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S03.E09: Savior

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When a dangerous affliction threatens to expose one of her siblings, Freya searches for a way to reverse the crippling curse even as she finds herself the target of The Strix's latest plan. Elsewhere, Klaus keeps a watchful eye over Cami while she attempts to help Detective Kinney, whose life has begun to spiral out of control as a result of Lucien's compulsion. Meanwhile, a confrontation with Marcel causes Vincent to reevaluate his decision to stay out of witch business, and Hayley's attempt at a quiet Christmas with Jackson and Hope results in an unexpected surprise.




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Best. Episode. EVAH. Not really but if Cami is for real dead, right after he went FULL WOOBIE than I die with laughter. Mirth. 


Also loved Rebekah embracing the prophecy by erasing one falls by family. NICE. 

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There is no way they wrote Leah Pipes out of this show.... 10 bucks on Cami having vamp blood in her system.


So two grown adults (one being a thousand year old hybrid) fall into bed kissing and  ...... fall asleep smiling at each other? Lame


This episode had way too much Klaus and Cami for my taste.  Loved Elijah and Rebekah though.

Edited by GraceAnne
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I think there is a decent chance that Cami has vamp blood in her. Cami's death made me feel bad for Klaus because he was rocking the romantic lead face all night.

I was happy to see Marcel scheming. If only we could get some Josh and Davina on his side to make happy.

Also the Strix threat of Finning Vincent is pointless and hollow. If Finn possesses Vincent, Finn will use his power to murder all of the Mikaelsons. That gets the Strix nothing.

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I was excited for that end and so happy Cami was dead. Hopefully it sticks, however she does probably have vampire blood in her system and we'll get a Cami turning story.


I enjoyed Rebeckha's return and sad to again see her go and be staked yet again. I wish she'd stay for good. Smart of her to have Elijah stake her to fulfill the prophecy. 


Glad Jackson returned, he's the only one who makes Haley likable and Hope needs him because he's the only sane figure she has in her life. Hope looking at them kiss was cute. I do wonder though if Freya will fall for him, since she saved him not to long ago and he now did the same for her. Or if it was just for the "family" unity of the plot.

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Best. Episode. EVAH. Not really but if Cami is for real dead, right after he went FULL WOOBIE than I die with laughter. Mirth.


Especially since they never, ever got a chance to do the deed. That would be hilarious.


However how did the crazy vampire kill Cami without Klaus sensing or hearing her. Don't they have super-duper hearing.

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I loved all of it. How is it possible that this show is miles better than the Vampire Diaries yet they have the same show runners? I really, really wish Claire Holt would stick around. The Stix & Co. need to just die already, and while we are at it, didn't Elijah tell someone else that he's the true sire to all these idiots, he just made them think that they were turned by Klaus and Rebekah as well?

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However how did the crazy vampire kill Cami without Klaus sensing or hearing her.


Yeah I think the only way that works is if Cami was compelled to kill herself by Aurora. I can't remember if Klause gave her blood last week after Aurora kidnapped her, but I think he did so DAMMIT now I'm suck with vampire Cami? UGH.

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Cami's death was one of my Christmas wishes that I can only hope came true...but alas I doubt it. Bland bitch will have had vampire blood in her system and come back. I'm pretty sure Aurora compelled Cami to slit her own throat (Aurora had Cami for awhile, could have waited out the vervain, and compelled her), even asleep Klaus should have been able to to hear another vampire sneak in. Right?


And I felt a mild amusement with Klaus' situation.Yeah I'm sorry he finally found twue wuv or whatever, fell asleep in her arms without doing the deed, and waking up to her and her slit throat, but, yeah. I still like JM  but Klaus has been such an a-hole that I wouldn't want him to find happiness...not just yet. It was nice of him to help Cami by helping Kinney. Here's to the return of the Dohring!


The return of Hot Finn and delicious Vincent are always welcome so yay! More Vincent working out, please. I was a little surprised that he would seem so cowered by Tristan's threat of returning Finn to Vincent's body. Unless he was faking feeling that in front of the Strix?


Are they pushing for a Freya/Jackson hook up? Don't know how I feel about that yet.


Love love love Rebekah and her sacrifice at the end to prevent the "one shall fall by family" prophecy, I'm just hoping it wasn't in vain. A crushed Elijah makes me sad, at least this time post-daggering he'll be able to keep her safe vs her being held in secret by someone else.

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So last night on my FB feed the EW recap had a picture of Haley & Jackson and then said something about 2 goodbyes and I got really freaking excited...and then I read it and it was disappointing.  I won't say that I like Cami, but she is inoffensive.  Everything about Haley and the wolves is just straight up terrible and I really would have loved to see them dead!  

Edited by gik910
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Are they pushing for a Freya/Jackson hook up? Don't know how I feel about that yet.



Oooh I didn't think of that as set up for a future hook up but I like it, I do think the writing for Jackson/Haley was again spot on tonight. I wish he had articulated that Hope IS a Mikaelson so that's why he needs to get with the program, but I liked that he listened to Haley,but ultimately jumped in because he actually also kind of likes them, even when he hates them. 


I really don't know what to do with the whole Cami and Klaus thing, I mean on the one hand they declare their romantic love for each other, but then don't have sex and Cami promptly dies. I think I still love that, because it says no matter how much Klaus flirts with being different something will come along to ruin it ( I also didn't think it's unusal for Klaus to help someone he doesn't give a shit about if it makes the object of his attention happy, he did that with Caroline as well based on far less of a relationship). I still wish it had stayed completely platonic, but this is pretty good result of them "almost" going there. Heh.


If we end up with Vampire Cami I wonder if her personality will totally change and she'll no longer hold the same allure for Klaus, which is obviously what Aurora was hoping.

Edited by blixie
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I just started to regularly watch this show - I am catching up on the first season right now - and they killed off my favorite character. Reading this thread I am guessing there is a lot of dislike for the character but I liked Cami. About the only time I didn't think Klaus was an arrogant prick was when he was around her. 


Boy, is my timing bad.

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I am going to take this as a Christmas present and just enjoy thinking that Cami is dead until the show comes back next year. I am pretty sure that the reaction the showrunners were hoping for with that last scene was not me laughing my ass off and clapping. I just knew that something was going to happen since Cami and Klaus were finally moving forward instead of treading water with their usual "No, I don't LIKE LIKE you!" The scene where he compelled Kinney was when I knew something would happen because how often have we seen Klaus do something that's kind and selfless, let alone for a human?


The two down sides are: (1) I seriously doubt they would actually kill Cami off so I am dreading however they bring her back (2) Cami's (temporary) death will give Klaus yet another excuse to have a temper tantrum and go on a rampage.


I felt far worse for Elijah having Rebekah push him into redaggering her. I totally understand her reasons (the most practical one being that they still don't have a cure for her ripper infection so this will keep her from going full blown psycho while Freya tries to find another cure), but poor Elijah. He loves Rebekah so much, even more than he loves Klaus in my opinion, and he didn't want to inflict that pain on her.


I didn't get Tristan threatening Vincent with Finn's necklace. Is he saying that he is going to pay off some other witch to put Finn in Vincent's body? I guess there is always some witch who is going to be willing to take a bribe (like Van) but are all witches strong enough to do that spell? When Esther did it last season, they made it seem like it was really difficult to do. If it's that easy, why hasn't Freya just dumped Finn into someone else's body? Heh, is it because she is trying to be ethical?

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I adored this episode. It was beautifully shot and scored, and the Christmas gathering scenes were lovely. The tension of Rebekah's increasing instability was real.


I may be in a minority, but I love Cami and always have. Having a human with no supernatural powers on shows like this is often derided as tokenism, but I think it's necessary, and I've always really liked Leah's performances and found Cami very relatable. I think her relationship with Klaus has been done well as it's a slow burn and a real process of getting to know each other, rather than a sudden frenzy of passion.


I have to admit I wept when they finally kissed and I was shocked and horrified at the end. I really hope this isn't the end for Cami.


On a shallower note, does anyone else think Lucien looks a bit like an irritated horse when he frowns and pouts and flares his nostrils - (and he does this a lot)?



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Totally out of nowhere observation - I feel like you can tell that Daniel Gillies is the only one of the main cast that's a parent in real life just by how natural he is with the baby. It's adorable.


I appreciate the variety of ways that they write Rebekah's story in order to keep Claire Holt a recurring character.


I'm finding the offspring vampires petulant and tiresome and I can't wait until they're all dust.

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I don't understand why the Mikaelson's haven't gone on a Strix-cleansing rampage already.  As soon as they knew where Becky was being stored, every single Strix should have been dead dead dust gone away DEAD.  Starting with Aya, who annoys me even when she isn't in the episode.  I can't stand her smug arrogant posturing, and the actress is really not very good.  But I digress.  There is literally no reason for Klaus and Elijah to tolerate the existence of any of these idiots, including the three main antogonists.


I'm also a little tired of the Strix always being two steps ahead of our heroes.  I know, this is the part of the arc where the protagonists are at a low ebb, and things seem darkest before they start resolving the problem, but the unanticipated curse on Becky was stupid. 


Also, how the fuck did they get the Finn-mulet?  It was in Freya's possession when she was poisoned, and the house was never unoccupied afterwards for someone to sneak in and steal it.  "You see, we Strix are so powerful that we have an army of trained spiders that snuck in and stole your necklace."


Incidentally, Rebekkah has already fulfilled the "fallen by foe (Aya) fallen by family (Elijah)" bit of the prophecy.  Just unstake her, have Hayley stake her AGAIN, and the whole thing is fulfilled.  Alternatively, if geting stabbed with this stake counts as "falling" but it has to happen to all three of them, then get Marcel to stake Elijah, and one of the Crecent werewolves to stake Klaus.  Preferably after they remove the "causes craziness" curse from the stake.


I was shouting "eww, gross, no, don't do that!" through the entire Cami / Klaus professions of lurve and kissing.  What a nice pleasant end to that relationship, though I guess we're destined for a rehash of "Caroline learns to live as a vampire" or "Elena learns to live as a vampire" or "unnamed character who I don't know because I gave up on TVD years ago for being too repetitive learns to live as a vampire" plotlines.  It's been done.  How about we try something different, like Cami becomes a mummy or a force-ghost (wrong network) or a chupacabra.

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I don't understand why the Mikaelson's haven't gone on a Strix-cleansing rampage already. As soon as they knew where Becky was being stored, every single Strix should have been dead dead dust gone away DEAD. Starting with Aya, who annoys me even when she isn't in the episode. I can't stand her smug arrogant posturing, and the actress is really not very good. But I digress. There is literally no reason for Klaus and Elijah to tolerate the existence of any of these idiots, including the three main antogonists.

I'm also a little tired of the Strix always being two steps ahead of our heroes. I know, this is the part of the arc where the protagonists are at a low ebb, and things seem darkest before they start resolving the problem, but the unanticipated curse on Becky was stupid.

Also, how the fuck did they get the Finn-mulet? It was in Freya's possession when she was poisoned, and the house was never unoccupied afterwards for someone to sneak in and steal it. "You see, we Strix are so powerful that we have an army of trained spiders that snuck in and stole your necklace."

Incidentally, Rebekkah has already fulfilled the "fallen by foe (Aya) fallen by family (Elijah)" bit of the prophecy. Just unstake her, have Hayley stake her AGAIN, and the whole thing is fulfilled. Alternatively, if geting stabbed with this stake counts as "falling" but it has to happen to all three of them, then get Marcel to stake Elijah, and one of the Crecent werewolves to stake Klaus. Preferably after they remove the "causes craziness" curse from the stake.

I was shouting "eww, gross, no, don't do that!" through the entire Cami / Klaus professions of lurve and kissing. What a nice pleasant end to that relationship, though I guess we're destined for a rehash of "Caroline learns to live as a vampire" or "Elena learns to live as a vampire" or "unnamed character who I don't know because I gave up on TVD years ago for being too repetitive learns to live as a vampire" plotlines. It's been done. How about we try something different, like Cami becomes a mummy or a force-ghost (wrong network) or a chupacabra.

I've been surprisingly not hating Cami this season but your post just cracked me up!

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I actually like Cami, particularly when she's in full sarcasm mode.  She gets some of the best lines commenting on the absurdity of what's going on around her.  (I still love her deadpan delivery of "Oh goody, Papa Tunde's mystical knife of excruciating pain.  Glad that's still around.").  I just don't like her as a love interest for Klaus.  I much prefer them being platonic friends.

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I have tried and tried, but I just don't like Cami. The confrontation between her and Aurora in the previous episode is what sealed the deal for me. Aurora was pretty sympathetic, imo, whereas Cami just came off to me as a pretentious and arrogant twit, per usual. Also, I have never been able to root for Cami and Klaus as a couple, even regardless of her shitty personality, because I think the thing of her being Klaus's therapist *while* getting in his pants is just too gross. I mean, he's done lots of way nastier stuff than she has, don't get me wrong. But there's just something so sleazy about that on her part.


So, anyway, I'm happy she's (finally) dead and I hope she stays that way.

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