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Reunion Predictions: Seating? Fights? Will Yolanda stay all day?

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I can see Andy using video's/flashbacks to force the others, mainly LisaV, Kyle and LisaR, into talking about their doubts/confusion about Yolanda/illness AND to try to get LisaV to explain exactly what Mohamed told her. I wonder if he will come with a list of symptoms/signs for Munchausen and ask Yolanda IF any of them fit her?! LOL



That is a non issue.  Lisa asked how the kids were at dinner (fishing for info) and he gave the stock answer, fine.  Nothing more was said. 


ETA-  Mo made a statement after the show aired saying he would never talk about his children's health, clearly irritated with LVP to even infer he did.  

Edited by wings707
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In the first episode Rinna just went over the fight in Amsterdam briefly because the topic of her not eating came up.  To rehash that fight is stupid, fruitless and annoying.   Enough.  

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That is a non issue.  Lisa asked how the kids were at dinner (fishing for info) and he gave the stock answer, fine.  Nothing more was said. 


ETA-  Mo made a statement after the show aired saying he would never talk about his children's health, clearly irritated with LVP to even infer he did.  

IMO, he was NOT upset with Lisa, he was upset at Yolanda for talking about their children's health on National TV and in a public restaurant. He repeated that he DID tell Lisa the kids were fine, the exact word she used when she answered Kyle.

I personally think Kim should have a chance to respond to the comments Rinna has been making this season.

She will have a 'talk" with LisaR on one of the upcoming episodes, she doesn't need to come to the reunion to rehash it again IMO. They need to keep her OFF the show altogether!!!

Edited by WireWrap
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IMO, he was NOT upset with Lisa, he was upset at Yolanda for talking about their children's health on National TV and in a public restaurant. He repeated that he DID tell Lisa the kids were fine, the exact word she used when she answered Kyle.


 I hadn't thought of that!  Makes sense. 

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 I hadn't thought of that!  Makes sense. 

Also remember that pony barn scene was shot/filmed AFTER Lisa revealed what he said and I have NO DOUBTS that he already knew what she said from both Lisa AND Yolanda. Had he been upset/angry with Lisa, he never would have appeared ON camrea as her friend like he did. He drew a line in the sand with Lisa on HIS side and Yolanda on the OTHER side IMO. LOL

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IMO, he was NOT upset with Lisa, he was upset at Yolanda for talking about their children's health on National TV and in a public restaurant. He repeated that he DID tell Lisa the kids were fine, the exact word she used when she answered Kyle.

She will have a 'talk" with LisaR on one of the upcoming episodes, she doesn't need to come to the reunion to rehash it again IMO. They need to keep her OFF the show altogether!!!

But when they talk Kim didn't know Rinna referred to her as a 'fucking dog' among other things. I just think if Rinna has the show, Kim should get a chance too.

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But when they talk Kim didn't know Rinna referred to her as a 'fucking dog' among other things. I just think if Rinna has the show, Kim should get a chance too.

Well, I guess it will depend on how the 2 of them interact in the upcoming episode where they do talk. I agree that LisaR has to let it go, good grief, Kim wasn't talking about her in any interviews I saw, she only went after LisaV, NOT LisaR. Notice that LisaR took a softer, more conciliatory mind set about wanting to wish Kim HB this past episode! I am sure that everyone KNEW Kim was coming back for a few scenes this season and she is now trying to place herself in a less aggressive light when it comes to Kim. LOL That said, I still want her, Kim, OFF the show and the reunion for good. I don't need to hear her excuses, denials, struggles any more than I want to hear Yolanda's. LOL

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I want to know how they can possibly have a successful reunion show without Brandi's filth.  We'll all have our tomatoes ready to hurl at the screens, and there won't be anyone bad enough to throw them at.  Has Faye been invited?

I used to own a large TUBE style TV and a NERF gun with the suction cup styled darts. I'd order a pizza, buy a six pack of beer and entertain myself shooting darts at the screen during the HW shows..I can't do it anymore because I have a flat screened TV that doesn't like stuff like that - DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME, go to someone else's house and do it.....I wish someone would invent a video game that allowed you to do it without tossing shit at the screen, I'd love it....let me know when the GOFUNDME page opens!

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Turn those frowns upside down!  Have faith in Andy.  He wants drama more than we do and he is in charge of showing clips, asking questions and steering the conversation.




I am sitting here refreshing this site every few minutes to avoid doing my taxes. I must do them tomorrow.   

Edited by wings707
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Dare anyone question Yolanda's inconsistencies she will have two go to answers:


(1) It is Lyme brain

(2)  Real friends would just support me and not question me.


I don't know how they are going to address #2.


I had a scary thought let's suppose seating went like this Erika, Eileen, Kyle, Andy, LVP, Lisar, Kathryn, Yolanda 

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Dare anyone question Yolanda's inconsistencies she will have two go to answers:


(1) It is Lyme brain

(2)  Real friends would just support me and not question me.


I don't know how they are going to address #2.


I had a scary thought let's suppose seating went like this Erika, Eileen, Kyle, Andy, LVP, Lisar, Kathryn, Yolanda 


#2--> maybe some type of spin on "enabling you isn't good for your recovery" (suck it up and stop wallowing in the sick role)

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I see what you did there.  I laughed so hard I had to cover it up with pretend coughing so my co-workers wouldn't be alarmed.


I wonder if Yo will carefully study the word "Munchausen" beforehand, or will we be treated to several of her 143 variations?


Who will be the first to cry?  It can't always be Kyle.  But...I'll put money on Kyle anyway.

I think it will be Yolanda, she will wipe tears from her eyes saying that she can't believe that people aren't buying into her BS....errrrrr, I mean they aren't supporting her as good friends should and she would never wish HER life on THEM even though they all deserve to burn in agony forever because they dared to question any lie, I mean excuse, no, no, I mean BS story. OR, LisaR, saying she was Soooooo wrong to mention Munchausen and that she was tricked into it by the ever evil LisaV because she wasn't loved enough as a child and that is why Lisa is able to manipulate her so easily. Or, it could be Eileen, crying that LisaV USED her painful story as fodder for the show even though she brought it up first but really, she was also tricked by evil Lisa into talking about the love of her life. LOL

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And only the alcoholic or super emotional relatives make scenes at Christmas.

 And those are the Christmases that get the names like, "the time when Frank and Alice fought"/"remember when sally threw up in the living room"/"The dog jumped up on the table and ate the rum balls"/"Jules got drunk, cried and told us she cheated on Sammy".


You remember getting a bike, but EVERYONE remembers the drama?

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I personally think Kim should have a chance to respond to the comments Rinna has been making this season.

It works in Kim's favor-in real time Kim was a hot mess.  When the show began airing she had about 6 weeks sobriety under her belt.


I think she will fall back on what she always does-I am sober and I am working hard on it.  And Monty was sick and got sicker and died.  And missed her niece's wedding at the palace.  And had to see Rinnna over Halloween.


If Kim comes on to attack they need to let her have it.  She was the one that left the Reunion taping a year ago full of hate and was screwing around on twitter and then Part 3 of the Reunion aired and she ended up in jail.  About the time Part 3 aired, Lisar and Eileen were meeting up with Yolanda and Daisy. 

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It works in Kim's favor-in real time Kim was a hot mess.  When the show began airing she had about 6 weeks sobriety under her belt.


I think she will fall back on what she always does-I am sober and I am working hard on it.  And Monty was sick and got sicker and died.  And missed her niece's wedding at the palace.  And had to see Rinnna over Halloween.


If Kim comes on to attack they need to let her have it.  She was the one that left the Reunion taping a year ago full of hate and was screwing around on twitter and then Part 3 of the Reunion aired and she ended up in jail.  About the time Part 3 aired, Lisar and Eileen were meeting up with Yolanda and Daisy.

It could be interesting, simply because the dynamics of the cast have shifted. We don't know what will happen with Kyle/LVP/Lisar after Lisar's reveal on the next episode. Are they in a good place or a bad place? On Kyle's most recent WWHL appearance it sounded like she was still unhappy with Lisar because of the way she was talking about Kim. Throw in some accusations from Lisar about how K&L were talking shit about Yo, and it's easy to see them being on opposite sides. Much more interesting was a recent interview that LVP gave where she called Kim "lovely" and said they had been texting each other. She said it makes her mad when she watches the show and hears people badmouthing Kim. I cannot imagine who she would have been speaking about if not Lisar. It's possible that Kim has lots of support from the others at the reunion, and Lisar is the one who gets all the hate.


ETA: If Kim has changed at all, this is her moment to prove that. She can openly apologize to all of them for the things she said/did last season. Kim never really apologizes for anything. For me, it would prove something if she did. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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Yolanda will call the other woman "ignorant" about invisible disease and that will shut down the conversation. It always does.



Should this come up I wish someone would say, this has nothing to do with invisible disease.  We don't understand your claims of being bedridden for x amount of time when we have socialized with you during that time.  We get it if you are exhausted a lot but when you exaggerate it only makes us doubt your health claims.  We just want the truth so we can support you.   


ETA- Kim is not a cast member and should not be there anymore than others who make guest appearances.  Maybe she asked to make an appearance so she could apologize for her behavior?  And she will come on only briefly?  

Edited by wings707
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Maybe I'm being unfeeling, but I feel that Kim has had every chance on television that she needs to bring up the subject and say how wrong she was, yet all we get is the same old lines from her (mostly excuses or lies).  I still feel that Kim's ship has sailed.  She could have apologized on Twitter or in a public statement, or even in a personal letter to Lisa, but has she?  No.  Not that I know of.  Instead, she holds it out as a piece of personal drama that she might say on the reunion, thereby getting her foot back in the door.  I've almost always stood up for Kim, but this time I can't.  I think Bravo should close the door and LOCK IT where she is concerned. 

Edited by Lura
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I wonder if we will see Erika distance herself from Yo having now watched all the episodes.  Surely she has some doubts about her illness at this point.  And she will see that Yo was out the day she could not come to dinner.   That could have been production setting up that dinner with only who they wanted there, though.

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I wonder if we will see Erika distance herself from Yo having now watched all the episodes.  Surely she has some doubts about her illness at this point.  And she will see that Yo was out the day she could not come to dinner.   That could have been production setting up that dinner with only who they wanted there, though.

No, she is still team Yolanda in the interviews she has given in the last couple of weeks.

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Reunion seating chart



Way different than I was expecting.

WOW!!!! I agree, not what I was expecting at all! LOL


ETA....I wonder if this means the bigger "fight" will be between LisaV and LisaR?

Edited by WireWrap
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I'm extra shocked over here with the seating arrangements. Lol that Kyle got the short straw having to sit next to Yolanda.

Bummer that Kim gets to come to the reunion. I hate how much she's constantly rewarded for her bad behavior.

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Not what I thought either.  Interesting.  And no Kim!  Yay!  

I'm extra shocked over here with the seating arrangements. Lol that Kyle got the short straw having to sit next to Yolanda.

Bummer that Kim gets to come to the reunion. I hate how much she's constantly rewarded for her bad behavior.


She is not on the seating chart.  The pic in that link is just a random pic that was posted and not official.  I don't know where that came from but not Bravo.

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Not what I thought either.  Interesting.  And no Kim!  Yay!  


She is not on the seating chart.  The pic in that link is just a random pic that was posted and not official.  I don't know where that came from but not Bravo.


My initial order was:


Kathryn / Kyle / Lisa V // Andy // Yolanda / Eileen / Lisa R / Erika


Then I thought:


Kathryn / Kyle / Lisa V // Andy // Lisa R / Eileen / Yolanda / Erika


Official order is:


Erika / Yolanda / Kyle / Lisa V // Andy // Lisa R / Eileen / Kathryn


Slightly different from what I would have predicted but I consider myself to have been close enough :p

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It was today?  Doesn't Andy usually tweet a photo?

I have checked all of their twitter accounts on and off today and no one has tweeted anything other than Yolanda/hairdresser today, including Andy.

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Well I guess I'll have to give the producers credit for not going the predictable route. And to their credit, being seated on the same couch in reunion's past certainly doesn't mean the HWs will get along with their couchmates. Heh.

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You all jest but this is clearly evidence of Vanderpump's power. Unless there's an almost unheard of seat shuffle midway through, which could be an Uber dramatic way for Yolanda and Erika to make a point, her battles in that position are more naturally with weaker opponents.

On another note, when the hell did a seating chart become as exciting to discuss as the show? Jeez.

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Too bad no one will really take Yo to task for her inconsistencies and not fall for the 'oh it's Lyme brain' crap as her excuse.  She had no evidence of 'Lyme brain' when she was on the attack at the lunch with LVP and Kyle.  


Let someone else host does doesn't give a shit about hurting feelings, just get to the nitty gritty.  


Kim attending?  No thanks.  She's an addict and hasn't hit bottom yet.  She lied her way through WWHL and from the recaps, lied through whatever horrible mother/daughter show she's on right now.  I don't see it ending well with her.  And for her to drag her youngest to that awful mother/daughter show, just no words.  

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Although none of the HWs have tweeted anything yet, Andy started tweeting about 30 minutes ago. I don't know if they have finished up or are just taking a break. No one has tweeted squat about the reunion today, not even that they broke for lunch and no one tweeted during any lunch/break at all which is not the norm AND, no "getting dressed" photo tweets. :(


ETA, Andy is on WWHL tonight and it is a "new" show but I don't know if it was prerecorded or not.

Edited by WireWrap
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I can't deal with Yolanda and Kim---can't stand either of them.

I don't want her back and she adds nothing to the show. 

Even some of Kim's fans don't think it is in her best interest to to this show.

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I can't deal with Yolanda and Kim---can't stand either of them.

I don't want her back and she adds nothing to the show. 

Even some of Kim's fans don't think it is in her best interest to to this show.

Kim has fans?

I'm sure someone beat me too it


Looks like Kyle drew the short straw and got stuck sitting next to Yolanda.  Rinna is becoming quite the alpha dog.

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So it look like Kyle, LisaV and Kathryn went to PUMP after the reunion was over and Yolanda/Erika went to the Beverly Hills Hotel afterwards. I wonder how Kim feels about that or how Andy and Erika Jayne"s followers fell about that. LOL

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