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Small Talk: Out of Genoa

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It’s really cold and windy here in Chicago. And we got snow and ice. Whenever I think it’s bad I remember my friend Sari who lives in Edmonton in Canada. I think this winter will be very hard for me because even with this so early and not below freezing or deeper snow I’ve difficulty dealing with it physically and driving. @jewel21 I hope your butt and hips weren’t bruised or sore. 

I didn’t get the job at one place. My gym buddy who knows the owner told me they hired someone else. Shows to go ya when people say they have connections or a favor owed it’s typical North Shore “talk” but I’m not mad or feeling bad about it. I will keep trying. 

George also doesn’t like snow, slush, or temps too cold or hot. He’s v small and thin though so feels it more and he is obsessed with his grooming and clothes as well.

I was reminded today off hand conversationally of something touching and weird. My stepfather’s grandma was dying. She was 100 and in a high end nursing home and two days before she died she asked to see George my dog (he had visited the nursing home and would lie on her bed next to her and then when leaving visit with the other people in the home) her last words after being lucid and asking for George were talking about seeing her own mother in the room in the corner. 

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  On 11/13/2019 at 2:49 AM, Snaporaz said:

I feel like I'm being cheated out of my beloved autumn.  It's too early to be this freaking cold.  


Yes, snap, that's exactly it!

We don't normally have much if any snow in November in TO--poor Jewel, in Montreal, gets much more of it.

It makes everyday life difficult, and it's dirty, contrary to people's [that is, people who don't live with snow] illusions about sky sediment. Your clothes, boots, shoes, hallway floors, all keep this cruddy coating of snow and road salt. Not to mention the sheer filth that is our cars all winter.

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  On 11/13/2019 at 2:00 PM, Cupid Stunt said:





Seriously?   THE PLAGUE is back?????


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So I was rolling silverware in my spot in storage/sauce prep kitchen I always do it at the end of my shift and one of the cooks came up to me distressed and said “what is wrong mi amor ... you’re only on the schedule 3 shifts next week.” (I’m full time)  I guess the hints from the nice lady manager/my biggest fan are escalating. 

Besides the cooks; some of the servers were unsettled and upset by this too. I’ll have to apply a few places tomorrow or Saturday and hope one of them hires me immediately. Not wonderful news, I had high hopes of this place and a lot of customer compliments, a few even reached out to the owner. 

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  • The Quiet Room -- At the end of an inconspicuous hallway and strategically placed far from the controlled chaos of the trauma room lies a dimly lit waiting area that we in the medical field call “the quiet room.” It is a bland spot; a few soft chairs surround a table that holds a box of crisp institutional tissues. There may be a picture or two on the wall, but generally it is an unassuming room where we physicians tell mothers about the deaths of their children, far too often because of firearm violence. As we make our way to this room, we recite a careful script; we use words intended to ease this painful first-and-only meeting. The reality is that over the years, we have found that there is no good way to tell a mother that her child has died, especially when the unexpected death might have been avoidable.



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  On 11/15/2019 at 4:18 AM, Petunia13 said:

So I was rolling silverware in my spot in storage/sauce prep kitchen I always do it at the end of my shift and one of the cooks came up to me distressed and said “what is wrong mi amor ... you’re only on the schedule 3 shifts next week.” (I’m full time)  I guess the hints from the nice lady manager/my biggest fan are escalating. 

Besides the cooks; some of the servers were unsettled and upset by this too. I’ll have to apply a few places tomorrow or Saturday and hope one of them hires me immediately. Not wonderful news, I had high hopes of this place and a lot of customer compliments, a few even reached out to the owner. 



It sounds like the rest of the crew is worried if you're not there to take the heat from the "nice lady manager," she'll start dulling her knives on one of them.

Put your attention on to something positive. Keep looking for other work. Let George snuggle the bad feelz away.

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  • After Deadspin -- With the media industry in decline, we can only expect more of the same from the chuckleheads in the corporate class.


  • A week after CEO Reed Hastings said Netflix was in the entertainment business, not the “truth to power business,” another exec takes a stab at it. Tldr: It’s still going to get censored. -- Netflix says it speaks truth to power, after all -- Pick a lane, Reed.


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Ooo Wee Baby, don't let your dog bite me ...


  • Let's save the food -- Food is being wasted at an alarming rate. And we - consumers - are the largest source of it. More than grocery stores and restaurants combined. But there's good news: we can do something about it. Everything we need is right here (and in our fridges).


The theme song of juvenile delinquency … distortion turned up to infinity.

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Police fire tear gas at Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) in Hong Kong, November 18, 2019. REUTERS -- Athit Perawongmetha

  • The Disappearance of John M. Ford -- I wanted to learn why a beloved science fiction writer fell into obscurity after his death. I didn’t expect that I would help bring his books back to life.


  • Two more examples of falling up the ladder -- Jenna Bush Hager Defends Kim Kardashian's Criminal Justice Work After Today Interview -- Kim is "beginning a four-year apprenticeship with a law firm in San Francisco, with the goal of taking the bar in 2022." And Jenna has a job in TV journalism with missives like, “PPS: She’s using her voice for good and looks great,” Bush Hager added. “In the words of my grandma Barbara Bush: if you don’t have anything nice to say, find another insta page. Ha. I was so impressed by her work.” … That's qualification enough for a law license in California.
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It’s a fine line between fail and self-deprecating win.



"Goin' away to a world unknown ..."

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  On 11/20/2019 at 2:16 AM, Petunia13 said:

So earlier this evening I got hired at that restaurant I mentioned and I start training tomorrow night. 


That's how you do it PETUNIA!

Fantastic news for you!

Have you quit at the place with the "nice lady manager" or are you waiting until your training is completed?

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I’ll quit after I finish my training. This place is supposed to be busy. It’s pretty large and very expensive. Hope I make a lot of money. There’s some good restaurants in Chicago and the area near that do very well, is kinda a dining out “eater” city, like NY. My gym buddy’s bf or ex bf is one of the bartenders there that’s how she told me to apply there even though she wasn’t sure they were hiring. She said he as a bartender makes a LOT on Saturdays doing doubles (she told me the amount which is more that many people’s entire week normal job paychecks, granted bartenders especially men ones make more than dining room servers) and that weekends most people are scheduled on doubles. The owner was clear to me he wanted open availability and me to be fine w doubles, which I worked and like it obviously is more money and then you hammer out your hours in chunks and have sometimes 3-4 days off which George would like. The owner is a perfectionist and very stern and serious which makes me nervous, but whatever. The other manager I actually think is his son (didn’t ask) though they have no physical resemblance whatsoever... they have similar names and the owner seemed to take his opinions and words very reverentially. 

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  • Welcome to Uncanny Valley! Bring Money! -- Cats’ new trailer is here. It’s very Cats. -- When the dawn comes, the new Cats trailer will be a memory, too, and a new day will begin … And now I have that stupid song on earworm.
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  On 11/20/2019 at 2:59 AM, Petunia13 said:

I’ll quit after I finish my training. This place is supposed to be busy. It’s pretty large and very expensive. Hope I make a lot of money. There’s some good restaurants in Chicago and the area near that do very well, is kinda a dining out “eater” city, like NY. My gym buddy’s bf or ex bf is one of the bartenders there that’s how she told me to apply there even though she wasn’t sure they were hiring. She said he as a bartender makes a LOT on Saturdays doing doubles (she told me the amount which is more that many people’s entire week normal job paychecks, granted bartenders especially men ones make more than dining room servers) and that weekends most people are scheduled on doubles. The owner was clear to me he wanted open availability and me to be fine w doubles, which I worked and like it obviously is more money and then you hammer out your hours in chunks and have sometimes 3-4 days off which George would like. The owner is a perfectionist and very stern and serious which makes me nervous, but whatever. The other manager I actually think is his son (didn’t ask) though they have no physical resemblance whatsoever... they have similar names and the owner seemed to take his opinions and words very reverentially. 


Chicago is a great food city! I've gained weight every time I visited.

I don't care where you go, every restaurant has their signature style for presentation and service, and you'll be fine with your training and the new owner. Ask questions, practice and make their serving style second nature. Mistakes in a new situation are inevitable, just do your best … I know you will.

Have a good training session tonight.

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Congratulations, @Petunia13!  Think of the $$$$ you'll make working all of those holiday parties in a few weeks! 

You shouldn't worry about the stern serious perfectionist owner.  I usually find people like that to be easier to work for.  They may have high standards, but they make it very clear what those standards are and what they expect of you.  Plus, they tend not to play mind-fuck games.  Do you have a plan in place to make sure George doesn't mind those double shifts too much?

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I don’t think I’ll be making as much as it’s gassed up. For one thing they don’t actually get cashed out every night they get their tips on paychecks. As a server it’s an immense draw to go home w cash every night. Changing jobs where I literally have no money right now to a place where I’ll get my first income in a week or two from now is not gonna work. Also I got weird vibes when I worked last night. I also saw 3 female employees: a salad maker in the back and two of the bussers. The owner just sits and stares at the servers or walks around looking at them. I didn’t get a good read on how much the waiter I was shadowing made but even if it was $200 for dinner he’s taxed on all of it and has to wait a week or two and taxed on that amount probably before tip out. 

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  • The Life of LaMelo -- The youngest Ball brother and potential 2020 top NBA pick has taken his show to Australia, but even half a world away, the spotlight and the weight of his name are inescapable.
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Woman Who Went Topless In Own Home Could Be Labeled A Sex Offender

  On 11/22/2019 at 8:07 PM, jpagan05 said:

It's almost 2020. Can you believe this shit?


Isn't the national pastime monitoring female attire and fuckability Sell-By-Date while stringently legislating their dangerous personal and sexual autonomy into an ever smaller container in order to protect man-kind and little children no one gives a tinker's dam about?


A psychologist claims that learning “untranslatable words” from other cultures may be a key to being happy. I experimented on myself to see whether it’s true.

  On 11/23/2019 at 9:24 AM, bannana said:



And more words, Bannana. 

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  On 11/23/2019 at 8:36 PM, jpagan05 said:

Yep, we've been discussing that in the Real to Reel thread. You'd have thought if they were going to divorce it would have been when he started seeing all that prime time dough.

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I still miss @valleycliffe. ❤️ You were loved by so many and I hope you are okay . 

Not that it matters but I was fired my new job Sunday. They got to calling my previous one after I was hired and training and the lady manager gave him an earful of bullshit on me. They actually fired me simultaneously, the first by phone and second when I walked in the door and when I asked he told me why in cagey phrasing. I tried to prevail upon reason but was shut down. I might be the only person I know who was fired 2 jobs in one afternoon.

  On 11/26/2019 at 4:13 AM, Petunia13 said:

I still miss @valleycliffe. ❤️ You were loved by so many and I hope you are okay . 

Not that it matters but I was fired my new job Sunday. They got to calling my previous one after I was hired and training and the lady manager gave him an earful of bullshit on me. They actually fired me simultaneously, the first by phone and second when I walked in the door and when I asked he told me why in cagey phrasing. I tried to prevail upon reason but was shut down. I might be the only person I know who was fired 2 jobs in one afternoon.


Petunia13, that is just terrible, just terrible, I'm so sorry.

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It’s okay. I was upset today cuz I am and was screwed. I’m applying jobs not listing my last employer and most places already hired for holidays. I was surprised how petty she was I mean she got what she wanted me to leave but had to poison the well elsewhere (and it was a v high paying job). I’m embarrassed to say it I told one poster I’m close to privately right after.  

I was called and fired from the place I last worked and planned to quit from the husband of the mean lady manager. I worked there the night before and she was drinking on the job and kiki-ing up a storm partying. The bartenders refused to make my customers drinks and laughed while she laughed. I didn’t really react since I knew I had another job. He called and fired me the next day saying I’m not working out or on their level and stammering I said okay bye. Went to my new job and he said he had to respect their opinions and it was shared in “friendship” I told him I have no job now and was excited for and counting on working there, he didn’t give a shit. The way it was almost coordinated and how happy she was and new dude’s comments I know. A true petty bitch who’s main issue was I’m skinny,  like really Sis? I didn’t choose the way I look and her husband hired me seeing me. And new boss ain’t shit for firing me on hearsay and letting me get dressed up, study menu, and drive out there. 

Thanksgiving is turning out to be a mess for much of the US:


  • If you make it home for Thanksgiving: How do you win every argument with your family? Watch football or stupid Christmas movies, compile a list of neutral subjects and amusing anecdotes, then change the subject. 



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  On 11/24/2019 at 4:35 PM, pearlite said:

And now you make it possible for me to admit that we've got backyard rats too, And squirrels, and raccoons, and then that possum. Keep in mind this is downtown TO--close to the lake but also close to a trendy retail street with a ton of restaurants.


Technically, it was an opossum


but thank you - I had one in my backyard this summer and couldn't figure out what it was (thought maybe deformed rat). Seems it is making the rounds of the neighbourhood.

Could I also send you the very fat (probably pregnant) racoon? I am tired of it peeing and pooping on my car in the garage 😼

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  On 11/27/2019 at 11:33 AM, luv2lurk said:

Technically, it was an opossum


but thank you - I had one in my backyard this summer and couldn't figure out what it was (thought maybe deformed rat). Seems it is making the rounds of the neighbourhood.

Could I also send you the very fat (probably pregnant) racoon? I am tired of it peeing and pooping on my car in the garage 😼


Umm, you really want to send a raccoon to Toronto? We're the downtown trash panda capitol of North America, some say. There's even a documentary about Toronto's raccoons...

I did have to have my entire roof rebuilt after years of their frolicking, scratching, mating, and gaining entry into crawlspaces. You haven't lived until you've seen a creepy little black paw reach through a hole in the wall, I tell you,

And raccoon poop is even viler than whatever regular critter poop might be.

That opossum freaked me right out, I looked out my kitchen back-door--sheet glass door, and saw a big mottled light-grey back. I thought for a second it might be one of the neighbour's cats of a similar colour. Then I saw the giant bare tail.

So much for the backyard menagerie--PearliteLite at one point started naming the rats. They all got the same name--Berdesz Volga. She decided they were East European. Don't ask.

And speaking of PlL, she came back from school with this one: https://www.blogto.com/city/2019/11/someone-going-around-throwing-feces-students-toronto-universities/

But thanks for allowing me to try to cheer myself up. I found out yesterday evening that one of my sisters [18 or so years older] had a massive stroke yesterday and isn't expected to come out of it. In the last two years, I've lost one other sister and a sister in law.

So you all do help me a lot sometimes.

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Lord our God, hear our prayers for Your servant, Pearlite's sister, In times of distress we have no other help but You. Have mercy on Pearlite's sister, and protect her family. We submit to Your will and pray that You to be merciful. You are the Physician of our souls and bodies, and to You do we pray for Your eternal grace: to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Both now and forever, and to the ages of ages. Amen.

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