thewhiteowl November 29, 2015 Share November 29, 2015 No description available yet Link to comment
Xantar December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 Well, at least we didn't have a patient attempting to walk out with a severe spinal injury. Or a broken leg. Or with objects embedded in him. Heck, the patients were actually not too spectacularly stupid this time. That mother is going to have some serious criminal charges to deal with, though. And it seemed like the specialist doctors actually showed up when they were needed for something! Link to comment
Netfoot December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 Can a relatively light blow to the chest precipitate a heart attack? Is Mario supposed to be all redeemed now? Or is it only a matter of time before he screws up again, and blames Angus? I just knew from the start, that the wife was involved with the stabbing. I thought she might have done it herself. Leanne needs to stop peeping out from under her artfully draped locks. Now, why would she kiss that self-important blowhard? 3 Link to comment
mrsdalgliesh December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 ::: insert usual disclaimer acknowledging that I know the show must be taking ridiculous liberties with actual medical procedures::: Love this episode. They certainly gave us several things we've been wanting, like a little self-awareness from Mario and some movement forward in the father-son physician relationship as well as Rorsh actually making a mistake. Of course we're glad it wasn't a mistake on Mama. I'm so gone over Neil, as I have been since Raza was on MI-5/Spooks, that I'd probably faint from that mere fist bump. :-) But now, based on the preview next week, they seem to be diving in to extremely treacherous territory with both the major accident trauma trope AND the doctor taken hostage trope in the same episode. There's no way they're going to get through that intact. 5 Link to comment
TOWTooMuchTV December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 (edited) I thought Mario was going to get fired this week, or at least suspended. It seemed like they were going for the twist with him actually picking up on the sign that Angus missed instead of the usual reverse, then he would get in major trouble for the first time over doing something good (going to find the kid). Was not happy with the kiss at the end. Sure, live, Leanne, but him? Not what she needs. Hair trigger temper and full of himself. I was wondering briefly if she would turn out to be secretly in love with Jesse, but glad they didn't go there. That's one great friendship. Sad to see a setback for the one couple I do want to get together (Neil and Krista), but good way to show the trouble with attending-resident relationships...still hopeful for those two, though! Edited December 3, 2015 by TOWTooMuchTV 2 Link to comment
BamaGirl December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 Great episode, seemed like it flew by. I think it was a fairly accurate portrayal of SOME of the things that can happen during a massive heart attack, but I'm betting Jesse's recovery will be nothing like real life, where you have months off work... All the threats to Mario ("get back here right now!"), yes it was building up to a big punishment, and then....nothing. I was worried for him, then kind of let down when NOTHING was done. I mean, you can reprimand someone without firing them. I LIKED the kiss at the end! I was quite surprised by it, but I thought it was a cool thing for her to do. I was expecting her to say, "Do you still want to get some breakfast/lunch/dinner? How about now?" I was not expecting such a gutsy move. But good for her! Like everyone else is telling her, she needs to LIVE. And that man is dead sexy. (long time lurker, first time poster) 6 Link to comment
wineaux December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 Yeah, unless that kiss is gonna help soften up that fool and bring him down off his high horse, I'm not a fan of the kiss either. I really, really hope the writers grow that relationship very, very slowly...and then detour it. With that said, I hope that Leanne and his dad can reach him in some soften his demeanor and make him more empathetic. That's the only benefit that I can see with pairing Leanne with Cole. 3 Link to comment
Dowel Jones December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 Can a relatively light blow to the chest precipitate a heart attack? I thought the actual problem was an existing blockage in one of his heart arteries, which then stopped the blood flow, necessitating the placement of the balloon to open it back up. As pointed out above, that's not something that gets signed off the next day. I really thought that the show was going to use that scene as a cliffhanger, and Mama would be suspended in asystole until next episode. If they had killed him, that would be it for me. That ER has one hella huge staff, though, judging from the recovery scene. Winner of the night for me was the new chief, who (besides saving Mama) admitted that she knew her position in the hospital might be fractious with the staff, and got Dr. Highhair to address everyone with the pep talk. Loser? Dr. Highhair, for letting Mario get away with it AGAIN. Just because he invoked Jesse's name. I'm glad to see that the show is bringing up the backstory of Cole's anger, so the previous ER scene would not be an anomaly. He needs some help and his father sees right through it. Who could do any serious work in that ER with a peanut gallery shouting at you at every move?? 1 Link to comment
Happy Harpy December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 (edited) I loooved it. Jesse is okay, phew! And great as always. Loved all the relationships. Jesse/Leanne, Neal/Leanne friendships...I'm so glad they're clearly established as platonic, and that Neal used the term "sibling". Those scenes were so great, having each other's back, counseling each other. I love Leanne, but often I felt something unattainable in the character (for lack of a better word) and I sympathized but there was something holding me on. This time, I did relate to her and she felt "here" to me, maybe for the first time. Since it coincides with the episode when Leanne finally decided to live, I wonder if MGH is that good of an actress, and managed to convey all this time that her character was "apart" from the living crowd. If so, wow. I liked her kissing Cole. He's far from perfect, but so far his temper manifested because he was desperate to help his patients/identifying with them/wanting to advocate for them. I don't excuse it, but the place where it comes from makes me not hate him. I looooove his father, almost as much as Neal, and I was glad that he could say his piece. I liked that Malaya was more assertive and held her ground. Neal onscreen. Me: *heart-eyes*. I hate inspirational speeches, such a cliché, and yet I loved his. It helped that the show lampshaded it. It was understated, without any trace of self-importance, and yet exactly what needed to be said. Good is not dumb, good is not a doormat, good isn't perfect but is damn close to it, if you ask me. Neal is so poised and soft-spoken that he could seem too nice, but he isn't. I like that he was miffed about Mario ignoring his orders, for example, and how Leanne had to remind him his own words -he has an ego, even though it isn't misplaced and doesn't make him an egotist. I loved Mario's "oh, crap" expression when he called him "Man" and Neal's "All right" -after Mario dropped the attitude and after he was certain that Mario really wanted to do the right thing and not defy him. I really like their teacher/disciple relationship, too. By the way, I don't think that Mario is entirely redeemed, he's just starting. But imo it was made in a believable way because 1) drugs is established as the field where he certainly knows more than Angus and 2) he was established as being good/involved with his patients -especially, I think, when there's a child/parents thing involved. So I thought it was in character for him and it allowed me to accept it. I still want him to apologize to Angus at one point, I'm certain he will fall off the wagon of resident solidarity because you don't erase 20 and so years of behavior with a magical wand, but I think he might get there. Same, it was imo in character for Christa to accept to help him of all people when he mentioned the child. Which leads me to my lovelies Neal and Christa. Ouch, it hurts. I understand that Neal didn't take so well that she "lied" to him, and I kind of liked it because it makes him human and not too perfect. But I hope they'll have a conversation about it soon, and by soon I mean "next episode", clear the air, and go back to intense stares and more if possible. I used the brackets because from the moment she said "as an attending or as a friend" he knew she was lying. Only thing I didn't like: the new director. I liked that the show lampshaded how her helping with Jesse was supposed to make Leanne/the audience like her. But yep, it didn't work, I don't like her better than last week. Actually, I have exactly the same issues. I don't utterly hate her. But things like calling herself a "Queen", even in a reference to GoT, rub me the wrong way. I miss Dr.Taylor and I want him back. Edited December 3, 2015 by Happy Harpy 2 Link to comment
rhys December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 Dr Highhair! That's terrific. Bravo/a. Why is Dr Taylor gone? Jesse was down for about 30 minutes. If he needed CPR, wouldn't he have been dead? 1 Link to comment
Ohwell December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 "Dr. Highhair." Love it! He does have a rather unique haircut. I knew they wouldn't kill Mama off. I don't know what to make of The Kiss yet. I'll wait and see what develops from it before I pass judgement. I don't find him sexy so I don't really care. I'm tired of Mario. I don't care about his backstory, that he had it tough, yada yada yada. I don't care that he went to look for the kid. He is unprofessional and untrustworthy, and he put his colleagues in a potentially career-threatening position and I'm sorry they went along with his lies. I want him gone. I was especially sorry that Christa lied to Neal's face. Now I'm beginning to think she has a thing for Mario, not Neal. On a shallow note, Cole's doctor dad needs to stop with the black hair dye. I like the actor and I think he's nice-looking, but I think he'd look better and much more natural if he just let the gray come out. Just let the silver fox come out. 5 Link to comment
Shannon L. December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 Why is Dr Taylor gone? He was suspended for allowing a patient's son to follow him around the ER. I asked last week and I'll ask again: Where are they going with Mario? I'm getting whiplash watching his story: he's good, he's bad, he's good, he's bad. I like the actor, so I really want to like the character, but the writers need to start somewhere and gradually work their way to redeeming him. That kiss---ugh. Sorry, his temper and ego make Cole unappealing to me. Love the relationship between Jesse and Leanne. 2 Link to comment
twoods December 3, 2015 Share December 3, 2015 I liked seeing the surgical resident again, this time on her card surgery rotation. I see that she's in the previews for next week. I like that she's a kick ass surgeon, and maybe she will be there as a love interest for Mario? I saw their death stares at eachother when they were vying to put in a femoral line. I buy the kiss- Leanne is living a little. Even Cole seemed shocked by it. I don't mind his temper because they are writing how it's not a good thing. Probably how he lost his last job. I wanted to yell at that self absorbed wife, too. That pageant mom was a piece of work. That poor girl having to live with a mom like that. Next week's episode looks intense. 1 Link to comment
Shannon L. December 4, 2015 Share December 4, 2015 Forgot to mention, that I'm glad that Cole's father warned him about his temper, not as a father to son, but as a superior to the new surgeon. I also like that Leanne was shown to make a mistake. Good thing the new administrator didn't hear about it. 3 Link to comment
Dowel Jones December 4, 2015 Share December 4, 2015 Jesse was down for about 30 minutes. If he needed CPR, wouldn't he have been dead? In real life, probably, but there is a chance that his heart had continued to beat even after his collapse, however slowly and erratically. Thus, absent some sign of obvious death, CPR would, and should be started until some type of advanced care can be initiated or a decision made. Link to comment
Darian December 4, 2015 Share December 4, 2015 Still loving it. And I still haven't gotten through an episode without tearing up, if not ugly crying like Jesse's impression of Leanne (loved that). I know some of it's overly dramatic and I know some of the medicine is wrong, but they get the feeling right, imo. The collective holding of breath after the adenosine was given--perfect. One of my patients, who was combative when we gave it, heard the doctor call it by a brand name "Adenocard," She paused in trying to beat the heck out of us, said angrily, "Dinner cart?," the monitor showed flat line and she fell straight back onto the bed. She came through fine. Sometimes what medical shows portray that seems overdone or implausible rings true to me. I know the true stuff that happened to me and coworkers sounds made up or exaggerated. I remember the show ER showing things that were almost exactly what my co-workers and I had experienced, then reading how that stuff would never, ever happen in real life.We had to stop telling some of our stories because people assumed we'd stolen them from ER. A bit of that happens with this show, too. 4 Link to comment
Ely December 4, 2015 Share December 4, 2015 Loved this ep. Again. It's so unusual for me to like every character of the cast but I do. I just can't help it. Even Malaya, who is sometimes irritating - is not downright annoying me. She has amazing eye lashes. I think it was a little early to have a health scare among the main characters. I do care for them but timing could've been better. Maybe in season 2 or so. I'm also fine with Mario getting away with his little trip. Daddy made a good point when she said that Mario already shows a lot of growing. Although it could've been better explained why he did go to such lengths, it seemed a bit contrived to me. Timing was again a problem when he explained he did it for Jesse. It's a case of telling instead of showing. I will believe that everyone loves Jesse but I've not seen enough bonding between him and each character to really relate. So, this would've been better in a future season. It was also refreshing for Angus missing a point for once. He's usually the one who's more misunderstood than wrong. Btw, in earlier eps he would've never heard the end of it from Mario so that was a nice little development as well. Really liked Christa in this one. It was - ITA - very in-character for her to immediately agree to cover for Mario and in this sense, she took the lead. Now, when it comes to Neal: He has no right to give her that disappointed look. That's exactly the problem with a relationship through hierarchies. Christa had to choose between her teammates and her boss-friend. She was gonna piss off someone, no matter which side she would've chosen. There's just no winning for her. I hope Neal gets over it and doesn't take it as personal as it seemed he did. 1 Link to comment
Ohwell December 4, 2015 Share December 4, 2015 It's not a good idea to flat-out lie to your boss. I still think Crista and the others were wrong. Link to comment
Netfoot December 4, 2015 Share December 4, 2015 (edited) Especially since there is a legitimate way for such things to be handled. No need to lie to your boss and skive off the job. Just let the cops handle it. Edited December 4, 2015 by Netfoot Link to comment
Happy Harpy December 4, 2015 Share December 4, 2015 It's not a good idea to flat-out lie to your boss. I still think Crista and the others were wrong. I agree that it isn't a good idea to lie to your boss, but for me it isn't a good idea either to let your coworkers down, especially considering why Mario needed some cover. As for Christa, she didn't flat-out lie. I actually like very much how she reacted, because she was between a rock and a hard place and imo she found a good way out. She didn't rat Mario out, but she didn't abuse Neal's trust when he came to her for confirmation -because if she had said "Mario is in the building" I think he would have believed her in spite of Angus' inability to lie convincingly (I like that Angus can't lie, not a dig). Instead, she deflected by presenting her side of the issue: she would have lied to an attending because solidarity, but she didn't want to lie to him in particular because of their "friendship". Actually, even "I don't know where Mario is" was the truth, and betraying no one. That's why I hope it will be discussed between them, since I find this conflict believable, even though I want it done as fast as you can say "breakfast". The ratings went up, yeah! *crossing fingers*. The viewership is actually good, why oh why doesn't it count. Sigh. 2 Link to comment
Ohwell December 4, 2015 Share December 4, 2015 Mario didn't need any cover; he didn't need to go get the child because that was going to be handled by child services and/or the cops. Neal asked her point blank if she knew where Mario was but she knew that he meant if she knew if Mario was in the hospital or not. So while "I don't know where Mario is" was technically true, she knew that he wasn't in the hospital and had gone to get the kid. Bottom line is, tapdancing around a lie will get you the side-eye and makes it hard for the person to trust you; it's best to just own up to it. Most us us have experienced both sides of that coin. Link to comment
twoods December 5, 2015 Share December 5, 2015 I'm on Crista's side. You stick up for your fellow residents and always have their back- it's an unwritten rule. I'm sure Neal knew where Mario was and asked Crista since they are friends (and eye sexing). It's nice to see how it's hard to be friends with your boss, and how no matter what you always have your fellow resident's back. That said, the police should have been out to the bus stop a long time ago- it is not the responsibility of the paramedics! I wish we got a follow up to that crazy guy who was high and attacked the EMS- I would have liked to see his ass handcuffed. 3 Link to comment
Ohwell December 5, 2015 Share December 5, 2015 You stick up for your fellow residents and always have their back- it's an unwritten rule. Speaking as a would-be patient, that thought is scary as shit. Even if they fuck up, y'all stick together. Link to comment
twoods December 5, 2015 Share December 5, 2015 Speaking as a would-be patient, that thought is scary as shit. Even if they fuck up, y'all stick together. Mario wasn't affecting anyone's health. If it's someone's health, there is usually a check and balance system with intern, resident, attending so not many mistakes are made. If someone makes a mistake they are usually called on it. You likely will be in good hands, unless the doctors that take care of you are bad (I joke...sort of). 2 Link to comment
Ohwell December 5, 2015 Share December 5, 2015 (edited) Well that's good to know. I try to stay healthy as I can though, just in case. : ) Edited December 5, 2015 by Ohwell 2 Link to comment
crowsworks December 6, 2015 Share December 6, 2015 I wonder if Momma had other commitments and needed a couple weeks off. 1 Link to comment
candall December 9, 2015 Share December 9, 2015 I had eight episodes of this eating up my DVR space and decided to check it out on Saturday. Hello, binge! ACK!! What a good show. I've been a Grey's fan since the beginning and it suddenly feels like twaddle. I think Dr. Taylor/Kevin Dunn is probably due for filming on Veep, which makes me happy because he's a valuable asset to that show, too. I liked that they switched him out with a similar character because usually shows throw in the polar opposite to game some new dynamics with the cast. Man, these people are under enough stress with the constant equipment shortages that they don't need an inflexible tyrant with a clipboard arc. Plus, New Person seems competent and that's always a bonus for a temp. Agree, Dr. Rorish could have chosen a softer place to land than Dr. Anger Issues. Link to comment
Noirprncess December 9, 2015 Share December 9, 2015 Mama didn't die! . Yay!!!! Mario is my least favorite one but he did a nice thing this week. Neal..... Yes please Link to comment
needschocolate December 31, 2015 Share December 31, 2015 Still catching up - one more episode to go (not sure if that is a good thing or a bad one). While going after the kid was very nice of Mario, asking his workmates to lie for him, risking their jobs, was not. I really wish Angus would have said, "You got obnoxious when I suggested a test then took credit for it when it turned out I was right and you ordered drugs for yourself using my name/number. And those are just the first two things that came to mind. You haven't done anything that would make me think you considered us friends. I won't tattle on you, and I will try to avoid answering, but I am not going to lie for you either." Link to comment
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