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Small Talk: The Polygamous Cul-de-Sac

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4 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

LOL, the two of you are cracking me up - Lord knows I need the chuckle right now!!  🤣 

My nephew's name is Brian.  When I say my prayers for all of you I think of your screen names but usually shorten them a bit to Kyan, Gram, Kohola, Absol, etc., etc., etc.  😉 

Brian it is!  There is strength in numbers and you have a few of us pulling for him here!

We are like a little online family here, and we all love you.  And each other.  And sometimes a little bit of extra family is nice.   Our board friendship and how we have pulled together is the one nice thing in my life through this Covid.

  • Love 9
Just now, Gramto6 said:

I literally had a nightmare this morning of some scraggly guy trying to break into my house because he needed some place to stay with him mom who had the Covid virus. He was in my face and trying to push past me. I was so scared it woke me up! My heart was racing and when I took my fasting blood sugar it was way up. These are really stressful times!

I can't believe I am confessing this but.....  I live with just my one son (the rest of the traitors all grew up and broke free... I mean they moved out into their own places) and he and I have talked about buying a gun.  I would have done it before now except I can't find my driver's license and I keep thinking I will find it any day now.  I'm so old fashioned I still write checks, and I think a merchant kept my I.D. by mistake.  I WOULD just give my son the money and have him buy it except another son said that if I shoot an intruder and it's not registered to me, I can get into big trouble.

What if things get worse and people loot and break into homes?  I can see why you had that nightmare, Gram.

  • Love 4
21 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

What if things get worse and people loot and break into homes?  I can see why you had that nightmare, Gram.

I'm trying really hard not to go there, this was just a dream, but it must be there in my subconscious. It was terrifying...not just the break in, but that they could infect me.

Edited by Gramto6
  • Love 2

At the risk of sounding like a Pollyanna I have a little optimism to inject.  I work for a large hospital system and we wrap up every week with a "state of the virus" presentation.  Our number of both hospitalizations and deaths have been consistently decreasing all month, and we were one of the first hot spots in the country so this is amazing.  Today we learned that all provisions are in place to reopen in early May (our governor's current deadline, subject to change...) with safety measures and social distancing planned for, and that we have enough PPE, covid tests, and antibody tests to keep our staff and patients safe. 

I know everybody's corner of the world is different, but today was the first day in a while where I walked away with a spring in my step so I just had to share.  There's light at the end of the tunnel, even if we still can't tell how long the tunnel is.

And if my cheesiness didn't cheer you up, wander over to the Meri thread and have a laugh at her B&B food. 😄

  • Love 16
5 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

It's making me smile too, I think we all need a bit of humor now. I love all you folks so much this thread keeps me sane in this nightmare of a time.

5 hours ago, Kyanight said:

Brian it is!  There is strength in numbers and you have a few of us pulling for him here!

We are like a little online family here, and we all love you.  And each other.  And sometimes a little bit of extra family is nice.   Our board friendship and how we have pulled together is the one nice thing in my life through this Covid.

Same here, and I love you all too!  

5 hours ago, Kyanight said:

What if things get worse and people loot and break into homes?  I can see why you had that nightmare, Gram.

4 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

I'm trying really hard not to go there, this was just a dream, but it must be there in my subconscious. It was terrifying...not just the break in, but that they could infect me.

I have to confess I've had similar nightmares.  I also have a lot of those where I'm running away from someone all the time that either has the virus or wants to cause me harm.  I've also been worrying about civil unrest and people looting and breaking into homes.  My husband and I have no way to protect ourselves.  Our next door neighbors do but we don't.  This is a pretty safe area but as things get worse you never know.

I keep reading stuff online about how the lockdowns are only slowing the spread but that it's likely that eventually we'll all get it once things return to some kind of normal, especially those of us that live in states like mine, not far from the epicenter.  That in and of itself is terrifying.  Will I be shut up in my house for a year or more?  What am I going to do about the apartment in NYC?  How will we pay our bills? 

Just yesterday my husband began talking again about contacting his rich benefactor.  I really hope he does it because I can't take this anymore - we need some kind of hope and a lifeline of some sort.  He's even considering some kind of "Go Fund Me" page on a different website.  For Mr. "Pull himself up by the bootstraps", that's unprecedented.  I feel like we are sinking in quicksand with no chance of getting out. 

For me the nightmare is when I'm awake, too. 😥


  • Love 1

After the King Of Queens marathon ended this morning I got into the Time Life Classic Soul Ballads infomercial and when I saw the Chi-Lites I beat feet over to YouTube. 

James Corden a few years back intro'd the Back Street Boys by saying he wants to bring back proper boy bands: "matching outfits and synchronized dancing." Yep. Howie, Nick, AJ, Brian and Kevin. And James. 

1971 OG proper boy band:

and some best of Buh-Weet (the third song is Bette Davis Eyes, right?)


  • Love 3
On 4/23/2020 at 3:53 PM, Adiba said:

I have tried to say the same thing on my local news Facebook page about the lockdown and vaccines and was accused of being negative and uncaring (?)— it’s as if any critical thinking has gone out the window!

Same. Social media has gotten so ugly that people I know, people I thought were nice and critical thinking have become covid bullies. Like, bad. Like, I’m an asshole for going running (alone, deserted street!). I had to quit social media and talk myself off a ledge because it’s not the disease causing my anxiety, it’s the behavior of my fellow humans towards one another. 

I also do not understand the logic of determining that things like vegetable seeds or clothing are not “essential”. So growing a garden and being self-sufficient (and less time at the grocery store) is somehow bad? You can’t buy clothing for your kid who’s outgrowing them? So. Stupid. 

  • Love 6

I bought the Time-Life series of soul hits from the late 50's to the 80's.  There must be 20 CD's or so.  I grew up listening to Motown, The Beatles (actually saw them in their next-to-last concert in Seattle, when I was 12.)  Most of the songs are on my iPod now.  Remember "Float On" by the Floaters?  "Tighten Up" by Archie Bell and the Drells?  So many good songs.


  • Love 5
6 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Just yesterday my husband began talking again about contacting his rich benefactor.  I really hope he does it because I can't take this anymore - we need some kind of hope and a lifeline of some sort.

If he has that opportunity he should take it.  This is the time when people are willing to help those less fortunate if they have the means to do so.  The benefactor might be pleased to be asked and maybe even would have offered except he thought your husband might be offended.  I say go for it!

13 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

I also do not understand the logic of determining that things like vegetable seeds or clothing are not “essential”.

I honestly think it's more to keep people from all standing shoulder to shoulder mulling over which seeds to buy than it being non-essential.  And how often will dressing rooms be wiped down after use?  You can get clothing online even from Walmart and those sort of places.  Not arguing, just trying to offer some options and reasons why the orders are in place. I am uber careful but the person next to or in front of my may be as lax as hell and frankly I don't want their stupidity to kill me.

  • Useful 1
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11 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

If he has that opportunity he should take it.  This is the time when people are willing to help those less fortunate if they have the means to do so.  The benefactor might be pleased to be asked and maybe even would have offered except he thought your husband might be offended.  I say go for it!

I honestly think it's more to keep people from all standing shoulder to shoulder mulling over which seeds to buy than it being non-essential.  And how often will dressing rooms be wiped down after use?  You can get clothing online even from Walmart and those sort of places.  Not arguing, just trying to offer some options and reasons why the orders are in place. I am uber careful but the person next to or in front of my may be as lax as hell and frankly I don't want their stupidity to kill me.

I can see both sides. Some people are so dumb, they’re the reason these rules exist.

You know, I though social distancing would help my social anxiety because I was already doing it but interestingly, it’s made it worse.    I’m still trying to work out why that is. My “stay the fuck away from me” is worse than it’s ever been. 

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Same here, and I love you all too!  

I have to confess I've had similar nightmares.  I also have a lot of those where I'm running away from someone all the time that either has the virus or wants to cause me harm.  I've also been worrying about civil unrest and people looting and breaking into homes.  My husband and I have no way to protect ourselves.  Our next door neighbors do but we don't.  This is a pretty safe area but as things get worse you never know.

I keep reading stuff online about how the lockdowns are only slowing the spread but that it's likely that eventually we'll all get it once things return to some kind of normal, especially those of us that live in states like mine, not far from the epicenter.  That in and of itself is terrifying.  Will I be shut up in my house for a year or more?  What am I going to do about the apartment in NYC?  How will we pay our bills? 

Just yesterday my husband began talking again about contacting his rich benefactor.  I really hope he does it because I can't take this anymore - we need some kind of hope and a lifeline of some sort.  He's even considering some kind of "Go Fund Me" page on a different website.  For Mr. "Pull himself up by the bootstraps", that's unprecedented.  I feel like we are sinking in quicksand with no chance of getting out. 

For me the nightmare is when I'm awake, too. 😥


Yeah No - I don't have a lot of money right now but I would GLADLY put some money into a GoFund Me.  I hope your husband DOES contact his benefactor and I hope he does set up a gofund me.   There are people who would be able to help, even if it's a little bit - and WANT to help you perhaps, but don't know of your struggles.  In the last week I have given $21 to the same panhandler (the one with the mac cheese and the oatmeal packets, lol) and I could have given that to you - someone I "know".  (Not saying the "bum" didn't need help, but we all know I wasn't the only person to give him some cash.)

  • Useful 2
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1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

I can see both sides. Some people are so dumb, they’re the reason these rules exist.

You know, I though social distancing would help my social anxiety because I was already doing it but interestingly, it’s made it worse.    I’m still trying to work out why that is. My “stay the fuck away from me” is worse than it’s ever been. 

My anxiety and claustrophobia are worse, too. Never could stand it if someone got to close to me in the store before this. 

However, I agree that sometimes, what is a necessity to one person may not be to another. One should be able to buy seeds to start their veg. garden inside now, imo. As for people standing around and mulling— they do that anyway— in front of the milk, the meat, eggs, etc. 

If everyone orders everything online, it creates a backup for those really needing necessities delivered— so I’ve been avoiding ordering clothes, etc. My 4 year old grandson lives with me and he is swiftly outgrowing his clothes and shoes, but we’re making do for now. However, soon I will have to order online.

No matter what one does, someone will judge. We all just have to do the best we can.

  • Love 11

I liked boy bands.  I was an old geezette and still loved the Backstreet Boys when they came out.  I also liked that new group One Direction.

XWord - those Time Life offers are AWESOME!!!!!!!!  I can't say enough good things about them - and people should check out the different types of music that are available!

I find it incredibly sad that small stores had to be closed and yet the big chains that have grocery stores inside were allowed to remain open - which is totally understood, of course.  If we don't stop the crowds from shopping, we can't stop the spread of the plague.  So having SAID that I understand and feel terrible about the plight of small businesses....  I have to add that it was VERY comforting to be able to grab a few things from Target that weren't food items when I was getting some groceries.   Maybe the new "Little Women" DVD and the last Star Wars DVD along with my milk and T.P. and cheese and whatnot.  I picked up a couple of big storage bins so that I could get things in order around here, along with my food items one week.   They sell seeds at Home Depot and Lowes, so if people want gardening stuff, it IS considered essential here in Colorado.  In fact my sister's S.O. works at Home Depot because S.S. isn't enough.

And now my last rant - and the saddest, to me personally.  Turtle - you are NOT alone (as you have heard above) in your feelings regarding people on Social Media right now.  As I said pages back, I unfriended someone I have been friends with since 1998 because of the constant crap she was posting about Covid and how it was a hoax and a joke and blah blah.   Some people can get vicious with words on Social media, and sometimes FB is about the most depressing place you can be.   Interestingly enough, the Covid bullies are on BOTH sides.  You have people getting mean about people jogging, but then you have people being mean because the lockdown is "unnecessary" and the economy needs to open up wide and old geezers should just stay home where they belong.  It's nasty out there.  Hell, it gets nasty on other boards in this primetimer forum!!   I'm afraid to speak my thoughts because people pounce.  One last thing - I'm glad those handslappers left this board.  I hope they don't come back.

That's all.

  • Love 8

Well, another update from my little corner of the world....

Two more record sales days at my work, yesterday and today.  Everyone is now buying and setting up aquariums and buying fish for those tanks, and there are throngs.  It’s very time intensive ugh. 

Edited to delete my shameful first-world issue.  

Edited by Meowwww
  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Kohola3 said:

Storms?  Man, you are just getting hammered, aren't you?

I can't even fathom why people think that a fish tank is suddenly an essential item that they cannot live without.  It boggles the mind.

No storms.  Just old country transformers.  I feel ashamed for posting that when people are dying.  
But the customers?  Boggles my mind too.  The virus still isn’t real here.  Everyone’s on vacation. 

  • Love 1
15 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

If he has that opportunity he should take it.  This is the time when people are willing to help those less fortunate if they have the means to do so.  The benefactor might be pleased to be asked and maybe even would have offered except he thought your husband might be offended.  I say go for it!

Thanks - he keeps saying he's going to contact him, but hasn't done so so far.  It's driving me crazy but if I "nag" him about it it will only make things worse!

Another very rich client sent me a condolence card after he texted my husband a few days ago asking us how we were and found out about my father.  He's a really nice person and one of the top legal execs at a very huge well-known health insurance company.  We've actually eaten out with him a few times, although not recently of course.  He asked my husband if there was "anything he could do for us".  My husband's response was "I'll call you", but that was days ago now and he still hasn't done it!  Now that we got the card, my husband said, "Why don't you call Charlie and thank him?"  I said, "I would, but I don't have his number".  Then he said, "I'll call him with you".  Of course that hasn't happened yet either!  It's maddening!

14 hours ago, Kyanight said:

Yeah No - I don't have a lot of money right now but I would GLADLY put some money into a GoFund Me.  I hope your husband DOES contact his benefactor and I hope he does set up a gofund me.   There are people who would be able to help, even if it's a little bit - and WANT to help you perhaps, but don't know of your struggles.  In the last week I have given $21 to the same panhandler (the one with the mac cheese and the oatmeal packets, lol) and I could have given that to you - someone I "know".  (Not saying the "bum" didn't need help, but we all know I wasn't the only person to give him some cash.)

Awww, you guys are so sweet ((hugs)) - you know I couldn't take your money no matter how much I need it.  Those almost billionaire guys, though, they're a different story.  $5,000 to them is like $5.00 to us, maybe even 50 cents.  It's ridiculous!!

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, Kyanight said:

I find it incredibly sad that small stores had to be closed and yet the big chains that have grocery stores inside were allowed to remain open - which is totally understood, of course.  If we don't stop the crowds from shopping, we can't stop the spread of the plague.  So having SAID that I understand and feel terrible about the plight of small businesses.... 

I know, me too, especially restaurants.  When this is all over a lot of them will close permanently.  I am especially worried about women's clothing stores.  Retail was already having difficulty anyway and this now might put them over the edge.  I was already fearing that in a few years we would have nothing left but Target, Walmart, supermarkets and Home Depot but now I'm terrified.  I like to shop.  My "little world" had shrunk a lot in recent years and so losing another favorite pastime is crushing.  If Macy's disappears where will I go for a dress to wear to a wedding or class reunion in the future when life goes back to "normal"?  I can't just buy one online.  Not to mention shoes and pants, which are also difficult to buy online.

Which brings me to another rant I've been on - everyone blames "the internet" for the financial difficulties of the mall stores - That's only a part of the real cause but no one has been up to figuring out how to address the issue.  Most women can't buy a dress online and have any prayer of it fitting and looking good.  We NEED brick and mortar stores.  I'm usually a decent dresser even if casual, but these days I' mostly wearing leggings and athletic shoes.  It looks like if things keep going the way they're going that's all I'll ever wear again.  I like to feel good about my appearance - It helps me feel good in general and now I have to worry that the retail apocalypse is going to come down on us and I will have to dress in nothing but leggings for the rest of my life!  And don't get me wrong, I sometimes buy clothes in Walmart and Target too, but I'm short and it's hard to fit me.

14 hours ago, Kyanight said:

And now my last rant - and the saddest, to me personally.  Turtle - you are NOT alone (as you have heard above) in your feelings regarding people on Social Media right now.  As I said pages back, I unfriended someone I have been friends with since 1998 because of the constant crap she was posting about Covid and how it was a hoax and a joke and blah blah.   Some people can get vicious with words on Social media, and sometimes FB is about the most depressing place you can be.   Interestingly enough, the Covid bullies are on BOTH sides.  You have people getting mean about people jogging, but then you have people being mean because the lockdown is "unnecessary" and the economy needs to open up wide and old geezers should just stay home where they belong.  It's nasty out there.  Hell, it gets nasty on other boards in this primetimer forum!!   I'm afraid to speak my thoughts because people pounce.  One last thing - I'm glad those handslappers left this board.  I hope they don't come back.

That's all.

I feel this, as you know I posted about that 4th cousin of mine that sent me on Facebook that conspiracy theory video claiming that Covid was a hoax and overblown - this AFTER she just had posted condolences on my father's death under my own Facebook post - Well - An old HS friend has also been posting the same crap on Facebook about Covid being a hoax.  It's just mind boggling to me that someone supposedly that intelligent would push this stuff!  Meanwhile she's "sheltering in place" like the rest of us - Hey why is she doing that if this is supposedly a hoax?  Knowing her, I think she is just looking for attention!  I usually avoid social media, but since posting on my father's death some of that stuff has seeped in anyway.

I am almost ballistic about the way they act like us old geezers should just stay at home "where we belong".  Like we are expendable and don't matter so who cares if we are imprisoned at home indefinitely while they go out and make it even more dangerous for us to go anywhere!  My husband and I don't have the luxury of having a retirement income yet so how am I supposed to feel about this situation in which we have to stay home and can't go out and earn a living, but have no income either?  Meanwhile others who are younger and might feel OK about going out because they're crazy or have already had the virus get to have their lives back.  These people don't care if they make things harder for older people, plus they don't give a rat's ass if we can't afford to pay our bills and go down the tubes!  I am usually not a vindictive person but I sometimes hope that by the time they're my age they will get their "just rewards".

I don't expect or want to go out there and put my life at risk to make money, but how am I going to survive until retirement?  I have only a few years left.  My husband has 2 years until full social security age.  And it looks now like we might have to spend the bulk of that time waiting out this pandemic or risk death.  Greeaaaaat....And it doesn't look like most people out there give a crap about people like us either.

Who are these "handslappers" you are referring to?  I am not following other threads in which Covid is discussed.

5 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

I can't even fathom why people think that a fish tank is suddenly an essential item that they cannot live without.  It boggles the mind.

Who knows, maybe parents with bored kids stuck at home looking for something to keep them occupied?  Just guessing.  I'll bet the home gym companies are doing a swift business online these days too.

5 hours ago, Meowwww said:

No storms.  Just old country transformers.  I feel ashamed for posting that when people are dying.  
But the customers?  Boggles my mind too.  The virus still isn’t real here.  Everyone’s on vacation. 

Don't feel ashamed for that!  A week or so after my father died those storms that wrecked up the south came barreling through the northeast and we had a power outage for a few hours.  I was literally crying and curled up in the fetal position on my bed until my husband went out in the car to investigate and found that it was due to a downed tree less than a mile away on the main road.  The crew was working on it and then we got a text from the local power company that it should be fixed soon.  It takes very little to put people over the top with stress these days.  We're already dealing with a lot of stress and a power outage on top of that can be horrible.  You're dealing with it too.  I was picturing having to throw out all the food in my freezer....We have a decent generator but my husband never got the electrician to show us how to connect it.  I would have done it but I'm not up to dealing with stuff like that.  We each have our talents...

  • Love 3
On 4/25/2020 at 9:57 AM, Kyanight said:

I liked boy bands.  I was an old geezette and still loved the Backstreet Boys when they came out.  I also liked that new group One Direction.

XWord - those Time Life offers are AWESOME!!!!!!!!  I can't say enough good things about them - and people should check out the different types of music that are available!

I find it incredibly sad that small stores had to be closed and yet the big chains that have grocery stores inside were allowed to remain open - which is totally understood, of course.  If we don't stop the crowds from shopping, we can't stop the spread of the plague.  So having SAID that I understand and feel terrible about the plight of small businesses....  I have to add that it was VERY comforting to be able to grab a few things from Target that weren't food items when I was getting some groceries.   Maybe the new "Little Women" DVD and the last Star Wars DVD along with my milk and T.P. and cheese and whatnot.  I picked up a couple of big storage bins so that I could get things in order around here, along with my food items one week.   They sell seeds at Home Depot and Lowes, so if people want gardening stuff, it IS considered essential here in Colorado.  In fact my sister's S.O. works at Home Depot because S.S. isn't enough.

And now my last rant - and the saddest, to me personally.  Turtle - you are NOT alone (as you have heard above) in your feelings regarding people on Social Media right now.  As I said pages back, I unfriended someone I have been friends with since 1998 because of the constant crap she was posting about Covid and how it was a hoax and a joke and blah blah.   Some people can get vicious with words on Social media, and sometimes FB is about the most depressing place you can be.   Interestingly enough, the Covid bullies are on BOTH sides.  You have people getting mean about people jogging, but then you have people being mean because the lockdown is "unnecessary" and the economy needs to open up wide and old geezers should just stay home where they belong.  It's nasty out there.  Hell, it gets nasty on other boards in this primetimer forum!!   I'm afraid to speak my thoughts because people pounce.  One last thing - I'm glad those handslappers left this board.  I hope they don't come back.

That's all.

It's nice to know I'm not alone. I have an opinion, but it's rarely ever one-sided. I tend to get jumped by both "sides" and all I want to do is help find a solution that will be the most beneficial--and there's no risk-free solution. This thing is going to be around indefinitely and we've also got flu season coming up. 

People pouncing on other people is where I begin to lose my faith in humanity. We don't recognize the fears and concerns of others. Sometimes, that's all people want--to be heard and understood. I feel the fear of those who could die from Covid and I also feel the angst of those who worry where their next meal is coming from (or waiting for an eviction notice because they have lost their income).

We have to acknowledge one another, we shouldn't say that one person's plight has more merit than another. The person who has underlying conditions has merit, so too does the person who cannot afford their insulin any more. 

Edited by TurtlePower
  • Love 8
24 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

It's nice to know I'm not alone. I have an opinion, but it's rarely ever one-sided. I tend to get jumped by both "sides" and all I want to do is help find a solution that will be the most beneficial--and there's no risk-free solution. This thing is going to be around indefinitely and we've also got flu season coming up. 

People pouncing on other people is where I begin to lose my faith in humanity. We don't recognize the fears and concerns of others. Sometimes, that's all people want--to be heard and understood. I feel the fear of those who could die from Covid and I also feel the angst of those who worry where their next meal is coming from (or waiting for an eviction notice because they have lost their income).

We have to acknowledge one another, we shouldn't say that one person's plight has more merit than another. The person who has underlying conditions has merit, so too does the person who cannot afford their insulin any more. 

Yes, I do not think there is a "correct" answer to this problem. Either way you go there is a very big downside. I enjoy Facebook but I get tired of the post that "read" argumentive from either side. That is what brings my stress level up. I try to see both sides of the problem like you and sometimes have problems understanding why people cannot even see there my be another viewpoint.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

In all fairness and to keep the record straight it was, the Lt. Governor.

And he's 70 years old!  Hey, if he wants to risk his life that's his choice, but why should the rest of us have to do that? I didn't have children, and a lot of people in my age bracket that did gave birth to a bunch of entitled brats that blame their parents for everything, make everything about THEM, and are pissed off that nobody's going to support them for the rest of their lives!  Now I'm supposed to actually CARE about them so much that I'd risk my LIFE for them or get told I'm SELFISH?  And if I'm not willing to do that I should just accept being a prisoner in my own home for the foreseeable future while nobody thinks they should have to support ME? 

You've freaking got to be kidding me!  No, seriously, my whole life I've been shit on and now this is my reward???

Edited by Yeah No
  • Love 4

Thanks to all of you that prayed for my nephew Brian.  I found out yesterday that he tested negative for Covid-19.  I just hope it's an accurate testing.  He's doing much better but is staying home for now.  I actually hope he continues to stay home for a while considering the risks he was taking in the hospital.

Also, I apologize for my depressing posts the past couple of days.  I have been having some pretty disturbing nightmares lately and often wake up crying.  Then I realize that reality isn't much better than the nightmare.

  • Love 13
20 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

It's nice to know I'm not alone. I have an opinion, but it's rarely ever one-sided. I tend to get jumped by both "sides" and all I want to do is help find a solution that will be the most beneficial--and there's no risk-free solution. This thing is going to be around indefinitely and we've also got flu season coming up. 

People pouncing on other people is where I begin to lose my faith in humanity. We don't recognize the fears and concerns of others. Sometimes, that's all people want--to be heard and understood. I feel the fear of those who could die from Covid and I also feel the angst of those who worry where their next meal is coming from (or waiting for an eviction notice because they have lost their income).

We have to acknowledge one another, we shouldn't say that one person's plight has more merit than another. The person who has underlying conditions has merit, so too does the person who cannot afford their insulin any more. 


20 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

Yes, I do not think there is a "correct" answer to this problem. Either way you go there is a very big downside. I enjoy Facebook but I get tired of the post that "read" argumentive from either side. That is what brings my stress level up. I try to see both sides of the problem like you and sometimes have problems understanding why people cannot even see there my be another viewpoint.

I want to thank you both for stating your very reasoned and balanced views.  In my opinion you both were able to highlight that there are at least two very valid sides to this    I'm not quite as eloquent with my words when trying to point out alternate perspectives (sometimes it is the neutral view not even the contrary one).  I suspect I am viewed as one of the "hand slappers" that has been spoken about and though I've been very tempted to leave it seems I'm rather resilient and have  yet to be chased off.  (I think I'm one of the very few left here who do not have abject hatred and disdain for all that is the Brown family.) 

It's people like you two who remind me that even though we may not be as vocal, there are others who think and believe differently and those views do have merit and ideally, while may be not adopted, will at least be listened to and respected. Because I think it can not be highlighted enough, I want to especially applaud @TurtlePower's statement


"We have to acknowledge one another, we shouldn't say that one person's plight (or viewpoint) has more merit than another."

And now I'm fully expecting to be told that my statements are ironic in that my plea for an easing of judgement is in fact an example of my extreme and intolerant judgement.  In no way is any of this meant to be an admonishment of any person or their views, beliefs, or ideals.

Edited by sharkerbaby
by ≠ my, as ≠ and
  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, sharkerbaby said:

 I suspect I am viewed as one of the "hand slappers" that has been spoken about and though I've been very tempted to leave it seems I'm rather resilient and have  yet to be chased off. 

I'm glad you haven't left because I most DEFINITELY was not speaking of you!  

I was talking about Higgins who left the board after getting mad at everyone.  I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable or attacked - that certainly was not my intention!!  😞

I have always welcomed other people's opinions and thoughts - regardless of whether they agree with my own.  There are people on this board who hate Meri but I feel sorry for Meri - and...well for obvious reasons I relate to her somewhat.  There are people on this board who like Robyn but I LOATHE Robyn - but we all voice our sides (constantly) and we all get along great!

So please do not think I meant you!  The hand slappers (I think there might have been another one) weren't just voicing their opinion, they were trying to discipline everyone.  There's a huge difference!

  • Love 7
21 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

It's nice to know I'm not alone. I have an opinion, but it's rarely ever one-sided. I tend to get jumped by both "sides" and all I want to do is help find a solution that will be the most beneficial--and there's no risk-free solution. This thing is going to be around indefinitely and we've also got flu season coming up. 

People pouncing on other people is where I begin to lose my faith in humanity. We don't recognize the fears and concerns of others. Sometimes, that's all people want--to be heard and understood. I feel the fear of those who could die from Covid and I also feel the angst of those who worry where their next meal is coming from (or waiting for an eviction notice because they have lost their income).

We have to acknowledge one another, we shouldn't say that one person's plight has more merit than another. The person who has underlying conditions has merit, so too does the person who cannot afford their insulin any more. 

I just went back and read over this post.  I had a very bad day yesterday so I didn't fully read it until now.

My husband and I are actually in both categories - older with some medical issues and scared to death about dying from this, plus worried about near certain financial wipeout if he's not able to find a way to go back to work in a couple of months.  And before you think that shouldn't be a big issue once things calm down a bit,  he's a limo. driver.  Sitting in a closed car with a new stranger every several hours in the New York City/Westchester/Connecticut/Massachusetts area is a frightening proposition even if he does wear a mask.  These strangers are often from all over the world and the country.  He doesn't get to be picky about that.  And he knows more than anyone how careless a lot of these people are.  They don't give a crap about the well being of the driver.  I know from my father, who sat alone in his apartment only letting in a handful of people every week to take care of him that it only takes ONE person who might not even know they are infected or contagious to kill you despite wearing a mask and gloves.

Hubbie and I have had to contemplate the risks involved and every time, self preservation is stronger on the end of living vs. dying.  On the financial end, it's just money.  In the words of Andy Cuomo, the governor of NY, you can fix any problem but death is final.  I don't personally believe that the alternative solution some are voicing these days is any better solution.  It's going to be crappy no matter what we do.  If hundreds of thousands die the economy will still be in just as bad shape, not to mention even more despair and hopelessness.  The real choice is whether we feel that life is more important or money.  And my Jesuit education, like Andy Cuomo's taught me that life wins out every time.  We do what we can to protect ourselves and others FIRST, and if we can't do that, we have to face the financial consequences.  Those things are fixable, but death is final.  Having lost my father to this pandemic, I am probably more aware of this than some of the people crying about their financial situations that haven't lost anyone.  Unless they succumb to their own personal failures to cope with it and die as a result, they will be just fine, but I can't get my father back. 

My husband and I have risen from financial collapse before a few times in our lives.  Somehow we survive.  We all will survive our financial losses no matter how bad. But you can't make me believe that those losses are worth avoiding at the near certain expense of many more lives.  They claim that people will be more depressed and self destructive if they can't go back to work and are financially destitute.  Well, think about how depressed they would be if they lost several friends and relatives to this crisis.  What would the money do for them then?  Not a whole lot.  If people get self destructive and die because they can't cope with their financial losses that's actually potentially fixable in the long run.  It is under our control to change the way we react to that kind of situation.  It's often not under your control to avoid this virus.  People seem to get it so easily that even every precaution isn't enough.  There is often no way to predict who will get it and die and who won't.  And that's just not fair.  Anyone dying even due to self destruction isn't fair either but at least it's potentially more avoidable.

Actually, I went to college with Andy Cuomo.  My college boyfriend and another close friend went to high school with him.  Andy was in a couple of classes with me.  Back then he was a big jackass, always cutting up in the middle of lectures and taking advantage of the fact that his father Mario was the governor at the time.  The professors were afraid of him and never told him to shut up.  My friends and I used to hold bitch sessions in the cafeteria just to vent about him, he was THAT BAD.  So understandably, I never liked him and we're not even talking about politics.  So you know that when I have come around 180 degrees on him as a result of some of the things I'm hearing him say these days, that's pretty significant.  Obviously, his Jesuit education wasn't lost on him despite appearances.  Plus even his own brother Chris seems amazed at what a "softee" he has become lately. 

Anyway, I'll get off of this soapbox for now.  Thanks for hearing me out.

Edited by Yeah No
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I understand where you are coming from @Yeah No, but I also understand people’s fear about their financial situation/future. The two aren’t mutually exclusive to me. Btw, all of my siblings and parents live in the upper east half of New Jersey. My parents live in an apartment building in Bergen County. They are in their eighties.
Right now, I’m ok financially ( not rich, but not in default) but I still do worry about others whose situation is precarious. My sister is out of a job come this Friday. She will be eligible to collect, but the system is in shambles, so who knows when. She lives in north Jersey and is an x-smoker, so of course she is afraid of the virus. Up until now she has been very careful and working from home, but her employer just can’t keep her and some others on.

My brother is a commercial airline pilot out of Newark and is home— not flying for at least 2 more months— but he’s OK $$ for now.
My BIL is a first responder in Bergen County and of course I worry for him and my other sister.

So, any concern I have for people’s financial vulnerabilities is tempered with the fear of the virus. It seems, though, that some will accuse one of being cavalier or heartless if one expresses financial concerns on social media. As if I want people to die!
Or, if someone expresses hope for a treatment or a vaccine, they are shot down by some. 



  • Love 5
19 minutes ago, Adiba said:

I understand where you are coming from @Yeah No, but I also understand people’s fear about their financial situation/future. The two aren’t mutually exclusive to me.

No, they're not mutually exclusive to me either.  I am in both categories - fearing financial ruin plus being older with a few medical worries and afraid for my own health.  So I am far from not hearing the plight of those that are afraid about their financial situation as it applies to me as well.  But being from a perspective where I am coming from both angles, when I put myself in the situation of making a choice between living and being poor or dying, I think the choice becomes very clear.  I just think most people aren't able to put themselves in that position because either they have enough money to live on and they don't fear financial ruin, or they aren't so worried about their health.  So one or the other option is not a problem for them and they can't relate to having to make that choice.

My point is that fortunes are made, lost and then made again.  Despite all the doom and gloom about the economy, it will eventually recover.  Lives aren't lived, lost and then recouped.  It just doesn't work that way.  If you are forced into making that choice, which one would you choose?  And I don't think that today that is an irrelevant choice.  I don't know if there is any non-mutually exclusive choice.  One thing affects the other, we can't avoid that.  But when one choice will cost more lives, is whatever benefit worth that cost?  I don't think I can confidently answer "yes" to that question.  Even if some people die as a result of poverty those things can potentially be fixed before they die and quite honestly it would be a hard sell for me to believe that as many of them would die because of poverty as from this pandemic if lockdowns weren't continued for a while longer.  A lot of people will recover financially from this to some degree.  Dying from this virus, until there is a cure or effective vaccine is currently not fixable.  Talk to me again when those things are in place and I might have a different answer.

Edited by Yeah No
  • Love 5
21 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

No, they're not mutually exclusive to me either.  I am in both categories - fearing financial ruin plus being older with a few medical worries and afraid for my own health.  So I am far from not hearing the plight of those that are afraid about their financial situation as it applies to me as well.  But being from a perspective where I am coming from both angles, when I put myself in the situation of making a choice between living and being poor or dying, I think the choice becomes very clear.  I just think most people aren't able to put themselves in that position because either they have enough money to live on and they don't fear financial ruin, or they aren't so worried about their health.  So one or the other option is not a problem for them and they can't relate to having to make that choice.

My point is that fortunes are made, lost and then made again.  Despite all the doom and gloom about the economy, it will eventually recover.  Lives aren't lived, lost and then recouped.  It just doesn't work that way.  If you are forced into making that choice, which one would you choose?  And I don't think that today that is an irrelevant choice.  I don't know if there is any non-mutually exclusive choice.  One thing affects the other, we can't avoid that.  But when one choice will cost more lives, is whatever benefit worth that cost?  I don't think I can confidently answer "yes" to that question.  Even if some people die as a result of poverty those things can potentially be fixed before they die and quite honestly it would be a hard sell for me to believe that as many of them would die because of poverty as from this pandemic if lockdowns weren't continued for a while longer.  A lot of people will recover financially from this to some degree.  Dying from this virus, until there is a cure or effective vaccine is currently not fixable.  Talk to me again when those things are in place and I might have a different answer.

I don’t think it necessarily has to be an “either or choice”. I am afraid of one of my parents getting the virus or dying of something else before I get to see them again, but I’m not going to go visit them yet. I live about 70 miles away, and have not seen them since Christmas.

However, what if a safe, reliable vaccine is not even available to the public for 2 or more years, or not at all? I was crying the other night thinking about this. 

I think we may have to come up with solutions for mitigation whilst living with the threat of the virus in the meantime—but  I do respect others’ opinions about it.

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17 minutes ago, Adiba said:

However, what if a safe, reliable vaccine is not even available to the public for 2 or more years, or not at all?

This is a very real possibility.  After all these years and all the research and money put into finding a vaccine for HIV, there still is nothing even on the horizon.  What's even more relevant though is that both SARS and MERS are corona viruses and despite significant effort and trials no vaccine's have been released for either of these diseases.  So we may very well have to live with it and build up our own herd immunity as our defense.

Edited by sharkerbaby
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I finally had to block my niece, my brother-in-law and my aunt from social media.  I've had enough of being told how to feel during this crisis, or who I should vote for in the next election, or how this is all a hoax designed to create fear, or how we should riot because we can't get our nails done.  I've blocked friends before but now I'm blocking family.  It's ridiculous.

Also, on a lighter note:  New Kids on the Block >>>>>>>>>>>> Backstreet Boys. 😉

Edited by laurakaye
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You know, I don't think the majority of us INTEND to make anyone feel sad or uncomfortable or as if their concerns don't matter.  I know personally, I just type my thoughts sometimes without even thinking about it.

So I want to sincerely apologize to everyone whose feelings I might have hurt because of my stance on any subject - and not necessarily related to the Coronavirus.  And I'm sorry someone thought I meant THEY were a hand slapper and not wanted - or perhaps other people thought I meant them, too.  I enjoy different viewpoints and I'm glad everyone doesn't think exactly like I do.  It would be a boring world.

Perhaps I should take a break from the boards until I can get control of myself, lol.


  • Love 6
37 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

You know, I don't think the majority of us INTEND to make anyone feel sad or uncomfortable or as if their concerns don't matter.  I know personally, I just type my thoughts sometimes without even thinking about it.

So I want to sincerely apologize to everyone whose feelings I might have hurt because of my stance on any subject - and not necessarily related to the Coronavirus.  And I'm sorry someone thought I meant THEY were a hand slapper and not wanted - or perhaps other people thought I meant them, too.  I enjoy different viewpoints and I'm glad everyone doesn't think exactly like I do.  It would be a boring world.

Perhaps I should take a break from the boards until I can get control of myself, lol.


Oh dear!  @Kyanight, please don't dwell on the hand slapper comment, i didn't even remember who said it.  I "liked" you're post almost immediately but as is my standard I generally do not engage in a "conversation" on message boards preferring to let my rare comments stand on their own and instead heavily utilize the "reaction" buttons within the forums.   You didn't really make me feel sad or uncomfortable.  My discomfort is more with the board itself and the rampant poor view and constant "snark". 

I generally don't subscribe to the opinion that just because someone is on TV, that it represents them as a whole person (or family) and we get to see and know every aspect of their lives, thoughts, beliefs, and motivations.  I think we all are pretty well aware that reality TV is not truly reality and is heavily edited, produced, and lightly scripted.  I believe that is generally true of social media as well, albeit to a much lesser extent since people are generally posting snippets of themselves and their lives w/o producer manipulation and direction.

And this brings me to another honest to goodness question that has plagued me for quite some time... background - someone posted (no idea who) and this is a gross oversimplification, but in essence, they loved "snark" but didn't like "mean".   I truly do not understand the difference or maybe, I don't see a line where one crosses to the other?  So please can someone please illustrate the difference so that maybe I too can appreciate "snark".

Lastly, @Kyanight, back to you and your comments.  It seems you've been fretting that you may have hurt my feelings for over 2 hours!  Please don't worry about it.  I find you one of the more interesting and your comments, at least with me, carry more weight due to your background.  You, more than pretty much any of us, have far more insight into this way of life and that means something.  But just in case you need it, I forgive you. (even though I don't feel you needed to apologize for anything!)

Edited by sharkerbaby
  • Love 4
20 minutes ago, sharkerbaby said:

I think we all are pretty well aware that reality TV is not truly reality and is heavily edited, produced, and lightly scripted.  I believe that is generally true of social media as well, albeit to a much lesser extent since people are generally posting snippets of themselves and their lives w/o producer manipulation and direction.

I'll have to say depending on the show and episode, it may be a bit more than lightly scripted.  🙂  Some episodes are pretty much production driven.  

And that is why I almost never post on social media.  It looks too much like work to me to putting a certain product/brand/look or whatever out to the world.  

  • Love 5
28 minutes ago, sharkerbaby said:

And this brings me to another honest to goodness question that has plagued me for quite some time... background - someone posted (no idea who) and this is a gross oversimplification, but in essence, they loved "snark" but didn't like "mean".   I truly do not understand the difference or maybe, I don't see a line where one crosses to the other?  So please can someone please illustrate the difference so that maybe I too can appreciate "snark".

Obviously we all draw our own line or don't have one at all for snark vs mean.  To me it's mean when putting down or being derogatory about something a person can't or shouldn't need to change.  For example one that irks me is "butt in the front" for a cleft or dimpled chin.  What are people born with that supposed to do to satisfy the shallow appearance crowd?  Get a chin implant?  I guess I'd call taking cheap shots about things people are born with is being mean.  Snarking to me is talking about Mariah and her nearly constant bad or introductory yoga poses or taking so many photos with her nearly see through clothes or showing other not so glowing aspects of her life portraying them for attention. 

Edited by Absolom
  • Love 6
39 minutes ago, sharkerbaby said:

And this brings me to another honest to goodness question that has plagued me for quite some time... background - someone posted (no idea who) and this is a gross oversimplification, but in essence, they loved "snark" but didn't like "mean".   I truly do not understand the difference or maybe, I don't see a line where one crosses to the other?  So please can someone please illustrate the difference so that maybe I too can appreciate "snark".

So I went on a hunt to answer my own question...

I couldn't find any examples or definition of "snark vs mean" but since most definitions of "snark" included sarcasm, I did find examples of illustrations of "snark vs sarcasm"  so with that being said...

definition of "snark":

dictionary.com - 2nd def - to be critical in a rude or sarcastic way.

Merriam Webster - an attitude or expression of mocking irreverence and sarcasm

Urban Dictionary - Combination of "snide" and "remark". Sarcastic comment(s).

Illustrations of "snark" vs "sarcastic":

Reddit - 
   1) Sarcastic is essentially just telling a lie:
          "This is a great plan."
      Snarky is being an annoying little jerk:
          "This is a greaaaattttt plaaannnn."
  2)  snarkiness involves some wit (or, depending on how one sees it, assholery)
  3)  Sarcasm is when you say something, but really mean the opposite of it. These are all examples of sarcasm:
         "Oh yeah, I could really use more homework right now" (when you have a lot of homework)
         "Oh yeah, I love Justin Bieber" (you actually hate JB)
          Your friend just tripped and fell: "Nice going!"
    Being snarky is when you make little, rude comments:
         "That's an ugly shirt you're wearing" (your friend is wearing an ugly shirt)
         "You suck at your job" (you actually do suck at your job)
          "You're an idiot" (you actually are an idiot)
   The difference is that when using sarcasm, you say the opposite of what you actually believe to get your point across. When being snarky, you say exactly what you think
 4)   Snark is sarcasm with a healthy dose of mean and nasty. Funny to other people, but horrible to the target.

So, tossing all these definitions together, Etiquetteer discerns the difference between snark and sarcasm thus. If sarcasm is the ability to insult idiots without them realizing it, snark is the ability to insult others who will realize it and will a) appreciate the effort made and/or b) respond in kind in a perpetual snarkfest, making them a worthy opponent in a battle no one should have to fight.

Long story short, Etiquetteer sees both terms as insults delivered with irony, which often leads them to be mistaken for wit, which is defined as “clever or apt humor.” So Etiquetteer would encourage aspiring snarkers to give up now. Because let's face it, if you're not the late Dorothy Parker, you'll never get it right.

Edited by sharkerbaby
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acck rabbit hole!!!   

Since snark = snide + remark (see above Urban Dictionary definition of snark)

Definition of Snide:

Dictionary.com - derogatory in a nasty, insinuating manner:

Yourdictionary.com - 1) someone or something rude, snobby, mocking, devious or underhanded
   2) slyly malicious or derisive

Urban Dictionary - A mean, snobbish or spiteful remark. Usually used to describe an insult or a haughty statement.


Clawing my way out of my rabbit hole now...

  • Love 1

The Pentagon on Monday formally released three unclassified videos taken by Navy pilots that have circulated for years showing interactions with "unidentified aerial phenomena."

The Navy pilots found an oblong object about 40 feet long hovering about 50 feet above the water, and it began a rapid ascent as the pilots approached before quickly flying away. "It accelerated like nothing I've ever seen," one of the pilots told The Times. 

The pilots left the area to meet at a rendezvous point about 60 miles away. When they were still about 40 miles out, the ship radioed and said the object was at the rendezvous point, having traversed the distance "in less than a minute," the pilot told The Times.


Edited by suomi
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9 minutes ago, suomi said:

The Pentagon on Monday formally released three unclassified videos taken by Navy pilots that have circulated for years showing interactions with "unidentified aerial phenomena."

The Navy pilots found an oblong object about 40 feet long hovering about 50 feet above the water, and it began a rapid ascent as the pilots approached before quickly flying away. "It accelerated like nothing I've ever seen," one of the pilots told The Times. 

The pilots left the area to meet at a rendezvous point about 60 miles away. When they were still about 40 miles out, the ship radioed and said the object was at the rendezvous point, having traversed the distance "in less than a minute," the pilot told The Times.


I saw that! I've been following this for a long time and definitely suspect something's going on and has been for a long time. I believe these pilots (and also believe Roswell was not a "weather balloon").

I live near Roswell and am waiting to see if the new owners of the property where the crash occurred will allow visits. It's been back-and-forth for years. 

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1 hour ago, sharkerbaby said:

And this brings me to another honest to goodness question that has plagued me for quite some time... background - someone posted (no idea who) and this is a gross oversimplification, but in essence, they loved "snark" but didn't like "mean".

HA HA HA - I think that was me, too.  Well what I meant at the TIME was that I don't care if people snark on a topic or a person (mostly political on social media) as long as they don't get personal and mean to other POSTERS who are commenting - because they might disagree with that someone's personal opinion.

So if you were to say, "I love Robyn"... I COULD say (in snark) "I think she's the wicked witch of the west" but instead I say "Well Sharker you like Robyn because your head is up your bunghole".    THAT was what I meant by I love snark but not mean.  Snark on the topic, not your fellow posters.

HOWEVERSOME - I can't remember what I actually said or in what context, but I can see how it could be confusing.   Take Janelle, for example.  She makes all these posts (that people PAY for, mind you!) about eating healthy and exercising - and yet she looks bigger than ever whenever you see her... while Christine has slimmed down considerably.  So to ME, snark would be:  Janelle exercised??  It must mean she took the clothes off of her Dreadmill".... whereas MEAN would be:  "Janelle is a tub of lard that should do the world a favor and curl up and die".

I guess it's just semantics, but it's a personal guidance system for MYSELF.  I can crack jokes, but I hope I am not downright cruel.  

And sometimes people think I said something when I only replied to another's person's comments.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Absolom said:

For example one that irks me is "butt in the front" for a cleft or dimpled chin.  What are people born with that supposed to do to satisfy the shallow appearance crowd?  Get a chin implant?  I guess I'd call taking cheap shots about things people are born with is being mean. 

Dayum.  I AM mean.   And I don't feel very repentant.  I make fun of Robyn's square chin all of the time.  She is the epitome of the new wife that I freaking can't stand.  But I guess she can't help it.  I will give this some thought.    She COULD help a lot of the other crap she brings.

  • Love 6
14 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

HA HA HA - I think that was me, too. 

Well crap, sorry about that, obviously shows I do read and remember what you post although didn't mean to rope you into another topic. 

14 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

Well what I meant at the TIME was that I don't care if people snark on a topic or a person (mostly political on social media) as long as they don't get personal and mean to other POSTERS who are commenting - because they might disagree with that someone's personal opinion.

So if you were to say, "I love Robyn"... I COULD say (in snark) "I think she's the wicked witch of the west" but instead I say "Well Sharker you like Robyn because your head is up your bunghole".    THAT was what I meant by I love snark but not mean.  Snark on the topic, not your fellow posters.

Gotcha, that makes sense.  In this example it's the subject of your comment that makes it different,

14 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

HOWEVERSOME - I can't remember what I actually said or in what context, but I can see how it could be confusing.   Take Janelle, for example.  She makes all these posts (that people PAY for, mind you!) about eating healthy and exercising - and yet she looks bigger than ever whenever you see her... while Christine has slimmed down considerably.  So to ME, snark would be:  Janelle exercised??  It must mean she took the clothes off of her Dreadmill".... whereas MEAN would be:  "Janelle is a tub of lard that should do the world a favor and curl up and die".

I guess it's just semantics, but it's a personal guidance system for MYSELF.  I can crack jokes, but I hope I am not downright cruel. 

And in this case it's the jab at the physical appearance and the suggestion for a swift and fatal ending that makes it different.

20 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

I saw that! I've been following this for a long time and definitely suspect something's going on and has been for a long time. I believe these pilots (and also believe Roswell was not a "weather balloon").

During the early '80s I watched UFOs night after night when I lived in the mountains in SoCal at just under 7000'. They were triangular with three lights and they were FAST when they wanted to be. They flew straight across the sky or they stood absolutely still or they darted like fireflies and when they left they zoomed outta sight. 

I watched them from my north-facing bedroom window and the only thing north of Big Bear is the Mojave desert. Have you driven from SoCal to Vegas? That's the Mojave, a whole lotta nothin'.

My ex was a boozer so he was hard to wake up. I would call my friend who lived a couple miles away and let it ring once and then call again and she'd grab it before her husband woke up and we'd watch together, sometimes for an hour.

Big Bear has a premier solar observatory (because of the altitude) and we called them a lot but of course they were non-committal. They did always suggest that we make a report on the UFO Hotline in the local phone book. 😉

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12 minutes ago, suomi said:

During the early '80s I watched UFOs night after night when I lived in the mountains in SoCal at just under 7000'. They were triangular with three lights and they were FAST when they wanted to be. They flew straight across the sky or they stood absolutely still or they darted like fireflies and when they left they zoomed outta sight. 

I watched them from my north-facing bedroom window and the only thing north of Big Bear is the Mojave desert. Have you driven from SoCal to Vegas? That's the Mojave, a whole lotta nothin'.

My ex was a boozer so he was hard to wake up. I would call my friend who lived a couple miles away and let it ring once and then call again and she'd grab it before her husband woke up and we'd watch together, sometimes for an hour.

Big Bear has a premier solar observatory (because of the altitude) and we called them a lot but of course they were non-committal. They did always suggest that we make a report on the UFO Hotline in the local phone book. 😉

I so wish I would have been with you!  I have heard of these triangular objects with the 3 lights.  It couldn't have been experimental aircraft because at this point (40 years later) they have to have either failed miserably or been out of the experimental stage by now right?  Either way, you'd think we would have been let in on this 40 yr old secret at this point.  I suppose the technology could still be evolving and therefore still classified but something has to have become obsolete and available for public/private use after all this time?

eta:  boy I am quite the chatty cathy today aren't I?  I may be sneaking up on more posts in one day than posts during my entire lifetime at Primetimer!  

Edited by sharkerbaby
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5 hours ago, Kyanight said:

Dayum.  I AM mean.   And I don't feel very repentant.  I make fun of Robyn's square chin all of the time.  She is the epitome of the new wife that I freaking can't stand.  But I guess she can't help it.  I will give this some thought.    She COULD help a lot of the other crap she brings.

I make fun of Robyn's oversize jaw, and maybe I shouldn't, but since she's so irritating to me in general, and Kootie's blatant favorite (along with her kids) that I can't help myself sometimes.  She has pissed me off in so many ways, from "day one."  

I also dislike Meri and Mariah, and have made fun of their appearances too.  Meri was HBIC and was abusive to Janelle.  Mariah pretends to care about stuff that she obviously doesn't.  She talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk.  She's spoiled and selfish, just like her mother.

Kootie is a pain in the ass to a lot of his family, so he deserves snark.  Just his favoring Robyn so relentlessly, and expecting the other women to "suck it up, buttercup" brings out the worst in me.

We do have the option here of ignoring posters that say things we don't like.  I've never ignored anyone here, and I don't mind if others have a different opinion than I do.  


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