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S02.E29: Girl Meets The Bay Window

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When is the season finale? I felt like this could've been it. Little Maya and Riley were so adorable as well as little Farkle. I got a little teary as well. I love the Rilaya friendship and it should never change I liked the look at Maya and Riley as I'm guessing 21 year old women as well. I'm guessing we saw them at 7 14 and 21 years old

When is the season finale? I felt like this could've been it. Little Maya and Riley were so adorable as well as little Farkle. I got a little teary as well. I love the Rilaya friendship and it should never change I liked the look at Maya and Riley as I'm guessing 21 year old women as well. I'm guessing we saw them at 7 14 and 21 years old

Next episode (March 11th) with apparently a new title (Girl Meet Legacy vs Girl Meets Graduation).

I don't think I've ever seen a sweeter episode of television in my life. Maybe "Ann and Chris" on P&R, but it would be close. 


I'm not saying it was good, because it was ham-handed and over the top like all Disney shows, but it was very, very sweet, and I found myself laughing and being impressed that they pulled it off. 


One thing, though. Did little Maya and little Riley have blue eyes to anyone else? Not blue retinas, but blue eyeballs? Just curious because it kind of freaked me out.


But in a very sweet way. 

Can't fault the cute little kids they got to play the younger versions, but I have to say their acting was distractingly bad for me. I thought the ending with the younger and older versions was cool though. Sabrina Carpenter and Rowan Blanchard were really good.

My favorite joke though was how Lucas still looked like a teenager in all his old pictures.

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I don't think I've ever seen a sweeter episode of television in my life. Maybe "Ann and Chris" on P&R, but it would be close. 


I'm not saying it was good, because it was ham-handed and over the top like all Disney shows, but it was very, very sweet, and I found myself laughing and being impressed that they pulled it off.


Ha! I totally agree, but after reading your first sentence I was going to say, "Yeah, very sweet - not particularly good, but so sweet and adorable that it makes up for it" but then you said that in your second sentence! Hooray!


Also, like Bedlampuhedron, I certainly can't begrudge little kid actors, as that's way too young to expect much of anything from a kid, but holy moley, they were bad. Super adorable, but really bad. The end scene worked a lot better because the two older actors were sort of there to guide them. 

I m probably a minority here but I only half liked this episode. I like the concept of teens dealing with changing and growing up. But as usual it seems they make it mostly revolve around Maya and how changing the window effects her, and pushes her front and center again.


I think both the actresses did a wonderful job. I love them both I just do not like how the writers again seem to be pushing how bad Maya had/has it and what she has gone through. I understand her backstory is not as happy as Riley's. I am just wishing they would balance out the focus more. Now I will duck from hard core Maya fans throwing things!

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Here's the problem.


Back last season when they showed Riley going through all that stuff with the sorority in mere seconds, it was a good surreal joke.


The producers either knew that, or got feedback from viewers that they liked it.


The problem is that they've been trying to reproduce some of that surrealistic approach and failing.  Last episode we saw that with the heavy handed Communism stuff, where aside from how crass and stupid the lesson was, we also saw them all suddenly speaking like each other.


This episode we got it with the flashback meets present stuff. This wasn't nearly as much of a failure as the "commie robot" bit, but it still came off as kind of missing the point of why the sorority thing worked.  That worked because while it was silly and (deliberately) unrealistic, it was also very breezy and matter of fact. Whereas these later attempts aren't as matter of fact. They're... too conscious. Too shoehorned. Too self-aware of a mission they're trying to accomplish/message they're trying to send, rather than just being there for a laugh the way the sorority thing was. 


I DID like Future Riley and Maya though.  Of course this will be shot to pieces when they try for an actual reunion.


Whoever did the casting for this episode should be fired. Those child actors were beyond awful to watch and adult Maya and Riley were poorly cast as well. They didn't look the same age, Maya's looked 30ish and Riley's looked 19ish.

Mariah Buzolin, who played Future Riley is 25.


Ruby Lewis, who played Future Maya has no age recorded online that I can find, but it's worth noting she was on the last season of Desperate Housewives and played a 20 year old character there. Now that doesn't mean she wasn't playing younger there, but if she wasn't her real age now would be around the same as Mariah Buzolin.

That said, there's more involved than just their actual (potential) ages. Future Maya looked like they dressed her older, and I'm not sure that haircut totally flattered her.

Edited by Kromm
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This was another mediocre episode.  I didn't like the parts with the little kids alone. They were Ok in the scenes with teens Maya and Riley. I haven't liked the show as much since the triangle episodes even though that has not always been the focus, but am willing to give it more time.

Edited by madfortv
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