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S04.E05: Haunted

Tara Ariano

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I wonder if Sara's soul was in the Pit because that's where it was before Laurel demanded a dip (even though it makes no sense for her to be stuck there) or if she was somewhere else and got stuck there because of some Pit juju. Was that brought up in the ep and I missed it? Maybe that's something we need to hear about from Sara, if we ever get her POV on the whole thing. But since it seems like we'll be seeing her a week or more after the fact, probably not.

Edited by apinknightmare

I think the little there is in the episode about what souls and afterlives signify in this universe point to Laurel at least believing that souls exist. Oliver says the LP resurrected Sara's body, and Laurel is the one that finishes with "but didn't bring back her soul". But that's pretty much it. There's nothing in the text that said anyone believed Sara's soul was in a bad place before Constantine showed up and revealed it so.

Except, since her soul was trapped in the LP, it was most likely the actual resurrection that trapped her soul there.  Her soul was probably off somewhere happily jaunting about in a grassy meadow, with no bugs except nice ones like cicadas, sunshine, a light breeze, and lots of puppies and kittens gamboling about.  (That's my idea of heaven anyway.)  And then she was yanked out and thrown into a monstrous version of Nanda, which is already plenty monstrous. 


So yeah, Laurel sucks ass.

  • Love 10

I'm going with Sara's soul was somewhere else, Laurel threw her in the Pit and her soul got sucked into it. 

I also don't think we'll get much on where Sara was, at least not on Arrow. They'll go over her bloodlust and she'll try to move on from that like she does for everything else. 

Agree.  It really makes no sense for her soul to have been in the Pit prior to her resurrection, as she had nothing to do with the Pit, other than probably having seen it, before Laurel stuck her in it.  Even if she had been in hell or something, why would her version of hell be the Lazarus Pit?  

  • Love 1

The show said that the pit has a little piece of everbody who bathed on it. I can assumed that it was most of Sara instead of just a piece.

But the thing is with them adding Constantine, I have to assume there is an afterlife. Not just the nothingness of death. He mentioned Angels on Arrow but Heaven and Lost souls to underworld&demons is a very real thing within his world.

Edited by tarotx
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Was on Tumblr and they did a parallel between when SL in s2 told OQ that she "looked into the eyes of the devil and gave her soul to the devil" and he offered to get it back. So kudos to him for keeping his promise. But I brought it up, because it makes me made that they were so lackluster on the whole hot tub rescue. After setting up such a big statement in s2, I feel like they should have had more of devilish or dark-eyed presence in the hot tub vision quest. Like somehow O, L & C really did have to battle to take back her soul. We don't really know about  the afterlife on ARROW, but clearly SL felt she had pre-booked her destination on the devil's tourbus. I just wish the writers had remembered some of what they set up in s2, so as to pay better homage to her sacrifice & loss. Instead of finding the easiest way to explain reversing the tub's effects one simply has to climbing out of it instead of leap frogging.



  • Love 3

The show said that the pit has a little piece of everbody who bathed on it. I can assumed that it was most of Sara instead of just a piece.


Sure. Sara's soul was trapped in the pit for a couple of weeks [maybe it felt like more for her, but we also don't know].  But where was Sara's soul the full year before she was dumped into the pit? That's the unanswered question, and the show didn't establish anything about that. Which they should have, through Laurel, but they couldn't be bothered, because that's how they always write Laurel.

  • Love 1

I know. That's why I went onto talking about how afterlife is a real thing on Constantine. Guess I didn't get my point across. They have to address Sara's experience because of their decision to bring Constantine into this universe.

Sure. Sara's soul was trapped in the pit for a couple of weeks [maybe it felt like more for her, but we also don't know]. But where was Sara's soul the full year before she was dumped into the pit? That's the unanswered question, and the show didn't establish anything about that. Which they should have, through Laurel, but they couldn't be bothered, because that's how they always write Laurel.

Was on Tumblr and they did a parallel between when SL in s2 told OQ that she "looked into the eyes of the devil and gave her soul to the devil" and he offered to get it back. So kudos to him for keeping his promise. But I brought it up, because it makes me made that they were so lackluster on the whole hot tub rescue. After setting up such a big statement in s2, I feel like they should have had more of devilish or dark-eyed presence in the hot tub vision quest. Like somehow O, L & C really did have to battle to take back her soul. We don't really know about  the afterlife on ARROW, but clearly SL felt she had pre-booked her destination on the devil's tourbus. I just wish the writers had remembered some of what they set up in s2, so as to pay better homage to her sacrifice & loss. Instead of finding the easiest way to explain reversing the tub's effects one simply has to climbing out of it instead of leap frogging.



That gifset and the one that parallels Oliver and Sara's journeys gets me emotional about their relationship. Seriously, if they need Oliver to have a platonic female relationship give me Oliver and Sara.


Sure. Sara's soul was trapped in the pit for a couple of weeks [maybe it felt like more for her, but we also don't know].  But where was Sara's soul the full year before she was dumped into the pit? That's the unanswered question, and the show didn't establish anything about that. Which they should have, through Laurel, but they couldn't be bothered, because that's how they always write Laurel.


This whole thing just reminds of me WM's interviews, esp her latest one. It was long and Laurel wasn't mentioned once. In fact, Laurel is hardly ever mentioned in WM's interviews unless the question is a Laurel question or related to Lance. Sounds like an afterthought.

Edited by 10Eleven12
  • Love 3

That gifset with Sara opening up to Oliver and telling him she gave the devil her soul just shows how not close she was to Laurel.  Did we ever see her saying anything that personal to her sister?  And with Oliver in the past and present offering to help her get it back, and Laurel doing nothing here until Constantine had turned down Sara, kind of says a lot.


I wonder if the soul thing was planned or yet another happy coincidence.


The problem here is this would have been an entirely different storyline, one that would be about Laurel's lack of faith being tested. They would have had to establish Laurel as an atheist who believes nothing happens after death. Which also means not believing that souls exist. And then she would have been proven wrong, because she brought Sara's soul back not from nothingness, but from an afterlife that she herself saw in the vision quest. But this is not Arrow, nor it is Laurel at all.

They really don't give Laurel any complex emotional storylines at all, do they?  Thea got bloodlust, Sara is going to get dealing what she did when she got out of the Pit plus possibly bloodlust but Laurel doesn't get a moment to wonder if she did the right thing, not even when Sara goes cray-cray.  I'd really like to know why,

  • Love 3

Oliver and Sara have a reason to stay friends with their sordid history. They spent a year on the hellish island together, they survived together. They both thought the other was dead at one point (for Sara once, Oliver 4 times but still the point remains). That type of stuff bonds you for life. Laurel has no such connection to Oliver. She can walk away and Oliver can walk away from her. He can't and probably won't walk away from Sara. 


I really hope we get a Sara re-meets the team in this weeks episode. Just because it will show how connected Sara was to them. Thea was going to give her life to help her, Felicity saved her life, Diggle named his daughter after her and Oliver kept his promise to save her soul. 

Edited by Sakura12
  • Love 5

Oliver and Sara have a reason to stay friends with their sordid history. They spent a year on the hellish island together, they survived together. They both thought the other was dead at one point (for Sara once, Oliver 4 times but still the point remains).

They really do like killing Sara. I can't even remeber all four times and was shocked when I read it now. Four?! I've got The Queen's Gambit, The Amazo and her death last year. What am I missing?

Maybe she was simply saving Sara from the nothingness of death itself. Do we have any indication in show of heaven or hell or purgatory (or that the writers themselves have any belief in an afterlife)? If you believe this life is all there is, then....  


I agree with tarotx.  If the Flarrow universe is the same one inhabited by John Constantine, then there is a Heaven and a Hell.  However, I doubt the EPs even thought that deeply about it, but just framed it as Laurel 'saving' Sara from 'death'.


The more I think about this episode, the more I believe that it was intended just to bring back Sara in a way that justified keeping Laurel in Oliver's life, with a reason for a guest appearance by Constantine as a bonus.

Edited by tv echo
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I feel like it's writing for plot again -- bring back Sara + give Laurel a storyline + mend Lauriver fences.


Which is okay but they forgot the part about writing Laurel so that the audience is rooting for her once again. It wouldn't have been hard; have her acknowledge that she misses Sara so much she acted hastily, have her say to Oliver that she didn't tell him about Sara because she wanted to fix her own mistakes herself (rather than because she didn't want his judgey face), have her insist on being one of the people who gets Sara back in the vision quest because she made this situation rather than Thea volunteering and then Oliver deciding Laurel should be the other one.

  • Love 14

I am enjoying this season but I could have done without all this souls/angels/demons/spirituality nonsense in it. This is the reason Constantine was such a terrible show and why the Messengers didn't work either. The problem with Catholic biblical literalism is that it doesn't make any sense. Trying to make a TV show about it just highlights that. All these elements were meant to be metaphorical so trying to make literal sense of them makes them nonsensical. I get that this was in the comics so that's the source material. But I always liked the lack of supernatural elements in Arrow.

  • Love 1

I found this on twitter and I have to say it is exactly how I feel. It was probably not written by her but I'll give her the credit.


bless! go spend 5 years in hell, be tortured 100 times and watch your parents die before eyes then we'll talk. maybe


Arrow needs to stop deliberately comparing Oliver and Laurel as vigilantes. Oliver shouldn’t see Laurel as his equal on Team Arrow 3.0 because she isn’t his equal. If Oliver decided to pick up a briefcase and start spending his days at the courthouse like an attorney, he wouldn’t be Laurel’s equal in the law. Vigilantism is and has been Oliver’s profession for years now, the plot needs to not require him to dilute his own skills to make Laurel feel better about her amateur status.  All of the characters have their flaws, and Laurel’s biggest is that she can be a loose cannon that needs to have a wet blanket thrown on her from time to time.  It just shouldn’t come at the cost of the hero’s reputation.



  • Love 7

3. The Diggle/Quentin partnership. It helps that they are two of the better actors on the show, but their interactions had a gravitas and tension that, oddly, the "Go get the soul!" plot lacked. Diggle's reaction to getting the file on his brother was one of the best scenes in the episode.


2. I realize at this point I really need to give up all hope that the flashbacks are going to make any sense whatsoever, but why are the drug lords driving jeeps around the evil island? Where are they getting their gas from? The Evil Island Gas Station?


2. Evil Island, Evil Hatch. Far be it for me to argue with Constantine, but I'm not sure the Evil Island draws Evil People to it. I think it just draws bad plots.


3. But speaking of Bad Plots, much though I love finding out that Oliver is pure of heart, you've only got a little under two seasons to turn his Pure Heart into a Killer Heart, show!


She lives!! I thought we were going to have to send you some magical teas/herbs... :)


Awesome commentary as usual... Love the subtle shade "Go get the soul". Like speaking to little children.... Haha:)


I really think they are channeling LOST. So I wouldn't be surprised if there is a Evil Gas station. I totally expect the Polar Bear & smoke monster to come any episode now. There is probably a whole secret Stepford wives Dharma Initiative on this island too. It's probably why OQ is so comfortable in suburbia.

Edited by kismet

405 (Haunted) – No Oliver Queen voiceover intro.

405 (Haunted) – Felicity asks Curtis to help her clean up the audio file of Ray Palmer’s last recorded message: 
Felicity: "Curtis, I need you to do something for me."
Curtis: "Felicity, look at me. Gym clothes, gym bag - do either of those suggest anything to you?"
Felicity: "Physical fitness. But then I remembered you're a tech guy."
Curtis: "I'm also a bronze medal decathlete."
Felicity: "Bronze medal, huh?"
Curtis: "Beijing, 2008."
Felicity: "Beijing, as in the Olympics?"
Curtis: "Mr. Palmer's recording. Did you play it?"
Felicity: "Yes. There's something off about it."
Curtis: "You sure it's not the fact that it's a dying declaration from your ex? I mean, that is some serious Nicholas Sparks-level stuff. Don't judge. The man can write emotion."
Felicity: "No, not that. I mean, yes, there's that, but there's still some artifacts playing that shouldn't be there. What about your work-out?"
Curtis: "Didn't seem to concern you 20 seconds ago."
Ray (recorded voice): "I'm sorry, Felicity, this is my fault. I - I got -"
Felicity (pausing audio): "You hear that?"
Curtis: "Like there's more to the recording. Something overlapping with it."
Felicity: "I was hoping you could clean it up for me. I mean, after your workout."
Curtis: "It can wait. I'm glad you changed your mind about hearing Mr. Palmer's final words."
Felicity: "Thank you, Curtis."

405 (Haunted) – We learn that the new Arrow Bunker has a P.A. system: 
(Oliver and Thea are sparring with sticks.)
Oliver: "Whatever that spa weekend did to clear your head, it also improved your technique. You're effortless."
Thea: "Yeah, well, you know how I love my hot stone massages."
Oliver: "By the way, that political strategist was a good call."
Thea: "But his advice was a little harsh. I mean, distancing yourself from Laurel?"
Oliver: "I wasn't expecting that, but he made a few good points."
Thea: "What, like kicking your friends to the curb?"
Oliver: "Well, my friendship with Laurel is... complicated."
Thea: "We have been in each other's lives for like forever.  I mean, you have been in love with Laurel and Sara, and Laurel, she - she took me in at CNRI when I was completely lost. Even Captain Lance, okay, he has been there for us since mom died."
Oliver: "Okay, but your point?"
Thea: "My point is that pretending that you don't know who your friends are, it... just doesn't feel very united."
Felicity (over P.A. system): "This is your overlord, Felicity Smoak."
Thea: "We have a P.A. system?"
Oliver: "Yet another decision I might live to regret."
(Oliver punches intercom button.)
Oliver: "Hi, what's going on?"
Felicity: "Code 47 at a nightclub on Ninth. A blonde woman going cray cray. And since I'm down here, it's probably the blonde woman we've been looking for."
Oliver: "The woman who's killing people in Pennytown. (To Thea) Suit up."

405 (Haunted) – Felicity identifies the RAT device that Quentin got from Darhk:
Quentin: "We need to talk."
Oliver: "About Sara?"
Quentin: "Laurel told you?"
Oliver: "Not exactly."
Quentin: "You got to admire her consistency. Keeps her death secret from me, her resurrection secret from you."
Oliver: "Are you okay?"
Quentin: "Am I okay? I think there are certain situations in life where the word 'okay' does not apply."
Oliver: "Well, we're working on finding Sara."
Quentin: "Good. Because we got other problems." (Shows him device)
*  *  *
Felicity: "It's a RAT - a Remote Access Trojan. Basically a computer virus. A polymorphic code designed to target and erase certain pieces of data. It's buried under three levels of encryption. By the time I've cracked it -"
Quentin: "Darhk could be wondering why I haven't run his errand for him."
Oliver: "I'm not sending you to break into a federal facility without backup."
Quentin: "I don't want Laurel knowing about me and Darhk."
Oliver: "I wasn't suggesting Laurel."

405 (Haunted) – Oliver and Felicity realize that Sara is targeting women who look like Thea:
(Oliver & Felicity are at home in the loft.)
Oliver: "Any luck connecting Sara's victims?"
Felicity: "Just that she's only killed muggers and street thugs. I still can't believe that it's Sara we're talking about. That she's alive. I mean, I know how it's possible, but how is it possible?"
Oliver: "The world is a much more... complicated place than most people are comfortable believing."
Felicity: "I received an old message from Ray, in the moment right before he died. I almost didn't listen to it, because... I didn't - I didn't want to feel that grief again. The threat of zombie apocalypse aside, isn't it kind of nice not having to deal with the pain of saying good-bye?"
Oliver: "Well, if it were that simple. Not a day goes by that I don't miss my parents... or Tommy. And I think about what I would give just to spend another minute, but what's happening with Sara isn't healing anyone's pain.  It's just - it's making it worse. She almost killed those two girls. I mean, why would she even go after them?"
Felicity: "Her marble collection's a little incomplete. Just guessing."
Oliver: "Well, they have something in common?"
Felicity: "Well, the waitress was Stephanie Dangess and the girl at the club was Lindsay Paulson. Oh my God, both these girls -"
Oliver: "They look like Thea."

405 (Haunted) – Oliver and Felicity visit Thea in the hospital; and Oliver confronts Laurel about taking Thea to Nanda Parbat:
(Oliver and Felicity are in Thea's hospital room.)
Felicity: "I just can't believe that Sara would do something like this."
Oliver: "She's not Sara."
Thea (regaining consciousness): "No, that's not it."
Oliver: "Hey, hey. How you feeling?"
Thea: "Ah, Sara, she -"
Oliver: "Ah, I know, it's okay. You're safe."
Thea: "She tried to kill me."
Oliver: "She's not in her right mind."
Thea: "You have no idea. This is the Pit. She's going through the same thing I am. I -"
Oliver: "Thea, I thought that you were better."
Thea: "When I went to Nanda Parbat, I... killed two guys. Malcolm... Malcolm served them up on a platter for me, and helped keep my blood lust at bay."
Laurel (entering): "Oh, my God. Thank God you're all right."
Oliver: "Laurel, come with me." (He and Laurel exit hospital room.)
Laurel: "Is Thea okay?"
Oliver: "No. Not only is Thea hospitalized, but she has Merlyn influencing her to kill people."
Laurel: "What are you talking about?"
Oliver: "Oh, just another thing that happened on your secret trip to Nanda Parbat."
Laurel: "Hey! I didn't tell you that I took my sister to Nanda Parbat because I knew that you wouldn't approve."
Oliver: "Why didn't you tell me you took Thea?"
Laurel: "What does that have to do with anything?! It's the hypocrisy that I can't stand!"
Oliver: "What?"
Laurel: "It's okay for you to do whatever you have to for your sister, but it's not okay for me to do the same to mine?"
Oliver: "Sara was dead. Thea wasn't."
Laurel: "Then why didn't you tell me about Thea seven months ago? Because you don't see me as an equal."
Oliver: "What? Oh, come on. Laurel, of course I see you as an equal."
Laurel: "No, you don't! You never have. You never told me that you were the Arrow -"
Oliver: "Keep your voice down!"
Laurel: "[Unintelligible words] becoming the Black Canary. And you never would have told me that there's a way to save my sister. My sister, she's out of her mind right now. Because of something that I did. A decision that I made. Did you ever just stop and think for one second about what I might be going through? I'm sorry about what happened to Thea. I really am. I love your family - I always have. I just wish that sometimes you would give a damn about mine."

405 (Haunted) – Team Arrow talk about Sara (Felicity is present but has no lines in this scene):
Diggle: "You sure you want to be here?"
Thea (sighing): "I hated hospitals before tonight. Ah. It's just another excuse to stay away."
Oliver: "At the hospital, I looked Sara in the eyes. She wasn't there."
Diggle: "What does that mean?"
Oliver: "The Pit is not supposed to be used on the dead. It brought Sara's body back, but all of this is happening -"
Laurel: "Because it didn't restore her soul."
Oliver (nodding): "We still need to find her, okay? Sara died long before you moved in with Laurel, and she knew exactly which hospital room to look for you in."
Laurel: "What, you think Sara can sense Thea somehow?"
Diggle: "And here I was just wrapping my mind around metahumans."
Thea: "Wait, we've both been in the Pit. Maybe - maybe that gives us some type of connection.  A connection we can use."
Oliver: "Thea, you just got out of the hospital. I don't want to use you as bait."
Thea: "Well, I guess it's a good thing you're not in charge anymore."
Diggle: "We'll have her back, Oliver. All of us."

405 (Haunted) – Constantine performs a magical ritual to restore Sara’s soul, with the help of Oliver and Laurel: 
Laurel: "So what, you're going to perform some kind of exorcism on my sister?"
Constantine: "No, an exorcism is a removal of demonic possession. What your sister needs is a restitutionem - the restoration of her soul to her body."
Thea: "And you've done this before?"
Constantine: "Ah, once. Maybe a year ago. But don't worry, it's just like riding a bike."
Oliver: "I'm sure we have a lot of work to do to prepare. I assume you brought a list?"
Constantine (handing list to Felicity): "Apologies. I didn't have time to translate that from its original Aramaic. You know, if I knew you were surrounded by so many pretty girls, Oliver, I would have stopped by sooner." 
Diggle: "Where did Oliver find this guy, the Luxor?"
Felicity: "Oh, I'm just glad that the latest person from Oliver's past is not another gorgeous woman."
*  *  *
(Oliver places Sara's body into the circular symbol that's been drawn on the floor.)
Quentin (entering): "I'm not even going to ask."
Laurel: "You got my message. I'm so happy you came."
Quentin: "I'm her father too."
Diggle: "I hate to be the one to say this, but what if something goes wrong?"
Constantine: "Oh, don't worry. If things go wrong, then we'll all be too dead to care. Well, then. Now we just need a -"
Felicity: "I think I got everything in here that you wanted, although I am not entirely sure what you need a dead peacock feather for."
Constantine (taking the feather and using it to scratch his back): "Ah. Ahh. Oh, nice one. That's been bugging me for hours. Now, I've only got enough juice to send myself and two of you to the other realm and back, so -."
Thea: "Oh, I think it should be me. Um, I'm the reason why she's like this right now."
Constantine: "No offense, love, but from what I hear, you're not exactly bringing out the best in Sara right now, are you?"
Oliver: "Laurel. Do you trust me? Trust me when I tell you this will work."
(Oliver and Laurel step into the circle and grasp hands.)
Constantine: "Oh, there's, uh, one more thing. Whatever's locked her soul away, it's not going to give it over without a fight. So be ready. All right, then. On with the show...  Pelako ameso yobe eleggua imbone ukuchila panshita. De domino vestro, aliquis. Et stabit de domino vestro. Audite vocem meam. (Electricity flickers)  Ancor, anchor, candones helosi et vos eleutis phugori... (Sara groans and gasps) De cruinne-ce agus akasha seall me do solas!"
*  *  *
(Oliver and Laurel are back in the Arrow Bunker. They unclasp hands and stumble back out of the circle.)
Constantine: "Whoo!"
Quentin (hugging Laurel): "Laurel, you're all right."
(Oliver stumbles to Felicity and hugs her.)
Laurel: "What happened? What is she? Did we -?"
(Sara opens her eyes and is lucid.)
Laurel: "Sara! Sara! Oh Sara." (Hugs her)
(Quentin hugs both his daughters)

405 (Haunted) – Felicity finds out that Ray is alive: 
Curtis: "Felicity! Welcome back! Welcome, welcome, welcome!"
Felicity: "How many of these have you drank?"
Curtis: "It's 'drunk', actually, and many. But worth it."
Felicity: "You cleared up the rest of Ray's message?"
Curtis: "I think so. Uh, the playback was rendering when you came in. So, propitious timing."
Felicity: "Okay, you're not even allowed to say 'energy drink' while on company time ever again."
Curtis: "That's okay, I think I might be having a cardiac incident, anyway. So, the message, check it out. I was just about to call you. Wait, where's my phone? Wait, did I call you already?"
Felicity: "Curtis!"
Ray (recorded voice): "I'm sorry, Felicity, this is my fault. I - I got myself into this mess screwing around with my exosuit and nanotechnology. But recriminations probably aren't probably the best use of this limited bandwidth. What I need you to know is... I'm alive, and I'm in trouble."

Edited by tv echo

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