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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Oh wow, that list was terrific! However, the person who should be listed first is.........Dick Cheney. That arrogant, draft dodger makes my blood boil any time I see his miserable, lying, ugly face. I can think of others, but how does that "Dick" sleep at night???

If turnabout is fair play, Cheney really should be shot in the face.

  • Love 8

Donnie showed some gumption this morning when he stood up to Joe. He asked Joe to name two GOP leaders who can fill the leadership void. Joe responded by talking about Biden's and H Clinton's ages. Donnie pulled him back. Joe named Mark Rubio and Ted Cruz as future leaders. Donnie said not future leaders and repeated the question several times. I don't think Joe answered (I wasn't paying complete attention).  Joe is so busy cutting people off and keeping the spot light on himself, that I was suprised Donnie did this.


I guess MJ could not ignore the GOP speaker of the house issue as that was the topic the last 1/2 hour. I turned the show on late so don't know if they talked about Hillary yet. They showed several clips with Trump in Las Vegas yesterday, and are coming back from the commercial to discuss Trump again.


A commercial just came on with Mika's know your value. The women on the stage were wearing dresses. I spoke to some women over the weekend who used to wear dresses all the time. They all commented that it had been a year or more since they wore a dress.

  • Love 4

Nah, Luke Russert still needs to be punched. 




And I am a girl.


Did you see that the Prince of Journalism is growing a facial hair a la Chuck Todd?  And speaking of Chuck Todd - he belonged on that list as well!


Our happy (hapless) Prince was in the thick of the McCarthy announcement yesterday and got far too much airtime.


Joe in his glory this morning discussing "when I was in Congress".  sigh


The discussion never veered to how dangerous this situation is in the House with the debt ceiling and Planned Parenthood shut-down looming.  It's beyond belief to me that 40-50 right-wing ideologues can hold the country hostage.

Oh dear lord, Joe just defined Harold Ford as being on the "far-left".  What utter bullshit.

  • Love 9

Mika's contribution to that McCaskill "interview" is curious.  I understood plainly what McCaskill was saying, what was Mika driving at?  "What are you trying to say? No, I really want to hear. What are you trying to say, Claire? I think that sometimes you might misunderstand questions and take it as an attack. And I think that’s a political ploy, I think that’s a game that’s been played since the ’70s, and it’s getting old.”

I'm serious when I ask what was Mika saying?  I don't understand.

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Mika & Joe's interview with Senator McKaskill got heated yesterday!




I totally missed this in real time.  I think Mika is full of shit and bringing up a private conversation she had with Sen. McKaskill was out of bounds.  The show has been heavily anti-Hillary and anyone with an objective bone in there body can see it.

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Did Joe and His Battered Housewives discuss Ben Carson today or ever?  Carson claims that if Jews had handguns, the Holocaust wouldn't have happened, and he's doubling and tripling down on it.  The level of ignorance and pandering stupidity behind his comments is awesome.

The quality of political discourse in our nation (world?) is deeply discouraging.

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And BTW, I saw the Carson-Blitzer interview live on CNN yesterday. It was sickening.

Wolf Blitzer lost his grandparents on both sides in concentration camps. His parents survived the camps and met on a train while going back to their hometowns to find other relatives that might've survived. Maybe inside Wolf was seething, but on air he sat there expressionless and did not challenge Carson, who shows his ignorance daily.

Oh, well, Paul Ryan will save his party.

Edited by stormy
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They just can't help themselves, can they?  In the face of Cook, one of the best election prognosticators in the business telling them that Trump has no chance, they continue to do "his bidding" to use a Joe quote.  And in the face of an Obama interview that for the most part gave the Hillary server/email issue a pass, they continue to eviscerate her, and diss "friend of the show" Sen. McCaskill.


Never mind the front page story on the NYT, the source with which they usually try to hammer Clinton over the head with.

Today's transcript of Joe calling out the media for being Trump deniers.




Mka & Joe were a bit surprised with Steve Kroft's interview of President Obama. They said he is usually much friendlier to Obama. Joe was happy that Obama acknowledged Hillary's email scandal was a legitimate issue. Joe was upset that Obama didn't say there was a national security breach with Hillary's emails. Joe said Obama isn't aware of the details of the emails. Joe mocked Obama saying that even if there was a breach, Obama would say it he found out about it by reading the news. That's silly. Obama would get a security briefing from his advisors before the news media was informed.


Joe was also mad at Obama for not getting the American journalists that are being held hostage in Iran freed. 

So there's new faux outrage that a former Clinton aid did something.  The charge is so obtuse and shapeless, I didn't follow.  And it's merely another reason for Joe to screech, "Why do the Clintons get to follow their own rules."  They had on that nice Cokie Roberts who was nonplussed by Joe's comments and was even and sober and said a lot of people do a lot of things, Joe.  And she sees nothing here.

So Joe tuned her out and said, "Eh. Yeh. Uh huh. Right" and kicked the segment into something else w/out saying thank you or goodbye to Mrs Roberts.


I suppose it's true that MJ is actually the morning show of record.  How the holy f did that happen?  David Ignatius and Cokie Roberts and brush more gravitas, connections, and insight out of their hair in the morning than Joe and his Abuse Victims have accrued together in their careers.  How is THIS the show of record?  What the hell?

I have an idea, folks.  Let's produce our own political morning show.  I have a feeling any alternative will work.

  • Love 4

I suppose it's true that MJ is actually the morning show of record.


I think it may have been six-eight years ago when it was much more balanced.  I'd be really surprised if it's still the show that DC watches (or Oprah who probably watches CBS with Gayle and Charlie).


The circle of influential guests has become so much smaller than it once was.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 3
Tomorrow morning ought to be epic.  I will not be watching.  I'm out of blood pressure medicine.  Can y'all set your alarm clocks and bite the bullet for us weaker types???


The little bit I could take had Joe saying that if the FBI doesn't arrest Hillary, she'll probably be the Democratic nominee.  


Then when I turned it back on, he was talking about himself, and kissing Donald Trump's ass. 


So basically just another day in paradise.  


Why was Mika wearing a bathrobe over her clothes this morning? WTF was that blue thing she had on? 

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 3

The MJ pundits gave Hillary an overwhelming win.  I'm curious about this Bernie email support as gaffe angle.  Not finding any blogs posted about it.


Mika was grabbing desperately at straws, trying to spin the email defense into a criticism: "I don't believe he was defending her! I think he was blaming her for letting her email mismanagement distract people from the real issues! He was scolding her!"


What NONSENSE. The only people who care about her email are Repblicans and the MJ flutterati.


And of course they had to go scrambling to Trump to get HIS take on the debate, and then everyone complained about how boring it was. Because having serious, thoughtful discussions of real issues instead of flinging insults is soooooo mundane.

  • Love 10

Mika was grabbing desperately at straws, trying to spin the email defense into a criticism: "I don't believe he was defending her! I think he was blaming her for letting her email mismanagement distract people from the real issues! He was scolding her!"


What NONSENSE. The only people who care about her email are Repblicans and the MJ flutterati.


I agree with you having found nothing yet, but Halperin was pushing it as well.  But he's a skunk too, lol.

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I really liked Tom Brokaw's assessment of Trump. It was so nice to watch 5 intelligent people debating last night. The Republican clowns might want to watch it and maybe learn how to conduct themselves next time they plow onstage. How does Cackles manage to act so smug and smart after her miserable job with the McCain campaign? Thanks to her we have Palin, who simply won't go away. Oh, so Carson has been a Republican for only a year?? I'll bet Cruz is doing a "happy dance" since that was revealed.

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The republicans take on the debate?

RNC says "laughable", Trump says"sad" and some nonsense from Rand Paul about Hillary's hair. Have you idiots looked at yourselves in the mirror lately?

Who the hell is the director of this show? The first five plus minutes were Joe complaining about Verizon and some other shit no one cares about.

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For the record, in a backward looking form, I will never hold Nicolle responsible for Palin.


Yes from what I remember it was Schmidt and Co that chose her, McCain okayed it.  Nicole had to handle her. 


Which is kind of like having a three year old hold a rattle snake.  And if Game Change is correct, didn't Nicole tell Schmidt that she couldn't take it any longer, and then she ended up not voting. 


Not that I have any great love for Nicole Wallace. She's an idiot. But Palin wasn't her idea. 

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Palin may not have been Cackles idea, but someone put the idea into Palin's head that she is "one heartbeat away from being President", and that she was qualified to step into the Oval Office. Wallace acts like she is a political expert. The only time I found her to be slightly watchable was when she appeared on the Rachel Maddow Show. Rather low key, she kept her snarky remarks to herself and actually had an interesting conversation with Rachel. JMHO

  • Love 1

And Halperin repeats the stuff from yesterday about Sanders' insiders and the email question being answered differently than intended, yet Halperin hasn't written it anywhere.  Weird.


Palin was a golden girl amongst the neocons, they also thought she'd be perfect as a woman to draw from all the disgruntled PUMAS.  McCain wanted Lieberman, but in the last week leading up to the RNC he was told absolutely not.

So what is the drama about Bernie Sanders' comment about the email list?  He clearly came to Clinton's side and said it was much ado about nothing... is Jo-ka arguing that it was a slam by Sanders??


Halperin is saying that it was a mistake, that he'd meant to criticize her about the emails, but it came out wrong.  Halperin didn't mention this tidbit on his Bloomberg show yesterday though, just on MJ yesterday and again today.

I don't know if I believe that Sanders' rant was directed at Hillary. It certainly wouldn't make a good optic in the middle of a debate, and if he really wanted to get momentum against her, he would have probably said it in a town hall meeting with people who are clearly HIS supporters.

Also what the hell was Halperin doing on EMPIRE last night? I rewound the DVR three times to see if I was imagining him in that scene. Having just watched WADR before Empire aired, I though I was suffering from Halperin/Heileman burnout!

It certainly wouldn't make a good optic in the middle of a debate


I'm not sure, that's why I'd like to know more about Halperin's so-called inside info on this.  Bernie did say it was probably not good politically to say - before he launched into it.  I guess I sort of listen for these sort of things from Halperin and Heilmann because they write those books that seem to be full of this gossipy stuff.

Edited by NextIteration

"Let me say something that may not be great politics. The Secretary is right. The American people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails!"


Hillary Clinton: "Thank you, Bernie. Me too. Me too."


"…And let me say something about the media as well. I go around the country, talk to a whole lot of people. The middle class of this country is collapsing. We have 27 million people living in poverty. We have massive wealth and income inequality. Our trade policies have cost us millions of decent jobs.  The American people want to know whether we’re going to have a democracy or an oligarchy as a result of Citizens United.  Enough of the emails! Let’s talk about the real issues facing America."


Hillary Clinton: "Thank you, Bernie. Thank you."


So... Halperin is saying the above comment is "a mistake?"  He "mistakenly" said voters are tired of nonsense and want issues resolved, and that an email server is nonsense?  That is some convoluted shit right there, Halperin.

  • Love 7

So... Halperin is saying the above comment is "a mistake?"


No that's not exactly what he's implying.  What he is implying was that Bernie meant to go after Hillary for the server, emails, non-transparency, ill-handling ... whatever that has now become a complete distraction from the issues.  As a criticism of her, not the media or the GOP, that because she made the mistake in the first place...


That it was meant as a criticism of her, personally, but he didn't phrase it correctly.  Just as Mika keeps trying to glom on to (the criticism of Hillary meant).


I wish if he's going to keep implying things, he'd just come out and say what he means completely.

Yes from what I remember it was Schmidt and Co that chose her, McCain okayed it.  Nicole had to handle her. 


Which is kind of like having a three year old hold a rattle snake.  And if Game Change is correct, didn't Nicole tell Schmidt that she couldn't take it any longer, and then she ended up not voting. 


Not that I have any great love for Nicole Wallace. She's an idiot. But Palin wasn't her idea. 


I think Nicolle Wallace should have resigned from the campaign when she realized that Palin was unfit for office. It seems self serving to say after the fact that she didn't vote for her.

  • Love 4

The little bit I could take had Joe saying that if the FBI doesn't arrest Hillary, she'll probably be the Democratic nominee.  


Then when I turned it back on, he was talking about himself, and kissing Donald Trump's ass. 


So basically just another day in paradise.  


Why was Mika wearing a bathrobe over her clothes this morning? WTF was that blue thing she had on? 

Agreed. I was traveling this week , so I just caught up with yesterday's show today.


Joe is getting lazy again by wearing his Morning Joe fleece. The rest of the panel is able to wear a blazer with or without a tie. Why does Joe dress like a slob? Mika is dressing down as well to a blue bathrobe over a dress. What's going on?


I wanted some post debate analysis, & then Joe started the show with a 10 minute rant on cellphones, Verizon, roads, traffic from Connecticut, construction etc. Joe was mad because he couldn't watch a video on his cellphone. He's very cranky. Is he auditioning for the late Andy Rooney's job on 60 minutes?


Then Joe & Mika brag about Trump's latest poll numbers. The show has Trump call in to complain about how boring the Democrat debate was.


I thought the show would do a detailed analysis of the debate, not waste time on Joe's complaints about daily life.


Perhaps he was mad that Hillary won the debate & looked like  Presidential compared to the other candidates.

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What did Joe say about the FBI, Hillary, and the pundit-sphere?  I saw just 3 seconds of the show today and he made my blood boil and I turned it.

something like... "... and if the FBI finds something, then... THEN what are the talking heads* in the media going to say for Hillary?  They'll have nothing to say."

*he didn't say "talking heads" he said something more derisive and insulting, but I can't remember what it is.

1. He's one of those talking heads he loathes, doesn't see the sanctimonious irony. (what bloviators do?)

2. And if the FBI finds nothing, will he have nothing to say and apologize? He's the one defining the threshold of what is and is not appropriate to say in her defense, so what is appropriate to say to attack her?

3. He's condemning her hourly w/out the evidence he's demanding the other side wait for.


I guarantee if the FBI finds nothing, another cottage industry will pop up to investigate the investigation and this will drag on forever.    Because... Clintons.

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I guarantee if the FBI finds nothing, another cottage industry will pop up to investigate the investigation and this will drag on forever.    Because... Clintons.



This has been his mantra all week, I think he's trying to negate the positive response to the debate. 


Yeah, she did a good job, but wait til you see the FBI drag her out of her house in handcuffs. 


Fuck off you moron.  Maybe the Congress should investigate your role in the death of that intern.  Wait, it's unseemly to drag someone's death into politics, to try to bring them down?  Funny, Joe because isn't that what you and  your GOP dickhead pals have been trying to do to Hillary for two years? 

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The FBI isn't even investigating "Hillary" they are investigating the server itself, trying to suss out if the server was ever hacked, for real hacked, not pfished, exposing what may or may not be classified information.  That's my understanding anyways.


That's how I understood the situation as well.  She's not being investigated.  The FBI has their tech people trying to find out if it was ever hacked. 

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But... if the FBI finds out her server was hacked, then wouldn't that just bring it equal to the State Department's server?  Weren't many governmental firewalls breached by hackers?

Forgive my density here, I'm not sure where to discern the actual facts on the matter separate from breathless hysteria.

Edited by Landsnark
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It'll be interesting tomorrow to see how Morning Trump handles The Donald's comment that Bush did NOT keep us safe (and, btw, I am no Trump fan but it has been worth having him in the race just to hear SOMEONE speak this fundamental truth).


My prediction: They'll spin it as, "Well, Hillary Clinton was in the Senate and lots of Democrats got it wrong tooooooo......."

  • Love 7

It's Monday, so time for Joe's morning rant. Joe went on a rant against Obama for commenting on the FBI's investigation of Hillary's email. Joe was mad that Hillary was laughing about the investigation. Ratner said even if the FBI recommended prosecution, the Justice Dept could reduce any criminal charges against her that the FBI recommends. Ratner said they reduced charges against Petraus compared to the FBI's recommendations . The Justice Dept could still take recommendations from the Obama administration. I thought the Justice Dept was independent of President Obama ?


Joe was upset that Trump blamed Bush for 9/11. Joe said Bush is still popular in the Republican party.


Joe was happy that the Mets & Royals are doing well in baseball.


Joe said Trump is unstoppable with 25% support in Iowa.  Joe seems to have forgot basic math. Trump needs 50% of the delegates

It'll be interesting tomorrow to see how Morning Trump handles The Donald's comment that Bush did NOT keep us safe (and, btw, I am no Trump fan but it has been worth having him in the race just to hear SOMEONE speak this fundamental truth).


My prediction: They'll spin it as, "Well, Hillary Clinton was in the Senate and lots of Democrats got it wrong tooooooo......."


Nah, just spin and have Mika for breakfast for suggesting that Trump was correct.


eta: oh yeah, Joe insisting that "we" support women getting ahead - that is only if they practice abstinence, of course.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 2
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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