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Sleepy Hollow in the Media

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My cynical side says that the Abbie centric stuff coming in late in the season represents a course correction.  Most of the episodes were already in the can before the negative fan/critic reaction to the season began to swell and before the #AbbieMillsDeservesBetter campaign.  I am betting if we do see a stronger, more focused Abbie toward the end than we've seen all season it because it is in response to the criticism and/or possible Network intervention.

It would seem you're right on the nose.

There's a blogger/fan that's often invited to preview episodes for various shows, and had also been contacted to do promos for 'Sleepy Hollow.' Anyway this person relayed on another forum that an inside source with whom s/he shares emails with directly cited #AbbieMillsDeservesBetter as what prompted the last-minute Abbie arc. Furthermore the source said they've even reshot some scenes that had long been completed in response to the backlash. I think the word "scrambling" was used.

This same blogger/fan had relayed in the same post that the source said TPTB had kicked around nixing the whole Seven Year Apocalypse/Revelations thing because the writers think it stifles them creatively. Well not too long after that Goffman comes out in interviews saying Molloch is gone and they want the show to explore other mythologies. So IMO there's ios good reason to believe what the source says is true as far as the source knows.

Of course this doesn't guarentee Goffman suddenly gets it.


Not sure if this belongs here but someone started a petition to restore 'Sleepy Hollow' to what made it great in Season One that's aimed at Fox. Here's a link to the petition - https://www.change.org/p/peter-rice-fox-broadcasting-company-sleepyheads-return-sleepy-hollow-back-the-scenario-from-season-1

Edited by CinnamonCW
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Re: network intervention -- Chances are, someone at the network reviews and signs off on the scripts.  Even the ones you haven't liked.


Yes, but unlike last season, this season has been filmed far in advance. Last season had episodes literally being filmed TWO WEEKS before the actual airing. This season, they are much farther ahead. Episode 15 was being filmed two or three week ago.


So basically, the network signed off on the scripts, but the network is ~ TWO MONTHS behind on responding to the current SH problem. Hence reports now that the final two episodes will be Abbie-centric and that some minor filming changes have been made in episodes that will air after the break.


The reality is this --> Katrina centric/CFD, which the majority haven't liked - including professional media organizations - has damaged the show quite significantly. Ironically, the last minute scrambling of season one would have served them better this year - in that they could have rid themselves of a lot of the Katrina-centric arc/CFD before it got to the point it is at now - which is severely damaging the show and causing it to shed a significant number of viewers.


The network couldn't care less about approved scripts, in the sense that, the moment too many of those poor scripts get approved, and it correlated with a ratings fall, the fool approving those scripts will be gone, and another in his/her place to remedy the problem. As long as it meets their censorship requirements, all is good.


This is a business, and the business is to make money. It doesn't matter how creative or inventive or how much a show runner loves a particular cast member. Money counts. That person or script approval or vision is irrelevant if it doesn't make the network money.

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Okay - I just got a MAJOR laugh at the writer's "funny".

The rest of my post is spoiler (based on the spoiler/speculation above) so I'm taking it to the spoiler thread...

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I guess considering all of the complaints from the media & fans about Sleepy Hollow during the first half of season two, the vast majority of the end of the year list/reviews followed along the same lines. Even when positive things about the show were mentioned, the shows negatives were discussed more, so instead of posting a long list of mostly bad reviews, below are just a few additional list/reviews concerning the first half of season two:


1.) The Hollywood Reporter


The Best Broadcast Network Shows of 2014

17.) Sleepy Hollow. Fox. I fear that if this second season continues apace, the series won't be here again next year (but the issue could just be a sophomore slump for a show that is trying to figure out what works or how to use what it has). Sleepy Hollow is best when it's crazy — or crazier. But what is always good about it and never fails to work is this: Nicole Beharie and Tom Mison. When you have magnetic stars, keep them close to each other. (Oh, and to reiterate that 2014 was a better year for diversity on television, it should be noted that Sleepy Hollow has, with Orlando Jones and Lyndie Greenwood joining Beharie, three African-American actors at its forefront).


2.) Entertainment Weekly



Best character redemption (that would’ve been better if he’d killed his mother first):Sleepy Hollow
The good news is that Henry killed Moloch, which means that the apocalypse has been put on hold—not to mention that there might be hope for Henry yet. (But couldn’t he have killed Katrina first?)


3.) Uproxx


Sleepy Hollow Struggles

Unfortunately it’s not all good news. Sleepy Hollow was an enormous surprise last season, but its second season has struggled, not least with the fact that the show seems unable or unwilling to drop terrible plotlines like… well, like everything Katrina does, really. There’s still plenty of the spark there: Tom Mison and Nicole Beharie still have the best comedic chemistry on television. But the writer’s room needs to tighten up the ship, or Ichabod’s going back in his grave.


4.) The Backlot


The Best (and Worst) of “Sleepy Hollow”


The Best list includes:
• Founding Fathers + witches = perfection (I thought this description might involve something positive concerning Katrina but it actually doesn’t.)
• Ridiculous magical nonsense
• Our charismatic leads
• Ichabod vs. the 21st century


The Worst list includes:
• How many horned demons can one town have?
• That hell beast Katrina

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I have to stay off twitter before I die of laughter. #theshadeishilarious

Tears are rolling down my face as I am witnessing this (Look at me getting punny!). I might die choking on my laughs / whatever I am drinking but I am ok with that.

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The Best Broadcast Network Shows of 2014

17.) Sleepy Hollow. Fox. I fear that if this second season continues apace, the series won't be here again next year (but the issue could just be a sophomore slump for a show that is trying to figure out what works or how to use what it has). Sleepy Hollow is best when it's crazy — or crazier. But what is always good about it and never fails to work is this: Nicole Beharie and Tom Mison. When you have magnetic stars, keep them close to each other. (Oh, and to reiterate that 2014 was a better year for diversity on television, it should be noted that Sleepy Hollow has, with Orlando Jones and Lyndie Greenwood joining Beharie, three African-American actors at its forefront).


Forefront? How far in advance are these written? April?

Edited by Pete Martell
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Forefront? How far in advance are these written? April?


I didn’t really find much of season 2 interesting up to the mid season finale but I was still trying to find some mid season reviews to post that included some positive things about season 2 but those weren’t as abundant as the negative ones.


The Hollywood Reporter's review was one of the few “mostly positive reviews” that I read but yeah, I did side eye that description as well because there’s been a lot of discussion among the media/fans about Frank & Jenny’s reduced screen time in season 2, so THR trying to give credit to Sleepy Hollow for diversity by stating Frank & Jenny are still at the forefront this season is a claim some people won’t be able to take even a bit seriously. Also, even though Canada is part of North America, I've never heard any black person who was born there refer to themselves as an African-American, so I get THR’s point but that’s not really the description that would be used for Lyndie Greenwood.

Edited by Moonsky
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From Orlando's tumblr.


Um…where do YOU think YOU’RE going? Everyone in this fandom needs to RE-LAX and trust that Season 2B is gonna pay everything off and be UH-MAY-ZING. Y’all need to stop hating on “highly skilled operatives”.


I am NOT HERE for your feels and logic so kindly STAHP!!!


The logic part makes me laugh  - because what is being criticized is completely logical. I don't know if I should believe him or put it up to him being tasked with some damage control. I think my cynical (ahem - logical) side chooses the latter. Nothing about the upcoming promos/pics tell me otherwise.


Also, SpoilerTV posted a new combo promo of Gotham/SH/Bachelor something. Just a warning to those who love Abbie - for your sanity and peace of mind, don't bother watching it. Just don't.

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The logic part makes me laugh  - because what is being criticized is completely logical. I don't know if I should believe him or put it up to him being tasked with some damage control. I think my cynical (ahem - logical) side chooses the latter. Nothing about the upcoming promos/pics tell me otherwise.


I really want to believe him, too.  I can't tell if he's trolling us or like you mentioned, damage control.

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Suspect he has to tread lightly for his own future viability as an actor. His YouTube S 2 Recap posted up thread was spot on the show's major shortcomings but was probably right on the border (to TPTB-Hollywood types) for what might damage his employability

I need to go look up more things interesting than Karina - that's so freakin' funny.

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Also, SpoilerTV posted a new combo promo of Gotham/SH/Bachelor something. Just a warning to those who love Abbie - for your sanity and peace of mind, don't bother watching it. Just don't.

I'm sorry... Who is this Abbie you speak of? I remember no such character of interest in Sleepy Hollow. An extra perhaps?

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 I also wonder whose screen time will be cut to accommodate him since the writers have shown they aren't able to integrate new characters seamlessly with existing ones.


He's a white guy, so Abbie or Jenny.  I'm surprised you have to ask.


The next half-season will be "The Adventures of Ich, Hawl and Orie" co-starring the Struggle Witch, with occasional cameos by Abbie and Jenny. 

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Y’all need to stop hating on “highly skilled operatives”.


Ha, I love that even in the middle of him trying to ( I do believe genuinely) defend 2B, he is shading the shit out of Katrina. I also have to say I don't think Orlando is gone for good, his visions alone are Checkov's gun, so I'm fairly confident he'll triumphantly return in the last couple of episodes. As *what* and in what respect I do not know, nor do I think it will be enough to make up for how terribly he was minimized this year, but yeah.

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I also have to say I don't think Orlando is gone for good, his visions alone are Checkov's gun, so I'm fairly confident he'll triumphantly return in the last couple of episodes.

I so hope you are right.

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I also wonder whose screen time will be cut to accommodate him since the writers have shown they aren't able to integrate new characters seamlessly with existing ones.

I think his screen time will be mostly with Abbie, the tidbits of spoilers seem to point towards them teaming up quite a lot.

Edited by fantique
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I think his screen time will be mostly with Abbie, the tidbits of spoilers seem to point towards them teaming up quite a lot.


Maybe this is the bone that was thrown, if so I will eat it up, damn I will ship the hell out of that pretty together. 

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From Orlando's tumblr.



The logic part makes me laugh  - because what is being criticized is completely logical. I don't know if I should believe him or put it up to him being tasked with some damage control. I think my cynical (ahem - logical) side chooses the latter. Nothing about the upcoming promos/pics tell me otherwise.


Also, SpoilerTV posted a new combo promo of Gotham/SH/Bachelor something. Just a warning to those who love Abbie - for your sanity and peace of mind, don't bother watching it. Just don't.

I think it's interesting that the Fox promo refers to Ichabod as a bachelor . . . Really? Is he? But the biggest thing that struck me was that the promo featured Katrina and Jenny more prominently than Abbie. 

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re the angel Orion played by Max Brown:

At the bottom of the page, this question is asked: "Anyone else excited by this?!"


I have to reply: "A big, fat NO."


To date, the article has one comment: "Oh look, another white person".


A sad LOL at this.

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I just saw the 'Sleepy Hollow' Christmas commercial on Fox.  It had Tom Mison wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and saying that his favorite thing about the holidays is the stuffing.  Then they cut to a clip of Katrina in the throes of almost giving birth to the demon, with all of the 'Alien' effects.  It's really funny, especially since he's so serious during the whole thing.

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I just saw the 'Sleepy Hollow' Christmas commercial on Fox.  It had Tom Mison wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and saying that his favorite thing about the holidays is the stuffing.  Then they cut to a clip of Katrina in the throes of almost giving birth to the demon, with all of the 'Alien' effects.  It's really funny, especially since he's so serious during the whole thing.


Ichabod and Katrina -- Those are the only two characters on Sleepy Hollow, right?


Tell me again how FOX is going to turn this train-wreck around...

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I just saw the 'Sleepy Hollow' Christmas commercial on Fox.  It had Tom Mison wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and saying that his favorite thing about the holidays is the stuffing.  Then they cut to a clip of Katrina in the throes of almost giving birth to the demon, with all of the 'Alien' effects.  It's really funny, especially since he's so serious during the whole thing.

Not amused at all.

They KNOW we HATE Katrina and everything to do with her - and that fans are leaving this show in DROVES because of her and they film a Christmas promo and it's all about Ich and Katrina?

WTH show?

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I don't think the Katrina character is working. although I don't hate the character with the power of a thousand suns as many seem to do.  That said, it's a Merry Christmas wish.  I say we cut them some slack.  Maybe Nicole wasn't available for filming the promo.  Who knows?  It's the season to be nice, but, more than that, I feel that whatever the show does, it's always being taken negatively when it might not be intended that way.  Just sayin'


*quietly hides in the lurking corner again to avoid the flying objects heading my way now*

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Just a reminder this is the spot to talk about Sleepy Hollow in the Media. When it starts to get about the direction of the storylines, the casting, what you'd like to see happen, please take the conversation to the appropriate topic. Here are a few options;


The Therapy Topic

Katrina Crane

What do you think WILL happen? Or what do you think SHOULD happen?


And there are more, poke around and see! Thank you for posting at PTV, and Happy Holidays, everyone!

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re: The Fox 'Bachelors' promo.  Setting aside the fact that Ichabod is being referred to, even obliquely, as a bachelor -- I can only guess that the focus of the spot is supposed to be about romance since so many of the set pieces show people kissing and are trying to play up steamy moments.  Hence the inclusion of Jenny & Hawley's kiss.  My guess is they were forbidden to show even the smallest hint of anything even remotely romantic b/t Ichabod and Abbie so that only left Ichabod and Katrina.  And since Abbie has no romance of her own for them to show, it results in no Abbie whatsoever. 


It is an incredibly odd promo spot in every way.  They show Frank as one of the bachlors but then he has no scenes in the promo either. Gotham isn't a show that is particularly romantic in nature and Sleepy Hollow...well the least said about it's attempts at romance the better.  But it is like they had an idea for a promo and had to find scenes to contort into that idea, even though neither one of these shows fit comfortably into that idea.


re: The Orion promo.  There is one part of it that I love, it is very very brief (almost blink and you miss it) , but it shows Abbie doing this funky, matrix-ninja move during a fight.  Honestly I am here for anything that takes Abbie out of the orbit of the Crane family drama.  And I love Nikki Beharie's comments on how much Abbie welcomes Orion because Abbie is still not drinking the Henry Kool-aid.  If he is her ally and is on board with killing Horsemen, then i am all about him.  Now let's sit back and watch how Goffman fucks it up.

Edited by DearEvette
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Now let's sit back and watch how Goffman fucks it up.

Didn't the article above about Orion claim that he was dangerous? So that means Abbie will "pay" for trusting him, whilsts the Cranes are "rewarded" for their faith in Henry.

You're welcome.

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Didn't the article above about Orion claim that he was dangerous? So that means Abbie will "pay" for trusting him, whilsts the Cranes are "rewarded" for their faith in Henry.

You're welcome.

Dangerous and "his true motivations may not be as benevolent as first assumed", so you are absolutely right. The Cranes keep being rewarded. First with Henry and then with Abraham.
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I know random promo clips have been released but have they released a full preview for the upcoming episode? It seems odd what with it only being days away.


No, and they haven't bothered to release the extended synopsis for episode 2.14. They did the same thing with Deliverance, releasing little promo because someone there knew the uproar it would cause. Of course, I am just being pessimistic - even the promo minions need time off for the holidays. Offices are closed, so I assume that's why the delay.

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No, and they haven't bothered to release the extended synopsis for episode 2.14. They did the same thing with Deliverance, releasing little promo because someone there knew the uproar it would cause. Of course, I am just being pessimistic - even the promo minions need time off for the holidays. Offices are closed, so I assume that's why the delay.

You may not be wrong. I see a week attempt at damage control. TBTB probably couldn't make changes to the initial episodes on the back end. Episodes 12-15 have been in the can for a minute. I can't see them wanting to publicize the Katrina: Struggle Witch hour with all the bad PR she and the show has received.

They think we are stupid idiots anyway. Maybe they didnt believe people would notice the lack of promos and delay in synopsis.

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Without a new episode promo how will the audience know the next episode is new and not a repeat? Are they promoting the show at all?

I've seen a few spots on tv - can't remember when though... but it wasn't a promo for the new eppy - just stuff about how it was coming back on Jan 5.

And they've been active enough on FB - putting up a lot of Ichatrina/Katrina-centric posts/questions... I enjoy reading the shade from the commenters there about it... it's amazing. FB used to be all "this is AWESOME!" and now it's "Please get rid of Katrina!"... and "Where's Abbie?!"

Very dramatic turnaround.

Edited by phoenics
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And they've been active enough on FB - putting up a lot of Ichatrina/Katrina-centric posts/questions... I enjoy reading the shade from the commenters there about it... it's amazing. FB used to be all "this is AWESOME!" and now it's "Please get rid of Katrina!"... and "Where's Abbie?!"


I've read a lot of screen caps from that facebook page, and man, no one is holding back. Again, what a 180. Last year, everyone posted postive Katrina - now the general consensus is "Get rid of her".


They think we are stupid idiots anyway. Maybe they didnt believe people would notice the lack of promos and delay in synopsis.


They must, since they think the more Katrina, the better. I do know that this season they were not as consistent as last season, but Deliverance really stood out to me, because there was no synopsis, no promos (they usually came out Fridays), no pictures, etc...then the negative preview/reviews came out, and it all made sense.


However, they did just release a Press Release: Episode 2.13 - Pittura Infamante. Not an Extended Synopsis - those are the ones that give so much info, and lately, make my blood boil.


Remember, any discussion of this, go mosey on over to the Spoilers thread...

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Abbie was rewarded for trusting Joe.  I find it hard to classify Henry as a "reward."  Regardless of whether he's chosen his family or was just pissed at Moloch, he's still a major pill.

Response in the "spoiler" thread, since I don't know where else I can put it... since it's speculation based on Orion? I don't know, lol. Mods, if you can think of a better thread, please let me know, :)

The spoiler thread vs the "what do you think will happen - no spoilers" confuse me because I keep worrying in the spoiler thread that we aren't supposed to speculate?

Or maybe I'm just tired.

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Response in the "spoiler" thread, since I don't know where else I can put it... since it's speculation based on Orion? I don't know, lol. Mods, if you can think of a better thread, please let me know, :)

The spoiler thread vs the "what do you think will happen - no spoilers" confuse me because I keep worrying in the spoiler thread that we aren't supposed to speculate?

Or maybe I'm just tired.


Oh, no worries phoenics. It's tough, because the media thread, we post press releases and the like, but then the thread starts to derail and go off tangent if we start to get into analysis of it, but you want to discuss what the media talks about. Media is kinda like a repository of articles related to the show.


Spoilers is like this. That episode synopsis mentioned that

Abbie is surprised by someone in the Precinct

. So since this information is fact released by the show, it should go into Spoilers, because some people don't even want to know that amount of vague detail. There, we can discuss it.


The Speculation thread is stuff like "Damn, I want to see Ichabod and Abbie go on a road trip, or I would like to see Irving return as a ghost or I'd love to see Katrina *poof* gone! It's not stuff that WILL happen - yet - it's stuff we would like to see and predict about. Anyone allergic to spoilers can read the thread but remain in the dark on what will actually happen. Now, if any of our speculation actually comes to fruition, well, that's just the luck of the draw, and we should go buy lottery tickets!


I hope that makes sense!

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