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Wishlist: Hoping for a Cure (Or Not)

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I think I'd hold off on bringing too many people back from the dead, aside from A.J. and possibly Nikolas, both of whom serve considerable story purpose. (Nobody thinks Nikolas is really dead, but we have to put him in that pile, I guess) Georgie or Emily are people I'd maybe bring back when the show went off the air.

And yes, Brad gets no airtime but he is still Lucas' husband and Lucas is a character I'd want to put on contract and do things with. I like Brad and Parry Shen but I don't know that I'd keep their marriage intact for very long - I think he'd probably go sooner than later, through story.

Looking at Y&R also makes me question how many people to kill. They're not the same type of show and GH has always had more action and violence, and I've made a case in the past for great whodunits or violent ends for everyone from Franco and Julian to Nathan and Jordan (I think Nathan dying as a result of Obrecht's machinations is a fine exit for both). But in reality it's more organic, quicker and easier for most of those characters to just depart, go to jail, etc. I might have Julian die, but I think I'd save a whodunit for Franco, as I mentioned recently by redoing a David Hamilton sort of thing - having one of Liz's kids kill him. Probably Jake. Maybe Jake does it and a new teen Cameron covers it up.

I like Molly Burnett in doses but I'd want someone more unconventional for what I had in mind for Christina Baldwin/Collins/whoever.

This is all schematic, though - the bigger questions to me about GH vis a vis what Y&R has done lie in how it has reset itself in terms of thematic resonance, character underpinnings, etc. Their work hasn't been flashy but it has been very direct and bold in its own way, and it has reintroduced deep character dynamics very quickly while educating a newer audience about stuff they may not have known. All it takes is certain scenes with family, or certain conversations, and showing commitment to those things.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 4

Honestly? No.

I wouldn't have killed him off, but he's dead. And if you think about it what is the point of him being alive? What would the story be? Another supervillain has Sonny and Carly's kid? Who cares? What is the future there? It's done, so play it out. We're not talking Jonathan Jackson's Lucky Spencer here.

I'd amp up the drama and fury over his death and keep Sonny culpable, have Michael and Carly's reactions become bigger, stronger, more set. I'd have it weigh him down like a millstone until he goes down over other stuff (but no, Sonny would not exit the show overall - his role would change, as you say). Maybe Bryan Craig can appear to ham it up in scenes as hallucination Morgan. That's it. Right now what I've seen of his death feels like an afterthought - like, oh, we'll put it on Valentin and move on and Morgan will be back someday. It shouldn't be that.

I also feel like their optimal angle there is, Morgan returns someday as some sort of crime kingpin working against Sonny or brainwashed by the Cassadines. And honestly it would be so stupid. I don't give a fuck.

And yeah, Bobbie goes without saying. Bobbie is one of those characters I'd put in family scenes on Day 1, not unlike what we've seen on Y&R. She's one of those people who is the glue, no matter what Jackie's done to her face. I'm hoping it's on an upswing at the moment. I'd use her a lot. And while you hate her, yes, Lucy would be a major part of things on Day 1.

Edited by jsbt
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Kill 'Em Dead: Franco, Ava, Kiki, Dr. O, Jake.

Can Leave Town Or Be Killed: Nelle, Nathan, Brad. Avery being killed could begin Sonny's exit from the mob if TPTB are willing to violently kill off a baby.

Leave Town : Julian (only because I waited so long for Sam to finally get a father), Val.

Sonny and Liz are never leaving so at least get him out of the mob and keep her out of Jason and Sam's orbit forever. 

Not Sure: I'm honestly so tired of Dante, Lulu, and Maxie that I don't even know what should be done with them. If Maxie moved to Portland and Dante transferred to the NYPD and took Lulu with him I wouldn't even be mad. Unless they could somehow get JMB to come back or at least recast with someone who is more Lulu than ER. I have no issues with KS but I wouldn't be upset if MB took over the role.

Griffin needs to get a story that doesn't involve being a priest or a three second father before I can make a decision.

I sorta kinda sometimes like this whatever between Nina and Valentin. If he can stop whining about his childhood and she can keep the crazy to a minimal I wouldn't be opposed to them staying.

With Kiki gone I'd have Dillon interact with more people and give him a real story and see what RPD can do with it. Or recast. 

I don't know how I feel about Finn. He's inoffensive to me and I'm not totally opposed to him being paired with Hayden, but I think she would fare better if they were just friends.

Either put Curtis would Hayden or have him and Jordan get over whatever bullshit is between them and possibly give them a shot, The commissioner position is a curse so I'd definitely get Jordan out of there and have her go work with Sam. Maybe Curtis can work for Sam as well and that's how he and Jordan reconnect.

The Duke shit ruined Anna so it would take a lot for me to stop hating her. 

Give Michael a fucking story that doesn't involve Sonny and a real pairing with a woman who can spice him up or have him leave town.

More Screen Time: I'd bump Ned and Olivia up to contract and keep Olivia mostly away from Sonny. Give her and Carly a story at the MetroCourt. 

Obviously Lucas and Bobbie.

Bring Back from the Dead: Obviously AJ shouldn't be dead. He and Sonny need to come to some type of understanding so they can coexist without Sonny constantly going after him. Give him a career or project that he can develop on his own. Have him and Carly slowly become frienemies and take it from there. 

I'm not sure about Morgan. Sonny isn't responsible for his death so him being dead hasn't amounted to much. I wouldn't be opposed to him coming back with a complete personality change. 

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I am profoundly tired of Dante, Lulu and Maxie, yes. They are worn the fuck out. But that's on the stories and the writing. I think it's a waste and a mistake to lose them, though I might recast Lulu at some point. I think the stories have to be better for the characters. And of course I've known what I'd do with Maxie (Michael) for years. With certain core characters you have to lean in on the problems to fix them. I think one of the first things I'd have Dante and Lulu is sit down and ask 'when did we get so fucking old? Why do we want five kids?' And no, that little girl would not be hers. The embryo would be gone. Or she can have kids again someday, far from now. I dunno.

And yes - the only thing they seem committed to right now is Franco and Frank's favorites. Stafford, Budig, maybe Matt Cohen, maybe Kiki?

I would slow an AJ return down, though. I'd have him and someone else plotting against Sonny for a while before he shows up. And you would reveal Michael has found out but kept it quiet because of what happened to Morgan.

Everyone knows I want Avery's little ass dead but with Morgan dead it's too much. So I'd have her sent off somewhere, maybe by Ava. Maybe still reveal she is Morgan's kid and Carly knew. Never let anyone know til it was too late. Another nail in her and Sonny's coffin.

Edited by jsbt
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14 minutes ago, jsbt said:

Maybe still reveal she is Morgan's kid and Carly knew. Never let anyone know til it was too late. Another nail in her and Sonny's coffin.

I want this so badly. It was a gigantic mistake to make Avery Sonny's. There's so much more story if Avery is really Morgan's and Carly has been keeping it a secret.

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Yeah, that's the way to go. It also divests Sonny of another fucking kid. Ava or someone finds out (hell, maybe Delia - give Ilene Kristen some change for a few days) and Avery gets spirited off to wherever for the next 10+ years.

I always, always wanted to kill Kiki as part of a Sonny-Ava mutually assured destruction war, but Morgan is dead and I'd sooner have Julian killed by Alexis or something. Not a murder mystery, just killed. You can't do too many whodunits or deaths out the gate so I'd keep it to Julian and Franco. I think. Kiki can become disgusted by her evil mother again and leave for Mars. Or she and Dillon can leave town together, then you recast Dillon in 6 months and they've broken up and he comes home alone.

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While I like Lulu and Dante obviously, I'd be fine with sending them out of town. I mostly just kept them around because if the show were really being re-booted, I'd keep them around until some new characters were established after the chaff was gone.

But if Laura were staying I feel like at least one of her kids would need to be around. But while I like her I wouldn't mind her leaving either.

1 hour ago, jsbt said:

Honestly? No.

I wouldn't have killed him off, but he's dead. And if you think about it what is the point of him being alive? What would the story be? Another supervillain has Sonny and Carly's kid? Who cares? What is the future there? It's done, so play it out. We're not talking Jonathan Jackson's Lucky Spencer here.

I'd amp up the drama and fury over his death and keep Sonny culpable, have Michael and Carly's reactions become bigger, stronger, more set. I'd have it weigh him down like a millstone until he goes down over other stuff (but no, Sonny would not exit the show overall - his role would change, as you say). Maybe Bryan Craig can appear to ham it up in scenes as hallucination Morgan. That's it. Right now what I've seen of his death feels like an afterthought - like, oh, we'll put it on Valentin and move on and Morgan will be back someday. It shouldn't be that.

I also feel like their optimal angle there is, Morgan returns someday as some sort of crime kingpin working against Sonny or brainwashed by the Cassadines. And honestly it would be so stupid. I don't give a fuck.

Honestly it's weird, I don't feel like they killed Morgan off. I don't have a huge hankering for him back but I feel like if Sonny and Carly are gonna be around it would make sense to bring him back, he was the most dynamic of their kids until they saddled him with bi-polar. Unless they make Joss a hellraiser.

And while I dislike That Woman Lucy, I can tolerate her.

Extreme decisions:

I would in all honestly get rid of Sam, unless they give her some of her spunk back. No Shocked By the Mob Sam please.

I think that the Maxie/Michael idea has merit but if it didn't work I'd recast Chad.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1

I think there is enough to do with Miller's Jason and Sam. I don't see the point in getting rid of them when they can be reconceived from where they are now, which is pretty basic.

I just don't think Morgan was ever as dynamic as people hoped he and Bryan Craig would be. And I think if he's dead, he's dead. Let it go. Stop focusing the show largely around Sonny and Carly and their kids. They have Michael, Kristina, Joss, etc. Get back to other people's kids.

I do think Lulu and Dante can be rebooted without sending them away. It's just a question of how you work them, and I think you can do that by starting with them asking how they got to this suburbanite family place - those are the kind of more personal questions Y&R is asking about some of its wrecked characters. And of course you eliminate the dumb Charlotte thing. She's not Lulu's kid, end of. And Laura leaves this show over my dead body. She would be essential to rebuilding it.

Edited by jsbt
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1 hour ago, jsbt said:

I am profoundly tired of Dante, Lulu and Maxie, yes. They are worn the fuck out.

Lulu in particularly has hit Jessica on OLTL levels for me.  Babies rabies to Lulu is what DID/electroshocked into being a teenager was to Jessica.

As far as the characters on the canvas, if I had my way, I'd:

- ditch Franco and Nina immediately.  Scotty would also receive ironclad documentation that Franco is NOT his son and is the result of some ONS Heather had.

- also probably ditch Dr. Michael Easton.  Andre too.  Felix already seems to be gone, which works for me.  I'd also have Obrecht go out in some kind of blaze of evil glory.  

- Rebecca Budig would be on very thin ice.  Ditto Valerie and Nelle.

- Both Serena Baldwin and Christina Collins would be reintroduced.

- I'd also find a way to introduce some Quartermaines not tied to Jason or, as much as I love her, Tracy.  A secret child of AJ's or maybe a reworked Ward?

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 5

Another wish - I think the mob is such an instilled part of the brand now that we'll never be truly rid of it.  But I think the show needs an action/adventure element separate from it.  So have the WSB set up an office/training facility in Port Charles, put Anna in charge of it, and - instead of having Anna run around investigating random dudes who maybe want to bone her - have her act as teacher and mentor to some rookie agents, giving her a sense of family outside of stupid Griffin.  Maybe make Dante one (getting him away from the traps of the PCPD/mob storylines), bring in Anna Donely as another, maybe make one Lucas' ex from San Francisco, etc.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I've explained my WSB shit with Jason and the Scorpios many a time. So I'll just say I might bring in Anna Donely at some point or I might not. I would have Anna in charge of the PCPD again and be tasked with flipping Jason, which she would do, and he'd become WSB with Robert as his recurring handler. Jason's wheelhouse would still largely be the action end of the show, but it would be for the WSB just as the heroes of the '80s did things. And he would also be much more involved in Quartermaine family business and ELQ stuff, as he was when Miller first came on. Sam would be back to being a daredevil PI.

There would always be some crime element and some mob stuff with Ava or even Sonny on a lower burn (though I'd slowly transition him out of the mob/neutered and forced into white-collar crime as he gets busted for good), but the bulk of the action would transition to the law enforcement side of things and the mob characters interacting with it, as opposed to vice versa.

Lucas' ex is an interesting idea but I'm still not sure if I'd dump Brad and the marriage so soon. I think there is something to be said for portraying a happy interracial gay marriage, at least for a while. I do know I wanted Laura's new man to be a dashing black WSB agent to put Luke to shame. The Kevin thing is okay, I guess, but I wouldn't keep it going forever. I'd eventually move her on to a new guy and Kevin back to Lucy.

Edited by jsbt
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5 minutes ago, jsbt said:

The Kevin thing is okay, I guess, but I wouldn't keep it going forever. I'd eventually move her on to a new guy and Kevin back to Lucy.

I think they could do more if they expanded it out a bit.  Laura and Kevin are happy, but Christina wants Kevin back with Lucy so she does a little scheming to that effect.  And you have Serena caught a bit in the middle, since she would be pleased Scotty and Lucy are reconnecting, but also loves and cares about Kevin.  It'd be a good way to set up those familial dynamics AND give Laura/Kevin drama, and not drama from Laura's side of things.

Another longtime wish - it could be a new character or a repurposed character, but I think it's bananas there's no character on the show who is a paramedic.  That character would be able to jump between the hospital and being out in the field/in the action elements.

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I just still have no idea why and how Kevin and Laura are a couple or into each other beyond, "we're getting older and he/she's a nice quiet person (and Jon Lindstrom does not require a contract)." They're both so much richer than that. They have an okay chemistry, I suppose, but nothing that sets my mind on fire. I think both are major performers who deserve major pairings as opposed to feeling consigned to the reject pile with each other. Kevin already has that with Lucy, and since Luke is not an option Laura's gotta go hunting.

I'd play with it for a little while, maybe - try to have them figure out why they are actually together and explore their relationship more, maybe something involving Laura getting caught up in the dark mythos with his brother and parents, and explore how their relationship contrasts with Luke and Lucy or how they contrast with each other's kids - but ultimately I would put him back with Lucy and her with a new guy.

Edited by jsbt
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I buy Dante and Lulu wanting kids and a family, especially Dante, but obviously, not up to the point where Lulu is desperate to implant herself with the child of a fucking zombie.

I would do something with Dante at the police department - his connection with Sonny gets him in suspicion or something. 

I would hate to sacrifice Johnny (and I can't believe I actually mean this) but maybe I would kill him off and there's tension between them because Lulu can't help but believe he might have killed him. And maybe he did, for whatever reason. A good reason, of course, not just he saw Lulu's clothes on the bed and got enraged.

And I think a another thing that hampers them is the same thingvthat hampers everyone else. No one can say boo to Sonny and Carly for more than a day.

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42 minutes ago, jsbt said:

I think there is enough to do with Miller's Jason and Sam.

I have absolutely no interest in them if this show continues to make them the moral compass of this show. They bore me to tears, especially Town Therapist and Perfect Mother Sam, who hasn't made a mistake or been in an intense argument (that has lasted) for years.

Edited by HeatLifer
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5 minutes ago, jsbt said:

I'd play with it for a little while, maybe - try to have them figure out why they are actually together and explore their relationship more, maybe something involving Laura getting caught up in the dark mythos with his brother and parents, and explore how their relationship contrasts with Luke and Lucy or how they contrast with each other's kids - but ultimately I would put him back with Lucy and her with a new guy.

Oh, that reminds me, I'd kill Luke off.

It's too bad Kim left. I wish we could include Robin in all these scenarios. 

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, jsbt said:

but ultimately I would put him back with Lucy and [Laura] with a new guy.

Stefan! Well, I know he's not new, to the show or Laura, but I really want Stefan back. I would accept any scenario, no matter how ridiculous, to explain how he's alive and how that 2003 stuff wasn't him/wasn't his fault.

Edited by Melgaypet
accept and except are not interchangeable

I've thought about killing Luke off to drive a big story. I'm not sure. And I would love Stefan back someday, but I feel like they botched Stefan and Laura so bad when they did it that you can't go back there without it feeling like a lazy also-ran. I always suspected RC wanted to do that with them, have them be some recurring vet couple in hijinks. Also, to bring back Stefan you need Nikolas, and I only know what to do with a SORASed Spencer right now - I have no idea on Nikolas yet. But I think he'd likely come back like Stefan did: Dark and in the shadows, scheming.

I think Kim would come back any time she's asked so I have no problem including Robin in stuff on a short-term level. If she were to return on contract I'd probably go for it with a Jason reunion, though. Not forever, but for awhile. And I hated Jason and Sam together for years, but I find Miller and Monaco decent and fun together. They don't have to be a moral compass to be around.

I think Dante and Lulu's problem is more overexposure and endless baby stories which pigeonhole them as the boring marrieds who do nothing but talk about kids. I'm not sure I'd put them in heavy drama with each other right away. To me it's important to get them back to feeling young, vibrant and less staid and used up - it's a systemic character issue, not something that can be resolved with a new plotline. That likely means new adventures for them and new business for Lulu. I might have her give up the damn ship.

Edited by jsbt
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12 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I would do something with Dante at the police department - his connection with Sonny gets him in suspicion or something. 

It's absurd that everyone just shrugs off the fact that he's Sonny's son whenever Sonny gets dragged in. Dante should have someone breathing down his neck every time he's investigating Sonny. Or move Dante over to the WSB to work with Anna.

8 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I'd kill Luke off.

TG won't be back unless the show ends, so I don't think Luke needs to die. I don't want to watch anyone wail and moan over Luke. They won't get JJ back for something like that, and Lucky has to be seen if his father is going to be dead.

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If TG wants to come back and play story with Laura (and possibly, yes, reunite them with him on a recurring basis), then he is welcome. If he doesn't want to do story with Laura, I would kill Luke off. Period. If Tony Geary is unwilling to accept that Luke's primary audience value is in the relationship with Laura, then I would kill Luke off and have him leave material behind which makes it clear he wanted to and refocuses Luke's legacy entirely on that romance and his family.

Edited by jsbt
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1 minute ago, jsbt said:

I've thought about killing Luke off to drive a big story. I'm not sure.

I went back and forth, but ultimately I don't think Geary is up for coming back unless it's literally as Noferatu instead of just kinda resembling him.

9 minutes ago, Melgaypet said:

Stefan! Well, I know he's not new, to the show or Laura, but I really want Stefan back. I would except any scenario, no matter how ridiculous, to explain how he's alive and how that 2003 stuff wasn't him/wasn't his fault.

Love him, but Stefan without Nikolas would be weird. 

I guess I would have Lulu drop the boat and be new co owner of the MC. I've seen people say she should be a reporter but I think Lulu running around as sole reporter would look dumb.

Question for people who don't think Lucky should be recast - what would you do with Liz?

I would do the Franco murder mystery and refocus Liz on her kids, her family and redeeming her fucked-up life, going to therapy, etc. She'd be drummed out of the hospital finally over all that resulting Franco scandal and her deranged undead kid (Jake would still be around, though - just get a really good kid to play this disturbed child). Teen Cameron would be big in the mix feeling betrayed by her, so would Laura and maybe even ol' Audrey if Rachel Ames wishes to appear. I'd put Liz deep in story with her parents, who I've talked about at length before - probably with someone like GL's Grant Aleksander as Jeff Webber and Liz's mystery mom as a scheming, brilliant surgeon - and not go near Liz and another penised individual for a good long while. Rebecca Budig would be part of some of this story at first, but then she'd leave and go away forever.

I have absolutely no idea what kind of character I'd put Liz with, but I do think I would have her go back to her art while unemployed, and then possibly take a page from the old Harding Lemay Another World - she becomes a private nurse to some rich family. And maybe there is where she meets someone new. Or maybe she'd really refocus on art once her life begins to come back together. But I would want to address the Lucky issue if JJ chose to appear.

I think putting Lulu in jobs chasing Carly's is a waste. It's also static, just like her current job, and doesn't lend itself to adventure. I'd either make her a reporter or make her go back to Crimson or something. I think there is a structure that can be built there for the character, even if you have to build a reporter framework around her.

Edited by jsbt
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5 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Question for people who don't think Lucky should be recast - what would you do with Liz?

Is AJ resurrected? Then I'd give them a real shot. If not, I think eventually I'd bring on a new man just for her. In the meantime I'd have her focus on her career and on dealing with FinallySORASED!Cam, who would be rebelling hard.

15 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

TG won't be back unless the show ends, so I don't think Luke needs to die. I don't want to watch anyone wail and moan over Luke. They won't get JJ back for something like that, and Lucky has to be seen if his father is going to be dead.

Well, I'd recast personally. And I'm all for people moaning and wailing over him, muahaha. And of course in these scenarios there would be good writers so the reaction would be more complicated than that.

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8 minutes ago, jsbt said:

I think putting Lulu in jobs chasing Carly's is a waste. It's also static, just like her current job, and doesn't lend itself to adventure. I'd either make her a reporter or make her go back to Crimson or something. I think there is a structure that can be built there for the character, even if you have to build a reporter framework around her.

I think sending her back to Crimson would probably be better. As much as I would like the kind of focus on a bunch of characters like you outlined for Liz, I don't think you could make that kind of sphere for each character realistically. I'd keep Liz as a nurse too after a short break. Maybe move her up to head nurse.

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Nah, I couldn't do that. The show has to stop rewarding Liz for her crazy misdeeds. There has to be a line and Liz as a character hasn't gone anywhere or grown in years.

I don't think you have to grow a whole sphere around Liz, nor would I. I do think the show has put off introducing her parents for too long, and I think they can serve any number of story functions in and around the hospital and all sorts of other intrigue. They're not there for her so much as for the show overall including her.

And I liked Lulu at Crimson, but I'm just not sure it would help revive the character and make her exciting again as much as making her a journalist. I don't know what I'd do, though. Maybe if there was a more active angle to be found at Crimson beyond just scheming over fashion - I don't think that suits her.

Edited by jsbt
4 minutes ago, jsbt said:

And I liked Lulu at Crimson, but I'm just not sure it would help revive the character and make her exciting again as much as making her a journalist. I don't know what I'd do, though. Maybe if there was a more active angle to be found at Crimson beyond just scheming over fashion - I don't think that suits her.

Anything where Lulu got to interact with more people would be fine by me for now. No one ever has a reason to go to the darn boat. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, ulkis said:

It's too bad Kim left. I wish we could include Robin in all these scenarios. 


To be real, though, it was such a waste to not allow Jason to get his JQ memories back and deal with how his life ultimately panned out as JM. The Robin/Jason dynamic would have been fun to explore, as well as his relationships with Monica, Carly, Sonny, Sam, etc. 

Instead we got Jake Doe/Liason straight to JaSam/Baby. I cry.

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I think Lucas could and should be the heart of the show's hospital canvas.  That legacy is there, which the show acknowledged with Bobbie's (somewhat random) return to the hospital staff.  If he wasn't gay, he probably already would be. 

They also need a next gen Quartermaine at the hospital.  A rebooted Maya, maybe?  

Edited by TeeVee329
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14 minutes ago, ulkis said:


Robin was really the heart of the hospital scene though. There aren't any less people on the hospital side now, but none of them can anchor it quite like Robin did. That's why I thought move Liz up to head nurse or something.

Yeah. For me, the hospital hasn't been the same since Robin "died" in 2012. There was something about Patrick and Robin, together, that made it fun. They didn't even need to be working on a patient. Just them interacting and chatting in that area gave it a spark that hasn't been seen since then.

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Luke is one thing. I think if it was a good setting for Lulu it would've panned out over the years and it never has. I think she needs a different role in society to distinguish her from Luke the club owner and Laura the earth mother. To me being a journalist - or some sort of activist utilizing her fashion platform - would do that while carrying the Spencer adventurism further. It also allows for fresh but not unreasonable tension with Dante.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 1
8 hours ago, jsbt said:

Lucas' ex is an interesting idea but I'm still not sure if I'd dump Brad and the marriage so soon. I think there is something to be said for portraying a happy interracial gay marriage, at least for a while.

I'd have Lucas' ex be a black doctor that he met during med school. He gets a job at GH and reconnects with Lucas, platonically at first. Old feelings start to resurface and Lucas realizes Brad is a loser. They split and he's never seen or heard from again.

The doctor would be related to Jordan, maybe her brother. I'd bump Haley Pullos and Tequan Richmond up to contract. Molly does an internship at GH in the legal department and TJ would do a pre-med program, with the doctor as his boss. There's some type of scandal or mystery at the hospital and Molly, TJ, Lucas, and the doctor are key players. Sam, Jordan, and Curtis would investigate as PI's. I'd maybe make Jason a PI as well. That would allow him and Sam to have action and adventure and break some laws without having to deal with mob shit. Tracy, Monica, and Bobbie would be involved. The mystery/scandal would have a financial element to it in some way and Hayden would get dragged in because she's the hospital's financial manager and has an understanding of shady financial dealings. I'd probably find a way to get Liz unofficially involved using Hayden. I would definitely fire her as a nurse for awhile, but this would be a way to keep her in the hospital orbit and be a way for her to slowly build a relationship with Hayden. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
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8 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

The doctor would be related to Jordan, maybe her brother.

Not necessary, IMO. Making all the POC related feels a little gross to me, like they all have to know one another to be deserving of a place on the show. (Not that you're saying that.)

8 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

The mystery/scandal would have a financial element to it in some way and Hayden would get dragged in because she's the hospital's financial manager and has an understanding of shady financial dealings.

I love this idea. It could be a true umbrella story. The show desperately needs to shake up the story bubbles. It's so boring to watch the same three people together in a scene, and the actors definitely respond when they get to switch it around.

Edited by dubbel zout
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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Not necessary, IMO. Making all the POC related feels a little gross to me, like they all have to know one another to be deserving of a place on the show. (Not that you're saying that.)

9 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

I mainly wanted the doctor to be Jordan's brother so TJ would have a surrogate father. I actually forgot that Curtis is supposed to be his non-bio uncle.

I'd make sure the hospital, police station, and district attorney's office were in play. I'd turn that old apartment set into housing for college kids, and let Bobbie run it. The various college kids would have internships at the hospital, police station, attorney's office, and ELQ. That way, you would have an organic reason for the younger generation to mix it up with the older generation so folks aren't so isolated in stories. Avery would be killed and Sonny would go the Blacklist route and work with Anna and Robert to bring down the 5 families from the inside. That would be his rehabilitation. But he couldn't tell anyone.

AJ is alive. Lucky is recast with Jeff Branson. Sam and Jason open a security firm providing both physical and electronic security for places like ELQ and the hospital. That gets them around town and involved.

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I think something could have been done with Lulu on the Haunted Star. Lulu has much more of Luke's moody, restless spirit than Lucky ever had but her upbringing was vastly different. Her upbringing (as opposed to Luke, Lucky and Bobbie's) didn't prepare her to deal with the kind of life that she wants.

I wish Johnny had stuck around as her partner because BB and ER had chemistry, it distracted from ER being miscast in the role and it provided a reason for shady goings on on the boat. If the Haunted Star had become a place where shady things happened, Lulu's conflict in terms of those stories could have been who she actually is vs. who she thinks she should be as a Spencer and as a cop's wife.

It's actually awful that Maxie and Lulu, of all people were given baby rabies. If Lulu wanted children at all, it should have been as something she wanted for Dante - and realistically, Dante should have been the driving force behind them having children, not Lulu.

Edited by Oracle42
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16 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

It's actually awful that Maxie and Lulu, of all people were given baby rabies.

I agree, but I like how the show decided to deal with Georgie. The way it got there was idiotic, to be sure, but I think it's very refreshing to have a mom who doesn't have custody her child who's still very happy and doesn't feel her life is over. I also like that Maxie doesn't have any resentment toward Ellie. 

Edited by dubbel zout
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