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S02.E12: Love and Loopholes

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Honey and Marvin babysit the boys so Jessica and Louis can enjoy a Valentine's Day evening out. But Emery makes an alarming discovery when he walks in on his parents' special alone time. Meanwhile, Eddie pulls out all the stops to take Alison to the Janet Jackson concert.
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The song from the closing credits when the kids are dancing seems to be "Dammn Baby" by Janet from her NEW album, Unbreakable!  That's cheating!


There was definite "If" and "Escapade" by Janet playing beforehand.  "If" has got to be my all time favourite Janet song <3 

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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"If" is one of my all time favorite Janet songs so even just the little bit we saw on the tv screen was enough to make me get excited! But Eddie's girlfriend's Rhythm Nation outfit was so out of fashion by then. Not that I wanted to see her in a crop top though. I guess I'm willing to believe it would be like a Madonna fan wearing a Blonde Ambition costume to a concert though.


That was such a weird and awkward Jimmy Jam/Terry Lewis appearance. And plotwise, why would they promise the kids VIP tickets and then give them nosebleed seats? I have been there though. At one concert I attended in college, we were in the absolute last row of the stadium so I was able to sit on the back of the chair and lean against the cement wall behind us. At least we weren't behind a pillar though!


It seemed weird and nonsensical that Trent would agree to help Eddie win tickets specifically to a Janet Jackson concert but not tell him that he was a huge fan. That whole "we don't have enough tickets" thing felt a little forced, which is a shame because the premise (Eddie "giving" his girlfriend tickets to a concert when he didn't actually have any tickets) seemed in character for Eddie.


Emery wanting to watch his parents kiss was creeping me out. I am not a prude or against PDA, but ewwwwww! And in defense of Jessica and Louis, not everyone likes stereotypically romantic things and they shouldn't have been made to feel weird just because their idea of fun isn't going out dancing or an expensive dinner. They love saving money so if going through their deductions is what they enjoy doing, then more power to them. The 1040 valentine that Emery made them was cute though.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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The song from the closing credits when the kids are dancing seems to be "Dammn Baby" by Janet from her NEW album, Unbreakable!  That's cheating!



Actually, that didn't bother me since it was the tag and it looked to me like an outtake of the actors goofing around, not the characters.


Not my fave episode, but I did find it humorous because my hubby and I are not big fans of PDA either. 


I thought Honey and her husband leaving in the middle of their own hosted dinner to have sex was pretty damn gross and rude.

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Actually, that didn't bother me since it was the tag and it looked to me like an outtake of the actors goofing around, not the characters.


It didn't bother me.  I'm well aware that it was an outtake.  And I was kidding.  "Cheating"?  I didn't mean it literally, there's no actual game to win here.  What I meant was that I was trying so hard to think what 1995 era song that could be, but then it struck me that it's a song that I've recently heard off of her new album.  So it was a tad ironic I guess.  And most probably a promotion for Janet's new album.  Though I guess I can't really blame the show for that.  Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis appeared on the show, and in turn the show promotes Janet's new album, which Wikipedia confirms that they worked on.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I thought Honey and her husband leaving in the middle of their own hosted dinner to have sex was pretty damn gross and rude.


Yeah, but Jessica got to take home the ham, so it's all good!


I thought the entire "Janet Jackson concert" plot was meh. Except - as ElectricBoogaloo mentioned - Eddie promising the tickets before he had them. That was an Eddie move!

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I thought Honey and her husband leaving in the middle of their own hosted dinner to have sex was pretty damn gross and rude.



But Jessica thought they were actually going to fix the water leak or whatever it was, lol.


Was grossed out by Emery wanting to watch his parents romantically kiss, who does that?  Ew.

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I love that we saw Jessica eating the ham in her kitchen.


I thought it was all pretty good, except for the Janet Jackson concert story. I don't know those two guys that the kids got excited about, but that's ok. The tickets being behind a pillar was silly but ok, esp as a setup for Eddie saying, "What's this pillar even holding up? It doesn't even seem structural!"


I like Marvin and his dare for Emery to go into Louis's sock drawer and mismatch a few pairs.


I also liked when Evan took a sandwich from Honey and said, "Thank you, Number 3."


I thought it was clever when Marvin came over to see if Emery was there -- Louis and Jessica were trying to hide the truth from Marvin, and Marvin was trying to hide the truth from them, and neither was paying attention to the other. This part cracked me up:


Marvin: It was fun watching Evan and EMERY!!

(from upstairs) Emery: What?
Marvin: Oh thank God.


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Thanks to the  the first 5 minutes being eaten up by the stupid New Hampshire primary crap, I missed the last 5 minutes.  What happened?

That's interesting.  Over 2 hours of TV got eat up by the NH primary crap here... 

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I'm an adult, and as far as I'm concerned, my parents have only had sex twice, once for my brother and once for me. I'm sure that Emery wasn't thinking about sex but at his age, wanting to see your parents kiss romantically is the gateway drug!


Emery, you weirdo.

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I think I see some of Emery's point. As a kid (for those whose parents aren't divorced), you want to know your parents love each other and care about each other, and for most kids of a certain age, that's things like holding hands and kissing. While I'm sure Emery wasn't looking for them to go crazy making out, the peck that they kind of gave each other was awkward as heck. 

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That was such a weird and awkward Jimmy Jam/Terry Lewis appearance. And plotwise, why would they promise the kids VIP tickets and then give them nosebleed seats?

 This is not a universal thing, but in certain ticketing contexts "VIP tickets" don't necessarily mean the best tickets, or the best section, or tickets that come with extra access (although often is used that way). There can also be "VIP tickets" in the sense that the VIPs involved with the show had certain tickets allocated to them, to do with as they please, comps. Not all best seats, but still coming out of the freebie pool those VIPs are entitled to. So, ignoring the moment where I hate that the celebs happened to be there and paid any attention to three random kids and somehow got enough of an impression to want to give them tickets at all, because the Deus ex Machina there irked the crap out of me just to lead up to the clammy post-in-front-of-seats gag, the use of the phrase VIP tickets was not necessarily dude lying to the children. Misleading, for sure.

Don't most people basically stand at concerts like that though? Whoever was in the middle would be screwed but if they were standing seems like they should've been able to lean and see around a bit.


Louis and Jessica told Marvin and Honey that they were going out to dinner and then dancing and that they would be out late, so Marvin assumed that Louis and Jessica weren't home.

Yeah but Marvin should've been smart enough to consider the possibility they were lying about that and might just spend the whole night in. This is the guy who left his own dinner to go have sex with his wife claiming water leak. Dude knows the concept of "lying to go get some". You promise to keep someone's kids out of the house for the night, even if you're pretty sure parents went to dinner, you don't send the kid back unless you're with him and sure no one's there.
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I find myself least interested with Eddie's stories and more with the stories of Louis and Jessica, the grandma, Honey (and her husband, whose name I cannot recall right now), or the younger Emery and Evan. Eddie is a bit boring to me. His friends are fun, but that's the most positive I can be about him. Although to be fair I like the times when Grandma assists with the boombox when he does a winning dance, or whatever it's called.   

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Was grossed out by Emery wanting to watch his parents romantically kiss, who does that?  Ew.

*raises hand sheepishly*  My sister and I pretty much asked the same thing of our parents.  (I'll blame it on her, though, even though I was there.)  Because my parents weren't into PDA so we asked.  And they kissed like Louis and Jessica did at first.  (Just a peck.)  And we were sufficiently grossed out. 

But considering the annoying wedding tradition of banging on a glass until the bride and groom kiss, what the kid was asking isn't that out there.


Thanks to the  the first 5 minutes being eaten up by the stupid New Hampshire primary crap, I missed the last 5 minutes.  What happened?

I know.  It's not like the fact that there would be primary results was going to be a surprise.  They knew it was coming. Why couldn't they schedule five minute breaks and reprogram when the rest of their shows would air?

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The song from the closing credits when the kids are dancing seems to be "Dammn Baby" by Janet from her NEW album, Unbreakable!  That's cheating!


I noticed that perhaps they were flashing between the characters and the actors as themselves, Eddie  and his red-haired friend had different clothes on part of the time. So "as themselves" would be current time.

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