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Basketball Wives LA - General Discussion

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Jennifer was awfully messy. There is no way around that. But, I feel like the finale gave Shaunie, Evelyn, and Tami a pass on their messiness. It feels like they all refuse to acknowledge just how awful they were to Jennifer in her last season of Miami. 

The things that Shaunie said that Jennifer said were the kind of things that someone would say about someone who had a falling out with a friend. Jennifer saying that Shaniece was writing out the checks for the bills because her mom was out running the streets, just sounds like the true life of a kid who grew up with a teenage mom. There is nothing terrible about that because it is simply what happens. 

The stuff that Jennifer told Malaysia is completely different. She had no business talking about Shaniece and whether or not she was having underage sex, she certainly had no business calling someone she's known since she was 6 a build-a-whore. Especially, with the intent that it would somehow make it on the show. That is beyond the line. No matter what kind of falling out she and Evelyn had, Shaniece should have been off limits. 

But the thing is how all of this came out. Jennifer talking shit about Evelyn as a parent makes sense. And even if Jennifer had the intention of having Evelyn's parenting brought out on the show, it would be petty, but again consider that Evelyn and Shaunie brought a non-cast member onto the show to physically attack Jennifer since they knew there would be legal ramifications if Evelyn had done so. That is a lowdown and planned assault. So, I could see how that would burn Jen up to the point that she would want to hurt Evelyn. But, once they made up and said everything they said about each other was in the past, Tami should have kept her mouth shut. 

I'm about to dive into the reunion, but before that one thing has been bugging me about Kristen's bid for relevance by throwing CeCe under the bus: She said that they live just down the street from Byron and CeCe and they've never been over to see her daughter. If that is the case, why hasn't Kristen or Byron's son ever taken her to see them? Since Byron is related to their daughter by blood, why have never gone directly to him to say "what's up?" why is it up to CeCe to answer for something like that and not Byron? Kristen just seems like a shady opportunist to me. 

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38 minutes ago, MatildaMoody said:


I'm about to dive into the reunion, but before that one thing has been bugging me about Kristen's bid for relevance by throwing CeCe under the bus: She said that they live just down the street from Byron and CeCe and they've never been over to see her daughter. If that is the case, why hasn't Kristen or Byron's son ever taken her to see them? Since Byron is related to their daughter by blood, why have never gone directly to him to say "what's up?" why is it up to CeCe to answer for something like that and not Byron? Kristen just seems like a shady opportunist to me. 

CeCe got caught being a lying liar that lies at the end of that reunion she kept blaming Byron saying he wanted her to tell them that he didn't want anything to do with them when it comes out that he didn't tell her to say anything she is the one that took it on herself (Girl if you aint married to the man and they aint your children dont start relaying messages ) and didn't own that and for CeCe throwing Kristin under the bus saying that Kristin never said it was a joke the whole happy ending thing ...girl pulled a real housewives move and whipped out the printed text messages I died :)

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

CeCe got caught being a lying liar that lies at the end of that reunion she kept blaming Byron saying he wanted her to tell them that he didn't want anything to do with them when it comes out that he didn't tell her to say anything she is the one that took it on herself (Girl if you aint married to the man and they aint your children dont start relaying messages ) and didn't own that and for CeCe throwing Kristin under the bus saying that Kristin never said it was a joke the whole happy ending thing ...girl pulled a real housewives move and whipped out the printed text messages I died :)



I haven't gotten there yet. But, it still doesn't explain why Kristen didn't just go straight to Byron when she felt some type of way about him not seeing his granddaughter. It seems to me if that hurt her as much as she claimed, she or her husband would have said something to him CeCe or no CeCe. Because if I felt like my in-laws weren't making an effort to see their grandchildren, I would go straight to the source to find out what is going on. Unless they address that too and I just haven't gotten to that part. 


Edited: I have the reunion on pause because my connection is slow, but I have to ask about the bold part above. If Kristen told her it was a joke, why was she so adamant about CeCe confronting Jen and Ev about it? Why did she then get mad that CeCe wasn't standing up for herself about that whole thing, if she said from the beginning that it was a joke? I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs waiting for my internet to catch up so I have to know what the reason for the shit stirring was to begin with if she made it clear it was a joke.

Edited by MatildaMoody
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On 9/17/2018 at 5:44 PM, MatildaMoody said:



Edited: I have the reunion on pause because my connection is slow, but I have to ask about the bold part above. If Kristen told her it was a joke, why was she so adamant about CeCe confronting Jen and Ev about it? Why did she then get mad that CeCe wasn't standing up for herself about that whole thing, if she said from the beginning that it was a joke? I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs waiting for my internet to catch up so I have to know what the reason for the shit stirring was to begin with if she made it clear it was a joke.

Because CeCe was going off on how they are just a bunch of women who do nothing (which is a lie just because they dont have the same 9-5 she does doesn't mean their work is any less stressful or valid) she was talking shit behind their back the same way she was accusing them of talking about her so Kristin was saying say it to them let them know how you feel dont talk about them behind their back dont be a hypocrite basically 

On 9/13/2018 at 11:53 PM, phoenix780 said:

Wow. I watch embarrassing amounts of reality TV and that was...surprising. Fascinating, though. Felt real, too.

Did Jennifer ever deny saying anything in general? It seemed to me like she never answered the "did you say anything" question, like she only denied specifics. She's a terrible liar. 

Jennifer didn't even answer the sae question that was posed over and over

Evelyn: Did you say stuff about my daughter

Jennifer: I love your daughter

I read on Twitter that this show will be announced March or April. There was an article on Deadline a few months back saying that Shed Media had been tired and they were looking for a new production team to take the show in a new direction. As a result I’ve been curious about the new season, but not much has leaked in terms of what to expect. 

From what I’ve seen on Twitter it looks like the cast is mostly the same, including CeCe, Kristen and OG returning. There are rumors of Jen filming (which I can’t imagine the purpose of) and also Tami has filmed but of course we don’t know the extent. I will say I’m happy if all three newbies return, hopefully in full time roles. Last season was the first in years where they had a solid cast and storylines the entire season. Usually they start with a random cast, dump the newbies mid season and start fresh which is tiresome. Consistency in the cast makes it easier to be invested. Also having the newbies connected to Malaysia in a real way gives it a more housewives feel which I like. 

I had no idea this show was coming back on. I couldn't follow some of the drama, because I don't remember what happened last season. There was a lot of runtelldat &/or kissing Shaunie's ass. Meh.

I usually love Jennifer's hair/makeup/clothes, but she had a few mis-steps this episode. That silver sequin track suit, no ma'am. & I wasn't thrilled w/ the long braid in her talking head.

Basically I feel like Shaunie's son looked the entire episode--- slightly bored & indifferent. 

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I watched as well. I see they finally gave Shaunie a feud/something to do. She never has anything going on; at least nothing they discuss on camera. Them escorting her out while she yelled at air ... sure Jane.

I'm amazed that the show think Tami's popularity warrants her making a cameo appearance at every event. Either show up fight and earn ya check or move on from the show LOL.  I'm also going to need her to stop wearing these Grandma Doctor's Appointment wigs

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Oh my goodness I can not stand Kristin (?? I think that's her name?)  Based on the shit she pulled last season and now this season, I think she never really liked CiCi, but played nice because of her husband and his dad.  I also think she convinced CiCi to be on the show, but told the producers she had beef she wanted to air, which is why CiCi always looks blindsided.  Lots of theories going on here, but I've thought this since last season.  I was also eye-rolling her when she said Byron has never had an issue with her.  So does she not think calling him a dead-beat grandfather on national ( for the 9 of us watching) TV was a problem?!?!  There's just something about her that comes across as uber-fake, which is not unusual for ladies in this group.  Especially the way she just had to tell Shaunie at her "my son's recovering from heart surgery" party the shit that Jennifer said, but prefaced with an "I'm trying so hard to squeeze out tears because what she said was so fucked up" face.  I see you girl, and it's not a good look.

Aw Doug is so sweet bringing Jackie flowers.  #freedougchristie!

So Tami get's that dressed up to show up to a party for less than 5 minutes?  Okay.  At least she's doing the minimum to fulfill her contract obligations.  

Why did Jennifer show up at the party looking smug?

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I enjoyed the premiere but have some problems. The past few seasons it's usually the main cast, a couple newbies then midseason they dump those failed newbies and introduce additional newbies. I felt like last season was the first in a long time where they introduced newbies that actually fit and they stayed all season. I'm happy Cece, OG and Kristen all returned, but I don't think they needed Tami who clearly doesn't want to be there. I also was stunned that Jennifer returned considering how she ended things, but I guess I can understand due to the potential drama. I'm still stunned she's back though.

Cece was my favorite of the newbies last year. She felt real and was a nice person and actually had her own business and money which was nice. I feel the ladies were hard on her, but she held her own in her own way. Kristen constantly threw her under the bus (obviously to social climb) so it doesn't surprise me to see her not wanting anything to do with her still. I thought Kristen would be my favorite last season, but she has turned into a messy, vapid mean girl. All in all this story is the most interesting to me, followed by Shaunie, Evelyn and Jennifer's mess. Doesn't look like Jackie or Malaysia have a story so I'm interested in seeing what they do.

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Am I the only one left watching this show?

Tami looks more sickly than usual.

Can't believe Jackie is coming across as the sanest of them all

Evelyn had a point about Jennifer - she said all of these things about Shaq and Evelyn's daughter before her mom passed.

I don't understand what it was that CiCi told OG - was it that Byron is not the biological dad to Kristen's husband? Is this something that wasn't publicly known? I don't understand why this is a taboo subject

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I haven't watched the episode yet, & I don't get why an adoption would be taboo either. But, I feel like we're getting closer to understanding the animosity between father & son & their wives. These articles are brief, the comments are much more thought provoking:

'Basketball Wives' Star Kristen Scott Confirms Thomas Scott Was Adopted + Fires Back at OG


Thomas Scott Biological Father Speaks Out & Shades Byron Scott?


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Jackie is so annoying, she will go-along-to-get-along in the moment and then however many days later, will decide that what someone said made her mad.

Not a fan of Evelyn this year or her Cardi-wanna-B friend but if wanna-B is coming for awful OG, I’m all for it. CeCe comes across like she is desperate to marry Byron, at all costs.

Shareef’s hand was shaking uncontrollably in several shots when he’s helping Shaunie unpack at the new house, is that somehow related to his heart issue?

Tami knows she’s a damn lie — no way in hell did she think bringing all the women together to discuss their issues would bring about peace.

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Trying to catch up on this season.

Tami looks soo good with the short, curly 'do. Visually, I'm tired of wigs & weaves; once you see them, you cannot unsee them.

Wow, Malaysia is the voice of reason. With all the artifice, you expect her to be shallow, but she really facilitated the conversation between Kristen & Cece & London. Basically, Byron Scott created all this drama for some unknown reason & left the women to deal w/ the fallout. 

They're trying to introduce some new girls. Meh. They're alright. At least these new relationships seem organic.

Byron Scott's house looked surprisingly small. Nice, but small. Nothing wrong w/ that, I guess I just expected these harpies to be fighting over more money. His point-of-view is that Kristen has never attempted to bring the grandchild over, but she's accusing him of being uninvolved. Ok... but, never talk to her again in life over that? Petty. He's as much a drama queen as everybody else on this show.

Re: the Jennifer-Evelyn-Shaunie drama. I feel like Evelyn is hating on Jennifer to stay in Shaunie's good graces. Jennifer shut that door tho, didn't she!? Lol. Damn.

Was this really only episode #2?! I'm exhausted.

Edited by NowVoyager

Episode #3. Damn. The show gave short shrift to Kenny Anderson's stroke, didn't they? Blind in one eye, learning how to walk again--- that's some serious shit! Meanwhile, there would be no show w/out any of these women's exes. The "sisterhood" is real weak, shallow & fake. I agree w/ Tami, it was tacky of Shaunie & Jackie to order entrees before she arrived. Even if she was late, just get some drinks & appetizers & have a place setting for her.

Malaysia is sweet & she's a great moderator for all the drama, yet again. She could host the reunion show. Malaysia seems to understand all the details of the show's dramas in a way that escapes me. I like her! (On a shallow note: her glam could be upgraded, last episode she was obviously missing an entire nail & I just find it a lil low budget overall. Do better, show.)

I think Evelyn's CBD cream is a cool idea. (Off topic: my beloved Auntie had a total knee replacement. Very painful recovery. The prescription meds wore off so fast, I was worried about addiction. She found relief w/ CBD cream. She swears by it!)

Awww... Tami's conversation w/ her daughter about smoking. I'm completely sympathetic. It is a real addiction. I think one problem is: if people put pressure on you to quit, it makes it harder to quit. Because people smoke in response to stress, & also habit. It's interesting tho because I don't believe Tami Roman is the only smoker on this or other reality shows, most folks just don't show it on camera. IJS. IMO, the hypnotism was a fail & Tami herself is not yet committed to not smoking. 

Ok. OG's tiny, baby ponytail on the top of her wig tho. Why, Lawd, WHY!? & the baby hairs, too? Fix it Jesus!

Kristen & Cece doing better since the Malaysia intervention. Nice. But is Kristen's cancer walk really the same time of day as Cece's engagement party? Hm. It would be nice if Kristen can be there for Cece going forward w/ finding out about her uterine mass.

I don't get OG's beef w/ Kristen at all. Malaysia? Malaysia! Please translate, even though I kinda don't really care. 

Edited by NowVoyager

I’m coming back to catch up on comments, but I have one comment to make. When I saw O.G. attack Kristen, yet again, I know for sure it is pure envy. How do I know? How can I be so sure? Because I have felt that pure jealousy and envy in me before and can remember it clear as day.

I’m almost 50 years old and I had that jealousy of a girl I’d never even met — in elementary school. I had no reason to dislike this girl at all except her parents dressed her fresh to def to come to school. Mine, uh. She had Gloria Vanderbilt jeans and name brand shoes. She was cute! You hear me?! Cute! Other kids liked her and it steamed me up! That is what I see in O.G. with Kristen. Until O.G. recognizes her envy, even if she never publicly mentions it, she will continue to go at that girl.

Further, until she recognizes that n herself, she’ll continue to treat every girl she feels envy towards the same. It’s a destructive feeling. I can’t even apologize cause I didn’t see her again, and unfortunately, the target of my envy was killed in high school.

I do not envy anymore due to God’s grace. If I even think I’m starting to feel that way, I confront myself and ask why? What’s going on in me? 

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39 minutes ago, announcergirl said:

I’m coming back to catch up on comments, but I have one comment to make. When I saw O.G. attack Kristen, yet again, I know for sure it is pure envy. How do I know? How can I be so sure? Because I have felt that pure jealousy and envy in me before and can remember it clear as day.

I’m almost 50 years old and I had that jealousy of a girl I’d never even met — in elementary school. I had no reason to dislike this girl at all except her parents dressed her fresh to def to come to school. Mine, uh. She had Gloria Vanderbilt jeans and name brand shoes. She was cute! You hear me?! Cute! Other kids liked her and it steamed me up! That is what I see in O.G. with Kristen. Until O.G. recognizes her envy, even if she never publicly mentions it, she will continue to go at that girl.

Further, until she recognizes that n herself, she’ll continue to treat every girl she feels envy towards the same. It’s a destructive feeling. I can’t even apologize cause I didn’t see her again, and unfortunately, the target of my envy was killed in high school.

I do not envy anymore due to God’s grace. If I even think I’m starting to feel that way, I confront myself and ask why? What’s going on in me? 

That is very brave of you to admit. I admire self awareness more than any other personality trait. And may that pretty little girl rest in peace; how sad

I have been envious of other women but I was the opposite - I am the type that will ask a woman I admire to be my friend like we are going steady. I have no shame 😂

Look I hate to be "that guy" but OG is no more loud, impulsive, aggressive and messy than Evelyn or Tami or any other member of the Coven yet no one has ever used those words to put anyone else in check. For them to all sit around clutching their pearls and taken aback by the SAME BEHAVIORS THEY EXHIBIT is beyond comprehension. Tami did the EXACT same thing to Kesha and they all stood around and watched. OG is black with masculine features and they are not feeling it - YEAH I SAID IT

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Thank you very much. Growth is vital. I checked myself and realized what that feeling was. Women are a beautiful thing. The love and support of another woman is divine. Never again. 

NowO.G. That chick is rough!! Very masculine energy. The football stuff doesn’t help, but it makes her no less of a woman than the others. All those women are messy as hell. Petty, loud, obnoxious, aggressive, haughty, violent. Even Ms. Malaysia who is trying to play the peacemaker role. Anyone can play a part. Hey Jackie is playing sane. I don’t necessarily agree with the comment about her darkness. They all range in shade. I think it’s the manliness and the way she tries to intimidate with physical violence, especially considering her stature and career in a physically aggressive sport. It’s like she says on a regular, “Who can take me?” That’s the part—that raw ass threatening demeanor. Yes, the other women were threatening but not intimidating to most. Evelyn needs to sit down before she gets handled. With O.G. it’s totally believable you’d get that mandatory ass whipping. She’s not a cute girl, and her demeanor does not help, and that has nothing to do with her color. This is just an opinion. Some cases it does on some shows. I just am not sure it’s the case here. 

Tami and Evelyn have physically attacked other cast members. I don't think anyone on this show right now or in the past have been a bigger bully than the two of them. Evelyn went after someone with a glass bottle and Tami out right punched Meeka in her face because she felt "disrespected."

32 minutes ago, announcergirl said:

Thank you very much. Growth is vital. I checked myself and realized what that feeling was. Women are a beautiful thing. The love and support of another woman is divine. Never again. 

NowO.G. That chick is rough!! Very masculine energy. The football stuff doesn’t help, but it makes her no less of a woman than the others. All those women are messy as hell. Petty, loud, obnoxious, aggressive, haughty, violent. Even Ms. Malaysia who is trying to play the peacemaker role. Anyone can play a part. Hey Jackie is playing sane. I don’t necessarily agree with the comment about her darkness. They all range in shade. I think it’s the manliness and the way she tries to intimidate with physical violence, especially considering her stature and career in a physically aggressive sport. It’s like she says on a regular, “Who can take me?” That’s the part—that raw ass threatening demeanor. Yes, the other women were threatening but not intimidating to most. Evelyn needs to sit down before she gets handled. With O.G. it’s totally believable you’d get that mandatory ass whipping. She’s not a cute girl, and her demeanor does not help, and that has nothing to do with her color. This is just an opinion. Some cases it does on some shows. I just am not sure it’s the case here. 

There are way too many examples of all these chicks being violent and out of pocket yet O.G. is "manly" and "aggressive." I haven't seen her put her hands on anyone - can't say the same for all the rest.

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Dare I say, they're intimidated by OG? They know full well that non of them would measure up against her, maybe not even on a two-on-one scenario, that's why when OG gives the tiniest glimmer of violence they're outraged because they know she could easily cause damage. 

I don't support fighting, but these women have no problem putting hands on others when they know they'll win the fight.

I don't like OG's fashion and, well, I admit I don't find her particularly pretty, but girl has the best body of the bunch. 

On another note, I'm guessing this is Tami's last season? 

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2 hours ago, charliesan said:

Dare I say, they're intimidated by OG? They know full well that non of them would measure up against her, maybe not even on a two-on-one scenario, that's why when OG gives the tiniest glimmer of violence they're outraged because they know she could easily cause damage. 

I don't support fighting, but these women have no problem putting hands on others when they know they'll win the fight.

I don't like OG's fashion and, well, I admit I don't find her particularly pretty, but girl has the best body of the bunch. 

On another note, I'm guessing this is Tami's last season? 

Exactly. Yes, she is manly and aggressive. I’m not changing that assessment. The others are aggressive but I’m sure they think they can take each other. Nobody’s scared of Evelyn. Or Tammy. Or Malaysia. But O.G. is scary. Her physique makes her manly to me. 

Did Malaysia say “coodles” instead of “kudos”? Lawd, WHY is she still on TV! I bet if you asked her to name two books, she’d be hard-pressed to come up with anything.

O.G. has had a few different makeup looks that she looked very pretty in, and the rest were just a mess. I don’t think she is ugly, per se. She needs to remember to achieve balance by drawing attention to either her big eyes or her full lips, not both at the same time. And was she the one with the horrendous false lashes earlier this season? But @Boofish (I think it was you, LOL) was right, her body is great. I’m so jealous of that booty!

I haven’t even finished watching the latest episode yet, I just paused to come and complain about Micronesia and then got sidetracked with the conversation about O.G.’s appearance.

Edited by link417
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On 8/2/2019 at 1:17 PM, charliesan said:

On another note, I'm guessing this is Tami's last season? 

Your comment made me google. Yup. You called it. Something from Urban Belle:

Basketball Wives’ Star Tami Roman Gets Called out for Unfollowing Shaunie O’Neal + She Responds

By admin | August 1, 2019

Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Tami Roman confirmed she is leaving “Basketball Wives.”

In fact, the current season will be her last.

She just wants to focus on her acting career and new projects.

However, it’s also clear that Tami is over the drama and shaky friendships.

While she’s given up on ever being friends with Evelyn Lozada, it appears she’s done the same for Shaunie O’Neal too.

And when fans questioned why she no longer follows Shaunie on social media, Tami was not here for it.

Weeks ago, we told you we noticed Tami Roman no longer follows Jackie Christie on Instagram.

Well, it turns out she no longer follows Shaunie O’Neal either.

For years, Tami has always felt like Shaunie rode harder for Evelyn Lozada.

Shaunie says that she loves both and at times she feels like she’s stuck in the middle.

But it appears Tami is no longer interested in having a friendship with Shaunie.

Tami is going to leave “Basketball Wives” after the current season.

And she confirmed that being tired of all the drama is a huge reason why she’s making her exit.

Apparently, she washed her hands of Shaunie, too.

When Twitter users tried to confront Tami about unfollowing Shaunie, she was not here for it.

Dang. Imma miss Tami. She had me years ago, when she would walk in to whatever pretentious establishment & order her Bud Light.

I'm not caught up on this season. But I'm just curious Charliesan, what made you think Tami Roman was leaving?

7 hours ago, NowVoyager said:

Your comment made me google. Yup. You called it. Something from Urban Belle:

Basketball Wives’ Star Tami Roman Gets Called out for Unfollowing Shaunie O’Neal + She Responds

By admin | August 1, 2019

Photo Credit: Instagram

By: Amanda Anderson-Niles

Tami Roman confirmed she is leaving “Basketball Wives.”

In fact, the current season will be her last.

She just wants to focus on her acting career and new projects.

However, it’s also clear that Tami is over the drama and shaky friendships.

While she’s given up on ever being friends with Evelyn Lozada, it appears she’s done the same for Shaunie O’Neal too.

And when fans questioned why she no longer follows Shaunie on social media, Tami was not here for it.

Weeks ago, we told you we noticed Tami Roman no longer follows Jackie Christie on Instagram.

Well, it turns out she no longer follows Shaunie O’Neal either.

For years, Tami has always felt like Shaunie rode harder for Evelyn Lozada.

Shaunie says that she loves both and at times she feels like she’s stuck in the middle.

But it appears Tami is no longer interested in having a friendship with Shaunie.

Tami is going to leave “Basketball Wives” after the current season.

And she confirmed that being tired of all the drama is a huge reason why she’s making her exit.

Apparently, she washed her hands of Shaunie, too.

When Twitter users tried to confront Tami about unfollowing Shaunie, she was not here for it.

Dang. Imma miss Tami. She had me years ago, when she would walk in to whatever pretentious establishment & order her Bud Light.

I'm not caught up on this season. But I'm just curious Charliesan, what made you think Tami Roman was leaving?

It seems she’s never gotten over her bitterness and resentment. She keeps reverting. 

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On 8/3/2019 at 9:39 AM, link417 said:

Did Malaysia say “coodles” instead of “kudos”? Lawd, WHY is she still on TV! I bet if you asked her to name two books, she’d be hard-pressed to come up with anything.

O.G. has had a few different makeup looks that she looked very pretty in, and the rest were just a mess. I don’t think she is ugly, per se. She needs to remember to achieve balance by drawing attention to either her big eyes or her full lips, not both at the same time. And was she the one with the horrendous false lashes earlier this season? But @Boofish (I think it was you, LOL) was right, her body is great. I’m so jealous of that booty!

I haven’t even finished watching the latest episode yet, I just paused to come and complain about Micronesia and then got sidetracked with the conversation about O.G.’s appearance.

Yeah, Malaysia has a very interesting relationship with the English language. Poor thing.

I'm sorry, but OG is oogly! There are times when she looks better than others, especially when she balances the makeup, but she still is not an attractive woman and the feet are tragic. I also think her booty doll idea is stupid and what she did to Kristin was just wrong.

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On 8/4/2019 at 11:23 AM, NowVoyager said:

I'm not caught up on this season. But I'm just curious Charliesan, what made you think Tami Roman was leaving?

I missed the first few episodes but she hasn't been a part of the group, she has only filmed with Jackie and OG, so I figured she was either leaving or getting fired. 

The thing that I don't like about this show is that Shaunie is both a producer and a cast member, so it seems like you need to be in good standing with her in order to still be a part of the show, it's as if Andy Cohen was a cast member on the housewives. As much as I think Tami (and for that matter, everyone who appears on reality tv) is an attention whore, she doesn't strike me as someone who would put up with something she doesn't like just to be on television, besides, I'm sure she'll have other opportunities, maybe not as big as BBW, but a check is a check. 

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One interesting thing this season is the editing. So earlier in the Season there was an event with Kristen and CeCe and they showed it as if Byron's family didn't support CeCe but edited out that she went with I believe another one of his kids. Then at the Pajama party they edited it to look like OG stormed off and left, but she never left. Then last night they showed CeCe storming out of the party, but CeCe never left. She apologized to OG and was dancing all night with Tami and OG. None of that was shown. 

Each episode CeCe is providing backstory and posting pictures and receipts to prove what she's saying. I feel bad for her! She's obviously on the wrong team not being close with Shaunie and they're working overtime to edit her to look bad. It's a shame because I have enjoyed her and it's nice having a wife in an actual relationship and with her own money and job. So far Cece is saying she's quitting and won't even do the reunion. Can't say I blame her. 

On the flip side, Kristen is very lucky she is friends with the HBIC's Shaunie and Evelyn because she's not that interesting on her own and has been a total snake to CeCe. I feel like especially after learning that CeCe was letting her borrow clothes to be Tv ready that she and Thomas depend on Byron financially and that's probably the root of her issues with Cece because they've now been cut off. 

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12 minutes ago, KnotsLanding said:

One interesting thing this season is the editing. So earlier in the Season there was an event with Kristen and CeCe and they showed it as if Byron's family didn't support CeCe but edited out that she went with I believe another one of his kids. Then at the Pajama party they edited it to look like OG stormed off and left, but she never left. Then last night they showed CeCe storming out of the party, but CeCe never left. She apologized to OG and was dancing all night with Tami and OG. None of that was shown. 

Each episode CeCe is providing backstory and posting pictures and receipts to prove what she's saying. I feel bad for her! She's obviously on the wrong team not being close with Shaunie and they're working overtime to edit her to look bad. It's a shame because I have enjoyed her and it's nice having a wife in an actual relationship and with her own money and job. So far Cece is saying she's quitting and won't even do the reunion. Can't say I blame her. 

On the flip side, Kristen is very lucky she is friends with the HBIC's Shaunie and Evelyn because she's not that interesting on her own and has been a total snake to CeCe. I feel like especially after learning that CeCe was letting her borrow clothes to be Tv ready that she and Thomas depend on Byron financially and that's probably the root of her issues with Cece because they've now been cut off. 

Kristen does seem like the poor relation. Where does her husband work? When he came home from work he had on a polo shirt type uniform with the name of the place blurred out.

I haven't watched this show in ages but did check out the past five or so episodes that were on demand. Why does Jackie have that apartment?

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I also don't think OG is ugly, but she does need to learn how to use a damn lip liner.  She can't be running around on TV with crackhead lips, especially since she likes to wear all those light, "nude" colors.  I also agree that a stylist would do her (and honestly, some of the other ladies) wonders.  

Edited by luckyroll3
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On 8/16/2019 at 11:36 AM, luckyroll3 said:

I also don't think OG is ugly, but she does need to learn how to use a damn lip liner.  She can't be running around on TV with crackhead lips, especially since she likes to wear all those light, "nude" colors.  I also agree that a stylist would do her (and honestly, some of the other ladies) wonders.  

OG is extremely unpleasant this season. Ugh. 

Jackie needs intense, long term therapy. (Not the tv kind)

This season is meh. 

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On 9/20/2019 at 10:23 AM, charliesan said:

I missed a couple of episodes but -and I hope I won't be judged- sometimes I scroll through their IG and OG uploaded a video where Evelyn is running up on Cece and OG (like a bad-ass) intercepts her and pushes her onto the bushes. 


I can’t stand Evelyn “hood” antics. No matter how pretty she is, she’s just a hard woman. It’s sad really. More proof that no matter how blessed you are, some people can’t change. 

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This show really just needs to end. No one is likeable in the least. And fleaby girl you are doing the exact same thing with going back and gossiping about shit people said that you mad at Jackie for. The exact same thing!!! Jackie you are to old to be acting this crazy anyway 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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5 hours ago, announcergirl said:

I just watched the most recent episode. Evelyn is vulgar, crass, and a ghetto, petty bitch. 

Now, I can pat my kitty when joking with my friends, but ABSOLUTELY NOT when on TV and ABSOLUTELY NOT with the antics. Totally not surprised. And, not surprised she’s back to the old her. 

Wonder how she became so damaged. It’s ugly and sad. Her kids are going to see this ratchet nonsense. 


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Evelyne is pure trash and I hate to say that about a human being. What the hell happened to her for her to be so crass, vulgar and explosive. I fear she may kill somebody one day. We all have our demons but Evelyne's hatred of Cece makes no sense. I understood her anger when it came to Jennifer but this is just odd even for her.   Shaunie does not reign her in. Shaunie pretends to be above it all but she is just as shady as the others.

I had my issues with Tami but even she realized that Basketball wives was not a good look for her, it was making her worst and not better in her evolution as a human being. She had the sense to get the hell out of there and move on..

OG is over the top but I admire her loyalty to CeCe.  It is obvious that the ladies are scared of her and the editors are setting up her eventual firing. I think Evelyne is more dangerous than OG. 

I like Cece and Kristen is beneath contempt. She says that Cece is manipulative, but I think that she is the manipulative one, pretending to be a victim of Cece's. I also wonder if Cece's Asianness has something to do with the ladies dislike of her. I don't understand Malaysia laughing and smiling when the other ladies are mocking Cece. Cece is married to her cousin, how about her showing some loyalty to Cece.

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Evelyn had nothing else to say so she had to resort to slapping her incapable-of-trapping-a-man kitten, classy and classic Eve. And by the way, I don't like to shame someone because they don't have a man or a woman, but clearly that's what Evelyn values the most, the ability to have a man even though she doesn't have one.

I agree that they want OG fired, but without Tami, Cece or Jennifer, who else are they going to fight? Going against Tami is getting old and not for one second do I truly believe that Malasya has beef with Jackie, they forgot about their feud rather quick especially since, supposedly, Jackie went after Malasya's kids. 

If OG doesn't come back, I'm 100% sure Eve and Shaunie will go after Kristen, that "bitch" moment will not be forgotten plus Kristen called Evelyn an animal during the whole confrontation with Cece. Writing about this scenario is already dull.   

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