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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Yes, until you actually need healthcare. Then it permits insurance companies to impose a 30% surcharge on anyone who has let coverage lapse who suddenly tries to get insurance.

The old bait and switch.  Sure go ahead and not buy insurance, then when you decide to, we'll screw you but good.  And god forbid you have a pre existing condition.  If we had single payer, or Medicare Advantage at least, and if the government would start negotiating with drug companies, hospitals, etc. to keep pricing under control.  Remember friend of the show Joe Manchin's daughter and the little EpiPen debacle?  How expensive they are in the US?  They're $57 in the UK.   That's over the counter, not with insurance. 


This is a bigger issue than Iran/Contra.  Bigger than Watergate.  It's important to view Trump as what he is, a clown and egomaniac careering out of control while in his role as President of the United States.  It's important to normalize Trump as a fool and his henchmen as complicit, knowing criminals working against America's best interests.  If it's boring, then one needs to understand this is not a reality show.  "I'm bored" is the reason he's President.  Too many people view political discourse as dull and repetitive and they wanted change for change's sake. 
The details of policy shouldn't be splashy and great TV.

And too many don't understand the complexity of the economy, global trade, foreign policy.  They have the same comprehension of these issues as the idiot they voted for.  Don't want trade, say good bye to those sweet cheap prices for all the crap you buy. WalMart couldn't exist without trade agreements.  Your iPhone would be $2000 instead of $700.   

These are the issues Joe & Co should bring up. If you want to bash Trump, fine, but then also, take a page from Rachel Maddow, and explain the issues to the viewer so they understand how it affects their day to day life and allows them to make a more informed decision when they vote.

China is going to kick our ass in alternative energy production, folks.  But at 3 pm today, The Apprentice Version 2.0 is airing in the Rose Garden, probably giving the middle finger to the Paris Agreement, climate scientists & anyone with a functioning brain..  Ratings should be yuge. 

  • Love 11

They look silly blaming Jared for everything gone wrong since January 20. Jared & Ivanka were the heroes according to Mika & Joe in February. Now they are incompetent?

I don't think they're blaming Jared for everything. But it is true that they were huge Jared fans up to a month ago.


If Joe had a staffer like Rachel or had that sort of research/case-making bent to him, so much the better, but he doesn't.  

Yeah as much as I harsh on Joe, it *is* gratifying that he's seemingly one of the few people associated with GOP/conservatism who is calling out Trump. But as you point out it's the same old crap every morning and based mainly on emotional rants, not facts. 


He is a slimy piece of shit and for them to treat him with respect like he's not behind covering up Saudi involvement in September 11, getting the Bin Laden family out of the country, and all the other bullshit the Carlyle Group was behind is disgusting. 

Agreed. Remember how as Secretary of State he had someone release Clinton's passport records in 1992 to make some sinister whispering campaign about a trip to the Eastern Bloc Clinton made while at Oxford? It has always stunned me how he's gotten away with this "courtly elder statesman" bullshit all these years. He differs from that monster Kissinger in degree and not in kind.

  • Love 3


f Joe had a staffer like Rachel or had that sort of research/case-making bent to him, so much the better, but he doesn't.  

Yeah as much as I harsh on Joe, it *is* gratifying that he's seemingly one of the few people associated with GOP/conservatism who is calling out Trump. But as you point out it's the same old crap every morning and based mainly on emotional rants, not facts. 


They don't even have to get as deep into the weeds as Rachel does, but Joe should know enough about issues to explain "Trump is wrong on trade because, x y z",  in a couple minutes, or Trump is wrong on this or that because...."

Why aren't they all over the fact that Carrier is still going to ship 600-800 of those jobs at the Indpls plant to Mexico?  After all of Trump's bragging about saving jobs.   Yeah he saved them for five months.  The workers at the plant knew it was bullshitl  Pence had to negotiate that tax incentive, as it was a state issue, and now it's turning out just like expected, a crock of shit.   

Winning!  Jobs!!  Fuck you. 

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 8

The transcript of today's toilet humour with Mika & Joe. I can't recall any discussions  about bowel movements in Dr Z's books. Mika must be proud. Joe's law degree & experience in Congress has turned him into a sophitiscated pundit:)


BRZEZINSKI: I think you said something before the show that really kind of summed it up.


BRZEZINSKI: You know what you said.

SCARBOROUGH: What was that? What'd I say?

BRZEZINSKI: You said it's like – like

SCARBOROUGH: Oh! Oh, oh, yeah.

BRZEZINSKI: Like a kid pooping their pants and then saying I meant to do that.

SCARBOROUGH: Well, yes, it would be like somebody pooping their pants and then people looking at it and saying that's modern art, don't you understand? I am making a statement against Russian aggression in Crimea! And so this is my statement.


SCARBOROUGH: And if you don't get it, then there's something wrong with you and not me.

BRZEZINSKI: And we only have spicy to back it up. Thank you, spicy. Everybody knew what it meant.

SCARBOROUGH: And then you know I'm going to make another statement and I'm going to sit down in my pants and it will then be modern art and I will hang it on your wall. And if you don't understand it the problem is--

BRZEZINSKI: That's what covfefe, if anybody wants to know, that small group knows what covfefe is, poopy pants.

SCARBOROUGH: But, yeah, the problem is with you all, not with the person that does it.

BRZEZINSKI: Oh, my god, how low is he going to go?

SCARBOROUGH: He does a verbal version of that every day, but it's not just him. Unfortunately, now Donald Trump has people doing that rhetorically in their pants every day --

WILLIE GEIST: Okay. All right. That's enough.

BRZEZINSKI: I started this. I take responsibility.

SCARBOROUGH: Mika's the one that asked. You know. I was actually going to quote -- I was going to actually quote Shakespeare this morning, but Mika's the one that asked me to bring this up.

BRZEZINSKI: It's really a great way of putting it.

SCARBOROUGH: Yes, if I told you, by the way we're fellows at Harvard.

BRZEZINSKI: We are Harvard fellows. No covfefe in your pants, please.

  • Love 1

Friday Recap. Daily Show with Mika & Joe. Joe made fun of the marine band playing at yesterday's White House ceremony. This is unprecedented . Everybody is in Washington except Barnicle.

Joe said Trump & everyone in the White House lied about meetings with the Russians. Joe is furious that sanctions may be lifted against Russia.  Joe is mad at the GOP for supporting lying Trump administration.

Mka & Joe are wearing matching black blazers.

Joe said Clinton lied about everything.

It's nice that everyone is concerned about Russia. Was Kushner meeting about his business interests?

Joe is mad about back channel discussions with Russia to lift sanctions. Did Kushner take a bribe? Conflict of Interest.

  • Love 1

It's weird how Joe drops "Nobody lies more than Bill Clinton" into every few comments.  Like it's a syllable meant for emphasis or a throwaway phrase like, "Know what I mean?" 
His "President Bannon" thing is tiresome.  Used lightly, however, it IS funny. 

I honestly never thought there was any collusion of any shape between Russian hacking interfering in the elections and the Trump campaign staff/administration, until this morning.  It now appears that every key member of Trump's staff has lied about extremely unusual secret dealings with Russian operatives.  It appears that the administration is tied to Russia in layers that go beyond just straight-up financing of businesses.

The point that China is the big winner here while Trump dismantles America was well put, I thought.  Coal, paper, and other outmoded industries are Trump's focus while China races to own the green energy industry.  We're being led by D students.  Are there no adults in the GOP?  None?  Gerrymandering is causing the deterioration of the American way of life.

Edited by Landsnark
  • Love 10

Try as they did, they could not shake Keith Ellison from his prepped answer on that ungrateful bitch Clinton now screeching about the DNC and adding it to the long list of people who are more responsible for her loss than her. How disappointing, I didn't think Ellison was such a hack.

And the pimping of Megyn "Santa Claus is white!" Kelly can just stop now (but it won't. Ugh.)

  • Love 2

It's weird how Joe drops "Nobody lies more than Bill Clinton" into every few comments.

I know!!!  It's like take a drink every time he says it.  I believe it's Joe's code phrase that means, "Hey against all logic, I'm still a Republican."

Best line of the AM: Putin says--paraphrased 

PUTIN: " You know, hackers are like artists.  An artist may get up one morning and decide he feels like painting, a hacker may get up one morning and decide to address affronts made to his Mother Country that he feels angry about, but on his own and with the decision made totally and completely all alone, all by himself"

JOE: "Yeah, and he woke up one morning with a gun put to his head."

Edited by WhineandCheez
  • Love 1

And the pimping of Megyn "Santa Claus is white!" Kelly can just stop now (but it won't. Ugh.)

I am predicting this shit show will crash and burn by the end of the summer.

It's nothing but a 60 Minutes rip off.  She's "hosting" it but other NBC reporters are doing features.  I'm pretty sure if people want that type of program, they'll watch the OG, not this bullshit. 

Plus Megyn said she wants to be the next Oprah.   Might want to lay off the racist remarks, then. 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Plus Megyn said she wants to be the next Oprah

Whoaa.....the delusion is thick with this one. Well, you do you, White Santa baby and best of luck...

Anyone else catch Joe's slip when he tried to say "trump" and said "tramp" instead? I need that coffee back that I just spit out, thanks. And I like it when he rattles the Bannon cage. He's at least trying to point out what clothes our naked emperor is trying on - rancid Bannon jock would not be my choice, but hey, what do I know?

I think HRC can say whatever the hell she wants to whoever is going to listen to her. It would be...oh, I don't know...nice?...if the press would please stop jumping to the lowest and laziest "story" about her remarks being less than a 100% mea culpa for the election. Mika got it right - she asked Ellison if the remarks about the DNC were true. If that's true, I do want to know that. And Ellison wouldn't answer, which was highly frustrating. All I was looking for was a sense that they'd studied the last election, took a hard look at their path forward, and pieced together a strategy that's something other than, "45 sucks, nobody could possibly want to vote for that again!" 

Costa!! And he gets a Starbucks cup! Cracked me up when Joe said Costa wasn't associated with Joe's remarks and Costa said, "thanks...appreciate that." He is the one person who report mean girl politics without it sounding like a high school cafeteria gossip mill. 

So....hmmm...has Kornacki replaced Peters as the go-to geek Dem-hater? he's been on a lot lately and seems to have taken over the "erudite/geek" personality. Which, you know, I can live without Peters' condescending smugness, but today's show had both President Bannon and a full on Two Minutes Clinton Hate. Peters doesn't get a chance to sneer at HRC or show his fan boy crush for Bannon? I almost feel sorry for him...

I always want more coffee after I watch clips of this show. Good job, Starbucks. 

  • Love 2

Maybe the reason Ellison didn't say anything is because Hillary is right.  I was just taken aback by her tone at that conference, she was almost as pissed off at the DNC as she was at Comey.  Apparently her associates in the party and elsewhere are telling her to cool it.  

I think we can all agree the DNC was less than a well oiled machine.  Does anyone at the DNC know how to use a computer? Compile a database? 

I would love to know if the Obama campaign had problems with them when he got the nomination, as far as not having voter info for the states, etc.  

Or that he didn't need their info, because he had such an operation that they gathered it by themselves.

I kind of feel like the "Resistance" is figuring out how to get shit done without the DNC, since all they can do is fight about something that happened a year ago.  

You know who should head it up right now? Joe Biden. 

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, teddysmom said:

Maybe the reason Ellison didn't say anything is because Hillary is right.  I was just taken aback by her tone at that conference, she was almost as pissed off at the DNC as she was at Comey.  Apparently her associates in the party and elsewhere are telling her to cool it.  

I think we can all agree the DNC was less than a well oiled machine.  Does anyone at the DNC know how to use a computer? Compile a database? 

I would love to know if the Obama campaign had problems with them when he got the nomination, as far as not having voter info for the states, etc.  

Or that he didn't need their info, because he had such an operation that they gathered it by themselves.

I kind of feel like the "Resistance" is figuring out how to get shit done without the DNC, since all they can do is fight about something that happened a year ago.  

You know who should head it up right now? Joe Biden. 


Ellison sounded like a bumbling, prevaricating idiot. I kept thinking, "THIS GUY is the person progressives were hailing as the great savior of the Democratic party?"

And I thought Joe & Mika's question was pretty direct: "If everyone is so fired up and energized, why is fundraising down?"

Since Ellison couldn't answer, I will: Fundraising is down because the DNC can't get out of its own way and tell a simple, straightforward story about issues that matter to the voters they lost in 2016. Russia, the Paris Accord, etc. etc. etc. are important, but nobody is going to care about any of that until they understand how it affects them personally. The DNC needs to draw the connection between all of Trump's scandals and the quality of life for the average voter.

Edited by Eliot
  • Love 7

Hillary was correct to call out the DNC.  They're clearly disorganized.  They couldn't take advantage of Trump's moronic campaign and aren't taking advantage of his moronic presidency.  They absolutely bear blame and should be RACING to stand for something and prep for midterms.



  • Love 4

Since Ellison couldn't answer, I will: Fundraising is down because the DNC can't get out of its own way and tell a simple, straightforward story about issues that matter to the voters they lost in 2016. Russia, the Paris Accord, etc. etc. etc. are important, but nobody is going to care about any of that until they understand how it affects them personally. The DNC needs to draw the connection between all of Trump's scandals and the quality of life for the average voter.

And OMFG the emails. "It's over"  "We're Done"   "The end is here".  FFS send an email that I don't delete immediately because it's such horseshit.  Just say "Can you donate to Jon Ossoff, or whoever and maybe I'll read it.  The entire operation is a cluster fuck. 

But they also need to have a message other than "we aren't Trump."  They need to have a message of hope, of no matter what these clowns pull, we're going to fight for you.  I know they're hamstrung being in the minority in both houses, but at least let people know what bills you're introducing, what you're trying to accomplish.  Then voters know Dems are trying to do something but Rs won't even let it out of committee. 

I know HRC is pissed, but to go off like that in public was not going to win her any friends. You want to call them out, do it in private. 

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Landsnark said:

Hillary was correct to call out the DNC.  They're clearly disorganized.  They couldn't take advantage of Trump's moronic campaign and aren't taking advantage of his moronic presidency.  They absolutely bear blame and should be RACING to stand for something and prep for midterms.



Didn't Wikileaks reveal that the DNC & Debbie Wasserman Schultz were doing everything possible to help Hillary win the nomination?

Can you imagine the chaos if Hillary had to run against several serious candidates?

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, Landsnark said:

Hillary was correct to call out the DNC.  They're clearly disorganized.  They couldn't take advantage of Trump's moronic campaign and aren't taking advantage of his moronic presidency.  They absolutely bear blame and should be RACING to stand for something and prep for midterms.



Hillary's data operation was supposed to be the most sophisticated in history. How could she forget to campaign in the Midwest & try to focus on picking up Georgia, Texas & Arizona? She reduced the GOP margins in those states but did not win them. She had swings of 7-10% against her vs 2010 in Michigan,Wisconsin,Pennsylvania , Ohio.

That is unacceptable.

  • Love 1

I am disapointed that Mika & Joe didn't bother to have anyone knowledgeable to discuss what the ramifications were of Trump withdrawing from the Paris accord.

Apparently, Obama refused to allow Congress & the Senate to have binding votes on the USA responsibilities for the accord. The USA would have had to raise taxes on carbon emissions.

This agreement is not binding, so Joe was right. If the USA had met its targets, they would have to raise taxes on gasoline etc.

China & India did not have to reduce emissions till 2030. It makes no sense.

17 hours ago, teddysmom said:

I hate to say it but I'm agreeing with Joe a little on the Hillary Clinton "Poor Me" Tour.

Remember how you were gracious right after the election. Try to get that back.  Maybe work behind the scenes on health care or women's issues, but enough with the "everybody fucked me over" sob story.   

Nobody likes a cry baby. 

Whoa. That's harsh. Why is it that Hillary is the only one who, after losing a presidential campaign, has to take personal responsibility and not discuss all the shenanigans that led to the compromised results of this election? Has anyone demanded that Bernie take personal responsibility for his primary loss? No, he's still talking about being screwed by the DNC and debates and caucuses and everything and Joe and his nutty band of cohorts talk about it often too. Did Mitt Romney have to cover himself with sackcloth and ashes and take personal responsibility? McCain is still allowed to make appearances on Morning Blow and every Sunday talk show and nobody claims he is on a "Poor Me" tour. Why is it that the only credible woman candidate is supposed to crawl off to a corner and not be heard from again? The misogyny is still as bad as it was during the campaign.

  • Love 9
On 6/2/2017 at 9:35 AM, Mumbles said:

Try as they did, they could not shake Keith Ellison from his prepped answer on that ungrateful bitch Clinton now screeching about the DNC and adding it to the long list of people who are more responsible for her loss than her. How disappointing, I didn't think Ellison was such a hack.

And the pimping of Megyn "Santa Claus is white!" Kelly can just stop now (but it won't. Ugh.)

Joe was making fun of Ellison when he refused to admit that the DNC wasn't raising more money since Trump has become President.

Mika started shouting at Ellison for his platitudes about Democrats & Hillary. They didn't give Ellison a chance to respond.

Ellison said there will less Superstorms with the Paris Accord.

Friday recap continued.

Joe kept calling Bannon President throughout the show. He thought it was a cool joke.

Joe said the economy is great & mocked Trump for talking about carnage in the Mid West. Joe made up an economic term called "economic prowress" Joe said the USA is 44th in Economic prowress. Joe then laughed and said that the US economy is #1 in the World.

"Shake my Head" as the kids say today. No one disputes that US GDP is #1. However, most economic indicators show Wage stagnation & high levels of Underemployment.

One panelist said that Priebus & Bannon are taking advantage of Kushner's problems with Russia.

Bannon has the 38% base. Kushner has a few friends in his zip code.

Joe blamed Hillary Clinton for losing the election. She was so bad that Trump' support went from 38 to 46% and higher in the midwest so Trump won the Electoral College.

Joe said Trump's election was a fluke. Trump will lose to anyone else.

Costa said that trump hates the elite establishment, so it was easy to convince him to get out of the Paris accord.

Mr Bash Trump, who is the ex husband of Dana Bash, ranted against Trump. He said everyone loves the NATo elites & Global Trade. Globalism is great for everyone.

Halperin disagreed and mentioned that 75% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track.

Posh Katty said Energy industry doesn't create jobs because the oil companies hire robots. Once again Clueless Katty doesn't understand how the oil industry works.

Costa said Trump hoped that Russia could help get rid of Isis in Syria. Russia isn't trustworthy with bombing ISIS. They bombed the Kurds.

Costa lightly criticized Joe for bragging that Bannon would be out of the white House in February.

Costa said Trump is volatile & there are several factions competing for Trump's affections.

Mika bragged about attending the Know Your Value event at the German embassy. She showed everyone her new engagement ring & urged women to dump their husbands for their bosses. Mika said she makes much more money now than when she was married to her loser husband for 23 years.

Posh Katty said that China is laughing at the USA. Why?  Posh Katty China makes Solar Panels. Clueless Katty is unaware that the USA makes solar panels as well.

Mika & Joe were worried about the optics about getting out of the Paris accord. Joe said all the targets were voluntary. Joe was unaware about payments to China & India to reduce their emissions.

Kasie Hunt showed up & smiled.

Julia Joffe from the Atlantic came on to discuss Russia.

Mika & Joe started rubbing against each other during the final hour.

Julia said that Putin is laughing at the USA. He always makes up stories about Russian patriots invading Ukraine .

Joffe said Russia benefits from global warming so they can drill for oil in the arctic.

Halperin asked the panel if Putin is stronger after 8 years of Obama. The panel was quiet. No one wanted to talk about how Russia is stronger after Obama. Clueless Katty waited for Mika to mumble something. Mika said Putin is weaker.

The theme is that Russia is a poor country with oil & Nuclear weapons.

They showed clips of Putin making fun of Megyn Kelly who never read the Paris Accords.

Joffe said that Putin is happy that his hacking helped Trump win the election. They released crucial information about the DNC collusion with Hillary .

I liked Joffe & Costa. They should be regulars.

  • Love 1

Thanks for the recap, @oakville. I don't watch live and try to pick my way through the prime cuts of the online clips (in other words, cherry picking my commentary) and your chronological layout makes that much easer. My slow-loading computer also thanks you, as I don't have to do quite so much "swiping right" to fast foward! :)

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, potatoradio said:

Thanks for the recap, @oakville. I don't watch live and try to pick my way through the prime cuts of the online clips (in other words, cherry picking my commentary) and your chronological layout makes that much easer. My slow-loading computer also thanks you, as I don't have to do quite so much "swiping right" to fast foward! :)

You are welcome ! I wish I had more time to do full reviews of the show.

  • Love 1

I just got through listening to this Stavridis guy drum up fear about a bellicose Iran and how our seaports are incredibly vulnerable to terrorism and I was getting increasingly irritated at the fearmongering and so I googled and sure enough, our boy is on the International Board of Advisors of Northrop Grunman:


And to think Clinton actually put this troll on her veep shortlist.

  • Love 1

Monday recap. Mika & Joe are wearing matching Navy Blue Blazers & Cardigan sweaters with ceckered shirts.

New panelist is Zanny from the Economist. She takes over from Clueless Posh Katty.

Mika & Joe briefly discussed the terrorist attack in London. Joe was more excited bout discussing the memes of Brits being calm in the midst of the attacks.

Joe has stated on twitter that he no longer wants to discuss specific terrorist attacks in detail or show victims. It gives the terrorists the publicity they want. Joe prefers to focus on his talking points about Russia & whatever random stuff pops into his head.

Joe mocked the Four Seasons with Russians. Joe's son likes the Four in Chelsea for watching soccer.

The show did have have a good discussion with Zanny over Theresa May's being Homeland Secretary in the UK. She didn't have enough police to monitor the 3000 British Jihadis. The terrorists from Saturday were known to Police.

The show went off the rails at 6 30 am when Joe found out that Trump was tweeting about a travel ban.

Mika said Joe was trolling Trump by repeating the word Travel Ban. Joe said the courts will rule against a travel ban.

Joe & Mika are repeating the word Travel ban every few minutes. They are so excited to get into a fight with Trump. Joe called Trump a child.

I am so frustrated trying to take notes to recap when Mika & Joe play childish games.

Joe now says that Trump's attacks on Merkel, Khan, Macron are helping getting them elected. Aargh!. Trump was not a major or minor factor in the French election. Joe is clueless. I watch French news every day.

Germany's election is in September. There is no guarantee of her election.

Morning Joe refuses to show the clip of Khan saying that terrorism in London was something that people have to get used to.

Joe is now ranting about President Bannon.

Joe admitted that for months he thought Trump will win in the Supreme Court on the Travel Ban. Now Joe says Trump's tweets today will cause the Supreme Court to rule against the Travel ban. Make up your mind Joe. Whya re tweets from dec 2015 off limits but Today' tweets are relevant.

David Ignatius is mad about Trump tweeting.

This show gets me riled up.

They did discuss Megyn Kelly vs Putin. They were impressed with Megyn. I watched the interview and found Putin to be smarter than Megyn. He was toying with her. i suppose Joe has to say nice things about his new colleague.

Zanny from the Economist wrote a nice obituary about Dr Z. Mika let her on the show. Zanny is an upgrade on Clueless Katty

Trump appeared to be watching Morning Joe today . Mika & Joe kept talking to him directly and berating him. This is mind boggling since Mika & Joe bragged about how well they knew Trump & what a great guy he was. Now Trump is a child. I don't believe them.

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, revbfc said:

Does MJ not have a lot of Trump administration people on because of they don't want them or do the T people not want to go on MJ?  I know they refuse to bring on Conway, but is there a larger embargo either way that I'm not aware of?

Conway got into a fight with Savannah Guthrie on the Today Show. Savannah was preoccupied with Trump's tweets about the  mayor of London. KAC was talking about the people who called the terrorism hotline & reported the suspicious behavior of the two  killers . They were ignored by Police.

Joe went on a rant against Obama for not fixing Social Security & Medicare in 2009 when a Congressman from Michigan came on. Joe is mad at Trump for not willing to cut entitlements to Medicare or Social Security.

Mika is now ranting at Trump about  THE TRAVEL BAN. It wouldn't top the attacks in London because those terrorists are home grown.

LOL at Mika. The terrorist in Manchester was a UK citizen who had just returned from Libya. Wouldn't UK customs ask him some questions about what he was doing in Libya?

Morning Joe now has a word of the day that gets repeated 50 times. On Friday is was President Bannon. Today it's Travel Ban. What will the word of the day be tomorrow?

Mika & Joe as an official couple will be the Jump the Shark moment for this show. Mika piles on Joe's comments. She is less independent than she used to be. She is like hi head cheerleader.

Joe was mad at all the backlash he faced on twitter this weekend for mentioning bible verses & Churchill.

Joe is delusional again.

This is the first time in a while that I am able to watch the entire show live. It is exhausting. I need a drink.:((

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, teddysmom said:

I think the Trump people know F&F is the only place they won't be laughed off the set. 

Perhaps, but I doubt Joe wants any Trump supporters arguing with him.

Mika & Joe are in no mood for any serious debates now. They are having fun mocking Trump with the "Daily Show " style.

They even had a screen set up with 5 things you should not do when there is a terrorist attack in London. Trump did all 5 things he wasn't supposed to do.

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, Eliot said:

That's because that wasn't what he said and the entire quote was taken out of context by the Trumps.

This is the quote from the Mayor of London that Trump was trying to responded to


Joe is being obtuse because he knows what Trump is referring to. MSNBC has access to this news article & the televised clip. They are playing dumb.

  • Love 1

Here is the quote that Trump was misconstruing. Emphasis mine.


“My message to Londoners and visitors to our great city is to be calm and vigilant today," Mr Khan said. "You will see an increased police presence today, including armed officers and uniformed officers.

"There is no reason to be alarmed by this. We are the safest global city in the world. You saw last night as a consequence of our planning, our preparation, the rehearsals that take place, the swift response from the emergency services tackling the terrorists and also helping the injured.”

"This" refers to the increased police presence. The show can't show a clip where Khan says people need to get used to terrorism because as Eliot pointed out, it doesn't exist.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Here is the quote that Trump was misconstruing. Emphasis mine.

"This" refers to the increased police presence. The show can't show a clip where Khan says people need to get used to terrorism because as Eliot pointed out, it doesn't exist.

The quote from the London Mayor that Trump appeared to be referring to was from last year. I posted the article from the article in the in Independent.

"Khan has ordered a review of London's strategy for coping with multiple terror attacks Getty Images

Sadiq Khan has said he believes the threat of terror attacks are “part and parcel of living in a big city” and encouraged Londoners to be vigilant to combat dangers."

It should be noted that Katty Kay had the same nonchalant attitude towards terrorist attacks in the UK a few weeks ago.

I wonder how Katty Kay would react if her family was hurt or killed in a terrorist attack. ?

  • Love 1
45 minutes ago, oakville said:

The quote from the London Mayor that Trump appeared to be referring to was from last year. I posted the article from the article in the in Independent.

"Khan has ordered a review of London's strategy for coping with multiple terror attacks Getty Images

Sadiq Khan has said he believes the threat of terror attacks are “part and parcel of living in a big city” and encouraged Londoners to be vigilant to combat dangers."

It should be noted that Katty Kay had the same nonchalant attitude towards terrorist attacks in the UK a few weeks ago.

I wonder how Katty Kay would react if her family was hurt or killed in a terrorist attack. ?


He did NOT say "the threat of terror attacks are part and parcel of living in a big city." He said that terrorism preparedness, [emphasis mine] including providing sufficient support to the police, was “part and parcel of living in a great global city.”

Full quote and correct context here: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/22/us/politics/donald-trump-jr-criticizes-london-mayor-after-deadly-attack.html?_r=0

I also wouldn't characterize anyone's attitude as "nonchalant" about these attacks. The point was made on the show today (by Joe, in fact) that the British dealt with attacks on civilians from the IRA for years. So, no, they're not jumping up and down hysterically. They're calmly and resolutely getting the work done that needs to be done.

Edited by Eliot
  • Love 12
58 minutes ago, stormy said:

Joe and panel keep trying to explain this man's crazy behavior.   There is only one explanation, and Elise Jordan is right, he's unhinged. 

Yeah I think it's time to stop tip toeing around the fact that Donald Trump is batshit crazy.  Joe  is,  as he likes to say when he criticizes others, "too cute by half" in his attempts to provoke Trump, but that ship sailed long before Joe started his feeble attempt at mind games.  

The stress of the situation has driven Trump over the cliff, and he was teetering on the edge before he was even inaugurated. He knows he's in deep shit. 

14 hours ago, Eliot said:

He did NOT say "the threat of terror attacks are part and parcel of living in a big city." He said that terrorism preparedness, [emphasis mine] including providing sufficient support to the police, was “part and parcel of living in a great global city.”

Full quote and correct context here: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/22/us/politics/donald-trump-jr-criticizes-london-mayor-after-deadly-attack.html?_r=0

I also wouldn't characterize anyone's attitude as "nonchalant" about these attacks. The point was made on the show today (by Joe, in fact) that the British dealt with attacks on civilians from the IRA for years. So, no, they're not jumping up and down hysterically. They're calmly and resolutely getting the work done that needs to be done.

And some Brits still alive today lived thru The Blitz, so, not to negate the current situation, but come on.  Yes, what's happening lately is god awful, but they're pros at getting thru this stuff. 

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 2
14 hours ago, Eliot said:

He did NOT say "the threat of terror attacks are part and parcel of living in a big city." He said that terrorism preparedness, [emphasis mine] including providing sufficient support to the police, was “part and parcel of living in a great global city.”

Full quote and correct context here: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/22/us/politics/donald-trump-jr-criticizes-london-mayor-after-deadly-attack.html?_r=0

I also wouldn't characterize anyone's attitude as "nonchalant" about these attacks. The point was made on the show today (by Joe, in fact) that the British dealt with attacks on civilians from the IRA for years. So, no, they're not jumping up and down hysterically. They're calmly and resolutely getting the work done that needs to be done.

Thanks for clearing up the confusion ! Eliot. I see how the Mayor's comments could be misinterpreted. Of course, a city has to be prepared for a terrorist attack.

I don't like Joe's dismissal of the terrorist attacks.I would prefer if the show covered the effects of Muslim extremism in the UK. How is it that police were notified several times about the two terrorists and nothing was done?

Katty Kay did not bring up the cuts in police forces of over 20,000 implemented by Theresa May when she was Home affairs Minister. Katty's seems to be indifferent to whatever is happening in the UK. She admits she had no idea Brexit could happen. She was wrong about the UK elections in 2015. She has a Posh accent which impresses some people in the media but her analysis of any issue is superficial at best. Her excitement at Muslims helping drive kids home after the Ariana Grande attack with silly. Didn't non- Muslims help the victims as well? I can't stand her.

There is a difference between the IRA bombings and the Isis inspired attacks. There was a political solution to the IRA. There is no political compromise with Isis that would be acceptable. 

Joe 's open admiration for Winston Churchill is hilarious given that if he were alive today, he would advocate very tough regulations against suspected terrorists & probably recommend fire bombing Isis controlled areas like they did to Dresden in WW2

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, stormy said:

Joe and panel keep trying to explain this man's crazy behavior.   There is only one explanation, and Elise Jordan is right, he's unhinged. 

The moment I saw that  Donny Deutsh was going to on the show, I knew that discussions about Trump having Dementia, being unhinged etc would happen. 

It's interesting that Elise Jordan joined in calling Trump unhinged.

Joe was in the Bunker today wearing a suit. Mika is off.

Joe was happy that Pence said some nice things about Mika's dad.

Joe bashed Bannon.

Joe demanded that Scott Pruit tell the panel if Trump believed in Climate Change or not.

Joe leaned into the camera in the Bunker & his head became huge. It was scary. Do they have a camera person in the bunker with Joe?

The panel is excited about Comey's testimony.

Joe blamed Obama for not being able to regulate carbon emissions.

The panel discussed having interventions with Trump using Twitter. It's not working.

Trump is damaging himself with his tweets.

Isaacson said that Comey is a truth teller & very tall.

  • Love 3

Joe was being very self-congratulatory this morning. He claimed that Trump's unhinged Tweets were in response to yesterday's discussion on MJ.



I don't like Joe's dismissal of the terrorist attacks.I would prefer if the show covered the effects of Muslim extremism in the UK....

...Her excitement at Muslims helping drive kids home after the Ariana Grande attack with silly. Didn't non- Muslims help the victims as well? I can't stand her.



As long as people are going to harp on the effects of "Muslim extremism" and thus tar all Muslims with the crimes of a few, it is important to emphasize that there are far more Muslims helping their communities than there are those hurting them. I fully support what Katty said on the show.

  • Love 6
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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