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S03.E10: Ghost of the Mississippi

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In the aftermath of a horrific plan that left Cami dead, Klaus declares war on Aurora and Tristan. Elsewhere, Vincent, who has resumed his role as Regent to the New Orleans witches, is forced to use his magic against his will, while Hayley and Jackson find themselves pawns in Tristan’s twisted game. Finally, after learning that Tristan is in possession of a powerful weapon that could take their family down once and for all, Klaus, Elijah and Freya enact a risky plan that leads to a tense showdown with The Strix.



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I’m almost looking forward to watching just to see if anyone is like, 

“Cami was here so you, the strongest creature on the planet, could protect her… But you didn’t wake from your cat nap while she got up, got a knife, and slit her throat…… oh and bleed out all over you?”
Makes sense…

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Klaus: "But we snuggled so much that I was exhausted!"



I even found Jomo somewhat off in the last episode.

I've seen him shine in some awesomely bad writing but his acting seemed to say, " This right here is just too much!  We're snuggling?!?!?"

Edited by GraceAnne
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Aw. I was kinda hoping Cami was dead but in the end I realized that I actually like the idea of Happy!Klaus. With most characters it seems like the rule is to throw all sorts of obstacles at them and watching them deal is supposed to be interesting, but Klaus is so defined by being unhappy that I find the idea of watching him trying to navigate being happy a lot more interesting. Plus Jackson died and I never liked him, so I'm good. Although I don't know if I'm looking forward to a whole Dark!Cami arc. It might be interesting to see the Ripper Element brought over to TO, especially considering all the violence in Cami's family, enchanted or not. Plus, when Cami was talking about feeding on humans I kept waiting for Klaus to say, "You know, I actually have this frenemy guy who totally subsisted on animals for like half a century..."


Incidentally, where the hell was Hope this entire episode?


I'm guessing Davina is teaming up with Aurora.

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We lose Jackson, but get stuck with Cami for all eternity as a vamp? :( Jackson was great, especially with Hope. Where was Hope and her baby powers to save the only person to have really raised her?  So all the werewolves are done? That's a shame, I liked that angle to go along with the vamps and witches. 


Jackson also made Haley likeable and tolerable. I can't stand the forced truwuv they're trying to show with Elljah.

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Y'all, they only kept Cami dead for the first two minutes of the show. That was majorly disappointing. I was so happy to finally be rid of her and then she woke up, damn it. The only thing I liked about Cami during the first two seasons was that she consistently told Klaus what a fucking baby he was. Now that she's gone all Claudia from Interview with the Vampire, I expect she is going to be running around killing people and she'll be too busy to tell Klaus what a manipulative control freak narcissist he is. The other thing I have enjoyed about Cami (only in S3) was her friendship with Vincent. He promised not to judge her no matter what choice she made, but I'm pretty sure that he is going to end up trying to talk her down from slashing every human throat that crosses her path.


Jackson's voice was annoying but if I had to choose, I would have kept him and let Cami stay dead. I should have known he was going to die when I laughed at his joke about hunting hipsters in the French Quarter.


Elijah did not disappoint. When he casually ripped out the hearts of the two guys who were in the car with Aurora as he walked past them, I had little hearts coming out of my eyes. I miss BAMF Elijah. Too often he is relegated to babysitting or placating Klaus or playing peacekeeper between Klaus and whoever else in their family is around, so it was nice to see him back in his ass kicking mode, however briefly.

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I am glad Cami isn't gone from the show but kind of sad she isn't human anymore.  I liked the distinctive human voice she brought and that she was a positive influence on Klaus. As soon as I saw the way Cami was at the end I got this sinking feeling of "be careful what you wish for, Klaus".  He is so impulsive and couple that with this fierce newly minted vampire - I think it may be a recipe for disaster.  Vampire Cami might benefit more from Elijah's influence but I doubt that's going to be.

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Huh, so Cami is now part of Rebekah's line.  And my lack of give a shit over this plot is demonstrated by the fact that that sentence is pretty much all I thought about it in terms of Cami's future role on the show. I'm fine with Cami not being dead. I never hated her.  I'm just not very interested in her. I do think it's a shame, since we're apparently keeping her, that she's lost her main contribution on the show as the sole regular human.  I agree with magdalene that loosing that perspective is a loss to the show.


I won't miss Jackson per se, but I do feel for Hope that she just lost her sole emotionally mature and stable parent.  


I'm glad at least one of the Wholly Annoying Trinity has been dealt with.  But seriously, this season is creeping along. 


The two bright spots in the episode for me were Elijah and his post heart rip handkerchief and Vincent throughout. I just enjoy them.  Also, while I find her plot line and the entire Stryx thing tedious every once in a while there is a close frame of Aya's face and I'm struck again by how stunning the actress is. I'm generally so busy being irritated by her plot, I forget that.  

Edited by RachelKM
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I probably had some sort of comical face at the end of this episode because seriously, all I could think about is whether or not Cami ripped off Vincent's head, or his arm.  Hopefully he witchy witched her before she could go full Ripper on him, but seriously!  I needed to see me some alive Vincent and screw them for making me wait.

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Shit. All I could think when I heard Cami gasp for breath. Shit.

I would rather keep Jackson.

I thought the exact same thing. I don't think the actress has the chops to play a big, bad vampire. I really wish this Klaus/Caroline thing would come full circle. I like those 2 together. 

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I'm so happy Jackson's mouth of marbles is gone. I was slightly unhappy how it happened.


I've never really liked Cami, but I think the actress is a little better and I'm kind of liking her a little so I'm not bothered she didn't die. Maybe she'll be a little more fun as a vampire.


After all the build up about the prophecy is it now gone? That was a little let down.


As always BAMF Elijah was awesome! Love his dramatic hankie pulling...swoon.


Did anyone else get a red flag when Marcel was trying to subtly find out where Tristan is?

Edited by Cattitude
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I was neutral on Jackson, and certainly if given a choice between him and Elijah as a partner I would so choose Elijah, but he did not deserve this cruel fate. That was awful.


I very much dislike Aurora and wanted her dead.  So pooh to her being still around to annoy me some more.

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I don't think the prophecy is over. Aurora and that other dude are still out there. And Aurora is going to be PISSED about her brother. Maybe there is still hope that Cami will die?

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I tried to watch this episode, I really did.


That scene between Klaus and Cami, when Cami came up with some corny Irish Wake idea and Klaus freaked out about it, and they had some cliche, soap opera-y dialogue about whether or not she should transition, was the last scene I could take, though.


Cami has such an awful personality. I'm sorry, but I just dislike her. She's very grating to me. YMMV.


Anyway, this season has been pretty lackluster, and the high point for me so far was her turning up dead in the mid-season finale. But now she's BACK? And, apparently, the show is going to focus on her even MORE?


Tbh, I'm frustrated. The show is obviously struggling, and yet the aspect of it that they've decided to double down on is Cami? I'd be happier if they focused on literally almost anything/anyone else. Like, maybe they could have doubled down on Marcel instead, and given him a juicy storyline front-and-center. I'd be down for more focus on HOPE ffs. But instead, we're going to ~explore~ Cami?! Great.


That said, I still haven't seen most of the episode yet. Maybe it's somehow spectacular and I'll eat my hat.... *fingers crossed.*

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I kinda like Campire and her newfound bloodlust. She could bring an interesting aspect to the show and to Klaus. Seeing him exasperated over someone else might be a nice change of pace. Then again, TVD got to the point where everyone but Matt was a supernatural, and I checked out, so this might be more of the same.

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Campire.  I love it!


Campire could end up being the central figure in the prophecy.  She is a friend, but she could also be a foe especially if she's rippin' and eatin' her way through the Quarter, and her relationship with Klaus and previously with Finncent could create lots of trouble.  

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Had no interest in Cami all this time when she was human, I doubt her now being Campire (™ NorthstarATL just above this) will spark any interest now. Maybe if she sacrifices herself for Klaus or his family or Hope or whatever and then really does end up dead. Really dead. Actually dead. 


I miss Elijah's moments of BAMF, glad we got to see it this episode. And of course extra points for his always reaching for his handkerchief post-act-of-BAMF. 


More shirtless Vincent, please. 

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Cami's actually probably my favorite character on the show, so I'm upset they made her a vampire. She was human, Plec! She did human things, saw things from a human perspective that was rapidly spiraling into darkness because of the company she kept! You didn't need to throw vampirism into the mix! Boo.

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They sure resolved that "object that can trap anything" plot pretty quickly.  Still wish they'd killed Aya, I can't stand her.


I'm looking forward to Cami's struggle with her new found vampirism.  All this time on TVD and The Originals and they've never addressed that.  Surprising.

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