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The plausible explanation is that this is the same show where Felicity DIDN'T go to the hospital after getting a head injury that actually left her unconscious and instead had to listen to a guy FINALLY choose to say "I love you," instead of, you know, getting her proper medical attention which would have been a much clearer indication that he actually cared about her. In fact, had he said, "Forget Slade! FELICITY NEEDS MEDICAL ATTENTION!" we all could have been spared the weeks and weeks of "did he really mean it?"  


So, yeah, assuming this isn't a drugged up hallucination of course his first response will be LAIR and KILL PEOPLE rather than filling out hospital admission paperwork.


Oh, Oliver.

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I'm more scared by the fact that he seems to think that 49 is a prime number. Unless they're shooting the scripts out of order and he's talking about 51 or 53.


This probably says that Stephen is more like Oliver Queen than we ever gave him credit for. I mean Oliver Queen got D in tenth grade Algebra but Stephen Amell does not even remember the multiplication table for 7.

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The plausible explanation is that this is the same show where Felicity DIDN'T go to the hospital after getting a head injury that actually left her unconscious and instead had to listen to a guy FINALLY choose to say "I love you," instead of, you know, getting her proper medical attention which would have been a much clearer indication that he actually cared about her. In fact, had he said, "Forget Slade! FELICITY NEEDS MEDICAL ATTENTION!" we all could have been spared the weeks and weeks of "did he really mean it?"  


So, yeah, assuming this isn't a drugged up hallucination of course his first response will be LAIR and KILL PEOPLE rather than filling out hospital admission paperwork.


Oh, Oliver.


Nothing says "I love you" like a CT scan.

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I  keep forgetting that SA said in some recent interview (I'd have to look for it) that whatever that version or vision (I can't tell which he says) of himself that he sees that scares the shit out of him causes a rift between him and Diggle, so I'm guessing Felicity doesn't have anything to do with it.


I just really want a plausible explanation as to why she looks like that and isn't in a hospital, haha.


Interesting! I always thought this 'vision' he sees of himself would be the lengths he's willing to go to when Felicity gets hurt, and it goes against his wishes to honor Tommy. The only way I can see that causing a rift with Diggle would be because Diggle tries to calm him down or hold him back or something like that and he ignores him and does something terrible anyway.


Yeah, she seriously needs to be in hospital. Head wounds are serious business.

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Especially since, HELLO! She has the best brain out of all three of them. It needs to be handled with care and all that.


Exactly, she's precious. 


Oh man that whole scene I'm gonna be like 'Someone call an ambulance! Get a doctor! Why is no one calling 911! What is wrong with these people?!!!'

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Especially since, HELLO! She has the best brain out of all three of them. It needs to be handled with care and all that.


Err Oliver's brain hardly ever works - like at all - so Felicity's has to work twice as hard. I mean he handed over his company to a woman who wanted it badly. How big a moron you have to be to actually do that - and that too on a legal pad.

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Isn't Katrina Law in 3.03? So I would assume Sara's around for that ep as well. As for being away from the LOA, I think her mission is in Starling.


Also if Sara's around, Oliver seems to think she's a doctor, because she was the one telling him, while setting Roy up that he needs a real doctor. However I'm assuming they are going to kidnap the too much information sharing doctor they used a couple times already for Felicity. 


As for the casting of Felicity's mother, never heard of the actress, but she does look like she could be a cocktail waitress and the opposite of Felicity which should be fun.

Edited by Sakura12
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Yeah, I'm wondering about the Felicity thing too, because a) why is no one doing anything to help her? If she's bleeding from the head, why would Oliver just be standing there frozen in his mangrief? I know they didn't bother to get her help after she cracked her head open in Streets of Fire, but come on, kids. And b) if she was out with Oliver on a date (not on Arrow business) and she got hurt like that, why would they not take her to an actual hospital?

To give credit where it's due, didn't you have someone concerned about her head injury? 

I think their "raw discussion" and declarations or whatever will be real. God help these EPs if they oversold that part of it and it winds up being part of a hallucination.

I think it has to be real in order for Felicity to even think about dating someone else.  Besides, you know that if it's all in his head, he'll imagine her saying "Yes, Oliver, you're right, Oliver".  Not much rawness there.



Okay I don't think that Felicity lying on the table is a vision because if you consider the EPs answers, MG says that Oliver starts opening up to Felicity on that date which is something he rarely does. So the date does in fact happen and they do in fact not get around to the main course because something happens. And I'm thinking about this logistically. How did Oliver carry Felicity all the way to his car from the rubble without being seen or tended to? Why did he go to Verdant? Maybe he wasn't thinking straight? IDK I'm trying to find a good reason but am coming up short. 

Oliver is still in his dinner clothes.  But I'm leaning towards Felicity in real life ending up in a hospital being treated for the explosion, and Oliver's nightmare is that she's dead in the lair.  And maybe then he has a similar one for Diggle.


But SA says that "Oliver sees a version of himself" and pushes away Diggle so maybe he is going to go all Taxi Driver when Felicity gets hurt.


I"m happy with the Charlotte Ross casting She was classy in Glee, but I totally remember her as trampy from the soaps.  Good call.  I'm pretty impressed with the casting for this show. Now let's see if J.R. Ramirez can make the Laurel/Ted Grant scenes work.

Edited by statsgirl
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Not to be an alarmist, but EBR is signed on for all of s3, right??

I'm not sure what her contract details are, but the EPs said that trying to figure out if she's just Oliver's crush or if she can have a life outside of the team is going to take up her whole year, so I imagine that she is.

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I don't think anyone has to worry about Felicity going anywhere. They wouldn't get rid of her. They would however injure her to create manpain for Oliver and to worry Olicity fans. But she'd be in the same boat as putting the main character in mortal peril. You know they are not dying so there is noting to worry about.

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I'm pretty sure that's from 3x01, that's the roof/backdrop from the first look clip. I don't think Caity ever went back to Vancouver after Comic-Con, per the Canadagraphs guy. I hope they explain why she keeps coming/going from the LOA...


Yeah, based on her Instagram posts, she's been shooting a movie up until a day or so ago.

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I was worried mid season 2 that they were going to get rid of Felicity, but not now.


Given AK's comments about BR and EBR being like Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn, I went look for clips from their movies.  In Bringing up Baby, Hepburn babbles on like Felicity but she's a spoiled heiress so the tone is quite different. In The Philadelphia Story, he's wise and she's clueless , and in Sylvia Scarlet she's dressed as a boy and he's Archie Leach.  Here are a couple of clips from Holiday (1938).


In the first one, Cary Grant goes looking for  his snooty fiance at her house and runs into her sister:



Linda (Hepburn) wants to hold a small family New Year's Even party but she's over ruled by her sister.  Grant comes in around the second minute mark.  Ned is the brother, nice but overshadowed by his father much like Tommy was:


Edited by statsgirl
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I adore Holiday.  It also does the in love with the wrong women thing but happy endings all around except for the part where they are sailing off to hang in pre World War II Europe. 


In Bringing up Baby, Hepburn babbles on like Felicity but she's a spoiler heiress so the tone is quite different. In The Philadelphia Story, he wise and she's clueless , and in Sylvia Scarlet she's dressed as a boy and he's Archie Leach. .


I'd say she comes off more spoiled in The Philadelphia Story than Bringing Up Baby.  She's just so unaware of consequences in Bringing Up Baby.  I actually have not heard of Sylvia Scarlet so I'm very curious about that. 


I don't actually see much of a resemblance between Katherine Hepburn and Felicity.  Hepburn comes with a stern gravitas in most of her roles even when she's trying to be light.  (Except for perhaps Bringing up Baby and Holiday)  She does have the clever lines but then so does Audrey Hepburn in Charade (also with Cary Grant) 

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Just how many spin off does CW want out of Arrow? Now they want a Suicide Squad spin off? And according to Ramsey's interview ARGUS will be assisting Team Arrow, I bet the money is coming from them. And is Ramsey implying that Diggle will be the head of ARGUS by the end of the Season? And in the third episode they go some where else.


And I saw Amell's interview as well. So, season 3 is going to be Thea's graduation and the third episode will have Thea's flashbacks.

Edited by abhi
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I think TPTB have a rough 5-year plan but they also know that ratings determine renewal.  The EPs know that a lot of viewers love Sara as the Black Canary and hate the idea of Laurel replacing her.  Therefore, I agree that the EPs are going to use Season 3 to test out possible future directions for the show.  Like others have said, they're going to test viewer acceptability of Laurel as training (with Ted Grant?) to be some kind of fighter.  They're going to test viewer likeability of Laurel if she's removed as a love interest for Oliver and given a new love interest.  They're going to test viewer acceptability of Felicity being paired with another guy.  And they're going to test viewer acceptability of Oliver as being committed to one woman and not being a womanizer.


If people love the new badass Laurel, then I think Sara will either (1) die (with Laurel becoming the new Black Canary in Season 4 or 5) or (2) be spun-off into her own Black Canary or Birds of Prey show, thus expanding the DC tv-verse (with Laurel becoming Manhunter or some other superhero).  However, for all we know, CL may be getting offers from other networks to star in her own TV show.  Given her popularity, I'd think the CW would like to lock her up on one of their shows.  So she may not be available for Arrow in the future.


If there's minimal backlash against Felicity and Ray Palmer, then I think they'll give Oliver another love interest (old or new), probably temporary.  If a lot of people find the one-woman pining Oliver boring and too unlike the comic book womanizing Oliver, then I think he'll get brand new love interests.  After all, this is the CW network which has an apparently limitless pool of pretty young actors to trot out. 


Whatever the case, I don't want Oliver and Felicity to get together romantically too soon because I don't trust a CW show to handle a committed relationship well without messing it up.  They'll just create drama with love triangles and break-ups. 


But regardless of what any fan wants, I think the EPs will decide who Oliver ends up with at the end of the series run (however many seasons that may be) - whether it's Felicity, Laurel, Sara or some brand new character - and make it seem like this person was meant to be with Oliver once he finished his hero journey and became the man he was meant to be.  There's this scene in Dawson's Creek when Dawson realizes he loves Joey as more than a friend and he's running around town looking for her.  There's a background song playing about how he's gone off in all different directions but all roads lead back to her because she's his Northern Star.  (Of course, after that, they broke up and she ended up with Pacey.)  I can see the Arrow EPs justifying whoever they decide on in the end for Oliver in a similar way if it's Felicity or Laurel or even Sara ("it's always been you, all along, even though I slept with a zillion woman along the way") - or maybe they'll have Oliver end up alone.

Edited by tv echo
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It all depends how they handle Felicity and Oliver in premiere. If there is an outright confession of love and Oliver says he cant be with her for reason (dumbass that he is) & and then goes and has another LI i think the audience wont be here for that and there will be a big backlash. Especially after Stephen kept saying only 1 girl for Oliver this year. 

Edited by Velocity23
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I think Felicity & Oliver story will be dragged out through whole season. If they get together i think it will be at the end of season 3. We have Ray Palmer who is supposed to appear in 14-16 episodes i think (unless that includes cross-overs with the Flash), then baby mama and kid appearance which in MO are all set to delay it till the end of season. But in case they don't i could see a new LI for Oliver in season 4 but i think in the end the reaction of the fans will be the same as in Grey's Anatomy.

They don't really have to worry about season 4 its basically given (they will have 69 episodes). And the way CW is run i think we will get the announcement of a final season, if ratings take a nose dive. The bigger question is will there be a CW past 2016 when contract with affiliates runs out. 

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If the EPs are planning on making the UST between Oliver/Felicity go on for an entire season as they have said, it would be the most cruel thing any set of showrunners have ever done in the history of television (regarding shippers). If they don't get together by seasons end, or at least be hinted towards them getting together at any point, they will receive huge backlash from the Olicity shippers... And I won't blame the Olicity shippers because you can only go through so much whiplash. 

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I think the EPs have developed the Oliver and Felicity relationship rather nicely over the past two seasons - slowly and organically.  I can only hope (fingers crossed) they continue to do so if it turns romantic.  I would be more confident if it wasn't the CW network.


Another pic of Charlotte Ross (this pic makes me think former Vegas showgirl) and some speculation about what it means:

Edited by tv echo
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I have a hard time believing the Oliver/Felicity pairing could tank ratings all on its own if it's handled well. I think a lot of people are watching for different reasons. If the show sticks with action plot above romance, the non-shippers will keep watching for the things that interest them. What made me take a break was finding Oliver to be unlikeable with his sister swapping womanizing and hypocritical behavior with everyone (including Laurel - I don't like her but their ToD scene was messed up.) I'm okay with flawed protagonists but I usually have a point where they either go too far or the lack of character growth takes away from the viewing experience. If The CW stays on air, I think Arrow has a few more seasons left (at least.) IIRC shows like Hart of Dixie and Beauty and the Beast have very low ratings but were still renewed. Nothing against BatB fans but I really thought it would be canceled. The HoD characters, stereotypes and accents amuse me since I'm from AL, but it's definitely not the network's best offering either.

These videos of SA's appearances where he's asked about 'all of Oliver's women' are kind of funny because he looks utterly unamused by it. I can't blame him either because as hard as he works on this show, he's probably gotten tired of people joking about it. Yes, it fits playboy comic Ollie, but I don't think it's translated well on screen. I feel certain Green Arrow isn't the best selling comic hero, so putting a character trait like that into the show to please comic fanboys doesn't make sense if they think it's becoming a joke and will turn off more viewers who don't care about the comics. Those fanboys aren't watching for romance anyway.

I think they'll go for a Birds of Prey spinoff if they can make it work, but it's very dependent upon turning Laurel's character around. That's going to be quite a task after two seasons because a lot of fans have made up their minds about her. I'm going to try not to be that way, but the best feeling I can muster up about Laurel at the moment is apathy.

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I meant that they could give Oliver a new love interest in Season 4, depending on how Season 3 plays out and the reaction to it.


But how can the network truly gauge audience reaction to Felicity with another love interest if she and Oliver outright admit they have feelings for each other but can't pursue it for whatever reason? They've already placated the fanbase by saying "yes, it's here - they just can't explore it yet." So there might not be much backlash to Ray Palmer as a LI because the audience knows that Felicity and Oliver are right there on the backburner and assume whoever enters either one of their lives is temporary.


I think it'll be interesting to see how they handle the pairing this season. It *seems* as if they're going to take it slow, and use Ray Palmer (as far as potential love interests go) as a catalyst to help Oliver grow into the kind of man that would be a) capable of being in a long-term relationship and b) capable of being in a long-term relationship with someone like Felicity.


I don't think Oliver and Felicity will get together this season at all (unless it's at the end, and even then I doubt it, since they like to do their real-time time jumps, so then the audience who's watching for the romantic side of things would miss a lot about that relationship that they'd want to see). But who knows.

Edited by apinknightmare
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I'm honestly not trying to be snarky here, but Charlotte Ross resembles EBR enough to believably be her mother. Without getting someone on the show who actually shares Emily's DNA, there can only be so many similarities. Plus, comparing pics of EBR dressed as Felicity with Charlotte dressed as herself isn't really a good way to judge.

Edited by apinknightmare
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So Karl Yune has been tweeting about hanging with Emily and Stephen for the past hour? You think his character coming to Starling City in real time or is his character already dying and thats why all the hugging?




He's been tweeting a lot from the set so I started following him. He's also picked up on the Olicity tag lol.

Hmm. I wasn't expecting to see Maseo in present time since he's Tatsu's ill-fated husband in comics, but they could spin Katana's origin story any number of ways just as they have with every other character. The one thing I'm sure of by now is that they're not following the comics in details. I actually like that because I have enough comics knowledge to make me curious but I'm not such a comic purist that I can't appreciate and enjoy the differences.

I think Ross looks a lot like EBR. I've never seen her in anything, so I have no preference or prejudice going in. Well, I did see her in that episode of Nashville - someone pointed that out and I remembered her. She definitely looks like she could be a Vegas cocktail waitress and just based on pics, I'm getting a definite mother/daughter opposites vibe, so I think this could be really interesting.

Edited by poetgirl925
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So Karl Yune has been tweeting about hanging with Emily and Stephen for the past hour? You think his character coming to Starling City in real time or is his character already dying and thats why all the hugging?









Haven't they already started filming the 3rd episode? His tweets mention wrapping the 2nd (I'm not sure if finishing shots on one is common after already starting another). Maybe SA and EBR are on set to film current-day stuff, and he was there to film a pick-up shot for a scene from a flashback? Or maybe they were all on set and just hung out between takes.

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Now that we know who's been cast as Felicity's mother and that they're keeping details secret, I'm going to go all out on my speculation (assuming they're not going to keep her mom a normal person)...


Previously I was speculating that Felicity's mysterious dad was an ARGUS agent and/or computer genius who has a one-nighter or fling with Felicity's mom.  Now I realize that was kinda sexist thinking on my part.  What if Felicity's mom was the former ARGUS agent and/or computer genius?  As a young agent, she used an alias and cover of a Vegas showgirl (adopting a ditzy blonde persona) to hide her real work.  She also spent a lot of time away from home under the pretense of being on touring shows..  Now she uses the cover of a Vegas waitress to hide the fact that she still does jobs for ARGUS, although she's mostly retired from field work.   As a younger agent, she got involved with someone on the job (Felicity's father) who remains mysterious for now.  Her pregnancy was accidental.  In order to protect Felicity, she never told her the truth.  


Her alias is the name "Smoak" to mask her real identity ("smoke", get it?).  Her real name could be a name known in the comics.  Yeah, too wild, I know.

Edited by tv echo
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I think it'll be interesting to see how they handle the pairing this season. It *seems* as if they're going to take it slow, and use Ray Palmer (as far as potential love interests go) as a catalyst to help Oliver grow into the kind of man that would be a) capable of being in a long-term relationship and b) capable of being in a long-term relationship with someone like Felicity.


I don't think Oliver and Felicity will get together this season at all (unless it's at the end, and even then I doubt it, since they like to do their real-time time jumps, so then the audience who's watching for the romantic side of things would miss a lot about that relationship that they'd want to see). But who knows.


I guess I would find it really strange to make Olicity and the date and the raw discussions, and the temp love interest such a big deal in the press and then NOT have them going for the relationship this season, especially if Team Arrow are broken up for the first third of the season due to all this BS about protecting those he loves from himself and the life he leads (RME). If Team Arrow is reunited, I'm not sure how long they can play out Routh's Ray as the remaining "obstacle/motivator" for Olicity. And I'd guess the last third of the season will be building to a climax with Ras Al Ghul. But again I'm old and tired of the "slow burn" dragging it out crap. Pay off, pay off, pay off do what makes sense NOW for the story, and if it doesn't work out? So be it. So I'm really hoping, and due to all this press, expecting Olicity are together no later than mid point of S3, so it's settled and they can get down to the primary business of the show: being a team of heroes.


I mean of course I know dragging it out is the status quo, but man it will be extra aggravating.

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I guess I would find it really strange to make Olicity and the date and the raw discussions, and the temp love interest such a big deal in the press and then NOT have them going for the relationship this season, especially if Team Arrow are broken up for the first third of the season due to all this BS about protecting those he loves from himself and the life he leads (RME). If Team Arrow is reunited, I'm not sure how long they can play out Routh's Ray as the remaining "obstacle/motivator" for Olicity. And I'd guess the last third of the season will be building to a climax with Ras Al Ghul. But again I'm old and tired of the "slow burn" dragging it out crap. Pay off, pay off, pay off do what makes sense NOW for the story, and if it doesn't work out? So be it. So I'm really hoping, and due to all this press, expecting Olicity are together no later than mid point of S3, so it's settled and they can get down to the primary business of the show: being a team of heroes.


I mean of course I know dragging it out is the status quo, but man it will be extra aggravating.


See, I think they're putting all of this out there specifically because it's NOT happening this season. I believe the focus on the real, raw talk and declaration of feelings is in part a reaction to the way the audience reacted to the finale - to reassure people who were upset because they felt tricked, and so that the audience (or at least the portion of the audience who's rooting for O/F, anyway) will have patience while they let Felicity have another love interest and have Oliver work on himself. SA has been very clear that even though they have feelings for each other it doesn't mean they're going to be together, and the EPs have said that this "Can I have what I want? Can I be this AND that?" storyline is going to take up the whole year. It's just that instead of throwing another person in as a roadblock to the pairing, they're having Oliver and Felicity put a stop to it themselves. What I do think would be weird is if there were declarations and whatnot and they never got together at all. So, I think they'll get together, it's just a question of when. It very well could be this season, I'm just not counting on it.

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I don't think I buy the argument that the CW doesn't handle or want long term relationships in the show.


Dean and Baby, Ollie and Sally, Felicity and Surface tablet,


Ohhhh crap....Oliver and Laurel would fit those pairings.

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After watching Ramsey's interview it seems like maybe ARGUS is going to take care of some of the money problems up front so I am now thinking that the trio + Roy are together in the beginning of the season. I think at the end of the premiere O's stance will be "all about the mission" and F's will be "there's more to life". I think everything might look fine for a couple of episodes but then she goes to see Barry in F1.04 and in A3.05 we have her flashback. Maybe mom loves her but thinks she should just accept her lot in life. Big dreams lead to disappointment stuff. F follows them anyway to MIT. Somewhere in these couple of episodes Ray Palmer comes looking for the brilliant IT girl with the strange career trajectory. (It seems like I read/heard the phrase POTENTIAL LI a couple times during SDCC). Felicity starts spending time with him from a business standpoint without actually being an employee of QC. (This could set her up to have her own IT business at season's end.) For me that works better if they do go romantic than F & the boss. Oliver starts taking notice. In an interview one of the EP's said O starts making choices once F makes some choices. I guess he starts realizing he might lose her and decides her can't. This could easily play out over 23 episodes even if Ray is only in 14. I think if they both say I love you that they will be together but not until the end of S3 or beginning of S4.

I thought it was interesting that SA said in the Seat42F? interview that his child would be readdressed either this season or next. Maybe they are waiting until F&O try to make a go of it to use it as a wedge or keeping baby mama as a potential love interest for S4 if they decide at the end of the season not to do F&O.

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If the show insists on sticking to the real time formant, then at the end of season 3 they would have to have a reason why Oliver and Felicity are apart if only to stall any progress so I predict either they change their minds, put Olicity together at the end and then pick up right away, do a few episodes and then do a time jump OR they stick to real time and either have Felicity leave with Ray (could be a very important job) or is kidnapped and then we pick up when she returns or is rescued. 


But that's really getting ahead of myself.

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I don't think O/F will be together until the end of the season (maybe even s4) but they are building to it. They're going to declare their feelings for each other in 301. It's going on the record so the audience will know how they both really feel about each other while circumstances mess things up and keep them apart. It's the perfect way of keeping them apart a little longer to have some character growth while ensuring the audience knows that yes, Olicity love each other, don't worry, everything will probably be ok in the end. We have to have something to root for and knowing their true feelings gives us this.


And after Stephen Amell has been pretty explicit in saying there is only one woman for him, I don't see them bringing on another LI, no way. Olicity have had such a great organic build up that they'd be stupid to throw them with other people. Ray is literally a temporary catalyst for Olicity's story/growth as characters. He's a foil, nothing more.

Edited by Guest
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I don't think O/F will be together until the end of the season (maybe even s4) but they are building to it. They're going to declare their feelings for each other in 301. It's going on the record so the audience will know how they both really feel about each other while circumstances mess things up and keep them apart. It's the perfect way of keeping them apart a little longer to have some character growth while ensuring the audience knows that yes, Olicity love each other, don't worry, everything will probably be ok in the end. We have to have something to root for and knowing their true feelings gives us this.


And after Stephen Amell has been pretty explicit in saying there is only one woman for him, I don't see them bringing on another LI, no way. Olicity have had such a great organic build up that they'd be stupid to throw them with other people. Ray is literally a temporary catalyst for Olicity's story/growth as characters. He's a foil, nothing more.


I do agree with you that Ray is just a foil.

They brought Barry on and he too was a great way to propel the story of Oliver and Felicity. Barry was the first person who actually asked Felicity about her feelings for Oliver and even when she said no and had asked him out to a party, he insisted that he would understand if she does like him because the guy is a billionaire by the day and a hero by the night. We also got to see a possessive Oliver in episode 2x08 and an outright jealous one in 2x10. He also apologized to Felicity for his obnoxious behaviour - another exception to the rule - because Oliver Queen does not apologize to people (mind you, he has apologized to Felicity twice - once in 1x15 after he snapped at her for closing the door and imposing her brand of morality on him and then in 2x10 when he snapped at her for being in Central City with comatose Barry). Through Barry's entry, the audience learned more about how Oliver and Felicity feel about each other.

I think they are gonna do the same with Ray Palmer - though he has a longer arc so he will probably add something more to the plot other than being just a LI - he will bring to fore wrinkles in the story that need to be straightened out and bring resolution to the season long romantic arc of Oliver and Felicity, at least that's the way I see it.

Edited by TanyaKay
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I do agree with you that Ray is just a foil.

They brought Barry on and he too was a great way to propel the story of Oliver and Felicity. Barry was the first person who actually asked Felicity about her feelings for Oliver and even when she said no and had asked him out to a party, he insisted that he would understand why she likes him of she does like him because the guy is a billionaire by the day and a hero by the night. We also got to see a possessive Oliver in episode 2x08 and an outright jealous one in 2x10. He also apologized to Felicity for his obnoxious behaviour - another exception to the rule - because Oliver Queen does not apologize to people (mind you, he has apologized to Felicity twice - once in 1x15 after he snapped at her for closing the door and imposing her brand of morality on him and then in 2x10 when he snapped at her for being in Central City with comatose Barry). Through Barry's entry, the audience learned more about how Oliver and Felicity feel about each other.

I think they are gonna do the same with Ray Palmer - though he has a longer arc so he will probably add something more to the plot other than being just an LI - who will bring to fore wrinkles in the story that need to be straightened out and bring resolution to the season long romantic arc of Oliver and Felicity, at least that's the way I see it.


Exactly. Even though Barry was bought on to introduce us to his character on The Flash, there was a reason he was paired up with Felicity and that was O/F's relationship. It was the perfect way to create a little tension and see some jealousy/curiosity. It stirred the pot perfectly.


And that's what Ray will do, only more now that feelings have been established. They could have bought any old LI on to the show for Felicity but there's a reason why they chose a character who is also a superhero. That way Oliver will have to see this other man who has no problems with being a superhero AND being with Felicity. It's basically a way of showing Oliver he can have it both ways. If Ray can be The Atom and have a relationship with Felicity, why can't Oliver? It's really gonna trip up his reasoning for pushing her away in 301. 

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Exactly. Even though Barry was bought on to introduce us to his character on The Flash, there was a reason he was paired up with Felicity and that was O/F's relationship. It was the perfect way to create a little tension and see some jealousy/curiosity. It stirred the pot perfectly.


And that's what Ray will do, only more now that feelings have been established. They could have bought any old LI on to the show for Felicity but there's a reason why they chose a character who is also a superhero. That way Oliver will have to see this other man who has no problems with being a superhero AND being with Felicity. It's basically a way of showing Oliver he can have it both ways. If Ray can be The Atom and have a relationship with Felicity, why can't Oliver? It's really gonna trip up his reasoning for pushing her away in 301. 

But didn't the EP said Ray is just Ray and will not assume the Atom role while on the show.. or at least through most of his run in it?

or maybe i'm confusing it with something someone said on the forums..

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