sonny's wedding seems like a breath of fresh air.* Bonus points if it turns into a disaster and that Sonny was idiotic to propose again, and if everyone makes "why are we here" faces in the congregation.


*Insert cliche joke about how I'm from New Jersey and might not be the best judge of what fresh air feels like.

  • Love 4
Honestly, after the summer of Nina and Gentle Crucified Ex-Farmer Franco, Carly and Sonny's wedding seems like a breath of fresh air.


Who'd've thunk that would ever be a good thing? It just shows how screwed up this fakakta show has gotten.


Bonus points if it turns into a disaster and that Sonny was idiotic to propose again, and if everyone makes "why are we here" faces in the congregation.


BH can bust out one of her patented "WTF?" faces at any time during the ceremony. Also, I want someone to speak now and not forever hold his peace at said moment.

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Didn't Sonny and Carly indicate yesterday the wedding was going to be small and at the house?  Which makes sense for round number 5.  Sonny and Carly never really had the big poofy dress church wedding, right?


I hate the Francs and Neens Variety Hour.  But I also really hated the Sonny/Carly/Jason Mob Trinity Hour.  And that seems to be what the show wants to swing back to, they think that's going to fix all their woes.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1

Honestly, after the summer of Nina and Gentle Crucified Ex-Farmer Franco, Carly and Sonny's wedding seems like a breath of fresh air.* Bonus points if it turns into a disaster and that Sonny was idiotic to propose again, and if everyone makes "why are we here" faces in the congregation.

*Insert cliche joke about how I'm from New Jersey and might not be the best judge of what fresh air feels like.

Sonny and Carly...FRESH air!? Giiiiirl. You must mean decades-old recycled air and someone failed to change the filter.

  • Love 2

Didn't Sonny and Carly indicate yesterday the wedding was going to be small and at the house?  Which makes sense for round number 5.  Sonny and Carly never really had the big poofy dress church wedding, right?


Their family includes half the town though, so there's still plenty of potential for WTF faces. 

Sonny and Carly...FRESH air!? Giiiiirl. You must mean decades-old recycled air and someone failed to change the filter.


I love it when soulmates get married!

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Hold up...she STILL doesn't know anything about her character or where she's going? My goodness.

And Michael Fairman cracks me up with his dumbass questions that have absolutely no context or reasoning. He thinks Patrick is going to end up with Hayden? The characters have shared literally TWO scenes together filled with "Keep Sam away from me."

Hold up...she STILL doesn't know anything about her character or where she's going? My goodness.


I thought the same.  Poor Rebecca Budig the actress, still having to beg for any scrap of information about what the hell the deal is with Rebecca Budig the character.


She did sorta shade Michael Fairman for his ass-kissing so points to her.

  • Love 5

I thought the same. Poor Rebecca Budig the actress, still having to beg for any scrap of information about what the hell the deal is with Rebecca Budig the character.

She did sorta shade Michael Fairman for his ass-kissing so points to her.

Right? Is that not strange and out of the ordinary at this point? Shouldn't she know exactly who she's playing and a semi-point to her story right now?

I love how every response to him was "Really?" I think that's why the multiple questions on JT cracked me up because it's clear she loves Tyler, loves working with him, and THAT'S where her story is right now.

Don't quote me but I believe Agnes was heavily involved in AMC at that time - the whole original Leo/Becca Tyree (Abigail Spencer, now on Rectify)/Greenlee/Scott Chandler setup was hers, an old romantic quad she's used many times. When Becca and Scott did not take off, the show went in on Leo and Greens. I simply cannot credit Passanante for the couple.


I think Budig knows the character and the role is bullshit, but she's getting paid and she's along for the ride. I can't fault her for that. She was much the same in Greenlee's later years - she wanted things that were right for the character, and the network and some creative teams wanted something entirely different. So she cashed the checks and did the job.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 4

Don't quote me but I believe Agnes was heavily involved in AMC at that time - the whole original Leo/Becca Tyree (Abigail Spencer, now on Rectify)/Greenlee/Scott Chandler setup was hers, an old romantic quad she's used many times. When Becca and Scott did not take off, the show went in on Leo and Greens. I simply cannot credit Passanante for the couple.

Well, whoever decided to get rid of Becca and Scott, kudos to them. The show took OFF when they focused on Leo/Greens.

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It sure did, but I actually liked poor Becca. I always liked Abigail Spencer and I'm glad she'd doing well - she fits a specific type of good-hearted heroine Agnes always elevated, and she wasn't too saccharine IMO. But yeah, the would-be root-for couple tanked. Forbes March was particularly terrible as Scott back then. This was before he went off somewhere, 'trained' as an actor and came back to soaps on OLTL, very hammy and flailing but also charismatic. For awhile. Anyway! Topic: Rebecca Budig knows where her bread is buttered.

Was Daniel Cosgrove Scott then?


No, he was a few years prior, in another mostly aborted youth quad with Kelsey Jefferson, etc. Both Kelsey and Laura Kirk had been on the show awhile before that storyline but I think the only people who survived that scene were Ryan Lavery and Gillian, who I think (though I'm not sure) also, like Leo and Greens, started as spoilers for others then took off together. Patterns within patterns.

Edited by jsbt
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It was Forbes March during the quad.


Huh.  I was curious because I thought Cosgrove and Budig had some chemistry, of the scheming together variety, during his 2011 return to AMC.  Siiigh...Scott and Madison.


Abigail Spencer


She's been in a ton of stuff now, but she'll always be "Blah Blah" from early "How I Met Your Mother" to me.  "One day, you're going to see the name Blah Blah up in lights!".

Edited by TeeVee329
Hold up...she STILL doesn't know anything about her character or where she's going? My goodness.


Her original stint wasn't supposed to be for long, and given the writer changes, I can see where Hayden might change. It's not like we knew who she was when Nik brought her to town to play Jakeson's fake wife. She needed money; after that, anything could be true.


The before and after. I'm going to assume the one where he is tan is the "after"?


LOL that the lighting (and, you know, time) is probably what's making his skin look better. I love the people on Twitter who call him out on his crap. He instantly blocks them, but at least they get their say for a bit.

Edited by dubbel zout
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We knew her name was Hayden Barnes. She lost a bunch of money bc of her ex, so she was comfortable (possibly) sexing up Jakeson and fooling him to make him believe they were married. In the meantime, she sexed up Nikolas for shits and giggles.

The show can whitewash all that, but those are significant character decisions and behaviors.

  • Love 3

LOL that the lighting (and, you know, time) is probably what's making his skin look better. I love the people on Twitter who call him out on his crap. He instantly blocks them, but at least they get their say for a bit.


I couldn't resist, I wrote an email:


Hello Mr Craig

May I know the ingredients to the skin care product you're selling? I once tried an infomercial cream that later caused an effect akin to sunburn, so I always like to double check now. thank you in advance!

  • Love 5

Nice trolling, ulkis. Let us know if he replies!


We knew her name was Hayden Barnes. She lost a bunch of money bc of her ex, so she was comfortable (possibly) sexing up Jakeson and fooling him to make him believe they were married. In the meantime, she sexed up Nikolas for shits and giggles.


The show can whitewash all that, but those are significant character decisions and behaviors.


I don't think any of that tells me who Hayden is, and I'm not surprised ReBu had no idea. None of that is so set in stone that it can't be changed to fit the new circumstance of Hayden sticking around. Besides, they've had her in a coma, which is a typical excuse to change a character without having to do more explaining.

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Bryan Craig tweet:


Sorry for those of you that don't care but it's actually exciting to find a skin product that works


Is it, Bryan?


The before and after. I'm going to assume the one where he is tan is the "after"?



Fuck curing cancer, BryDog discovered face cream! I'm so excited! I can't wait to see what happened when he learns how to exfoliate! I bet his discovery will make people stop eating dogs.

  • Love 4

I liked David/Greenlee too. But like always everything good about Greenlee got ruined for Ryass. I don't know why TIIC shoved Rylee down everyone's throats. They werent popular, from what I saw they were really hated in most places. 


I will never get over that they actually got JD to come back and Rylee were still the endgame. But it fills me with joy that RB wanted Greenleo too.

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