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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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1 hour ago, nittanycougar said:

This morning, Joe mourned Eddie van Halen as one of his favorite musical influences.  Joe claiming a Van Halen influence is pretty appalling.  Maybe he wants to get invited to Eddie Van Halen's memorial service.

Joe also claimed to know that steroid medications affect the president's decisions.  Did Joe go to med school at some point?

Mika looked awkward over the Eddie Van Halen discussion.

Joe's joke about genome editing winning the Nobel Prize was funny. Mika had no clue what he was talking about.

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It was nice of Morning Joe to discuss the stimulus package. Kasie said that Pelosi was under pressure to deliver a stimulus package before the election.

Kasie! said Trump was foolish for Trump to pullout of negotiation.

Jake Sherman said it was like the Big Lebowski. Trump is like a child wandering into the middle of movie with no frame of reference.

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Joe brought up his old talking point of talking to business lawyers, CEO's & restaurant owners warning Joe about an economic  Depression in 2021.

Morning Joe viewers are lucky that Joe has access to so many important people.

Joe said his friends are taking dexamethasone & behaving eratically. 


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1 hour ago, oakville said:

Joe also claimed to know that steroid medications affect the president's decisions.  Did Joe go to med school at some point?

He's actually not wrong on this point. My sister was on a really strong steroid, I'm not sure if it was this one, for rheumatoid arthritis.  She said it made her feel like Superwoman, that she had all this energy, would stay up all night cleaning, wake up my BiL and make him take her to a local pub at midnight, and that in her mind, she felt happier than she had in a long time.  Not that she hadn't been happy, it was a false delirium. 

Doctors have stated this steroid Trump is on has severe effects on emotions and mental capacity. 

I'd like to know what Kasie's source is on this "Nancy wants to hold off til she has a majority and Biden in the WH to do a deal, and moderate Dems are pushing her to do something".   Because that's not what's happening at all. She's had bills passed and is working with Mnuchin to get something done.  She may have said " if we get nothing done, we can do something after the election if we get a majority in the Senate and Biden in the WH".  Nancy isn't the one holding up deals, Kasie. 




37 minutes ago, oakville said:

Joe said his friends are taking dexamethasone & behaving eratically. 


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2 hours ago, teddysmom said:

He's actually not wrong on this point. My sister was on a really strong steroid, I'm not sure if it was this one, for rheumatoid arthritis.  She said it made her feel like Superwoman, that she had all this energy, would stay up all night cleaning, wake up my BiL and make him take her to a local pub at midnight, and that in her mind, she felt happier than she had in a long time.  Not that she hadn't been happy, it was a false delirium. 

Doctors have stated this steroid Trump is on has severe effects on emotions and mental capacity. 

Interesting.  I think Joe was suggesting that the president is on anabolic steroids, which is what pro athletes sometimes use to bulk up.  Anabolic steroids are the usual source of the term "roid rage."  However there are also corticosteroids which are commonly used for inflammation.  I have taken one for a severe ear infection in the past.

While I have no doubt that both have side effects, I feel like Joe is conflating the two types of steriods to evoke the idea of roid rage that athletes can have.

In any event, I don't trust his medical or legal opinions.  

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12 minutes ago, nittanycougar said:

Interesting.  I think Joe was suggesting that the president is on anabolic steroids, which is what pro athletes sometimes use to bulk up.  Anabolic steroids are the usual source of the term "roid rage."  However there are also corticosteroids which are commonly used for inflammation.  I have taken one for a severe ear infection in the past.

While I have no doubt that both have side effects, I feel like Joe is conflating the two types of steriods to evoke the idea of roid rage that athletes can have.

In any event, I don't trust his medical or legal opinions.  

Agree. I didn't see the segment, but yeah the roid rage stuff is a little over the top esp coming from the guy who wouldn't let anyone say Trump is crazy on his show "because we aren't psychiatrists". 


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1 hour ago, teddysmom said:

but yeah the roid rage stuff is a little over the top esp coming from the guy who wouldn't let anyone say Trump is crazy on his show "because we aren't psychiatrists". 

Yeah, but now he seems to be married to someone who thinks she is...or maybe just realizes she needs one. Stat.

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"Clinton won the popular vote, but the win is based on the electoral college."

So it sounds like one could say:

"HRC won the election that was held on the first Tuesday in November". 

"The polls correctly predicted HRC's victory on election day".

Is there anything inaccurate with these statements?

Edited by Liberty
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22 minutes ago, Liberty said:

HRC won the election that was held on the first Tuesday in November". 

"The polls correctly predicted HRC's victory on election day".

Is there anything inaccurate with these statements?

No they are factual. If it wasn't for the electoral college, if our  Presidential elections were based on one person one vote, Hillary would be President.  Here's a map that breaks down the electoral college vote for 2016.  Clinton won more votes (by 3 million) but Trump won more states which leaned Red (Republican).   For instance, I vote for Hilary, but in essence my vote doesn't count if Indiana majority of voters go for Trump.  If it was popular vote, than they tally the vote each person casts and the candidate with most votes wins.   You know, Democracy. 


35 minutes ago, plumbago blues said:

Yeah, but now he seems to be married to someone who thinks she is...or maybe just realizes she needs one. Stat.

Ice cream and cereal is cheaper and it doesn't argue with you. "Now Mika, does that sound like something a mature person would do?" 

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Joe said Kamala Harris outperformed expectations at the debate.  He thinks she answered questions well and proved that she can hold national office.

Willie said an unnamed top advisor of the president is positive for Covid. At the point where the president had Covid, it seems like any other cases are lower in shock value.  Are we going to have a secret positive Covid story every day? 

Joe said that Trump is still shedding the virus.  

Mika revealed that she is frightened that they won't reveal more answers about the president's Covid.  She got really upset and yelled at the guest- some doctor - in the cry voice.  Lady, get a grip. Lord. There is no point in yelling at the guests.

Edited by nittanycougar
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Omg Joe, Mike isn't listening - you're not yelling at him, you're yelling at us! This is sooooo draining

ETA: And a lot of us agree with you, but our nerves are totally fraught rn

ETA 2: I literally feel physically stressed by this

Edited by neona
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Mika and Joe having been speaking very loudly all morning. Makes me long for Willie’s segments and his conversational tone. Now Joe is speaking directly to Pence, who undoubtedly doesn’t care what Joe has to say. I’ve watched this show three days this week and it has given me a headache every time. I can’t believe I was ever a daily viewer 

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Bob Woodward is here!!! I love him - see Joe, it's possible to speak with gravitas without yelling - learn from your elders, baby

I want Claire McCaskill to adopt me and feed me cupcakes in her golden midwestern kitchen

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2 hours ago, nittanycougar said:

Joe said Kamala Harris outperformed expectations at the debate.  He thinks she answered questions well and proved that she can hold national office.

Willie said an unnamed top advisor of the president is positive for Covid. At the point where the president had Covid, it seems like any other cases are lower in shock value.  Are we going to have a secret positive Covid story every day? 

Joe said that Trump is still shedding the virus.  

Mika revealed that she is frightened that they won't reveal more answers about the president's Covid.  She got really upset and yelled at the guest- some doctor - in the cry voice.  Lady, get a grip. Lord. There is no point in yelling at the guests.

Can the Doctor recommend some medecin or other therapy for Mika to stop using her crying voice during the show ? 

I thought they would show more clips of the debate. Joe should have used more examples to show how Senator Harris did better than expectations.

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It's really condescending of Joe to say Kamala Harris "exceeded expectations", like she's some moron who couldn't hold her own against Mike Pence FFS???   What debate did he watch?  The only thing I expected that she didn't do was get up, walk over and smack him to shut him up.  

Mika and Joe must have eaten an entire cake and then done a couple lines of cocaine this morning. WTF was wrong with them?? 

And then Mika tries to do a segment like Nicolle's "Life Well Lived" and it comes across like "do I actually have to read this bullshit??!" She chooses people who died six months ago, reads two lines about them, and bungles that.  I can't even listen to Nicolle say "and we'll be back with a segment we do every day, honoring a Life Well Lived" without tearing up, all Mika did was piss me off at how awful she is. 

I know some may say "she's trying to express her disgust that these people died for nothing".  Not buying it for a second. You don't talk about someone who died tragically by reading two sentences about their life that sounded like they were thrown together 5 minutes ago, and sound like you walked in the kitchen and found dog poop on the floor. 

I am so over these two assholes.  I don't know what stressed me out more, that debate or listening to Joe & Mika. They are absolutely worthless. 

I do not know how Cesar Conde watches this shit show and doesn't tell his assistant, get me Joe Scarborough's agent on the phone.  And bring me a copy and his and Mika's contracts.  In other words, fire their stupid asses. 

2 hours ago, may flowers said:

. I’ve watched this show three days this week and it has given me a headache every time.

I have a headache right now and I barely saw 15 minutes this morning.  


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Joe should stop yelling at VP Mike Pence. He has good hearing. Joe called Pence a poor man's Ronald Reagan.

Joe needs Decaf coffee. Joe should stop talking about the auto bailout. Joe was opposed to it. He demanded that Chevrolet focus all of it's energy on the Chevy Volt.

Joe is mad at someone who yelled at Mika in a post office for not supporting Hydroxy Chloroquine.

Edited by oakville
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Joe claims to be reporting this quote from a "source" at the White House.  I think his source is Lemire or another press corps member.  Notice he didn't say they actually work for the White House, just at the White House.

This is interesting to me because Joe is attempting to show that he can generate a news story. 

Edited to add, the quote, "Pay every debt as if God wrote the bill," is from a poem by Ralph Waldo Emerson.  I thought it sounded familiar.  So this is a takeoff on that quote.

Edited by nittanycougar
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Lemire is a white house reporter, not a white house staffer, why would he be a source? 

Also he's been stuck in his Alfred Hitchcock hotel room for like the past 3 days, growing increasingly pale and disillusioned. Poor dude's a trooper, bless his heart.

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53 minutes ago, neona said:

Lemire is a white house reporter, not a white house staffer, why would he be a source? 

You mean why would Joe Scarborough make something up to appear to have WH sources? 

Reporters say this all the time.  One reporter will say "I heard this" to another reporter, and 2nd reporter will go to editor and say they have a source.  It's an old trick by the press.  Notice he didn't say  "and I confirmed this". 

I have a source that says Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski are idiots. My source: any one of the many people who comment on this forum. 

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I just feel like Joe's quote sounds made up.

I also don't think that Joe had sources in the WH.  I am sure he is familiar with some of those people from his DC days, but I doubt that they would call him to confide such deep thoughts.

I could be wrong and Joe might have a source.  Mika did say that her family friend was at the Amy C. Barrett event two weeks ago.

Edited by nittanycougar
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11 minutes ago, nittanycougar said:

I just feel like Joe's quote sounds made up.

I also don't think that Joe had sources in the WH.

Dude, he's not exactly subtle about these things. I have some pretty good guesses, tbh.

I also doubt Lemire would come up with that theocratic sounding quote, and that he'd agree to faking anything. I even have enough faith in Joe to say that he probably wouldn't make stuff up, either.

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6 hours ago, teddysmom said:

The trailer for the West Wing special is up. I'm posting it in Small Talk.   I've been crying for five minutes straight. 

I should sign up for HBO to watch this. I love the West Wing!

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Joe has worn a yellow shirt and black sweater every day this week.  It seems like he just doesn't GAF.

Joe said that the president is incapacitated because he is on steroid meds.  Mika agreed with Joe and said that their family members would need time off if they were on steroids.

Lemire complained that the press has not seen the president, except on all the Twitter videos the president has made.  So you have seen him in videos?  I would think the members of WHCA have been advised to avoid events for the time being.

Lemire said the president has not done events this week and has not been anywhere on Air Force One.  Lemire needs to come up with some stories, and it is hard with no events.  Plus, they have nice drinks and snacks on the plane.

Edited by nittanycougar
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Joe and Mika's "no sports and no 25th Amendment" rule is kinda depressing - that like basically "nothing fun" and "nothing controversial". I miss when this show had no rules

Dave Aronberg is worth his weight in gold. He manages to pack so much coherent urgent info into just a few minutes, and it's so precise and helpful

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Joe said no loves Trump enough to tell him to take a break until his steroid treatment ends. 

Joe wants Pence to take over the Presidency for a week or so.

I wonder if Joe would be willing to take a break for a week after yelling at Mike Pence yesterday.

Mika said interns are running the national security office.

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1 hour ago, oakville said:

Mika said interns are running the national security office.

Really Mika?  Interns have that level security clearance?  Does it ever occur to you that, even tho we all know you have virtually no credibility, that saying something like that is completely inappropriate?  Some of your viewers aren't that savvy and believe the idiotic stuff you and Joe spew out every morning. 

And why can't you & the MJ staff do your own tributes to the people who have died from Covid 19?  You get paid millions of dollars and all you do is read what others wrote. The sheer laziness displayed on this program is unbelievable. 

Oh and Donny, if someone is so young they have never seen the original Ghostbusters movie, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they aren't watching Morning Joe.  

Edited by teddysmom
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6 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Really Mika?  Interns have that level security clearance?  Does it ever occur to you that, even tho we all know you have virtually no credibility, that saying something like that is completely inappropriate?  Some of your viewers aren't that savvy and believe the idiotic stuff you and Joe spew out every morning. 

And why can't you & the MJ staff do your own tributes to the people who have died from Covid 19?  You get paid millions of dollars and all you do is read what other wrote. The sheer laziness displayed on this program is unbelievable. 


Mika & Joe used to say that Morning Joe was on TV in the Capitol Gyms. The show was watched by everyone in the Washington elite.

I don't know if that is still true.

I agree with you about the Covid tributes. Mika doesn't seem to be sincere when she is reading them.

I think that Joe doesn't have time to prepare for the show because he is busy taking care of neighbors that had Covid-19. They are wandering around the streets & are taking steroids.

Joe is the leader of the Covid 19 watch group in his gated commnity.

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When Mika said "and next we'll have one of the candidates running for President", I was like  "what the fuck is she talking about?"

So she's trying to make it sound like Biden is going to be on and they have this Green Party guy?  They have finally turned into Wayne's World. 

Yes please promote a guy who will do nothing but syphon votes from Biden.  Give him a platform. 

The good news is no one who would vote for him would watch this show. 


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22 minutes ago, oakville said:

Mika & Joe used to say that Morning Joe was on TV in the Capitol Gyms. The show was watched by everyone in the Washington elite.

There is a tv for virtually every news channel in gyms, Joe. MSNBC, Fox CNN NBC ABC CBS etc. 

Calm down.  

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1 hour ago, oakville said:

Mika said interns are running the national security office.

Can't believe that bullshit but it seems to work for her at her KYV platform.


4 hours ago, nittanycougar said:

Mika agreed with Joe and said that their family members would need time off if they were on steroids.

So Dr. BrzBorough is again weighing in pharmaceuticals, totally out of her league? She admitted that she spent years on Ativan and/or Ambien while working and told stories of her aberrant behavior. Frankly, dexamethasone does reduce inflammation magically. Just taking it for oral surgery made my 60+ year old joints feel like they were in their 20's again.

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2 hours ago, oakville said:

Mika said interns are running the national security office.

I'm a bit confused, because to be fair, she didn't actually say this. She said "I can't imagine the national security implications of this...AND, you ask about the Media team..they have covid. Maybe it's being run by interns, I don't know." She was talking about the Media team and clearly phrasing it as speculative/snarky. YMMV

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40 minutes ago, neona said:

I'm a bit confused, because to be fair, she didn't actually say this. She said "I can't imagine the national security implications of this...AND, you ask about the Media team..they have covid. Maybe it's being run by interns, I don't know." She was talking about the Media team and clearly phrasing it as speculative/snarky. YMMV

Joe always brags about his sources at the White House, so perhaps he told Mika about the interns being in charge ?

Mika considers herself to be a serious journalist who once worked for CBS!. Her father knew Walter Kronkite.

She shouldn't speculate on the White House without some proof. 


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27 minutes ago, oakville said:

Joe always brags about his sources at the White House, so perhaps he told Mika about the interns being in charge ?

Mika considers herself to be a serious journalist who once worked for CBS!. Her father knew Walter Kronkite.

She shouldn't speculate on the White House without some proof. 


Yeah, but then they'd never be able to joke about anything, ever, heh. Their audience is pretty smart, and I really don't think this was an ambiguous case.. but, of course, YMMV. 

Anyhooo...since it's Friday I really hope someone rescues poor Lemire from the hotel room and pours him a large glass of whiskey. And maybe gives him a Dexamethasone IV, poor baby. I certainly need one. 

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3 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Oh and Donny, if someone is so young they have never seen the original Ghostbusters movie, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say they aren't watching Morning Joe.  


So is it worth it? I'll only watch it if it's as good as the West Wing!

ETA: I swear I'm not pop culture illiterate - so I take comfort from the fact that Wikipedia tells me it was 36 years ago, heh

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1 hour ago, neona said:

Yeah, but then they'd never be able to joke about anything, ever, heh. Their audience is pretty smart, and I really don't think this was an ambiguous case.. but, of course, YMMV. 

Mika's "jokes" are constantly having to be explained,  ex: her Where's the River? In the Van down by the River? "joke". 

The last person I would say has a good sense of humor is Mika Brzezinski.  And Joe just makes snide comments, or pretends to be self effacing in an effort to remind us he went to law school/was a Congressman, etc.  It's not joking, it's humble bragging. 

1 hour ago, neona said:

So is it worth it? I'll only watch it if it's as good as the West Wing!

That's comparing apples & oranges.  It's a Bill Murray/Dan Akroyd/Harold Ramis movie directed by Ivan Reitman about four guys who get rid of ghosts in NYC.  It's on the top of several lists of best comedies.  Since I don't know your taste in comedy, you'll have to decide for yourself.  If you like Bill Murray's sense of humor, you'll probably like it. 

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36 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

That's comparing apples & oranges.  It's a Bill Murray/Dan Akroyd/Harold Ramis movie directed by Ivan Reitman about four guys who get rid of ghosts in NYC.  It's on the top of several lists of best comedies.  Since I don't know your taste in comedy, you'll have to decide for yourself.  If you like Bill Murray's sense of humor, you'll probably like it. 

Thank you, my friend. I was sorta aware of the concept, due to the remake, but as it was before my time I never saw the actual movie... to the horror of some family members, so  imma have to watch it now, heh. 

7 minutes ago, jacourt said:

My brother was in that movie, well sort of,  he drove the city bus that was shown but was replace digitally by a monster. 



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41 minutes ago, neona said:

Thank you, my friend. I was sorta aware of the concept, due to the remake, but as it was before my time I never saw the actual movie... to the horror of some family members, so  imma have to watch it now, heh. 

You're very welcome !  I saw it in the theater when it came out and it was a huge hit.  Whether it holds up, I can't say.    My tastes now run more to What We Do In The Shadows (movie & tv) Arrested Development, The Office, Veep.  I can't think of a really funny movie I've seen, the last one that I was crying from laughing so hard was Spy with Melissa McCarthy. 

 It's Murray's snark, and Akroyd and Ramis' sincerity. Annie Potts plays their receptionist, and Sigourney Weaver is a concert cellist whose apartment is haunted.  Here's the scene Donnie was talking about. They're talking about NYC having all these ghosts, demons etc suddenly, and it could be end times.  . 



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35 minutes ago, oakville said:


That is an absolutely fascinating time capsule. 

I'd forgotten about the time when they had CGI American flags waving behind them. (Rockefeller Center is surrounded by skyscrapers, no strong breeze there.)

Edited by xaxat
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