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1 hour ago, Kel Varnsen said:

And if i really wanted to nitpick would Dev really be paying international roaming and data on his phone if he was in Italy for 3 months rather than just picking up a local SIM card?

Right.  He can arrange something with his phone company or buy a local phone.  I bought a local phone when I was in France for a year. 

Oh Lord, dating is a bitch. Online dating has lead to me meeting some really cool people, and some REALLY weird people. I would totally swipe for Dev, he's cute and I love me some Whole Foods! Guys totally do all just send really lame "Sup" styles message's to me when they want to connect! Like, put some effort into it, bro.

I liked seeing the whole spectrum of dates, with the super bitchy woman who was looking at other peoples profiles, the woman who didn't like him like that, the awkward lady who just wanted friends (there actually is kind of an App for friends! Its called Meet Up and its awesome!), and the Indian woman who seemed nice but might still be hung up on that guy who I got an Ex Boyfriend vibe from. If you add a few horndogs in there, that's basically the girl versions of guys I've met online.

Probably my worst online dating experience was the guy who worked on his dads farm, and spent the whole date talking about farming equipment. It was the longest dinner of my life.

  • Love 2

I was totally waiting for that dinner party to go badly, but it went really well, and it looked like a pretty good time. John Legend! And Bobby Carnival! Awesome!

So Dev and his Italian friend are totally going to become a thing right? She seems nice, I can get behind that. But long distance relationships (especially that far away) are a huge mess.

That movie sounded SO ridiculous, that I almost can't believe it's not a real movie! At first, I was a little annoyed that Dev & co weren't in it until they turned up at the movies. The 3 NYC stories were good ones though & a nice representative of other stories in the city. Especially the people who we don't "see", like doormen and the cab drivers. I cracked up during the scene with the deaf couple and she kept telling him to lick her vagina...and then the outraged mother confronted them. At first, I thought oh maybe they were playing with some different construction of the episode and they weren't really deaf. 

Andy Samberg as the voice of Nic Cage works!

  • Love 1

That movie sounds amazing and I would watch it in a heartbeat! It sounds like the most ridiculous shit ever, I love it already. I loved everyone in the theater from all the stories gasping in utter shock of the Big Twist and everyone having their minds blown...except the super bitter cab driver.

Come on guys, don't go to the club where a sketchy looking guy is handing out flyers near a popular club! Your going to be lucky to just waste money on a shitty club!

I liked seeing all the different people and all their stories, especially because it was about people who you don't see on TV very much, and I think that made me like it a lot more than other variations you see of these "New York City is AWESOME" stories you get all the damn time. Not that New York isn't awesome, but it can get rather self indulgent after awhile, and I just want to yell "There are millions of cities on the planet, New York and LA aren't the actual centers of the universe!"*

*I think I'm still a little bitter we left Italy so fast.*

  • Love 3
49 minutes ago, msani19 said:

Especially the people who we don't "see", like doormen and the cab drivers.

Not just the people we don't "see" but once again MoN displays a diversity that is absolutely true of New York but that so many shows set in New York also never "see."  All of the vignettes were featured POC. 

This episode was delightful.  I think my favorite scene was the cab drivers and the women at the burger joint dancing to that stupid Six Flags song.  It was just dorky and sweet.

And then I loved how all the stories came together at the end.

  • Love 9
19 hours ago, auntiemel said:

I don't remember if there were subtitles. I also lived in Italy for awhile, and nothing Dev said was very complicated, or anything you wouldn't pick up within a couple of months there. I understood it all perfectly. I cracked up at the "allora" exchange, because I was similarly enamored of that word, with that specific pronunciation when I was there. Also, "ragazzi" was another favorite.


Well sure, if you lived in Italy a couple months I bet you would pick up the Italian he spoke in the episode. 

But he is an actor preparing for a single episode of a show.  He doubt he actually lived in Italy for a few months or more just for this episode.  Its a lot of work I would think for one episode for an actor, even if it is some fairly basic Italian. 

  • Love 1

Oh man, I LOVED this.  Probably my favorite episode of the season.

I loved seeing the progression of the acceptance of Denise's sexuality,  Angela Basset is perfection!  Even as a mother so  uncomfortable and immediately rejecting of her daughter's sexuality.  I think every black child has the aunt that acts just like Kim Whitley.  I know I do.  LOL.

And I cracked up  that in order to appreciate Michelle they had to experience Miss NipplesANDToes.  Before Michelle made her re-appearance I yelled at the tv "Michelle doesn't look so bad now does she?" Ha!

And beyond the Denise stuff I liked seeing Dev and Denise's relationship through the years and I love that he has been at every Thanksgiving with her family since he was eight years old. 

  • Love 9
13 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I refuse to believe that Denise would invite any girlfriend over for Thanksgiving who Dev hadn't previously met just because they are BFF from childhood and still close. That said tears rolling from when her mom and Michelle bonded over Dee`s lack of style, to her mom being happy for Dee and both her mom and Dev giving Dee shit about the THOT.

Angela Bassett, Kym Whitley and Venida Evans worked so well as a family unit with the changing actors, I thought it was a beautiful episode.

Well for one of these thanksgivings I am assuming he would have had to fly home from Italy to be there. 

I enjoyed the episode.  But Denise is probably the least favorite for me of his friends, so while it was a nice story and well written, I am just not as invested in her character.  Just a personal preference. 

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15 minutes ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

But he is an actor preparing for a single episode of a show.  He doubt he actually lived in Italy for a few months or more just for this episode.  Its a lot of work I would think for one episode for an actor, even if it is some fairly basic Italian. 

He did take intensive Italian lessons and move to Modena to learn how to make pasta.  The first episode was taken from his life.  He also just spent two months in Japan and apparently picked up the language rather well according to his friend (who is not Japanese but who did teach English in Japan.)  So maybe he just has an affinity for languages.

Whether his decision to go to Italy was inspired by the way he left off the first season, the way he wanted to start a second season or simply because what he wants to do is so aligned with what Dev would like to do is unclear.

  • Love 1
52 minutes ago, Maire said:

It bothered me that Dev didn't just go back to the restaurant and get the girls info after his phone got stolen. She made a reservation so for sure they had her number.

I mentioned this in the Ep 1 thread that I wish he had tried.  That said, if I'm a restaurant owner, I'm not giving some random stranger the number of someone who made a reservation with me. So while I wish he would have tried, the only responsible way for it to end is for the restaurant owner to shut him out.  The most I might do, if I remembered her name, is call her and give her his updated number if she wants it.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Irlandesa said:

He did take intensive Italian lessons and move to Modena to learn how to make pasta.  The first episode was taken from his life.  He also just spent two months in Japan and apparently picked up the language rather well according to his friend (who is not Japanese but who did teach English in Japan.)  So maybe he just has an affinity for languages.

Whether his decision to go to Italy was inspired by the way he left off the first season, the way he wanted to start a second season or simply because what he wants to do is so aligned with what Dev would like to do is unclear.

Interesting article.  And whether he created the show around his life or vice versa for that episode, still a lot of work for a single episode.  Its impressive he learned that much Italian in two weeks, as the article states, though.  I thought it would take longer.  Would take me longer.

Also don't agree that this show is like Louie, as mentioned in the article.  The only things they have in common are its a comedian from NY doing his own show.  It has as much in common with Seinfeld in that respect.  Master of None is much more mainstream and relatable, and I mean that in a good way.  I have always thought Louie is a great comedian but his show I find very hit and miss.  I find it to be over the top, pretentious and just weird too much of the time. 

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10 minutes ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

Its impressive he learned that much Italian in two weeks, as the article states, though. 

I think it's unclear how much he learned in two weeks.  The Italian in this show is a mix of his two weeks of intensive lessons and the time he spent in Italy.  Plus, I'm sure they had a consultant who could make the Italian understandable that Aziz memorized.

5 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

ell for one of these thanksgivings I am assuming he would have had to fly home from Italy to be there. 

Nope. He was only in Italy for four months in the summer and it was the last Thanksgiving when he was back from Italy. The first time she invites Michelle over is when he had just moved in with Rachel but before he had told his parents because Dee tells him he is going to fuck it up with both of them.

Autumn in New York really is magical. And I have realized from this show that a pajama dance party with wine and Italian music is the perfect thing to do during a blizzard, until you go to Cozyville.

I liked that the conversation between Pino and Francesca was all in Italian, which made sense for them, but other shows would have had them speaking accented English. This show pays attention to details like that.

  • Love 6

That was super good, and I loved seeing more of Denise and her friendship with Dev. Little Dev was adorable. And Angela Bassett is always a welcome addition to anything, ever. And I liked how we saw her family (mostly mom) coming to terms with her sexuality, from basically being NOPE to being more or less alright with it, even if its still an awkward topic. It seemed real.

I wouldn't be happy if my friend was dating someone with that Instagram handle either! Its like when you add a guy on Snapchat and his handle is BigDaddy or something. You know where this is going instantly. "Does she have like a fabric allergy?" For a crazy second, I thought that Nikki was an actor that Dev has asked to come by and pretend to be Awful Girlfriend, so that next Thanksgiving they can bring back Michelle, and her whole family will be thrilled!

Me when I was watching that opening: "What, no Buddhists?" In my family we're supposed to go vegetarian on the 1st and the 15th of the lunar calendar, and on special days like Buddha's birthday. I know better than to tell my mom if I had a steak that day. Hey, I end up not having any meat on plenty of other days, I'm okay with eating less meat in general, I just don't think these things really have to be on a schedule. And yes, it is weird hiding such innocuous trespasses as a grown-ass adult. I just don't want to cause anyone undue stress, okay?

So. I can relate to that bacon scene sooo much. Eat that bacon, little buddy! I would have done the same!

Some people I know goes to church because they're trying to get their kids into some hard-to-get-into private school and apparently going to church is an "in". In their case, the parents hate going to church as much as the kids.

I agree the restaurant shouldn't give out her number, but they probably would have remembered them because of him offering to share a table with her after the reservation, and especially if he brought a copy of the police report showing that he'd had his phone stolen, there's no reason for them not to call Sara and give her Dev's number.

But even more than that, there's no reason for Dev not to have tried that route, whether or not the restaurant went along with it.

Eddie the doorman's story was my favorite out of the three. I really enjoyed watching him tell off that guy with the mistress. And then refusing to go get the mistress' expensive headphones. You tell 'em Eddie!

But, oh show, why are you making me read so much this season?

Anyone know what that exchange between the bodega girl and the customer dude was about? I couldn't make heads or tails out of their gestures.

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I was covering my eyes as soon as that magician guy said he's putting a sharp spike in one of those cups and he's going to smash the cup with the losing cupcake in it. I knew he was going to hurt himself.

Damn, that was sadly insightful, what Brian's dad said about people being willing to put up with situations that are less than ideal because they are so lonely. You'd think a guy who is capable of thinking of that would also realize ahead of time that the ladies weren't actually okay with sharing him and this was all going to blow up in his face.

Psyched that we might get to see Dev and Chef Jeff doing a traveling food show. I would watch the hell out of that show.

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The deaf couple was my favorite part of that episode along with the doorman. It was the funniest ASL exchange I've seen in a while, especially with the lady who confronted them in the store.

In the beginning, she was asking him if the grocery items he was buying were for his children and he pointed that it was for himself. The other exchange looked as if he was trying to say she either had nice eyes or that she was very observant about the grocery items but she corrected him in the text message and he awkwardly left after that. I'm not sure why he didn't just type up/write a message to her.

The bodega girl gave me the impression that she's "voice off" and wasn't oral. Even the best lip-reader can only get over 30%-40% of what is being said so I liked that they showed the complete deaf perspective.

  • Love 1

I loved this episode so, so much! I actually met my current boyfriend of 6 years on jdate, but before that it was....GAHH!!!! Extra awkwardness is running into guys I used to go out on "jdates" with at my niece's and nephew's schools! There's one guy who every time I see him I want to scream "YOU WERE THE GUY WITH THE GALLON OF PEPTO IN HIS CAR!!!"

I really liked how the episode was shot, too! It reminded me of what speed dating events felt like if that makes sense! Was the woman who played the really cool, but oddly racist date Seth Rogan's wife?

  • Love 2

Aziz did an interview last week on one of the late night talk shows where he said that he took Italian lessons before he left for Modena but that he learned a lot more when he was living there because the people there didn't speak much English. As was mentioned above, the lines he had in Italian were nothing super complicated which I think was realistic. When I took Italian, I could understand it and I could write far more complicated things (like essays for class) if I had the time to sit down and think about it but the first year or so, my spoken Italian was very basic because my brain couldn't translate fast enough. One of my friends moved to Portugal a few years ago and he said that although he understands Portuguese when he hears it now, his conversational skills are comparable to talking to a child (present tense, simple sentence structure, etc).

Aziz said that before he went to Japan, he didn't have as much time to learn the language so he got a tutor and asked him how to say very specific things (heh, like, "What are you eating? Waiter, please bring me one of these!"). He said he's definitely not fluent, but I appreciate that he takes the time to try to learn more than hello, goodbye, please, and thank you before going to another country.

I remember watching The Bicycle Thief in high school, so I thought that making this episode a mini tribute to it was a fun concept.

I love to eat and I love Italian food, but even without those two things, if I had taken a three hour train ride to have a meal somewhere and they said my reservation was for a different day, I would not hesitate to share a table with someone who offered. I'm not traveling six hours round trip for nothing! Sure, small talk sucks, but it's an hour of your life and it's better than sitting on a train for six hours in one day and not getting the delicious meal you had planned to eat. Then you never have to this other person again! She was acting like he might be shady but I was like girl, you're going to be sitting in a restaurant in broad daylight. It's not like he offered to smuggle you across the border by putting you in the trunk of his car in the middle of the night. I did like that she told him her backup plan of putting in her earbuds and pretending he wasn't there.

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I wish the show had stayed in Italy for at least one more episode! But honestly, I would watch Aziz eating delicious pasta every week if I could.

I agree that showing both Dev and Arnold moving on from their past relationships was an important step. With a recent relationship such as Dev's, it's easy to fall back into your old patterns with an ex if you're still talking to them. Even though neither of them said anything overly flirty or couple-y, it's just the emotional attachment. I think it's totally possible to be friends with your ex, but only after you've both gotten over things. Arnold's situation was tough too. He'd been with that girl for eleven years! And then to see that the reason she claimed they broke up (he wasn't her type) didn't seem to be true based on the guy she was marrying. That had to be really confusing for him. But I'm glad that it resulted in a a Little Bud/Big Bud Italian adventure!

Aziz talked about the car getting stuck when he was on Fallon last week (he said in real life, it happened in Sicily). I remember when he posted the original picture on Instagram because I thought that is exactly why I would not want to drive in Italy!

I liked season one better than this one. 

This was light on comedy and heavy on drama.  Which is fine, but could use more of the comedy aspect.  This is starting to bug me in general about the Emmy's.  You see more and more shows that are basically dramas being nominated as comedies.  Orange is the New Black as well.  Those two shows are not really comedies.  This was not really a comedy this season.  I still like the shows, but if you are going to specify comedy/drama in the nominations and awards, you need s better system to distinguish what goes where. 

Way too much time spent with Francesca.  The hour long episode they did in episode nine dragged.  Then they still drag it out further in episode 10 until the very last shot of the season.  And I actually felt the opposite about the season one episode that basically told the story of his relationship with Rachel.

Agree I would have liked to see more of Dev's friends and less of her. 

More H Jon Benjamin would have been nice.  Basically like a cameo this season for him. 

  • Love 2
On 5/13/2017 at 8:50 PM, sweetcookieface said:

- I liked the show's attempts to experiment a bit more in season 2 - e.g., the black and white Bicycle Thief-esque opener; episodes fleshing out supporting characters (e.g., Denise); the long continuous shot of Dev in the back of the cab; an episode focused on random New Yorkers (doorman, deaf couple, African immigrants). Not all of it worked for me (e.g., I didn't really like the long shot in the cab or the soundless segment focusing on the deaf couple), but I could appreciate it.

- Dev's parents are horrible actors, although they've grown on me a bit. The difference between them and Brian's dad (who I'm assuming is a professional actor) is jarring.

- I would have liked to have had at least a scene or two of Dev's crew (Brian, Arthur, Denise) hanging out together. Brian had less screen time this season less than his dad!

I agree with many of your points, especially the ones here.  I don't know if this is better than season 1 but it is definitely more creatively daring.  Which I really appreciate.  My favorite eps were New York, I Love You and Thanksgiving.  But I really loved the soundless segment and I have a soft spot for Fishs Eddy (the store the episode too place in) because their stuff is perfect when you are looking for kitschy gifts for people.  But my favorite part was the impromptu dance party the cab drivers had with the women at the burger joint.  It just felt like it would really happen. 

But I especially agree with you about Dev's parents.  I mean, their charm last season was they were so unexpected and limited exposure.  There was just too much of them this season. 

And yes, I missed Brian, Denise, Dev and Arthur just hanging out.  Too much time was spent with Francesca.  But I did read that Lena Waithe's scheduling was particularly challenging.

On 5/14/2017 at 0:44 AM, Irlandesa said:

I have mixed feelings on the Francesca storyline.  In both seasons, the love story was kind of the weakest link for me in that I enjoyed the stories but didn't feel particularly invested in them getting together and felt like their story had been told by the end of the season.

Francesca felt like a continuation of Italy.  It was charming.  She was charming.  She felt like she stepped out of one of those Italian films he loves so much.  Because of that, I loved to watch her and them.  But because of that, she also felt like a fantasy. When things got real between them, they became less charming.  It's typical of relationships but it became less fun to watch. I didn't think it was fair for Dev to accuse her of using him when he stayed silent about his feelings for a month so he could spend time with her.  And she was hanging out with a friend--a friend she may have developed feelings for but a friend nevertheless.  That last scene certainly didn't portend a happily ever after.  And why couldn't he go to Italy with her?  He doesn't have Clash of the Cupcakes or BFFs any longer.

I would love for him to bump into Sarah as an end game.

I wish he hadn't fallen in love with Franscesca.   Honestly episode 9 was like a needle scratch on a largely great season.  Of all the stuff that was happening, the romance was the weakest part.  I absolutely agree that she seemed like an ideal dream girl to him probably because she was unattainable. Maybe if I felt any spark between them I could have felt some of the pathos of the relationship, but I didn't.   I just kept feeling bad for Pino. 

Overall, though I enjoyed this season.  It  is nice to watch a comedy with a different flavor like this. 

  • Love 4
On Saturday, May 13, 2017 at 2:51 PM, Empress1 said:

People jumping into pools fully clothed at parties always makes me chuckle, because hell no I'm not jumping in no damn pool when I picked out this dress and did my hair and makeup and got all cute. And then I have to stand around in wet clothes until whenever? No thank you.

According to Alan Yang on Twitter they improvised that seen because it started pouring during the middle of that scene.

  • Love 1

I just can't with Francesca saying there's nothing she can do about her predicament. Just pick one of them! Sheesh! I know it's not easy to make a big fork-in-the-road life choice like this, she has to hurt somebody's feelings either way, and there is no crystal ball to tell her which man is going to work out better in the future. But she's not helpless here. Ugh, I can't stand people like this. If only there was another character on the sidelines around, to tell her off like this. Does she have any other friends? Maybe her Nonna can do the honors.

So, looking back, Brian's dad with his two "hey cuties" in a previous episode was a bit of foreshadowing, right? If this plays out like that little side story, she'll probably end up losing both of Pino and Dev because of her indecision.

That dream sequence with Dev getting his heart ripped out... gah! I was not expecting gore on that level from this show.

  • Love 13

I hated this episode. Felt like it was from a different show entirely and didn't connect to the arc of the season whatsoever. Aziz Ansari and Alan Yang should make a short film if that's what they want to do. That said, I think these are interesting stories to tell, but it would've been far more impressive if they had found a way to do it through the established characters and the established tone of the show. If Master Of None was a show that focused on different random characters each week, I'd stop watching, and as it is I'm wondering why we have barely seen Denise and Brian this season.

I miss this being a show that's a commentary on modern life for people in our 30s, which was what the first season was about. So far this season has felt like excuses for Aziz to hang out in Italy and try out new film school project ideas. Can't say I've enjoyed it compared to the first season.

  • Love 3
47 minutes ago, Bec said:

I just can't with Francesca saying there's nothing she can do about her predicament. Just pick one of them! Sheesh! I know it's not easy to make a big fork-in-the-road life choice like this, she has to hurt somebody's feelings either way, and there is no crystal ball to tell her which man is going to work out better in the future. But she's not helpless here.

I think there's more to it than simply deciding between two men.  Choosing Dev wouldn't just involve breaking up a ten year relationship, it'd be moving half way across the world, leaving behind her job, her nonna and the boy. She'd have to figure out immigration and career issues.  All for a relationship that is relatively new. 

  • Love 8

I'm pretty sympathetic to Francescas dilemma here. As Irlandesa said, choosing Dev would mean leaving behind her relationship of 10 years, her job, her family, and her entire country to start all over again in a foreign country with a guy she hardly knows. That being said, even if she doesn't end up with Dev and stays in Italy, she should probably call things off with Pino. She doesn't seem into it, and she probably still wouldn't if she never met Dev. It wont do anyone any good to enter a marriage to someone your not in love with.

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On 5/13/2017 at 11:31 AM, biakbiak said:


I really enjoy the Arnold and Dev relationship though I do always wonder how it would have been different if Harris Witells had been the main friend I guess it would be LilBudLilBud as opposed BigBudLilBud.

Was Harris meant to be on the show, as an actor?  I thought he was just writing.  I adored him and I was terribly sad when he passed away.  

He had the best timing and reactions when he was on Parks and Rec.  I think he would have been amazing on this show.  


On 5/13/2017 at 4:51 PM, Empress1 said:


I fell out at the truck getting stuck and then Arnold getting stuck. And I want to go to that restaurant - it's supposed to be one of the best in the world. Aziz Ansari is a foodie, and I like that his character is too.


What is the name of the restaurant?  I want to go there!!

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On Wednesday, May 17, 2017 at 1:57 PM, heatherchandler said:

Was Harris meant to be on the show, as an actor?  I thought he was just writing.  I adored him and I was terribly sad when he passed away.  

He was going to be both they cast Eric, who was already working on the show behind the scenes, after he died. 

The restaurant was Osteria Francescana which is apparently where Aziz learned to make pasta. 

  • Love 1
27 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

He was going to be both they cast Tim after he died. 

The restaurant was Osteria Francescana which is apparently where Aziz learned to make pasta. 

He would have been great on the show.  Not to go off topic, but I just read a great piece by his sister and also a more recent article by his mom.  I am missing Harris.

Wow that restaurant looks INSANE.  Looking at the menu and pictures, I think I need to make a reservation for like 2 years from now and then plan a trip there.  I mean "Tortellini with cream of Parmigiano Reggiano" -- hello!!!!!

On ‎5‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 8:47 AM, justjen said:

I loved this episode so, so much! I actually met my current boyfriend of 6 years on jdate, but before that it was....GAHH!!!! Extra awkwardness is running into guys I used to go out on "jdates" with at my niece's and nephew's schools! There's one guy who every time I see him I want to scream "YOU WERE THE GUY WITH THE GALLON OF PEPTO IN HIS CAR!!!"

I really liked how the episode was shot, too! It reminded me of what speed dating events felt like if that makes sense! Was the woman who played the really cool, but oddly racist date Seth Rogan's wife?


I did a bit of online dating - and even though it was like 10 years ago before Tinder and other dating "apps" - I could still relate to this episode!  Even back then it was slightly painful, albeit occasionally fun. I never met anybody I dated for longer than a month but a good handful of my friends met their spouses through online dating.

I was rooting for him and "other Eleanor/better Mindy." 

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 4
3 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Wow that restaurant looks INSANE.  Looking at the menu and pictures, I think I need to make a reservation for like 2 years from now and then plan a trip there.  I mean "Tortellini with cream of Parmigiano Reggiano" -- hello!!!!!


I think after this show, the interest in the restaurant will skyrocket. I'm already plotting my visit, but I figure 3, maybe 4 years out!

  • Love 1
On ‎5‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 2:44 AM, Bec said:

Eddie the doorman's story was my favorite out of the three. I really enjoyed watching him tell off that guy with the mistress. And then refusing to go get the mistress' expensive headphones. You tell 'em Eddie!

But, oh show, why are you making me read so much this season?

Anyone know what that exchange between the bodega girl and the customer dude was about? I couldn't make heads or tails out of their gestures.

I'm not sure exactly what he was saying but I'm pretty sure he was trying to hit on her.  Hence her showing the engagement ring.

  • Love 2

I've watched this ep three times. I will watch Angela Bassett in anything. 

 I love Aziz and Denise's friendship, and there were some real laugh out loud moments:

"What about Clarence Thomas?" "Fuck his ass."

"You don't have to worry about me getting pregnant." " ... You've been saved."

Every time Aziz was yelling across the table at Grandma.

Grandma: "You had the whole house smelling like reefer."

The entire franchise/disenfranchise conversation. I fell out during the entire thing. "I'm confused ... I'm a McDonald's?"

On 5/13/2017 at 9:17 PM, msani19 said:

I really enjoyed how they continued to tease Denise about dating the horrible and vapid (but pretty) Nikki cause that's exactly the kind of thing that family and friends would do. DD...where did the 2nd D come from?? I asked the same question Dev, I asked that too.

My family would pull a "DD, you want to get the chocolate milk ready?" too.

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