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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Mika & Joe got into a heated argument with Freddie Gray's lawyer. Mika called him condescending after he refused to say he was in a conflict of interest by donating to the Moseby campaign. He replied that the police union gave to her campaign as well & she indicted the officers . Mika & joe were stumped. Joe asked Heileman & Willy to help them out but they didn't have much to say.


Mika & Joe also talked about the shootings at the garland Texas. Moyhadin was on & said it was OK to hold the events. Apparently there was a contest to draw pictures of the Prophet mohammed.

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I was interested on MJ's take on Baltimore and the mockery cartoon contest in Texas and subsequent shootings, and I watched roughly 5 seconds of a smug, punchable Senator or Representative in that oft-used public place in their marble office building (you know the spot, near a round balcony in the background?) and he approved of Joe's outrage at Muslims and shifted into Benghazi and said that Hillary "has so much to answer for. Why didn't she make a phone call?"  I turned it off.

It's all just nonsense.  It's truly not substantive.  Nothing is dealt with honestly.  Everything is to further simple narratives, approved agendas, being relevent media to other media within the approved topics in the correct news cycle... it's all "kabuki theater," as they're so fond of describing it, done by those involved for those involved.  Movement and sound for movement and sound's sake.

Edited by Landsnark
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I watched roughly 5 seconds of a smug, punchable Senator or Representative in that oft-used public place in their marble office building (you know the spot, near a round balcony in the background?) and he approved of Joe's outrage at Muslims and shifted into Benghazi and said that Hillary "has so much to answer for. Why didn't she make a phone call?"  I turned it off.


Senator Ron Johnson, WI ( R ) in the Senate Rotunda.  They all have BenGhazi fever again since she's agreed to testify.

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Mika skewers Fiorina?


Mika, wasn't she merely knowing her value? (I think Fiorina is the worst of the worst, btw)


Oh, and Joe apologized today for being caught in a lie?


Edited by Landsnark
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If Fiorina can't run a computer company, how can she run a country?

As usual, the republicans have trotted out circus performers making the likes of Jeb and Rubio look desirable.

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As usual, the republicans have trotted out circus performers making the likes of Jeb and Rubio look desirable.


As a Floriduh resident (NOT a native, I emphatically add) I can honestly say it's very, very hard to make either of those assclowns look desirable.

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I don't understand how Rubio and his chicanery were ever elected to the Senate in the first place.  It would be nice if said chicanery were exposed via the corporate media but I'm not holding my breath.  Jeb is a signatory to PNAC, I don't understand how a neocon thinks he can win after the Iraq disaster, but there are a lot of stupid people.


Oh dear lord, Joe is bragging about the "influence" of his show?  Does he not understand that his numbers are down to 78k?

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I am baffled why the first 10 minutes of the show were devoted to ESPN broadcaster simmons not having his contract renewed. Is there nothing else going on in the world?


Joe has a new hairstyle.


Joe was gloating about the Saudi King refusing to show up at Camp David over the US support for Iran. Joe bragged that he was right about the Sunnis.


Harold Ford Jr was on the panel. He agreed with Joe.


Mika tried to explain that the White House view that Israel, Saudi Arabia etc would never support any nuclear deal with Iran.


Joe mocked the Obama's position that no deal would lead to a war between Iran & everyone else.

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@stormy - except that not in hindsight but in real time had Jeb been POTUS he would have found an excuse to invade Iraq prior to 9/11 (and I realize that he would have only had a few months to do this but that was a big part of the PNAC plan... and it wasn't about "daddy issues" it was all about OIL).


Was I distracted or did they really not cover the Sy Hersch investigative report at all?  It's pretty explosive...?!?!?!?

Edited by NextIteration
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Mika skewers Fiorina?


Mika, wasn't she merely knowing her value? (I think Fiorina is the worst of the worst, btw)



No matter what their political party or positions, seems like Mika would encourage any/all women to know their value and run, if they so desire.  Apparently it's only applies to women who agree with her.


Taking down Fiorina is like picking the low-hanging fruit.  Sorry, Mika.  Not impressed.  Try harder.


Sounds like Carly has time on her hands and hopes to sell a book and/or increase her speech revenue.  JMHO

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@stormy - except that not in hindsight but in real time had Jeb been POTUS he would have found an excuse to invade Iraq prior to 9/11 (and I realize that he would have only had a few months to do this but that was a big part of the PNAC plan... and it wasn't about "daddy issues" it was all about OIL).


Was I distracted or did they really not cover the Sy Hersch investigative report at all?  It's pretty explosive...?!?!?!?

Hersch's story was rejected by more legitimate media outlets for being poorly sourced. It has pretty much been completely ripped apart and debunked. Not surprised that Joe didn't cover it.

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Hersch's story was rejected by more legitimate media outlets for being poorly sourced. It has pretty much been completely ripped apart and debunked. Not surprised that Joe didn't cover it.


Except that I posted the question yesterday morning before most of that ripping apart had occurred, and the fact that they teased it at the start of the show.


Ah, thanks @aguabella, when they teased it they said they were going to cover it with Michael Morell, but all they did was discuss his book.  That makes sense since it seemed like Axelrod/Morell appeared to be intended to be "pundits" in the same segment.

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Further proof Joe Scarborough is the world's worst asshole:


He's a disgusting person.  I'm shocked he's twice divorced.


And here's a great segment from John Stewart that skewers Scarborough.


It's at the end, roughly 8 minutes in.

Edited by Landsnark
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Chuckles at the take down of Stephanopoulos and the glorifying of Russert, hrrrm, what is worse, a little bit of partisanship for the Democrats and favoritism towards the Clintons or promoting the invasion of Iraq and being part of a group that outed a CIA operative?


And now 2nd round of attack.


I wonder where Joe's charitable contributions go, is it really any of our business?

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George St (I refuse to type Stepanopoulus - it's too difficult for my fingers) donated $75k to a foundation that provides $200 million in aid yearly to sick, hungry and displaced Africans.  Worthy charity.   Joe Scarborough sees this as a cynical something or other that "proves" something or other about George St political leanings, and smugly "proves" the left wing is somehow devious and biased.

I.  just.. i cannot

Scarborough surely gets paid more than $75k per year to speak to partisan GOP political groups.  So right there, the balance sheet on bias, partisanship, cynicism, and deceit is already impossibly unbalanced, yet, he feels free to fully attack George St with baseless claims, furthering empty memes.  "It's all part of the game," I'm sure he'd say to George St as way of explaining.

Secondly, am I the only person who remembers that George St was WH Communications Director after having gotten Clinton elected?  Hint.  He may lean left, and, he may favor the Clintons.  But yeah... THAT isn't the smoking gun.  It's his charitable donation, that's also a matter of public record, that's the smoking gun.


Are we adults?  What is this?  We're being led around by bloviating cynics who pander to the lowest common denominator to win 1/2 a news cycle, every 1/2 news cycle.  There MUST be better quality programming and timely dialogue available in our media than this.

Edited by Landsnark
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Landsnark  I was trying to quote you but couldn't.  AMEN!!! Is everyone on TV that much younger than me that no one remembers the Clinton Administration?

GS worked for him. Then left office and basically wrote a tell all about his time as Communications Director. No kidding he has an interest, though I am not confident that he favors the Clintons.


Joe and Mika are both dishonest and disgusting.

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I think this whole Clinton kerfuffle is just ridiculous to begin with. They run a CHARITY. That helps suffering people suffer a little less.

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Joe was jealous that ABC signed George Stephanopolos signed a 7 year 105 million contract. Joe said it would be tough to fire him because Morning TV is very profitable for networks.  I think George helped moderate CGI panels over the past 10 years or so.  I agree with Mika that he should have disclosed his contributions prior to doing the interviews. I do recall Mika & Joe being at those Clinton panels. Mika & Joe also went to the Koch Brothers weekend retreat in Las Vegas a few months. Are Mika & Joe required to report their revenues from non tv activities to NBC for conflict of interest purposes? Joe & Olberman were suspended for making political contributions in2009 & 2010


The panel was upset that ISIS was taking over Iraq. Joe wants other countries to help defeat ISIS.


Joe said people should stop talking about 2003 & focus on 2015. What can be done now to stop ISIS. The training of the Iraq army has failed miserably.


Joe said everyone overestimates the Iraq army's capabilities.


The new kid, Phil said that ISIS has some of Saddam's best Generals working for them. He made a point about the Sunnis& Shiites The Iraq army is sending Shiites to pacify the Sunnis in Ramadi. The local Sunnis don't trust the Shiites.


On  a fashion note, Joe wore a light blue dress shirt with  tie & rolled up sleeves . That's odd for Joe.

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I'm thinking that the light blue shirt and rolled up sleeves means that Joe is really, really, going into this travesty and get into work.

Edited by maggiemae
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Joe is blasted by a guest for his treatment of the Clintons. Joe didn't like being called a Hun by Joe Conason. Joe is getting really mad & his face is turning red. Joe said its ok to have different opinions of politicians every week.


Joe said all the elites watch his show. Joe said he doesn't cozy up to anyone. Joe said he doesn't like being compared to the Nazis.


Joe is wearing his new shirt with sleeves. Mika is upset that Hillary scrubbed the servers.

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I was going to comment about really liking Mika's dress the other day - but I see that she one in every color, giggle, today is pink, the other day it was blue and I think there was a pattern of some sort one day in between.


If Joe could keep his bloviating to the former Secretary's emails, I might be able to stand it - but his jealousy of George's salary and Bill and Hillary's speaking fees is all that I can hear.


I keep wanting to ask this question and I'm not sure where to ask it, so I'll ask it here.  From a security aspect, I keep hearing that the personal server of the Clinton's was much more prone to hacking than the State Department's, but I also understand that there has been a hacker of some sort swimming around the State Department's server for months now, that they haven't been able to rid themselves of.  So where, were the emails safer?  (It doesn't really matter if she was sending emails into the State Department, but it's just one more aspect of this subject that leaves me saying WHAT?!?!?!)

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Mika in the sheath of many colors reminds me of my Home Ec teacher, whose wardrobe was big on the same few Butterick patterns in many colors. Joe's button-downs with rolled sleeves this week are causing me to picture him running on to the set after ripping a huge, breaking story from the teletype machine.

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Joe said that Bill Clinton "got himself mired in scandals."  The outrageousness of that comment is staggering.  "Got himself"  "Vast right wing conspiracy?" Ken Starr, anybody?  He was the face of a witch hunt that actually proved to EXONERATE Clinton from all the alleged scandals, save the most mild one.  He had sex with a young woman.

Never before in the history of our nation has there been so much effort expended to find fault with a President.  The post of Independent Counsel was terminated because of the clown show over which Starr presided.  Starr's biggest regret in his life was agreeing to undertake these investigations.

Clinton was investigated for over 20 consecutive years.  He was guilty of letting a young lady perform oral sex on him.  Er, no... Guilty of not wanting the world to know this.  Reagan presided over the Iran-Contra scandal.  But yeah, lying about a hummer is soooo much worse.

And of course Joe seeks to re-write history by Scarboroughing the facts.  He's such a dick.

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Not a Joe fan or Bill Clinton fan but Bill wasn't just guilty of getting a blow job. He stupidly lied about it under oath which is why agreed to be disbarred. Liberal pundit Josh Marshall explains the problem with the Clintons and their critics:

Part of what is endless and exhausting about the Clintons is that they really do always push it right to the line. We've seen it enough times to know they're generally smart enough and careful enough not to go over it. Indeed, one of the paradoxical benefits of the endless and frenetic investigations of the Clintons in the '90s is that these probes stand as an unintentional proof that there's no real goods there to find. One of the countless committee investigations and special counsel inquiries would have found it. But, as I said, they push it right up to the line.

Yet it's never enough for the Clintons' perennial critics to be satisfied with potential conflicts of interest or arguably unseemly behavior. It's got to be more. It always has to be more.There have to be high crimes, dead people, corrupt schemes. And if they don't materialize, they need to be made up. Both because there is an organized partisan apparatus aimed at perpetuating them and because there is a right-wing audience that requires a constant diet of hyperventilating outrage from which to find nourishment. Why else do we have 'Benghazi', the President's birth certificate, the Muslim Brotherhood's infiltration of the White House and so much more? And if you think that's bad, you should have seen the '90s.

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Mika apparently got braces, and she was lisping on her "s".  Joe told her she sounded like Cindy Brady...Mika loved that (of course).  It was actually kind of cute.

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I read somewhere that Rand Paul was on the show this morning and took a position to the left of Joe on the causes of ISIS.  Paul blamed it on the hawks in the GOP who insisted upon arming groups in Syria and Iraq indiscriminately.  And apparently Bobby Jindal went insane and spewed a word salad of jaw-dropping craziness.


Am I crazy (totally probable) or were Bob Dole and the former Senator from Nevada (or Utah?) and Ambassador to China who has a smoking hot daughter on MSNBC the last two viable GOP candidates?  With a half-nod towards McCain in 2000.

I guess Bush is viable, because, duh, he actually was President.  But he seems to be the 4th best option of the names above.

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Yes, yes, yes.  Huntsman is the very last sane Republican of the right age to run for POTUS.  I was hoping he would do well in 2012, because I was honestly thinking I might be able to vote for him.  Yes, Obama's leadership has disappointed me that much - and the obstruction in Congress is THAT miserable.

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So Mika is pretty much a newsreader, and she gets braces that F up her ability to pronounce words? Some invisible inside the mouth vanity braces. So now Joe and Willie are taking turns reading for her while she just sits and collects a paycheck. Good call. Her S's are distracting as hell.

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I tuned in for 30 seconds this morning to hear Joe blaming President Obama and Hillary for all things Iraq/ISIS and Donny Deutsch agreeing and giving his opinion.

Really, Donny now a foreign affairs expert?

Mika sitting in hypnotic state.

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Joe's tribute to Beau Biden and his father, and their family history, nearly put me away.


: (


I was surprised by how much decency and heart Joe displayed. And not a peep from Mika. Yay.

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I think that Joe and Morning Joe has always been a "we love Joe Biden" zone.  Scarborough has rarely mocked Biden for his stumbles, because he really can't, he's much like Biden in a lot of ways - just the other side of the political coin.


I'm just heartsick about the news. my love for the Biden family knows no bounds.

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About Hillary's poll numbers...


Fuck you Joe, you lying liar.  Mika just said in the past year, not two months (her upside down approval ratings).


It's so blatant it's nausea inducing.


How stupid does Joe think his audience is?  I thought he prided himself about having an intelligent audience.  Don't fucking insult me.

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WTF with Joe's voter suppression screed?


We're just supposed to pretend that Republican majority state legislatures aren't working furiously to come up with ever increasing difficult hoops to jump over to acquire state approved "voter IDs"?  It's not just the folks of color affected, it's also the poor - remember Joe?  You want Hillary to address income inequality?  I guess that goes out the window when it comes to voting - sure would be nice if he had to get on a bus and transfer three times to spend four hours and $40 he doesn't have for a copy of his birth certificate, and then on another day jump on a bus and transfer four times to head on over to city hall to apply for and spend another $25 for a state sanctioned voter ID, all the while taking time away from his minimum wage job that doesn't cover time away.  I'm not even addressing the elderly that may have a hard time getting their hands on a birth certificate in the first place.



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