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S27.E10: Out For Blood


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What's the story with Aneesa and her cousin?  I thought Rianna said something about "getting to know her". 


Were spouses deliberately left out of qualifying for this season?  I know spouses aren't technically "bloodlines", but neither are the cousins by adoption.  I'm adopted, BTW, so that's not a slam on adoption.

Which of the cast members is adopted?

Omg. That was the BEST ever. I laugh just remembering it. I kinda miss Laurel she was a beast. Her knocking Zach down a peg or ten after he was such a douche all season was AMAZING. Bring back Free agents and stack it with Laurel Brianna Jenna Cara Eve ( even tho she is now a laywer) Camilla ect. Girls would dominate. Or BOTS!!

The best part of Laurel berating Zach is that she was the first player on camera to mention his shoddy treatment of his own teammate, Sam, back in Battle of the Seasons!

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If I recall correctly.... Jenna only quit on the finale because Jay refused to drink the gross stuff.  She said she wasn't going to do it if he couldn't do it and she gave him the option to quit.  

I think she could have powered through it if he did. 


I hope her and her cousin actually make it to the end this time. 


That's how I remember it, too.  She was perfectly willing to do whatever it took to get through, but, if Jay was going to just wimp out and not do his part, she wasn't going to eat or drink something completely gross just to have him go "nah, I'm not doing that," and drop out on her anyway.  I remember TJ's disgust was pretty much aimed at Jay, because it was clear that Jenna was game, and Jay was the one willing to walk away from the money to avoid eating something gross.  


Not that I have room to judge Jay.  I know, 100%, I would never be able to eat or drink some of the gross shit they have on these things.  But, then again, I would never sign on to do one of these shows, and the "you'll almost certainly have to eat or drink something gross" factor is, alongside my complete aversion to famewhore-ing, one of the chief reasons.  I would have loved the physical stuff, trivia day, and the (too infrequent) puzzles as a late teen/early 20's kid, but the gross stuff and having to deal with all the drama would have always been a deal breaker.  


I feel like tweeting a link to this tanagram puzzle app I have to Cara Maria and encouraging her to practice daily.  There is almost always a tanagram  puzzle at some point.  They should all know that by now.  It would really suck to spend the amount of time most of them spend on staying in shape for these things and have it fall apart because you can't do a simple puzzle.  


And now to the good stuff - John is gone!  I had seen spoilers that he would be gone, but I was starting to fear they were wrong after last week's show.  Since the eliminations had been going boy/girl/boy/girl, and last week was the boys, I feared we were stuck with his ass, since this would be a girl's elimination.  And then we had Cory and Mitch seeming to agree with John that they needed to get rid of either Cara Maria or Jenna.  Which brought so many questions.  First, Cory's "everyone wants Cara Maria out," statement.  Um, why is that, exactly?  I mean, yeah, she and Jamie have done well this season, but it's a pretty ridiculous thing to say you want her out so badly as you're sitting there conspiring with the guy who will proudly tell you he's the "king" of the challenges, who almost always wins.  Second, how dumb would you have to be to even for a moment entertain the idea that it would be better for you to ensure John sticks around while you get rid of either two girls or a guy/girl team, neither of which have remotely John's record?  Although I would have died laughing if John's pitch to Cory/Mitch was "let's face it, I'm stuck with Vince.  He's almost definitely going to crap out on me in any kind of final," to downplay the level of threat he poses.  


I will give John credit for not being a total asshole at being thrown in and in losing.  It had to bug him that the person he's been trying to get rid of all along got his ass out of there.  Although his response to the loss makes me wonder, once again, how much of the onscreen antagonism is genuine in a lot of the cast members.  He seemed oddly proud of Cara Maria for someone who dislikes her so much.  


As for the pit itself, I know they put in the puzzle as kind of an equalizer, to balance out any gender mismatches, but how unfair would that pit have been if it had ended up being, say, John/Vince vs. Jenna/Breanna?  Yes, the puzzle isn't gender biased, but either one of the girls having to smash the wall with a sledge hammer would have been at a huge disadvantage against the two guys.  It kind of makes you wonder if they decide which pit to use once they know who will be going in, or if they're planned from the start.  

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I would say in defense of Jamie - he was carrying 75 pounds like the other guys.  While he probably has much better endurance than most of the guys that were left, 75 pounds is proportionally much heavier for him than the others.  I felt bad for him when he was struggling so hard.

Yeah, part of the reason Bananas et al keep doing so well is because of things like this. It's pretty clear the producers of this show are fans of Survivor (and vice versa), so it's doubly odd they haven't thought to make those kinds of challenges more "carry 20% of your body weight" rather than "carry this arbitrary amount decided entirely on whether you have boobs".


On the other hand, the best part of this episode? I'm about 95% sure that, between this show's general lack of originality when it comes to puzzle challenges and the fact that they keep recycling the same few over and over, that puzzle Bananas and Plantains lost on was one Bananas had done before. I'd have to go back and check, and... this show, so fuck that... but I'm pretty sure it's been done on The Challenge before.

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 I feel like tweeting a link to this tanagram puzzle app I have to Cara Maria and encouraging her to practice daily.  There is almost always a tanagram  puzzle at some point.  They should all know that by now.  It would really suck to spend the amount of time most of them spend on staying in shape for these things and have it fall apart because you can't do a simple puzzle. 

That would be good advice. I remember someone saying Sarah practiced puzzles constantly before a challenge.


Dear BM, please exclude Johnny from the next challenge. In addition to not having to watch him, we would be rewarded with another tantrum on Twitter like he had when he was excluded from the BOTS challenge a few years ago.


I didn't watch the last challenge so maybe it was discussed then, but why did they need people from another show on the Challenge? I haven't watched the RW since the NOLA reprise so I don't know a lot of the people who come on the challenges anyway, but at least they're in the family! If they were lacking participants I would rather see another Fresh Meat challenge (as long as there are no Evans or Kennys).


While I'm at it, another gripe. I DVR the show and watch it later so I can FF through commercials. This is still time consuming as they show 7 minutes of program, followed by 3 minutes of commercials, followed by 4 minutes of program, followed by 5 minutes of commercials and so on. I didn't take the time to tally up the total program minutes but MTV is excessive with the commercials and if anything will stop me from watching the Challenge it will be this. I'm sure they won't care as I'm too old to be watching this anyway, but if I see another Teen Wolf promo, ugh.

  • Love 3

The best part of Laurel berating Zach is that she was the first player on camera to mention his shoddy treatment of his own teammate, Sam, back in Battle of the Seasons!

Ugh him and Frank were the WORST

Literally pushing Sam aggressively up the hill. I HATE FRANK. He's right up there with Nia for me. I am so glad I haven't seen Frank in these challenges much. He literally is the worst.

John, annoying but sometimes funny and I think he really is an OK person outside the show so I can tolerate him. And he is good. Frank has no redeeming qualities. At all. 


Also I think they should do a Bloodlines version with spouses/significant others/gf and bfs. How awesome would that be. Get Theresa and Her NFL fiance vs Bananas and Hannah. Though Theresa now has a babe so IDK how they would handle it but wouldn't it be awesome?

Edited by yogi2014L
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Ugh him and Frank were the WORST

Literally pushing Sam aggressively up the hill. I HATE FRANK. He's right up there with Nia for me. I am so glad I haven't seen Frank in these challenges much. He literally is the worst.

John, annoying but sometimes funny and I think he really is an OK person outside the show so I can tolerate him. And he is good. Frank has no redeeming qualities. At all. 


Also I think they should do a Bloodlines version with spouses/significant others/gf and bfs. How awesome would that be. Get Theresa and Her NFL fiance vs Bananas and Hannah. Though Theresa now has a babe so IDK how they would handle it but wouldn't it be awesome?


As long as Nany and Camilla are there with their SO's.  Could you imagine the hot mess of John with his actual girlfriend surrounded by all of his Challenge girlfriends and their SO's?  

  • Love 4

. Could you imagine the hot mess of John with his actual girlfriend surrounded by all of his Challenge girlfriends and their SO's?

Pretty sure thats what Tony calls Tuesday.

His whole real world season was like that. He was dating one of the cast members on the show and two, not one, two exes came to visit him. He had sex with all three (separately lol) in the space of a day or two. And he had each one crying and begging him to choose her. John couldn't pull it off.

Edited by Rbonnie
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Really? After their fight, I liked Jenna less. Well..less than I already did. I remember Breanna not having a good time at the club, which for some people isn't very fun and then Jenna telling people that Breanna is mean and thinks she is the best and better than everyone else. I hadn't heard Breanna say anything like this and then Jenna started yelling at her once they got back to the house, Jenna started screaming at her. But I hope they do well. I've grown to like Breanna in the time she has been away from Jenna.

Well, I basically didn't like Jenna at all, and that whole fight made them both look so bad, but once that was all over, they seemed rather inoffensive and got stuff done.  I never thought I would kinda like Jenna.  I don't love her, but both of them are better competitors than they seem, and were able to do that whole challenge without yelling at each other, and I find myself at least with mildly positive feelings for them.

  • Love 1

That would be good advice. I remember someone saying Sarah practiced puzzles constantly before a challenge.


Dear BM, please exclude Johnny from the next challenge. In addition to not having to watch him, we would be rewarded with another tantrum on Twitter like he had when he was excluded from the BOTS challenge a few years ago.


I didn't watch the last challenge so maybe it was discussed then, but why did they need people from another show on the Challenge? I haven't watched the RW since the NOLA reprise so I don't know a lot of the people who come on the challenges anyway, but at least they're in the family! If they were lacking participants I would rather see another Fresh Meat challenge (as long as there are no Evans or Kennys).


While I'm at it, another gripe. I DVR the show and watch it later so I can FF through commercials. This is still time consuming as they show 7 minutes of program, followed by 3 minutes of commercials, followed by 4 minutes of program, followed by 5 minutes of commercials and so on. I didn't take the time to tally up the total program minutes but MTV is excessive with the commercials and if anything will stop me from watching the Challenge it will be this. I'm sure they won't care as I'm too old to be watching this anyway, but if I see another Teen Wolf promo, ugh.


I suspect it's the other way around, not that they need another show to feed into Challenge casting, but that they dangle the chance to go on to do it afterwards as bait to cast people on the dating show.  It's too bad they didn't clone UK's Ex on the Beach instead of making AYTO.  That would've provided a lot more fodder for future exes and rivals Challenges just because of how it's designed.


The puzzle thing is something that irritates me with a few of these people, same as the swimming.  You know there's going to be at least one puzzle challenge, you know there's going to be at least one swimming challenge.  Practice both.  It's just as infuriating as people who go on TAR without learning how to drive a stick first.


Watching Jenna this time around makes me wonder how much Jay and/or Zach were really holding her back last time.  IIRC, she outlasted Nia on a strength/endurance test towards the end, and was up for doing the gross eating challenge until Jay wussed out.  I don't think she'll ever hit the Sarah or Evelyn level - the claustrophobia and poor decision making aren't going to magically disappear - but she still has a leg up over some of the other regulars who are so out of shape they'd never survive the mini-final they did today, let alone a real one.

  • Love 1

Pretty sure thats what Tony calls Tuesday.

His whole real world season was like that. He was dating one of the cast members on the show and two, not one, two exes came to visit him. He had sex with all three (separately lol) in the space of a day or two. And he had each one crying and begging him to choose her. John couldn't pull it off.


I did not watch that season but if your description is correct and he had sex with all three and they were all begging him to choose them then I think Johnny would call that a win.

My DVR recoded this episode.

It was like a Final, very grueling but in the end it’s a puzzle that determined the winner of the Daily and the elimination.

Everyone looks so much younger.  This season started airing in late 2015.  So it was filmed in 2014?  

Most of them slimmer and younger looking.  Aneesa looks very young and lighter.

Cara Maria looks way better, fewer tats and not such crazy hair, isn’t as muscled up as she was in the just concluded Challenge All Stars season.  But she’s laughing a lot in the THs.

Was she with Paulie yet?  

Aneesa and her cousin beat every other team up the mountain until her cousin struggled on The monkey bars.  Like I said she was lighter so she could compete on the endurance events.

The challengers were all wondering if they would go to the Final and they were all tense about the elim8nation when Bananas thought he solved the puzzle but he didn’t and then Cara Maria finally figured it out.

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