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That has me curious if what DD took from the Pit is what he still uses to heal himself and stay youthful or is it the mumbo jumbo and symbols on his body that does it? Also, I'm very interested to learn the purpose of the corn

The corn is somehow making the air breathable in DD's underground party bunker.

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I'm now just waiting for some sort of public acknowledgement of what's going on with this whole plot line. What's their idea, or what they're going to say is their idea, or motivation for writing this? And is Marc going to do more damage control for this once 410 actually comes out?

Going onto another angle of the promo, I wonder how Darhk and Oliver's confrontation probably near the end of 410 is going to work out. Oliver looks pretty determined for revenge but Darhk looks slightly unhinged as well. Obviously neither one of them is going to come out the complete victor, since this is only episode 10, but how will this one end? And what is Darhk even trying to tell Oliver in that promo?

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If children start coming out of the corn, I quit.

Great, now I shall refer to DD as He Who Walks Behind the Rows.

I love how our reaction to spoilers are "Ugh! How are the writers going to fuck THIS up?"

Based on last season, I feel this is the appropriate response. Had the BM drama not been introduced, I don't think I would have had too many big complaints over S4. But it was introduced and now I have trust issues that were just starting to heal. Oh Arrow, why do I still love you?

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I wish the damn breaks weren't so long then I wouldn't have started reading spoilers. I have ZERO anticipation for the back half of the season. Just absolute dread. Nothing I've heard sounds remotely enjoyable. Instead of being excited I am thinking how long do I have to suffer through this? Do I even want to? At some point I just have to face the fact that this season is just going to be another big disappointment.

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Sara was "dead dead" too, and they reversed that... so I think that either means that Felicity will definitely be walking again, or that this is the one injury that will actually stick on Arrow.

Actually, it seems that the only injuries/death that are permanent on this show are the ones that happen to the non-masked characters (Tommy, Moira, and now Felicity). I would give the writers the benefit of the doubt on this storyline, but after season three I just do not trust them anymore, especially with storylines that require this type of attention and thought.

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Great, now I shall refer to DD as He Who Walks Behind the Rows.

Based on last season, I feel this is the appropriate response. Had the BM drama not been introduced, I don't think I would have had too many big complaints over S4. But it was introduced and now I have trust issues that were just starting to heal. Oh Arrow, why do I still love you?

It really is a matter of trust. For example I know that many paraplegics have kids and retain full sensation during sex but I also know there are ones that don't depending on the location of the spinal injury and I can't help but worry about the worst case scenarios the writers might cook up. For me it's cathartic to blurt it all out but I feel like I'm dragging everyone down when blurting out the worst ideas actually makes me more hopeful that they won't go there.

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I'm curious about how they are going to stretch out the villain this season. You would think an event like this would mean the Team would stop at nothing to get DD. But it's way too early in the season. DD is going to have to go back into the background for awhile, presumably until the big death.

That death is going to have to be big to motivate more than Felicity. Unless DD is just the misdirect and there is a bigger villain. I hate that idea.

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I wonder if DD will go underground and he and the ghosts disappear for awhile, letting Ruve' led the fight for awhile. That would provide a stall, change up the repetitive fights and let the audience get ahead of the team (since we'd still get DD plotting and planning and making excellent quips).

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It really is a matter of trust.

That Billy Joel song applies now more than ever, it seems.

I wonder if DD will go underground and he and the ghosts disappear for awhile, letting Ruve' led the fight for awhile. That would provide a stall, change up the repetitive fights and let the audience get ahead of the team (since we'd still get DD plotting and planning and making excellent quips).

I'm kind of guessing that's how it will go. TA seems to have found where Darhk and his family are, so maybe Darhk would want to keep his hidden family secret and separate from everything else, keeping himself low-profile while his wife, who I'm guessing the team won't know is married to Darhk, tries to take the mayor job from Oliver. Darhk keeps to working on phase 4 of HIVE's plan in the shadows while his wife takes the city in the day, kind of like an evil parallel to the working team that Oliver and Felicity had going in 4a.

Plus, with Anarky and Darhk in 410, Shadowspire for Diggle in 411, the Calculator in 412-413, we're at least not getting a big ghost sighting/HIVE attack until around 414 it seems with the evacuation from the debate.

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4x14 I believe.

Was it the episode or a scene? Was it in relation to something with Curtis or just the scene in general (like he is witnessing something)?

I didn't think it was clear.

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4.14 is directed by Bamford, so I'm guessing a POV breakup scene with swoopy closeups and 360 camera moving camera angles bw Oliver and Felicity.


I hate his directing, SM comments, post-S2 crapfest stunts and douchebro persona so much that I effectively hate him.

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Social media, I think.




4.14 is directed by Bamford, so I'm guessing a POV breakup scene with swoopy closeups and 360 camera moving camera angles bw Oliver and Felicity.


I would handwave a lot of things on this show in exchange for vital and emotional relationship stuff not happening in his episode.
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I'm preparing myself for misery.

Felicity is going to have the worst time. If the baby mama thing didn't happen I'd actually look forward to it. Instead I dread this storyline and probably will for a long time.

Edited by Password
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-- Curtis will appear in 414 and EK filmed scene that he described as "life-changing."  (EK tweet, page 782 of Spoiler Discussion thread)


This 'lighter' season 4 started out so promising.  Now I'm dreading the remainder of this season and really hate the permanent paralysis.


I think that Mark Pedowitz's recent comments (from the TCA press tour) about having no plans for a new female superhero-led tv show and how Arrow/Flash have plenty of female superheroes make it less likely that Laurel/BC will be the one in the grave.  So I really think the doomed one is a male character, probably Quentin.

Edited by tv echo
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Grave is probably 18-20. Somewhere around there. Curious if that's her first lawyery thing this year. It could be a Laurel heavy episode or it could be 3x19.

I found something I'm positive looking forward too. Roy. I was rewatching Broken Arrow. I really hope we get some good Roy/OTA/Thea scenes.

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If they keep to S3's schedule then there will be a one week break between 418 and 419.  I don't think they'll do the death before a one week break but it's certainly possible.  I'm thinking 419 or 420 are more likely for The Death.

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Yeah, it wouldn't make sense to have it before a break. They would need to capitalize on it.

I'm hoping they go sooner rather then later. Pacing is a consistent problem for them and I would like them to write themselves some breathing room.

Edited by 10Eleven12
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Posting here since this discusses spoilers - Laura Hurley expresses her thoughts on Felicity being in a wheelchair and shares something very personal (which is a brave thing to do on social media)...


anonymous asks:
hi Laura. i see from you asks that you're somewhat spoiled for whats coming for FS in 4B, so I wanted to know your thoughts on Arrow using FS as a rep for handicapped ppl after she's in a wheelcchair.

Jan 10, 2016 3:16 pm

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How often will Legends of Tomorrow crossover with Flash and Arrow?

BY NATALIE ABRAMS Posted January 10 2016 — 2:12 PM EST


We were all focused on there being an older Oliver on LOT, but I'm really intrigued by the idea of them travelling back to meet a younger Oliver. My first thought was they would have to go to 2007 or earlier, but a tease of Oliver's fifth year away from home might be fun too. Though I'd say it's more likely younger Barry and older Oliver.
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We were all focused on there being an older Oliver on LOT, but I'm really intrigued by the idea of them travelling back to meet a younger Oliver. My first thought was they would have to go to 2007 or earlier, but a tease of Oliver's fifth year away from home might be fun too. Though I'd say it's more likely younger Barry and older Oliver.

Yeah. I'm guessing we're getting older Oliver based on the hints from CL and SA about 106, plus the shots of Oliver and the destroyed Arrow Cave 2.0, but I would honestly like at least a travel back to the moment Sara goes on the boat with Oliver got at least and introspection scene about her and Oliver's lives.

I would also love to have random snippets from Oliver's past or Barry's future. Like, just an image or Easter egg that this is what the show is planning on doing next year on the show/flashbacks.

Got to say I am kind of excited to see SA's probable appearance on the show, though, no matter what the pilot is like I'm still at least tuning in for that.

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Got to say I am kind of excited to see SA's probable appearance on the show, though, no matter what the pilot is like I'm still at least tuning in for that.

I dread it because SA spoiled that old OQ is going to have the stupid goateevan dyke, and I'm sure the writers can't resist putting in something that's going to rile up the 'shippers regarding who Oliver ends up with in the future.

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I dread it because SA spoiled that old OQ is going to have the stupid goateevan dyke, and I'm sure the writers can't resist putting in something that's going to rile up the 'shippers regarding who Oliver ends up with in the future.

This is why I'm not looking forward to it as well. 

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I think they put her in a wheelchair to nod to Oracle regardless of her code name, to allude to Proxy (comic book lovers enjoy nods to obscure stuff), and to give Oliver an "excuse" for not telling her about BM and Spawn. It's going to be BS, just like Laurel's "excuse" for not telling her father about Sara's death, because Felicity's running PT and Arrow operations, just like Quentin was an active police captain, meaning both were obviously well enough to hear bad news. But, that's what they'll do.

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I'm happy she's not Oracle, I never wanted Oracle, but I also never wanted the stupid Paralysis story-line in the first place.  So now, I'm really pissed off because they did the thing I NEVER wanted (wheelchair) for no reason if she can't be Oracle.


And yeah, I know Proxy was in a wheel chair too but it's not like Proxy is a well known character...it's just freaking annoying and stupid and now I'm pissed at the whole thing because it seems utterly pointless.

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Arrow Is About to Do Something It's Never Done with a Villain




Arrow / 11 Jan 2016

A big surprise is coming up on Arrow.


After Arrow and The Flash helped launch the new CW series DC's Legends of Tomorrow during the first half of each show's seasons, both series will refocus their storylines on their respective central villains once Legends premieres on January 21st.

For Arrow, that means the series is going to double down on Oliver Queen's (Stephen Amell) quest to take down Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough). Showrunner Marc Guggenheim said fans can expect to be surprised by a twist coming up with the season's Big Bad.

"The back half of the season, we're pretty much following the same structure that we have in seasons past where obviously the Big Bad gears up. That said, we're going to throw a hard six in episode 15 that I think will surprise people," he told IGN while promoting Legends of Tomorrow at the Television Critics Association winter press tour. "We're going to do something that's never been done before on Arrow with the Big Bad. 15 is a real game-changer episode for us."

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Are we still playing the MG drinking game? Because that article is a gift:



"The back half of the season, we're pretty much following the same structure that we have in seasons past where obviously the Big Bad gears up. That said, we're going to throw a hard six in episode 15 that I think will surprise people," he told IGN while promoting Legends of Tomorrow at the Television Critics Association winter press tour. "We're going to do something that's never been done before on Arrow with the Big Bad. 15 is a real game-changer episode for us."


"One of the things I felt personally very strongly coming into Season 4 was Season 3 -- and I love Season 3. I know Season 3 gets knocked, but there's a lot of episodes there that I don't think quite get their due -- it ended with this orgy of plot twists, which I love," he said. "We went into Season 4 going we want Season 4 to resonate for reasons other than the plot twists. We want to come in and be very disciplined and tell a different kind of story. Even looking ahead to Season 5, to tempt fate, how's that going to be different?"

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OMG Game Changer!  Let's add it to the 20 others they've already done.


lemotomato - if i wasn't at work....although I might need to start drinking if anymore of these interviews start coming out.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Kill off DD and/or have HIVE replace him?


Guggie really is the worst thing about the show. Worse than LL because he's everywhere, and worse than Bamford, bc he has so much more power. Getting rid of Guggie would immediately improve Arrow by a thousand-fold.

Edited by AyChihuahua
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The "sadly" Mericle used re: not Oracle kinda tells me they rilly rilly wanted it, but DC noped them.

I'm relieved the codename isn't gonna be one that makes women interchangeable for having a disability, but I still hate that they're gonna go with a wheelchair storyline anyway. Yuck.

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It seemed a bit strange to me for DD to attack the debate, considering his wife is one of the debaters. I wonder if HIVE turns against him? It didn't seem like he was terribly popular with them, what with his talk about them calling him meanie names and all.

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I also think DC put the kibosh on Oracle, so they're going to do their own lame version of it anyway. It will be temporary, offensive to people with similar disabilities, probably acted really well, and have no real long-term consequences past S4. So status quo.


Instead of us drinking when MG uses words he doesn't understand the meaning to, I would like him to be punched in the face. Game changing, indeed.


This death better not be a cop out, and I consider Quentin to be a cop out because it's so expected and easy. 

Edited by calliope1975
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