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Ash Vs Evil Dead - General Discussion

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I thought it was a very good ep. How about Ted Raimi as Chet saying to Lucy as Ruby, "Hey Slim, Wanna Pink F__k without the Pink." Lucy's facial expression was so funny. Ted was asked in an interview about coming back for season 3 and he said "It's up to Rob."

Bruce as usual is the best. I like the Kelly/Ruby characters together.

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I really enjoyed this episode although i kind of hated the ending.  It seems like Pablo was duped into releasing Baal. 

I liked the Ruby/Kelly team up.  It was really cool to see them working together and kicking ass.

The Chet/Ash scenes were great as well. I like Chet as an addition. Hopefully they don't kill him off.  

One thing i really like is how the show mixes and matches the characters. It's always fun to change up the dynamic 

I love that they inadvertently created a portal to hell in the trunk of the car.  That seems oddly right.  Poor Pablo, first forced to give birth to demons and now being tricked into releasing their father??

It's funny to me that I often found Ted Raimi annoying on Xena (I know we were kind of supposed to) and just wanted him off the show and now here I want him to stay forever.  Chet is Ash if the Necronomicon and everything that went with it had never happened and he'd stayed in their small town.

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On ‎2016‎-‎10‎-‎19 at 2:52 PM, ganesh said:

When Ash was fantasizing about the car, I thought they showed a clip from AOD where he and the car landed in the past. 

I am pretty sure that Ash and the Delta (aka the Classic) falling from the sky was from ED2. Then again that car has been in pretty much every movie Sam Raimi has directed (and Bruce has been in most too), so I wondering if they pulled footage from other movies too.


On ‎2016‎-‎10‎-‎17 at 5:45 PM, Ceindreadh said:

BTW, anybody else see the TV screen in the back of the bar was showing some cartoon/advert for 'Shemps'?

In the previous episode you saw old beer signs in Ash's room for Shemps malt liquor. Fake Shemp was a term coined by Sam Raimi.

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Something about this episode just didn't hold my attention as much as most of its predecessors.  It felt very claustrophobic and not in a way that really worked for me storywise.  This may have been the first episode in either season I caught myself checking the clock.  Baal did feel like he wasn't quite living up to Ruby's hype, although I realize he may still get better.

The skin peeling and wearing the skin suits of dead people was positively revolting. 

On ‎10‎/‎26‎/‎2016 at 11:29 PM, tennisgurl said:

Poor Pablo. Dude just has the worst luck ever

Another really enjoyable episode. I know TWD gets all the press, and I am still a definite TWD fan, but this is my favorite gore filled horror fest on TV.

Liked the Ruby/Kelly team up a lot, and Bruce has been killing it this season. Even more than usual. 

He's the Xander -- the syphilis getting/bug eating/butt monkey of Ash V Evil Dead. Someone has to be the character that all the bad shit happenes to and Pablo is just the guy!

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"They're coming to take me away, haha"  I haven't heard that song in yearrrrs.   I used to have an album (I'm old) with that and a bunch of other odd songs (like "The Witch Doctor").

Is Baal kind of dull or is it me?  I'm with Ash, nothing better happen to Pablo.  Kelly rocks.  This season seems extra bloody and to be spinning its wheels a bit.  Sorry to lose Chet.

Still fun though.

Edited by raven
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I liked this a lot too even if I was having trouble at times trying to figure out what was going on.  The atmosphere and set design were amazing and you really got the sense that Bruce Campbell and Dana DeLorenzo were having a lot of fun with it.  This actually could have made a great end for the entire series in finding out that every last bit of this has been entirely in Ash's head for 30 years.  

Edited by nodorothyparker
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Oh this is all going to go so wrong.

It's funny at the end of the last episode I was hoping for an undo. Now, that they attempted it, I'm kind of hoping it doesn't work. I love Pablo and really don't want to see him gone.

However, I don't want a quick fix...of course this is Ash vs Evil Dead, it's more likely to screw things up then fix them. Still, I'm torn. I actually really enjoyed this episode with Ruby/Kelly team up, while Ask was off fighting the house.

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I thought this was a great episode. The chainsaw fight was awesome. I loved that Ash got his hand back only to lose it again. We also had evil 80s Ruby kill reformed Ruby. Finally Pablo's back, I'm iffy on this one,.I.feel kind of cheated that they raised the stakes only to fakeout two deaths (I'm counting Ruby since some version is still around)

I'm a little confused on the ending. I get that whatever magic Ruby worked faked the Ash's reward. They're trapped in a fake happy ending. However, what I'm uncertain on is if Ruby faked it to save Baal or if this was her repayment over the male ego. Did Ruby betray Baal and break the deal so that she's the only victor?

That was my impression, Morrigan. That Future Baal making the decision to wager everything on the fight with Ash without consulting Ruby was like a bucket of cold water in her face, and she double-crossed him by enforcing the deal so that he lost and got banished.

It looked like she got dragged down to Hell too, but the we've seen her manage a pretty quick escape on her own in Season 1.

What I'm confused about is the apparent lack of changes in the present. Wouldn't people who died as a consequence of Ash's original encounter with the Necronomicon and subsequent adventures, like Cheryl, Brock, and Chet, still be alive rather than ghosts?

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18 hours ago, rcc said:

Yes, Craig left and here is the interview. Interesting reading and his idea for the season 2 ending is also very interesting.        


I completely get where DiGregorio is coming from regarding the clash with Tapert, and agree with him about the overall tone of the show. But I loathe the main idea he was building to with Kelly. That had a very good chance of ruining her character in my eyes.

Edited by Bruinsfan
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21 minutes ago, Bruinsfan said:

I completely get where DiGregorio is coming from regarding the clash with Tapert, and agree with him about the overall tone of the show. But I loathe the main idea he was building to with Kelly. That had a very good chance of ruining her character in my eyes.

Yeah, I hate that idea of Kelly being Ash's daughter and a DiD.

This finale was abrupt and confusing. I can make sense of the ending by assuming it's some sort if vision/dream world that Ash/Kelly/Pablo are trapped in by Ruby's magic.

I can't make sense of Pop Williams turning into a chainsaw.

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I watched 9 and 10 back to back. That was a lot of action! 

I did like that the plan to go back in time was a gambit by "Bill." The slapsticky fighting was actually a good fit for the show and really fun. I mean, chainsaw fight?! Yes please. I feel like Ash should have known he was going to cheat though. 


Yeah, I hate that idea of Kelly being Ash's daughter and a DiD.

This is a terrible idea. I liked that Kelly was a basically a normal young woman who stepped up. I don't mind that it's only Ash in the book and that's enough of a mystery to keep the show going. 

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The ending was kind of a mess with them  getting back to the future and the timeline not totally being rewritten and the Jedi ghosts. Also the whole thing with people telling Kelly she was more powerful than Ash and nothing coming of it was odd.

That said the ending was better than  the idea of Kelly becoming Ash's daughter. Especially since we met her parents. Also also as far as the interview link above goes, I'm  with Tapert, the colon deadite didn't really work for me.

10 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

The ending was kind of a mess with them  getting back to the future and the timeline not totally being rewritten and the Jedi ghosts. Also the whole thing with people telling Kelly she was more powerful than Ash and nothing coming of it was odd.

That said the ending was better than  the idea of Kelly becoming Ash's daughter. Especially since we met her parents. Also also as far as the interview link above goes, I'm  with Tapert, the colon deadite didn't really work for me.

The fact that nothing seems to have changed in respect of the timeline made me think that this was all in Ash's head. I mean, I can see Ash thinking that the only changes would be Pablo being alive and him being a hero. But in reality the timeline should be totally messed up. They didn't mention how they got back to the present, did they?

i was expecting the post credits scene to be a reveal that Ash was being manipulated by Ruby into imagining all this. Maybe S3 will go that direction. 

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