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Season 6 First Looks

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The whole thing sucks for Kyle - again. Here she has folks coming to her and telling her of terrible things that LVP has done to her - again. If she asks questions or tries to get to the bottom of it, she is accused of not being loyal to LVP - again. From the looks of the pictures they posted on Twitter, they get past it - for now. It will never really be over because Kyle will always be suspect somewhere in the back of her mind. Like the suitcase comment, it just seems like such a strange thing to accuse someone of. Like Brandi before her, Lisar could no doubt spill the beans about a whole host of things that LVP said about Kyle last season. Yet she picks this thing. That is so strange to me. It will be interesting to see how the audience reacts to Eileen and Lisar making such claims, but even more interesting to see how folks react to Kyle once again being put in an impossible situation. Will she be hated for daring to ask the question and have initial doubt, or for the first time find herself really embraced because she "defends" LVP?


Kyle is ALWAYS blamed, no matter what she does, so why should this time be any different:(

  • Love 7

Per the Twitter account that included the videos to which ncsocialworker (I believe) posted links upthread, the crucial verbiage here is, "oh, I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it." Rinna insists this means, "oh, what happened? I'm disappointed because you didn't ascribe blame to Kyle." Lisa maintains that she meant, "oh, for a moment there, I was afraid you were going to bring Kyle into it." Per the brief clip of the dinner free-for-all that I caught and the other snatches of synopses posted to social media, I have no trouble seeing why Lisa considered the debacle a pile-on. Eileen - who wasn't even directly involved in any element of this imbroglio and is the first to chastise everyone else for vocalizing their opinions on a subject to which they were not a party - is trying to strong-arm Kyle into explicitly turning on Lisa just like she did with Rinna. And the grievance/frustration of that duo essentially amounts to disgruntlement that Kyle is not responding to their accusations as vehemently and maliciously toward Lisa as they themselves imagine appropriate. Plus, we have Kathryn mystifyingly throwing herself into the fray which means that Erika alone in the footage that I watched is exercising restraint.

  • Love 4

I see why LVP has been trying to set that up - the public response was that LVP was totally wronged in Puerto Rico, and LVP is hoping to get everyone to think, in advance of seeing the actual footage, that it happened again.  


But Kyle was 100% supporting LVP, to her own detriment.  And Kathryn and Erika, while they seemed frustrated that LVP was refusing to acknowledge what she did wrong, didn't seem particularly engaged in the fight itself, per se.


Eileen and Lisa Rinna: 100% fed up with LVP, no doubt.  I am REALLY interested to see which way public response goes.


I also figure there will be edits, but I don't think they can change too much, because it really does drive the end of the season, and I'm sure it was the driver behind the reunion.  The whole couch seating arrangement was based on that fight!  :)

LVP needs to learn to clean as she goes.  Her biggest issues and betrayals have arisen from standing for someone who is lying about her.  Yolanda and Brandi come to mind.  Now it is Eileen.  Clean it up or throw it out.  Eileen for being so holier than thou just surprises me she wants Yolanda, her dear friend to hear the number of people who question the severity of her illness.


I am uncertain why Yolanda is on the Kyle couch my guess, is she and Rinna have quite a bit to discuss.  I am anxiously waiting if Yolanda turns her back on Erika.  Fingers crossed.

  • Love 5

Per the Twitter account that included the videos to which ncsocialworker (I believe) posted links upthread, the crucial verbiage here is, "oh, I thought you were going to bring Kyle into it." Rinna insists this means, "oh, what happened? I'm disappointed because you didn't ascribe blame to Kyle." Lisa maintains that she meant, "oh, for a moment there, I was afraid you were going to bring Kyle into it." Per the brief clip of the dinner free-for-all that I caught and the other snatches of synopses posted to social media, I have no trouble seeing why Lisa considered the debacle a pile-on. Eileen - who wasn't even directly involved in any element of this imbroglio and is the first to chastise everyone else for vocalizing their opinions on a subject to which they were not a party - is trying to strong-arm Kyle into explicitly turning on Lisa just like she did with Rinna. And the grievance/frustration of that duo essentially amounts to disgruntlement that Kyle is not responding to their accusations as vehemently and maliciously toward Lisa as they themselves imagine appropriate. Plus, we have Kathryn mystifyingly throwing herself into the fray which means that Erika alone in the footage that I watched is exercising restraint.

Maybe I read too much into things, but I need to try to understand motivations. What do any of these chicks get out of wanting to hurt Kyle? Do they hate LVP that much? I haven't seen it if they do. I have never seen any warmth from Eileen, but certainly no hate. Lisar, even when telling this all to Eileen, said that she loved LVP. Certainly a case could be made that LVP gets hurt, but so does Kyle. Why would anyone want to do that to her? I could almost understand Brandi's motivation because she hated Kyle and hated that she was getting close to LVP again (even while I believe what Brandi was saying). I think that Kyle was able to believe that Brandi was making more out of a situation than it was because she realized how much Brandi wanted to come between LVP and Kyle. I just don't see it with Eileen and Lisar. At the end of the day, I think that there is some truth to what they are saying. Which I hate. I love LVP and Kyle together.

  • Love 3

So, it's OK if Eileen calls LisaR a follower (aka "people pleaser"), when she follows LisaV/Kyle but accusing her of following Eileen/Erika/Yolanda is fighting words? LOL

Eileen was being a bitch.  They were talking about how these women were all strong women and Kyle interjected that Lisar was a follower, so Eileen commented that Kyle had moved the direction of the conversation from essentially a gang up on LVP to focusing attention on Lisar.  My issue with Lisar is she is on every side of an issue until it comes to Kim.  Then it is all about Kim and Lisar forgets she did break the glass against the table and did send threatening texts and so far LVP, Kyle and Eileen all looked the other way. I think initially those who had known Lisar, Kyle and LVP, felt comfortable letting their guard drop and encouraged Bravo to hire her, now it is all about her yap, yap, yapping.

  • Love 5

Thank you for posting the spoilers!


I love this LVP Yo feud. There, I said it. Rich people problems are why I tune in. Prefer it MILES beyond Kim, Brandi, and the Richards sisters drama. 

Exactly, more real estate porn vs. leased homes, and more alpha female fights instead of who is drunk and misbehaving.  I want them sober and misbehaving and then using three scenes to talk about "owning it". 

  • Love 8

One thing that puzzles me is why Eileen is SO HARD on the Yolanda bandwagon.   I mean, at least Lisa Rinna is an equal opportunity attacker - she is going after Kim, LVP and Yolanda all.  And on the manipulation front, she has said repeatedly what I believe to be true - that Yolanda is worse than LVP.


But Eileen is coming down like a guillotine on LVP and by her own admission giving Yolanda a pass.  I don't get that.  Why is LVP's manipulation (which I believe) so much worse than Yolanda's?  Why attack one of them and not the other?  I have been a big fan of Eileen's in general, and I can't follow her logic here.


LVP said on WWHL last night that there were "two troublemakers" on the RHOBH current cast.  She also said, when voting for which was the better friend, that Yolanda was a better friend than Stassi.  And she said she'd rather see an Erika Jayne show than a Tom Sandoval show.  She also said Lisa Rinna was the biggest tattletale in either cast. AND she was pretty mild about Yolanda in general, saying they talked things out at the reunion, and she wasn't going to give Yolanda a hard time because of all she was going through.


With that plus the cast seating, I'm thinking the main battle lines are LVP against Eileen and Lisa Rinna.  And I just can't see why Eileen has come down that way.  Will be interested to see if the remaining episodes make any more sense of it.

Edited by ottergirl
  • Love 7

One thing that puzzles me is why Eileen is SO HARD on the Yolanda bandwagon.   I mean, at least Lisa Rinna is an equal opportunity attacker - she is going after Kim, LVP and Yolanda all.  And on the manipulation front, she has said repeatedly what I believe to be true - that Yolanda is worse than LVP.


But Eileen is coming down like a guillotine on LVP and by her own admission giving Yolanda a pass.  I don't get that.  Why is LVP's manipulation (which I believe) so much worse than Yolanda's?  Why attack one of them and not the other?  I have been a big fan of Eileen's in general, and I can't follow her logic here.


LVP said on WWHL last night that there were "two troublemakers" on the RHOBH current cast.  She also said, when voting for which was the better friend, that Yolanda was a better friend than Stassi.  And she said she'd rather see an Erika Jayne show than a Tom Sandoval show.  She also said Lisa Rinna was the biggest tattletale in either cast. AND she was pretty mild about Yolanda in general, saying they talked things out at the reunion, and she wasn't going to give Yolanda a hard time because of all she was going through.


With that plus the cast seating, I'm thinking the main battle lines are LVP against Eileen and Lisa Rinna.  And I just can't see why Eileen has come down that way.  Will be interested to see if the remaining episodes make any more sense of it.

Actually Eileen said why she gives Yolanda so much leeway at the beginning of the season. Eileen has replaced her sister that battled Breast Cancer and died with Yolanda. Her sister pretty much shut out the family up until near the end because she didn't want them to stop her from going the holistic route verses traditional medicine, so she is going to support Yolanda no matter what.

  • Love 6

One thing that puzzles me is why Eileen is SO HARD on the Yolanda bandwagon.   I mean, at least Lisa Rinna is an equal opportunity attacker - she is going after Kim, LVP and Yolanda all.  And on the manipulation front, she has said repeatedly what I believe to be true - that Yolanda is worse than LVP.


But Eileen is coming down like a guillotine on LVP and by her own admission giving Yolanda a pass.  I don't get that.  Why is LVP's manipulation (which I believe) so much worse than Yolanda's?  Why attack one of them and not the other?  I have been a big fan of Eileen's in general, and I can't follow her logic here.


LVP said on WWHL last night that there were "two troublemakers" on the RHOBH current cast.  She also said, when voting for which was the better friend, that Yolanda was a better friend than Stassi.  And she said she'd rather see an Erika Jayne show than a Tom Sandoval show.  She also said Lisa Rinna was the biggest tattletale in either cast. AND she was pretty mild about Yolanda in general, saying they talked things out at the reunion, and she wasn't going to give Yolanda a hard time because of all she was going through.


With that plus the cast seating, I'm thinking the main battle lines are LVP against Eileen and Lisa Rinna.  And I just can't see why Eileen has come down that way.  Will be interested to see if the remaining episodes make any more sense of it.

My theory is LVP and Eileen got off to a bad start in the Hamptons over the hotel rooms and neither will admit that started their problems.  Eileen with all her talks of resolution has missed the biggest component in resolving issues and that is effective communication.  Eileen stalls at being effective.  She tries to cover all the bases before getting down to the heart of the matter and her argument becomes diluted.  I also think Rinna is essentially a dunce and felt like she wasn't be allowed to continue her storyline with what a terror Kim was to her and instead was pacified with the Yolanda questions.  I don't discount the idea that Rinna and Eileen's beach conflict was orchestrated between the two of them.


Rinna has admitted it was her hairdresser, she told LVP on the phone about the hairdresser's comments and that LVP "made" her bring it up.  What baffles me about RInna why did she feel the need to tell Yolanda about what her hairdresser said?  Insert not so bright Eileen.  It would have been a better storyline had Kyle and LVP sat on the information and one of them revealed it later.  This is the same Eileen who doesn't want idle gossip passed around by her.  The best way to quash gossip is to sit on it and not repeat it-a concept foreign to Eileen.  In short I think Eileen feels you are either 100% in with Yolanda or you are out.  I think she also has a huge girl crush on Erika.


What I liked about LVP last night is she explained the cast of SUR are not her friends but her employees.  Andy also said that LVP gets hurt when these women say mean things about her.

  • Love 2

Reunion seating chart



Way different than I was expecting.



I used to think I was an intelligent person with excellent reading comprehension, but for the life of me, I don't see where couch seating was confirmed. Anyone willing to spell it out for me?



see above, from the Reunion Prediction thread


edit: I assume the post with the picture is accurate

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 3

There are plenty of motivations aside from "hate" to inspire an attack from one reality cast member against another - resentment, the perception of an opportunity for upward professional mobility, a desire for relevance, pressure from production. No one can see into the hearts of men or housewives but there's been plenty of videographic documentation of Eileen's preoccupation with Lisa this season. She revived a months-old grievance in order to dovetail it with unrelated criticisms of Lisa's manner, participated in rendez vous at which the primary topic of discussion was how evil Lisa is, and publicly chastised Rinna for failing to malign Lisa quickly enough. Now, she's commandeering an account to which she herself was not a primary witness and becoming angry that Kyle, like Rinna before her, is not disavowing Lisa to the extent that Eileen apparently imagines adequate. This is indicative of a pretty substantive vendetta, not to mention bizarre. Eileen seems to spend an awful lot of time thinking of Lisa and attempting to dictate how their coworkers should feel about and express those sentiments toward Lisa. Rinna, meanwhile, has demonstrated herself to be equal opportunity when it comes to aiming salvos at her co-workers - as noted upthread, she's found herself in opposition to Kim and almost every other cast member except for Eileen this year. And during the span of time in which Lisa was exercising her nefarious talents of mind control, Rinna went out of her way to drop the word 'Munchausen' on camera as many times as possible, even engaging Erika for a scene just to perpetuate the tension and narrative. And I have to note that in season 4 both Yolanda and Carlton, Brandi loyalists if there were ever two, both disputed the specifics of the account she tried to peddle vis-a-vis tabloidgate.

  • Love 10

There are plenty of motivations aside from "hate" to inspire an attack from one reality cast member against another - resentment, the perception of an opportunity for upward professional mobility, a desire for relevance, pressure from production. No one can see into the hearts of men or housewives but there's been plenty of videographic documentation of Eileen's preoccupation with Lisa this season. She revived a months-old grievance in order to dovetail it with unrelated criticisms of Lisa's manner, participated in rendez vous at which the primary topic of discussion was how evil Lisa is, and publicly chastised Rinna for failing to malign Lisa quickly enough. Now, she's commandeering an account to which she herself was not a primary witness and becoming angry that Kyle, like Rinna before her, is not disavowing Lisa to the extent that Eileen apparently imagines adequate. This is indicative of a pretty substantive vendetta, not to mention bizarre. Eileen seems to spend an awful lot of time thinking of Lisa and attempting to dictate how their coworkers should feel about and express those sentiments toward Lisa. Rinna, meanwhile, has demonstrated herself to be equal opportunity when it comes to aiming salvos at her co-workers - as noted upthread, she's found herself in opposition to Kim and almost every other cast member except for Eileen this year. And during the span of time in which Lisa was exercising her nefarious talents of mind control, Rinna went out of her way to drop the word 'Munchausen' on camera as many times as possible, even engaging Erika for a scene just to perpetuate the tension and narrative. And I have to note that in season 4 both Yolanda and Carlton, Brandi loyalists if there were ever two, both disputed the specifics of the account she tried to peddle vis-a-vis tabloidgate.

But what is the motivation by Lisar and Eileen to hurt Kyle? That is what I don't get. And that is what will get missed - at least I think that is what will get missed. It will be all about yet another "gang up" on LVP, but a lot of people will forget that it is also yet another example of Kyle being placed in an impossible position for a reason that is not easy to understand if untrue. 


Regarding the tabloids, all that Yo and Carlton said is that they didn't hear that conversation. They never saw anything. Neither one called Brandi a liar or disputed what she said happened, just that they were not witness to it. I didn't see my dog puke all over my carpet an hour ago even though I was in the room not 20 feet away. Just because I didn't see or hear anything doesn't mean the pile of puke doesn't exist. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 4

But what is the motivation by Lisar and Eileen to hurt Kyle? That is what I don't get. 


Regarding the tabloids, all that Yo and Carlton said is that they didn't hear that conversation. They never saw anything. Neither one called Brandi a liar or disputed what she said happened, just that they were not witness to it. I didn't see my dog puke all over my carpet an hour ago. I still know that she did it. 

Both also said that Brandi never said anything to them about it until, PR for bff Yolanda and LisaV filled in Carlton after she got back from PR. Brandi would have spilled those beans right away to both of these women had it been true and she did not.


I think Eileen is upset at Kyle because Kyle does not buy into everything Yolanda is selling and Eileen is more protective over Yolanda than anyone else, including LisaR.

  • Love 4

This is what I thought was stupid regarding the tabloids.  Whether or not LVP said it is irrelevant, if Brandi is such a good friend to Kyle and Kim, at that point, why did she bring it up and why not on the walk with Kyle that preceded the Puerto Rico trip?  She brought it up because it kept the conversation going about Mauricio and at that point she was wanting to make sure Kyle and LVP didn't get any closer.  I will say LVP was an ass when she went by Kyle's story prior to the trip but since the tabloids never made it to Palm Springs why is it being discussed?  It was the same with Yolanda wanting to go into a Hollywood friend spiel--why?  If Yolanda and Brandi really wanted to come clean with Kyle and Kim why didn't they confirm what Joyce had been told by Brandi, by Yolanda about Kyle, Kim and LVP? 


I feel the same way about the Munchausen crap.  Why was it ever brought up?  I guess because Lisar had a conversation with a hairdresser.

  • Love 4

This is what I thought was stupid regarding the tabloids.  Whether or not LVP said it is irrelevant, if Brandi is such a good friend to Kyle and Kim, at that point, why did she bring it up and why not on the walk with Kyle that preceded the Puerto Rico trip?  She brought it up because it kept the conversation going about Mauricio and at that point she was wanting to make sure Kyle and LVP didn't get any closer.  I will say LVP was an ass when she went by Kyle's story prior to the trip but since the tabloids never made it to Palm Springs why is it being discussed?  It was the same with Yolanda wanting to go into a Hollywood friend spiel--why?  If Yolanda and Brandi really wanted to come clean with Kyle and Kim why didn't they confirm what Joyce had been told by Brandi, by Yolanda about Kyle, Kim and LVP? 


I feel the same way about the Munchausen crap.  Why was it ever brought up?  I guess because Lisar had a conversation with a hairdresser.

The fact that it is brought up isn't shocking to me. I think we've all been in those situations. We know something but don't say anything until we do. Until we get mad enough or emotional enough to do so. Until we've had enough. That is completely human. If LVP asked Brandi to put tabloids in a suitcase to upset or embarrass Kyle, then Kyle deserved to know about it. If LVP asked Lisar to blame Kyle for the "M" comment, Kyle should certainly be made aware of that fact. Both are the actions of a horrible, terrible, disgusting person (assuming of course that any of it is actually true). The problem I always have is that they do it on these vacations, when someone is isolated and shocked to find out they've been betrayed. I get that this is the formula for drama, but it sucks. Kyle in S4, and then now, and Shannon did it to Heather on the OC show. Trying to convince Heather that Tamra was a terrible person by telling her something horrible that Tamra had said about her. Something private on camera. They need to convince someone that a person is really bad, and the way to really convince them is to give them an example of something they have done to them, not caring how much this might hurt. They don't do it when a person is already angry with someone; they wait to do it until their guard is down and they are unprepared for finding out they have been betrayed. That is the problem I have with it. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 2

Personally, I don't find the possibility that Eileen is strategizing against Lisa - particularly when footage has aired of her meeting Erika and Yolanda for the purpose of disparaging her and Rinna to, well, strategize against her - to be significantly more unbelievable than the premise that Lisa is secretly plotting against Kyle years after their major conflicts and not only relying on Rinna to do so but transparently authoring her conduct (except when she's not; I guess Lisa can telepathically pull Rinna's strings when it comes to maligning Yo but her powers evaporate with respect to assault on Kyle) . . . Yolanda stated that she never saw the tabloids; this was unlikely in the context of the circumstances described but, sure, it wasn't a wholesale denial of the yarn Brandi was spinning. Carlton, however, did indeed explicitly dispute Brandi's versions of events, specifically that she, Carlton, had directly witnessed Lisa's purported malfeasance. That was why Brandi confronted Carlton at the finale wrap party and contended that Lisa was "in Carlton's ear" and someone steering Carlton's actions - because Brandi was peddling an account that expressly contradicted that presented by Carlton. Brandi was insisting that Carlton did indeed wield the necessary knowledge to indict Lisa and corporate Brandi's narrative. Carlton - so enamored of Brandi that she berated Joyce at the reunion on her behalf and embarrassingly gushed about Brandi's sexual appeal in talking heads - asserted that this was untrue.

  • Love 2

About the (obvious before, and even more obvious after these previews) Yo and Lisa feud, here's a question for our best sleuths out there.


Does anyone know the timeline, or rather, the times Yo's marriage or divorce from Mohammed matched up with Lisa living in the same area?


That timeline will tell all or disprove one of my main theories about the beginnings of the real, off camera, feud for me.  For some reason, I've always thought that Lisa knew that Mohammed was cheating on Yo, and during the time they socialized as couples, she didn't clue Yo in.  Alternately, Lisa siding with Mohammed in the divorce, you know how one member of a divorced couple is often dropped?  Or, she became very good friends with Mohammed's other women...something along those lines.


Anyway, this feud seems based on something deeper than RH issues.  I keep wondering if it's something like that.


edited for clarity

Edited by Umbelina

Here is my understanding.  Mohamed, Ken and Lisa knew each other in London during the club days in the 80's.  Then LVP and Ken moved to Beverly Hills in the late 80's and stayed until about 1995.  They went back to England and reappeared back in 2003 or so-so they missed most of the Yolanda/Mohamed marriage and divorce.  Their marriage was 1994-2000.


So I doubt there was much of an overlap and Ken and LVP at that time owned five pizza parlors-not exactly where the rich and famous hang.

  • Love 8

Andy had a preview of next week.  Oh boy.  We get to see Brandi and Yo.  Yo is gossiping about the other women.  Hypocrite.  Then we have a TH of Brandi.  I don't even know what she said because all I could think looking at her is that with the hair and makeup, she's trying to be Kim Kardashian as a blond.  She's such a desperate fool.  Thank God she's gone from the show as a regular.

  • Love 5

So next week YoLiar tells Brandi that Rinna has told everyone she is faking (which she hasn't) and then Brandi throws out eating disorder digs in her TH. Great.

So I have a question let's say Rinna has an eating disorder, how does it effect anyone?  I don't think it is some big moral cross to bear.  She doesn't miss work, it doesn't have an effect on her mood, she is not stealing to support the habit, or unavailable to her family because of it.  I get the vegan stuff is hard to plan around as a hostess but other than her disappearing for long periods of time to rid herself of a recent meal, I don't get the connection.   If Rinna is sitting around making fun of people for being overweight then maybe it is time to talk about her but other than that I don't get the big deal.

  • Love 8

So I have a question let's say Rinna has an eating disorder, how does it effect anyone?  I don't think it is some big moral cross to bear.  She doesn't miss work, it doesn't have an effect on her mood, she is not stealing to support the habit, or unavailable to her family because of it.  I get the vegan stuff is hard to plan around as a hostess but other than her disappearing for long periods of time to rid herself of a recent meal, I don't get the connection.   If Rinna is sitting around making fun of people for being overweight then maybe it is time to talk about her but other than that I don't get the big deal.

IMO, eating disorders are just like any other addiction.  If Lisa R had one, she would clearly be suffering physically and emotionally - which would be distressful for her loved ones.  Just like drugs or alcohol.


I've been around people with eating disorders and I myself am in the plump camp.  Weight issues have been a part of my reality my whole life so I feel comfortable tossing in my two cents here.  


Personlly, I don't think Lisa R has an eating disorder. She's thin, but not anorexic.  I think she is probably naturally thin to begin with.  Toss in a ton of energy and tremendous will power, she manages to keep her weight right where it probably should be.


In this society, being lean is often mistaken for having an eating disorder.  Not the same.  



Edited by Jextella
  • Love 6



Women dress codes and advice for what is acceptable female clothing in Dubai.  It's pretty interesting.  I remember thinking that Kathryn's very short dress and Lipsa's off the shoulder thing didn't seem quite right in the preview.


This is one of the signs there to shop in the mall, for example.




Visiting a Mosque is obviously more restricted.



This article goes in to much more detail though, such as in hotels, or around swimming pools, bars, restaurants, etc.


Fascinating read.


This one says it's much more open than other Muslim countries, and the article both shorter and seems more ambivalent about dress codes.


  • Love 3

I don't know if this is going in at the right place, but I am so sick of Lisa Rinna talking about Yolanda. Anyone talking about her. I am going through breast cancer, chemotherapy the worst thing ever. Lyme's disease is right up there with that. I pray that none of these woman especially Lisa Rinna! She puts her nose where it shouldn't be way to much. I hope they never suffer an awful disease like Lyme's or cancer. That is the only way they will ever realize the petty bull crap they have been fighting over is not worth it. Yolanda is a grown woman mature like no other besides Lisa Vand and Erika. It makes me so mad to listen to Lisa Rinna she doesn't have a clue of what suffering is. She needs a taste. Yolanda and Erika are the only ones who should worry about the dinner Erika had. She brings this crap up at the worst time ever. SHE NEEDS TO GROW UP. Somedays I can't get off the couch. Lisa isn't a friend she is the only false person there!!

  • Love 1

I visited Dubai briefly a while back...the dress code thing is real in most places.  In the malls,someone will politely walk up to you and hand you a red card if you have bare shoulders or arms or short shorts.  In hotels and other tourist approved places, the rules are different.  Also in certain ex-pat areas, the rules are different, even at beaches. 


The thing is, any time spent in that bright sunshine, and you'll wish you had covered up and carried a parasol. 


Alcohol is another way the rules are different.  Muslims don't drink alcohol, so you can't find it in stores and it's not served in restaurants.  But, it's available in hotels or certain restaurants and certain areas.  Our hotel had several bars, plus a hookah lounge on the roof, and a pool, and it seemed quite Western as far as the rules went, though the staff was mostly Indian and Bangladeshian, I believe.  The food, on the other hand, was not Western and it was divine.


Dubai wants to be a financial and cosmopolitan center of the world.  The natives are all filthy rich on oil money because the King shares with his people.  So they build fantastical buildings and turn the desert into gardens and fill in the sea to create islands in the shape of palms.  They want people to come.  Their motto, if they had one, is truly "Build It and They Will Come."  As such, they are in some ways very Western, or at least accommodating, so as to welcome ex-pats, world conferences, business and tourists, while still being Muslim. 

  • Love 6

It's me again. Lisa Rinna I wish she would read this and above if anyone knows how I can get it to her. Every time I listen to her complain about Yolanda it makes me want to scream. SHE IS CRUEL and owes Yolanda a huge apology. She needs Jesus in a big way. Im praying for all of them especially Yolanda. Much love Michele

It's me again. Lisa Rinna I wish she would read this and above if anyone knows how I can get it to her. Every time I listen to her complain about Yolanda it makes me want to scream. SHE IS CRUEL and owes Yolanda a huge apology. She needs Jesus in a big way. Im praying for all of them especially Yolanda. Much love Michele

It said The Atlantis and also something about The Palms.  

Oh WOW at the Atlantis!  It was the one I was just looking at on google earth, on one of the man made islands.  It's beautiful, and Lisa will like it, since it's pink!




The Palms are the man made islands. 


posting at the same time biakbiak!



Edited by Umbelina
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