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Sleepy Hollow in the Media

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ScreenSpy did an interview with Tom Mison about the rest of the season, the finale of season 2, yadda, yadda. Some interesting stuff. Some hinted spoilers in the article, so beware.

I don't think Katrina dies... but I think Henry might. Hawley can just go away (if they need to get rid of him, which I'm agnostic on). I do think the Ichatrina marriage is doomed though and Katrina might finally become evil. I just hope she doesn't continue to suck up screen time. Honestly her arc and her as a character don't work. She SHOULD be killed off - but they might save that for S3 - but I'm not holding my breath.

Tom says a lot of what we said about Ichatrina and them having a slightly "doomed" element to them from day one - that he was written to be a witness and her role was done the moment she put the spell on him in the beginning. And that he can't be a man of two worlds anymore - he's a man of the current time and he has to choose between his past and his role as a witness.

Yet - that all feels so pointless now given how long they let Katrina languish on the canvas.

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I've just realized I keep checking in here to see if there just might be an announcement that Goffman has been fired, that the show recognizes the errors of its ways and TPTB have renewed it with a promise to return to what made it great.  Pretty sad on my part, I think…. :(

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I cannot believe how sad that abaiers thread made me... it just revealed how clueless they were - or how determined they were to "bait and switch" us.

I should get a twitter account just to suggest to him that they hire a "Nicole/Abbie advocate" to be in the writer's room... since clearly Katia/Katrina got someone. And they need better fan representation - though I'm starting to feel almost unwanted as a fan by them given how shoddily they treated Abbie this season - if they really didn't think that they were "sidelining" her then that almost feels worse because clearly they think just having her "there" should be enough for us as fans.

Just unbelievably sad.

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I cannot believe how sad that abaiers thread made me... it just revealed how clueless they were - or how determined they were to "bait and switch" us.I should get a twitter account just to suggest to him that they hire a "Nicole/Abbie advocate" to be in the writer's room... since clearly Katia/Katrina got someone. And they need better fan representation - though I'm starting to feel almost unwanted as a fan by them given how shoddily they treated Abbie this season - if they really didn't think that they were "sidelining" her then that almost feels worse because clearly they think just having her "there" should be enough for us as fans.Just unbelievably sad.

That thread made me feel sad for Beharie. Can you imagine how she felt reading the script for Pittura Infamante for the first time? Geez. I'm glad fans had her back. Now I see why she seemed so touched when she found out about the hashtag campaign last fall. Hope she has a good manager/agent to fight for her.

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I've just realized I keep checking in here to see if there just might be an announcement that Goffman has been fired, that the show recognizes the errors of its ways and TPTB have renewed it with a promise to return to what made it great.  Pretty sad on my part, I think…. :(


I keep HOPING to hear Goffman has been fired. I keep EXPECTING to hear the show has been moved to Friday nights (which is pretty much the last stop before cancellation).

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So for all of his lies that they never meant to sideline Abby, Abiers basically admitted (unintentionally, I'm sure) that it was their intent all along and the only thing that stopped them was that it didn't work? Okay then.

Edited by LydiaMoon1
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Episode 2.16 sounds a bit more like season one - but the proof will be in the pudding

So for all of his lies that they never meant to sideline Abby, Abiers basically admitted (unintentionally, I'm sure) that it was their intent all along and the only thing that stopped them was that it didn't work? Okay then.

It would be a great step forward if they finally know it didn't work. Admitting you have a problem IS the first step to recovery

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I'm really torn about these next few episodes, I'm skipping next week for sure, but I want to show that ABBIE is the reason I'm watching and tune in (like I know I'm not a Nielsen household), but I want them to the get the message turning the stories back toward Abbie and Ichabbie's partnership and good old fashioned paranormal investigation is why I am back to watching.

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I think the rule of thumb, if you're not a Nielsen household, is that live viewing via traditional cable or over-the-air TV is really not something they can track. However, they CAN track streaming from their sites/apps/Hulu/etc. So use the info accordingly. 

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I've been wondering what Clarke Wolfe of The Nerdist had to say about the lastest happenings since she runs the "official" SH podcast.  I looked around and found these tweets:


Clarke Wolfe @clarkewolfe  ·  Jan 17

We're going to do our best to get some clarification and discussion going about the TCAs today but it wont be until Tue, 2/3 at least.



and this:

Clarke Wolfe @clarkewolfe  ·  Jan 17

It is SUPER awkward timing that I will be traveling internationally for work next week. Sleepyheads, I hear you & the #SleepyCast hears you!


She may be traveling, but still took time to retweet this, which probably shows where her head is at regarding All Things Katrina: 



Clarke Wolfe retweeted
GirlTalk @GirlTalkTo  ·  Jan 20

@SleepyHollowFOX @clarkewolfe @mblakewriter @pmiscove Love that you have Ichabod and Katrina working together!


So I guess when we see Clarke Wolfe has changed her tune, we'll have a real cluek changes really are coming.  I don't see Wolfe going out on on a limb, a la Maureen Ryan, and risk losing her exclusive access to SH.  She will probably march to whatever tune is played. 


Michael Ausiello, of the "Sleepy Hollow doesn't need to be fixed" retweet, seems to be quiet at the moment.  The only thing I found from him is FOX's delay in renewing/cancelling the show.  Maybe he's being smart and waiting to find out who the band conducter really is and what tunes will be played before he tweets/retweets anything.

Edited by MissAlmond
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Michael Ausiello, of the "Sleepy Hollow doesn't need to be fixed" retweet, seems to be quiet at the moment.  The only thing I found from him is FOX's delay in renewing/cancelling the show.  Maybe he's being smart and waiting to find out who the band conducter really is and what tunes will be played before he tweets/retweets anything.


I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that Ausiello is taking time off to be with his terminally ill husband so that's probably why he's been quiet.

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I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that Ausiello is taking time off to be with his terminally ill husband so that's probably why he's been quiet.



So sorry then, I had not heard that.  My thoughts to him and his husband. 

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I'm really surprised from that IMDB thread and others on that board how a couple people repeated a rumor that Jenny was supposed to be killed off and Hawley was cast to replace her, and the rest of the board went freaking nuts repeating it like it was bible truth. Any time anyone asks for a source the reply seems to be along the lines of "oh, I heard it from a couple people so I know it's true". It may or may not be, but it made me appreciate that everyone here can vent their legitimate frustrations without going off into conspiracy-theories and I-Saw-it-on-Facebook-Holy-Crap-It's-True freak outs.

The problems are very real and while it's encouraging to see that some PTB may have taken notice, I just keep remembering how many people hated Jessica Pare on Mad Men but Matthew Weiner was so blinded by his whatever for her that he didn't care. I fear a similar situation with Goffman and that the network will have to outright fire him to fix it.

Thanks to everyone for the media links. This is turning into something that film schools should teach as a cautionary tale to their students!

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Wanna know what song Ichabod sings? Wanna hear Mr. Mison sing? Here you go. (He's got a nice voice, and I love the noticable accent change at one point - I like).


TVLine article about Monday's episode (spoilers of course) and clip - Crane's Karaoke Debut



What could have been a great scene was ruined for me by Abbie, once again, being forced to proclaim that Katrina was right about one of her many dumb decisions.I absolutely hate how they are using Abbie to prop up a weak character they sought to replace her with. It's also the surest sign of bad writing when it isn't obvious that some action your character has taken is "right" so you have to make other characters voice the assessment repeatedly.

Edited by savinggrace
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From Tom and Lorenzo:

In other words, it’s a characterization trait based solely on how hot she looks, which kind of says it all about this character.

Abbie in her work T is hotter than StruggleWitch in her BreastsAheavin Dress.

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I'm really surprised from that IMDB thread and others on that board how a couple people repeated a rumor that Jenny was supposed to be killed off and Hawley was cast to replace her, and the rest of the board went freaking nuts repeating it like it was bible truth. Any time anyone asks for a source the reply seems to be along the lines of "oh, I heard it from a couple people so I know it's true". It may or may not be, but it made me appreciate that everyone here can vent their legitimate frustrations without going off into conspiracy-theories and I-Saw-it-on-Facebook-Holy-Crap-It's-True freak outs!

I saw a few of those rumors. They struck me as odd. They clearly left things open ended with respect to Jenny at the end of season 1. But, then the same people who chose the new direction for season 2 also, I'm assuming, were responsible for deciding Greenwood would become a series regular not just a recurring character.

But then they sidelined her. You know what, I have no clue. NONE of it makes sense.

Edited by TV Juriste
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From Tom and Lorenzo:

Abbie in her work T is hotter than StruggleWitch in her BreastsAheavin Dress.

I definitely notice how hard they work to doll up KW. Have we ever seen her without a corset or plunging neckline? Only when she temporarily was a Quaker.

KW is definitely attractive. Beharie's body is nuts. Actually, so is Greenwood's. They don't need corsets or push-up bras. I guess that's why usually those two are covered up with jackets, vests, and dark colors.

True story, I was watching an episode from the first season with a man and Beharie took off her jacket, the response was loud and enthusiastic. I didn't admit it at the time, but I agreed with his, um, assessment and vowed to commit to doing more squats. :)

Edited by TV Juriste
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Check this out


Katia Winter ‏@katia_winter 1m1 minute ago

All I can do is my very best with what I am given. I'm not at all in control over the story that is being told. That said. I agree with you.
0 replies 0 retweets 0 favorites

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I'm going to laugh my ass off if Katia Winter starts throwing the writers and Goffman under the bus and blame all the Katrina hate on them. Oh my god, that would be HILARIOUS.


Sweetie, be angry if you are getting death threats. However, if you want to whine that people are calling you out for being a shitty actress, just remember that when you put yourself in the position of being a public figure, you are agreeing to be evaluated by the public in how well you are at your job.


Edited to add: Here's the article that gives context to Katia's tweet:


Katia Winter Says Season 2 Has Been A Little Manic


That has to be one of the shittiest attempts at damage control I've ever seen. Did Goffman and co. even sign off on this? She's basically saying, "Oh, I'm not to blame at all for how shitty my character is; it's all those big bad mean writers who don't let me stand up for myself!"

Edited by methodwriter85
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From article

Helping her confidence in the new season, perhaps, is how the writers have become open to suggestions from her on her character.

“They have been [open] lately, which is nice,” said Winter. “I don’t really speak up that much, but I have started to, which is good (laughs) and I’ve been pleasantly surprised that they’ve actually listened to my input. It’s been good.”

From me

Gag me with a spoon

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Helping her confidence in the new season, perhaps, is how the writers have become open to suggestions from her on her character.

“They have been [open] lately, which is nice,” said Winter. “I don’t really speak up that much, but I have started to, which is good (laughs) and I’ve been pleasantly surprised that they’ve actually listened to my input. It’s been good


Maybe the writers know something she doesn't and are being nice to her......

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From article

Helping her confidence in the new season, perhaps, is how the writers have become open to suggestions from her on her character.

“They have been [open] lately, which is nice,” said Winter. “I don’t really speak up that much, but I have started to, which is good (laughs) and I’ve been pleasantly surprised that they’ve actually listened to my input. It’s been good.”

From me

Gag me with a spoon

Yes - this fits with my theories that she's asked for this - so her tweet is full of crap unless she's getting death threats (which I doubt). Hoping for her to get killed off the show? Fair. But her trying to pretend like she has NOTHING to do with the direction of the show like she didn't campaign for that?

I can't blame her entirely - if Goffman didn't let her do it, we wouldn't be here. They are both to blame - Goffman more than KW, but she's still no innocent.

I detest it when folks play the victim.

Given that crazy nasty tweet she sent to Ichabbie fans - I don't buy this sweetness and light act. That tweet was a mean spirited "F U" to Ichabbie fans she imagines herself at war with - when no one had never checked for her (just Katrina) before that tweet. While Nicole was dealing with actual real problems like her leading lady spot being threatened.

The ratings, the criticism from the critics and fans - all that is Karma. If she hadn't been so smug earlier and hadn't sent that tweet to Ichabbie fans, I wouldn't be so mad... funny how she's clearly tossing folks under the bus right now.


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Helping her confidence in the new season, perhaps, is how the writers have become open to suggestions from her on her character.

Maybe Goffman will let her be the head writer now.  yay.  If that doesn't improve the ratings, he could try letting her direct some of the episodes.  If all else fails, he could let headless/not headless kill Ichabod, and have Katrina assume the leading role on SH.  She could keep Abbie, Jenny, and maybe Frank around as her personal waitstaff.

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“I’ve heard the fans are really divided, and I totally get the Ichabod/Abbie chemistry, and they’re so fun and good together as partners.



Everytime I hear someone from the show reference this I feel like they don't really get it and think that fans only dislike Katrina because they are shippers. And Katia is definitely trying to throw the writers under the bus and honestly I can't blame her. She's not a good actress and I hated that tweet but at the end of the day she's looking out for herself. She may have made suggestions but it was Goffman et al. who had the final say.

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I can't blame her entirely - if Goffman didn't let her do it, we wouldn't be here. They are both to blame - Goffman more than KW, but she's still no innocent.

Goffman and KW could rewrite SH, borrowing liberally from "Orphan Black."  Henry makes a bunch of Katrina clones, with Katrina becoming both of the two witnesses and all 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse after one of her clones kills both headless and henry. 

Edited by SnarkyTart
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From article

Helping her confidence in the new season, perhaps, is how the writers have become open to suggestions from her on her character.

“They have been [open] lately, which is nice,” said Winter. “I don’t really speak up that much, but I have started to, which is good (laughs) and I’ve been pleasantly surprised that they’ve actually listened to my input. It’s been good.”

From me

Gag me with a spoon


So they're not killing her off. That means another opportunity for her to stink up the show. Isn't that just great?


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Yeah I saw that tweet from her last night and was like... "Wha....?"  I couldn't find who she was replying to.  But it did set off a lot of replies to her affirming how awesome she is and how some fans are ruining the show and how people shouldn't hate on her.


 I get that it can't feel good that your character is not liked, but even on twitter which can get rather salty, I can't recall seeing anyone dissing her.  The animus is almost 100% reserved for Katrina.  And for the most part even the most disaffected fans have been really careful to maintain that distinction. 


Personally, I have no feeling good/bad or indifferent toward KW as a person.  I do think she is a limited actress but that is a valid criticism/opinion for anyone in her profession.  But like her other tweet she did before Deliverance, this feels kinda passive aggressive and it seems to show she doesn't know how to interact with critics. 


That said, I wonder if alluding to 'Katrina standing her own ground' is further confirmation that we are done with this wishy-washy shit and she is finally gonna be in open opposition with both Witnesses?  If we have to keep her on then make her useful.  And as an actual adversary for Ichabod & Abbie --especially one that he now knows either doesn't love him and/or  doesn't value his love -- would be better than what we've had to suffer through.

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I don't understand that "standing her ground" nonsense. When hasn't Katrina stood her ground? Hasn't that been one of the problems with the character? Her "ground" has been the ultimate goal and everything else had to take a step back to accommodate her "ground". The one who has been wishy washy has been Ichy, who cannot stand his "ground" to save anyone's life.

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But it did set off a lot of replies to her affirming how awesome she is and how some fans are ruining the show and how people shouldn't hate on her.

I ran into (virtually) one of those folks last week on twitter saying it's all the writers fault they have given her nothing to work with. I replied that the creepy whisper voice was an acting choice and you couldn't blame the writers for that. He replied that the writers have given her nothing to work with. So, my take then was that she does have some VERY loyal fans who can see no wrong in her and nothing is her fault.

My take, for what it's worth.

ETA - my conspiracy soul feels like dump the writers under the bus (it's all the writers fault) is publicist's idea that must have been being noised around unnoticed by me. 'Cause having that interaction on Twitter and one week later having the KW Twitter with the same message seems coincidental - but I'm from the 60's so conspiracy theories are easy for me

Edited by pcta
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ETA - my conspiracy soul feels like dump the writers under the bus (it's all the writers fault) is publicist's idea that must have been being noised around unnoticed by me. 'Cause having that interaction on Twitter and one week later having the KW Twitter with the same message seems coincidental - but I'm from the 60's so conspiracy theories are easy for me

But all behind the scenes drama/melodrama need a nice grassy knoll.

Edited by DeLurker
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ETA - my conspiracy soul feels like dump the writers under the bus (it's all the writers fault) is publicist's idea that must have been being noised around unnoticed by me. 'Cause having that interaction on Twitter and one week later having the KW Twitter with the same message seems coincidental - but I'm from the 60's so conspiracy theories are easy for me


It makes sense to me. Since she'll be back for S3, blaming the writers is the best way to divert attention from her.


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RE: KW Tweet


During that interview on ABTV with Neil Jackson (they were shooting episode 12 or 13 and had the scripts for at least episode 14), he said that she was super happy with getting lots to do. He was specifically asked if she was happy with her storyline, he said yes without any hesitation and seemed even surprise by being asked that.


If she had even a shred of integrity as both an actor and a self-respecting human being, she would just stay silent and hope to ride out the storm. That is just shameless. They also forced her to act like a puppet on strings whose only facial expressions are weepy eyes and blank stares? I didn't care one way or another about her before this but I am now officially disliking her. She needs to inhale a big dose of grace and humility. All she needed to do was to not comment and say if asked that she understood people's concerns and that she does/will do her best.


I am embarrassed for her, seriously. She didn't have my attention/affection before and now she doesn't have my respect. How fucking dare she? She is literally the only actor that was done favours this entire bloody season and she is throwing stones. I hope everyone she ever works with remembers that attitude. Disgusting.

Edited by fantique
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