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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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I don't mind the MSNBC cancellations, and I like the focus on more news, fewer opinion shows.  However, the elephant in the room is the PC-ness of keeping Al Sharpton's show when everyone I know, including myself, thinks he's awful.  He's fine as a guest on someone else's show, but no way should he have his own show because he is an awful, awful host.  Plus, he is looking worse than ever and I do wonder if he's sick.  At least they got rid of Ed Shultz.

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As long as they keep Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow, I'm okay.  I cannot stand that loud mouth Ed Schultz, even if he's from "up north", lol.  They can even give Chris back the Saturday slot, I'm not a huge Kournacki fan, he gets too zeroed in on things (like Christie and the GWB).  I despise Chuck Todd so I won't be watching him.

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About four minutes spent in the opening of the show on the shooting in Louisiana, and then Mika proclaims "And now, on to Trump!", with "Donald Trump calls in to Morning Joe at 7AM!" flashing on the bottom of the screen. More fiction from Joe about Trump "telling an Al Franken joke", Mika claiming that Trump has been taken "out of context at least 50 million times", and now I'm supposed to believe predictions that Trump will fair well with millenials?

On the MSNBC front, I didn't watch any of the shows that got cancelled, but I can't believe they are subjecting us to even more Chuck Todd..


Edit: Oh FFS, now Joe is trying to make the Planned Parenthood thing happen, saying that he was surprised at Clinton's defense of Planned Parenthood?! Now this lady (pollster?) says that these Planned Parenthood "videos" could change the politics of Planned Parenthood for young voters, and I officially tune her out. I dare Republicans to make this an issue in the general election, I'm sure it will work out really well for them.

Edited by BelleBrit
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I can't believe they are subjecting us to even more Chuck Todd..


Edit: Oh FFS, now Joe is trying to make the Planned Parenthood thing happen, saying that he was surprised at Clinton's defense of Planned Parenthood?! Now this lady (pollster?) says that these Planned Parenthood "videos" could change the politics of Planned Parenthood for young voters, and I officially tune her out. I dare Republicans to make this an issue in the general election, I'm sure it will work out really well for them.


Word, I hate Chuck Todd and his smarmy airs.


Have you seen any of the videos?  They were made in association with that scumbag O'Keefe, they are so heavily edited it's laughable.  Thinking that millennials that are not fundies are stupid is a big mistake.


And don't forget that we must all pee our collective pants because two IGs (whom Joe claims are a-political with no evidence) have suggested to the DOJ that there may a criminal element in Hillary's email discretion and that it's a situation comparable to Petraeus.  Hmmm, I don't think she was trading state secrets with her extramarital lover.


eta: Joe needs to stop lying about public support for the Iran nuclear deal along with kissing Trumps rear.

Edited by NextIteration
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Morning Trump was out of control today. Trump went wild on the phone blasting Kasie Hunt , Katie Tur for making false statement abou him. Trump complained that Joe doesn't mention him enough in the top tier candidates. Trump said Wilie was a smart ass but he liked his dad because he wrote a profile in New York Times magazine about him in the 1980's.


Halperin got called out for his favorable coverage of Jon Huntsman in 2008. Now the media said hat Kasich could be the next Huntsman. Huntsman was popular with the media but did poorly in 2012.


Joe said the media was wrong about Trump & he is still campaigning after the McCain comments.


Trump said he is so popular that the media always talks about him.


Trump doesn't expect to run as a 3rd party candidate unless the GOP treats him poorly.


Trump said politicians like him because he donates money to Democrats & Republicans.


Trump said he forecast the economic bubble from 2006-2008.


The panel discussed possible criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for storing the classified emails. They said it was similar to Petraeus.


Trump likes Eugene Robinson.


Joe told Trump to stop being thin skinned. Mika said Joe was think skinned. Joe erupted at Mika for saying he was thin skinned.


Mika said she was right about Trump.


AS for the MSNBC cancellations, I was curious if they could use them on Morning Joe to freshen up the guest list. I am tired of Harold Ford Jr. They did use Ronan Farrow for a while even though his show was cancelled.

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They can even give Chris back the Saturday slot, I'm not a huge Kournacki fan, he gets too zeroed in on things (like Christie and the GWB).



Word to this.  Chris excelled in the weekend slot, weekday slot not so much.


I am tired of Harold Ford Jr.



You are not alone.  What a waste of air space.

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Good Lord!  Trump never said any hateful, bigoted, idiotic things, it's just the media that is misinterpreting him!  How does Joe say these things with a straight face?  Does he want a job as Trump's campaign manager that bad?  Maybe he could tell the Donald that it's not a great idea to hold a press conference right outside the ladies room!


I wouldn't mind seeing Alex Wagner or any of the Cycle people on Morning Joe.  The regular panel is getting stale and we need some fresh perspectives.

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He may be old and crusty and agree with everything with Joe has to say but Barnicle does provide me with a chuckle or two.  My favorite was when Mika was letting everybody know about her exciting weekend, she spent the time with her daughter watching this new show "Orange Is The New Black" (of course it was already in its second season) she turned to Barnicle and said "We binge-watched it".  Barnicle remained stone-faced.  Because Mika is one of those idiots who thinks everyone else is less informed than she is, she said to Barnicle "It means-".  Barnicle instantly cut her off and said "I know what it means."  

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Mika said she hopes Joe Biden runs in light of the potential criminal charges against Hillary Clinton. I hope Biden runs irrespective of this. He did a good job as VP for Obama & would be better placed to run as the true heir to Obama's legacy. On the other hand, he might want a break from politics to take care of Beau's family. 


I wonder if President Obama would endorse Biden over Clinton. If so, that would be a huge boost to Biden's campaign.

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MSNBC rant:  I'm watching the press conference with the hospital officials regarding the Lafayette, LA shootings.  I am tired of these press conferences where, after every shooting or disturbance, the police, hospital staff and other officials at the beginning of the press conference, feel the need to pat each other on the back for going such great jobs.  Here in DC recently the police chief and mayor spent half the press conference doing just that.  Are we supposed to be grateful and surprised that you didn't fuck up?  You did your damn jobs!


Rant over.  

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Yesterday morning, one of the guests on Up, put forth my argument for why maybe just maybe, it was a good idea that Hillary used her own mail server - all the hacking of .gov servers, exposing the personal information of millions of government workers.


Anyways, 31 minutes in and mostly it's been the pro-Trump, anti-Hillary (easily anticipated with the presence of Ron Fornier) show.




eta:  My blood is still boiling about the final segment of MTP yesterday where Chuck Todd brought up the bullshit Planned Parenthood videos and the Republican panelist told bald faced lies.  I only caught it when I turned on MSNBC just before 4 a.m. cdt.

Edited by NextIteration
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Morning Trump continued. Joe says his friends & family are excited about Trump. Trump or one of his minions called to complain about Kasie Hunt not reporting that his crowds were the biggest. Casie looked embarrassed at having to double check her numbers. She admitted that Trump had the biggest crowd in Iowa. Halperin said Trump gives out free lunch at his speeches so that attracts big crowds. Mika got very upset at Huckabees comments about Obama leading Israelis to the Holocaust.


Ron Fournier & the panel was upset over Hillary's emails. Andrea Mitchell said Hillary shouldn't have had a server in her basement.


Joe thinks criminal charges could be laid against her. Joe went on one of his "serious & thought provoking" monologues.


Joe said Hillary should not send classified emails using private email address.


Mika said Joe Biden should run for President & Trump will run as a 3rd party candidate.

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Joe thinks criminal charges could be laid against her. Joe went on one of his "serious & thought provoking" monologues.


Joe said Hillary should not send classified emails using private email address.


Joe is full of shit. Or should that be more full of shit than ever. Hillary did not sent classified emails on her private server but the whole situation is too complicated for Joe's little pinhead to understand who or what is actually under investigation. Hillary's not going to be charged with anything but the Repugs will, as usual, try and twist it around to make it look like something that was done after she left State is somehow her fault.


I seldom watch the show anymore but did see about 10-15 minutes today and what irked me to no end was how everyone spouted the nonsensical false equivalence screed, especially Mika, especially when they were going on about Huckabee's disgusting comment. Any time anyone mentioned something slightly negative about the Republicans, i.e. Trump or Huckabee wild rantings, they had to qualify it by saying 'both sides of the aisle do it'. It was as if they were all scared Joe's head was going to explode all over them if they called out the Repugs for anything. It infuriated me because when was the last time a Democrat has said something so outrageous or insulting about their opponent? The Republicans can be as vile as they want because the media lets them get away with it.

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The final guest was very interesting.  He is an Australian documentary filmmaker who simply went on a diet of only "healthy" or"diet" foods, like "low fat" granola or things you'd put in a kid's school lunch.  He did it for 60 days. He gained 20 lbs and more than an inch of fat around his waist, and within 3 weeks his moods were swinging wildly and he had begun to develop fatty liver disease.

Barnicle asked him if he thought fruit was bad (a cranky "gotcha" question if ever there was one).  The gentleman patiently described how added fructose to fruit juice drinks turns to fat in the liver, but natural amounts of fructose in fruit are broken down slowly by the body due to being accompanied by the fruit's fiber.

Joe was not in the studio but was on a monitor just as this guy arrived, and disappeared during the segment.  Stuff like this infuriates Joe, since he thinks healthy eating is bullshit.

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Not for the life of me do I understand why NBC and MSNBC are rewarding Hucksterbee with appearances.  But then again, we are in the Trump era.



I saw the footage of him saying "I've been to Auschwitz, and I've stood at the door of those oven". 


Completely insulting to the memory of those who had to actually go thru that door, you asshole. 


Chuck Todd should be taken to the wood shed for having Pat Buchanan, racist overlord on Meet the Press this past Sunday.  Seriously?!  Why not just invite Ann Coulter and Mike Drudge? 

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This morning's show was pretty bad... Mika was in charge.  Mika's faux outrage she's trying to get trending is just... ugh.  It's so self-aware and shallow.  She's just terrible. 

Of course what Huckabee said is beyond the pale, but the resulting sanctimony from dummies like Mika is as nauseating.

I was SHOCKED Cackles didn't call President Obama "Neville Chamberlain."  I was honestly shocked.  I guess it's because the guy who spoke before her, Richard Haas, said "Chamberlain, Hitler, and the Holocaust have to be omitted from how we make comparisons."


Also, why are none of these professionally employed political pundits and journalists not discussing the actual makeup of the deal struck with Iran?  Why isn't that happening?  Why is the Washington press not forcing the GOP candidates to describe exactly what they'd have done differently?  If diplomacy is not the option, then is it war?  Which part of the deal would they have improved upon... how? why?    Nah... instead let's just feel holier-than-thou about insane rhetoric and sanctimoniously parse and score the responses to the insane rhetoric.


I saw the footage of him saying "I've been to Auschwitz, and I've stood at the door of those oven".


Completely insulting to the memory of those who had to actually go thru that door, you asshole.

Yeah, that, to me, is the worst thing he said.  It's so tone deaf and self-congratulatory and off-point, it renders him a clown who's never seriously thought about anything ever.  "Yeah, dummy, you've been to Auschwitz 50 years after the fact and so nobody feels the Holocaust as deeply as you, and nobody understands foreign policy as thoroughly as you?"  Fox should've smashed a pie in his face when he said that.  There should be pies in the face for any ridiculous answers in the upcoming GOP debates.  The candidates' dignity would not suffer, I assure you.

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Also, why are none of these professionally employed political pundits and journalists not discussing the actual makeup of the deal struck with Iran?  Why isn't that happening?  Why is the Washington press not forcing the GOP candidates to describe exactly what they'd have done differently?  If diplomacy is not the option, then is it war?  Which part of the deal would they have improved upon... how? why?    Nah... instead let's just feel holier-than-thou about insane rhetoric and sanctimoniously parse and score the responses to the insane rhetoric.


Because then they (candidates, pundits and reporters) would actually have to read the agreement!  It's much easier just to argue about who had the most hateful comment today.  I love all of your follow-up questions.  If reporters actually asked intelligent questions like this, we would get a more informed voting public and the candidates would actually have to think.  When Donald Trump claims he will make Mexico pay for a border wall, I want the reporter to follow up with "what if the Mexican president says no?"  What's your back-up plan Mr Trump?


I feel bad for the President that every time he is at a press conference with a foreign leader, he has to answer questions about the latest crazy thing some Republican candidate said that day.  It doesn't portray the USA in a very flattering light.

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Twenty bucks says she doesn't know who Neville Chamberlain is". 


I'd take that bet BUT, it's the analogy of the day in the GOP talking points.  It seems to me that Hucksterbee started with that premise and took it to the obscene level in his attempt to call attention to himself to crowd out Trump noise.  He was pretty firmly set to be in the top 10 for the debate next week, I really hope this drops him down and out.



And some of us haven't forgotten his awful behavior in the late 80's.



I've long ago forgiven the Rev


I see this sentiment a lot, while Tawana Brawley and Duke were problematic, there was Yusef Hawkins, Michael Griffith, Eleanor Bumpers, the Howard Beach incident, Central Park 5, Diallo, Sean Bell and Abner Louima. All these black victims abused/killed by police or racist white people. These cases would not have received any attention were it not for Reverend Al. People privileged enough not to have to worry about police brutality and racists hate Reverend Al. 


I bet no one even knows the incidents and people I've listed but from Mt St. Privilege they've forgiven him...I can't

Edited by ThomasAAnderson
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Joe was back in the studio today with Mika. Joe was upset at the rape allegations against Trump from 30 years ago. Joe said that people get nasty in divorce negotiation.


The panel was upset over Huckabee's comments on Iran.


Joe is opposed the nuclear deal with Iran.


Barnicle said Iran could have a bomb with 18 months without the treaty.

Barnicle said that if Iran launched a nuclear bomb at Israel, they would retaliate & destroy Tehran.


The panel wasted time on Tom Brady

Halperin and Heileman's focus group on Trump made me laugh out loud.  Where did they find those morons?  They do NOT represent rank and file Americans.  "He said he'll put a wall down on the southern border.  When you talk about common sense, that's the common sense thing to do."  HILARIOUS!  I feel as if he doesn't know what common sense means.

"I wanna be a billionaire."


"He's just like one of us."

"He says what's on his mind."

"I feel like we could be a proud America again."

I feel as if these statements shouldn't be described as opinions, because the people saying them have never really thought about any of this.  They are too stupid for introspection or weighted consideration or measured perspective.  They like celebrities... and that's the alpha and omega of their momentary adoration.

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I think it's funny how Joe didn't get all red faced and bloviating towards Bush's former Ambassador to NATO, Nicholas Burns.  Burns supports the Iran nuclear deal enthusiastically and lays out a cogent, sober case for it.

And his clear-eyed, sensible, sane, estimation of it's long term value and the varied calculus that would arise from its disintegration stands in perfect contrast to Trump's policies, the right's policies of jingoism and fear, and the lowest-common-denominator voters that support the right wing saber-rattlers.  This is why volatile us-vs-them rhetoric is dangerous and not what you want from a statesman... if the deal is scuttled, there is no oversight and control in Iran and America's allies will lose enthusiasm and trust.

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Morning Trump or the Trump Hour of Power continues today. Trump leads in Florida. Mika & Joe congratulated themselves for being on the Trump bandwagon . Joe said the elites don't know anything about Trump. Halperin said Trump can do anything & any scandals won't affect him like making fun of breastfeeding moms etc.. Joe said when he was running or congress, democrat came up to him & told him they disagreed with his policies but they knew he would represent them in Washington.


Mika started tearing up when they showed the police officer in Cincinnati who killed the black man in the car for drinking gin & not showing him his drivers license.


Joe said people vote for candidates on gut instinct.


Howard Dean said organization is key for caucus states. Obama beat Hillary in 2008 with better organization

Everyone on the panel this morning really needs to take a breath.  Just because they found 20 people in New Hampshire who love Trump does not mean he has a cakewalk to the presidency.  However, I may be wrong.  To paraphrase H.L. Mencken:  "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people".


When they were interviewing Wendy Sherman (the lead negotiator on the Iran deal), my husband walked by and asked "does Joe always disappear when they have a guest on making intelligent arguments against him?"  I said "welcome to Morning Joe".  How many experts do they have to have on before Joe stops spouting the party line on Iran?

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Halperin was funny this morning.

How can Trump implode?  Call Mexican's rapists! Call a war hero a looser!  Call breast feeding mom's disgusting!

I actually liked him.

I can't believe I'm coming to the defense of the other republican candidates, but, why should MSNBC and CNN (FOX I expect it from) give Trump free publicity everyday?  Stop talking to him.  Stop interviewing him.   

You have to say bat crazy shit like Huckabee to get any attention.

At least I hope that's why he said such a dumb ass thing.

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George Pataki, who I was unfamiliar with until today, is MEAN.  What an asshole.  He's an angry, bitter, aggressive guy.  I love, though, how he said he wants to unite us because Obama's agenda is to divide us.  Which is insane rhetoric, if you think of it.  He just divided me from him, because I have no fucking idea what he's talking about and think he's probably either stupid (he's not), he's slightly racist (he's not) or he thinks his audience is stupid and slightly racist.  Then he said that Hillary Clinton will divide us by appealing to Hispanics, Blacks, Women and other minorities.  That... just.. I don't even know.  By uniting groups she's "dividing us?"  That's not even a dog whistle to whites.  That's "HEY WHITES!  THIS TIME IT'S ABOUT YOU!  FINAAAALLLY!  Finally, it's about us whites for a change."

If he's honest, then he'll admit that different subcultures and classes within our whole society have different needs and desires and he needs to address those stakeholders individually.  We can still all be Americans, but we don't have 1 homogenous need.


Rick Perry was asked what he would say to Trump, after being read verbatim how Trump thinks Perry is a stupid person.  Perry said, "How many pull ups can he do?"  I laaaaaaughed and laughed.  That is genuinely hilarious.  That's how his opponents should fight back.  "You run a company?  I run a state whose budget is $5 trillion.  How many pull ups can you do, fatty?  You look ridiculous.  You don't look like a President."  Then whip off your shirt and flex.  Let's go whole hog ridiculous.  In the grand scheme, we're just a hair from there anyway and nobody will even think it's that crazy.

Edited by Landsnark
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Halperin and Heileman's focus group on Trump made me laugh out loud.  Where did they find those morons?  They do NOT represent rank and file Americans.  "He said he'll put a wall down on the southern border.  When you talk about common sense, that's the common sense thing to do."  HILARIOUS!  I feel as if he doesn't know what common sense means.

"I wanna be a billionaire."


"He's just like one of us."

"He says what's on his mind."

"I feel like we could be a proud America again."

I feel as if these statements shouldn't be described as opinions, because the people saying them have never really thought about any of this.  They are too stupid for introspection or weighted consideration or measured perspective.  They like celebrities... and that's the alpha and omega of their momentary adoration.


Those people were so stupid it made me sad.


I did laugh, however, when everyone on the MJ panel were marveling over how "not stupid" and "articulate" these idiots were.


No, panel. They were stupid. Criminally stupid.

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Funny how they crow about their BFF Trump winning all the polls of Republican voters but they never mention the polls of ALL voters that show that Hillary would beat Trump in a landslide and even Sanders would win between him and Trump. All the Democratic PTB must be on their knees praying every day that Trump stays in the race and is interviewed all the time.

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Did Mika just invent a narrative where she surmises that there was a private server to hide fraud where Hillary Clinton used her position as Secretary of State to get Bill Clinton speaking gigs and something something Clinton Foundation???  All she said was "Have a private server.  Run a foundation that funnels, you know, hundreds of millions of dollars through it.  Husband who gives speeches.  SIGH.  All those emails.  It's all in there.   I can't even.. mumble." Joe jumps in and screams FOLLOW THE MONEY

What the hell?  No proof of it, like, at all, dear.  But just toss it out there on national TV like it's a fact.  Heh?

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Mika's disdain for the Clintons is deep and evident most of the time.  I think it stems from family "disdain" for them as successful upstarts, from outside the realm of the established beltway class.  Which doesn't make a lot of sense to me, since Carter, whom her father served was the same.  But it reeks of all the shit that DC and much of the media has always served up about the Clintons.


It's a weird phenomena and combined with the right wing's insanity about the Clintons (or any Democrat that has the audacity to win the White House) it can be fun watching heads explode if you look at it from the right perspective.


Da phuque?  Media bias about Planned Parenthood?  Those videos are bullshit, the only thing that is TRUE AND REAL, Mr. Steele is that fetal body parts are are given away for research with a small fee for shipping and handling, and that fetal tissue and organs are sometimes preserved in that effort.  It's not offensive to me, it makes sense.*  Taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood needn't fucking be in a damn silo, it's clear and easy - PLANNED PARENTHOOD DOES NOT GIVE AWAY FREE ABORTIONS TO ANYONE.  But let's take away the money for cancer screening, birth control and STD screening because that's a good thing, assholes.


*I need to add that as long as it presents the patient no further discomfort in the procedure and they give some sort of informed consent, but it's my understanding that many women want to donate the tissue and organs.

Edited by NextIteration
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Joe's "hey, this is a fact here" rant about media bias in favor of abortions was too much for me.  I watched a while to see where he was going because I thought I must be misunderstanding him... but no, he's an impossibly biased windbag.   He was just inventing a meme where "the media" is.. um.. somehow biased in favor of abortions somehow in some way that makes no sense.  "IT'S THE MEDIA'S FAULT I'M NOT MORE MAD!!"

What did he say?  "If the right wing were doing this there would be indictments handed down already"?  What the f does that even mean?  How would "the media" (um, of which he is a member) hand down an indictment?  Who would be indicted for testing donated tissue?  Why?

And, don't we know about this and all the reaction DUE TO "THE MEDIA???"

Changed the channel, but to my credit I hung in there a few segments.


(FYI, Joe... abortions are legal here in the good old US of A.  If the media is accepting of American laws, then that's not bias, you f'ing twit.  It's when the media has opinions about what should and shouldn't be a law is where we dip into bias.  Why don't you actually think about it sometime?  I hate your show.)

Edited by Landsnark
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What's worse was there was zero balance, Mika was tut-tutting and expressing her discomfort all the way through.  She doesn't give two fucks about low and moderate income women that get most of their healthcare from Planned Parenthood.  Of course the topic might cause some discomfort, but it's legal and it's happening and will continue to happen, better that all of it is thrown in the trash and none of it goes to something worthwhile?  That's the discomfort that candidate Clinton expressed, we are only human when we express it.  It doesn't mean that the practice is bad, it's just uncomfortable to think about.  


...and here's Fournier and more Clinton bashing!

Edited by NextIteration
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The entire show this morning is making my blood boil.  First we have the attacks on Planned Parenthood. 



Of course the topic might cause some discomfort, but it's legal and it's happening and will continue to happen, better that all of it is thrown in the trash and none of it goes to something worthwhile?  That's the discomfort that candidate Clinton expressed, we are only human when we express it.  It doesn't mean that the practice is bad, it's just uncomfortable to think about.


Exactly!  Do these people realize how scientific research works.  Centuries ago doctors had to work on cadavers in secret because that was an uncomfortable idea for some people.  If the Republicans want to shut down the government over Planned Parenthood, bring it on!  Millions of women will remember that in November 2016.


The hypocrisy shown in the different coverage of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is staggering.  Hillary and Bill are greedy, Donald is a successful businessman.  Hillary is a liar, Donald just exaggerates a little bit.  Hillary is a terrible speaker (blah, blah), Donald is "authentic".  


Finally, I thought it was really funny when the very next story after they blasted Hillary over the email server issue was a story about how China is responsible for at least 700 hacking incidents in the USA.  Maybe that's one of the reasons Hillary wanted her own server?  But of course not, everything Hillary does must have some nefarious motivations behind it.  Are the Clintons slightly paranoid?  Maybe, but just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get you!

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Finally, I thought it was really funny when the very next story after they blasted Hillary over the email server issue was a story about how China is responsible for at least 700 hacking incidents in the USA.  Maybe that's one of the reasons Hillary wanted her own server?  But of course not, everything Hillary does must have some nefarious motivations behind it.  Are the Clintons slightly paranoid?  Maybe, but just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get you!


And actively in the damn STATE DEPARTMENT server!


Now, do I think the Clinton's like money and want to en mass as much as they can?  Sure!  And why not?  But in all the "how is this a coincidence" - no logical discussion about the rise of the Clinton Foundation over time (which would account for higher donations), nor the possible rise in demand for a speech from Clinton because of the prestige that the CGI has brought him which would account for speech fees.  Logic need not apply when heads can and will explode about the influence that the Clintons have.  For Joe it's obvious, he's so pea green with envy that he doesn't command those fees, and Deutsch who apparently is besties with and loves Trump - thinks that money is a zero sum game apparently - the Clintons are taking pieces from his pie I suppose.

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Donny Deutsche was on the show. He was excited about Trump. He said Mika & Joe would be on his new tv show.


More Trump focus groups.


More polls about Hillary's unfavourability. Joe went on a scripted rant about bombing Iran once they get a nuclear weapon.


Chuck Todd Hillary made the mess for the State Dept over the private servers. Apparently, her lawyer has a server backup of all the emails.


Obama is mad about Hillary ignoring their rules for private servers. Joe said they are dragging their feet on any criminal charges against Hillary. Joe said destroying evidence is a criminal offense.


Chuck said her team is paranoid about Republicans looking at her emails.


Eugene said the Clintons were sloppy at handling emails.

Joe's "hey, this is a fact here" rant about media bias in favor of abortions was too much for me.  I watched a while to see where he was going because I thought I must be misunderstanding him... but no, he's an impossibly biased windbag.   He was just inventing a meme where "the media" is.. um.. somehow biased in favor of abortions somehow in some way that makes no sense.


The day the media stops referring to the anti-abortion movement as the "pro-life" movement is the day I'll believe they're biased for choice.

  • Love 4
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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