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S11.E11: Into The Mystic

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Just watched this episode again last night.  This morning, reading an article about "Stranger Things" on Netflix and they mention E.T. and Dee Wallace as influences, and my brain made the connection that she played Elliott's mom in the movie.  Had the feeling I'd seen her before in something! 

Absolutely loved Mildred.

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On 1/29/2016 at 0:25 AM, catrox14 said:

Also, who actually gets into bed this way? I mean I usually sit crossed legged in bed for a bit before snuggling down in the sheets. Why am I even thinking about this?? LOL.

I get into bed exactly this way.  Yes I paid attention last night!

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Just re-watched this one today, Love Mildred and Eileen. A nice solid MOW episode with myth arc story tie in, but not overwhelming.  Really wished they could have used the song Into the Mystic, but mostly just because I love that dang song.  Dee Wallace and Shoshannah Stern can come back anytime, enjoyed both.  I also liked Sam apologizing to Dean about the not really looking for him during purgatory.  

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I've actually watched this a couple times, but this is the first time since having seen all the series.  

  • Posted some other things in the All Episodes thread.
  • I laughed at the beginning - Sam in bed.  I know it wasn't supposed to be a funny scene.  But the poor guy's feet are hanging over the end of the bed at his ankles and his legs are bent!  If he straightened out, he'd probably only fit down to his knees.  Dean got a new memory foam mattress, so why can't Sam get an extra long?
  • I didn't really care for Eileen much the first time around.  I didn't not like her.  She was just kind of "meh" for me.  But I really liked her this time through.
  • Mildred was absolutely wonderful.
  • The end scene in the kitchen were the least baggy jeans I think I've ever seen Sam wear.  
  • The actor playing Cas did a very good job switching back and forth from Lucifer to Lucifer pretending to be Cas.
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The banshee needed better CGI. Or less CGI. I'm a little amused at Lucifer feeding the birds. Pulling the exploding finger snap is a nice classic bit. I like Mildred. I like Sam and Eileen. Not gonna lie, I kind of ship them. 


Fuck this show, I knew it was a bad idea. I go eleven years without shipping Sam and shit like this is why. Fuck this show. *bitter incoherent grumblings*

"We're brothers and we hunt monsters." I love how he just says it and Dee Wallace just rolls with it. 

Eileen and Mildred were cute together. My boys watch Golden Girls! This makes me far happier than it should. Sadly I am a Dorothy and not their type. Darn it. I love when Dean laughs at Mildred's come ons. I love that she was in a Patsy Cline tribute band. They should bring her back. She was great. I like to think she and Eileen kept up their friendship. 

I love Sam tossing Dean the beer in the final scene. I just love when their in sync. Love that song at the end. I bought that song. We need to start a collection or something - Sam needs a bigger bed. 

I like this one, but don't care much for the monster of the week. 

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So are there other Men of Letters' legacies running around?  In Europe at least?  A deaf hunter could have some advantages, even if the banshee didn't attack her with the scream.  I guess the mother must have been thrown very hard, it didn't really seem enough to end up killing her.  I hope we see Eileen again.

Dee Wallace was quite good, and it was fun seeing her cougar all over Dean.  

It was good for Dean to forgive Sam about purgatory.

Misha is doing a good job portraying Lucifer (as Mark Pelligrino), and "acting" the part as Cas too.

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20 hours ago, Hanahope said:

A deaf hunter could have some advantages, even if the banshee didn't attack her with the scream. 

I would think she would have more disadvantages.  Such as not being able to hear someone or something sneaking up behind her.  Not hearing another hunter yell "Look out!"  If she's breaking into somewhere looking for clues, not hearing the owner or monster coming.

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On 28 January 2016 at 4:52 PM, Omegamom said:


I am SO SO SOOOO happy that they seriously addressed Sam not looking for Dean. I still wish he'd have said something like, "I just couldn't handle it." But I'll take it. And Dean saying it was already forgiven.

I'm actually glad that he didn't say that. Fandom would only have had to deal with the complaints of the extreme Sam hating crowd , the ones who are utterly incapable of seeing something Good in the character and have to twist everything he says as negatively as possible. All that would have got Sam was "see it's not a real apology. He's just making excusss and shifting the blame" 

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4 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

. All that would have got Sam was "see it's not a real apology. He's just making excusss and shifting the blame" 

IMO it wasn't a real apology since Sam never said "I'm sorry for not looking for you, Dean".

He said "I should have looked for you. I should have turned over every stone but I didn't. And I never forgave myself for it".

IMO. That's assuaging his own guilt that apparently he always had that was buried SO DEEP he just didn't know about it until Lucifer pointed it out. (RME at the writing on that) So yeah, I almost think that should have just been left out altogether.

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2 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

IMO it wasn't a real apology since Sam never said "I'm sorry for not looking for you, Dean".

He said "I should have looked for you. I should have turned over every stone but I didn't. And I never forgave myself for it".

IMO. That's assuaging his own guilt that apparently he always had that was buried SO DEEP he just didn't know about it until Lucifer pointed it out. (RME at the writing on that) So yeah, I almost think that should have just been left out altogether.

Or it’s as simple as Sam owning up to something he failed to do. YMMV. 

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8 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

Or it’s as simple as Sam owning up to something he failed to do. YMMV. 

Maybe he's owning up to something but he still literally never said the words "I am sorry. I apologize".  For me, if those words don't come with a confession of guilt it's not much of an apology. But that's just me.

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12 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Maybe he's owning up to something but he still literally never said the words "I am sorry. I apologize".  For me, if those words don't come with a confession of guilt it's not much of an apology. But that's just me.

And I think owning up to your mistake is more important than simply saying the words “I’m sorry”, which can often be insincere and pointless on their own. But as I said Sam really can’t get anything right, damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. 

Edited by Wayward Son
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3 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

And I think owning up to your mistake is more important than simply saying the words “I’m sorry”, which can often be insincere and pointless on their own. But as I said Sam really can’t get anything right, damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. 

Which is why I said it should be in conjunction with the confession of the guilt or the hurt. I feel like both need to go hand in hand. So yeah, I don't think Sam got it right and that is the fault of the writing. 

IMO this didn't help Sam's case at all but I think it was done to put that issue to bed. 

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14 hours ago, catrox14 said:

Which is why I said it should be in conjunction with the confession of the guilt or the hurt. I feel like both need to go hand in hand. So yeah, I don't think Sam got it right and that is the fault of the writing. 

IMO this didn't help Sam's case at all but I think it was done to put that issue to bed. 

Yep. It was a non-apology. And I don't care how incapable one may be of seeing good in Sam, there is no equivocation in saying, "I was wrong. I'm sorry." The period is the important part - no, but... no excuse. I'm sorry, period. It can't be parsed.

They did Sam no favours in not having him say it, especially when accepting Dean's forgiveness. But as you say, I'm sure it's as addressed as it's ever going to get.

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On 1/28/2016 at 1:20 AM, Iguana said:

I really liked this episode. The "victims" of the week were smart, funny and courageous, and also saved the boy's rather tantalizing asses. (which are indeed very cute as they walk away, but still aren't a match for the pretty on the front.) 

. . .

Mildred's open and unashamed hitting on Dean was funny, but in a good natured, not in a mocking the old lady, way. Loved her telling the deaf hunter she could have the tall one because Mildred wasn't a mountain climber and offering to move her hand further up Dean's leg. Dean should have hit that. I bet she could show him a thing or two and give him a night to remember. And our oh so celibate Sam should have asked for some "private lessons" in sign language from the pretty hunter, if ya know what I mean. She looked like she was willing to gear up and go scale Mount Sammy.

All of this. I am still not forgiving the show for snapping Rowena's neck like a chicken before Sunday dinner after humbling her, but we got two whole interesting female characters this week. I loved both of them. They were smart and competent and funny.

Also, props to the show for introducing a Deaf character whose entire existence on the show isn't just: the Deaf character. She had an interesting backstory. She bonded with the other characters. Her deafness wasn't used as a plot point. She wasn't presented as weak. Yay, show.

Also showing an older lady hitting on Dean without mocking her. That was fantastic and a huge improvement from prior interactions.

On 1/28/2016 at 3:36 AM, catrox14 said:

Petition to NEVER  have Dean Winchester bashing his own face repeatedly against anything ever again? That was ....disturbing 😞

Please accept my signature on your imaginary petition. It was disturbing. 

On 1/28/2016 at 10:52 AM, Omegamom said:

I am SO SO SOOOO happy that they seriously addressed Sam not looking for Dean. I still wish he'd have said something like, "I just couldn't handle it." But I'll take it. And Dean saying it was already forgiven.


There is A LOT of discussion of this apology and I really don't want to reopen old wounds/feuds/bitterness, but I will say on the subject of my thoughts: 1. It should have happened way way sooner and felt bizarrely placed this late in the game even when binge watching, 2. I still liked it and was glad to see some closure there, 3. As someone who really doesn't have a brother affiliation and basically just likes it when they get along, it worked for me because it seemed to be sufficient for both characters to put this to bed and keep it there, and 4. While I personally like a straight "I'm sorry." I know mileage varies greatly. It took years to get that across to my husband, who constantly said things like "I didn't mean to hurt you." (Uh, if you did this would be a different conversation). Or "I'm sorry but . . . ." The truth is that a lot of people are bad at apologizing. Bad at doing it and bad at picking the words. So, I am not personally going to get too caught up on the wording here. I think it is clear that Sam is sincerely sorry and that Dean is sincerely hearing and accepting it. I will take it as a win for a character moment.

I still think the entire plot point was appalling and stupid and OOC, but I won't retread that.


On 1/29/2016 at 8:55 AM, KirkB said:

I also wanted to mention I thought the banshee was very well doing. It was one of the creepiest looking monsters they've had in a while.


The banshee was amazing. Definitely creepy old school horror. I loved her.

On 1/29/2016 at 9:21 AM, DittyDotDot said:


In the past, angels (and demons too) have always been able to see through the meatsuits and to see who is underneath; not just the kind of beast, but the identity of the beast too.  That's why I call bullshit on Crowley not realizing that was Lucifer in the last episode long before Lucifer outted himself. 

It is so inconsistent. Drives me nuts.

On 2/2/2016 at 1:16 AM, SueB said:


- Watching the sign language, it sure seemed like their was about 1 hand movement for every 3 words.  I presume it was correct... but did anyone else notice that?


I only speak a small amount but my friend is a CODA and my limited understanding from her is that the language isn't a literal and exact translation. Signs are often combined or altered to get a meaning accross. A simple example is the ILY sign for "I love you." You can sign "I" then "love" then "you" but you can also use the combined sign comprised of the letter I, L and Y. Similarly, your "name" can be spelled but often is a combination of signs that define and describe you. 

So, short answer is that I would assume accuracy because of the presence of a Deaf actress, though I can't verify it, and it does seem plausible from what I do know.

On 10/26/2016 at 7:51 PM, RulerofallIsurvey said:


  • I laughed at the beginning - Sam in bed.  I know it wasn't supposed to be a funny scene.  But the poor guy's feet are hanging over the end of the bed at his ankles and his legs are bent!  If he straightened out, he'd probably only fit down to his knees.  Dean got a new memory foam mattress, so why can't Sam get an extra long?

Hee. This made me giggle too.

On 10/11/2017 at 10:05 AM, Katy M said:

I would think she would have more disadvantages.  Such as not being able to hear someone or something sneaking up behind her.  Not hearing another hunter yell "Look out!"  If she's breaking into somewhere looking for clues, not hearing the owner or monster coming.

Then again, our two favorite hunters get knocked out when people sneak up on them all the time. 😆


I loved this episode so much. If I am gonna hate the big bad this season, at least we get a quality one off in this episode. I loved the characters and the monster. It was a fun watch. The BM scenes were touching. I particularly loved Dean asking Sam to share his feelings, but giving him space. I also liked Sam feeling some trauma here. So often, the one off episodes forget to acknowledge the week before. I wish Dean would talk to Sam, but where would we be without secrets and liiiies? Overall, I really loved it.

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Did Sam bring a change of clothes with him?  When he and Dean arrived and were investigating they were wearing their FBI suits and overcoats.  Then when Dean had left to get the gold daggers and Sam was in Mildred's suite he was wearing jeans, a plaid shirt and a jacket.  And that was before he revealed to Mildred that they were not FBI agents but rather brothers and hunters.  Perhaps he keeps a change of clothes in Baby and retrieved them before Dean left?  That bugged me.

I think it would have been cute if Dean tapped Mildred on the nose and said "Beeee good" before they left. 😉

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On 1/6/2024 at 10:43 AM, rhofmovalley said:

Did Sam bring a change of clothes with him?  When he and Dean arrived and were investigating they were wearing their FBI suits and overcoats.  Then when Dean had left to get the gold daggers and Sam was in Mildred's suite he was wearing jeans, a plaid shirt and a jacket.  And that was before he revealed to Mildred that they were not FBI agents but rather brothers and hunters.  Perhaps he keeps a change of clothes in Baby and retrieved them before Dean left?  That bugged me.

I think it would have been cute if Dean tapped Mildred on the nose and said "Beeee good" before they left. 😉

They have mentioned in other episodes that the "Fed Threads" were in the back so I'm guessing there are hunting clothes as well.

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16 hours ago, Casseiopeia said:

They have mentioned in other episodes that the "Fed Threads" were in the back so I'm guessing there are hunting clothes as well.

If they have a car that can get them anywhere in the country in one day or less, surely she can provide them with whatever clothes they need, whenever they need them (as well as hairpins, pennies, machetes, and anything else.)  This is Baby, after all! 😀

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