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Little Women: Atlanta - General Discussion

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I don't believe anything Chris says.  I don't believe anything Minnie says.

I don't like Monie, I don't like Juicy...and I don't even like the Tiny Twins.  Bri and Emily are the only semi-likeable ones, and they're leaving Atlanta.


I think/hope this franchise is dead.  I feel like this season they kept bringing in new people to test out potential cast members, from that one chick who was supposed to be a friend of Bri's to the twins whose name I could never understand that Juicy brought around to stir shit.  None of them worked.  I hope this is done with Lifetime changing focus to Dallas and following Emily and Bri.

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As my grandmother used to say, "[Minnie] is the biggest ol' liar who ever stood between two shoes." I think Pastor Troy is just a really nice guy and doesn't want to embarrass her too much on tv. Her momma needs to have several seats, and Juicy was spot on when she said that Minnie got some courage when Grimace came out. She is doing this grown woman no favors by babying and "protecting" her. 

That said, in agreement with @strongoxman, no one who is remaining is actually likeable. The one twin, Amanda, is sometimes ok but the rest of them, bye. I'm glad the snooty "model" and the gremlin Drummond twins didn't seem to be picked up much by production. Chris is a piece of garbage, unfortunately, Andrea is going to have to get fully sick and tired of being treated that way on her own. Nothing anyone says can change that. 

Based on the little clip I saw, I don't know how Emily and Bri and their lifestyles/friends/cultures will blend with the Texas rodeo, yeehaw crew they seem to be promoting. I hope the interations won't be too fake. I just want to see more of that adorable Meek. He is such a good natured, happy seeming sweetheart. I love watching him! I don't mind Wooda either, he seems to have toned down a little of his assy-ness from last year. 

I was surprised to see Kevin Frasier hosting this type of program, but he did a great job, where most reality reunion hosts let the cast go off the rails and you never get to the bottom of anything.

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20 hours ago, sunsheyen said:

I'm glad the snooty "model" and the gremlin Drummond twins didn't seem to be picked up much by production.

Is that how you spell/say their name?  I could never quite make it out, and at first thought they were being nicknamed the "Drama Twins"...they were just awful.

I love how we don't even remember the "model" girl's name.  So forgettable, though I did slightly enjoy her asking the Tiny Twerkin Twins about their perceived respectability just twerking all the time.

I'm seriously at the point where I enjoy watching each castmember be antagonized (save the Cheeks), that's how much I dislike them all.  When Chris walked off the umpteenth time and they showed Andrea bawling real tears...I was laughing my ass off and I didn't feel bad about it then, still don't feel bad about it now.

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I feel the opposite about the Cheeks, I thought they brought nothing to the show; Bri is especially boring without Emily, who is feistier, but understandably wasn't around this season. In season 1, I also got a somewhat elitist vibe from them both, as if their situations were different or better than that of the other girls. I'm happy they're leaving to the Dallas spinoff, they'll probably be better suited to that group of girls (though interesting to note, all of the ATL cast except Minnie are from Texas). 

I think they're making at least one addition to the cast, and it's Monie's friend from the bachelorette party that looks like J.Lo circa In Living Color. They're already filming s3 and she's in quite a few pictures with the cast on social media. 

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On 10/21/2016 at 10:29 AM, Alapaki said:

Once again, the reunion host demonstrates how to handle one of these things (although this one was a bit less focused than his last one).

I couldn't figure out who Chris claimed had threatened to sodomize and kill him (hopefully in that order, but reverse the order and . . . . ewww).

I will never side with that homunculus troll "Juicy", but would it be so hard for Minnie to just produce blood test results showing she was pregnant, assuming the pregnancy got to that point?  Her mother talked about having gone to doctor's appointments with Minnie.  Surely they would done that blood work.

Although, all things considered given the way this crew conducts themselves, not getting pregnant is about the wisest thing any of them have ever done.

And that Monie is just. so. desperate.  Can she stop "keepin' it one hundred" and maybe just keep it about fifty or so?


Here is my take on it.  I really don't know if she was or wasn't but it is her decision to say anything.  She doesn't have to produce anything to that nasty ass Juicy or any of them.   Miscarriages are personal and truthfully, no one's business.   I would be damned if I would tell or "produce" evidence of a pregnancy or a miscarraige to any of those mean nasty ass women, who truthfully need to get a life.

Not sure who I dislike more, Monie or Juicy but those two deserve each other.  Both are miserable human beings.

Chris is an asshole who needs to to taken out back to the woodshed.

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No one can forget/forgive Minnie's lies for long and she is so hyper defensive about them and won't acknowledge that any mention will get her hackles up. She kept trying to throw in the "pissy" Juicy line to slander her, unfortunately, no one outside their circle knows the origin of this (maybe Juicy got too drunk and peed herself at a club? maybe there was some mysterious wet spot on a chair or dress?) and she just sounds stupid.

Minnie's momma has done her no favors by the way she's raised and "protected" her. It's telling enough that its just the naive and downtrodden Twin who even believe or side with her.

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On 10/26/2016 at 1:19 PM, iluvobx said:

Here is my take on it.  I really don't know if she was or wasn't but it is her decision to say anything.  She doesn't have to produce anything to that nasty ass Juicy or any of them.   Miscarriages are personal and truthfully, no one's business.   I would be damned if I would tell or "produce" evidence of a pregnancy or a miscarraige to any of those mean nasty ass women, who truthfully need to get a life.

Generally I agree.  And my personal response to "Juicy" would be "go fuck yourself, troll".

But, Minnie is the one who publicized the pregnancy.  And given the fact that apparently no one knew that she and Pastor Troy were even consorting, some skepticism is understandable.  Ultimately, viewed from a typical famewhore's perspective, I'd think that it would be more satisfying for Minnie to produce proof and tell "Juicy" "here it is, believe me now, you sick fuck?", than to just stonewall.

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Juicy is mean spirited.  Then she tries to play it off as "Why are you angry?"  I hate when one person is consistently picked on and demeaned.  So what if Minnie lied when she that she was pregnant and that she lost the baby; it's not like she killed someone.  She isn't the first woman to fake a pregnancy and she won't be the last.  Let it go.  I give the Dallas show one season, if that. 

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i gave Juicy a lot of passes, not because I like her, but because I can't stand Ashley (Minnie), her lies and her gigantic mama. But she lost all pretense of shade and any benefit of the doubt with the balloon thing. She needs to take some shade lessons from other Atlanta TV ladies (rhoa, married to medicine etc) bec she ruined any goodwill that she had left from many viewers.

I'm still sick of Minnie and her mammy and her fake tears when she gets called out.

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Just made an all ep thread since it seemed like there were so few comments last season that one topic would suffice. 

New season starts Wednesday, January 4 at 9 pm on Lifetime. Watch a 20 second preview

Once again, it seems Minnie is the topic of conversation and


she admits to Juicy that she was never pregnant after all.

Edited by sunsheyen
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On 12/23/2016 at 0:34 AM, sunsheyen said:

Once again, it seems Minnie is the topic of conversation and

  Reveal hidden contents

she admits to Juicy that she was never pregnant after all.


Was anyone ever really in any doubt about this?

That's why I can't get too worked up over everyone ganging up against Minnie.  From where I sit, Minnie and her mother are the bullies, and Juicy's little black balloon prank was hysterically funny.

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I think some people may have taken Minnie's side just on the off chance that she wasn't lying...but she has shown herself to be a liar many times over and her mother is truly, as you said, a giant bully. I wish charges would've stuck against her throwing that plate at Juicy. Lets be real, this woman looks to be at least 3x juicy's height and weight, and she thinks she can just run over people. I honestly don't know how she and Minnie can show their faces in public after how they act. 

What lie will Minnie tell this year? How many times will Chris leave and come back? Will Monie ever stop being so ghetto? and my most burning question, Will Bri come back and do I get to see cute lil Malik again? (I couldn't bear to watch the Texas iteration of the show)

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Minnie's Mom seems to infantilize her.  Whether the concern is about her dwarfism, or whether Minnie's got some other problems, I don't know.

Her confession was pretty silly.  "Well, I missed my period, and then TMZ picked it up".  Whoa, whoa, whoa.  I think you yada-yada'd over some important details there, honey.

Ultimately I'd be surprised if they all didn't know (of if it all wasn't scripted in the first place).  The confession just seemed too conveniently timed as a way to give the new woman (the "nanny") a reason to stir shit.

Speaking of which, can they please dispense with the notion that these little people just happen to be moving to town when filming is starting for reason other than filling out the cast?

And, is it me, or has Monie gone from being one of the closest to being normal at the beginning of series to being full-on ghetto now?

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I'm so confused about the Minnie/Minnie's Mom story line.  So Minnie gets her own place, but her dog stays at her mom's place which doesn't allow dogs so she gets evicted?  Why is Minnie's dog not living with her?  On a separate note, I really like the guy that Minnie is "dating". 

It seems like the Tiny Twins really have no talent that needs managing, they need to go to school and get steady jobs instead. 

Morlin DOES NOT want to be with Monie, I have never understood their relationship, he seems miserable with her.  Also she looks and acts like a 12 year old so he's always come off odd to me to be attracted to her. 

I hate Miss Juicy's voice, her comments always seem really scripted and un-natural and insincere. 

Ok, now to the Tanya/Nico dinner.  So Nico's child is being raised by Tanya's 2nd baby father and he expects all the girls to just accept this and not be confused??!  I guess Tanya is just as ghetto as all the other women on this show and was trying to hide it with her herbal/new age garbage. 

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This show would have been more interesting had ANY of these women had an actual interesting career and not just "existed."

And Sam .. just no. No job, no hope, no prospects, no job, no opportunities, no home.

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Don't forget Minnie and Grimace live in the SAME apartment complex, like across the parking lot from each other. So no one knew the rules about Minnie's dog? Sounds like this whole storyline was a way to get the apartment in Minnie's name instead of mama's (who was probably facing eviction anyway, despite this "great corporate job" that Juicy's restraining order endangered). Never made sense why Minnie was getting a three bedroom for her first place on her own. 

Tiny twins are coasting on twerking and I think the "dwarves as novelty" trend has worn off, so it really is time to get some jobs, especially for dumbass Andrea who keeps popping out kids from no 'count dirtbag Chris...and got a puppy to boot! How you gonna leave a kid (with special needs) with your parents, have the nerve to shit out another one with this same sorry ass who left the last one, and then get a puppy to play mom to and ain't got the first lick of a job/future???

Sam and Tanya just came on for a check, unfortunately, they don't fit in with the other ladies' friendships/dynamic on a show that is already losing steam. Tanya tried to rise above, but this aint the network for that and, Sam, bless her heart, tried to bring the drama to get herself another season, but really, she just looks like a busybody with no life.

Also, I'm so sick of Minnie's fat ass with her pre diabetic neck crust calling people fat, I don't know what to do.

Edited by sunsheyen
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4 minutes ago, sunsheyen said:

Don't forget Minnie and Grimace live in the SAME apartment complex, like across the parking lot from each other. So no one knew the rules about Minnie's dog? Sounds like this whole storyline was a way to get the apartment in Minnie's name instead of mama's (who was probably facing eviction anyway, despite this "great corporate job" that Juicy's restraining order endangered). Never made sense why Minnie was getting a three bedroom for her first place on her own. 

Tiny twins are coasting on twerking and I think the "dwarves as novelty" trend has worn off, so it really is time to get some jobs, especially for dumbass Andrea who keeps popping out kids from no 'count dirtbag Chris...and got a puppy to boot! How you gonna leave a kid (with special needs) with your parents, have the nerve to shit out another one with this same sorry ass who left the last one, and then get a puppy to play mom to and ain't got the first lick of a job/future???

Sam and Tanya just came on for a check, unfortunately, they don't fit in with the other ladies' friendships/dynamic on a show that is already losing steam. Tanya tried to rise above, but this aint the network for that and, Sam, bless her heart, tried to bring the drama to get herself another season, but really, she just looks like a busybody with no life.

Also, I'm so sick of Minnie's fat ass with her pre diabetic neck crust calling people fat, I don't know what to do.

HAHAHAHAHA ... Juicy, Minnie, Sam, which ever twin don't have a gaggle of babies (Amanda?) repping diabetes and high blood pressure like some true G's. Minnie was out breath going to answer the door. She can barely string together a sentence without stopping to catch her breath.

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I was with Chris for the first time ever.  Nico was getting real loud with Andrea.  It was none of Andrea's business what Nico and Tanya are doing, but their answers insulted everyone at the table's intelligence.  You came to see your son who isn't even there?  

I feel like Andrea was on about 10, when she should have been on about a 2, but he was screaming at her, so I don't blame Chris for being like, whoa whoa whoa.  You are a 6'4 man yelling at a 3 or 4 foot woman.  

The rest of the women were right, they have their boyfriends and lives put on blast, so Tanya doesn't get to skate by with lies and foolishness. 

My theory is: it is okay to lie to yourself, but please don't lie to me.  

Edited by mothmonsterman
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12 hours ago, 8th Light said:

I'm so confused about the Minnie/Minnie's Mom story line.  So Minnie gets her own place, but her dog stays at her mom's place which doesn't allow dogs so she gets evicted?  Why is Minnie's dog not living with her? 

I think Minnie and her mom are big jerks who dropped the dog off at the pound once it inconvenienced them. Notice there was no dog at Minnie's new place. She didn't give a rat's patoot about that poor dog.

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Now I see that Tanya is every messier than any of the other women on the show.  My opinion of her is going down, down, down.

So, she was a stripper/dancer, cheated on her boyfriend, got pregnant by the guy she cheated with, wasn't sure who the father was, then lied to her boyfriend about him being the father for a while.  And she is sitting there saying how traumatic it was for her to tell him it wasn't his child.  Wow, I bet that shit was far more traumatic for him.  That's low.  Oh so low.

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LOL @ Miss Juicy's low budget community cable public access tv show.  The whole sex advice thing is so 1980's and also the thought of Miss Juicy doing anything sexual disgusts me to my core. 

The thing that confuses me about Tanya's second baby daddy, DeVaughn, is that she cheated on him, had him thinking he was the kid's father and then he actually stayed with her, raised the boy as his own and then made a new baby (their daughter) with her?  He sounds like a stand-up guy, he was probably too good for her. 

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20 minutes ago, 8th Light said:

LOL @ Miss Juicy's low budget community cable public access tv show.  The whole sex advice thing is so 1980's and also the thought of Miss Juicy doing anything sexual disgusts me to my core. 

The thing that confuses me about Tanya's second baby daddy, DeVaughn, is that she cheated on him, had him thinking he was the kid's father and then he actually stayed with her, raised the boy as his own and then made a new baby (their daughter) with her?  He sounds like a stand-up guy, he was probably too good for her. 

That mess with Juicy was so badly scripted.  She is way too old for this crowd and her nonsense. It's hard to put them in order of "hot messness" but it's a three-way tie for #1 between Sam, Juicy and Minnie. 

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How come few to none of the women have regular every day 9-5 jobs? They seem to gear towards the entertainment industry. I'm not saying they have to be like  Dr. Jen Arnold, MD on the Little Couple TLC show, but surely there has to be an occupation they could aspire towards.

And yes, legally, depending upon the job physical accommodations have to be made.  If its so hard to buy clothes to fit, why not at least be a seamstress, designer, or hell alter clothes at the local dry cleaners?

When they were younger in school, and the teacher/counselor asked what do you want to be when you "grow up", what did they say?

And do the twins really think the "twerk" is going to be around forever, before coming up with "modeling" ? What did they do before the twerk ?

Edited by sATL
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On Thu Feb 02 2017 at 11:24 AM, Boofish said:

That mess with Juicy was so badly scripted.  She is way too old for this crowd and her nonsense. It's hard to put them in order of "hot messness" but it's a three-way tie for #1 between Sam, Juicy and Minnie. 

Is she too old? I can't get a good read on how old Juicy is. She refers to Ricky Smiley as a father figure, and hangs around a bunch of youngins. Even the friends who have appeared with her outside of the cast seem youngish, and I got the impression that Juicy was younger than her sister (who actually looked younger than Juicy). When I first started watching the show I guessed she was well into her 40s, maybe pushing 50. Now I'm not so sure.

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2 hours ago, Negritude said:

Is she too old? I can't get a good read on how old Juicy is. She refers to Ricky Smiley as a father figure, and hangs around a bunch of youngins. Even the friends who have appeared with her outside of the cast seem youngish, and I got the impression that Juicy was younger than her sister (who actually looked younger than Juicy). When I first started watching the show I guessed she was well into her 40s, maybe pushing 50. Now I'm not so sure.

Juicy is 45, so yeah, kind of old to be dabbling in the foolishness. I'd like to know how old Minnie is. Her mother treats her like a baby but she's a little long in the tooth to be getting her first place and be treated like some 22 year old naive thing.

edit: looked it up, she's 32, so yeah, too old for her lies and stupidity too.

Edited by sunsheyen
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2 hours ago, Negritude said:

Is she too old? I can't get a good read on how old Juicy is. She refers to Ricky Smiley as a father figure, and hangs around a bunch of youngins. Even the friends who have appeared with her outside of the cast seem youngish, and I got the impression that Juicy was younger than her sister (who actually looked younger than Juicy). When I first started watching the show I guessed she was well into her 40s, maybe pushing 50. Now I'm not so sure.

Juicy is 45

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On 2/3/2017 at 5:46 PM, sATL said:

How come few to none of the women have regular every day 9-5 jobs? They seem to gear towards the entertainment industry. I'm not saying they have to be like  Dr. Jen Arnold, MD on the Little Couple TLC show, but surely there has to be an occupation they could aspire towards.

And yes, legally, depending upon the job physical accommodations have to be made.  If its so hard to buy clothes to fit, why not at least be a seamstress, designer, or hell alter clothes at the local dry cleaners?

When they were younger in school, and the teacher/counselor asked what do you want to be when you "grow up", what did they say?

And do the twins really think the "twerk" is going to be around forever, before coming up with "modeling" ? What did they do before the twerk ?

Minnie and Juicy are the ones with an actual job. Tanya put tea in sandwich bags in her kitchen sell it on Instagram, Sam is a "professional make up artist" who is just such a good person she would leave her career behind to nanny Tanya's kids, Monie and the twins just flat out don't work (neither did Bre and Emily). They don't even seem to be pretending to look for a job. 

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What the hell is wrong with Tanya? She moves her brother in and doesn't feel she has to tell her roommate. Yes, it is your house and you can do what you want, but letting your "friend" who lives in the house know is basic decency. 

She is really entitled. She doesn't feel ashamed that she lied to a guy about being the father of her child, and she can do whatever she wants in "her house." 

Messy bitch.

And she is pregnant by the slam piece. Well done Tanya. 

Edited by mothmonsterman
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15 hours ago, mothmonsterman said:

What the hell is wrong with Tanya? She moves her brother in and doesn't feel she has to tell her roommate. Yes, it is your house and you can do what you want, but letting your "friend" who lives in the house know is basic decency. 

She is really entitled. She doesn't feel ashamed that she lied to a guy about being the father of her child, and she can do whatever she wants in "her house." 

Messy bitch.

And she is pregnant by the slam piece. Well done Tanya. 

And in that "fake" scene in the kitchen when she hops off that bar-stool she is sooooo obviously pregnant. These women are terrible "actresses"

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A loser who doesn't raise his own kid and who comes and knocks her up while the next dude is taking care of BOTH of their kids. 

I can't stand a fake ass earth mother type who tries to act like she ain't just as trifling as the next bitch. Own your shit.

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I'm wondering what messiness went on with Monie that her ex is keeping the kid and calling the shots. I know she said she's had a "past." Must've been a doozy as she is always talking about how much better she is now. The arrangement must not be legal, though, since he didn't tell her to go to court or take it up with the judge. All these baby daddies, some shiftless as all get out, and others in control, sure are confusing.

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12 hours ago, renatae said:

I'm wondering what messiness went on with Monie that her ex is keeping the kid and calling the shots. I know she said she's had a "past." Must've been a doozy as she is always talking about how much better she is now. The arrangement must not be legal, though, since he didn't tell her to go to court or take it up with the judge. All these baby daddies, some shiftless as all get out, and others in control, sure are confusing.

I was wondering that as well.  (also wondering if I was the only one left watching this steamer).

When the father refused to let the son move permanently, Monie did say that she would "go back to Court".  That suggests that there's some Court Order in place preventing her from assuming full personal custody.  

Those troll-twins who "Juicy" brought in last season brought up Monie's criminal past, but I can't remember all of the details.  It's my understanding that it's not all that easy for a father (especially one not married to the mother) to get legal custody of a child.  So there must be a story there.  Monie mentioned several times having tried to "prove that's she's changed", so I wouldn't be surprised if she'd officially lost custody.

Another possibility is that I think the reality is that Monie isn't in Atlanta for any "voiceover" work (we haven't seen her work a day lately), but is only there because she wanted to be on this show.  The father may have gone to Court to get an Order preventing Monie from up-rooting the child and moving him across state lines just so she could be on a reality show.

Either way, it's ironic that here is the only father actually interesting in raising his child, and Monie wants to yank the kid away!

Frankly that twerking-twin and the herbal bullshit-artist disgust me in continuing to have children they can't care for, with "men" who are nothing more than sperm donors.  

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Monie, imo, is only thinking about what she wants.  The father said that, with him, the boy has a support system,  he has a sibling(s), grandmother, his dad and I assume his friends.  What is Monie gonna do with him while she is hanging out with the girls....leave him with sitters?  if they do decide, she should maybe see if she can take him for the summer when there is no school.  See how that goes.  Baby steps, woman, baby steps.

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I got the impression from past seasons, Monie didn't have a job.  Without a job she wouldn't be able to support herself or her son. Maybe that's why her son's father has custody. She never really seemed to take jobs seriously.  If her son is doing well with the father she needs to do what is best for him. The boys father made valid points to Monie.   

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The way Tanya reacted to Sam was so damn cold.  Then has the nerve to call Sam her bestfriend?  She is choosing a man who to me doesn't care for her as much as she cares for him.  He doesn't strike me as wanting to get in a serious relationship with her.  Tanya is the one that wants a serious relationship with him.  She's clearly in love with the man.  But he doesn't feel the same way towards her. 

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Amanda is looking really good.  You can tell she lost a lot of weight inbetween the season and whenever they filmed the talking heads/confessionals.  

I really liked the way the women said they would support Tanya after they found out her child's father left.  I believe they meant it.

I was sitting there getting teared up because I totally thought Amanda's boyfriend was about to propose, and he didn't.  That was bogus, he knows she is waiting.  Hopefully he is waiting on saving up for a nice ring or planning a really elaborate proposal.  

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2 hours ago, PreciousGem said:

I got the impression from past seasons, Monie didn't have a job.  Without a job she wouldn't be able to support herself or her son. Maybe that's why her son's father has custody. She never really seemed to take jobs seriously.  If her son is doing well with the father she needs to do what is best for him. The boys father made valid points to Monie.   

We haven't seen any evidence that she actually has this "voice-over" career that she barely mentions anymore.  Like the rest of them, she's living off the $ she makes from this show.  

And, for all her crying about how much she misses her son, she finally gets him to Atlanta . . . and she ships him off to a day-camp full of kids he doesn't know instead of actually spending time with him herself?

2 hours ago, PreciousGem said:

The way Tanya reacted to Sam was so damn cold.  Then has the nerve to call Sam her bestfriend?  She is choosing a man who to me doesn't care for her as much as she cares for him.  He doesn't strike me as wanting to get in a serious relationship with her.  Tanya is the one that wants a serious relationship with him.  She's clearly in love with the man.  But he doesn't feel the same way towards her. 

Sam had their number there.  Although I must say that interaction was one of the unintentionally funniest things I've seen on this show:

Sam: I'm going to have to move out.

Tanya: Ok, then get out.

Sam:  Damn!  You're kicking me out?

Seriously though, and I don't use this term lightly, but I think Tanya is a piece of shit.  She admits that this guy isn't "mature" enough to share a bedroom, but she let him put a couple of babies up inside her?  I know her arms are short, but don't they sell vibrators with long handles that she could use to take care of herself instead of continuing to create new lives that are fucked from birth?

And the offer from a bunch of other women who can't take care of their own children to be her "baby daddies" is cold comfort.  

I just hope one of those babies of hers, whom she can't care for, doesn't end up getting hurt or killed in that backyard creek (which is a ridiculous place to move with toddlers you can't look after).

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The entire Little Women franchise (especially this incarnation) should be backed by Planned Parenthood. The entire campaign could be "You Could Do So Much Better!"


Dear Pregnant Lady,

Not all birth control is chemical. Start looking into it.



Edited by Zanne
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