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S27.E02: Bad Blood

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They're alternating genders. Terrific. Honestly, if you can't do whatever the producers want done, no matter how hazardous and asinine it may be, your ass goes into the Pit. But instead of Brianna and Jenna's quarreling asses getting tossed, we have to say goodbye to Cohutta and Jill. And notice how Teege didn't say "I'm sure we'll see you some other time" to them upon their elimination . . . that's because they're better adjusted than 90 percent of the house. They could be "kissing cousins," and I'd take them over 75 percent of those lunatics.


And Dario & Raphy? Nobody cares about either of you. I know, Hutty was screwed no matter what, but those are meatheads we don't need, from a show that no one should be interested in.


I'm thinking maybe Abram is okay with Cara Maria flirting with other guys. I mean, to the point where she can make out with Thomas while he points a gun at them. And hits his skin bong with the free hand. Really, I can buy anything when it comes to Abram, because he's that big a psycho.


ETA: The mission was sick, even with the mostly inactive snakes. Chewing up crickets and roaches and spitting the carcasses out? Seriously, who think up this shit?!?

  • Love 8

Oh, man. I so wanted Jill and Cohutta to win. Will there be a way back into the game like last year? I don't like Tom or think he's appealing. (He and his brother and the other set of moronic twins look like Futurama characters.) And Cara Maria has a man at home. SMH. Who do I root for now? The bug challenge was hilarious but those poor bugs sacrificed their lives for nothing. That Jenna/Breanna fight got ugly fast. Breanna has a career in a bakery? Her boyfriend is a Spanish cheater who likes ice cream? Breanna acts as though she isn't being paid to be there. Isn't money the incentive?

  • Love 4

Omg. Jenna and her cousin fighting was hysterical. My friend and I were laughing the entire time. The best was when Jenna said something about her cousin only having a job because her dad owned a bakery, and that she would have a job too if her dad owned a bakery...and wasn't in jail. LOL! 


The Challenge itself reminded me of an old-school challenge. Instead of crickets and roaches, it was meal worms and chicken feed, I believe. I like these kinds of challenges much better than the ones where they are dangling over water.


Cara Maria, what are you doing! And wasn't Thomas the one with the girlfriend, or was that his twin? Cheatsy hobbits!


Tony still being an asshole, talking shit about how Cara Maria should sit down and leave the punching to the guys. Fuck you, doucher.


Cohutta and his cousin were sweet, but they had no chance. 


Still enjoying this season :) 

  • Love 3
Breanna has a career in a bakery? Her boyfriend is a Spanish cheater who likes ice cream? Breanna acts as though she isn't being paid to be there. Isn't money the incentive?



And he takes her out for  ice cream sometimes, I think? My favorite part of that fight- besides trying to understand what they were saying- was when Nany was trying to keep them apart and she was saying to the person dealing with Jenna, "get her her away" because Jenna would just keep screaming. Also Cutthutta for his, "these people are crazy" and just walking away. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
  • Love 2

They're alternating genders. Terrific. Honestly, if you can't do whatever the producers want done, no matter how hazardous and asinine it may be, your ass goes into the Pit. 

I don't understand why they're so hesitant to do elimination challenges that are more brain/thinking/puzzle games than the physical ones.  If they did, we wouldn't have to deal with the whole alternating genders bit when the number of females to males is so uneven.  They should have just made every team male/female if that was the case.  Also, I really enjoy watching most of these brain trusts popping blood vessels when they try to solve puzzles.   


Omg. Jenna and her cousin fighting was hysterical. My friend and I were laughing the entire time. The best was when Jenna said something about her cousin only having a job because her dad owned a bakery, and that she would have a job too if her dad owned a bakery...and wasn't in jail. LOL! 

Glad I wasn't the only one who found that fight hilarious!  It started with "you wanna go home to your fake ass spanish boyfriend who cheats on you all the time" to "I'm so much smarter and prettier than her.  I have a job; she doesn't go to school or a job....she just babysits all the time" to "you're just happy that your boyfriend buys you ice cream every other day!"  Lol!  A dumb fight between dumb ass people.  However, I got the distinct sense that Jenna's cousin hates Jenna, and vice versa to a certain extent.  


So pissed that Cohutta's gone.  

  • Love 7

ughhhhh whyyyyy did they have to send away cohutta. I love him. I think him and jill would have done very well. He should have just chosen an easy team to get rid of. He had the best talking head and the confession was hilarious ( I know this was in the after show but Cohutta fans, go watch it)


Glad they are mixing it up, it will get REALLY interesting to see who ends up with who and how that changes the game. I love CT. I think whoever gets set up with Brianna is doomed. Not just because she was all " i want to go home" but now that they switch, I think she screwed someone over.


The fight between the two cousins was hilarious. Mainly because it was so personal ( I know, I'm horrible) but seriously- " I would have a job too if my Dad wasn't in jail". THIS is why the producers added family. LOL

  • Love 5
However, I got the distinct sense that Jenna's cousin hates Jenna, and vice versa to a certain extent.


Same here. This is why I don't understand why Breanna wouldn't do the bug challenge for the money. Why else is she there?


I also don't see how Leroy can defend his choice of a partner. Can she blow everyone away in a book-smart or puzzle challenge? (I hope so.) I don't buy Leroy as a clever strategist who knew that the partners would be switched up.

  • Love 1

Anyone else find it hilarious one of Jennas put downs was that her cousins boyfriend cheats on her? Really Jenna...Jay ring a bell? You should NEVER put down anyone elses boyfriend after you stayed with THAT douchebag hobbit for so long.


I actually feel bad for Jenna. Once her looks start to fade, she is going to be in a world of hurt. "Dumb as a box of rocks" is an insult to rocks...


That entire fight was what I would expect from two 12 year old girls fighting over a 12 year old boy...


And talk about stupid Rules. So someone can not even DO the damn challenge (which was ridiculously GROSS) and not go in the pit? Come on...


Even though her game of "rock, paper, scissors" was kind of trashy, still rooting for Cara Maria. Her and Abe kind of come across as a couple who might have an open relationship anyways. So until we see his reaction on it, will withhold judgment.


Well, given the previews, it looks like I may get my wish. Cara Maria is making up the teams. You KNOW she is going to set Bananas up with with the worst competitor, which right now looks to be Leroys cousin. Though it may seem smarter to stick him with Jennas cousin, I think she will probably quit and you know the producers aren't going to send Bananas home like that. They would probably bring in another ringer for him.


I am glad the bloodlines are being split up so I can finally root for Shane.


And here is hoping the meathead twins (don't know their names, don't care) get annihilated by CT or even Zach...

  • Love 2
Well, given the previews, it looks like I may get my wish. Cara Maria is making up the teams. You KNOW she is going to set Bananas up with with the worst competitor, which right now looks to be Leroys cousin. Though it may seem smarter to stick him with Jennas cousin, I think she will probably quit and you know the producers aren't going to send Bananas home like that. They would probably bring in another ringer for him.


Oh, huh.  I never thought about it being two-person teams again.  I thought it was going to be a schoolyard pick (and she'll pick Thomas first) and then her cousin will pick and so forth, and switch to two large teams.  

One flaw of the challenge is that those who were brave enough to chew the bugs thoroughly and spit probably lost a lot of the weight with the bug goo dribbling out and sticking to the sides of the tube, whereas the ones who barely closed their teeth enough to stun the bugs, let alone kill them, and then blow them down the tubes didn't lose as much.  Well, now I've grossed myself out.


You all have hit upon the highlights of Jenna and Breanna's fight, but I also enjoyed "he only broke up with his ex because she has short hair!"

I never realized how tall Jenna was until I saw her towering over all the women trying to split up the fight and keep them apart.  Of course, if I recall correctly the one who was trying to hold Jenna back was Camila's cousin who...oh wait, nobody's supposed to call her short.  (Or maybe it was someone else.  I have trouble keeping track of those fight scenes.  Anyway, Jenna's tall!)



  • Love 4

Oh, huh.  I never thought about it being two-person teams again.  I thought it was going to be a schoolyard pick (and she'll pick Thomas first) and then her cousin will pick and so forth, and switch to two large teams.  


That perfectly possible. I didn't think about that.


I know there are spoilers out there, but I stay away from them like the plague...

Edited by Jenkins

From the previews it looks like Abram and his brother are gonna replace Tony and Shane (medical emergency). Although I can't say that I like Tony or his mysogynistic attitude (eye roll) I do find his affectionate love for Shane sweet to watch.

The Jenna and Brianna smack down was funny but was also equal parts sad. Even when Tony had Shane pinned up against a wall I never got the sense that they hated each other or even just disliked one another it just seemed like a typical (drunken) fight between brothers. However Jenna and Brianna really seem to hate each other- they also seem stuck on what the other cousin has,"she doesn't have a job-the only reason SHE has a job is because her Dad owns a bakery!" Etc.

I also really like Cory and Mitch's relationship (I have to laugh everytime Cory refers to Mitch (the tallest dude there) as his baby cousin).

  • Love 2

No! Not Cohutta! Well, there goes possibly the most well-liked pairing.

I get the feeling Jenna and her cousin have been competing against each other in life since birth. And they both suck so they take jabs at the other to look better and feel better about themselves.

A switch up AND Abram? Yeah, shit 'bout to go down. Though does anyone else feel like Bananas and Cara Maria are making sure they are shoo-ins to be partnered for the next Rivals challenge?

  • Love 2

A switch up AND Abram? Yeah, shit 'bout to go down. Though does anyone else feel like Bananas and Cara Maria are making sure they are shoo-ins to be partnered for the next Rivals challenge?



That WOULD be a near impossible team to beat....


As much as I dislike Bananas, he IS relatively good at these challenges and CM has turned herself in to the one of the better female competitors.

  • Love 1

Just a thought: that Jenna is thought of as the prettier cousin, and Brianna doesn't match up looks-wise. BUT, Brianna has a present father (with a bakery), so that's how Brianna one-ups Jenna. Brianna sleeps with Jenna's exes, not only to get back at Jenna, but to prove to herself she's just as pretty as Jenna, and can have her man. Yeah, I think it's been a lifelong competition on Brianna's part. I think Jenna seems sweet. I feel bad for her. I also think that her relationship with Zach is one where the couple balances out, or offers each other what the other is lacking, or needs. I actually hope they work out.

So right, scrb. I think that Jenna said she felt she had to keep checking in on Brianna to make sure she was ok and comfortable, or something to that effect. That's normal, but Brianna seems particularly immature and dependent. For some reason that kid rubs me the wrong way, which was compounded by the fact that she slept with Jenna's exes. That's just so low.

I am glad the bloodlines are being split up so I can finally root for Shane.


Funny enough, that was my first thought when they announce the twist. 

You all have hit upon the highlights of Jenna and Breanna's fight, but I also enjoyed "he only broke up with his ex because she has short hair!"

Ha! Aw man, how could I have forgotten that gem!?! Another random insult creating a great moment in the stupidest fight ever.

Keep forgetting to mention that Nany's exorcist routine when the grasshoppers got stuck in her hair was priceless!

  • Love 2

The thing with Brianna is that how did Jenna manage to get her to be on this show? I'm going to assume Jenna has no siblings? And I guess no other cousins because I don't think Brianna would ever be her first choice for this thing. One, Brianna has been terrible at the first two missions and doesn't seem like she's going to be good at any missions. That's fine. This isn't her thing. Plenty of these people suck at the missions but they enjoy the other aspect, the partying in  a vacation type like place, but Brianna seems to hate that too. Add to the fact that these girls don't seem to like each at all.  Like, really. Jenna must really want to be on a challenge again and win money and must of talked it up/lied to Brianna about it. i know money is the goal, but if you really hate all and every aspect of this thing, it doesn't seem worth it. 

  • Love 2

What a buzzkill to see Jill and Cohutta eliminated. They were my favorites and definitely the least offensive team in the game. That's not saying much though with these nutjobs. I doubt we'll ever see either one again. We definitely won't see Jill again since she's getting married. I'm not sure who to root for now. I would say Cara Maria, but I'm disappointed in her interest in Thomas who I loathed on Real World Ex-plosion. I'd like to think she's better than cheating on somebody back home like some of these losers do. She made the right call in sending Thomas and Steven into the pit. Dario and Raphy would've definitely held a grudge (and still might) whereas Cara Maria just has to flirt with Thomas a little bit and all will be forgiven. That might be easier said than done if Abram is coming back.


I feel stupider after watching Jenna and Brianna's argument. That fight might have even rivaled the ridiculousness of Episode 1's arguments between Cory and Vinnie and Tony and Shane. What a bunch of freaking morons! Jenna was fortunate it was a male elimination this week or she probably would've went home on an eating challenge like she did during the finale last season. It has to be frustrating for her to be partnered with someone who doesn't want to do anything, but she picked her. It's been established that Jenna isn't the brightest bulb on the tree, but who would pick someone like Brianna for a teammate? Maybe all her other relatives are in jail just like her dad and Jenna was really desperate. Jenna needs this show since she has no job because her dad is in the slammer (best line of the episode).


I'm actually going to have to side with Brianna in the whole bug-eating challenge. If I were her, I wouldn't eat them either. Those cockroaches and grasshoppers looked so disgusting. I couldn't do it and would take my chances of going into the pit. It's not like Brianna will ever have to participate in the pit anyway unless they change the current rules. And if she did, she'd intentionally lose and get some haterade from Teej. I'm sure Brianna had no problem with Jenna going into the pit given that they dislike each other. I don't see this tandem getting much further.


Nany seemed more bugged out about the bugs getting in her hair than actually having to eat them. I'm not sure why she didn't have her hair pulled back. I liked when she told Teej to "shut up" when he asked how she was doing. That was such a Probst move by Teej. I don't want to give Bananas too much credit, but he did have the best strategy of using his huge noggin to kill the bugs before putting them in his mouth and spitting them through the tube. Dead bugs would be easier to deal with than live ones.


Was this eating challenge even safe? Do any of the contestants get ill after doing this? I don't mean just throwing up because we've seen that many times on The Challenge. Have any of them gotten sick for a few days after one of these eating challenges? And, also, how does MTV know that a snake isn't going to strangle one of them and choke them to death? It's not like you can predict what a snake is going to do. I guess that's just the risk that MTV is willing to take. I'm sure they got waivers absolving them of all liability.


I really hope Dario and Raphy go next week followed by Tony and the Ex-plosion kids. Ideally it'd get down to the veterans, but the insufferable Johnny Bananas can go anytime. Hopefully CT will come on and backpack him for old time's sake.

Edited by jmonkey
  • Love 1

Am I the only person who thinks Breanna was the most sane person there? I wouldn't have eaten the bugs either, and her distaste for the social aspect only puts her in higher esteem in my eyes. I wouldn't want to hang with these losers either. "Then why did she agree to even be on the show?", you ask? I'm sure she's asking herself the very same thing.

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