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The Storybrooke Daily Mirror: OUaT in the Media, Cons and Other Real Life Encounters

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The arrangement kind of makes sense. Just from a sales perspective, they're probably banking on Regina's cray cray fanbase to purchase the most action figures, so she's front and center. And then Emma, Hook, and Rumple also have strong fanbases, so they're also near the center. And then you have the other main characters who don't have as large of fanbases to buy their action figures on the outside.


It makes sense given what we know about this show.  Regina and Rumple, the fun villains, are front and centre.  Then we have Emma and Hook on either side of them for all the romantic shippers.  And then we have the miscellaneous and inconsequential "prop" characters tossed away to the side.  Look how far Snow has fallen.

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Some of the Once actors (the ones who play/played Robin, Elsa, Pan and other recurring or guest characters) are scheduled to do autograph sessions each morning and afternoon of the con in the general area upstairs. They have yet to show up and the con staffers don't know why. It's very odd.

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Are you at SDCC, scarynikki12? (If so, I'm quite jealous!) Strange about the autograph sessions, but I'd assume the actors would only want to show up tomorrow for one day with the rest of the cast.

Edited by Curio
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If that's the signing organized by that Aries agency that represents many of the OUAT actors at conventions, I remember reading an update from them on Twitter that Sean Maguire won't be part of that after all because he'd first be filming in Vancouver and then doing his 'official' appearance with the OUAT peeps on Saturday.

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Yeah, I read a while ago that those autograph sessions got cancelled. 

Someone is livestreaming Jen's panel on Periscope right now. Some stop and starts, but it works fairly well. I wonder if someone will do it for Once's panel tomorrow... I don't know how Periscope works, are their servers equipped to handle thousands of users watching their videos? 

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I know that Arrow is doing their cast stream via meerkat. I would have thought that all the shows and panels would be using the same platform.

As far as I know, there's no "official" Once stream, on no platform. It's just a matter of fans doing live feeds from the panel. Yvette also said on Periscope that she may do something with the cast before the panel.

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What did Ginny do to her hair?

She completely bleached it, people are saying it looks grey in person. Some people are saying she may have dyed it to match her cartoon character in the new Disney moovie Zootopia.

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When my supervisor asked me why I wasn't at Comic-Con, I told her it was too big. Pics like that illustrate why. My heart is fluttering just *looking* at that. I would be having a panic attack on that floor in about five seconds flat.


( ... I don't like small spaces. Or crowds. Basically anywhere I could possibly feel trapped. Holy yikes that it is *way* too many people in one space for me.)

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How does that line work exactly?

It's not a line, basically only people who have a special "pass" can get an autograph. The others are just there to look at the cast. And apparently, from people who are there, it's insane and the security guards are pissed.

Related, this is why I think ABC is never gonna cancel this show (until A&E want to end it). This kind of fan craziness can't be bought.

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I'm not sure if I'm terrified of crowds, really, but I have no patience and in something like that I'd just want to punch everyone around me. Comic Con is not for me.

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I noticed they're signing right in front of the Walking Dead display, which probably makes the crowds even more crazy. I feel bad that they all have to sign that new Dark Swan poster. :P

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I noticed they're signing right in front of the Walking Dead display, which probably makes the crowds even more crazy. I feel bad that they all have to sign that new Dark Swan poster. :P

Was that done so that fans would not bring up their own manips to be signed? Can't blame them.

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Yes, it's always forbidden to bring your own stuff to be signed. Sometimes they go over the top, I remember one year some girl was bringing a stuffed animal or something to gift to a cast member and they sent her away (the security, of course, not the cast). She was in tears.

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According to their EWradio interview on Sirius, Colin & Bex didn't get in until 4:30 a.m. because they filmed late (dunno if together or separately) & their fight was delayed. OUCH!


Also, Colin said his full name is Colin Arthur Jeffrey -- named after both grandfathers.



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