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Kardashians in the Media

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They must have used the same guy who makes Kim look 5'9" and 120 lbs. in all her retouched magazine pics.

In real life her legs wouldn't have even touched the floor and those shoes would have made her look like she has Kim's Hobbit legs.

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Interesting tidbit about Kris and Bruce having a plan about his gender issues early on.


Kris will not be happy with this. She's been adamant that she didn't have any idea that he wanted anything more than to play dress up. Caitlyn had surgery to remove her breasts? I thought they kind of went away when the hormone therapy stopped.. What kind of surgery did Kris think she was having?  

I so believe the rules about taking her dress up routine on the road and getting her fix while doing her motivational speeches. And not at home. 

I bet when Kris and the girls were out of the house, he went thru every one of their closets and dressers trying on stuff and making himself up.

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So I run across this article  in The New Yorker about the O.J. Simpson movie, & this is the first paragraph:


"We are Kardashians,” Robert Kardashian (David Schwimmer) tells his four children, who bounce in a booth at L.A.’s ChinChin restaurant, giddy that their dad has been recognized from his appearances on cable news, sticking up for his friend O. J. Simpson. “And in this family being a good person and a loyal friend is more important than being famous. Fame is fleeting. It’s hollow. It means nothing at all without a virtuous heart.

Ha ha HA HA HA ha ha ha hahahahahahha

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I watched the movie, the first part of it anyway until it continues and David so far is doing a good job playing Robert. But there was one part that was kind of nuts if this is accurate..OJ threatening to commit suicide in young Kim's bedroom. That when Robert is trying to get him to put the gun down he screams "please dont do this where my daughter sleeps, dont kill yourself in Kimmy's room".  I wonder if that really happened or it was something they add a little focus on Kim into this story?

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Why was he even in her room? Creepy.

I'm not sure if OJ was staying in there or what. With four kids, Rob Sr. may not have had a dedicated guest bedroom in his house. But yeah, the idea of a grown man occupying a young girl's bedroom is rather creepy.

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Kris was so devastated by Nicole's murder but she's still besties with Faye Resnick who told Nicole's private business in a couple of books right after the murders, and now Kris is making the rounds getting press talking about her poor dead friend and how much she misses her. I guess they are birds of a feather since both of them are all about money and publicity.

I bet if something happens to Kris, Faye would happily sell any secrets that were shared with her.

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I watched the movie, the first part of it anyway until it continues and David so far is doing a good job playing Robert. But there was one part that was kind of nuts if this is accurate..OJ threatening to commit suicide in young Kim's bedroom. That when Robert is trying to get him to put the gun down he screams "please dont do this where my daughter sleeps, dont kill yourself in Kimmy's room".  I wonder if that really happened or it was something they add a little focus on Kim into this story?

This is exactly the same questions put forth by Fred Goldman.

It's actually true. In the OJ tapes, Rob Sr. was interviewed after the trial and he mentions OJ in Kim's bedroom threatening to commit suicide.

Rob Sr. may not be the same caliber of garbage as his wife and kids, but that doesn't automatically mean he was incapable of telling a story to help his former client look more sympathetic, or his family look more important.

It could be true. But that's a far cry from saying "it's actually true".

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This is exactly the same questions put forth by Fred Goldman.

Rob Sr. may not be the same caliber of garbage as his wife and kids, but that doesn't automatically mean he was incapable of telling a story to help his former client look more sympathetic, or his family look more important.

It could be true. But that's a far cry from saying "it's actually true".

He did lots of threatening to kill himself but never did the deed. I doubt he intended to. He was merely manipulating two people (Cowlings and Kardashian) who idolized him. Pretending he was so grief stricken he couldn't go on and trying to convince them that he would never have hurt her.

The Kardashian daughters are upset over their portrayal at the funeral, that they were ill behaved. But Kris supposedly was given a chance to fact check and loved they way she was portrayed. I guess that means she never noticed the way her kids were shown or that it was accurate.

Edited by iwasish
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I saw the real footage of the Kardashian girls getting out of the limo at Nicole's funeral and they were all pretty subdued. As much as I can't stand them, I feel bad for them being portrayed as disrespectful at the funeral of a woman who was brutally murdered.

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I watched the movie, the first part of it anyway until it continues and David so far is doing a good job playing Robert. But there was one part that was kind of nuts if this is accurate..OJ threatening to commit suicide in young Kim's bedroom. That when Robert is trying to get him to put the gun down he screams "please dont do this where my daughter sleeps, dont kill yourself in Kimmy's room". I wonder if that really happened or it was something they add a little focus on Kim into this story?

It really happened, but it was actually Khloe's room, not Kim's. If you watch the actual interview, Robert said it happened "in my daughters room". He doesn't specify which daughter. I read on TMZ that Khloe had her own bedroom while Kim and Kourtney shared a bedroom.

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Oh I think it would have. The OJ trial was "the Trial of the Century"; it was so massive and even before this movie there have been countless documentaries made about as well as several books. IMO the Kardashian popularity is an added bonus.

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The OJ mini-series looks interesting next week. The preview shows Kris lashing out and Robert when she finds out he joined OJ's defense team. The part they showed she's saying "how could you do this, he butchered her".  Last night's showed young Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and Rob sitting on the floor watching the TV as Robert spoke at a press conference and they were cheering when they heard the name "Kardashian" on TV. 

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I'm shamelessly addicted to the OJ mini-series.

I have to wonder though, how the K kids feel about the way they're being portrayed. For example, running around at the funeral and cheering for their dad on tv. They were close with the Simpson family. I can't imagine they would've taken the whole thing so flippantly, especially considering Rob Sr. and Kris were likely devastated.

When Nicole was murdered, Kim and Kourt were what, 14 and 12? I just can't see them acting like that, no matter how spoiled and vapid they might have been.

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Didn't Khloe have a whole episode about not remembering her childhood, and eventually went to some hypnotist who got her to go back in the past recall the whole OJ thing with her mom not allowing her and Robert to see their dad because he was on "uncle OJs side"

And Kris didn't want them exposed to that seedy mess cause they were too young?

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Yeah i too wonder how they feel about it especially with so much focus on their father. There's actually footage floating around of Kourtney and Kim arriving at Nicole's funeral and they look very somber so I don't believe they acted up in reality.

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Count me in as hopelessly addicted to the OJ miniseries as well.


Between the real Kardashian show, the OJ miniseries, and the OJ-related drama between Faye Resnick and new girl Kathryn on RHOBH, I am going to need a serious and thorough Kardashian detox in a few weeks.


EDIT: in the "American Crime: People versus OJ" threads, the appearances of the Kardashians as kids is causing quite a ruckus.  They are quite the divisive group, those K kids.:)

Edited by laurakaye
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I wonder if that movie would ever have gotten made, or received that much attention, if the Ks hadn't become famous.

If the O.J. Simpson murder case never happened, Keeping Up With The Kardashians probably would have never happened either. The low-speed Bronco chase and the subsequent live broadcasting of the trial was the beginning of the experiencing of pop culture called 'reality television'. It was the very inception of our unquenchable thirst for celebrity gossip. Nobody would ever have known about any of the Kardashians if it wasn't for the murder of Nicole Simpson.


That's what I call taking the circumstances of a very tragic event and manipulating it into a pop culture phenomenon.


I just want to add that Kris Jenner is a liar, no surprise to anyone but she proved that when she claims not to have known anything about O.J. and his abuse. In 2012, she gave an interview stating that Nicole lived in intense fear of O.J. Simpson. Kris and Nicole were very good friends and I'm sure Kris knew about the beatings and the 8 different police reports made by Nicole against Simpson. I'm also sure she saw the bruises. Kris just doesn't want anyone to think she was aware of the danger that Nicole was in so people don't point a finger of blame to her for not being more involved at trying to stop that monster before he went too far and butchered her.

Edited by HumblePi
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Lamar looks pretty good. I wonder if TMZ is right and he's going to the release party or if he's just going to visit home to NY since she's going. 





Lamar Odom's miraculous recovery is going so well ... he was able to board a private jet with still-wife Khloe Kardashian.

The estranged, yet super close couple boarded their flight at Van Nuys Airport in L.A. just before 9 PM. We're pretty sure they were bound for NYC, where most of the Kardashians are gathering for Kanye West's big album release concert at MSG Thursday night.

This is the best look we've gotten of the ex-basketball star in public since he was at death's door just a few months ago. As we first reported, Khloe moved Lamar into a house near to her and has vowed to continue nursing him back to health.

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Lamar looks pretty good. I wonder if TMZ is right and he's going to the release party or if he's just going to visit home to NY since she's going. 





Lamar Odom's miraculous recovery is going so well ... he was able to board a private jet with still-wife Khloe Kardashian.

The estranged, yet super close couple boarded their flight at Van Nuys Airport in L.A. just before 9 PM. We're pretty sure they were bound for NYC, where most of the Kardashians are gathering for Kanye West's big album release concert at MSG Thursday night.

This is the best look we've gotten of the ex-basketball star in public since he was at death's door just a few months ago. As we first reported, Khloe moved Lamar into a house near to her and has vowed to continue nursing him back to health.

Wonder how long before he hits the brothels again? 

If he goes to Fashion week will his appearance take away  from Kanye's clothing line or be a convenient distraction?   

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The Yeezy 3 launch/album release party is taking place at the humungous Madison Square Garden so unfortately I doubt anyone in the crowd will take away from the hideous shit that will be shown on the stage. It would be nice though if Lamar showing up and looking great overshadowed him though.

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So I have no clue about Kanye's music (except for Heartless...which I kind of like).  In the music/entertainment world, is his album launch a majorly big deal?  I mean, are there millions of people waiting breathlessly for this thing to drop?  I guess MSG is a pretty epic place for a party, or is that just Kanye being Kanye?  He'd probably rent out the Moon if he could get it past NASA.  I'm trying to figure out what the world at large thinks of Kanye's music.

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Its not so much that he's having the launch at MSG that's the big deal, im sure anyone with the money and name could get the Garden -but he sold the whole place out in 10 minutes and that's what will pump up his already huge ego. Selling out MSG in any time frame is big. Dude is a massive douchebag but he does have a ton of respect in the fashion and music world (and something like 23 Grammy's).

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Lamar looks pretty good. I wonder if TMZ is right and he's going to the release party or if he's just going to visit home to NY since she's going. 





Lamar Odom's miraculous recovery is going so well ... he was able to board a private jet with still-wife Khloe Kardashian.

The estranged, yet super close couple boarded their flight at Van Nuys Airport in L.A. just before 9 PM. We're pretty sure they were bound for NYC, where most of the Kardashians are gathering for Kanye West's big album release concert at MSG Thursday night.

This is the best look we've gotten of the ex-basketball star in public since he was at death's door just a few months ago. As we first reported, Khloe moved Lamar into a house near to her and has vowed to continue nursing him back to health.

When I saw this photo, I immediately thought of a quote by Mark Twain; "The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated". Lamar had reportedly suffered 12 strokes, on kidney dialysis and was partially paralyzed requiring a wheelchair. Here they are in Van Nuys boarding a private jet. Van Nuys, was warm enough (50 degrees) to go outside with a light jacket. But they're both bundled up as though they were in the East where it's 24 degrees and windy making it feel like 9 above zero. Khloe has long hair, extensions I'm assuming because she had a short bob on her show just last week.


I feel duped into being led to believe by TMZ and other erroneous reports that Lamar Odom was a near-vegetable and would probably be in a nursing home for the rest of his life. HA! Shame on me for believing anything in the press. It's all sensationalized for public interest.


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The Yeezy 3 launch/album release party is taking place at the humungous Madison Square Garden so unfortately I doubt anyone in the crowd will take away from the hideous shit that will be shown on the stage. It would be nice though if Lamar showing up and looking great overshadowed him though.

I was going to suggest that Saint might finally be revealed, but he might get too much attention.
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I was going to suggest that Saint might finally be revealed, but he might get too much attention.

We've got Kanye's genius on the runway, Kim revealing her alleged 30 lb weight loss (that's 30 in Kardashian lbs), North being front and center, Caitlyn, I hear is in the house, Lamar's return from death's door... I can't imagine they'll risk Saint's first appearance not getting the main headlines.

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We've got Kanye's genius on the runway, Kim revealing her alleged 30 lb weight loss (that's 30 in Kardashian lbs), North being front and center, Caitlyn, I hear is in the house, Lamar's return from death's door... I can't imagine they'll risk Saint's first appearance not getting the main headlines.

Too bad - I'd like to see the little guy before they corrupt him too much!
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Too bad - I'd like to see the little guy before they corrupt him too much!

Or before Kanye's Yeezy for Kids clothing comes out LOL Kim posted a pic of the most adorable custom made jacket Ralph Lauren sent for Saint. I hope they dress the little guy in nice clothing like that and not the torn up crap daddy is designing.


eta: I'm watching footage of the livestream of the show.  Kim's hair (I assume a wig) is platinum blonde and if Kourtney is wearing Yeezy its actual really prettye. Color me shocked. Lamar was spotted in the VIP section near Kanye.

Edited by howmanywords
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Kim looks like a Yeti.

I can't imagine he designed their clothes. And that mess he introduced was as ugly or uglier than his last several attempts.  I had to laugh at him in the audience grinning like a fool. He really is delusional. Not just him either, all the rest of them nodding and bobbing their heads at his so called genius. But none of them wear anything but his sneakers. Kris wouldn't be caught dead in that crap.

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SMH. There's a song with the line "i bet me and Ray J could have been friends but we loved the same bitch, he may have hit it first but I'm rich". Kris must be weaping with pride and joy.

What a jackass and what the hell is wrong with Kim? She genuinely doesn't care that he's making her look like a fool? Part of me still wants to root for her, because she was fairly likeable early in the series. As shameless as Kim is, I can't imagine this is the direction she wanted her life to take.

There's something about Kanye that is just very mean spirited.

Edited by BitterApple
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