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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Aargh, doesn't matter when you tune in, MJ will always be saying something infuriating.  These particular minutes had someone (Halperin?) ranting about the stupidity of the Republican attempt to impeach the President. Only now Boehner says there never was any plan to do any such thing (despite all the Repubs who eagerly gave their support) and said it was all a plot by the White House to gin up fund-raising.  Halperin then manages to turn it into the usual 'both sides do it."  'The Republicans should be ashamed, but so should the WH!' he trumpets.  No, noone should blame Obama and the Democrats for mocking this latest stupidity from the Right.

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An another conversation about how much money HRC has. Nice. If she deflects too much, they'll get all over here.  Did Romney ever release all of his tax returns?

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Did anyone else see the interview with the Israeli Ambassador to the US?   When Mika got ready to go to commercial, I swear she said, "later on Morning Jew..Joe". 

Edited by teddysmom
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I love that Thomas Roberts is forcing Mika to learn about pop culture. I think he has teamed up with her daughter secretly to pound some sense in her head that pop culture isn't a vast wasteland. She actually seemed interested in Linda Perry's show and open to watching Sharknado just for the fun of it.

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Aargh, doesn't matter when you tune in, MJ will always be saying something infuriating.  These particular minutes had someone (Halperin?) ranting about the stupidity of the Republican attempt to impeach the President. Only now Boehner says there never was any plan to do any such thing (despite all the Repubs who eagerly gave their support) and said it was all a plot by the White House to gin up fund-raising.  Halperin then manages to turn it into the usual 'both sides do it."  'The Republicans should be ashamed, but so should the WH!' he trumpets.  No, noone should blame Obama and the Democrats for mocking this latest stupidity from the Right.


Nor, do I blame the Democrats for ginning up their base to fight off yet another effort to demean, humiliate, undermine and bully President Obama out of office.  Now, if they can only translate those dollars they raised in the last few days into a fucking backbone, they may be able to hold onto the Senate and gain a few governors' offices to boot.


For all of Boehner, Rove and & Co.'s denials, there are reels of tapes of them and their acolytes using the "I" word repeatedly to throw red meat to their base, some of whom will NEVER accept that America elected a biracial president.  Even the haggard Quitter-in-Chief grifter, Sarah Palin, has gotten in on the act, flapping her gums despite being ignorant about what her own role in the Senate would have been had Senator McCain been elected president.  There is also the infamous Caucus Room Restaurant dinner, which was attended by several GOP leaders (including the illustrious Rep. Paul Ryan) in January 2009, where they agreed that they would obstruct everything President Obama proposed.  I would imagine that if Obama wanted to abolish the IRS, their no-taxes-ever asses would have opposed that, too, just because.  I swear you can't make this shit up!


Meanwhile, here in Washington, we're being regaled by the tales of the Bold & the Grifting, where former Virginia Governor Ultrasound and his greedy, grasping wife are making headlines.  I won't even touch on the ridiculousness of a dutiful Stepford Wife, who has willingly allowed herself to be thrown under the bus by her husband's defense team, as a quasi-adulteress with a Jezebel spirit.  Never mind that the whole dang family was on the dole, but let's blame Maureen who, like the temptress Eve, introduced her husband to sin.  Again--you just can't make this shit up!

Edited by MulletorHater
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So they are talking to the NBC Reporter in Gaza Ayman Mohyeldin (who is at the front in a war for crying out loud) and Joe is directing other panelists to ask questions but is introducing the panelists by joking about their Pulitzer or other nonsense before letting them ask their question. Talk about being tone deaf. This real reporter, in imminent danger, has to listen to these jokes before answering questions. It was so distasteful. The only thing missing was Cackles (thank god) cracking up over Joe's comments.

Ayman Mohyeldin seems to be a terrific reporter. I know there was some controversy at the beginning (I think he dared to report from the Gaza perspective) and then NBC made him leave but due to public outrage they had to bring him back.

After Joe the jokester I had to turn away but it seemed to me that later Joe turned into Mr. Serious and it looked like he was reading some sort of prepared statement (off the teleprompter but making it look like it was off the cuff). Does anyone know what that was all about?

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Thanks Landsnark. It was Joe's statement on Israel vs Hamas. It was a mixed message. He starts off by saying he supports Israel and believes Hamas was hated by the people of Gaza and was on their way out so Hamas started shelling Israel knowing that Israel would return fire. Joe is contending that Israel has played into Hamas's hand (he said something to the effect that Israel bombs to protect people and Hamas bombs to protect missiles) and now Hamas is back in power.

Honestly, I'm still not sure what Joe's solution is to this mess but he seemed to be straddling the fence

I did, however, enjoy reading the link about the false equivalency of Joe et al saying the failure to pass the Boarder bill was the fault of BOTH the Republicans and Democrats (with only Sam Stein disagreeing). Boy does Joe use anything and everything to blame Harry Reed and Nancy Pelosi. Yup, let's blame everyone (although I can't stand Harry Reed). Joe was even more upset that TJ used horrible pictures of Peter King and Ted Cruz. At least Peter King has some balls and laid the blame on Cruz. The argument that the devil er ah Obama was going to veto it anyway is such a cop out.

The only saving grace today was that Mika returned to her submissive role and was mercifully quiet as she turned to Joe to gaze adoringly at him. At least we didn't have to hear the word "conversation" today.

Edited by stafford
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Yikes. Hope everyone has their DVRs set; 20 minutes in and Joe just announced that Uncle Pat B is coming up and will be with them for the rest of the morning. No Mika, as of yet. Cackles is providing the estrogen on set this morning.

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Mini Recap.


Mika is off & Joe is back with Barnacle & Bobbi Ghosh.& Al Hunt & cackles.


The show does a quick 3 minute clip of hot topics, then starts.


 Netanyahu said the US shoud not second guess Israel


Hamas has no allies in the middle east. Joe thought it was weird that the US & Europe is more sympathetic to Hamas than Egypt.


Joe was opposed to the bombing of civilians. Joe said he was Pro Israel.


Cackles got mad at the panel for sympathising with Hamas because hey were terrorists.


Joe was mad at the anti semitic protests in France & Germany.


Joe was mad at TJ for losing the interview with the advisor in Netanyahu .


Joe was mad at all the impeachment talk.


Mike Murphy came on & said the GOP should stop shooting itself in the foot. Steve King is a secret Democrat weapon because his talk of impeachment helps democrts & makes the GOP look foolish.

Murphy said  the GOP is not showing courage because they talk to their base . Not enough swing districts left.


Campbell Brown & Pat Buchanan will be on later.

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Yikes. Hope everyone has their DVRs set; 20 minutes in and Joe just announced that Uncle Pat B is coming up and will be with them for the rest of the morning. No Mika, as of yet. Cackles is providing the estrogen on set this morning.


I saw a tweet that Buchanan would be on and another tweet that Campbell Brown would be on and all I could think -- as I kept my TV tuned to CNN -- is that they really ARE trying to drive away whatever audience they may still have left ... or trying to lure over FOX viewers!

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I only saw the first hour or so, but damn is this show better without Mika! Even when Joe is blowhardy, it's so refreshing not to hear, "Is it just me?", "Having said all that...", "We need to have the conversation...." ... primp, pose, primp, pout, pose. Was she seriously carrying on last week about how teenagers do spray tans? Oh yeah, and your whole golden body color just magically appears?

Edited by stacey
Inappropriate nickname
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Cackles got mad at the panel for sympathising with Hamas because hey were terrorists.


It wasn't so much that the panel was sympathizing with Hamas. She took offense that the panel was discussing Israel v. Hamas as if Hamas were a nation instead of a  terrorist organization. Which is a nonsensical position. Didn't her former boss, whom she professes to agree with, like, blow up the entire world in a war against Al Qaeda--which, like Hamas, was also a terrorist organization? In fact, if anything, Hamas has slightly more legitimacy since they are a recognized political party.

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I saw a tweet that Buchanan would be on and another tweet that Campbell Brown would be on and all I could think -- as I kept my TV tuned to CNN -- is that they really ARE trying to drive away whatever audience they may still have left ... or trying to lure over FOX viewers!

Turn to Cnn when Pat walked out.I wish they would cancel MJ.

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They only talked about the ebola outbreak for a few minutes this morning but I was infuriated by the statement the infected doctor's family made through their church.  To paraphrase, they said he was getting better because of "the healing power of God".  Silly me, I think he may be getting better because of the hard work of the doctors treating him, the scientists who came up with his medicine and the brave people who transported him home from Africa.  Also, I guess God just doesn't care about the scores of people in Africa who have already died in this outbreak.  I wish there was someone on the panel like Neil DeGrasse Tyson who could stick up for science when they cover these stories.  


I actually missed Mika a little bit today.  The show gets a little too boys-club for me when Joe is running the show.  Maybe if they would bring in people to balance Joe instead of Cackles and Mike Murphy I would enjoy it more. 

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I actually missed Mika a little bit today.  The show gets a little too boys-club for me when Joe is running the show.  Maybe if they would bring in people to balance Joe instead of Cackles and Mike Murphy I would enjoy it more.



And since both of those people are part of the Republican machine, they don't balance Joe.

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The umpteenth reconvened bi-partisan (Republican driven) House Intelligence Committee investigation into Benghazi is complete and reports are written.  Was this on the show today?  100% buy-in and bipartisan agreement... all right wing accusations have been proven AGAIN to be incorrect.  Any word from Scarborough and his merry team of conservative guests?

Where's the "impeach Issa" rhetoric?

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The umpteenth reconvened bi-partisan (Republican driven) House Intelligence Committee investigation into Benghazi is complete and reports are written.  Was this on the show today?  100% buy-in and bipartisan agreement... all right wing accusations have been proven AGAIN to be incorrect.  Any word from Scarborough and his merry team of conservative guests?

Where's the "impeach Issa" rhetoric?


Landsnark, I believe those were crickets chirping.  Nor, do I hear any squawking about July's jobs numbers.


I love the fact that this bunch were for impeachment before they were against it.  Evidently, not everyone got the memo before they hightailed it out of town for 4 weeks because some of the GOP's "stars" are still talking about impeachment.  Anytime Karl Rove(!) bitterly complains about someone using something as a "fundraising opportunity," then it means you're doing something right.  

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And Cackles showed up as a guest co-host on The View later in the morning. Maybe Mika should join Kathy Lee and Hode on Hour 4 of Today to drink and otherwise be irrelevant and incomprehensible, with apologies to Hode.

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Hello, all! Glad you have all found Previously.TV Forums as a place to talk about all the shows, including Morning Joe!


We want to let you know that there are nicknames that are considered inappropriate for the forums (including this one). Going forward, the use of nicknames that are misogynistic or use terms that are misogynistic is not acceptable. We know you can come up with better nicknames for the folks that appear on Morning Joe than ones that are insulting and degrading to women and men. Posts that do are subject to editing; repeated offenses will result in further action


We appreciate your cooperation with this. Also, please remember Previously.TV's overarching rule: Don't be a dick. If you see dickish behavior, don't engage, report.


Thank you!

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I humbly offer the nickname of "Pandora" for Nichole Wallace. Pandora opened the box and unleashed all of the evils of humanity on us. According to mythology "She opened the jar out of simple curiosity and not as a malicious act." There was no malicious intent, but we now have to suffer what has been released to the world.

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I humbly offer the nickname of "Pandora" for Nichole Wallace. Pandora opened the box and unleashed all of the evils of humanity on us. According to mythology "She opened the jar out of simple curiosity and not as a malicious act." There was no malicious intent, but we now have to suffer what has been released to the world.


That ones not a problem, @Dagny .

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I'm guessing the name some people use for Mika is a no-no.




As for this morning ... when did Joe decide that Bob McDonnell was (mostly?) innocent and only his wife was on the take? Joe seemed to be implying that, suggesting that McDonnell didn't know what his wife was doing, pushing Johnnie Williams' supplements, etc. He also couldn't believe that the McDonnell's were changing how they are interacting with each other in order to save their bacon, i.e., when they left office they were hand in hand and now they are barely looking at each other. Anyway, that's the impression I'm getting from his defensiveness.

Edited by Nidratime
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when did Joe decide that Bob McDonnell was (mostly?) innocent and only his wife was on the take?


The sun came up?  The wicked woman is always the downfall of good men? Joe will change is mind tomorrow.

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Ugh, tuned in right when Joe was crowing about 'Buchanan's back in the house!  And he has a book..."  Of course, he's got some paper doorstop to sell; why else would he be on?  And bonus, the book's an attempt to rehab Nixon!  Change the channel, please.

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Well, we used to call Mika P$&@y Galore after the James Bond villainess. It wasn't meant to be insulting in THAT way. She gets all villainess looking and that one seemed to suit her.

Yes, I almost choked at Joe's "poor Bob McDonnell". That wife was on the take, lovesick, a tramp, etc.? If I had to bet money I'd say the real story is that Bob has other women and didn't care that his wife hooked herself to a wealthy man. I'm just wondering how long it'll be before the women sell their stories.

Nixon???! I understand the importance of a biography of a 2 term (almost ) president, but don't load the show with Pat and fellow conservatives.

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I'm guessing the name some people use for Mika is a no-no.


Somehow this makes me a little sad...but it's OK.  "PG" was so awful it was hilarious to me, but FWIW I never took it as hateful, just ridiculous.  I've got some of the nicknames written down somewhere (as well as some of the great MJ lore...Mika's scarf being her "leash", etc.)  You guys that came up with all this stuff are GREAT.  Can we still use The Cougar and FleecyD?  Those are my favorites!


The Oompa Loompa for Mika was pretty spot-on too, I have to say.

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There was one poster (I forget who) who always referred to Mika as MPG (Miss ***** Galore), that always made me smile.


So we can't use Mika's nickname but the main rule of PTV is "don't be a dick"?  So one slang word for genitalia is a pejorative but another one isn't?

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We're asking you to take a look at this in terms of context. We don't call people 'dicks' per se, rather we call the behavior dickish. Which is quite different from nicknaming someone with an unpleasant word and thereby referring to them as such all the time, no matter how it originated.


If you have other questions, please PM me. Let's let the conversation return to the show now. Thanks.

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I'm guessing the name some people use for Mika is a no-no.




As for this morning ... when did Joe decide that Bob McDonnell was (mostly?) innocent and only his wife was on the take? Joe seemed to be implying that, suggesting that McDonnell didn't know what his wife was doing, pushing Johnnie Williams' supplements, etc. He also couldn't believe that the McDonnell's were changing how they are interacting with each other in order to save their bacon, i.e., when they left office they were hand in hand and now they are barely looking at each other. Anyway, that's the impression I'm getting from his defensiveness.


Oh, yes...Governor Ultrasound is mostly innocent!  Never mind the fact that he accepted a Rolex, as well as tickets to sporting events and participated in expensive golf outings.  And, why couldn't he pay for his own daughter's wedding?  Or, better yet, how come his daughter and her fiance didn't have a simple affair that they could actually afford?  McDonnell and his defenders can go somewhere and take several seats!


I have no doubt that the McDonnell's current interactions are a ploy especially since their motion for separate trials was denied.


Somehow this makes me a little sad...but it's OK.  "PG" was so awful it was hilarious to me, but FWIW I never took it as hateful, just ridiculous.  




Awwwww!  I'm quite disappointed we can't use that nickname anymore especially within the context in which it was originally intended, i.e. Mika's tendency to look and act like a Bond villianess.

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Maybe "Ms. Galore" can be PC (a real kick ass Bond villianess, which Mika probably wouldn't be anyway)?


I wish NBC would realize that Thomas Dreamy Roberts is a treasure and move him to the network. Carson Daly hosting Today is too disconcerting, and Thomas is totally wasted on this mess because they keep switching him out for someone else.

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Who is the 2nd blondie on the set this morning next to Cattie (Katty?  Kat E?  Katy?  Catty?) Kay with the EXACT SAME HAIRCUT AND COLOR?   Their hair is identical.  She got the Junior Newswoman Starter Cut, and it looks terrific, but it was odd seeing they had literally the exact same haircut.  She was also wearing the Standard Newswoman Sheath. 

She was earnest, bright eyed, curious, and had on the uniform... she's got a shot.

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(a real kick ass Bond villianess, which Mika probably wouldn't be anyway)?


Most definitely NOT. Bond slept with all of the villianesses and not even Lazenby would sleep with Mika.

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Awwwww!  I'm quite disappointed we can't use that nickname anymore especially within the context in which it was originally intended, i.e. Mika's tendency to look and act like a Bond villianess.


You're right, and also...Mika if anything acts overly prudish on the show, which made the name FUNNY.  Oh well.


I watched the show the other day...albeit on my cheapo bedroom TV...and Mika was wearing a white dress and her hair looked the the same color as her dress.  It was kind of bizarre.   I need to catch up on the show, aside from that I haven't watched it in weeks.


Edited to add that I reallyyyy hope Cackles gets a spot on The View.  I find her boring, but mostly I just cannot take her seriously EVER because of the Sarah Palin thing.

Edited by jenkait
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Creepy Kristol is on today which means I won't be watching Faux News-lite this morning.




Oh, and Joe has/had contacts with Middle East diplomats who called *him* before Mubarak was taken down telling him that, you Americans don't know what you've done. LOL! Yes, I'm sure all the Middle Eat diplomats phone Joe when crap is going down there. What a freakin' ego. I wish someone would take him down.


ETA: I must have been hungry this morning to type, "Middle Eat!" LOL!

Edited by Nidratime
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Creepy Kristol is on today which means I won't be watching Faux News-lite this morning.




Oh, and Joe has/had contacts with Middle East diplomats who called *him* before Mubarak was taken down telling him that, you Americans don't know what you've done. LOL! Yes, I'm sure all the Middle Eat diplomats phone Joe when crap is going down there. What a freakin' ego. I wish someone would take him down.

MJ, rating are terrible.

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