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S06.E10: A Judge Decides

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I must have fallen asleep and missed this, but did Meri ever get the results from her cancer test at the doctor office?  I saw it happen and then I missed the results.  What caused her to lose 30 pounds in 6 weeks?  I mean, besides her internet activities.

We didn't find out anything.  If this was a ploy to boost ratings, it's beyond reprehensible.  If it was some kind of decoy to throw us gullible viewers away from the idea that Meri lost all that weight because she's an emotional hot mess, it's disgusting.  I wouldn't put anything past the Browns at this point.  They'd better address this whole catfish deal, as it is the current elephant in the room.  It would be like Robyn getting pregnant and then ignoring it...LOL, as if that could ever happen.  But seriously, the catfish story has been in the magazines, no way can they just pretend it didn't happen and ignore it.  I realize that Kody Brown thinks he can spin any story line he chooses into anything he wants, but I also think he believes that just because he said it, the viewers are going to believe it.  

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awwww man! i hate to defend these people.... but.....  at first i thought it was ridiculous for them all to be there too.  And then the judge said they could take a photo in front of the bench, which I honestly think is a big deal because I've seen pictures like that from people I know personally who have gone through this situation.. and then I suppose you want a picture of the whole family at the occasion.....  still think it was a little extreme but do kinda see why they brought everyone. 

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Oh, I wouldn't put it past this bunch to have Christine have the mortgage on the more expensive house and have Meri live in it.  

The current numbers on the houses are interesting, because Christine's was actually (fractionally) the least expensive at time of purchase. The numbers have apparently changed due to "improvements." I really wonder what those improvements are. Meri and Robyn share the big green back lawn and pergola, so it seems like that would have kept her property value higher.


Who knows with this crew.

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You are right, I guess. I know I have friends who have adopted and they do have the "official picture"... But they also don't have 20+ people in their immediate family. God forbid they do anything subtle.

I might be wrong but I recall the official family photo taken in the courtroom was just Robyn, Kody and their kids, looking like the perfect little monogamous family.

At the end they showed a gathering at the front for a picture of not only Kody and the 4 wives and whatever kids were able to attend but extended family as well. There was one woman with a mowhawk (from what I remember) who was holding a little girl I have never seen before. Not sure if there are some of Kody's extended family or Robyn's but it seemed a little extreme to being including people who are not in the already huge immediate family.

All I could notice was the previews from next week....is this when  the Meri story breaks?


If I were a betting woman (and if I were, I wouldn't waste my talents on these losers), I'd place good money on this being another desperate attempt by them and the TLC dirtbags to con us into watching in the hope that that's the case. Saving ratings is all that matter to both at this point.


They may prove me wrong, but I doubt it. If I am, I'll find out by reading here and CJ's blog after the fact. They lost my eyeballs (and my wallet) a long time ago.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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Do you think the Browns will allow the Catfish to become part of their television narrative?


Do you think the Browns will allow the Catfish to become part of their television narrative?


If I were a betting woman (and if I were, I wouldn't waste my talents on these losers), I'd place good money on this being another desperate attempt by them and the TLC dirtbags to con us into watching in the hope that that's the case. Saving ratings is all that matter to both at this point.


They may prove me wrong, but I doubt it. If I am, I'll find out by reading here and CJ's blog after the fact. They lost my eyeballs (and my wallet) a long time ago.

 I don't think it was cooked up by them as a plot device but at the same time, I wouldn't put it past them to use as one, even if Meri was like no, please don't, but kody was like too bad and saw it as a fitting humiliation and a way to make money, yay! If he didn't push her into it, the show did, but I can see Meri saying no to the show people, but not king kod.  You saw how uninspired those computer scenes were, which unfortunately says both, yes they are going to try and use it and also they filmed those after the fact because they likely weren't filming them doing stuff like playing on the computer cause it's boring, and guess what, it still is.


I actually hope they don't, what's the point? We already know most of it , the only mystery would be if she knew it was a woman all along and Sam was just some kind of code- or not and she got totally played and only realized it at disney or shortly thereafter, and past that, I'm already bored with it. Yes, JO is creepy but she's just not that interesting. Isn't someone building a shed, having a baby shower, making jello or something?

Do you think the Browns will allow the Catfish to become part of their television narrative?


Not directly but they'll hint around at it.  They'll make an issue of Meri's "conflicting emotions" after the divorce and how they got her to make some "poor decisions" about who to befriend, etc.  They'll drag it out every week to make us think that they're just about to launch into discussing the Catfish episode directly but they never will.  In the end, Meri will take that marriage counselor with her on her "anniversary trip" with the Kodouche and after some drama back and forth between them about how she knows it's irrational but she feels less important to him now, everything will be painted with a rosy glow, presumably to whitewash over the entire episode and thumb their noses at the catfish for not having the last laugh.

  • Love 8

I don't think it was cooked up by them as a plot device but at the same time, I wouldn't put it past them to use as one, even if Meri was like no, please don't, but kody was like too bad and saw it as a fitting humiliation and a way to make money, yay! If he didn't push her into it, the show did, but I can see Meri saying no to the show people, but not king kod. You saw how uninspired those computer scenes were, which unfortunately says both, yes they are going to try and use it and also they filmed those after the fact because they likely weren't filming them doing stuff like playing on the computer cause it's boring, and guess what, it still is.

I actually hope they don't, what's the point? We already know most of it , the only mystery would be if she knew it was a woman all along and Sam was just some kind of code- or not and she got totally played and only realized it at disney or shortly thereafter, and past that, I'm already bored with it. Yes, JO is creepy but she's just not that interesting. Isn't someone building a shed, having a baby shower, making jello or something?

I agree, Black Widow. I doubt they're smart enough to actually concoct this scenario, but they may be desperate enough to try to use it to their advantage. I have to believe even they know they're circling the drain.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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I agree, Black Widow. I doubt they're smart enough to actually concoct this scenario, but they may be desperate enough to try to use it to their advantage. I have to believe even they know they're circling the drain.


 If one could consider that as a 'smart' plot device, that is. I think they are 'taking the temperature of the room' as far as seeing if 'we', meaning we out here- are even caring about catfish-gate anymore, it's pretty played-out in real-time. "Circling the drain" yep, you nailed it. I mean, they stretched out the whole divorce/adoption thing, the wrestling trip, the all-girls vacation, there was that little blurb about whether or not Maddy goes to the new LDS church and/or marries that guy. Ok, so what else do they have going on besides whenever the next kid comes along? Is there some other job/venture thing on the horizon? Will Janelle and Meri be hanging out now, having awkward kitchen conversations that have like 3 commercials worth of 'lead up' and then like 10 seconds of 'you're great', 'no, you're great' 'we should do this more often' 'yeah, we should'. Cut.

  • Love 4

I'm watching the recap and was struck by....

1.  Maddie MUST mean engaged and not dating, because this level of involvement and joy is crazy for mere dating.  So there's that.

2.  Is Sobbyn contractually obligated to have a puss-face all the time?

3.  When Meri and Sobbyn go to Christine's library for Maddie's announcement, and poor ole Christine shrieks "oh cute baby!", notice how Sobbyn wraps her arms over her stomach?  I thought it was a very telling gesture. 

4.  Christine = Stockholm Syndrome.

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The one thing about them using the catfish story in the show is if they present it as a cautionary tale to other women who are vulnerable to this sort of thing.

Some women have been conned out of their life savings. There was a pitiful woman local to me who was on the news because she met a guy on line who talked her into selling her house and sending all the money from the sale to him so he could buy a house for the two of them to share. A lot of women are too embarrassed and broken hearted to report how they have been swindled.

So doing a show on that might be a public service

And if done properly it certainly would be.  But I can see this turning into the "All About Kodoofus and His Attempts to Re-Gain His Throne While Finding Ways to Torture Meri and Make Her Fear for Her Place on the Celestial Planet" show.

I agree.  I cannot ever see Kody and Robyn allowing this to become anything but Meri's sad, pathetic ploy for affection outside of her celestial marriage to Kody.  I don't know what, if anything, we will see on the show about the catfish incident, but I have to believe that behind closed doors, Kody has completely shunned Meri, Robyn polishes her new tiara every night with an evil smile, Christine takes all the happy pills, and Janelle basks in the warm glow that is karma.  I don't see the other wives coming to Meri's emotional aide at all.  I firmly believe that whenever one wife takes a fall, the others step on her in order to gain ranks in the pecking order.  

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I'd go in the opposite direction and say wanting to be a later wife is wanting LESS of the guy's time.  After all, he'll have X wives and X children, so you will never have as much one on one time as the first (and likely second) wives did.  Nor is he as likely to have as much to do with your kids, leaving you in charge.


I know we've seen it play out differently with this family, but I assume in the real world people go to jobs (or at least leave the home to do something, even if it's work under the table for a relative).  There are only so many hours in the day, and at some point the guy will just want to sit down and watch tv.


Being a later wife would be a good position for somebody who just wants kids and not a husband, so much.

Edited by kassa

I think Christine had plenty of opportunity to watch the dynamic of multi-wife families to inform her aspiration. Despite the fact that a third--and subsequent--wife knows she's marrying a man with other wives (and possibly children, although Kody had no children when Christine came aboard), it seems almost universal that the newest wife gets the best of the husband's time and attention. If I had to wager, I'd bet that this is probably the most common way this shit goes down in plyg families. The newest wife is typically younger, usually has had no children and so has more time, energy, and a different body than any wife who's borne children.


Christine happily embraced her role as the fun, young, new wife--even after she and Kody had been together for over 15 years. Having someone much younger and apparently entrancing to Kody show up and knock her into near irrelevance is a grief she'll never overcome.

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I may have misinterpreted what Maddie said with regards to finishing her schooling before marriage. This is what she said in US magazine:


The star added that she will continue her education before marriage. "There have been a lot of questions on me finishing school. YES," she tweeted on Monday. "I will go all the way through till I finish with my Law degree."


So she didn't actually say she would finish before getting married which makes more sense because in other interviews she is saying they are planning an outdoor wedding. I do wonder about her fiance - at 29 is this his first marriage? I know he does not want a plural lifestyle but 29 seems old for an Morman to marry and start a family. In any case I wish her well but doubt she will be spending 6 years after marriage in university to finish an undergrad degree and get a law degree.

I'm not so sure Caleb is even Mormon. If I remember correctly, didn't Curtis break off from his family's faith and attend a Christian church? If so, Erika's most likely a Christian as well, so possibly Caleb could be one too.

You are right lexington11. Found this regarding some tweets Maddie send out in early October:

Maddie Brown also recently went to her Twitter account to share some of what is going on with them. Brown shared all about their religious choices and how they plan to live their life as a married couple. They have already decided on their church and more.

“Tweet 1 of 2: After being rejected from the LDS church because the public association with my family was too much controversy for the Mormon.”

“Tweet 2 of 2: Church. Caleb and I finally after 2 years started dating… I would say God had a plan in that. Caleb is a devout Christian and we are not a part, nor will we be, of the LDS (Mormon) church.”


Edited by UsernameFatigue

Late to the party...

If this has already been answered, I apologize.

Was this actually an adoption?

Years ago, my XH & his wife wanted XH to adopt her kids. The kids' dad did NOT consent to the adoption, however, he DID consent to a name change.

I don't know all the details of their arrangement. I do know that the biological dad has very limited visitation, no child support and XH acts as an equal parent in medical and educational decisions. He'll also retain guardianship should something happen to his wife.

They had to go to a hearing before a judge to make it all official, sign papers, etc and took a family picture. I know this because my kids went, too.

Seems to be what the Brown Klowns may have done?

Late to the party...

If this has already been answered, I apologize.

Was this actually an adoption?

Years ago, my XH & his wife wanted XH to adopt her kids. The kids' dad did NOT consent to the adoption, however, he DID consent to a name change.

I don't know all the details of their arrangement. I do know that the biological dad has very limited visitation, no child support and XH acts as an equal parent in medical and educational decisions. He'll also retain guardianship should something happen to his wife.

They had to go to a hearing before a judge to make it all official, sign papers, etc and took a family picture. I know this because my kids went, too.

Seems to be what the Brown Klowns may have done?

That actually sounds exactly like what the Browns did. Of course, in their world it doesn't matter what REALLY took place; they want it to be an adoption, therefore it is an adoption. They wanted to live in Vegas, therefore they were forced to"flee" Utah. Robyn wants Kody to be her original de-flowerer and the actual father of her pre-existing children, so poof! It is so.

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